02x07 - High Score

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Regular Show". Aired: September 6, 2010 – January 16, 2017.*
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Series revolves around the daily lives of two 23-year-old friends – Mordecai (a blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon) – who work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means.
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02x07 - High Score

Post by bunniefuu »

What now?

Look, we're working.


Yeah, we're never gonna get done if you keep checking up on us!

Pay day, fellas.

Aww, nice!

My favorite day of the every other week!


What, you don't like getting paid?

No, I'm just getting tired of the old sandwich

-baggie full of coins.

Why can't we get a check like normal people?

Skips gets checks!

Skips has a bank account and a 401k.

Well, at least give us the coins in an envelope or something more respectable, 'cause this is degrading.

I need to get out of here.

What's his deal?

He doesn't respect us at all!

Yeah, well that's his problem, right?

We're respectable people!

- Outta the way!

- Losers!

What the heck, man, watch it!

See man, it's not just Benson, people just don't respect us!

Well, we could buy people's respect.

Nah, too expensive.

People respect people who are good at things.

Margaret, what's going on?

The manager installed this new arcade game to keep the customers around.

There kids are amazing at it, you should see 'em!

Dude, it's those kids!

Hey, hey you!



When you knock people over, you have to say you're sorry!

You guys need to learn some respect.

Respect our butts!

No, you respect our butts!

What are you guys doing!


Those kids practically k*lled us with their skateboards outside.



They're kids!

What are you going to do, beat them up or something?

No, but I am gonna kick their butts at this video game.

I got next.

Nice baggie, must've been sad when you break open your piggy bank.


-hundred thousand!

TRD, turd.


Beat that, gramps.


I'm in my 20s.

Yeah, 1920s.

Just move.

How do you get negative points?

How is that even possible?

It was the first time I ever played that stupid game!

Give me a break!

I'm just saying, you made us look like chumps, man.

Look at 'em.

You guys really handed it to those losers.

Free donuts for the champs!

All right, we're outta here.

Weren't they amazing?

I can't believe we were so enthralled by a video game, but we were!

I told you people respect you when you're good at something.

And we're gonna get the respect we deserve by getting good at that game.

Okay, Broken Bonez.

So are you trying to get broken bones?

Dude, c'mon, no, you just gotta go off these jumps and land without breaking your bones.

Alright, I think I got it.

Here, gimme a shot.

Woah, how'd you do that?

I dunno, that's what those kids were doing.

Here, you do the joystick and I'll do the buttons.

Just go crazy when we're in the air.

Wow, another 500!

Aww sweet!

Aww, well not bad, not bad.

You guys got some skill.


What do you mean some?

C'mon, Jack Farley!


Well, I gotta hand it to you guys.

You play better than you look.

- Okay?

- Thanks.

Stop by the office sometime if you wanna hang.

No charge.

Yeah, Jack Farley?


I said cell two, two!

What was that all about?


Let's get some more.

Mordecai, Rigby, come in!

Aww man, it's Benson.

Yeah, uh, hey Benson.

What's up?

I need you guys to clean the bathrooms back at the house ASAP!

Uh, we're on our lunch break.

Look, if you guys aren't back in two minutes, you're fired!

Gimme that!

We deserve more respect than this, Benson.

Maybe when you realize that we'll come back to work.

Rigby, Mordecai!


Oh look, if it isn't Mr.

and Mrs.

negative points!

Guess we'll have to beat you two losers again.

Well, why don't you two come over here and try, then?

You got yourselves a rematch.

Aww man!

All right, you guys are good.


Woah, you guys are really good!

You're close to beating the high score!

Woah, we are?

Wait, who holds the high score?

Some dude named GBF, but it's not just a high score, it's the world record.

Thanks, now I can follow along and feel invested!

Go for it, guys!

So you've broken the world record, have you?

Yeah, who's askin'?


It's a giant bearded face!


Yeah, I'm GBF all right, but it stands for Garrett Bobby Ferguson, not giant bearded face.

You're not mad at us for breaking your world record, are you?

It's no big deal.

Not like it's the universe record or anything important.

Universe record?

It's the highest score in the whole universe, Now who holds that record again?


Yes, go ahead, stroke the beard of Garrett Bobby Ferguson.

Hey, giant beardo face!

I told you that's not my name!

Look, we're gonna settle this right now.

Us verses you in a head to head match.


One game for the universe record.

Winner gets all the respect.

Let's play.

Dude, why're you crying, dude?

Please, please just let me win!

Dude, what are you talking about?

I've devoted my entire life to Broken Bonez.

I played so much my wife left me.

- Ding!

- Geez.

So you're asking us to throw the game?

Please, the universe record is all I have!

What do you think, man?

No way!

Nobody's gonna respect us if we wuss out now!

It's not wussing out, man.

It's called doing the right thing.


Okay dude, we'll let you have it.

Thank you so much!

Thank you for being so dumb!



I didn't devote my life to this cruddy game, it's just a hobby.

But what about your wife?

Never had one!

You can't tie GBF down!

You can't do that, that's cheating!

Universe rules, baby.

There are no rules.

Oh, boo yourselves!

I'm Garrett Bobby Ferguson.

Aww, this blows!

We gotta do something before he beats our score!

No rules, right?

Mess up, c'mon, mess up!

You know you want some broken bones.

Broken bones!

Broken bones!

Broken bones!

Broken bones!


It doesn't matter, I've already beat your score and taken the title and I'm never coming back!

Wait, the game's still going!


No, it can't be!

C'mon, c'mon!

Get off!

My Chin!


Great job, you did it!

Oh, hey Benson, what're you doing here?

I thought about what you guys said earlier and so I've come down to give you those checks you wanted.

- Oh wow, thanks!

- But now that I'm covered in brain goo, I've realised my mistake.

You wanna waste your lives playing video games, then fine, I respect your decision!

Just don't ever do it on my time ever again!

- I can respect that.

- Yeah, that's cool.
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