01x19 - Brown History Month

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Cleveland Show". Aired: September 27, 2009 – May 19, 2013.*
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The adventures of the Family Guy neighbor and former deli owner, Cleveland Brown.
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01x19 - Brown History Month

Post by bunniefuu »

Twelve. Eleven. Ten.

Hurry, Junior.

- Wake up. Wake up.
- Aah!

- Four, three, two, one.
- Four, three, two, one.

- Happy Black History Month. Yay!
- Happy Black History Month. Yay!

This is why you woke us up?

It took me four Budweisers
to get to sleep.

You've been pre-partying?

Black history


- Black history
- Month

What's happening? Is this real life?

Is this gonna be forever?

- For we're a jolly good race
- For we're a jolly good race

- For we're a jolly good race
- For we're a jolly good race

- For we're a jolly good race
- For we're a jolly good race

So how many beers had you had
when you agreed to marry him?


My name is Cleveland Brown
And I am proud to be

Right back in my hometown
With my new family

There's old friends and new friends
And even a bear

Through good times and bad times
It's true love we share

And so I found a place
Where everyone will know

My happy mustache face
This is The Cleveland Show

I float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

I am the greatest.

Thank you, Dylan.

Well, I think it's obvious that Dylan
would make the best Muhammad Ali...

...on our float in the Unity Parade.

Obama's in the house, y'all.
Stimulus package.

Shut up, Biden. Give me a cigarette.
Ha, ha!

Oh, Rallo, I'm so sorry...

...but I already promised Hot Wheels
he could play President Obama.

I'm more Barack than you'll ever be.
And more Michelle than you'll ever get.

Ooh-ooh! The audacity of Hot Wheels.

In the spirit of President Obama...

...I'm gonna accept that with a calm,
almost medicated equanimity.

I'll go ahead and be
one of the other black presidents.

Actually, I wanna be the first
black president. Who was it?

Rallo, Barack Hussein Obama
is the first black president.

- What? Washington wasn't black?
- No.

- Jefferson?
- No.

If Rutherford B. Hayes wasn't a brother,
I don't know what's up.

Well, who were all the black people
voting for back then?

For a long time,
they weren't allowed to vote, Rallo.

They were slaves.


Do people know about this?

This is an inexcusable outrage.

I want every black person to listen up.

And that means everyone.

I want you to rise up and find the nearest
white-owned home or business and burn...

Junior, would you like the honor
of flipping the switch?

- There he is. What do you think, Donna?

I think black history
is American history...

...and shouldn't be celebrated
just one month a year.

I also think I don't want my house
looking like Lionel Jefferson.

Why didn't anybody tell me
about the travesties...

...our people have been subjected to?

sl*very, couldn't vote, Condoleezza Rice.

What else don't I know?

A man plants his seed in a woman.

Man. Growing up today.

Our people are making strides.

The Aunt Jemima label
is less r*cist than in days past.

- Are you kidding me?
- What? I like it on my buttery pancakes.

- What?
- Ooh! I could go for some pancakes.

Did somebody say pancakes?

Man, you're a fat sellout.
What did I expect from you?

You let your stepdaughter
date a white boy.

You let your son date a white boy.

Ha-ha-ha. That's impossible.

Me and Ernie are both boys.
That doesn't make any sense.

You work for a white guy.

You ride around all day in a truck
with a white guy.

- You drink with white guys.
- And a bear.

- A black bear?
- His father was a black bear.

His mother, a kangaroo.
So call him what you will.

Well, your boy Lester's
definitely a straight-up r*cist.

Look at that.

The flag? Oh, he's just expressing his rich
cultural tradition of dumb-assedness.

Mrs. Lowenstein told me
what that flag means.

You're pathetic
for being friends with him.

You're worse
than Uncle Thomas the t*nk Engine.

I reckon I'll take you
where these here tracks go, sir.

Thank you, Uncle Thomas.
You're a clean, articulate train.

Just get your white ass onboard.

What's that, Thomas?

Uh... Uh... Choo-choo!

Where you going? Sellout convention?

I am going to see my friends, Rallo.

Oh, including Lester the r*cist?

Why don't you ask him what he thinks
about Seal and Heidi Klum?

The artist who sang "Kiss From A Rose"
from Batman Forever...

...and the supermodel
I think about during self-exploration?

Black History Month.

Where's our White History Month?

Where's our White Panthers?

Where's the White & Decker
cordless sander?

You don't have an answer to that,
do you?

Lester, how do you feel
about Seal and Heidi Klum?

I'm glad you asked, Cleveland.

I don't think a man with his skin
should be with a woman like that.

When you say his skin,
do you mean color or texture?

I don't think I like your tone, Cleveland.

When you say my tone...

...do you mean the tone of my voice
or the tone of my skin?

I'm too drunk to fully understand
what you asked, but you're pissing me off.

You and that black mustache of yours.

How dare you judge me
by the color of my mustache.

Take this, you h*nky cr*cker.

This is for not letting us
have more offensive racial slurs...

...than h*nky and cr*cker.

Someone clean up the trash.

Wait, wait, wait.
Someone clean up the white trash.

Yeah, that's better.

Look, I didn't wanna hit him.

But I couldn't let him get away with it,

Well, all right, old man.
Finally taking the fight to whitey himself.

I didn't know you had it in you.

No, Rallo.
I shouldn't have resorted to v*olence.

v*olence is never the answer...

...unless the question is,
"What is never the answer?"

- Cleveland Brown?
- That's me.

We are investigating a racial incident which
took place at the Broken Stool last night.

Oh, Lester didn't mean anything
by that mess.

I'm afraid that's not why we're here,
Mr. Brown.

According to multiple eyewitnesses, you
were seen assaulting Mr. Lester Krinklesac.

- What?
- Apparently...

...you also referred
to Mr. Krinklesac as a...

Ma'am, you may wanna cover
your child's ears for this.

A h*nky and a cr*cker.

You make me sick.

You're under arrest.

- For what?
- Hate crime.

A hate cri...? What?

I'm gonna call my lawyer.

Cleveland Brown for Len Stein.

He's not?
He's sitting shiva for his dead aunt?

He'll be out for two weeks?

You tell that bagel muncher
he's a dead man.

You hear me? A dead ma...

I'm sorry for his loss.

You watch.
He's still gonna charge me for that call.

Mm. Check out my man,
all smooth and sexy-Iooking...

...like Blair Underwood going to court
in L.A. Law.

Or Denzel in Philadelphia.

But the point is,
how dare Lester accuse me of a hate crime?

That's like the Twilight movies
lining up to see a bunch of fat girls.

It's all backwards.

You're a hero, old man.

You wouldn't believe how many
white college kids bought these T-shirts.

Let me see that.
Hanes Beefy-Ts. How much?

- Twenty dollars.
- All right.

Give me two for 35.
I wanna get one for my wife.

- Yeah. I'll give you two for 35.
- You got a woman's large?

Look. There's Lester now.

Jeez, Lester. Overact much?

- That's verbal as*ault. Verbal as*ault.
- Witness.

Hi, Ernie.
You want a bite of my candy necklace?

Do I?

You're coming with me.

You keep your weird son away
from my weird son.

So I think you'll find, Your Honor,
that like most hate crimes...

...this was nothing
but a big misunderstanding.


You know what? It's such a nice day.
Why don't we have court outside?

He's the coolest judge.

Your Excellency...

Oh... Oop... Hang on. I felt a drop.

- You feel that, Tony?
- Yeah.

Yeah. Me too.

And I can't eat. I can't sleep.
I live in constant fear.

Plus, with my sprained finger,
I can't fiddle or whittle.

I mean, this guy messed me up bad.

- My teeth used to be straight.
- That's an outright lie.

So now all white people are liars?

No, just you.

And George W. Bush.

There, I said it.

Do with me what you will.

Order in the court. Order in the...
Oh, bah, bummer.

- Left my gavel outside.
- Nope, got it right here.

Cheers, man.
Anyway, listen. I've heard enough.

So I know you dudes are all:

"Okay, Judge Dave. What is the sentence?"

All right. All right. Get this.

I sentence you both to build a float together
for the Stoolbend Unity Parade.

- What?
- What?

Classic Judge Dave.
He really thinks outside the box.

Like the editors of TIME magazine.

We could do a story on computers.

- What?
- Computers.

So, uh, this is fun. The two musketeers.

Who says we need Lester and Cleveland
to have a good time?

I wish Cleveland and Lester
would kiss and make out already.

I once tried to kiss Josh Lucas.

Punched me. Told him I was doing a bit.
Didn't believe me.

Told him he was more handsome
than a young Paul Newman. He kissed me.

Weird night. Never doing shrooms again.
Turns out it wasn't Josh Lucas.

Yeah, okay.

Ah, dawg. Liquid ice.

What? Roberta, why can't you
just date a black guy?

Do I look white or Asian?

Yo, sis,
you gotta be more like Cleveland.

He's the real deal.
He knows how to stand up to the man.

By doing arts and crafts with him?

What? People are crazy.
We need some racial justice around here.

I guess if a man wants to see
any real change in this world...

...he has to take it upon himself to...
- Rallo, you're blocking the TV.

In honor of Black History Month...

... tonight's episode of Flavor of Love...

... will be shown
without commercial interruption.

I'm gonna take that flag down
by any means necessary.

Our people have come too far.

Yeah, boy.

Rallo, you're gonna miss your bus.
Don't wanna be late for the Unity Parade.

Yeah, yeah, whatever.
Let's get this thing over with.

Look, Cleveland.
Let's just get through this...

...and we never have to talk
to each other again.

Fine. Soon I will only stare down at you
eerily from my attic window.

Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.


Oh, my lord.

I think I crushed another dog.


Help. Somebody help.

Dang, you're a lot of lady.

Is that you, Jesus?

No. It's me, Rallo.

Don't rob us.

We ain't got no cash.

That bagel muncher Len Stein got us all
tied up in mortgage-backed securities.

What? I'm not a thief.
I'm just here to steal your flag.

Now, get off me.

I can't move!

My Rascal is my legs.

And my arms.

- And too often, my toilet.
- Agh.

Oh, Princess. Thank God.
Bring mama the phone.

Bring it to mama.

Stupid possum.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Welcome, minorities,
to the 2010 Stoolbend Unity Parade.

The parade has been
a Stoolbend tradition...

...since Virginia became the last state
in the nation...

...to officially abolish sl*very
earlier this year.

Hey, Gilbert Grape's mom.

- Yeah?
- I'm hungry.

Me too.

If you was on death row,
what would your last meal be?

Oh, what? I'm gonna end up
on death row because I'm black?

No. I said it because my Peepaw
was on death row...

...and his last meal
was 77 mozzarella sticks.

He never made it to the chair.

Massive coronary.

But that was Peepaw.

Popcorn shrimp.

- What now?
- That'd be my last meal. Popcorn shrimp.

Ooh. I love popcorn skrimps.

Getting hard to find these days though.

If they close down one more Red Lobster,
I'm gonna have to k*ll somebody.

- And then you'd end up on death row.
- Like your peepaw.

- And then you could order popcorn skrimp.
- Popcorn shrimp.

I gotta say, Miss Krinklesac,
I misjudged you.

You may be a backwoods redneck cr*cker,
but you're all right.

And, Rallo, I take back
what I said about Katrina.


- What's that?
- Oh, no.

It's my diabetes buzzer.

I need sugar or I'll go into a coma
and you'll be crushed.

- What do you mean?
- I've been arching my back...

...to keep some of my weight off you,
but I'm starting to get weary.

Oh, no. I hope they just say I died
under a woman and leave it at that.

And here we have our third
court-ordered float, Working Together.

Featuring the duo behind Stoolbend's
most recent hate crime...

...Cleveland Brown and Lester Krinklesac.

And look who they've got on the float.

It's Robert Parish and Larry Bird.

Flashing back to the '90s...

...there's Dave Matthews
and his weird violinist guy.

And Madonna and Barbaro.

Just another quarter mile
and I don't have to be tolerant ever again.

The Chief. You're burning the Chief.
You did that on purpose. Aah!

You bastard.
Without that mustache, he's hideous.

Mrs. Tubbs, what are you doing here?

I thought Rallo was missing school
to tend to your bad sore throat...

...which makes you sound exactly like Rallo
on the phone.

What? Rallo never came to school today?

- Where is he?
- Mm-mm.

Don't worry, Rallo. Mama's on her way.

As a mother, this is not even
the most stressful thing I've done today.

Oh, the darkness is closing in.

I'm coming, Peepaw.

I'm coming, Dale Sr.

No. Don't you die on me, Mrs. K.

Stay with me and I'll make sure
we get that popcorn shrimp.

- With side orders?
- You bet.

Cheese biscuits,
onion rings, hush puppies.

Oh, hush puppies.
You're getting me all hot and juicy.

- What?
- You're making me sweat.

Oh, man. You're not kidding.
Wait a minute.

If you keep sweating like this,
I can probably slide myself out.

Well, then keep naming sides.

Macaroni and cheese,
bread, baked potatoes.

Describe them.

They're huge and fluffy...

...and covered in butter and cheese.
- Oh, yeah.

And bacon bits and sour cream
and ice cream and Pop-Tarts and Fun Dip.

- Are you close?
- Yes. Faster.

Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms...

...marshmallows, maple syrup,

...beef, cookie dough, jar of lard,
Cheez-Its, Funyuns.

What do they call those
fried jalape?o cheese things?


Oh, my God. Rallo.


What did you do to her, you little rascal?

Which one of the Little Rascals?

- I think you know.
- Lester, stop.

- He saved my life.
- He what?

If it wasn't for Rallo, I'd be dead.

But thanks to him,
the doctor says I'm gonna be perfectly fine.

I definitely did not say that.

Your wife has severe type 2 diabetes...

...and cholesterol that cannot be measured
by current science.

Your boy saved my Kendra.

You know, uh,
maybe you're not so bad after all.

I accept your apology.

- I didn't apologize.
- You don't have to.

And neither do I. It's just who we are.

I'm probably gonna keep saying dumb crap
because I don't know any better.

And I'll be here to fly off the handle
and slap you around when you do.

- Friends again?
- Course we are.

Oh, and it would mean a lot to Rallo
if you took down that Confederate flag.

Confederate flag? What's that?

That there's my Dukes of Hazzard flag
signed by Rosco P. Coltrane himself.

You don't know what the Confederate flag
stands for, do you?

- No.
- Do you know what KKK stands for?

- Kendra Krystal Krinklesac.
- Huh?

Maybe they should have
a White History Month.

Stay tuned for an all-new,
all-white Family Guy.
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