21x03 - Warriors of the Deep - part 3

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderators: Kitty Midnight, Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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21x03 - Warriors of the Deep - part 3

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Three

First Air Date: 12 January 1984
Running time: 24:02

TURLOUGH: Open it!

BULIC: The controls are locked. It can now only be opened by the bridge.

BULIC: Let him go.

BULIC: Stay on guard, Sergeant.

GUARD: Yes, sir.

BULIC: I must see the Commander. The rest of you follow me.

TEGAN: That won't do much good.

DOCTOR: Get ready. Mind your eyes, Tegan.

TEGAN: What did you do to it?

DOCTOR: Simple. The charge from the Myrka's body blew up the magazine.

TEGAN: It's blinded.

DOCTOR: Yes, temporarily.

TURLOUGH: The master control to bulkhead one, where is it?

NILSON: The Commander's orders were to keep that bulkhead closed.

TURLOUGH: I know what the Commander's orders were, but now I'm giving you mine. Open that bulkhead.

NILSON: The hydraulic valve has blown.

TURLOUGH: The bulkhead opened?

NILSON: Yes. But I'm not so sure it closed.

TEGAN: What do we do if the Myrka breaks in, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Well, hopefully we can stop it before it does too much damage.

TEGAN: You said yourself it's practically indestructible.

DOCTOR: Yes, we all have an Achilles' heel, Tegan, including the Myrka. Now we must hurry. I must speak to Vorshak.

SOLOW: Nilson, I have hidden the woman's body. The escape pod is ready for us. We can leave as soon as Maddox has completed his work.


TARPOK: The Myrka has broken through the bulkhead door.

ICHTAR: Command it to make for its objective.

VORSHAK: Vorshak.

NILSON (OOV.): The creature's broken into the Base. Turlough forced us to open the bulkhead door.

VORSHAK: Sound full alert, Nilson. Get your best people to Airlock One immediately. They must stop that creature.

BULIC: Our weapons have no effect on it.

VORSHAK: Have them try!

DOCTOR: He's right, Commander. Your weapons are useless against it.

VORSHAK: But not against you. You know what Turlough has done?

TEGAN: Yes, he saved our lives.

VORSHAK: I ordered that bulkhead to be kept closed.

DOCTOR: The bulkhead wouldn't have kept the Myrka out for long.

PRESTON: Commander, the seals are about to blow.

DOCTOR: If it's any consolation, I may just know how to stop it.

VORSHAK: When I want your help, I'll ask for it.

DOCTOR: You've got nothing to lose.

VORSHAK: I should have you shot.

DOCTOR: After I've dealt with the Myrka.

VORSHAK: All right, but I can't spare you any help.

DOCTOR: I need just one person. Someone in authority who can get things done.

VORSHAK: Very well. Preston, go with him.


VORSHAK: k*ll him if he gives you any trouble. That's an order. The rest of you, get ready.

VORSHAK: Get back! Back.

BULIC: They've got us outgunned, Commander.

VORSHAK: I know. It all depends now on whether this bulkhead can hold them.

SAUVIX: Bring forth the cutting device.

TURLOUGH: The Doctor and Tegan, where are they?

VORSHAK: They're safe, and contributing to the defence of this Base, as you are.


VORSHAK: You're volunteering your services to defend this bulkhead.

PRESTON: Preston.

GUARD (OOV.): The Myrka's in corridor seven.

PRESTON: Delay it's progress as much as possible.

GUARD (OOV.): We'll do our best.

DOCTOR: It can only be heading for one place.

PRESTON: The bridge?

DOCTOR: Yes, the bridge.

PRESTON: I'll inform the Commander.

DOCTOR: Do you have ultraviolet converters on the Base?


DOCTOR: Good. Now, will the Myrka have to pass this way to get to the bridge?

PRESTON: If it maintains its present course.

DOCTOR: Perfect. I need a converter brought here.

PRESTON: Tech unit.

BULIC: It's not going to hold.

VORSHAK: We must break radio silence.

BULIC: Have every enemy listening post pinpoint our position?

VORSHAK: Sea Base Command has to know about these creatures. We have no choice.

DOCTOR: Ah. Set it up here.

PRESTON: That'll be all. Carry on.

DOCTOR: Now, what do you think. Will the lighting circuit bear maximum converter load?

PRESTON: Just about.

TEGAN: What have you got in mind?

DOCTOR: I'm planning to bring a little sunshine into the Myrka's life.

BULIC (OOV.): The Commander is on his way up to signal Sea Base Command. Have Maddox stand by for sync up.

NILSON: Understood.

SOLOW: What are you going to do?

NILSON: Maddox must finish what he has started.

PRESTON: I suppose you know what you're doing.

DOCTOR: The Myrka is a creature of the inkiest depths, or it was until the Silurians tinkered with its biology. Anyway, it has little tolerance to light and hopefully none at all to ultraviolet rays.

TEGAN: Can you be sure?

DOCTOR: No, Tegan. Perhaps you should ask it nicely to go away.

NILSON: The work goes well. Wait in the escape pod. I'll join you when I can.

SOLOW: What about Maddox's conditioning disc?

NILSON: Take it with you. It'll provide essential knowledge.

SOLOW: Good luck.


TEGAN: Ready now?

DOCTOR: Yes, almost.

PRESTON: Doctor Solow.


DOCTOR: Perfect. Almost.


ICHTAR: How fares the course of battle?

SAUVIX: The outcome is certain. The ape primitives are no match for my warriors. They will be crushed.

VORSHAK: You have everything you need?

DOCTOR: Yes, I think so.

TEGAN: What happened to Turlough?

VORSHAK: He's defending Airlock Five with Bulic. Doctor, I've decided to take your advice. I'm contacting Sea Base Command.

DOCTOR: Very wise.

GUARD: The Myrka's coming this way, sir.

GUARD: It k*lled Doctor Solow. We found this by the body.

DOCTOR: Something wrong?

VORSHAK: I pray not, Doctor. Get down to Airlock Five. Preston, come with me.

VORSHAK: Vorshak.

BULIC (OOV.): They're in, sir. The Sea Devils are everywhere.

VORSHAK: You must hold them.

BULIC: We'll try, Commander.

VORSHAK (OOV.): Do what you can.

BULIC: Back! Get back!

NILSON: Don't die on me, Maddox. Not yet. Not till you've served your purpose.

NILSON: Now, hurry.

ICHTAR: Are the ape primitives in full retreat? Do you control all strategic areas?

SAUVIX: Yes, Ichtar.

ICHTAR: Excellent. We expect the Myrka to take the bridge very soon.

SAUVIX: Then the outcome is doubly certain.


VORSHAK: Maddox's conditioning disc. You were ordered to return it to me.

NILSON: Solow was in charge of that disc. I assumed she had.

VORSHAK: Where is Maddox?

NILSON: Inside, checking the sync circuit.

VORSHAK: Get him in here.

PRESTON: Commander.

VORSHAK: Maddox! What are you doing?

PRESTON: He's still alive.

VORSHAK: Check the damage to the other computers.

DOCTOR: Here it comes. Now we'll know if my theory was right.

TEGAN: Switch it on.

DOCTOR: Just a few more feet.

TEGAN: Switch it on!

DOCTOR: All right, Tegan, close your eyes. Make a wish!

TEGAN: Is it dead?

DOCTOR: Very. Let's get back to the bridge.

TARPOK: The Myrka has been destroyed.

ICHTAR: The ape primitives have more cunning than we thought. Sauvix, divert your warriors. We must capture the bridge without delay.

SAUVIX: At once, Ichtar.

VORSHAK: You were in charge of the bridge. How could you not know what was going on in here?

PRESTON: Commander! Karina's dead. She's been m*rder*d.

VORSHAK: You'll answer to a court martial for this, I promise, but first, you'll revive Maddox and decondition him. I want him ready for sync up. We must signal Sea Base Command.

NILSON: I'm afraid we can't do that, Commander.

VORSHAK: You'll do it!

NILSON: Your weapons, please.

TEGAN: What do the Silurians want, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Obvious. Control the Base and the proton missiles

TEGAN: And you control Earth?

DOCTOR: Or destroy it.

VORSHAK: I trusted you, Nilson.

NILSON: Don't take it so hard, Commander. Like you, we were only doing our duty.

DOCTOR: The Myrka is dead, Commander.

NILSON: That's far enough, Doctor.

VORSHAK: It seems Nilson is an enemy agent.

TEGAN: For the Silurians?

VORSHAK: No, our human enemies.

NILSON: The power bloc opposed to this Sea Base.

DOCTOR: There isn't time for your petty feuds.

NILSON: I know what I'm doing, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Do you? Before long, the Silurians and the Sea Devils will have control of this Base.

VORSHAK: And control of the proton missiles.

NILSON: Missiles they can't fire. Maddox has irreversibly rigged the computers to that effect.

DOCTOR: The technology of these creatures predates yours by millions of years. If they intend to fire those missiles, they have the means, I assure you.

NILSON: They won't have time. As soon as I've left in the escape pod, this Base will be att*cked and everything on it, including the creatures and all of you, will perish.

MADDOX: Nilson, you made me k*ll Karina. Now you're going to

NILSON: I'm sorry, Maddox, but your usefulness is at an end.

NILSON: Leave him! He's dead.

NILSON: If any of you try to follow me, she dies.

SAUVIX: Isolate them.

PRESTON: The computers have been badly damaged.

VORSHAK: Vorshak.

GUARD (OOV.): There's not much more we can do, sir. The Sea Devils have just breached the bridge perimeter.

VORSHAK: Where are Bulic and Turlough?

GUARD (OOV.): Dead, or taken, Commander.

VORSHAK: I'm sorry.

DOCTOR: I'm going after Nilson.

SAUVIX: The way to the bridge is cleared.

TURLOUGH: We've got to get out of here.

BULIC: To go where? The Sea Devils are all over the place.

TURLOUGH: The TARDIS? At least we'd be safe there.

NILSON: Be still, woman. Pity all the Doctor's efforts were to no avail.

TEGAN: You haven't got away yet.

NILSON: Stay where you are. You were very foolish to follow me, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Let Tegan go. She's of no use to you now. k*lling us won't make your escape any easier. You fire, and every Sea Devil in the area will come running.

NILSON: I'll take that risk.

DOCTOR: Tegan, make a wish!

NILSON: Goodbye, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Goodbye.

SAUVIX: Your turn.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Janet Fielding

Mark Strickson

Ingrid Pitt

Tom Adams

Ian McCulloch

Nigel Humphreys

Martin Neil

Tara Ward

Norman Comer

Nitza Saul

Stuart Blake

Vincent Brimble

Christopher Farries

James Coombes

Assistant Floor Manager
Adrian Hayward

Judy Pepperdine

Tony Burrough

Incidental Music
Jonathan Gibs

Jennifer Hughes

OB Cameraman
Alastair Mitchell

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Norma Flint

Production Associate
June Collins

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Peter Smee

Studio Sound
Martin Ridout

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Mat Irvine
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