01x36 - The Graduation Exam Begins!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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01x36 - The Graduation Exam Begins!

Post by bunniefuu »


WRITTEN TEST Okay, time's up!


WRITTEN TEST Pencils down!

I'll be collecting your tests.


That was perfect, Denki!

You saved my butt!

If you hadn't distracted Sensei,

I wouldn't have been able to steal the test questions so easily.

Security's lax,

but there's always someone in the teachers' lounge.

Is that what you guys were up to?

Isn't that cheating?

Are you serious?

A week ago, Shino Sensei

Check the exam questions

and figure out your strategy.

told us to!

Basically, he told us to steal the questions

from the teachers' lounge during that time, right?

They're testing our skills as ninja to collect intel.

Though it's all a drag

Is that what he meant?

I totally wasn't listening.

Are you gonna be okay, Boruto?

You took the exam without doing anything, right?

It was easy!

I didn't even need to study for a test like that.

You're awesome, Boruto!

But I'm not going to lose.

I'm going to go all out on

the practical application exam tomorrow!

Uh I'm starting to get nervous right now.

I wonder what the practical application exam is going to be about?

It's probably gonna be tough.

No need to get so scared.

A test isn't a big deal anyways.

In any case, it's probably not going to be that hard.

Let's wrap this up and become ninja already!

Boruto Uzumaki got a perfect score, eh?

He's quite a kid.

Lord Sixth! When did you ?!

Though I think he's a bit too confident.

The Graduation Exam Begins!

Coordinated Light Formation!

Oh what?

What are you doing?

Oh, I was just testing my Sealing Jutsu.

You're lacking enough chakra

I guess I can't use it during a real battle.


Huh? Sorry, Iwabe!

Everyone looks pretty carefree

Sh-Shino Sensei!

I'm going to explain the rules for the final practical application exam.

First, tie this white bandana around your head.

It represents your life.

If it's taken from you, you fail.

The exam will be conducted as an actual combat situation.

The arena is this entire forest.

You will be battling us.

And the time limit is hours.

By the way, this target is just like your bandana.

If you destroy it,

we will not be able to fight.


We have to fight Shino Sensei and the others for the exam?

This is gonna be easy!

But don't we have to watch out for Konohamaru Sensei?

Isn't he aiming to become the Hokage?

Oh really?

Then it's not a big deal at all.

And these bandanas and targets are only in the way.

Let's just fight regularly.

Then we can't use discretion, can we?

Lord Sixth!

Old Man Kakashi!

Hey, Boruto!

Call me Lord Sixth when we're with the others

I know it's a bother to do, though


What are you doing here, Old Man Lord Sixth?

What am I doing?

Well, I'm the proctor.


Lord Sixth is the proctor?!

You're kidding, right?

You came to test how strong I am, huh?

This is awesome!

The Hidden Leaf's famous child genius

who became a jonin at age !

The Sixth Hokage who forged peace after the Great Ninja w*r...

And he's going to be our proctor?!

I think this is going to turn out to be a drag

Calm down, guys!

Old Man Kakashi's already retired!

Like I said, call me, Lord Sixth.

He's not our enemy, ya know!

I know all about you guys too.

Huh? What do you mean?

I know that you're the group of troublemakers.

That's why I became the proctor.

We can't let troublemakers become shinobi.


Let me repeat,

we don't need troublemakers.

I'll be watching.

Whether you have what it takes to become a worthy shinobi or not.

Let's see... First

If you can take this bell away from me, you'll pass.

How's that?

By the way, headbands and targets are only for clarifying decisions.

We don't want to go overboard and end up k*lling someone.

Sounds like fun.

We'll show you what we're made of!

I'd like to ask a question

There's one bell for each participant, right?

Nope, there isn't.

I'm saying there just this one bell. That's all.

Wait a second!

Does that mean you're only gonna pass one person?!

You can quit if you don't like it.

Although that will be an a*t*matic fail.

In this day and age, we have enough personnel.

It's not a big deal if no one passes.

How can you do something so messed up?

What's messed up about it?

That's because, in a real battle,

there's no way to predict what you'll come up against.

Don't forget

In the world that you're striving to enter,

one mistake can mean death.

That's the reality.

The Sensei are being scary

We will be acting as Lord Sixth's bodyguards.

To get to Lord Sixth, you must get through us.

We don't plan on making it easy for you.

And there you have it.

We're not going to hold back either...

so, come at us with intent to k*ll.

Show us your resolve.

Are you sure what about you said?

Yeah, because there's no way I'll lose to schoolkids

who just pal around and refuse to grow up.

You have hours starting now.

On your mark

No need for that!

I'll settle this right now!

Good grief

Like father, like son. You're so impatient.

Never mind. We start now.

What are we gonna do?

They're making fun of us!

Hey, wait!

Who just pals around? Yeah right!

I won't let you get away!

I'm gonna become a ninja this year, for sure!

I'm determined too, and we're not gonna lose!

You two are great rivals!

I won't lose either!

Enko, they're going ahead.

Aren't we going after them?

You say that,

but you want to use Iwabe and the others as a diversion,

to preserve your energy.

Well, that won't work. Houki!

What did you say?

Like I'd pull a cheap trick like that!

We'll see about that.

Let's get after them!


Wait, Doshu!

Going after Lord Sixth blindly will only end badly.

We first have to figure out a strategy to get the bell first.

But, but

What do we do if someone gets to Lord Sixth first?

There's only one bell.


Just think about that when we come up against him.


It's just an exam.

Don't be so serious.

If it doesn't work out,

we'll just have to practice more or take a make-up exam. That's all.

That's so like you, Boruto.


But it's a fact that from the moment Lord Sixth said start,

everyone's gone off on their own.

Even Shikadai's not here.

It just may be the case that we can't just do anything we choose.

You planted a GPS on the Lord Sixth!

Good job, Shikadai!

It's a drag to use more energy than necessary.

I feel bad for Boruto, but this time, we've got to act on our own.

My mom and dad will nag if I don't make it as a ninja.

That's why we just have to go with what will work.

The Ino-Shika-Cho goes back a long time, doesn't it?


This is

It's really close, huh?

Partial Expansion Jutsu!

A bug!

They got us.

This is bad.

We fell for the Sensei's strategy to separate us.

Hey, something hasn't felt right since earlier, huh?

You sense it too?

You're right.

I think I've seen this giant tree before.

Such easy pickings when they're scattered.

One genjutsu complete!

Guys, this is an individual exam.

And you're saying that

because your aim is to separate all of us, right?

At least in the beginning,

it's more effective if we work together to get rid of obstacles.

And, Anko Sensei

Sweets have nothing to do with the exam.

Oh, but please let me have the bell, okay!

This isn't time to talk about that, chubs!

So, I'm gonna have to deal with the weaklings?

They really underestimated me.

Anko Sensei's battling over there.

Yeah, we've gotta find Lord Sixth as soon as we can.

Yeah, early bird gets the worm, right?


What was that?

The early bird gets the worm or not

Did you think you'd get past us that easily, hey?

Anyway Here comes the second wave.

Big Bro Konohamaru!

Call me Sensei, hey!

You don't seem to understand what Lord Sixth said!

I'll show you what a real battle is like.

Hey! Wait, Boruto!

Where are you going, hey?!

As if I'd wait!

I don't waste time on low-scoring points,

or troublesome word problems!

Don't you know the first thing about exams?!

Are you treating me like a word problem, hey?!

My target is only Old Man Kakashi for the passing score!

Damn it. He really knows all the tricks of the trade

Well? Don't you need to go with him?

If it was the correct thing to do,

you wouldn't have allowed Boruto to pass so easily.

Well, as expected,

you seem to understand better than Boruto. But !

Let's do this, Class Rep!


Hey, how are we gonna find Lord Sixth?

I don't know, but right now

I'm gonna search from the top of the highest tree.

Wind Style: Breakthrough.


Lord Sixth is up ahead.

If you want to pass, you must take me down first.

But it will be impossible to reach him.

That's because, I

Lightning Style: Snake Lightning!

Boruto, you go on ahead.


Leave this to me.

Are you sure?

Yes. I want to battle Sensei.

Okay, I'm going ahead!


Let's do this, Shino Sensei.

All right, so where is Lord Sixth?

A very carefree and simplistic method

but searching from up high isn't such a bad idea.

Shadow Clones, huh?

Too easy!

I'm ready, Old Man Kakashi!

I'm gonna pass the exam!


Just like a Special Jonin

I guess you're not just some middle-aged lady who loves sweets.

You only realized that now?

Goes to show you shouldn't take middle-aged ladies for granted!

Damn it!


Mud Wall!

When did you all ?

The genjutsu counter that you taught us worked perfectly.

There's nowhere to run.

Guess you could call it a reversal of fortune

You kids are pretty tough

I'm not letting you get past me, Shino Sensei.

How unusual

You've never shown this much determination before.

I thought you weren't too interested in exams like this.

That might have been the old me.

But now, through Boruto, I've started to see many things.

At the very least

I want to help Boruto,

pass the exam with him and become ninja together.

And one more thing.

In the beginning,

I said there was nothing more that I could learn from you.

Now I know that you are the one I must challenge

with everything I've got.

It seems

I'll need to get a bit more serious here.

The Sharingan, huh?

So, you'd already awakened it?

But it looks like you still haven't mastered using it.


What is this thing?!



Lightning Style!

Be careful!

Konohamaru Sensei's true power is nothing like this.

Nue, huh?

It's much smaller than the last time I saw it,

but it's still nasty.

Whether it's the Sharingan or Nue

they're more troublesome than I imagined, hey.

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Did Naruto teach you the Shadow Clone?

You think I'd ask for anything from that stupid old man?

You used Substitution to switch places with my clone?!

You and your father are so alike.

We are not!

You're pretty good.

I didn't think you'd get this far.

I must say, you are his son.

You say that,

but you still have your insects that you haven't used.

Anyway, it makes no difference to me.

Well, I can't k*ll my own student, can I?

Anyway, there's more to the exam.

Go on ahead.


But Boruto might have already settled this.

That's not possible.

The reason is because, Lord Sixth is not lenient.

To have come this far before even graduating from the Academy

Even in my eyes, you're a cut above the rest.

A real genius.

You finally get it?

But it's no good.

You are not suited to become a ninja.


You lack one decisive element.

I don't wanna hear a lecture from you!

If I take that bell from you, I pass, right?

Of course.

Here we go!


Wind Style! Gale Palm! Wind Style! Gale Palm!

Take this Lethal Take this Lethal

Boruto Stream!

It's mine!

Not again!

You hid the real you underground, to lure me out with clones

You almost got the bell.

Taijutsu, ninjutsu

You excel all around, and are a cut above the rest.

You have the skills of a genin

no, you have the skill level of a chunin.


And that's the reason why, this is the end of the line for you.

Damn it!

You can't just become a ninja.

That is, unless you have resolve.

How would you know anything about me?!

I know plenty.

This year's Academy students are horrible.

They underestimate what a ninja is.

It must be your influence on them.

That's ?!


Next time on Boruto Naruto Next Generations:

"A Shinobi's Resolve"

I just can't acknowledge this group as ninja.

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