21x12 - Resurrection of the Daleks - part 2

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderators: Kitty Midnight, Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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21x12 - Resurrection of the Daleks - part 2

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Two

Original Air Date: 15 February 1984
Running time: 46:52

DALEKS: Exterminate the Doctor. Exterminate the Doctor. Exterminate the Doctor. Exterminate


DALEK: He is an enemy of the Daleks. He must be exterminated.

LYTTON: He must be duplicated first. Confirm with the Supreme Dalek.

DALEK: Supreme Dalek confirms the order. We must take the prisoner to the duplication chamber. Proceed.

STIEN: Impulsive, aren't they.

LYTTON: They'd k*ll anybody, even if they need them.

STEIN: Now much longer before it's your turn?

MERCER: It's here.

STYLES: It isn't guarded.

MERCER: Be grateful.

TURLOUGH: What is it?

MERCER: Self-destruct chamber.

STYLES: Right, let's get it open.

TURLOUGH: What are you going to do?

STYLES: Guess.

LAIRD: Would anyone like some tea?

TEGAN: Please.

LAIRD: Colonel?


LAIRD: How much longer will the ambulance be?

ARCHER: I don't know.

LAIRD: Tegan has severe concussion. It's vital she receives proper medical attention.

ARCHER: She will receive medical attention as soon as it is available.

TEGAN: Thanks very much.

LAIRD: Pity he didn't want any tea. He'd have slept for hours.

TEGAN: We've got to get out of here.

TEGAN: Do you think we could free one of these?

LAIRD: I should think so.

DALEK: Proceed.

ARCHER: They know.

CALDER: What do we do?

ARCHER: The Daleks will instruct us.

DALEK: It is vital you complete your researches as soon as possible.

DAVROS: I will need a sample of the Movellan virus.

DALEK: It will be brought to you.

DAVROS: I will also need two Daleks for experimentation.

DALEK: That is forbidden.

DAVROS: If I am to find a cure, I will need living Dalek tissue.

DALEK 2: We must consult the Supreme Dalek.

DAVROS: Do so, but be quick! Already I grow impatient.

STYLES: Where do we start?

LYTTON: Lytton.

BLACK: This is the Supreme Dalek. The self-destruct chamber has been invaded.

BLACK (OOV.): The hostiles must be exterminated.

LYTTON: There isn't time. Abandon the space station.

BLACK (OOV.): You should have anticipated this.

LYTTON: The original plan was to snatch Davros and leave, not dance to his every whim.

BLACK (OOV.): Nothing must endanger Davros. The hostiles must be destroyed. The Daleks must be obeyed.

DALEK: You must not touch the equipment.

DOCTOR: Without the threat of death, you're quite powerless, aren't you.

DALEK: You will obey.

STIEN: It is unwise to provoke the Daleks, Doctor.

DOCTOR: However you respond is seen as an act of provocation. I know the Daleks of old. And Davros. I assume he's about here somewhere.

STIEN: You only invite trouble with your questions.

DOCTOR: Do you mean it can get worse?

STIEN: Oh, yes. The Daleks are very capable of devising painful and undignified ways of dying.

DOCTOR: But not yet. The Daleks need my brainwaves intact, don't they.

TEGAN: It's so light. What's it made from?

LAIRD: Who knows? It defied every test I could think of.

STYLES: It looks complicated.

MERCER: Try the computer. It may contain the ignition sequence.

TURLOUGH: And when you've primed your b*mb, is it absolutely necessary that we die along with the station?

STYLES: Look, none of us are looking to become martyrs. You know a way out?

TURLOUGH: The Time Corridor I mentioned. It exists, it's real. We could use it to escape.

MERCER: What do you think?

STYLES: You could check it out while I try and find a way into this thing.

MERCER: Right.

DALEK: You must cooperate. You must lie down.

DOCTOR: Why isn't Davros here? I would have thought he'd have wanted to see this.

STIEN: He is otherwise detained.

DOCTOR: So, he is here.

DALEK: It does not concern you. What sort of trouble are you in this time?

TEGAN: Well?

LAIRD: Not bad.

TEGAN: But would it convince?

LAIRD: If you didn't look too hard, perhaps.

TEGAN: The truth is you'd have to be blind not to see it isn't a body.

LAIRD: Quickly!

ARCHER: You can stop pretending.

LAIRD: I don't know what you mean.

ARCHER: You're to be transferred to the Dalek ship.

LAIRD: Tegan is sick.

ARCHER: Not for much longer.

TEGAN: One way or another, we're both dead.

DAVROS: A further recruit.

DAVROS: Initiate.

DAVROS: Welcome.

STYLES: Thanks a lot. Zena?

ZENA: Lieutenant Mercer might have security clearance.

STYLES: That's a point. Get him on the radio.

ZENA: The Daleks could trace the transmission.

STYLES: Well, he can't have got far. Try him on a high-frequency range. The Daleks can't monitor them all.

STYLES: That's outside! Close the door! Dalek Troopers!

LYTTON: They must have seen us. Take out that camera.

STYLES: Build a barricade. Something we can use for protection. Now there's nothing to lose. Let's see what I can make out of you.

DOCTOR: What will you do with my duplicate?

STIEN: That does not concern you.

DOCTOR: Oh, I think it does. I've grown rather attached to myself.

DALEK: You will remain silent.

DOCTOR: I assume my brainwaves are destined for Davros. You must need his services very badly.

DALEK: The Daleks are the superior being. We do not require assistance.

DOCTOR: Superior? It took you long enough to ensnare the TARDIS in the Time Corridor.

DALEK: It was but one trap.

DOCTOR: Hmm. But Stien was more effective. A living, thinking being, not some tin-pot machine.

STIEN: Please, Doctor.

DALEK: Stien is but an extension of Dalek technology.


DALEK: He is a duplicate. He is a product of our genetic engineering.

DOCTOR: Are you all duplicates?


DOCTOR: Interesting. I wonder what happened to the real you.

TURLOUGH: The Time Corridor is on the other side of the airlock.

MERCER: What about the Troopers?

TURLOUGH: We k*ll them.

MERCER: And the Daleks? We must set the self-destruct mechanism first. We go back.


MERCER: We go back.

TEGAN: Let's go.

LAIRD: No, I should stay.

TEGAN: Don't be silly, they'll k*ll you.

LAIRD: No, not if you can get help quickly. This isn't going to deceive anyone for very long, not unless there's someone here to help it along with a little bluff. Now you're wasting time. Go! Go! And good luck.

TEGAN: And you. I'll be as quick as I can.

LYTTON: Can we blow a hole in the wall?


LYTTON: Then we attack on two fronts.

DAVROS: My army continues to grow.

STYLES: I think I'm making progress.

DOCTOR: Have the soldiers from the warehouse been duplicated?


DOCTOR: It's very clever. Would you care to tell me how it's done?


DOCTOR: Hmm, I thought not. What about Tegan?

STIEN: She is our prisoner.

DOCTOR: She's harmless. You must release her.

DALEK: Show him.


STIEN: The Doctor without his companions would be rather incongruous.

DOCTOR: Why are you doing this?

DALEK: Your duplicates will return to Gallifrey, where, at our command, you will assassinate the members of the High Council.


MERCER: We must do something.

TURLOUGH: With only one g*n? They'd k*ll us.

MERCER: I have to do something.

TURLOUGH: Think about what's happening. The Daleks have a ship, so why are their Troopers trying to break into the self-destruct chamber? Why don't they leave, let your friends blow themselves to pieces?

MERCER: Tell me.

TURLOUGH: Because whatever the Daleks want is still on board.

MERCER: Davros?

TURLOUGH: You may not be able to help your friends, but you could still k*ll him.

DALEK: We have been sent by the Supreme Dalek.

DALEK 2: We are to assist in your research.

DAVROS: I need Dalek tissue, not help.

DALEK: You may remove tissue from us.

DAVROS: Excellent. In no way will my experiment harm you.

DALEK: Releasing docking clamp.

DAVROS: In fact, you will become considerably invigorated.

DAVROS: Perfect. Reseal your casings. Now, who do you obey?

DALEKS: We obey Davros. He is our master.

DAVROS: Excellent. Now all I require is a sample of the Movellan virus. Find out the cause of the delay.

BLACK: Order a cylinder of Movellan virus to be transported from Earth.

DALEK: I obey.

TURLOUGH: We're too late.

MERCER: He can't be far.

TURLOUGH: We could spend hours searching for him and still not find him, and the place is crawling with Daleks.

MERCER: I have to find him. And you're coming with me.

STIEN: Nearly ready.

DALEK: The prisoner is secured. You must proceed alone. We have been summoned to other duties.

DOCTOR: Not staying till the bitter end? How disappointing.

DALEK: When it is time to die, you will, in your agony, beg to pay homage to the Daleks. You will wait outside.

DOCTOR: Why do they take themselves so seriously?

STIEN: I warned you not to provoke them. You only make it worse for yourself.

DOCTOR: Get on with it. I can do without your pity.

STIEN: Do you think I do this because I enjoy ... Do you think I do this out of ch-ch-ch-choice? D-d-do I have a ch-choice? I have no choice.

DALEK: Take the cylinder to Davros.

MERCER: Of course. Davros is using Styles' laboratory.

STYLES: We're nearly there. Why am I so excited? It'll be the last thing I ever do.

DAVROS: Perfect. I have but one more request. I require your cooperation for a little longer.

DAVROS: A spirited but foolish reaction. He will make an excellent sl*ve. And so will you.

LAIRD: One of the cylinders disappeared!

ARCHER: Where is she? Where is she? She won't get far.



STIEN: Are you ready?

DOCTOR: You ask it as though I have a choice.

STIEN: Everyone has a ch-choice. It's in the Constitution, twenty fifth Amendment, or is it twenty sixth? Didn't you go to school?

DOCTOR: I must have played truant that day. Or maybe we didn't go to the same school. Which school did you go to?

STIEN: I, I, c-can't remember.

DOCTOR: But you remember one of the Amendments. What was the First? It's very important I know. It's very important you remember, too. Think, man. Search the area of your mind the Daleks have shut off. Resist, before it's too late.

STIEN: I must continue.

DOCTOR: Resist!

STIEN: I must continue.

ZENA: They're bypassing the door mechanism.

STYLES: You've got to hold them. I'm almost there.

LYTTON: Stand by.

STYLES: That's it.

TURLOUGH: There's nothing you can do.

MERCER: I shouldn't have left them.

TURLOUGH: You did the right thing. It's now up to you. We have to get back to Earth. Trust me.

TROOPER: Just in time.

DALEK: Your delay put the Dalek plan at risk.

LYTTON: We won. That's all that matters.

DALEK: The space station could have been destroyed. I must report this to the Supreme Dalek.

TEGAN: I'm sorry. I tried.

LAIRD: They're going to send us to the Dalek ship.

ARCHER: Get them into the Time Corridor.


ARCHER: Into the Time Corridor with her.

STIEN: Relax, Doctor, don't fight it. You'll only cause yourself pain. I know how you feel. The pain will pass. You must relax.

DOCTOR: Quickly, recite the Amendments. Remember your past.

STIEN: I must do my duty.

DOCTOR: You must resist. You're destroying my mind.

KISTON: The Daleks have secured the self-destruct chamber. The station is safe.

DAVROS: Excellent.

KISTON: And the Daleks have taken the Doctor prisoner.

DAVROS: Better still. He must be brought to me at once. Hurry. There is important work to do. I have waited a long time for this. Once the Doctor is exterminated, I shall build a new race of Daleks. They will be even more deadly, and I, Davros, shall be their leader! This time we shall triumph! My Daleks shall once more become the Supreme Beings!


TURLOUGH: What are you doing?

MERCER: She was about to scream.

TURLOUGH: It's Tegan, you fool. She's a friend.

TEGAN: Turlough. Who is this?

MERCER: Never mind that. We must get away before the Daleks arrive.

TEGAN: Not without the Doctor.

TURLOUGH: He's here?

TEGAN: Look behind you.

TEGAN: We must find him.

STIEN: I can't stand the confusion in my mind!

DOCTOR: Quickly, release me.

STEIN: What about the guards?

DOCTOR: We'll call them in here.

DAVROS: You must secure the TARDIS for me. Take the Troopers.

DALEKS: We obey.

TURLOUGH: In here.

STIEN: Now what? The Dalek conditioning could c-cloud my mind at any minute.

DOCTOR: You'll be safe in the TARDIS.

STIEN: You don't understand. Under the Dalek influence I could k*ll you.

DOCTOR: I'll take that chance.

TEGAN: Doctor!

STIEN: Come on, move. Over there.

DOCTOR: Well, don't just stand there. Come and help.

BLACK: The Doctor is free. Your Troopers have failed.

LYTTON: More to the point, where were your Daleks?

LYTTON: This is Lytton. Call out my Special Guard.

TURLOUGH: Doctor, look. We should get out of here.

DOCTOR: Quickly. Come on.

BLACK: Lytton grows too arrogant. His mind resists our control. He must be exterminated as soon as it is convenient to the Daleks.

TEGAN: Where are we going?

DOCTOR: Earth.

TURLOUGH: Best news all day.

DOCTOR: Why did the Daleks rescue Davros?

STIEN: They wanted a cure for a virus that was destroying them.

TEGAN: Is that what's in those cylinders on Earth?


TEGAN: Why Earth?

STIEN: They were safer there, and they acted as a lure. With the b*mb Disposal Squad duplicated, the Daleks had people to guard the warehouse who wouldn't arouse suspicion.

TEGAN: Very neat.

STIEN: Oh yes, the Daleks haven't lost any of their old guile.

TEGAN: Where are you going?

DOCTOR: To k*ll Davros.

TEGAN: Doctor!

DOCTOR: I must. Davros created the Daleks. He must not be allowed to save them.

TEGAN: But m*rder?

DOCTOR: Once before I held back from destroying the Daleks. It was a mistake I do not intend to repeat. Davros must die.

MERCER: I'm coming with you.


MERCER: I can show you where he is.

STIEN: I'm coming too. I wouldn't mind a taste of revenge.

DOCTOR: All right. (to Tegan) Wait as long as you can, but should the Daleks attack, you leave at once.

TEGAN: What about you?

DAVROS: Could this be the Doctor?

KISTON: The prisoner is certainly important. The one on the left is Stien, a member of Lytton's Special Guard. He wouldn't be assigned to escort duties otherwise.

DAVROS: The Doctor and his TARDIS. Perfect!

LYTTON: Lytton.

BLACK (OOV.): Davros has gained control of two Daleks. They are in the Reception area, attempting to enter the Doctor's TARDIS. You must exterminate them.

LYTTON: At once.

BLACK (OOV.): You must also destroy Davros. He is unreliable. He cannot be trusted.

LYTTON: Take two men and k*ll Davros.

DAVROS: Welcome, Doctor. I have waited many years for this meeting.

DOCTOR: I'm sorry to have detained you.

DAVROS: It was but a pleasure deferred. Now you are here, you will repay tenfold for the mental agony I suffered.

DOCTOR: I'll say one thing for you, Davros. Your conversation is totally predictable. You're like a deranged child, all this talk of k*lling, revenge and destruction.

DAVROS: It is the only path to ultimate power.

DOCTOR: But to what end? Just more suffering for those unlucky enough to survive?

DAVROS: Only for those who resist my will.

DAVROS: What are you doing?

DOCTOR: Until I walked through that door, I foolishly hoped you'd changed enough for me not to have to do this.

DAVROS: Stien, k*ll him!

DOCTOR: I'm not here as your prisoner, Davros, but your executioner.

DAVROS: Listen to me. You, in your way, are not an unambitious man. Like me, you are a renegade.

DOCTOR: Save your breath.

DAVROS: I had planned to completely redesign the Daleks. Kiston will confirm I am telling the truth.

KISTON: It is so.

DAVROS: My mistake was making them totally ruthless. It restricted their ability to cope with creatures who rely not only on logic, but instinct and intuition. That is a factor I wish to correct.

DOCTOR: And compassion? Are they to be programmed for that?

DAVROS: They will learn to recognise the strength that can be drawn from such an emotion.

DOCTOR: But only to make the Daleks more efficient K*llers.

DAVROS: To make them a more positive force.

DOCTOR: For destruction!

DAVROS: The universe is at w*r, Doctor. Name one planet whose history is not littered with atrocities and ambition for empire. It is a universal way of life.

DOCTOR: Which I do not accept.

DAVROS: Then you deny what is real. Join me. You will have total power at the head of a new Dalek army.

STIEN: Doctor.

DOCTOR: Outside. Deal with them.

DOCTOR: To be honest, I wouldn't know what to do with an army.

TEGAN: What's that?

TURLOUGH: The Doctor preset the controls on the timer. We're going to Earth.

TEGAN: He didn't intend to return.

TEGAN: What's happening?

TURLOUGH: We're travelling down the Dalek's Time Corridor. We're being dragged back to the warehouse!

DAVROS: You hesitate, Doctor. If I were you, I would be dead.

DOCTOR: I lack your practice, Davros.

DAVROS: You are soft, like all Time Lords. You prefer to stand and watch. Action requires courage, something you lack.

STIEN: Don't argue. You're to report to Commander Lytton at once.

MERCER: Perhaps I can convince you.

STIEN: Did you have to?

MERCER: Help me hide the bodies. Now what?

STIEN: The Dalek conditioning, it's taking hold again.

MERCER: You should have stayed in the TARDIS.

TROOPER: Drop your g*ns!

STIEN: It's all right, they're our Troopers.

MERCER: They're Dalek Troopers.

STIEN: Stay where you are.

DOCTOR: No, no, you need medical attention.

STIEN: I can't control my mind. I'm not safe. I caused Mercer's death. I've got to get away from here.

DOCTOR: No, wait! Look, I can help you.

STIEN: Don't try to follow me. I may cause your death.

DOCTOR: I'm an imbecile.

BLACK (OOV.): Your Troopers have failed. Davros still lives.

LYTTON: Then sh**t the space station down. k*ll everything on it.

BLACK (OOV.): I must see him dead. I have dispatched Daleks to complete the task you failed. You must redeem yourself. You must destroy the Daleks of Davros.

LYTTON: Where are they?

BLACK (OOV.): You must follow them to Earth. You must exterminate them.

LYTTON: Let's go.

STIEN: This isn't any good. I've got to be more positive. Oh, more positive. Self-destruct. I must find the self-destruct chamber.

TURLOUGH: This is lunacy.

TEGAN: Be quiet. The soldiers might hear you.

TURLOUGH: What's the point? We can't go back to the Dalek ship.

TEGAN: The Doctor may get back. Some other opportunity may arise. I don't know!

TURLOUGH: Absolute madness.

TEGAN: The virus in those cylinders is the only effective thing we've got to fight the Daleks with. Now, come on.

DAVROS: Go, release the virus in the Dalek ship.

CALDER: Davros' Daleks?

ARCHER: They are to be destroyed. It is the Supreme Dalek's order.

DALEK: The TARDIS is not on this level. We must search elsewhere.


ARCHER: Behind you!

TURLOUGH: Surely one's enough.

TEGAN: We need another.

TEGAN: All right. Let's get back to the TARDIS.

LYTTON: Take cover!

DALEK: We are ready to descend.

BLACK (OOV.): Proceed. Everything in the warehouse must be exterminated, including Lytton and his Troopers.

DALEKS: We obey.

DALEK: Stop. Exterminate.

DALEK: We must find the TARDIS. That is our prime mission. We must obey Davros.

DALEK 2: What is happening?

DALEK: We are being att*cked. The Supreme Dalek wishes us destroyed. The invading Daleks must be exterminated.

BLACK: Daleks to the self-destruct chamber. A hostile has broken in. Emergency. Emergency! He must be stopped.

DALEK 3: We must find the traitors. The enemy of the Daleks must be destroyed.

DALEK: We are not traitors. We serve our creator, Davros.

DALEK 3: The Supreme Dalek is your ruler. He must be obeyed at all times.

DALEK: Davros must be honoured.

DALEK 3: He must be exterminated. Nothing must interfere with the true destiny of the Daleks! You must be exterminated! Exterminated! Exterminated!

TEGAN: Doctor!

DOCTOR: Well done.

TURLOUGH: She's been trying to open the cylinder. I warned her that she could start an epidemic if she released the virus.

DOCTOR: The virus is only partial to Dalek. It would die once it's done its work.

TEGAN: What's happening up on the next floor?

DOCTOR: Lunch has arrived for our friend here.

DAVROS: My escape hatch is prepared.

DAVROS: Now for the Daleks.

DAVROS: I did not summon your assistance!

DALEK: We are here to exterminate you.

DAVROS: By whose order?

DALEK 2: The Supreme Dalek.

DAVROS: Exterminate me, and you abandon your lives without purpose. Join me, and I will make you rulers of the universe.

DALEK 2: Malfunction. Emergency.

DALEK: Malfunction.

DAVROS: Your lives are over.

DALEK 2: System failure.

DOCTOR: Open the doors.

DALEK: What is happening? I cannot see. My vision is impaired. Emergency.

LYTTON: They're dying. And so are you.

STIEN: Done it. I must rest. I'm tired.

DAVROS: The Daleks are dead. Long live the new Daleks!

DAVROS: What is happening? No, no. It cannot be! I am not a Dalek! I cannot die. I am Davros!

DOCTOR: It's over.

TEGAN: It was horrible.

DOCTOR: The Earth is safe, at least until the Daleks find an antidote for the Movellan virus.

TURLOUGH: Doctor, look.

BLACK (on scanner): You have not won, Doctor.

DOCTOR: You won't be able to invade Earth.

BLACK (on scanner): You forget, Doctor. Daleks do not need to invade. I have my duplicates. Some have already been placed in strategic positions around the planet. The collapse of Earth society will soon occur.

DOCTOR: Your duplicates aren't stable. It won't work.

BLACK (on scanner): The Daleks will triumph. We cannot fail. The Daleks' true destiny is to rule the universe.

STIEN: Hello, boys. Just in time for the fun.

DOCTOR: The Dalek ship has been destroyed.


DOCTOR: The self-destruct device on the space station.

TEGAN: Davros?

DOCTOR: No, no. Stien, I would think. He must have finally decided which side he was on.

TURLOUGH: Are you sure all the duplicates are unstable?

DOCTOR: Oh, yes. Yes, given time they'll all be free of Dalek control.

TURLOUGH: Shouldn't we inform Earth's authorities?

DOCTOR: Er yes. Yes, indeed. Come along.

TEGAN: I'm not coming with you.

DOCTOR: I beg your pardon?

TEGAN: I'm tired of it.

DOCTOR: What's the matter?

TEGAN: A lot of good people have died today. I think I'm sick of it.

DOCTOR: You think I wanted it this way?

TEGAN: No. It's just that I don't think I can go on.

DOCTOR: You want to stay on Earth.

TEGAN: My Aunt Vanessa said, when I became an air stewardess, if you stop enjoying it, give it up.


TEGAN: It's stopped being fun, Doctor. Goodbye. Turlough.

TURLOUGH: Goodbye.

TEGAN: I'll miss you both.

DOCTOR: No, no, don't leave, not like this.

TEGAN: I must. I'm sorry. Goodbye.

DOCTOR: It's strange. I left Gallifrey for similar reasons. I'd grown tired of their lifestyle. It seems I must mend my ways. Come along.

TEGAN: Brave heart, Tegan. Doctor, I will miss you.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Tegan Jovanka
Janet Fielding

Mark Strickson

Terry Molloy

Rodney Bewes

Maurice Colbourne

Rula Lenska

Colonel Archer
Del Henney

Professor Laird
Chloe Ashcroft

Sergeant Calder
Philip McGough

Jim Findley

Sneh Gupta

Roger Davenport

John Adam Baker
Linsey Turner

William Sleigh

Dalek Voices
Brian Miller
Royce Mills

Dalek Operators
John Scott Martin
Cy Town
Tony Starr
Toby Byrne

Leslie Grantham (as Les Grantham)

Assistant Floor Manager
Matthew Burge

Janet Tharby

John Anderson

Film Cameraman
Ian Punter

Film Editor
Dan Rae

Incidental Music
Malcolm Clarke

Eileen Mair

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Joy Sinclair

Production Associate
June Collins

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Ron Bristow

Studio Sound
Scott Talbott

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Peter Wragg
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