02x02 - It's Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Regular Show". Aired: September 6, 2010 – January 16, 2017.*
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Series revolves around the daily lives of two 23-year-old friends – Mordecai (a blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon) – who work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means.
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02x02 - It's Time

Post by bunniefuu »




Zombie Dinner Party.

That looks awesome.

I'm glad you said that.

'Cause I got us Ooh, I kinda already got 2 tickets for Pajama Sisters 2.



That's just some chick flick!

And not even the good kind!

I saw the preview!

They're just gonna sit around talking about their feelings fully clothed!

No, dude.

I got these tickets for me and Margaret!

I'm finally gonna try and ask her out.

Aw, what?

But it's opening night!

Do you know how hard it was to get these tickets?

Hey guys!

Your food is almost ready.

Sorry for the hold


Oh, hey Margaret.

I was wondering, would you, uh, like to, uh, you know, uh You're gonna have to excuse Mordecai here.

He has a hard time trying to "espresso" himself!

Good one, Rigby.

I'll be right back with your food, guys.

Dude, did you see how hard Margaret laughed at me?

That wasn't funny.

Yes it was!

Man, what's your problem?

Here you go, guys.

- Salad?

Where's my French dip?

- Huh?


I'm sorry!

I messed up, let me take it back!

Everything okay, Margaret?

You seem like you've got a "full plate"!


I'm just a little stressed 'cause I'm moving out of my place today.

I could help you.


Thanks, Mordecai!

Hey Margaret, I can help you move too!

Oh, perfect!

Do you guys mind coming by my place in an hour?

Oh, we don't mind!

It'll be a "moving" experience for all of us!


- Ahh!


- Nothing.

Wait a minute you're jealous!


No I'm not.

Dude, you're just jealous 'cause I made her laugh and all you do is sit like this: Whatever.

Just stay out of my way when I'm helping her move.

Alright guys, we're almost done.

Do it.

Just do it.

Hey, Margaret!

I've been meaning to ask you, do you want to, uh, have me pick up that box?

Oh yeah, thanks!

This is the last one, but be careful because it's really.



Uh, do you need help with that?

It's cool.

I got it.

Hey, Margaret!

Briefs or boxers?

You're so funny, Rigby.

Okay, gotta go talk to the manager.

I'll be right back.

Hey, Rigby.

You better leave, dude.

You're ruining my chances with Margaret.


You haven't even made a move on her yet!

You're gonna end up seeing Zombie Dinner Party with me anyway.

No I'm not.

Quit screwing this up for me.

You're just jealous that I can talk to chicks and you can't!

You gonna ask her out or what?

Hey guys.

Ready to call it a day?


Uh, just wanted to ask you if you want to, I mean you obviously don't have to but, uh Margaret, wanna see something cool?

Two tickets for the Zombie Dinner Party premiere!

- Wanna go with me tonight?

- You actually got tickets?

Yeah, I'll totally go with you tonight!

Mordecai, you gotta come too!

Mordecai can't come because I only got two tickets!

Aw, maybe next time?


No, it's cool.

You guys have a good time.


I'll see you at 8, Rigby!

Alright dude, I'll go to the movie with you.

Just call it off with her.

Yeah right!

I'm not going with you!

You had your chance and you blew it!

You blew it!

Come on dude, just give me another chance.

Ok, I give you another chance, if you admit that you're jealous.

No, I'm not jealous!

Then I guess I'm still going out with Margaret.

You blew it again, you blew it again!

Mordecai, check this out.


Why doesn't he like me?

Looks like Pajama Sisters 2 is bombin!

But it's doing better than you did with Margaret.

Hey, Muscle Man, do you know what I like best about Margaret?

The way she's not going out with this guy!

Aw man!

This is just like early!

Mordecai, help!

These boxes are too heavy!

Mordecai can't help you, Margaret, he's too busy not asking you out!

Ohh yeah, Margaret.

Only one more hour till my date.

And that's exactly how it's gonna go down.

Hey "Pajama Sister", what are you doing?

Watching T.

V all by yourself?

Well that doesn't surprise me, since you can't talk to chicks.

I'm warning you man.

You better call her and cancel.

I can't cancel, that's being rude.

I can't be rude to the ladies.

Besides I've got twenty minutes till my date.

Are you sure it's only twenty minutes till your date?

What did you do with my battery?

It could be twenty minutes till your date, or maybe it's half an hour, or maybe you already missed it!


I'll found out what time it is!

Call it off with her.

Your jealous Mordecai, it's all over your face!

My face isn't jealous!

Dude, what are you doing?

You can't do that!

Can't do what?


Now you'll never be on time for your date.

- Gimme back those clocks!

- No!

What's your problem?


Why do you have to be jealous all the time?


Shut up!

This is all your fault!

I finally get a chance to ask out Margaret, but you had to butt in and ruin everything!

No, I didn't!

I just wanted to see Zombie Dinner Party with my bro!

Who flaked on me, for some girl who doesn't even know he exists!

I'LL k*ll YOU!




No, that's not what I've meant!

That's not what I've meant!

Go back!

Go back, go back, go back!



Who's screwing around up there?

Oh, it's you.

Who are you?

I am Father Time.

And you're the one who's been running around microwaving all my clocks.

I didn't mean too.

"You didn't mean too.

" You've wasted my time, your time, and you really wasted the time of that guy you k*lled.

He's dead.

I know, I'm sorry.

Can you bring him back?

No, his body has been blown to bits of star


And now, you get to spend eternity here until the end of time.

All because of your pity jealousy!

I'm not jealous!

- Yes, you are!

- No, I'm not!


Peer into my Truth Hole.

What is that?

I'll k*ll you!

It's true, I am jealous of Rigby, and even though he's annoying, he's still my best friend.

Your right Father Time, I deserve to be trapped here.

I'll be honest Mordecai, house guests really annoy me, I mean just look how you wreaked my living room.

Oh, sorry.

You better be.

Now, I'll give you a do over just this once.

Aww, man!

Thanks so much!

But remember, stop bottling up your emotions, because if I ever get you back here again, you'll be sorry.

Now, get on the Time Pony.

Time Pony?

Aww, come on, it's right next to you.

There you go.

- That's how you ride a Time Pony?

- What?

That's just weird.

Now get out of my dimension.



-your here!


We're watching the trailer.

Zombie Dinner Party.

That looks awesome.

I'm glad you said that, cause I got us Two tickets for opening night.

Wanna go with me?

Yes I do.

Hey guys, your food's almost ready, sorry for the hold


Hey Margaret.

Uh, looks like you've got a latte on your plate.

You're gonna have to excuse Mordecai here.

He has a hard time trying to "espresso" himself!

Good one, Rigby.

I'll be right back with your food, guys.

Dude, did you see how hard Margaret laughed at me?

Oh dude, your jealous!

Admit it!

Dude, I'm not!

Well, maybe just a little bit.
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