20x22 - The King's Demons - part 2

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderators: Kitty Midnight, Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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20x22 - The King's Demons - part 2

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Two

First Air Date: 16 March 1983
Running time: 24:27

DOCTOR: Not at all. You may disguise your features, but you can never disguise your intent.

MASTER: And you can't approve.

DOCTOR: You know I can't.

TEGAN: Tissue compression eliminator.

MASTER: You've always been my greatest stimulation, my dear Doctor, but now you inspire me.

MASTER: Your first slip, my dear Doctor. Would you care to make a second?

MASTER: And now a third. This is useless in your hands. You have moral scruples.

JOHN: Come, what is this discourse? Consummate the victory.

MASTER: Come, k*ll me. Thwart my little game.

JOHN: k*ll him.

DOCTOR: It is sufficient, your Majesty, that your Champion is disarmed.

JOHN: Not for us. In sooth, this is but a puny demon that has no stomach for it. So be it. Let the Maiden embrace the vanquished.

MASTER: Your Majesty, no! Have mercy! I beg you, no!

DOCTOR: Sire, I must intercede. As victor, I beg you to be merciful.

JOHN: We are not merciful, our demon.

DOCTOR: Your Majesty!

JOHN: Hold! We give you the choice, our demon. The Maiden shall embrace this snivelling wretch, or Sir Geoffrey. Choose, our demon. Come, the lady waits, impatient to lavish her warm favours. Come, our demon.

JOHN: Behold, our demon. We too have tricks.

MASTER: Come, my toy, perform.

TEGAN: What's the Master up to?

DOCTOR: He's using that imposter to bring the real King John into disrepute. And now he thinks he's trapped us into doing his dirty work for him.

RANULF: He is not the King.

GEOFFREY: Well, not if he is here since yesterday.

RANULF: Then who is he?

GEOFFREY: Or what. There's devil's work in this.

JOHN: Our demon shall be our Champion. Accoutre him.

DOCTOR: See what I mean?

GEOFFREY: We must act, and without delay.

RANULF: There is naught we can do. He has Isabella held hostage.

GEOFFREY: Then I must to London to warn the King.

MASTER: Stop Geoffrey.

JOHN: Sir Geoffrey, surely you do not take your leave so soon? You are but arrived. Attend us. We would know how you think we can be in two places at the same time.

ISABELLA: Saints protect us.

HUGH: Another demon.

MASTER: Nay, good sire, I am no demon. I come to help you. And to save the King from that demon that has bewitched him. Gaoler! Open, good fellow. The King is in danger.

ISABELLA: Who are you?

MASTER: I am the Master.

MASTER: Release your lord and lady.

ISABELLA: Do as you are bidden!

MASTER: I am the sworn enemy of that demon who calls himself the Doctor, who has come to defame the King and bring ill-repute to him.

TURLOUGH: That's not true!

ISABELLA: Defame the King? Why should he?

MASTER: To set the Barons of Britain against him, to provoke a great rebellion and topple him from the throne.


MASTER: To serve the devilish Doctor's own purpose.

TURLOUGH: No, don't listen to him.

MASTER: No, fellow, leave him. He serves the Doctor.

TURLOUGH: Don't listen to him, please. He is the evil one.

MASTER: We shall see.

JOHN: Is our Champion not ready?

DOCTOR: Ready, sire.

JOHN: Then let him attend us with his squire.

DOCTOR: That's you.

JOHN: Your sword. Come, your sword. We grow tired.

JOHN: Kneel.

JOHN: Arise, Sir Doctor.

GEOFFREY: Who is this Doctor?

RANULF: He says he comes as friend.


RANULF: Aquitaine?

JOHN: You are now our Champion.

DOCTOR: Your Majesty does me great honour. And my first action in this role shall be to arrest that man. Arrest Sir Geoffrey de Lacy.

GEOFFREY: A friend of thine, perhaps, not mine.

DOCTOR: Unhand him. He is a man of honour. Lord Ranulf, is there a dungeon in this castle?

RANULF: There is.

DOCTOR: Sir Geoffrey, do you know it?

GEOFFREY: Then be so good as to lead me to it.

JOHN: We like our new Champion. He's something of a jester.

DOCTOR: I must insist you lead me to the dungeon.

DOCTOR: You have no choice. Must I remind you that my sovereign lord holds the Lady Isabella hostage?

RANULF: I thought you friend. Geoffrey.

GEOFFREY: For you, cousin.

DOCTOR: No, my friends, attend the King. I have no need of assistance. Your Majesty. Sir Geoffrey.

JOHN: We are tired. We shall retire and rest a while.

TEGAN: Would you very much mind


TEGAN: Telling me what's going on?

DOCTOR: In the interest of security, where is the Master most likely to house his TARDIS?

TEGAN: In a dungeon.

DOCTOR: Quite so.

TURLOUGH: Doctor, you won't believe this, but

DOCTOR: You've seen another TARDIS. Release him.

GEOFFREY: The Maiden!

DOCTOR: Quite so.

GEOFFREY: Is Sir Gilles

DOCTOR: There is no Sir Gilles. He is the Master in disguise. Now, you could call him a demon. Sir Geoffrey, you are no longer a prisoner. Release him.

GEOFFREY: Who are you?

DOCTOR: A friend, who wants to help. The Master has set up an imposter as King John of England.

TEGAN: What for?

DOCTOR: To change the course of history.

TEGAN: What possible satisfaction can that give him?

DOCTOR: He wants to rob the world of Magna Carta. Small time villainy by his standards, but nevertheless something I intend to stop if at all possible.

GEOFFREY: But why do you serve this imposter king?

DOCTOR: To gain time, and access to this.

DOCTOR: You know the true king?

GEOFFREY: Aye. Did we not take the Crusader's oath together but yesterday?

DOCTOR: Then we must get you to London so you can warn him.

GEOFFREY: 'Tis but four hours ride.

DOCTOR: Oh, I can get you there much quicker than that.

GEOFFREY: Your engine?

DOCTOR: Yes, but first we must bring it here, into the castle.

TEGAN: Look, let's all get out of here while we've still got the chance.

DOCTOR: No, we must bring the imposter with us.


DOCTOR: To expose the Master's plan. Now, come along. If you so much as touch this, something very nasty will happen to you.

TEGAN: You're never leaving the compressor here for the Master.

DOCTOR: As a matter of fact, I am.

RANULF: I am most grateful, er

MASTER: I am called the Master.

ISABELLA: I too owe you gratitude.

RANULF: Name what you will, Lord Master. It shall be yours.

MASTER: I ask no reward. I wish merely to rid the King of his demons. That's why I'm here.

RANULF: How long has the King been thus afflicted?

MASTER: Who can tell? Perhaps he's always been accursed.

RANULF: Have we any power against this sorcery?

MASTER: I have.

RANULF: Then this Doctor demon must be captured and put to the fire.


MASTER: If then, my lord, you will put your knights and men-at-arms at my command.

RANULF: It shall be done.

GEOFFREY: The tracks lead directly to the castle.

DOCTOR: The Master, of course.

TEGAN: Now what?

DOCTOR: Back to square one.


DOCTOR: I'm sorry, Sir Geoffrey.

GEOFFREY: I will alone to London, if someone will help with a horse.


GEOFFREY: My thanks.

RANULF: This is the Lord Master, come to rid the King of his demons. Obey him in all things.

HUGH: Father, the dungeon is empty.

ISABELLA: They've taken Geoffrey.

RANULF: Find these demons and bring them hither.

MASTER: And the engine. Without it, they're helpless.

RANULF: And the blue engine.

HUGH: What of the King? Is he guarded?

MASTER: I've seen to this. I'll oversee the search and then attend the King.

RANULF: God be with you.

TEGAN: But he couldn't have got the TARDIS in here. None of the outer doors is big enough.

DOCTOR: Well, not for Sir Gilles. All the Master has to do is set coordinates.

TEGAN: Where would he keep it?

DOCTOR: The same place he keeps the King.

DOCTOR: Ah, I wonder if you'd be so good as to show me to the King's chamber. I must insist. I am the King's Champion.

HUGH: No longer, Sir Demon. Take them.


MASTER: Tee hee hee. Excellent shot.

HUGH: Father.

RANULF: We have your engine, demon.

DOCTOR: So I see. Where was it?

RANULF: Where you left it, with the King. Did you think to kidnap him? Your plan is foiled. Where is Geoffrey?

DOCTOR: Safely on his way to London.

RANULF: You lie.

DOCTOR: He should be there in a few hours.

TEGAN: He's going to k*ll us.

DOCTOR: The coordinates will be set. Get into the TARDIS.

HUGH: Father, they hatch plots.

RANULF: You have slain Sir Geoffrey.

TEGAN: No, I believe he may be in the TARDIS. Blue engine.

RANULF: Open it.

TEGAN: No, I must open it. Other demons may try to harm you.

TEGAN: I must distract them somehow.

RANULF: The demon has vanished! Find Sir Geoffrey.

TEGAN: Now what?

JOHN (OOV.): We sing in praise of total w*r against the Saracen we abhor.

JOHN: To free the tomb of Christ our Lord

KAMELION: We'll put the known world to the sword. Welcome, my demon.

DOCTOR: Your Majesty seems in need of a doctor.

MASTER: Allow me to introduce Kamelion.

DOCTOR: Your work.

MASTER: Alas, modesty forbids such a claim. Kamelion is a tool of an earlier invader of Xeriphas, and instrumental in my escape from that benighted planet.

DOCTOR: This is your King John?

MASTER: Look again.

DOCTOR: Impressive.

MASTER: A w*apon used by the invaders of Xeriphas. A decoy, capable of infinite form or personality.

DOCTOR: Interesting.

JOHN: Well said, my demon. We are a complex mass of artificial neurons.

DOCTOR: And controlled by?

MASTER: Nothing more than simple concentration and psychokinetics. Look again.

DOCTOR: Can anyone play?

MASTER: Please.

MASTER 2: Quite masterly.

MASTER: You flatter me. I prefer bad King John.

RANULF: Speak, cousin. Who has done this?

DOCTOR: So Kamelion here is bad King John.

MASTER: Aided and abetted by you, his demon, and your blue engine.

DOCTOR: It's cunning of you to confirm the superstitions put about by the monks.

MASTER: Irresistible. Your arrival here was most timely.

DOCTOR: A gift.

MASTER: How succinctly put.

DOCTOR: The King turns the Barons solidly against him, he is k*lled in battle or deposed, possibly in favour of King Phillip of France. He cannot therefore offer Magna Carta. What do you think of it so far?

MASTER: I couldn't do better myself.

DOCTOR: Thus the foundations of parliamentary democracy will never be laid.

MASTER: Brilliant.

DOCTOR: You cannot be allowed to alter the course of history, even indirectly.

MASTER: How do you propose to stop me?

DOCTOR: I shall have to give it some thought.

MASTER: You haven't much time.

DOCTOR: And you haven't your compressor.

MASTER: I still have my wits.

DOCTOR: So do I.

HUGH: Here is one not escaped.

RANULF: Vile villain! He has slain Sir Geoffrey.

TURLOUGH: I didn't do it.

HUGH: You will die in torment, catiff.

TURLOUGH: You're always threatening me, and without the slightest justification.

HUGH: Be silent.

TURLOUGH: I was trying to help him.

RANULF: Help him?

TURLOUGH: To a horse, to get to London.

RANULF: To what end?

TURLOUGH: To warn the King!

RANULF: The King is here!

ISABELLA: He speaks.

GEOFFREY: (quietly) The King. Doctor. Seek.

ISABELLA: Geoffrey. Oh.

HUGH: Seek the Doctor? Where, in hell?

RANULF: The Master will know.

HUGH: Where is he?

RANULF: He will be with the King. Bring the rogue.

TEGAN: Think. Think.

MASTER: You would do well, my dear Doctor, to ponder that you played directly into my hand.

KAMELION: And into ours.

DOCTOR: He has a mind of his own?

MASTER: Indeed. But highly susceptible.

KAMELION: Dominated by our demons.

MASTER: You will know that the King and his dead brothers are believed to be the devil's work. Your interference here with your dreary TARDIS has only confirmed this. You are, dare I say so, discredited demons, and as such you make a unique contribution to altering the course of history. Hoist on your own petard.

DOCTOR: And where will you take your toy next?

MASTER: Does it matter? You'll not be there to greet me.

DOCTOR: I may not need to. You forget, Kamelion does have a mind of his own.

MASTER: He obeys only my will.

DOCTOR: Yes, but for how much longer?

MASTER: For as long as I command it. Kamelion will not turn on me.


MASTER: You're getting old, Doctor. Your will is weak. It's time you regenerated.

DOCTOR: You won't win, not ultimately.

MASTER: You're mistaken. With Kamelion's unique ability at my command, it's only a matter of time before I undermine the key civilisations of the universe. Chaos will reign, and I shall be its emperor.

DOCTOR: Earth is a primitive planet. You won't succeed so easily elsewhere.

MASTER: Where I cannot win by stealth, I shall destroy. That way I cannot fail to win.

DOCTOR: You'll never succeed.

MASTER: Unfortunately, you will not be alive to find out. Which reminds me. My compressor.

DOCTOR: Safely in my TARDIS.

RANULF (OOV.): Your Majesty!

JOHN: Enter.

RANULF: Sire, you have him.

JOHN: We have him.

RANULF: Sire, they have slain my kinsman.

JOHN: Such perfidy must not go unpunished. We would have boiling oil. See to it.


DOCTOR: Yes. Yes, I'm not a demon for nothing.

MASTER: Very well, my dear Doctor. Your will against mine? So be it.

RANULF: The King! What ails the King?

MASTER: The Doctor. k*ll.


MASTER: Do you oppose me, boy?

TURLOUGH: I've had quite enough of you, whoever you are, so don't try me too far.

DOCTOR: Turlough!

MASTER: No! Fools.

MASTER: Mediaeval misfits! Don't think you've won yet, Doctor.

TEGAN: I don't believe it. Can you see it too?

TURLOUGH: Yes, I'm afraid so.

DOCTOR: Let me present Kamelion.

TEGAN: What is it?

KAMELION: Who is it, if you please.

DOCTOR: Well, Tegan, it's a long story which appears to begin on Xeriphas.

KAMELION: And who knows when it will end.

DOCTOR: Oh, it will end with the Master.

TEGAN: You're not going to leave the Master here to carry out his plan?

DOCTOR: Well, he's without Kamelion now, and he won't be on Earth for much longer. I took the opportunity of leaving his compressor activated. Won't do his dimension circuits much good. He could end up anywhere except where he wants to go.

TEGAN: Rather like the TARDIS, really.

TEGAN: What are we going to do with him?

DOCTOR: I don't know.

TEGAN: Well, he can't stay on board.

DOCTOR: Why not? He's harmless.

KAMELION: And very cooperative. I would make an excellent colleague.

TEGAN: Did you do that?

KAMELION: Unexpected as it may be, I do have a mind of my own.

DOCTOR: And a very fine mind it is too.

KAMELION: I would be honoured if you will allow me to stay.

DOCTOR: Of course.

TEGAN: Doctor.

DOCTOR: I apologise for Tegan's bad manners.

TEGAN: He's a machine, Doctor, just a machine. How can we be certain he still isn't under the control of the Master?

KAMELION: That isn't possible.

TEGAN: Do you trust him?


DOCTOR: It seems you're outvoted.

KAMELION: I'm very grateful, Doctor. Where will I be quartered?

TEGAN: You can have my room, for all I care.

DOCTOR: As you wish.

TEGAN: What are you doing?

DOCTOR: I'm taking you home.

TEGAN: Home?

DOCTOR: Your own time. I assume that's where you'd prefer to be.

TEGAN: What are you talking about?

TURLOUGH: We were on our way to my planet, actually.

TEGAN: I don't want to go home.

DOCTOR: Of course you do. You don't have to pretend. It's a shame, of course. There were many wonders I wanted to show you.

TEGAN: You still can.

DOCTOR: The Eye of Orion.


TEGAN: You've been there?

TURLOUGH: Yes. It is very beautiful.

DOCTOR: But you wish to return home.

TEGAN: No, I don't.

DOCTOR: You don't?

TEGAN: No. Show me the Eye of Orion, please.

DOCTOR: All right. You won't regret it, I promise you.

TEGAN: Well, aren't you going to reset the coordinates?

DOCTOR: No. That's where we're going.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Tegan Jovanka
Janet Fielding

Mark Strickson

The Master
Anthony Ainley

The King / Voice of Kamelion
Gerald Flood

Frank Windsor

Isla Blair

Christopher Villiers

Sir Geoffrey
Michael J. Jackson

Peter Burroughs

Assistant Floor Manager
Sue Hedden

Colin Lavers

Ken Ledsham

Fight Arranger
John Waller

Film Cameraman
Remi Adefarasin

Film Editor
Mike Rowbotham

Incidental Music
Jonathan Gibs
Peter Howell

Lute Player
Jacob Lindberg

Elizabeth Rowell
Frances Hannon

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Sue Upton

Production Associate
June Collins

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Peter Smee

Studio Sound
Martin Ridout

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Tony Harding
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