20x14 - Terminus - part 2

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderators: Kitty Midnight, Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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20x14 - Terminus - part 2

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Two

First Air Date: 16 February 1983
Running time: 24:40

NYSSA: Lazars?

DOCTOR: Whatever you do, don't let them touch you.

DOCTOR: No! That would be mass slaughter.

KARI: I thought they were going to attack us.

DOCTOR: Look at them. I doubt if they can feed themselves, let alone fight.

NYSSA: What about Olvir?

KARI: He ran. Leave him.

DOCTOR: No. I rather think he's got a lot to tell us.

TURLOUGH: It's stuck.

TEGAN: It can't be.

TURLOUGH: It's those things walking over the grating.

TEGAN: There must be another way out.

TEGAN: This place is a death trap.

KARI: What are the lazars doing here?

DOCTOR: Dying. Some cargo you came to steal.

NYSSA: Why did you choose this ship?

KARI: It was a big liner from a rich sector. It looked like the perfect target, so we thought.

DOCTOR: Indeed.

DOCTOR: Now, what about Terminus? We must find Olvir.

NYSSA: We could try the computer.

TURLOUGH: Is there any way through?

TEGAN: Solid.

TURLOUGH: We'll have to go back.

TEGAN: Wait. There's a ladder. This way.

KARI: Hurry, Doctor. I want to get off this ship as soon as possible.

DOCTOR: In a moment. Can you see any more computer blocks?

NYSSA: I'll look.

KARI: What precisely are you looking for?

DOCTOR: Information about Terminus. There must be something here, the liner's just docked with it.

NYSSA: Olvir?

GUARDIAN (OOV.): The Doctor still lives. You know the rewards for success. I have other rewards for your failure.

TEGAN (OOV.): Turlough?


DOCTOR: Star charts.

KARI: What's that in the middle?

DOCTOR: Must be Terminus. Nyssa?

NYSSA: Coming. Come and talk to the Doctor. We need your help. You know about Terminus.

OLVIR: Kari's there.


OLVIR: I'm supposed to be combat trained, and I ran away.

NYSSA: I'm sure she'll understand.

DOCTOR: What do you make of this?

KARI: Not very much.

OLVIR: Whatever you're planning, you can forget it, because we're dead. We're breathing in the disease at this very moment.

KARI: You decided to come back.

NYSSA: Please, we need his help.

DOCTOR: Nyssa's right. How do you know about Lazar's disease?

OLVIR: My sister died of it.

DOCTOR: On Terminus?

OLVIR: Yes. They supposedly offer a cure, but I've never met anyone who came back.

DOCTOR: And you didn't try and find out why?

OLVIR: From whom? A commercial company runs Terminus. They don't care about anything apart from their profit.

NYSSA: How are they allowed to get away with it?

OLVIR: They just play on irrational fear, just like the old plagues. They terrified people and this is no different. It isn't something you admit to.

DOCTOR: What do you make of this?

OLVIR: An expanded chart of the universe.

DOCTOR: In all you heard about Terminus, was there ever any comment on its position?

OLVIR: No, not that I recall.

DOCTOR: There's something very strange about this.

OLVIR: What?

DOCTOR: Well, it could be pure coincidence, but Terminus seems to be at the exact centre of the known universe.

TURLOUGH: I'm so unfit. Any luck?

TEGAN: I can hear something.

TEGAN: What was it?

EIRAK: Sterilise.

TURLOUGH: Come on.

BOR: What's happening? The reading's still climbing.

VALGARD: Bor! No, Bor!

BOR: The reading's still climbing. I must find out what's happening.

VALGARD: Eirak, Bor has just entered the Forbidden Zone.

EIRAK: Oh, that's all we need.

VALGARD: We must do something.

EIRAK: I can't afford to send men after him.

VALGARD: We must do something!

EIRAK: This is my responsibility. To keep Terminus running.

VALGARD: We can't just let him die.

EIRAK: Valgard, we're all dying. Did Bor say anything before he entered the Zone?

VALGARD: He muttered something about the readings.

EIRAK: He'll be back, when he gets hungry or needs his Hydromel.

DOCTOR: This could be useful. Plan of the ship.

NYSSA: It's vast.

DOCTOR: It's no wonder we got lost.

KARI: Everybody down.

NYSSA: What's happening?


TANNOY: Attention. Preparations for departure will begin with stage one sterilisation. Unprotected personnel are advised to leave this liner immediately. No return will be permitted. This warning is final. Stage one sterilisation is now commencing.

DOCTOR: We must get out of here.

TURLOUGH: Now what?

TEGAN: Back.

TEGAN: Must be to do with the sterilising.

KARI: Who was that voice talking to?

OLVIR: A crew that doesn't exist.

NYSSA: This is a layout of the ship. There are two ways back to where we think the TARDIS is. We must go in two parties.

TEGAN: We were lucky. It got vented away.

NYSSA: I must rest.

OLVIR: We can't. Come on.

NYSSA: Please.

OLVIR: All right then, but only for a moment. What's the matter?

NYSSA: I'm ill.

OLVIR: Oh. I'll get help.

OLVIR: There's leak interference. There must be bad shielding on the engine somewhere.

NYSSA: Look.

OLVIR: Can you walk?

NYSSA: I don't know. I feel, I feel as if I'm going to burst.

OLVIR: Come on.

NYSSA: What's wrong? Olvir, what's wrong?

OLVIR: You're contaminated.

TANNOY: Attention.

TANNOY: All Lazars and any other personnel must disembark immediately. Stage two sterilisation is about to begin.

NYSSA: No, please.

TANNOY: All other must leave immediately.

NYSSA: Olvir, help me.

TANNOY: All Lazars must comply with the drones.

NYSSA: Olvir!

TANNOY: All Lazars must comply with the drones.

NYSSA: Olvir!

TURLOUGH: I feel sick.

TEGAN: We haven't got time. Come on.

SIGURD: What did Eirak say?

VALGARD: He doesn't care about Bor.

SIGURD: Get in there. Valgard, don't anger Eirak. He has great power.

VALGARD: The only power he has is in the control of the Hydromel. Without that, we're all dead.

SIGURD: Be careful.

SIGURD: This one's in better condition than most.

VALGARD: Not for much longer.

VALGARD: Where's that drone with the Hydromel?

SIGURD: I'll check.

VALGARD: Well, hurry. They've started sterilising.

NYSSA: Where are you taking me?

VALGARD: They don't usually speak.

NYSSA: I'm not one of the Lazars.

VALGARD: Your appearance says otherwise.

NYSSA: Are you doctors?

VALGARD: Baggage handlers. We just receive and pass on.

NYSSA: But I have to know what's happening.

VALGARD: You'll be taken to the Garm. Thereafter, who knows? No one's ever come back from a meeting with him.

SIGURD: Bitter sweet taste of life.

NYSSA: Why do you wear armour?

VALGARD: Radiation levels. What are you doing?

NYSSA: I've cut my thumb. Look.

SIGURD: The Garm awaits. There's no escape, not for you. All right, Valgard?

VALGARD: Only my pride damaged.

NYSSA: What is this horrendous place?

DOCTOR: We can't have missed the door. There was a book lying on the floor.

DOCTOR: Nyssa's skirt. There's blood on it. Call Olvir, quickly.


TEGAN: What is it?

TURLOUGH: It's the Doctor.

EIRAK: Has anybody told the Garm to look out for Bor in the Forbidden Zone?

SIGURD: Not yet.

EIRAK: If he dies, we'll want his body back for the armour. Valgard, see to it at once.

SIGURD: I'll see to the Lazar.

VALGARD: Garm, can you hear me?

VALGARD: One of the Vanir has entered the Forbidden Zone. If he has died, we must have his body back. You understand?

VALGARD: And quickly!

DOCTOR: More spots of blood. Try them again.

KARI: There must be a radiation leak.

DOCTOR: That's the wave pattern the TARDIS homed in on.


TEGAN: Doctor! Doctor, we're here!


TEGAN: Doctor!

TEGAN (OOV.): Doctor, over here!

DOCTOR: Someone's calling.

KARI: Look.

KARI: What is it?

DOCTOR: Stage two sterilisation. Come on!

KARI: Now where?

DOCTOR: Down there.

DOCTOR: The centre of the universe.

TURLOUGH: He couldn't have heard us. We're going to get out of here even if we have to smash our way out.

KARI: You realise that Nyssa and Olvir could have found the TARDIS by now.

DOCTOR: Then why don't they reply? Tell me. The star charts on the liner, do you think they were accurate?

KARI: I don't know. They were probably

DOCTOR: Let her go!

VALGARD: Now it's your turn, only you I'm going to k*ll.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Janet Fielding

Sarah Sutton

Mark Strickson

Black Guardian
Valentine Dyall

Liza Goddard

Dominic Guard

Rachel Weaver

Martin Potter

Andrew Burt

Tim Munro

Peter Benson

Tannoy Voice
Martin Muncaster

The Garm
R.J. Bell

Assistant Floor Manager
Polly Davidson
Adrian Heywood

Dee Robson

d*ck Coles

Fight Arranger
John Waller

Film Cameraman
Remi Adefarasin

Film Editor
Frances Parker

Incidental Music
Roger Limb

Joan Stribling

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Rena Butterwick

Production Associate
June Collins

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Sam Barclay

Studio Sound
Scott Talbott

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Peter Pegrum
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