03x71 - Attack the Elusive Cell! Son Goku, Finally Revived!" / "The Hunt for Cell Is On! Goku, Back in Action!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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03x71 - Attack the Elusive Cell! Son Goku, Finally Revived!" / "The Hunt for Cell Is On! Goku, Back in Action!

Post by bunniefuu »

Piccolo had coaxed the Artificial Human
Cell into revealing who he is.

However, Cell managed to blind
the others to his whereabouts.

In order to prevent Cell from
reaching his perfect form,

we either have to somehow
find him and k*ll him,

or find No. and No. and k*ll them.

It's either one or the other.

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Paradise

The Genki Dama bursts away

Go Go Let's do it

There's a wriggling, mysterious energy

I won't hold back, just you watch

I'll protect you with my life

Turn your courage to love into strength

We'll overcome crises with carry-through spirit

The tougher your opponent is,
the greater the excitement

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Now's our chance

Whooshing along on the lucky wind

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Tomorrow, as well

Your soul already knows the answer

Dragon Soul!

"Blast the Ubiquitous Cell!
Son Goku, Back in Action At Last!"

And there you have it.

He came from the future in order
to combine with No. and No.

and attain his perfect form.

A-Aw, man...

So, we somehow have to find
that Cell guy, and take him out.

Will we be able to find him?

He knows about Piccolo-san's
unexpectedly high strength,

so he'll go on attacking people,
with his Ki under wraps, won't he?

Tch, we have to keep Cell from
combining with No. and No. ,

or we'll have a real problem.

And not just the Earth.

This will also spell trouble for
the other worlds in the universe.

Don't forget, he carries the blood
of Freeza and his father, as well.

And my blood, as well.

You always favor the small-minded strategy.

If he wants to combine with them, let him.

It will leave me with fewer
opponents to deal with.

I don't care what becomes of
my enemy! I'll just k*ll them!

Don't take him too lightly, Vegeta.

If he combines with No. and No. ,
against whom we were powerless,

he will become much
stronger than even they are.

Don't you get patronizing with me!

Do you want me to do away with
you before the Artificial Humans?!

Hmph, I guarantee you,
I will surpass everything.

I'll go beyond being even a Super Saiyan.

Go beyond being even a Super Saiyan?

Kakarrot will probably try
to do the same. Count on it.

Hmph, I'll do things my own way.

You guys do whatever you're
going to do on your own.

Go beyond being a Super Saiyan?

Does he mean it? Is such a thing even possible?

Listen, Trunks...

it won't do any good to go
back in time just a little bit,

and destroy No. and the others?

No. Even if it might work for
the future of that dimension,

it wouldn't affect this one.

Then, it wouldn't do any good
to go to Doctor Gero's laboratory,

and destroy the still-incomplete Cell now, right?

No, let's destroy him anyway.

At least Cell will never be born
in this dimension's future.

All right, you guys go to the laboratory.

I'm going to search around
this area a little more.

--I'm staying here, too.


Okay then, if you aren't able to locate Cell,

please come to the Kame House.

If we keep an eye on the TV news,

we might be able to find out his location.

All right, we will.


Go beyond being even a Super Saiyan?

I've never even thought of such a thing.

I'll bet not. But then, it might be
possible, knowing Vegeta and Goku.

No doubt about it, this is Cell's work.

Sure enough, he's planning
to attack other people,

and gradually store up their bioenergy.

This didn't happen that long ago.
He must still be in the area.

Let's look around.

It's so cold!

So then, is there actually
anything under the laboratory?

How are we supposed to find it?

Kuririn-san, would you
please give me a little room?


What is it?

Kuririn-san, this is probably it.

You're right.

Come on, let's go have a look.

All right.

Damn it, is that the computer?!

Kuririn-san, please look at this.

I'm sure that this is what will become Cell.

Trunks, let's hurry up and destroy
this whole underground lab!

J-Just a moment, please.

They're blueprints.

What are they blueprints for? Are they for Cell?

No, it says "No. " here.

No. ?

They're his, huh?

I-If we have my mom take a look at these,

she might be able to figure out a
weakness in No. , Kuririn-san!

Yeah, that's a great idea!

Hey, are there any others there? Like for Cell?

Well... there doesn't seem to
be anything else useful here.

All right, then, let's destroy
this whole underground lab!


Those of us in the future were made
to suffer because of this thing!

Take this!

Kuririn-san, let's hurry and get out of here.

All right!

Now to finish the job, damn you!

We did it, Trunks!

Finding No. 's blueprints
was an unexpected bonus, huh?


Um, Kuririn-san...

Would you mind taking these
blueprints to my mom?

Huh? You're not coming along?

I'm... thinking of training along with my dad.

If one is actually able to go beyond
being a Super Saiyan, then I...

That's fine, and I don't want to say
anything bad about your old man,

but I don't think Vegeta
is going to let you do that.

Yeah... And I don't especially
want to do it, myself...

But my dad must also know that training
with someone to match up against

will produce much faster
results than training alone.

All right, you got it.

You go train hard, now.

If you please...

--Good luck.

Over there.

There's a disturbance of Ki
over there, slight though it may be.

Down in that town!

Damn, we're too late. He's a speedy one.

We can't do anything like this.

Cell can sense our Ki, and runs away in a hurry.

If we suppress our Ki,
we can't get there fast enough.

It's no use, it's no use. While they're
dawdling around down there,

I think I'll be off to find my next meal.

So what you're saying is,
using these blueprints,

find some weakness in No.

and prevent Cell from
combining with them, right?

This is amazing.

There is a lot of stuff here
that not even I understand.

What a shame. if Doctor Gero had
used his genius in some better way,

the world would still be at peace.

Wow. Using a human base,

he's converted nearly everything with organics.

If this is right,

he really might be able to unite
with them on a cellular level.

I'll have to study this more
closely before I'm sure,

but these few small devices that they're using

might turn out to be a weakness.

We'll look into this right away, Kuririn-kun.

Yes, please do.

--Sense anything?

I'm sure I sensed his Ki
a little while ago, though.

Damn. No matter what, we can't
let him reach his perfect form!

Hello? Is something the matter? Hello?


Oh, Kuririn, huh?

I'm impressed that you'd find me here.

I was trying to take a shortcut to the Kame House,

but now I've run into this terrible beast!


Thank you very much.

N-N-Not at all. Hurry and get out of here!

Right! Come on.

Thank you!

Works out better for me, anyhow.

I'll just start by taking your bioenergy.

Hurry and get aboard.

Okay, here we go!


We made it!

Where is he?! Where did he go?!

Oh, no!

It looks like you're through.


Those guys, huh?

He's masked his presence again!

Are you all right, Kuririn?

I'm saved!

I guarantee you, I will surpass everything.

I'll go beyond being even a Super Saiyan.

If Dad can go beyond being a
Super Saiyan, then so can I!


Hey... Aren't there any decent roads?

Hmph, this is more fun, isn't it?

No. , are we getting near Son Goku's house?

Yeah. it's right up ahead.

Geez, you two haven't a care in the world, huh?

It would be easier going
if we did this, you know...

You see? Much better.

Aw, what did you do that for?
It's no fun at all now, you know.

You really are a strange one.

You still have quite a few
of your human points left.

And so, two days went by, and then three.

The monster has now appeared in
a large town in Section South.

We also have word that over half the
town's population has already been k*lled.


Now he's in the southern sections!

I know!

Gohan! You be careful!

If we approach this way, Cell won't detect us.

We've got him this time.

Let's defeat him, before he can
combine with No. and No.

and achieve his perfect form!

Yeah! As it stands now, we can do it!

That's right! We've got Piccolo-san along,

who has merged with Kami-sama,
and gotten much stronger!

Cell is a crafty one.

Even once we get close,
we can't find him if he hides on us.

What was that? Are the
Artificial Humans attackin'?!

Goku-sa! Huh?

Goku-sa? Huh?

Is something the matter?


Okay, me too...




Sorry I kept you so worried.

It looks like my illness is completely cured now.

Are you sure you're all right?!

Yeah! See for yourself!


Come on, cut that out!

Whoops. I guess I overdid it a little, huh?


Sorry, sorry!

--Oh, Old-timer!

Are you over your illness?

Yeah. I'm fine now.

I heard what you were all
saying while I was dreaming.

I've got a pretty good idea what's going on.

Looks like we're in a real
mess of things again, huh?

Goku, you don't mean you're...

You've gotta be kiddin'!
You're thinkin' of fightin' already?

You'll die!

Don't worry. I ain't fighting yet.

If Vegeta can't beat them
right now, neither can I.

That's why I'm thinking of upping my game, too.


By going above being a Super Saiyan.

At last, Son Goku is back in action!

But will he really be able to
surpass the level of Super Saiyan?

Flap your wings ever more mightily,

ever more swiftly

Once someone starts running,

they can even fly through the air

Just ride along on the winds of courage

that start blowing within your heart

and before you know it,

your body will start to float

The drive you have to try will be your wings

Flap your wings ever more mightily,

ever more swiftly

Anyone who kicks off from the ground

can even fly through the air

Heya! I'm Goku!

There ain't but one way
to defeat these opponents,

and that's to become something
even higher than a Super Saiyan.

Something even higher? Is that even possible?

Vegeta must be thinking the same thing.

If I can't reach it after training
for one year, I'll give up.

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"Go Beyond Super Saiyan!
Now, Into the Room of Spirit and Time."

Piccolo-san, don't you lose!!
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