01x03 - Blind Date

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Taxi". Aired: September 12, 1978 – June 15, 1983.*
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This Emmy-winning sitcom follows the lives of a group of cabbies in New York.
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01x03 - Blind Date

Post by bunniefuu »

( theme music playing )

( singing in native language )

Everybody sing.

Hey, Bobby...

Hey. How come
you look so happy?

You know, this really strange
thing happened to me last night.

I called you up
to see if you wanted

to go out for a
beer or something

and you weren't home.

I talked to this girl
on your answering service...

Named Angela.

Oh, she's terrific.

My favorite operator.

You know, I call
for my messages,

and all the rest of them

they just say,
"Still nothing."

You know, an actor
doesn't like to hear that

but Angela--
nobody called me--

she gives me
other people's messages.

Yeah, yeah, she really seemed
nice on the phone, you know?

Oh, unbelievably nice.

Hey, Rieger?

Sometimes she gives me
Gene Shalit's messages.


Yeah. Gene and me

we use the same service,
you know.

A lot of stars call him.

You know who
called him yesterday?


Erma Bombeck.

Hey, you ever been out
with Angela, Bobby?

From your answering service?

Oh, she's a peach.

One night she and I discussed
my boxing career.

You know, we never even met

and still we must have talked
for around five minutes.

That's longer than
most of your fights last.


We talked
for a while too.

Over an hour.

Wow, an hour?
Hold it.

You tied up my line
for an hour?

Alex, I could be
getting acting jobs

during that time.

I sort of forgot about the time.

I mean she was
so terrific on the phone.

Hey, how come you never thought
about asking her out?

Well, I almost
asked her out once

but I decided against it,
it wasn't worth the risk.

What risk?

She might turn out to be a dog.



Did you just geez at me, Elaine?

I can't believe you.
I mean you wouldn't go out

with a woman
if she wasn't good looking?

Sure, I would.

If I was real drunk
or something.

Hey come on, Elaine.

Looks matter
to women too.

How popular are short,
pudgy, ugly men?

Yeah. How popular, Louie?

You know, Bobby

I hope someone slams a door
on your nose

and you sneeze
and your head explodes.

If you had such a good
conversation with her, Alex

why don't you ask her out?

Well, I'm thinking about it.

Yeah, well, I got to call
for my messages.

Hey, if Angela
should happen to answer

should I...


All right, whatever,
but you better move fast.


So you can tell me
what she's like.


Any for Wheeler, 131?

Anything for Shalit?

Hey, Angela, how'd you like
talking to my friend, Alex?

Oh, yeah.

He's even better
than he sounds.

Sure. I'll describe
him to you.

Before Bobby gets cute,
I, uh...

Oh, this is Alex.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, I remember your voice, too

even though I knew it was you.

I mean, even if I didn't know
it was you

and I heard your voice,
I would know it was you.

You want to go out with me?

Smooth, Alex.

Would you get out of here?

Oh, boy.

"Oh, boy?"

What you got
there, Latka?

( speaking native language )

Okay, okay, Latka.

Shh! Slow down, okay?

Slow down.


( speaking native language
slowly )

You found it
on the back seat.


2,000 bucks.

2,000 smackers.

Not smackers. Bucks.

Latka, you found the 2,000 bucks

I've been looking for.

Hey, you never lost
2,000 bucks.

I didn't say I lost it.

I just said I was
looking for it.

I've been looking
for 2,000 bucks all my life.

Hands off, Louie.

Hey, Louie...

it's your mother calling.

She says somebody's trying
to break into her apartment.

Tell her I'll
get back to her.

That's your mother.

All right.
I'll talk to her now.

Don't do nothing with that money
while I'm gone.

Listen, somebody has
to bring this up.

The hack rules say
that this money

must be returned to
the police precinct.

No police.

Oh, it's okay,
if we turn it in

and nobody claims it
within 90 days

then it's returned
to us, free and clear.

No police, no police,
no nothing.

Just money.

You know, it's probably
dirty money, right?

I mean what kind
of decent person

walks around with 2,000 bucks
in cash, right?

A priest who collected it

for underprivileged
crippled children.

Or a nun on her way to send it
to starving natives.

Or a hooker.

Hey, Alex, listen,
we got a little problem.

Latka just found
this bunch of money...

( speaking native language )

Oh, it gets better
every time he tells it.

Anyway, we're trying
to decide what to do.

Yeah? Good.
I got to leave.
I got a date.

With Angela?


Hey, way to go.

I never worked so hard
for a date in my life.

Hey, where you
taking her?

Well, I thought I'd take her
to dinner, uh, Mario's.

It's a nice place,
but stay away

from the clams oreganata
with eggplant.

It k*lled my sister-in-law.

Have a good time, Alex.

Doesn't get any better.

Hi. I'm Alex.

You blew it.
You could have said

you were looking
for another apartment.

No. I was looking
for this one, 3-D.

It fell off
when I knocked on... door.

Well, my admirers

will just have to wander
the halls looking for me.

I hate to disappoint you,
but I'm Angela.

Oh. Here's your "D."

You want to come in?

Huh? Yeah. Sure.

You got guts.

It's very nice.

You're doing very well.


The smile, I mean.

Most guys drop it
ten seconds after they see me.

You can stop now.

You've got the record.


so, Angela...

This is really
very nice.

Do you want to use
the phone?

What for?

To call your mother.

Maybe you'll be lucky
and she'll be sick

and you'll have to run over
and see her.

( laughs )

That's some sense of humor
you got there, Angela.

Well, listen,
our dinner reservations

aren't for about an hour

so you want to get something
first somewhere else--

a drink or something?

You must know

a really dark bar
where no one will see us.

We don't have to go anywhere
if you don't want to.

We can have a drink here.

Sure, why take any chance
on anyone seeing you with me.

What would you like to drink?

What do you got?


Listen, we can get something
at the restaurant.

Hope you like Italian.

Doesn't matter.

As you can see, I eat anything.

If you want, I could fix you
something here.

You don't want to go out?

I don't care.

I was just trying
to make it easy on you.

Get your coat.

What are you trying to prove?

That you're a great guy?

Okay. You're a great guy.
A real prince.

Um... here.

Here's your coat.

You don't know
when to quit, do you?

Hey, I asked you out for dinner,
we're going out for dinner.

It will be fun.

You'll see.

Fat chance.

Do you like clams oreganata
with eggplant?

I never met anybody

who liked anchovies.

Rich people probably like them.

Rich people
like anything

that's small that tastes weird.

Why don't you drop
the act now, huh?

What? What act?

Pretending that you're not
having a lousy time.

Hey, come on, Angela,
would you?

What do you still got
your coat on for?

The management requested it.

Don't you care
for your salad?

I wouldn't know if I
cared for it or not.

I didn't eat it.

Hey, what's with you?

What's the matter? Aren't you
having a good time anymore?

I once went out with a girl

who pulled a knife on me,
robbed me

and threw me out of her car
on the New Jersey turnpike.

I have to think about that now
as a medium date.

So you want to take me home now?

Yeah, I'd be happy to.

There he is.

Let's go out this way.

Hey, Alex,
I'm really sorry.

I tried to stop them

from coming down
and bothering you.

Angela Matusa

this is Tony Banta,
John Burns, Latka Gravas

and Bobby Wheeler,
who I guess you sort of know.

Nice to finally meet you,

Am I what you pictured,

Yeah, more or less.


What are you guys doing here?

If you'll excuse me.

I have to use the ladies' room.

Hey, Alex...

So how's your big date?

All right, stop that.

( laughter )

That's not funny.


( speaking native language )

I think Latka likes her.

Do you like her, Latka?

Maybe Alex will give you
her number.

You could call her up
for tomorrow night.

Oh, no.
Thank you very much.

All right, what
do you clowns want?

Yeah. Why don't you
sit down?

Well, you know the money
that Latka found?

We're still trying
to decide what
to do with it.

We wanted you
to hold onto it

until we figure out
what to do with it,
all right?

Yeah, because otherwise

we're going to have
to spend the night as a group

'cause nobody trusts nobody.

Except you.

Everybody trusts you.


Want to give us

a receipt?

Oh, here comes Angela.

Now be polite, huh?

Control yourself.

Oh, hi.

Good to see you back.

Everything go all right

in the ladies' room?

We should be going now.

Nice meeting you,

See you.

Yeah, so long.

Bet your friends

got quite a kick
out of me, huh?

What do you mean?

I heard them all break up
when I left.

They weren't laughing at you.



One of the guys told a joke.

Why are you afraid to tell me
they were laughing at me?
I can take it.

Because they weren't.
Now can we drop this?

All I know is, I heard a big
laugh when I left the table.

I told you what it was.

What do you want from me?

I want you to stop lying to me.

You've been lying to me
all night, and I'm sick of it.


They were laughing at you, okay?

You could have held out.

I was almost ready
to believe you.

Look, you don't have

to bother
seeing me home.

No, I'll take you.

No, really. I'm one of
the few women in New York

who's safe
on the streets.

Come on, you came with me,
you're leaving with me.

Listen, let's not spoil
a lovely evening

by arguing, okay?

And hey, don't worry.
You did your duty.

You proved
you were a nice guy.

I'm taking you.

Get your paws off me.

They give you a little dinner,
they think they own you.

Latka! Will you cut it out?!

You're not going to find
any more money.

Besides, these cabs
got to go out soon

but they can't go out
with no back seats

'cause where
will our passengers sit?

You want them to squat

on the floor like ducks?


Put the damn seats back

you dumb foreigner.

Come on!



Did you said foreigner?


For you.

What's that mean?

Means this.

You better smile
when you do that, buddy.

Oh, yeah?

Okay, pal, mull this one over.

Oh, all right.

I accept your apology.

But we still don't know
who was driving

when the money was left in it.

Hi, Alex.

Hey, Alex,
did you score?

Shut up.

I guess not.


I heard about your date.

Oh, yeah?


I wonder how come?

You get some real kooks
on blind dates, boy.

Like this one.

I show up--
looking good, per usual--

and this girl
comes to the door.


Not your type.

'cause to be honest

I prefer my women "H and H"--
homely and hot.

I misjudged you, Louie.

You're really a poet, you know?

You bet.

Can I have
my receipt, please?

Anyway, all of a sudden,
she says, "I feel sick."

Tells me she thinks
she was exposed to cholera

earlier that day.

So, what did you do?

I tried to take
her blouse off.

It's not my fault
she feels sick

so why shouldn't one of us
have a good time, right?

You know, every time
I talk to you, Louie

I feel grateful
that I haven't eaten yet.

Heard about your date.

Oh, yeah, what was it,
broadcast over the PA?


Hey, Elaine,
can I talk to you

for a minute?

Yeah, sure.

I don't want any advice.

I just want to talk.

Go ahead.

I can't stop thinking
about that girl.

You know,
you're a terrific guy.

That's not what
I want to hear.

It just goes to show you
how terrific you are.

All night long,
she kept accusing me

of going through
the motions--

that I wouldn't call
her again because
of her looks

and I kept telling
her she was wrong.


But she wasn't wrong.

Oh, Alex, you too?

No. Listen,
what I can't figure out

is that hour I had
with her on the phone

was one of the greatest
conversations I've ever had.

A witty, bright,
sensitive girl

who came to the door

What happened to her?

Maybe Angela ate her.

It wasn't just her looks.

She was also
the bitterest, surliest

most depressing person
I ever met.

So, how come I feel
like I have to go see her again?

I don't know.

You got an answer for that?

Yeah, I feel like

I'm walking away
from a car wreck

with a person trapped inside.

That's true.

I'm going to go see her.

Oh, before I forget

you can give us
that money back now.

Even though we're
nowhere near

figuring out
how to split it.

Hey, listen, Latka found it.

Why don't you give
it all to him?

That's one we
didn't think of.

What are you talking about?

He doesn't know what to do
with that kind of money.

Yeah, he'll probably
just blow it

on rent or food
or something.

How can you give it to him?

You want to pop the veins
in my head?

Here, Latka,
take your money.

Okay, you guys.

( speaking
native language )

Thank you very much.

Hey, no, no.

Latka, Latka, please.

Please, not now.

Let's make it seven out of 13.

What are you doing
this time

nobody will be home?

Huh? No. Listen, I just
dropped by because I, I...

Come in if you want.


I guess I should have called
first, but, uh...

Hey, is this
our second date?

I don't know.

Let's say it is.
I've never had one.

Okay, it's our second date.

Good, so far it looks like
I haven't been missing anything.

Hey, Angela? Will you just let
me get out what I have to say?

Because I don't want to end up

with us doing that stupid stuff
that we did last night.

You mean falling in love?

Would you like to hear
what I have to say or not?

Can I get a drink first?

I have a feeling
I'm going to need a drink.

Yeah, go ahead.

You want anything?
No, thanks.

So, what's on your mind?

Well, I, uh...

I don't really know.

I, uh...

I guess I would sort of like
to get to know you better.


Why not?

Well, you might not know
to look at me

but I'm not exactly beautiful,
or, uh, even good-looking.

I'm not quite plain.

Now, feel free to jump in
and stop me anytime.

Hey, come on.

I'm no Robert Redford,
you know.

I wouldn't mind looking like you
if I was a man.

Would you want
to look like me?

Wouldn't be so bad.

I'd, you know,
kind of fix up my hair

and, uh... I'd do that
sort of stuff with makeup

and, uh, I'd go to a gym,
and I'd work on myself.

I mean,
that's what I would do.

Not that I'm saying
that you should do anything.

It's just what I would do.

Okay, let's say I did
all the hairdo and makeup

and everything and dropped
ten or 70 pounds.

Do you think I'd be attractive?

Do you think I'd be attractive?

Yeah, sure, why not?

In a romantic sort of way?

You don't have
to answer.

You could just nod.

Hey, look, I'm not, uh...

I haven't been romantically
involved in eight years

and I'm not about to break
my streak right now.

Hey, look, but we, uh...
we did have fun

talking on the phone
the other day, didn't we?

I mean, that
was sort of special.

Hey, look, I swear
I'm not that comfortable

with that many people.

I just think that we
could get to be friends.

I can't believe you came
all the way back here

just because
you forgot to give me

the "let's be friends" speech.

Hey, can we drop that?

I just think I'd like to get
to know you better, that's all.

You want me to open up?

Would that
make you happy?

Make you feel like

you did your good deed
for the day?

Okay. Okay.

But then you better plan on
sticking around.

Because I'm not standing here

with my insides on the floor,
while you walk out

feeling you did
the poor fat girl some big favor

by helping her get in touch
with her feelings.

You want to be a hero?

Then be prepared
to stick around

for the rest of the w*r, okay?

Maybe I will.

But can we start slower--

like where we went
to high school

and then we'll work up
to your insides on the floor?

Hey, Angela, I think we had
a normal moment there.


Well, listen, uh,
you don't mind

if I get a little clear

on what we're trying
to establish here.

It wouldn't make you nuts,
would it?

No, it would not
make me nuts.

So, uh...

so, what it is, is, is...

I could call you
whenever I feel like it?

If I need advice,
I could call you?


Uh... if you need advice,
you could call me?


If we have something
interesting happening

we could call each other?


We could call
just to sh**t the breeze?



Or, uh...

if I just need a hug?

Uh, you know how long
it's been since I cried?


A half an hour.

( theme music playing )

Night, Mr. Walters.

( grunts )
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