A E I O U: A Quick Alphabet of Love (2022)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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A E I O U: A Quick Alphabet of Love (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

Come in. Go on...

Come in. Come.

-Let's commence.

Go ahead.

Turn around.


Goodbye, Inspector.

Goodbye, Madame.

"All" begins with an "A".

Life, pain, understanding and love.

When a baby is born, the mother cries
"Ah", then the child follows.

We say "Ah" when we understand,

and when we're overcome by lust.

"A" is the sound
that's impossible to stop.

The "A" has always been there,

ready to branch off
into a million possibilities.

But it all begins with an A.

A as in Adrian.


Are you okay?

Hello? Are you hurt?

-Can you hear us?
-He took my bag.

We'll get your money back! Come on!

Can you stand up?

Are you okay?

Help your girl,
or do you want to get rid of her?

Throw me the bag.


I'm here!

Are you okay?

Hand over the bag!

And now piss off!


-You look like a ghost!
-Do I?

One could say the same about you.

What's wrong? You're so pale.

I don't want to talk about it.

About what?

I was mugged.


So you were walking past the restaurant?

Where were you coming from?

Were you visiting Claire?

Do you have cigarettes?

Did you have a feeling
something bad would happen?

Which handbag was it?

I mean, right before it happens
there is this premonition...

or at least a strange feeling.

The whole day was shit.

Okay, let's just jump right in.

At this point, they are both
madly in love with each other.

They're excited, it's summer...

They are young and bursting with energy.

Okay, I'm ready.

Me too.

Okay, wait for the beep...



You wanted to see me.

I wanted to kiss you.

-Come, you goddess among women!

I'm sorry, but...

It all sounds a bit... stiff.

Or kind of tired.

Could you perhaps move while talking?

-Maybe that will help.

-May I?

Okay, then...

Love, passion,

and emotion, Bernhard.

Yes, yes.


-You wanted to see me?
-I wanted to kiss you.


you goddess among women.

How dare you, you old sleazebag!

He always identifies strongly
with his character.

Yes, I noticed.

But it makes him good at what he does.

Anna, I was so thrilled that you said yes.

Yeah, thanks, but that's precisely
why I don't do radio plays anymore.

I wanted to work with you for so long...

Have you ever wondered
why our profession is called "acting"?

How we actors "play" a role?

-All artists are different.

Which is why we behave in a certain way,

so we don't end up
in situations like this.


Couldn't we just go back in
and start over?

Definitely not!

You can go into the booth yourself
and let that slimeball drool all over you!

I'm not a bargirl.


Very well.

Okay, then.


She's mental. Everyone knows it.

Yes, but I couldn't find
anyone else on such short notice.

She's just not willing to give.


That's what I told her.

Does she really think I'm into grannies?


You know, Michel,
the crazy thing is I wasn't at all scared.

-I was ready to die.
-My Anna...

Claire saw it. She said
something big was about to happen.

And was he big?

She said it would change my whole life.
"Silver and gold", she said...

That'd be nice, wouldn't it?

If it happens, I swear
I'll pay the rent ten years in advance.

I'd be happy with last year's rent.

He was about your height.

He had black hair...

he wore glasses...

and a leather jacket.

I could smell it.

Great combination.

How old?

-He was really young. Practically a child.
-How much money did you have?

What was in the bag?

I'd just been to the ATM.


What? A young girl brought it back to me.
She ran after him.

-Yes, she wanted to play the hero.

Are you making all of this up?

Ask Toni. They all saw it.

-My purse is gone.
-Of course...

But my lipstick's still here.

Oh, well.

That night,
she felt fear for the first time.

The once familiar sounds in her flat
kept her from sleeping.

She imagined how easy
it would be for a burglar

to break into her flat while she slept,

and to take things
that were of no value to anyone else.

The few pieces of jewelry,
the art on the walls,

most of which was made in some bar
or addressed to her personally.

Who would buy
a framed napkin with the words,

"Sleep with me, Anna! Martin Kippenberger"
on it?

If a burglar were to break in,

the string would move
and the bells would ring.

As if the hammer were a crucifix
protecting her from vampires,

she would know how to defend herself
if the bells rang.

But they didn't.

They didn't ring that night,
nor in the ones that followed.

And yet they filled Anna's dreams.

Oh, no!


Man, it was a Miele. They last a lifetime.

We're getting older than a lifetime, Anna.

I don't know why,

but whenever a household appliance breaks,
I'm overcome by existential dread.

And it's all downhill from there.

Thank you!

Well, then, here's to the future, my dear.

And to freedom, my darling.

That night, Anna decided to do something.

-For Michel and for herself.

Ms. Móth. What a pleasure.

It's truly an honor.

You know what this is about.
I can't remember the name of the play.

It's a school theater piece.

A fantastic rehabilitation program.

He was granted 25 hours
from the youth welfare office.

-The youth welfare office?
-Yes, I help out in youth programs.

He's a foster child.

-Shall we ask him in?
-Is he already here?

Yes, he's waiting next door.

To be honest, I only came to politely
decline and to request a doctor's note.

For what?

I'm hoarse.

-Right now?


-I'm not sure I understand.

-My God, I'm an actress!
-I know.

-I'm not a teacher.
-Maybe you are!

-No, certainly not, believe me.
-Give it a try.

-And if it doesn't...
-One moment!

How do you know
that I'm even able to do it?

You're a trained speaker.
You'll figure it out.

But you have to test me first!

-You're good enough for him.

I'm not the right person
for this plan of yours.

-It's well paid.
-Talk to my agent about money.

Don't be afraid, he doesn't bite. Adrian?

Adrian didn't just have
a speech impediment,

he had a life impediment.

He was constantly in trouble
and causing problems.

The doctor said he had ADHD
and no one who loved him.

He was living with a foster family,

the third in two years.

And they were ready to send him
to a home at the Baltic Sea

since it didn't look
like he'd pass this school year either.

The smell of bird sand
and a hint of cigarillo

briefly took Anna back in time...

She recalled how he'd stood there,

occasionally tossing a seed into the cage.

Every day he sat at this table...

gazing down into the courtyard.

And still he never had any ideas.

She was relieved when he died.

Who would have thought?

She didn't even shed a tear.




Can I help you?

Móth. I'm looking for Anna Móth.

Next floor up.

Please take off your shoes.

You can hang your coat in the closet

and then go into the yellow room.

-Would you like a glass of water?

She didn't care for the script.

Why do they constantly re-interpret
and perform this musty old stuff?

We've got a lot to do.

-I know it already.
-Excuse me?

My lines. I know them already.

Yes, but once you're on stage
you'll forget.

If you know your movements
you'll remember the script.

So, for example,
I walk over here and say this,

then I pick up the glass and say that.

And before I drink, I say something else.

All we do is go on stage
and recite the script.

Sounds like a great director.
But that's not my problem.

-You're here to learn how to speak.
-I can speak.

So that people can understand you!

Do you know what a vowel is?

There are vowels and there are consonants.
Let's start with the vowels.

A vowel is a tone that's created

when the air you exhale
leaves your mouth unhindered.

Almost. "A" is a good start.

"Aha" consists of an A, an H,
and another A.

Let's deal with "A" first.

A is always there,
and A cannot be stopped.

A is, "Ah, I understand!"

A as in "Argh!", and "Ah" as in


For the H, your throat closes slightly

and the air can't escape
your mouth unhindered.

Do you understand? That is a consonant.

To produce an H, you need to strain a bit.

Can you feel it?
Put your hand on your throat.

Do it.

Not too hard, it's very gentle.

Not so much pressure.

If you like, you can try it standing up.

Good! That was good.

Okay, let's stick with A.

Where does A come from?

Yes, every vowel has a place in your body.

Try a long, drawn-out "Ahh".

Can you feel my hand?

That's where A comes from.

And now try another A.

Imagine you're sending it to my hand...



And now we'll try it with some air...

The lesson went better than expected.

Adrian really did everything
Anna asked of him.

Sometimes she praised him,
sometimes she said:

We'll need to work on that
a little bit more.

But to Adrian's ears
it all sounded hopeful.

As if he wasn't a piece of shit
with no chance.

As if he were simply a man
who met with a woman

who talked to him about letters

and placed her hands on his shoulders,

which he enjoyed.

Maybe that's why the hour flew by

and they only realized
after the second hour was up.

What time is it?


I'd suggest that we meet twice a week.

You'll have to work on it at home,
of course.


When can you come in the afternoons?

I can come whenever.

Fine, then let's say...

Tuesdays and Fridays?

-What day is today?

Is Thursday okay? Tuesdays and Thursdays?

Yes, if you prefer that.

And when is the performance again?

I'll ask...

Great, then I'll see you Thursday.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thanks very much.

Thank you.

Anna hid her cigarettes on top of
the closet so she'd smoke less.

From up there she looked down
at her kitchen, which pleased her.

When was I supposed
to be here tomorrow again?

At four.

I'll see you tomorrow at four, Adrian.

To make soup, that's all you need.

To make soup, that's all you need.

That's all you need.

That's all you need.

There's a comma in that sentence.

Soup, comma, that's all you need.

When there's a comma,
you'll pause for a moment.

-That's all you nee...

"Nee-d!" Let me hear the D, please.

...soup, comma, that's all that you need.

I'm hungry.

For soup, I mean.

What soup?

The one from yesterday.

How do you know it was soup?

So, can I?

If you're so great, why don't you
sh**t any movies with Tarantino?

...we recorded it lying in a coffin,

like Sarah Bernhardt
would have possibly done it,

with the rustling of silk, a dull sound...

-Is that you? That's you!

But what do you do
when you're not working?

In your free time?

I relax.

What do you do? Read a book, take a nap?

No, I enjoy being active. I do sports.

-What type?
-What do you mean?

Well, gymnastics, golf...

No, I like skiing.
I go skiing in winter, and in summer too.

Oh, really? On one leg, and all that?

No, I have two.

Yes. Just by chance,
we have a few photos of them.


-You're pretty fit.
-How unpleasant.

I think it's great
how fit you look for your age.

You're the same age as me, right?

For a woman, I mean. No, what I meant was...

There aren't many women of your age
who are that fit.

You're in really good shape.

-As the photos show.
-Now you probably...

...expect me to thank you!

-"You're welcome."
-You're welcome.

You think you just made me
a compliment, right?

Well, he did. And so did I.
Honestly, you look great.

But I'm sitting here.

The body in that photo
is sitting right here.

-You understand?
-Yes, but--

No, it's bad enough
that two men whom I don't know

start judging my body in front of me,

live on camera,
as if I were not even here.

As if my body were a mere object.

You go on about how my body pleases you
in spite of my age...

But we do like it! And that's wonderful.

-Yes, but I didn't ask for your opinion.

I didn't come here to discuss my body.

I came to discuss my profession.

After that, we can discuss
my views on life...

-He was just trying to be nice.
-But it wasn't nice.

-I think it was a misunderstanding.
-No, it wasn't.

It was intentional and it is humiliating.

None of your male guests
have had to discuss their bodies.

Don't worry, they won't show
any half-naked pictures of you.

-No one would want to see that!
-Oh, goodness!

But Ms. Móth, why can't you be happy
when a man compliments you?

Because it wasn't a compliment.
It was an attempt to humiliate me.

When a man I don't know tells me

he likes my body despite my age,
although he's pretty much my age himself,

and whether this
no longer young female body

could give him an erection...

That's not a compliment, it's an attempt

to degrade me within seconds
from an acclaimed actor to a sex worker.

That's absurd!

It's absurd that no one else sees it.

Ms. Móth, with all due respect,
let me guarantee you one thing:

I have no desire to sleep with you.

You could never sleep with me.

You know full well that men like you
need to pay women for it,

marry them or go to a brothel.

Men like you could never
get a woman like me.


Even if I was 150...

...with a ten-foot pole.

Do you smoke?

Would it bother you
if I smoke while you eat?

I always hide them up there
so I don't smoke too much.

Now you.

I look at it. I see it before me.

And, as if I were drawing a bow,

I breathe in, purse my lips,
steady myself,


If someone could see me now!

The game is called "Focus, Aim, sh**t".

And it doesn't only work with letters.

-Very good!

Very good, Adrian! Just like that.

Excellent! Now hold that pose,

and you three go towards him.

Girls, go towards him, please.
You can go a bit faster.

Walk around him, look at him. Good.

Maintain the tension like that.

And now continue speaking.

Wait until the day is done,
wait until the sun sets.

Until the memory fade... fades

of what brought you here.

Very good, it's not as easy
with the girls around you, I get that.

Erkan, don't fall asleep.

And you guys, hold up your signs.




Close the door, please.

And now sit down, please.

Wait for it...

How late do you think it is?

Excuse me, do you have the time, please?

Could you maybe tell me what time it is?

Do you have any idea how much time
has passed since we got here?

They spoke of time.

He tried them all out,

all the myriad voices of people
from various places and of all ages.

He asked her why it was so important
for her to be aware of time.

She reminded him
that she was older than him,

and probably didn't have
as much time left.

But he interrupted her and said
he wasn't getting any younger either.

And who knows, altogether, his life would

certainly be shorter than hers.

And measured by the actual distance
from start to finish,

he could already be older than her.

I'm older than you!

He was a genius.

-Could be.
-I see what you mean.

But outside,
the world suddenly looked different.

They had no idea where to go.

They couldn't even walk side by side.

Thank you.

-What would you like to do today?
-And you?

-I asked first!

Come on, tell me.
I'd like to do what you'd like to do.

Tell me what you'd like to do,
and that's what I'd like to do.

They couldn't figure out
who to be for each other.

They didn't want to lie,
but they didn't know what the truth was.

There were no stories
that they could compare their own with.

And isn't a love story always about that?

We identify with it,
we re-enact it and we enjoy feeling

that we are just like everyone else.

But they were not like everyone else.

Almonds? You think they'd eat them?

If not, I'll eat them.

Oh! Capri-Sun!


We need it.

Oh, that's lovely!

Oh, that one's lovely too!

You can only have it
if you throw out the old one.

Throw that one out
and use this one from now on.

I didn't even realize you bought it.

You won't get it
unless the old one disappears.

You're right. It has long lost its charm.

Old bags suit younger girls better.


Make me a coffee, would you?

Where is he?

I can't hear you, come here.

Where is he?

What happened?

He was hanging there.

I came home and he was hanging there.

He hung himself.

Beat it!

Get out!

I'm here now.

You don't do that... That's mean.

It's okay, it's over now.

He's gone.

I want you to go, please.


Up here!

I'm waiting down here.

-I've been here all the time.
-I see.

Now come up please, I don't have all day.

-Excuse me.

Excuse me. I thought that...

-I thought that...



Would you like some water?

-Or some cocoa?

-Hot or cold?

It sounds strange, but I thought...

I thought you weren't there.

That maybe you'd gone,
or you'd never been there. I...

I thought...

I thought that maybe
none of this is really here.

That I imagined it all,

because it's exactly the way
I wish it was.

Let's not waste
any more time and get to work.

Yes, yes, yes.

The script is stupid,

but you do it really well.

I listen to you,

I understand what you say
and what you mean...

-Sure, you mumble a bit...
-Some people mumble.

Yes, but I can still understand you.

And more importantly, you're believable.

Do you think they will laugh at me?


Because I look strange?

-You look completely normal.

And my clothes? Are they okay too? Normal?

Yes, but if you want to wear
something else,

-I can give you one of Edgar's suits.
-No, thank you.

I'm very pleased.

You've made great progress.

I think so too. I'm ready.



Now for the closing monologue.

Since you're all familiar with it

I thought I'd just skip it.


There's nothing in it
that's relevant today.

He doesn't want you to get upset,
but you aren't anyway.

And you'll know it's over
when the curtain falls.

We're honored that you came, Ms. Móth.

Excuse me?

That wasn't the ending we'd planned.

I hope you enjoyed the play.

Yes, it was fabulous.

We thought he was great.

I just don't quite understand him.

Come on up!

Ah, I have to...

-Are you going away?

This summer, I mean.

No, I'm staying here for now.

-Then I won't bother you further.
-You're not bothering me.





You don't have to bring me things
just to be able to come by.

What happened to your face?

Today was a shit day.

Until now.

Will you put it on? Just for me?

Can't you find a girlfriend your own age?


Do you want to carry on?

With Adrian?


or with that doctor.

How was his school report?

No idea.

I mean, did he make it?

He was fantastic. You saw that yourself.

I meant at school.
Did he move up to the next grade?

I don't know.

He never tells me
about anything like that.

Then ask him!


Yes, I'll do that. Yes...

Yes, thank you, darling.

Excuse me! Where is everybody?

On holiday... since last Friday.

-In fish?

No, you know that part under the bones,

that slime.

Hello, Adrian, here you are!

How are you?


So you didn't manage to pass?

What a pity.

What are your plans now?

I'm leaving.

What do you mean, leaving?

I'm going to Binz. To do my exams.

But why in God's name
would you go to Binz?

There's a juvenile home with a school.

Well, okay.

Unlucky, huh?

Wow, bro...

I know you too.

-I'm Anna Móth.
-I'm Benni.

Why are you here?

I never promised
it would work out for you.

I don't think people
should make promises at all.

All that nonsense of:
"You can make it if you really want it!"

And you guys know that.

But since every image,
every book and movie

tells you boys that the world is yours,
you think it is.

And then you fail and you're disappointed,
as if Santa didn't bring you any presents.

You feel sorry for each other,
drown your sorrows and destroy something.

Or you take it out
on a defenseless stranger.

But no matter what you do,
you can't help wondering

what happened to the promise
that the world belongs to you.

But the answer is simple: It doesn't.

Not everyone can make it.
There's not enough room for all of you.

The ones from the good homes,
with books on the shelves

and good food to eat, they'll make it...

But for you guys, it'll be tough.

Really tough.

People need to stop telling you that crap.

It's not enough to be a young man
who makes an effort.

Didn't work out? So what? Move on.

f*ck off.

Screw that stupid school.

"Well done!" What does that even mean?
Let other people do well...

You were a star.




Go home, Adrian.



Don't leave me alone.



Anna, I'm really sorry.

Don't apologize to me.

For anything.




Very cool.

A car!

It's red.

A red car.

What's that?


The sea!


Look, there's the casino!

May I?

Now you can see
what's going on in the world.

Like a rainbow...

made of money.

Don't you want to see me?

Do you think I'm ridiculous?

Do I stink or taste weird?


Where did you get that idea?

I have money, too. So what is it?

It's me.

You're perfect.

Kiss me.

Do it.

She can't reject him any longer.

They can't resist each other.

They are out of breath, tender,

and wild.

As day breaks outside
and Anna comes, she cries.

Adrian kisses away all her tears,
and doesn't stop moving.

The flowers on the wallpaper,

which had seemed absurd to others
in a similar situation,

move towards and then away from them.

And when the most wonderful "A"
erupted from deep within their chests,

first bouncing off the wall
and then fracturing

into a thousand glittering flashes
on the lovers' skins,

they both come.

First Anna, then Adrian...

The way it should be.

Is that guy crazy?

Fifth floor.

Hey, those are my diamonds!

What's going on?

Pick them up nowt!

-What's going on?
-Look at that!

Why is everything on the ground?

What are you talking about?

Why is this such a mess?

Did you say something?


You look really nice.

Can we do this more often?

I mean, always?

I'd never have to jerk off again.

I'd run out of fantasies anyway.

I've wanked my way through all the pics...

I always get bored too.

Then you have to laugh.

-Or cry.
-Then you start all over.

-But now...
-...everything is fine.

If they won't let you in, I won't go.

-Nonsense! You go in.

I'll wait for you here.

And what if I lose?

You'll win.

No more bets, please.

Fourteen, red.

For you, madam.

That's very kind of you, sir.

Good luck.

Place your bets.

No more bets, please.

Six, black, even.

Place your bets, please!

You're under arrest.

No more bets, please.


-What's a "soft spot"?
-A weakness.

-Send someone to the Palace, please!
-Right away.

Get hold of all the casino CCTV footage!

-Michel, my dear...

-I'm on the Côte d'Azur.

I've been arrested in the casino.
I'm calling from the police station.

We just arrived.

-Stay there. Watch the building.

Okay, that's Captain Ahab...

Oh, the little man. Let's go, madam.

As always, leave the beach.

It's time, madam.

Let's go!

How many are there?

It's time, sir.

Get moving, as always.

-Look at that one.
-Oh, shit.

-I'll wake him up.

Let's go, sir. Police.

Wake up!

-Get moving!

Police. Get up!

Leave the beach.

Do you have a passport? Any ID?
No? Let's go!

Thank you.

Look straight.

Hold up the letters.


Stay seated! Stay in your seats.

Stay right there.

I'll see what's going on.

Everything's alright.

Stay on the tracks, please!

Madame, what's going on?

May I help you with your...?

Come along.

Keep going, Madame.

Everything is going to be alright.

Don't worry.

City Hotel Strasbourg, hello?

Excuse me, my window...

In French, please, madame.

Is it possible

to open my window?

The windows are locked, madame.

Madame, we don't speak English.

I'm not sure

if you understand me correctly.

For security reasons, the windows
on the upper floors are locked.



I'll be downstairs if you need me.

My dear, I'll never forget this.

Don't worry, I'll remind you.

If you get hungry, just come down.

Then you can tell me everything.
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