20x19 - Enlightenment - part 3

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderators: Kitty Midnight, Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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20x19 - Enlightenment - part 3

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Three

First Air Date: March 8, 1983
Running time: 24:38

DOCTOR: Don't be an idiot.

DOCTOR: Man overboard! Man overboard!

JACKSON: What's happened?

DOCTOR: Man overboard. It's Turlough.

JACKSON: Come on, lads, let's try and get a line to him.

JACKSON: Wait, the line's not attached.

DOCTOR: Come on!

TEGAN: Don't just stand there, do something. Stop the ship. Turn back.

MARRINER: It would be ridiculous to risk losing the race for an Ephemeral.

TEGAN: We can't leave him, he'll die out there.

MARRINER: It will be over for him very quickly. His oxygen supply is very small.

JACKSON: Look, the Buccaneer. She's putting her sails about.

MARRINER: She can't be.

DOCTOR: Yes, she's heaving to.

DOCTOR: He's safe. Come on.

TEGAN: Where are you going?

DOCTOR: To talk to Striker. We must get to that ship.

JACKSON: You keep on that line, mate.

MARRINER: It's surprising of Wrack.

TEGAN: To save someone's life?

MARRINER: To turn aside from the race.

TEGAN: At least Turlough's safe.

MARRINER: Is he? Your friend might be better dead than with the captain of that ship.


WRACK: Just what I've been waiting for.

WRACK: The balance is perfect. A handsome gift. For Captain Davy with my compliments.

MANSELL: A staggering jewel for a rival.

WRACK: May it have as great an impact as my present to the Greek. Deliver it. And these. But first, the invitation to Captain Striker. He can't refuse. Not with live bait wriggling on the hook.

MARRINER: Your friend is safe. We have received a message. I thought you would like to know.

TEGAN: Thank you. Where's the Doctor?

MARRINER: The wheelhouse.

TEGAN: I must go to him.

MARRINER: I hope you'll forgive me for saying so, but I've never experienced such a mind as yours before.

TEGAN: And you never will again.

MARRINER: I find it such a fascinating place. Full of niches. Life. It fascinates me. What are you doing?

TEGAN: Work it out for yourself.

MARRINER: You've k*lled your thoughts. You're hiding them from me.

TEGAN: And that's the way it will remain until I find out exactly what's going on here.

MARRINER: Fascinating. I had no idea Ephemerals could be so entertaining. Perhaps that's why Wrack stopped to pick up your friend.

STRIKER: Why did your friend jump?

DOCTOR: I don't know, but we must get him back.

STRIKER: He's made the choice.

DOCTOR: It was an impulse. You know how impulsive the young are. No, I don't suppose you do.

MARRINER: We have received an invitation from Captain Wrack. A reception aboard the Buccaneer.

STRIKER: And delivered by hand. I'm overwhelmed.

MARRINER: You will, of course, decline.

STRIKER: Naturally.

MARRINER: Then we must detain you no longer.

DOCTOR: We could collect Turlough.

TEGAN: Can't we go?

STRIKER: If you wish.

MARRINER: Then I will escort you, with the Captain's permission. I shall convey our acceptance to Captain Wrack.

TEGAN: I thought you didn't want to go.

MARRINER: I think you might need me. Captain Wrack has strange ideas concerning entertainment.

WRACK: Have you ever seen a man flogged to death? Or keelhauled? Very painful. You Ephemerals have such inventive ways of inflicting pain. Tell me, what do you want aboard my ship?

TURLOUGH: Why ask? I thought you could all read minds.

WRACK: But yours is such a devious one. It's fascinating. I should like to peel it away, layer by layer. Why did you come to me? Was your intention sabotage? No? Then why did you come to my ship?

TURLOUGH: Because you're going to win the race.

WRACK: Am I? What makes you so sure?

TURLOUGH: What others have said.

WRACK: Ah, that I'm ruthless.

TURLOUGH: Yes. I'm the same. I'm very determined, too. I like to win.

WRACK: You please me.

TURLOUGH: I also want to learn the secret of your power.

WRACK: Power?

TURLOUGH: To win. To control. To read minds.

WRACK: Then open your mind. Don't resist. Show faith.

TURLOUGH: Thank you.

MANSELL: Captain.

WRACK: Your friends have accepted my invitation. They're concerned. How sweet.

DOCTOR: Hurry up, Tegan.

TEGAN (OOV.): I'm being as quick as I can.

DOCTOR: Well, the launch'll be alongside in a moment.


TEGAN: What is it?

DOCTOR: We've been hit.

TEGAN: We're under fire?

MARRINER: Quick, follow me.

MARRINER: The wheelhouse.

DOCTOR: Well, come along, come along.

STRIKER: A point and a half to starboard.

HELMSMAN: Aye, aye, sir.

MARRINER: Jib topsail's gone, sir.

STRIKER: Take in more sail.

MARRINER: Sir. Take in more sail, bo'sun. Batten down the hatches.

DOCTOR: Asteroid storm.

TEGAN: They must know how to avoid a collision with all their technology.

DOCTOR: Well, they may not choose to use it. Against the rules of the race.

TEGAN: We could be splintered to matchwood.

MARRINER: Stand by hang the topsail. Find that sailmaker.

DOCTOR: I don't think that worries them.

MANSELL: Captain.

WRACK: What is it?

MANSELL: Davy's ship's gaining on us.

WRACK: Good. We'll wait till they're alongside. You take the wheel and be prepared to move away from her fast when I activate. You come with me.


WRACK: You wanted to see how I'm going to win the race.

STRIKER: She's well trim now, Mister Mate.

MARRINER: Yes, sir.

TEGAN: What speed are we doing?

DOCTOR: I don't know, but it's increasing.

STRIKER: Steady.

TEGAN: I hope they know what they're doing.

DOCTOR: We're way ahead of the others. This ship can't help winning.

TEGAN: Unless we're stopped by an asteroid.

MARRINER: Davy's moving up on the Buccaneer, sir.

TURLOUGH: What is this place?

WRACK: You'll find out.

TURLOUGH: What's going on?

TEGAN: What's happening?

MARRINER: Davy's stealing the wind from the Buccaneer's sails.

STRIKER: And he's passing her.

STRIKER: Hold her steady.

TEGAN: Davy's ship!

TURLOUGH: What have you done?

WRACK: Improved my chance of winning.

MARRINER: Davy's gone. Asteroid direct hit. Accidents will happen.

DOCTOR: Especially to anyone who challenges Captain Wrack and the Buccaneer.


DOCTOR: Have you forgotten the Greek who challenged Wrack's ship? I wonder if the same thing will happen to us.

MARRINER: Yes? Launch alongside, sir.

STRIKER: My compliments to Captain Wrack.

MARRINER: Shall we go?

MANSELL: Your friends will be arriving soon.

TURLOUGH: The Doctor?

MANSELL: And Miss Tegan and Mister Marriner.

TURLOUGH: What do they want?

MANSELL: I don't know, sir. Soon you'll be able to ask them yourself.

MARRINER: The stateroom is this way.

TEGAN: I'm scared, Doctor.

MARRINER: You've no need to be.

DOCTOR: Fascinating. A complete cross-section.

TEGAN: Who are they?

DOCTOR: Masters of sail, and if they're not, they're Eternals, like your friend Marriner. To them it's just a game to pass the time. I can't see Turlough.

MARRINER: Champagne?

TEGAN: Please.

MARRINER: Your friend isn't here.

DOCTOR: I'd noticed.

MARRINER: He isn't far. I can sense his thought patterns.

TEGAN: Who's that?

MARRINER: Your host, Captain Wrack.

TEGAN: She's beautiful.

DOCTOR: She's also an Eternal. Tegan.

WRACK: The wine doesn't please you?

MARRINER: It's excellent.

DOCTOR: But we don't have your remarkable constitutions.

WRACK: You're too modest, Doctor. You're remarkable in other ways, for an Ephemeral. (to Tegan) And you are so intriguing. My guests are begging to meet you. You'll excuse us?

DOCTOR: Of course.

MARRINER: Your companion is a very beautiful woman.

DOCTOR: Is she?

MARRINER: The confusion in her mind is exhilarating.

DOCTOR: Is it. Look, I need to find Turlough. Can you still sense his mind?

MARRINER: Not clearly.

MARRINER: I've found him. He's very faint.

DOCTOR: Where is he? Concentrate.

MARRINER: He is afraid

DOCTOR: That should sharpen the image.

MARRINER: Yes. The grid room. Ion chamber. I can see his mind quite clearly.

DOCTOR: Where is the Ion chamber?

MARRINER: Down. Down as far as you can go. Danger. The boy's in danger. It's open to space. There's a vacuum shield.

DOCTOR: Look after Tegan.

MARRINER: Yes, of course.

TURLOUGH: Help me. Please!

BLACK GUARDIAN: I warned you, boy. You have failed me. You will die.


DOCTOR: Which way? Which way?


MANSELL: Mister Marriner, my friend.

DOCTOR: Has to be the right way.

TEGAN: I thought you were taking me to meet someone.

WRACK: I was, but they seem to have gone.

TEGAN: Shall we return to the party?

WRACK: Of course. But first.

TEGAN: What.

WRACK: Have you heard of time standing still?

TEGAN: Oh yes, it's an expression. It means

WRACK: Exactly what it says. You will remain frozen in time till I have finished with you, foolish Ephemeral.

TURLOUGH: Help me, please. Help me!


DOCTOR: Turlough?

TURLOUGH: Help me. Help me! Help me! Doctor? Doctor, help me! Doctor!


TURLOUGH: The vacuum shield.

DOCTOR: I reset it.

TURLOUGH: I thought I was going to die, explode in the vacuum of space.

DOCTOR: No. What are you doing in here?

TURLOUGH: Wrack. She said this place contains the secret of her power.

DOCTOR: Did she? Well, it is part of the ion drive system.

TURLOUGH: Why can the room be open to space?

DOCTOR: Better reception. Interesting.

TURLOUGH: What is it?

DOCTOR: Wrack also uses this place as a receiver for something quite different.


DOCTOR: Do you know what that is?

TURLOUGH: It's an eye.

DOCTOR: Only in appearance. It's function is that of a massive amplifier.

TURLOUGH: Is that what she used to destroy the other ships?


TURLOUGH: So that's the secret of her power.

DOCTOR: It's only part of it. There's still the question of focus.

TURLOUGH: What do you mean?

DOCTOR: Well, Wrack only creates the power. She must have something to focus it onto. Now, how do you think she manages that?

TURLOUGH: How big would this point of focus have to be?

DOCTOR: Oh, no bigger than this.

DOCTOR: The clasp. That's why it was out of period.

TURLOUGH: What are you talking about?

DOCTOR: Critas the Greek.

TURLOUGH: The first ship to be destroyed.

DOCTOR: Wrack gave him a clasp as a present. She must have done. And then she worked the same trick with Davy.

TURLOUGH: She did. A sword. And it had a crystal on the hilt.

DOCTOR: Well, that was it.

TURLOUGH: Will she try the same thing with Striker?

DOCTOR: Well, I can't see him or Marriner accepting anything from Wrack. They don't trust her.

TURLOUGH: Luckily for us.

DOCTOR: Oh, that won't stop her. She'll find a way.

WRACK: Perfect.

TURLOUGH: Come along.

DOCTOR: Wait a minute. Not until I've worked out some sort of plan.

TURLOUGH: Do we have to stay here?

DOCTOR: It's safer here. Far less likely to pick up my mind vibrations at this level.

TURLOUGH: What do you want to do?

DOCTOR: I must find a way of staying on this ship.


DOCTOR: To stop Wrack winning.

TURLOUGH: Let me stay, or don't you trust me yet.

DOCTOR: You couldn't cope. These creatures have vast powers. That's why none of them must win. To achieve further power would be a disaster.

TURLOUGH: But the other ships. You can't stop all of them.

DOCTOR: We can but try.

MANSELL: Resist any further, Doctor, and you will regret it.

WRACK: Oh, Doctor, you're such a fool. Did you really think your Ephemeral mind could defeat me? You've lost. All that awaits is your ultimate destruction. Bwahahahahahahaha!

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Tegan Jovanka
Janet Fielding

Turlough – Mark Strickson

The Black Guardian – Valentine Dyall

The White Guardian – Cyril Luckham

Striker – Keith Barron

Christopher Brown

Wrack – Lynda Baron

Mansell – Leee John

First Officer
James McClure

Jackson – Tony Caunter

Clive Kneller

Assistant Floor Manager
Val McCrimmon
Ian Tootle

Dinah Collin

Colin Green

Film Cameraman
John Walker
Paul Hellings-Wheeler

Film Editor
Mitchell Boyd
Ian McKendrick

Incidental Music
Malcolm Clarke

Jean Steward
Carolyn Perry

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Patricia O'Leary

Production Associate
June Collins

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Fred Wright

Studio Sound
Martin Ridout

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Mike Kelt
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