01x24 - Fear of Victory

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Batman: The Animated Series". Aired: September 5, 1992 – September 15, 1995.*
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Based on the DC comics, The Dark Knight battles crime in Gotham City with occasional help from Robin and Batgirl.
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01x24 - Fear of Victory

Post by bunniefuu »




Gotham State's Brian Rogers!

He's a one-man offense.


A repeat performance this weekend
against that tough Tech team,

all but guarantees Rogers
a big-buck Pro contract.

Sounds like it's off to the Pros
for you, roommate.

Maybe. But he's right.

The scouts will be watching me
real close against Tech.

Ah, no sweat. You'll dazzle them.

I hope so.

Making the Pros
means I can help out my folks.

Maybe even put my sister
through college.

Time for Boseman's Bloopers,

and boy, they were coming
off the walls this week.

Heavily favored middleweight champ,
Rudy Lovell, set two new records.

One for the shortest fight in history,

the other for the 50-yard dash.

Goalie, Rick Gale, came up
with a novel way to defend his goal.

Rather unorthodox,
wouldn't you say, Rick? But effective.

And here's top seed Chris Adams,

making it look like
she's in the wrong racket.

Seriously, though,
this was mighty puzzling behavior

from some of our finest athletes.

I'll say.


Telegram for Brian Rogers.

- Uh, here you go.
- Good evening, gentlemen.

This is weird.

Let me see.

"Dear Brian, best of luck against Tech.

"And remember
that only a fool knows no fear.

"I'm betting on it. A fan."

As I said...

- Weird.
- Weird.


Hike! Hike!



BOSEMAN: Yet another bad pass by Rogers.

Brian Rogers is having the worst day
of his collegiate career.

Come on, Brian, get it together.


Uh, all right. All right.
Let's try a run.

Off tackle.

On third and 25, we need to pass!

Yeah, okay, okay.

Yeah, yeah, sure, pass.

Are you okay, man?

Yeah, yeah. No... No problem.

The ball is snapped.
Rogers is going back.


Ah! No!

Don't hurt me!

- Don't hurt me!




They were so big and scary.

I couldn't...

It's gonna be all right, son.

We're gonna take you
to the infirmary for observation.

ROBIN: It was unbelievable, Batman.

The guy totally freaked,
right there on the field.

Brian Rogers. The Rock.

He was under a lot of pressure, Robin.

- You can never tell when--

Uh-oh. Time to punch in.

Oh, no. Not him!

Come on. This way!






He don't stop.

That's because
he don't know when to quit!


Robin, give me a hand.


I can't.

Hey, Batman, catch this!





Oh, my!


Ch, rny'

Hey, boy blunder, what's the matter?
Bat got your tongue?


This will take care of bird boy.

All right, Robin.

Pull yourself together.


I don't know what happened to me.

I was scared to death.

I couldn't even think.

It was so unreal.

It's too strange,
that both you and your roommate

would have panic att*cks
on the same day.

I still can't believe it!

I could've gotten you k*lled!

Calm down.

We'll get a lead on it.

Did you see this?

The screwy telegram?


Hey, what's this?

Our lead.


BATMAN: Take it easy, fella.

I suspect the chemical is absorbed
through the skin.



- Nothing's happening.
- Yet.




Just as I thought.


BATMAN: The fear chemical
is activated by adrenaline.

So whenever you or Brian
or any of the other athletes

got agitated...

The stuff kicks in,
turning our excitement to fear.

But how long is this gonna last?

I'm afraid there's only one person
who can answer that.

The professor of fear himself.

The Scarecrow.

It can't be. He's locked up in Arkham.

Isn't he?


This is for Jonathan Crane.

I sot it!

Hey, corn on the cob.

A scarecrow's gotta love that.

BATMAN: Has Professor Crane
lost his appetite?

You're not supposed to be here.

But the Scarecrow is.


What do you mean?

He's in his cell.

I'd like to make sure of that.

Take my word.
I just saw him five minutes ago.

Then you won't mind
if I pay him a visit.


No, you can't do that!

It's against the rules! You can't!

Stay with him, Robin.

Fine with me.

The cowl is familiar,

but I'm blanking on the face.


No! Don't go in! Don't do it! No!

- Don't!
- Wait.


BATMAN: Professor Crane?


$27,800, $27,900, $28,000.

It's a pleasure doing business.

You've been winning
a lot here, Mr., uh...

You may call me Lucky.

Yeah? Well, Lucky,

that's what you must be,
because I ain't seen you lose.

Not even once over the last week.

Yes, well,

I make my own luck.

That Lucky knows something,

and I wanna know it, too.

Be persuasive.



You have that bewildered look,

but your sort always does.

I ain't lost. I'm looking for you.

I wanna know
how come you always win, Mr. Lucky.

It's quite simple, actually.

I fix the games.

You can't fix all those sports.
Nobody can.

0 ye of little brain,
allow me to illustrate.

Here. You can read, can't you?


Hey, is this some kind of joke?

It's no joke, I assure you.

It's the fear of victory
and the agony of...

The Scarecrow!


So, now you understand step one
in how I fix an athletic contest.

I shall proceed to step two.

No! No! Get away!


He's gonna get me. He's gonna get me.
He's gonna get me!

That's how we found him.
Scared as a rat at a cat convention.

I've never seen anything like it.

BATMAN: You haven't been watching
the sports channel.


Oh, you mean those athletes?

- What's that got to do with...
- Put two and two together, Commissioner.

That goon in there
works for Leon the bookie.

And word has it,

he's been taking it on the chin lately.

You're telling me
that that walking pile of straw

scares the stuffing out of sports stars,

and then bets against their teams?


A perfect way to scare up
some quick cash for his sick schemes.

Steady, d*ck.

You can do it.


I'm not afraid!

I'm not afraid!

I'm not... No!


I learned to walk on a high wire.

Now I can't stand
on a step stool without freaking.


I'm no good to you anymore.

BATMAN: Easy, d*ck.
It's bound to wear off.

But, in the meantime,
you've got to fight it.

Regain control.

Come on.

ROBIN: Where?

BATMAN: I thought we'd
catch a game tonight.

The Gotham Knights are favored 4-1,
thanks to their quarterback, Mitch Nole.

ROBIN: You think he's
gonna get a telegram?

I'd say it's a good bet.

(SIGHS) I don't know.

I'll only get in the way.

You can be my extra set of eyes. Get in.

I'll drive real slow.

Okay, Robin.

Get it together.

Telegram for Mitch Nole. Oh!

What? What's wrong?
All I did was double-park!

I'll move it! I swear!



All right, Scarecrow.

What's your game plan this time?




BOSEMAN: Mitch Nole is
ripping the Colonials apart!

Four hundred yards passing,
and the game's not over yet.

There's enough powder in that helmet
to panic a pachyderm!

Hut! Hut!


He should be prostrating himself,
crying for mercy!

BATMAN: Change of luck, Scarecrow?


BATMAN: You're aware
that gambling is illegal in Gotham?

I need the money, Batman.

You know the cost
of chemicals these days.

And it'll take much more than this
to bring every pathetic person in Gotham

to their knees, kissing my feet!

No closer, Batman!

Unless you want a stampede
of half-crazed humanity,

crushing and clawing each other!

ROBIN: Oh, no!

Come on, Robin. Get a grip!

Now, what guarantee do I have
you won't follow me?

You have my word, Scarecrow.

Just don't drop the vial.

Actually, Batman,
I'd prefer a little insurance

that you'll be otherwise occupied.





BOSEMAN: It's a fumble!
This could mean disaster for Gotham!

Wait! Look at that!

What a recovery!


BATMAN: Good work, Robin.

I also snagged a helmet
that had some of this in it.

Looks like you've got a handle
on your problem.

Yeah. I'm getting there.

COMMENTATOR". The Gotham Knights
wasted no time signing Brian Rogers,

making our local champ
their first-round draft pick.

Looks like your friend
is back on track again.

Yeah, I can't wait to congratulate him.

You can always send a telegram.

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