03x11 - Cruisin

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Regular Show". Aired: September 6, 2010 – January 16, 2017.*
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Series revolves around the daily lives of two 23-year-old friends – Mordecai (a blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon) – who work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means.
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03x11 - Cruisin

Post by bunniefuu »

Alright, so who's next? Who thinks they can take on the legendary CrewCrew? CrewCrew! Looks like Big Trouble's back for more.

Dude, another battle's about to start! Man, this dude is back every week.

Nah, I got y'all fools this time, hit it! You all better watch out, cause Big Trouble's on the mic now, I'll knock all o' your lights out, with my verse, y'all be cursed, blowing up like fireworks.

That's it? Blitz Comet, show this fool how we do.

Blitz Comet on the scene.

You step to me and you gonna get creamed

-corn! All up in your teeth, you reek, you're the opposite of chic, ya freak! Your ryhmes are all antiques.

Nobody wants em, they throw em all away.

Right from the get go like your brain is on delay.

Matter of fact yo, you better get a check up.

Go ask your doctor, why you be so ugly from the neck UP? Excuse me.

What is Pops doing? A hug can be a wonderful thing.

Two arms wrapped around you like a mother's wing.

But we're so selfish when we are blue.

Doesn't a hug deserve a hug too? Thank you.

Yo, whatcha say? Nah, nah, nah, nah, hold on man.

You trying to step to us? I'm just so excited to hear some fellow poets.

I thought I come join you in the celebration of rhymes.

Nah, nah, nah, nah, you're not celebrating nothin'! Yo V

-Tron, turn it up.

Yeah, CrewCrew's coming at you.

Say it twice, don't forget it.

Y'all better catch up to where we're at.

You're behind the times.

Can't compete with our dope rhymes.

So you better say your goodbyes.

We got Francois, Blitz Comet, V

-Tron, the Jersey kid, on the beats.

You know we rock.

Then Demel

-Ishun, the dopest girl on the mic.

And Alpha

-Dog, I bark the truth, my verses be all nice and tight.

So now you know who were are.

CrewCrew is the crew shining brighter than a quazar.

But your bizarre.

Yes, you sir, are a loser.

So cover up that freakish dome and head back home and take your poems.

Oh, dude, come on! Pops, are you ok? While I appreciate their poetic skills, I am not a loser.

You look like a loser to me.

Yeah, why don't you take gramps back home before he starts crying some more? Loser.

- C'mon, Pops, let's go.

- No! I'll have you know my verses won many a competition! You don't believe me? I challenge you to a competition tonight! You mean a rap battle? If that's what you're calling it, then yes.

Alright, grandpops.


-Crew never backs down! So it's on.

- You're going down!

- You're gonna get yours, buddy! Alright Pops, we can't let you do this by yourself.

Yeah, those guys are gonna walk all over you! Plus, we know way more stuff about this than you do.

So Rigby and I will rap with you in the battle.

Really!? Our own crew, good show! Alright Pops, here's how you battle.

Rigby, show him.

Hey Mordecry, oh I mean Mordecai, didn't mean to diss you please don't run away and hide, saw you sobbing at that movie 'A Very Happy Bride', here I'll pass you a tissue, try to have some male pride! See Pops, it's easy! 'coz the ladies don't like your sensitive side, like Margaret for example but I guess it's just implied! Okay, dude.

She won't get with you, she just won't get with you, not gonna get with you, never gonna get with you


- Okay, we get it!

- I'm just keeping it real.

Now you try Pops.

But he's just making fun of you! Exactly! That's what you gotta do! Now give it a shot.

No, I won't do it! What!? C'mon, you said you wanted to win! Being negative and hurting someone's feelings is no way to win a competition! The power of poetry lies in expressing the beauty of everything around you!

- What?

- You're not making any sense.

Come, I'll show you! What is this place, this magical field, it's wide and it's open, nothing's concealed.

It's sceneic and peaceful for us to enjoy, why this is the park, good show old boy! Hmhm, not bad! Yeah! A place of great beauty for plenty to use, it inspires us all so go spread the news, to man woman and child or begging cowboy, this is the park, good show old boy! Where's this stuff coming from? Man, he's getting into it! The key to this place puts a smile on your face, it is the people it does employ! Why this is the park, good show old boy! Yo, is he for real with that? Good show old boy? You're gonna have to do better than that if you wanna beat us tonight.

You big headed loser.

Hmph, go ahead and make snide remarks.

Me and my crew are taping into the power of poetry, and the beauty of our verses will be sure to knock your socks off.

See you fools tonight, unless you too afraid to show up.

We'll be there.



Their rhymes are clever, but they don't come from the heart.

As long as we're true to ourselves we can't lose.

Oh look, ice

-cream truck! Dude, this is not good! We gotta find a way to back out of the battle.

Yeah man, I'm totally with you, those guys are gonna destroy us! Mordecai and Rigby, look! I have a surprise for you.


-dah! I made matching uniforms for tonight! Pops, we can't do this.

What do you mean? Look, we're gonna lose! No, the power of poetry will d

- Pops, the power of poetry isn't even a thing! C'mon, Pops, this is dumb.

We should just back out.

Well I don't have that option.

Those gentleman called me a loser and I must set them straight.

Yeah, but what if they're right? Uh, I mean

- Fine, I'll do it your way.

I'll do it your way! Wait, Pops, that's not what we meant! sh**t.

Man, I feel kinda bad.

I know, but Pops just doesn't get it! I mean Skips, you're not all into classical poetry, right? Eh, haikus, mostly.

Seriously? Okay, but what're we supposed to do? If we dess up like idiots and go down to recite poetry against that crew, we'll be humiliated! Yeah, losers for life! I've lost my appetite.

Mordecai, Rigby.

Friends don't let down other friends.

You guys are losers.

He's right.

Man, poetry's powerful stuff.

Your attitude is unappealing, some would say quite rude.

Your shoes are colorful

- no! C'mon tough guy, why are you tongue tied? Watch out everybody looks like grandpa's about to cry! Whether in righteous storms or the rainiest of days

- Poetry!?

-friends stick with friends through thick and thin always.

Mordecai, Rigby, you came! We're sorry, Pops, we were acting like fools


-we hope you can forgive us for being complete tools


-your poems aren't lame, they're really works of art


-if we gotta win this battle we gotta do it from the heart! Oh, thank goodness! Your way wasn't working at all! So what up? Are will battlin' or have y'all smartened up? Let's do this! Beauty's in the center of all that you see, simple yet complex and fully textured.

And beauty be apart of all that you be, because you are the best rhymers that I've ever heard! That's pretty cool! Aww yeah, they're into it! Aw what!? Uh uh, this is real now.

Why you talking 'bout beauty, man, don't understand what's that got to do with you, you fool.

You guys are like spoiled hams in a can

-super bland, expiration date's overdue! The canning of meat is quite a sweet treat, so thanks for comparing us so.

Your words are inspiring, my dear so concrete, you really put on quite a show! Okay, hold up, you wanna talk words and verse, but your face is distracting, so ugly it bugs me, take care of that mess and sweep it under the rug please, so trust me, you're only taking matters from bad to worse, so the only solution is to turn around in reverse.

A gift to us, a new perspective on things, life looking different from where you stand true? So much to discover so spread your wings and take flight for a birds eye view! Okay, things be getting serious, you guys are delirious, are you hearing this? Talkin' 'bout positive things, but you ain't got no game, and it's plain to see, you're strange to me 'coz we be shining like diamonds, y'all be petty cash, nice mustache


-conquistador's been wanting it back, in fact what are you, a rat

-a squirrel


-some kinda fat meerkat who thinks he's rad


-and look at that


-your bird friend's dropping words absurd again, you spit a rhyme that exposes the nerd in him, if you think Alpha Dog is gonna lie down and let you win, your head be all inflated I guess just like a giant blimp.

Okay Pops, you got this! Yeah, you can finish him off! It's been some time since I've felt this way, challenged by such worthy opponents.

Your rhyme scheme is good but you're missing a few components.

You may say things that are hurt or some things that will sting, but for you it's all just posturing.

Look inside and be true to some real feelings and the world will be yours I'm assuring you.

So I thank you good sirs for this great contest


-it's certainly been lots of fun, but there's nothing you can say to put me to rest, so really, I've already won.

We did it, we won! We're not losers! My, that was exhilarating! Thank you for standing by me, the power of poetry is nothing compared to the power of friendship! No problem Pops.

I'm just glad no

-one can call us losers now.

Hey losers, where'd you get those outfits? My mom's closet? We should probably go change clothes.
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