21x02 - Warriors of the Deep - part 2

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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21x02 - Warriors of the Deep - part 2

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Two

First Air Date: 6 January 1984
Running time: 24:04

BULIC: After them!

TURLOUGH: Right, that should slow them down a bit.

TEGAN: We should have tried to help him.

TURLOUGH: We couldn't! Come on, let's get back to the TARDIS.

BULIC: Go round and get this door open.


BULIC: Commander, this is Bulic. I'm in the reactor.

SCIBUS: The warriors have survived.

NILSON: Nilson.

VORSHAK (OOV.): The three invaders have att*cked the reactor in area E. I need you on the bridge at once.

NILSON: I'm on my way, Commander.

SOLOW: Nilson, who are the invaders?

NILSON: I don't know, but with Vorshak distracted, it may be possible to activate Maddox sooner than we expected.

SCIBUS: There will be a short period of orientation.

ICHTAR: Excellent. When all is ready, I will instruct Sauvix and his Sea Devil warriors on the plan of attack.


TURLOUGH: Go, Tegan! Save yourself!

DOCTOR: You'll live.

SAUVIX: Sauvix, Commander of Elite Group One.

ICHTAR: Ichtar, sole survivor of the Silurian Triad, and my companions Scibus and Tarpok. We welcome the revival of our blood-related comrades.

SAUVIX: We are yours to command.

ICHTAR: All is prepared.

DOCTOR: What have you been eating?

NILSON: Have you found the intruders?

VORSHAK: One of them. He's being brought up now. I'd like you to be present at the interrogation.

NILSON: How did they breach our security?

VORSHAK: That's what I want you to find out.

TEGAN: Doctor, I thought you were dead.

DOCTOR: Yeah, so did I for a moment. Where's Turlough?

TEGAN: The guards caught him. We've got to help him.

DOCTOR: Yes, all right. First I must get you back to the TARDIS.

TEGAN: I want to help find Turlough.

DOCTOR: Yes, all right.

TEGAN: What have you been eating?

DOCTOR: Come along, Tegan.

ICHTAR: How soon will your warriors be ready for combat?

SAUVIX: Battle orientation automatically commenced the instant we were revived.

ICHTAR: Excellent, Sauvix.

TARPOK: Your plan of attack.

ICHTAR: Study it well, for the ape primitive base must be taken intact.

VORSHAK: Bridge.

GUARD (OOV.): The reactor's been stabilised, sir. We now have full power again.

VORSHAK: Thank you.


BULIC: This is Commander Vorshak, the senior officer on this base.

TURLOUGH: I've told

VORSHAK: Now listen, and listen carefully. You have a choice. Cooperate, tell us all you know, and you'll be treated honourably.


VORSHAK: But should you remain stubborn, it'll be a long and painful business, so start talking.

TURLOUGH: I've told him, and now I'm trying to tell you. We are not enemy agents, saboteurs

NILSON: Then why were you attempting to destroy the reactor?

TURLOUGH: If the Doctor had intended to destroy it, it would be lying in pieces at your feet.

DOCTOR: Good. Now, you must stay outside, Tegan.


DOCTOR: Shush.

TEGAN: What in the world can I hope to achieve out here?

DOCTOR: My peace of mind. Please, Tegan, don't argue. Now, I don't need to tell you what to do should anything go wrong.

TEGAN: No, Doctor. Good luck, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Yes, thank you.

TURLOUGH: The TARDIS, it, it's a kind of ship. I know it doesn't seem to make much sense, but that's how we got here.

NILSON: He's insulting our intelligence, trying to convince us he's nothing more than a lost tourist.

BULIC: If you'd nothing to hide, why didn't you declare yourselves to us immediately.

TURLOUGH: We were trying to.

VORSHAK: What do you think?

NILSON: He may be telling the truth, though I doubt it. But we can't be sure without delving deeper into his mind.

VORSHAK: Then see to it, Nilson.

NILSON: Take him to the PS unit.


DOCTOR: I wouldn't, if I were you. Well, gentlemen, it seems we have a problem.

PRESTON: Good heavens. Look, there's another door. Search through there.

BULIC: Your move, Doctor.

DOCTOR: So it seems. Perhaps it's time for a little mutual trust.

DOCTOR: Turlough was telling the truth.

VORSHAK: Bridge.

PRESTON (OOV.): We've found the intruder's craft. It's amazing. It isn't of this planet.

VORSHAK: Is it armed?

PRESTON (OOV.): Not that we can tell.

VORSHAK: Well, leave a guard on it. Return to the bridge.

DOCTOR: Well, Commander?

VORSHAK: Well, it seems the boy was telling the truth after all.

SAUVIX: The warriors are armed and at their stations.

ICHTAR: Excellent, Sauvix. It is time to begin.

PRESTON: You want something?

VORSHAK: All right, I believe you're not hostile.

DOCTOR: Thank you.

VORSHAK: But that doesn't mean I trust you. I should like to see a demonstration of your ship.

DOCTOR: When I've repaired her.

PRESTON: Commander, the third member of the crew. I found her lurking outside.

TURLOUGH: Are you all right?

KARINA: Commander, the screen.

KARINA: It's heading towards the base.

VORSHAK: Is that the thing we picked up before?

KARINA: Yes, sir.

MADDOX: We're getting a clear sensor scan. It is a ship of some kind, but definitely not one of ours.

VORSHAK: Prepare to fire energy tracers.

DOCTOR: No, don't!

VORSHAK: You recognise it?

DOCTOR: Yes. You mustn't attack.

VORSHAK: You're hardly in a position to give orders, Doctor.

BULIC: Ready to fire, Commander.

DOCTOR: Do so and you'll regret it. I know what that ship is.

VORSHAK: You're telling us not to defend ourselves?

DOCTOR: I'm telling you you have no defence. That's a Silurian battle cruiser.

PRESTON: Silurian?

DOCTOR: The race that ruled this planet long before your species evolved.

BULIC: Do we fire, sir?

DOCTOR: Trust me. You must try and make contact with it, find out what they want.

VORSHAK: It's not what they want, it's what I want, Doctor. And I want to keep them away. Open fire.

TARPOK: The deflector is locked on to their energy beam. Their external weapons system is now suppressed.

ICHTAR: Proceed as planned.

VORSHAK: Fire again. Fire again!

BULIC: Energy systems are dead.

VORSHAK: You knew that would happen.

DOCTOR: I did try and warn you.

PRESTON: What have they done?

DOCTOR: It's a particle suppressor. They turned your energy beam back on you. They could have blown this base apart. They certainly have enough reason to.

TARPOK: We are in position.

ICHTAR: Release the Myrka. Sauvix, proceed to your station. When the Myrka begins its work, you and your warriors commence the attack on the main entry point.

VORSHAK: I want damage reports as soon as possible. Maddox, set the computer to analyse the Silurian w*apon.


TEGAN: When did you meet the Silurians, Doctor?

DOCTOR: A long time ago. I let them down then, it seems I'll do so again.

TEGAN: Are they hostile?

DOCTOR: They're honourable. All they ever wanted to do was live in peace.

MADDOX: It doesn't compute, sir.

DOCTOR: Commander.

VORSHAK: Yes, what is it?

DOCTOR: You can't fight them.

VORSHAK: I can try.

DOCTOR: Inform your people. Let them know what's going on down here.

VORSHAK: I can't do that. I must maintain radio silence. I can't risk revealing the Sea Base's position to the enemy.

DOCTOR: Friend or enemy, it's a distinction that's lost on the Silurians, I assure you. To them you're all the same. Ape-descended primitives. An evolutionary error they obviously mean to correct.

VORSHAK: Bridge.

GUARD (OOV.): Commander, there's something outside airlock one. It's trying to force the outer door.

VORSHAK: Stay there. Get a team down there. Preston, deploy the duty guards to cover all the other airlocks.

PRESTON: Yes, Commander.

DOCTOR: Let me go with them. I know the Silurians. If I can talk to them, we may be able to avoid bloodshed.

VORSHAK: You can try, but remember we have no reason to trust you. Watch him. The first sign of treachery, k*ll him.

PRESTON: Any sign of entry?

GUARD: No, ma'am.

BULIC: Any change?

GUARD: No, sir.

BULIC: The magnetic locks on the outer door are blown. They're in the airlock.

TEGAN: How can you tell?

BULIC: The a*t*matic pumps have started up.

VORSHAK: Bridge.

PRESTON (OOV.): Airlock five is also under attack, Commander.

VORSHAK: I'll come down at once. Karina, put the reserve team on combat alert. Maddox, stand by for sync up. We may have to contact Sea Base Command after all.

NILSON: But Commander, if we do

VORSHAK: The Doctor may be right. If he is, these creatures are a threat to all mankind.

SOLOW: Nilson, we must speak.

SOLOW: The base is on w*r alert.

NILSON: It's all right. While Vorshak is busy, I'm in command of the bridge.

SOLOW: Are we going to activate Maddox?


SOLOW: What about the Silurians? What if they manage to break in?

NILSON: We shall neutralise the Sea Base whatever happens, and with the help of Maddox we'll destroy all vital circuitry to do with missiles and communications.

BULIC: Take up defensive positions.

TURLOUGH: Will it hold?

BULIC: I wouldn't count on it.

KARINA: Are you all right? Maddox. Maddox.

NILSON: Doctor Solow will take care of Maddox.

KARINA: But he's needed here.

NILSON: I'm afraid in his present state he's useless.

KARINA: Shall I inform the Commander?

NILSON: No, no, no, no. I'll do that. You just return to your duties. I'm sure Doctor Solow will have Maddox back at his terminal as soon as possible.

TEGAN: What if these Silurians don't want to listen, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Look on the bright side, Tegan.

DOCTOR: Oh dear.

TEGAN: What is it?

DOCTOR: The Myrka.


PRESTON: Commander, they're inside the airlock.

VORSHAK: That didn't take long.

KARINA: What are you doing here?

SOLOW: His duty, as I dictate it.

KARINA: Sabotage. Maddox, stop it! Maddox, can you hear me? Stop it!


NILSON: Now k*ll her, Maddox.

BULIC: Take aim.

DOCTOR: I'm afraid the Myrka takes quite a lot to impress.

BULIC: Fire!

BULIC: We hit it.

TEGAN: He must have k*lled it.

DOCTOR: Tegan!

BULIC: Fire again.

DOCTOR: Are you all right?

TEGAN: How would you feel if you'd had a door fall on you?

DOCTOR: Anything damaged?

TEGAN: My dignity.

DOCTOR: Turlough, help me!

TURLOUGH: It's no good, we can't lift it.

DOCTOR: Keep back. Don't let it touch you.

DOCTOR: Bulic, get your people out of here!

BULIC: Clear the airlock!

DOCTOR: You too, Turlough.


DOCTOR: Get out!

TEGAN: You go as well, Doctor.

DOCTOR: I'm not leaving you.

TEGAN: There's no point in us both dying.

DOCTOR: Who's talking about dying?

BULIC: The creature's in, sir, and our weapons are useless against it.

VORSHAK (OOV.): Use grenades.

BULIC: The Doctor and the girl are trapped in the airlock.

VORSHAK (OOV.): Has the creature passed the bulkhead door?

BULIC: No, sir.

VORSHAK (OOV.): Then close it! Seal the bulkhead off immediately.


VORSHAK (OOV.): What do you mean, no? Do it! The safety of the Base depends on it.

TURLOUGH: No, wait.

DOCTOR: One last try.

DOCTOR: Thank you so much.

TEGAN: They've sealed us up!

DOCTOR: Brave heart, Tegan.

TEGAN: Brave heart? That thing's going to k*ll us.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Janet Fielding

Mark Strickson

Ingrid Pitt

Tom Adams

Ian McCulloch

Nigel Humphreys

Martin Neil

Tara Ward

Norman Comer

Nitza Saul

Stuart Blake

Vincent Brimble

Christopher Farries

James Coombes

Assistant Floor Manager
Adrian Hayward

Judy Pepperdine

Tony Burrough

Incidental Music
Jonathan Gibs

Jennifer Hughes

OB Cameraman
Alastair Mitchell

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Norma Flint

Production Associate
June Collins

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Peter Smee

Studio Sound
Martin Ridout

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Mat Irvine
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