01x04 - Run in the Afterlife, Son Goku! The Million Kilometer Serpent Road!" / "Run in the Afterlife, Goku! The One Mill

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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01x04 - Run in the Afterlife, Son Goku! The Million Kilometer Serpent Road!" / "Run in the Afterlife, Goku! The One Mill

Post by bunniefuu »

Piccolo and Goku finally defeat Raditz.

However, the peril to Earth was just beginning.

Goku's sacrifice weighed heavily

on Kuririn and the others he left behind.


Dokkan Dokkan tsuite'ru

Dokkan Dokkan paradise

Genki dama ga hajiketobu ze

Go Go Let's do it

Ugomeku ayashii enajii

yousha wa shinai ze mite'ro yo

Inochi ni kaete mo mamoru yo

Ai suru yuuki wo tsuyosa ni kaero

Yarinuku kiai de pinchi wo koete'ku

Tegowai yatsu hodo wakuwaku mo dekkai ze

Dokkan Dokkan tsuite'ru

Dokkan Dokkan chansu sa

Rakkii no kaze ni byunbyun notte

Dokkan Dokkan tsuite'ru

Dokkan Dokkan ashita mo

kotae wo mou tamashii wa shitte'ru no sa

Dragon Soul!

"Run in the Next World, Son Goku!
The Million-Kilo-Long Serpentine Road."

I'll bet that right now,

Goku-san and the others are havin'
a fun time at the Kame House.

I wonder if Gohan's fittin' in with them okay.

Then again, he'll be fine.

He's a well-behaved boy.

I wish I would've gone.



Chichi, where's Gohan-chan? Hey, Gohan-chan!

I brought you a whole heap of presents!





--Hey, Goku!

Son-kun, don't die!

Goku! Goku!

He disappeared!

I get it. This is Kami's doing.

He's about the only one who
could do something like this.

The bastard has another
one of his worthless ideas.

I wonder what he intends to do.

Hmm... T-Then again, if it's
Kami-sama, I suppose we can relax.

Whatever the case, we have to
gather the other six Dragon Balls

and bring Goku back to life right away.

Man! At a critical time like this,

where could Yamucha and
the others have gone off to?!

You're the one who drove him off, aren't you?

You know, I wonder how Son-kun's
brother knew where he was so easily.

It's that strange device
he is wearing on his face.

Apparently, it can tell an
opponent's strength and location.


Right, right, right...

That's it, there. Kuririn, grab it for me, okay?

Eh? Uh, o-okay.

He's not going to come back
to life or anything, right?

Let's see, this goes like that...

This gizmo is amazing.

It's a little damaged, but I think
I can do something with it.

You're incredible, Bulma-san.

Once I take this back,
study it, and refurbish it,

we might be able to locate
Yamucha, Tenshinhan and the others.

Well, in any case, let's get
back to the Kame House.

Right. There's nothing
more we can do here, huh?

Okay then, afterward,

I'll start looking for the
Dragon Balls, right away.

Piccolo, what do you intend to do--

Just like a lizard's tail...

You guys look for the Dragon Balls.

Kami doesn't have the power to
bring people back to life himself.

But I will be taking charge
of Son Goku's son there.

W-What are you going to do?

That Gohan kid could become a powerful force,

depending on how he is trained.

If we're going to prevail
against the two Saiyans

who will be coming in one year,
we're going to need his strength.

In order for that to happen,
I'm going to have to train him.

You can't be serious.

I'm not sure that's going to go over well...

Mm-hmm, we'll have to ask Goku,
and the boy's mother, Chichi, first.

We can't afford the time!

Don't give me any trouble,
or I'll k*ll you, and then take him!

Once a year is up, I'll come to
your house, together with the kid.

Once you bring Son Goku back to life,

tell him he can look
forward to seeing him then.

I don't know... I don't know about this...

He's gonna die! if he's lucky,
he'll just turn out delinquent!

With that in mind, he has arrived here

in flesh-and-blood form,
wishing to be allowed to train.

Please, Great King Yama,

I humbly ask that you permit
this man to call upon Kaio-sama.

Son Goku, huh? indeed,
your marks are outstanding.

You're saying that even
though he could go to Heaven,

he wants to risk the danger of
traversing the Serpentine Road

to see Kaio-sama, is that it?

Yes, sir.

Hey, does everyone come here once they die?

--That's right.
--Even aliens?

Mm-hmm. Everyone who is
dead comes here to be judged,

to see if they go to Heaven or Hell.

Hey, just a little before I got here,

did a guy named Raditz pop in here?

Watch it! You have to say "come through here."

Yeah, he came through here, all right.

He was your brother, right?
He was sent to Hell, naturally.

He didn't make any trouble?

Oh, he made trouble. He made
trouble, but I overpowered him.

You're pretty strong, ain't you, taking
someone as awesome as he was?

Maybe I should have pops here train me!

Shh! You're being too loud!

You shouldn't be using language
like that about Great King Yama!


Keep quiet! Kaio-sama is even stronger!

I heard that, Kami of Earth!


Once you die, maybe I
ought to send you to Hell.

P-Please forgive me!

I never imagined you
would be able to hear that!

You've got the devil's
own ears, all right! Get it?

You've no sense of humor, huh?


Very well. if you want to go that
badly, you may go to Kaio-sama.

T-Thank you very much!

I'll call over a guide for you.
Go out that way and wait.



Don't come crying to me if you
fall off of the Serpentine Road.

Well, do your best.

This whole year will be a challenge for you.

Yeah. I'm not sure what you're getting at,

but anyhow, I'm gonna go
and see this Kaio-sama guy.


Thanks! Say hi to Mister Popo for me!

I have to say, Earth has attracted
the attention of some real bad eggs.

This time around, things
could get really dangerous.

Even if we wished for
Shen Long to eliminate them,

I doubt he could prevail against
the Saiyans' tremendous power.

Even with Son Goku receiving
training from Kaio-sama,

just how far will he be able to come?

Only Goku's son can save us.

How is Piccolo going to raise Son Gohan?

And with only the limited
time we have, how exactly--

Shut up!

You're in the way! Would you leave, already?!

S-Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
I'm very sorry! Sorry! Sorry!

Thank you for waiting.

Now then, I will show you
to the serpent's head.

The Serpentine Road is quite harrowing.

Are you in good physical health?


I'm dead, so I suppose
I ain't in very good health.

Say, what's this Kaio-sama guy like?

Sir, Kaio-sama is the gentleman

that reigns over all other
deities in the universe.

Oh, yeah? I'm sure he
must be pretty strong, then.

We can't very well not say
anything to Chichi about this.

Kuririn, you go over there
and explain the situation to her.

Eh?! M-Me?!

It sounds like she's a domineering
mother, so you're dead for sure.

Sir, we have arrived.

This is the Serpentine Road?


What do I do now?

Please follow the serpent all the way down.

It leads to where Kaio-sama is.

It sure looks long.

Yes, sir. According to legend,
it is about a million kilometers long.

A million kilos?!

Has anyone ever made it to the end?

Over these last hundred million years,

I believe that Great King Yama
is the only one who has.

That older guy, huh?

But then, if there is
someone who's made it there,

maybe I'll be able to manage it, too.

Ah, please be absolutely
sure not to fall into the clouds.

Beneath the clouds is where Hell is, after all,

and you will not be able to return.

Oh, okay.

Aw, rats. I should have
packed something for lunch.

That's okay, sir.

You are already deceased,
so I doubt you will die of hunger.

Oh, yeah.


Oh, right! I have a favor to ask.


Do you know Uranai Baba?

Yes, sir. She visits here once in a while.

Thank goodness! Next time she comes here,

ask her to tell Old Man Turtle Hermit

not to bring me back to life for one year, okay?

Very good, sir.

Let's see... for one year...
to Mr. Turtle Hermit, right?

Okay, let's give this a go.

So as long as I don't fall
off the snake, I'm fine, right?

Yes. Do take care.


"Son Goku... has been k*lled.

Please accept my condolences."

That might be a bit too much of a shock...

"Er, I'm sorry to have to tell you

that Goku has passed on to his eternal rest..."

But then, he is coming back to life...

That's it! I'll go with cheerful!

"Uh, Goku is dead, but he'll be
coming back to life really soon,

so there's nothing to worry about."

Ah, Kuririn!


What are you doin',
babblin' to yourself out here?

Uh, well, er, y-you see...
a-allow me to offer...

Hey there! Long time no see!

Ah, hello! T-Thanks for saying so.

I thought you were with
Goku-sa and the others.

Ah, well, you see... t-the truth is, Goku d-d--



"D-Don't worry about me," he says!

Oh, so he's goin' to be late after all?

Yeah! Yes. Actually,
Goku won't be coming back...

You say he's not comin' back?

No! He is coming back to us very soon...

What are you sayin'?! I don't get it!

Now, now, let's not stand out here talkin'.

Come on in the house. Come on, come on.

Would you wake up already, son of Son Goku?!

We have to talk. Get out of the water.

Who are you? Father?!

Father! Where are you?!

Father! Father!

Father! I'm scared!

Lousy brat!

Don't give me any trouble!

Stop blubbering! Be quiet,
or I will snap your neck!

All right, listen closely
to what I'm about to say.

First, your father is dead.

You remember some of it, right?
He sacrificed himself

in order to defeat that man.

Piccolo! Hurry! Do that technique again!

Do it!

Take this! Makankosappo!!

Father is...

Whoa, don't cry! I really will snap your neck!

You've heard about the Dragon
Balls from your father, right?

Goku's friends are collecting
them now to bring him back to life.

However, that's not what the matter is!

We managed to get rid of
the guy that kidnapped you,

but he said that in another year,
there are some friends of his,

who are even stronger than he was,
who will be coming here.

When they do, even with
Son Goku brought back to life,

there isn't a chance of us
winning with just me and him.

We need your strength, too.

You're going to train to learn fighting tactics,

and defend the Earth!

Huh? Me? Nuh-uh. I can't fight at all.

Apparently, you haven't realized it yourself,

but the power you have hidden
within you is something else.

That's why you're going to
train to draw that power out,

and become able to use it effectively.

No way. I don't have that kind of power.

You want to see some proof?

What are you doing?!

Wah! That hurts! That hurts! Stop it!

That hurts! Stop it!

That hurts! That hurts!

Now, show me your inner power!

W-What the...?

A-Astonishing. It's greater than I imagined.

I'm having mixed feelings.

I'm about to raise someone

who could become my
greatest enemy in the future.

D-Did I do that?

That's right. it looks like
you're starting to understand.

Whenever your emotions
become substantially excited,

you exhibit your intrinsic inner power.

But it only happens for an instant.
We can't win that way.

I'm going to beat the way to fight into you,

and make you the ultimate warrior. Got it?

But I don't want to become a martial artist.

I want to be a great scholar.

Go ahead, then.

But do it after we defeat the two Saiyans

that will be coming here in a year.

They're planning to
exterminate everyone on Earth.

If they do that, then there is no
future, or anything else, right?

But I'm scared.

Stop your whining! Do you
want to get k*lled right now?!

We don't have time! We're starting right now!

Take off your top!

If my father is coming back to life,

I want to be taught by him.

Too bad. Sure, he may be strong,

but he's not at all cut out to be a teacher.

He has absolutely no sternness
when it comes to others.

You can tell that just by
looking at how spoiled you are.


Whoops. I used up too much of
my strength, and now I can't fly.

Unaware of the cries of his son,

Goku continues his long journey
in search of Kaio-sama's home.

Yaburekabure omoikiri

Tobu n da mugen no sora e

Jetto kiryuu ni nokkari

doko demo iku yo sokkou

Mukoumizu tte saikou

Let's go tip-top! All right?

Me mo sameru you na aoi chikyuu

kakegaenai kono hoshi yuzurenai kara

Hajiketobase kamehameha

Yabame no kono jidai

sekai wo mamoru tame umareta kara

Yaburekabure omoikiri

Yaru n da furupawaa

Kibou ga ore no buki dakara

mirai shinjite

Heya! I'm Goku!

I wonder how Gohan is doing right now.

I'm lonely, Father!

Huh? A full moon. I've never seen one before.

Huh? Son Goku's son is growing larger!

Is this the hidden strength of the Saiyans?

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"Wilderness Survival!
A Moonlit Night Awakens Gohan."

I wonder if I can really become a great scholar.
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