01x10 - Believers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
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01x10 - Believers

Post by bunniefuu »

Am I going to die?

If it is written in the streams
of time, Shon, it will be so.

I'll tell you what is written.

Soon you will breathe much easier.

You will grow to be strong,
wise and bring honor...

...to your mother and father.

Please don't speak that way.

No one knows what is written
until the waters surround him.

I am never wrong about these things.

Dr. Franklin.

My husband would like to speak
with you candidly. May he do so?

Of course.

The doctors on our world say there's
no treatment for his watery breathing.

They say that the boy is weak
and he will die.

He's our only son, Dr. Franklin.

He is the last chance for our family's
honor to fly on the winds of history.

You must love him very much.

On my world, it would be
a sign of weakness...

...for me to acknowledge
feelings to a stranger.

But he has brought such joy
and happiness into our lives.

Can you save him?

Shon's condition is very serious,
but it is treatable.

His upper air passages have
a congestive blockage.

It's common in species
with internal air bladders.

We've seen this before.

Usually it happens as a result of
an infection or a reaction to an injury.

It's a normal response.
Usually it clears up by itself, but...

Sometimes the mass hardens, or grows.

It's not a weakness.
It could happen to anyone.

A simple operation
will correct the condition.



You will cut him open?

That's usually what surgery entails,
yes. There's nothing to worry about.

- Get Shon. We will find no help here.
- Thank you.

Sorry to have taken your time.

Wait, wait.
Look, it's a simple procedure.

He'll be stronger than ever.

You don't understand.
Food animals are cut open.

They don't have a soul,
so it's all right.

But the chosen of God
may not be punctured.

The blockage won't heal by itself.

If Shon doesn't have this surgery,
he'll die, very painfully.

- No one wants that.
- That's immaterial.

You must not cut into the child.

Now I know what is written.

It was the dawn
of the Third Age of mankind...

... 1 0 years after
the Earth-Minbari w*r.

The Babylon Project
was a dream given form.

Its goal: to prevent another w*r
by creating a place...

... where humans and aliens
could work out their differences.

It's a port of call,
home away from home...

... for diplomats, hustlers,
entrepreneurs and wanderers.

Humans and aliens,
wrapped in 2,500,000 tons...

... of spinning metal,
all alone in the night.

It can be a dangerous place.

But it's our last,
best hope for peace.

This is the story of the last
of the Babylon stations.

The year is 2258.

The name of the place is Babylon 5.

Confirmed, Azimov.
We'll be right there.

We received a distress call
from the starliner Azimov.

- They had a fire in the control center.
- How serious?

It's taken care of, but they lost
navigation and communication.

They were en route,
but now they're blind.

- Location?
- Grid 471 by 1 8.

- That's Raider territory.
- Exactly.

Recommend we send a fighter wing
to escort the Azimov back here.

A potential combat situation
requires a command officer.

Is Garibaldi available?

I suppose.

- What?
- Nothing.

I have plenty of things
to occupy myself here.

I think I'll just walk to and fro
for a while. Maybe to my console.

After that, maybe I'll try pacing
fro and to, just for the kick of it.

There's the view. Granted it's not
quite the same as if you were outside.

For someone with over 1 00 hours
of combat flying experience.

- Lf you'd rather...
- No, no, that's okay.

Don't worry about me.
I'll just sit here and knit something.

Maybe a nice sweater, some socks.

Does the term "stir crazy"
ring a bell?

I have an idea.

Why don't you take the fighter wing
and escort the Azimov back to base?

Well, if you insist, sir.

So you see,
removing the blockage is easy.

The fluid-transfer system
will regain integrity immediately.

After that, it's a simple matter
to reinflate the internal air sac.

He'll need to rest,
but he's young and strong.

His recovery should be easy.
It's a very simple procedure.

We understand all too well.
That is why we won't allow it.

Our veterinarians perform this surgery
on distressed food animals.

So you'll let him die?
What kind of god do you worship?

We can't discuss this any longer.
This is useless.

Wait, wait, wait.
I think there might be another way.

It will take longer, be far more
uncomfortable and will cost more.

The cost is not the issue.
Nor is discomfort.

We're the Children of Time.
We can't break our pact...

...like you can't cease to descend
from egg-sucking mammals.

My husband intends no offense, doctor.

Of course. I think we can try
something here that...

...might give Shon's natural defenses
a chance to break up the blockage.

If we use a combination
of emollients and microbeams...

...to provide a physical access
for his internal fluids...

...we might help the body
clear itself.

I'm not promising that
this procedure will work as well.

It may not work at all. But you won't
find a doctor with a better idea.

And you will lose valuable time
if you go looking.

May we discuss this alone, please?

Of course.

- What are you doing?
- I'll ask the same.

Never insult a patient's beliefs.
Work with them.

Give them a reason
to be on your side.

- You think lying will help?
- I didn't lie.

Mineral oil and microbeams won't
dislodge that mass. It's rooted!

That kid is going under the knife
or into the freezer!

Sometimes you heal the family
before the patient.

This isn't some silly superstition
to them.

- They're not gonna just let it go.
- It will k*ll their kid!

If we insist, they'll put him
on the first cruiser out of here.

He won't survive the first jump.
I am trying to find a way to save him!

They're terrified! They're not ready
to cut to the chase.

So we do a little of this and that.

Torturing the patient
with remedies that don't work.

Until they let us do what we should
have done in the first place.

I don't like it either,
but we don't get a vote.

Our son will not survive
another space trip, will he?

No, I don't think so.

Then we either accept
the fragile hope you offer...

...or we watch our son die in pain.

It is not much of a choice, is it?

- Alpha Wing ready to launch.


We're going into a sector
noted for Raider att*cks.

Suggest minimal chatter. Don't attract
attention. Just get in and get out.

Confirmed, Alpha Leader.

Prepare for jump.

You'll have to stay in bed.

The station has educational and
entertainment channels you can...

No. We have seen
some of that material.

Those channels demonstrate
false belief systems.

We don't want him to see
inappropriate information.

He can study the Scrolls
if he gets bored.

The Scrolls can be calming
when the mind is in turmoil.

In particular, the Parable of the 7th
Declination in the Scroll of Herrel...

...where Herrel makes his final vow
of commitment to family honor.

I've always found that
to be a most inspiring lesson.

- I've got something for you. Look.
- What is it?

Well, this...

...is a gloppit egg.

Now, the gloppit is a very rare
creature from the planet... .

Planet Placebo.

The egg has to be held just like this.

And petted just like this.

And talked to softly.

Just like this.

Since I'll be too busy
treating you to care for it...

...you're gonna have
to do that for me. Okay?

It is all right, isn't it? Please?

Monnya? Dottya?

The gloppit. It is not
a dangerous creature, is it?

Don't worry, it's safe.

Then you may speak
to the egg, Shon.

But not of sacred things.
Those are for us.

Yes, Dottya. Thank you.

Just like this.

- Gloppit eggs?
- He's terrified. He needs a friend.

So you gave him industrial goo?

I gave him something to believe in.


You don't disapprove of superstition,
if it's yours.

- What does that mean?
- They worship the Great Egg.

Your god is medicine, and you can
do no wrong. What's the difference?

I produce measurable results.
What's your point?

Did you see their eyes?

They're terrified. You didn't solve
anything, you postponed it.

I gave them a chance to think,
to reconsider.

- You are so certain, aren't you?
- All right, look.

If you can find a better way,
go ahead.

Prove me wrong.
You won't find anything.

- I'll bet a steak dinner on that.
- Can't get steak here.

Then I'll import one.

One way or another, I'm gonna save
that boy's life, whatever it costs.

Why do you want to import a steak?


- Who's paying for it?
- Maya Hernandez. Or me.

- I'll let you know.
- Did you see this?

The Shakespeare Corporation wants
to trans-ship a load of fingle eggs.

They gotta be kidding. No way.

The presence of fingle eggs might
present a serious hazard.

- Thanks. I owe you.
- Import another steak.

I don't owe you that much.

Anything new
with the respiratory case?

Boy's gonna die.

Parents won't let me operate.
What do I do?

The authority of Babylon 5
doesn't cover everything.

In this case, we're in a legal limbo.

You could order me to do anything
to save that boy, including surgery.

If I do that,
it establishes a precedent.

You already did when you told my
predecessor to save Ambassador Kosh.

Yes, I was briefed.

He's right.

You established that the safety of
an individual outweighs legal concerns.

But if you get involved, you give up
all pretense at neutrality.

- It'll damage our authority.
- An official request?

- Resolve this another way.
- You don't care if he dies?

That's not the issue.

If it were, we wouldn't be talking.
But it's not the only issue.

But this isn't going to go away.
Neither will I.

This was the Azimov's
last known position.

Maintain radio silence
until contact.

- You're doing fine.
- No.

I'm afraid. Maybe this gloppit egg
will have to hatch without me.

No, no, no.

See? It's still glowing.

That means you're doing a good job.

You just keep holding it,
just like that. Okay?

Your treatment isn't working.
He's getting weaker.

We might have got him to Thailateen.

He never would have survived.
He was too weak.

Because we trusted you,
our son will die.

No. He will die because
you won't trust me.

You wanted me to save him.
Well, let me save him, please.

He needs that surgery, or he will
choke to death on his own fluids.

There are more important things.

Without his spirit,
he wouldn't be alive.

He is your son, damn it.

Do yourself a favor. No, do him
a favor. Stop deluding yourselves.

All right, no more superstition.

We have the safety
of the patient precedent.

You force me to ask for suspension
of your parental authority.

- What does that mean?
- I'll do what will save your son.

I will perform that surgery
without your permission.

No! You can't do that.
You mustn't do that.

Please, Dr. Franklin.

I'm sorry. I have to do
what I feel is best for Shon.

Then so do we.

There she is.

Babylon Escort Wing Alpha
to starliner Azimov.

Fall into formation behind us.
We'll escort you.

-Confirmed. Thanks for the save.
- No problem.

I wish you had an ambassador.
It would simplify my problem.

I would ask for guidance.

She would tell you the same thing.
Please don't let Dr. Franklin operate.

Since you have no representative,
I must be your advocate.

I have to consider the child's safety
and the parents' rights.

- He is not your responsibility.
- Unfortunately, he is.

Dr. Franklin has made an official
request. And I have to rule on it.

Thank you for explaining
your side of it.

- I'll make my decision within 24 hours.
- You'll rule against us, won't you?

You'll give our child to Dr. Franklin.
Earth people stick together.

- I'm sorry you feel that way.
- Feel sorry for your doctor.

If he harms my child,
if he touches Shon, I will k*ll him.

That is why we are asking
for Narn protection.

We have no ambassador
to represent our interests.

If we don't get someone with strength
to intercede for us...

...Sinclair will take our son
and let the doctor violate his spirit.

I'd never heard of your world
until two days ago...

...when my staff noted your arrival.

Interesting little place, but it has
nothing to offer the Narn Regime.

You see, alliances are built
on mutual advantage.

We're not asking you
to negotiate a treaty.

We're asking you
to help save our child.

But you're asking me to exercise
my authority on your behalf.

What were you thinking?

That your dislike of the Earthers
would be enough.

Enough for us, not for you.

We don't entangle ourselves
in the affairs of others.

Please, he's our son.
Have you no sympathy?

I sympathize entirely, my dear.

This is a difficult
and distressing situation.

Could you help us?

I would have to go to the Council
and request injunctive relief.

The Council could have Sinclair's
decision set aside once he makes it...

...but I would have to get approval
from my world.

And I am certain they would want
me to justify the cost, yes?

- The cost?
- The research, the committee hearings.

All the necessary paperwork involved.

Unfortunately, we are
on a budget here.

We cannot justify such expenses
for non-Centauri.

Excuse me?

How much justice can you afford?

The Vorlons are very powerful.

If you filed a protest...

...Sinclair would have to forbid
Dr. Franklin to operate.

Will you consider one thing? Please.

If it were your child or even you
yourself, how would you feel...

...if Babylon 5's doctor wanted to
perform an unwelcome procedure on you?

The avalanche has already started.

It is too late
for the pebbles to vote.

I understand your frustration.

It must be difficult for you
to feel so powerless.

You cannot imagine.
We cannot sleep, we cannot eat.

We cannot focus our thoughts
for our meditations.

We are consumed by this.

And no one listens.
No one hears.

I can't say how much
it troubles me.

Then you will help us?

We have our own relationship
with the larger domains of the universe.

Matters of the soul are very private,
very personal to us.

We have suffered the interference
of others in this area...

...and are thus ourselves forbidden
to intervene in these matters.

You are refusing
because of your beliefs?

We thought you were
the most intelligent race.

We are only trying to save our child.

That is also what Dr. Franklin
believes he is doing.

Whose belief is correct?
And how do we prove it?

No. On this issue,
the Minbari cannot take sides.

Alpha One picking up long-range scan.
Looks like a Raider ship.

- Has it seen us?
-Don 't think so.

Continue to run silent. With a civilian
ship around, we'll avoid conflict.

Speed to maximum.

You'll need more firepower
to take that out.

Though I'm fairly certain
the blue stuff is dead.

- How you doing, Jeff?
- Lousy.

Thinking about that kid?

Franklin wants my help.
His folks want ambassadors to help.

They won't get involved.
Why should they?

Why help yourself to the blame? Even
Earth Central passed the buck to me.

- You spoke to Senator Gant?
- For an advisory.

- I won't call Central for everything.
- And?

He declined even to advise.
Said it's my responsibility.

But it isn't your fault.
This is a tough situation for everyone.

- That doesn't make me feel better.
- Nothing will. It's a child's life.

But letting it eat at you
won't help anyone.

I wish I could be sure.

Sure is for people with nothing
on the line. We just get on with it.

I know how Pontius Pilate
must have felt.

Hello, Shon. I'm Cmdr. Sinclair.
Welcome to Babylon 5.

What do you think of my station?

I haven't seen much of it.
Only the Medlab.

What's this?

It's a gloppit egg.
Dr. Franklin gave it to me.

A gloppit egg?

Actually, it's only a piece of...

...industrial goo.

But, please, don't tell Dr. Franklin
I said so.

He still believes it's an egg.

Shon, I have to ask you
a very difficult question.

- I know you've been thinking about it.
- Do I wanna live?

Yes. Very much.

But I don't want the operation.
I don't wanna lose my spirit.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

I had an operation once. A very
serious operation, but I'm fine now.

But you are not one of the chosen.
You are not born of the Egg.

No, I'm not.

Tell me about it.

- Smart kid.
- Are you going to sign the order?

You believe you're doing
the right thing, don't you?

So do the parents.
Who should I believe?

You, because we share
the same beliefs? Or do we?

Those parents are willing to see their
son die because of their religion.

You can't expect me to do nothing.
May God save us from false religion.

What makes a religion false?

If any religion is right,
maybe they all are.

Maybe God doesn't care how you pray.

- What if there's no God?
- You believe that?

I believe in saving lives.
Without life, it's meaningless.

But life has to be more
than just a pulse beat.

What we hold sacred
gives our lives meaning.

- What are we taking from this child?
- We can worry after the operation.

Are you certain this is
the only way to save the boy?


That only makes the decision harder.

I have to refuse to sign the order.

I can't allow you
to perform the operation.


I thought I could depend on you.

How can you deny
permission to operate?

If it were just me,
I'd sign the order.

If a commander overrules individual
beliefs that violate his own...

...we'll set a dangerous precedent.

It says other races' concerns
will be set aside when convenient.

- That's not what you said about Kosh.
- That was the camel's nose in the tent.

Operating on Shon will be the rest of
the camel. I have to stop it somewhere.

Otherwise our charter
will be compromised.

The station's role as a meeting place
for different races will be destroyed.

- You're just gonna let him die.
- Do you think I want to do this?

I have no more choice than anyone.

I have to be the advocate
for the parents. No one else will.

- Franklin.
-Shon 's life signs are dropping.

Call the parents.

When the egg hatched
and you first crept out...

...you were such
a tiny morsel of life.

I could hold you
in my cradled hands.

I was so proud of you then.

As proud as I was of the day
that you were born.

Today, I'm even prouder.

Because you're meeting your destiny,
like the true Child of the Egg.

We love you so much.

I promise you...

...we will sing
many songs for you...

...so that your journey will be fast
and peaceful.

And when you get
to the other side, my son...

...you must sing for us.

You must be our beacon home.

He needs his rest.

Shon, I... .

I wish... .


I am glad you didn't get your way.

I am grateful for the commander's
wisdom. This is better.

Sorry I can't agree with you.
The child deserves a chance at life.


But without a spirit,
it isn't life at all. You know that.

I'll call if there's any change
in his condition.

- You should go now.
- You're doing it anyway, aren't you?

They have their beliefs
and I have mine.

I took an oath. So did you.

If I stand by and do nothing... .

Sinclair will have you thrown
off the station.

I'm already packed.

That boy is gonna die in an hour
if I don't operate.

And no one, not you,
not Cmdr. Sinclair...

...not those poor, deluded parents,
will stop me.

So, you'll need an assist.

Alpha Leader, Raider ship detected
at coordinates 400 by 20 by 1 5.

One ship, a scout. We've got
an hour before the jumpgate.

Jam all channels.
We can't let it contact the rest.

Raider is breaking off.
Your instructions?

It's trying to get
outside jamming range.

Escort the Azimov.
I'll take out the Raider.

Negative. Violation of orders.

If that ship brings back more Raiders,
we'll be dead. Go, I'll catch up.


We're equalized to his internal
bladder. He won't have any trouble.

Might be a slight escape of air
or moisture during the incision.

Here we go.

You can't help but wonder, can you?

You didn't find anything
in your researches, did you?

- Oh, Lord, preserve this child.
- Say again?


It was a prayer for his spirit.

My prayers are as good
as theirs, right?

Besides, what could it hurt?

There she is.

Come on, come on. Come on!


Good. Good.

Not good.

So, Shon, how do you feel?
Here. Here.

There you go. That's it.

Better. I can breathe again.
But I don't feel different inside.

Well, see, I told you.

I want my mother. And my father.

Well, they're on their way.


Your spirit doesn't live
inside your skin.

It's not something that can escape.
You still have it.

You can see that now, don't you?
Your parents will see that too.

- You asked for us?
- Dottya. Monnya.

In the name of the Egg, you did it.
You did it anyway.

It's me! I don't feel any different.
Listen, I'll sing songs for you.

- Away, demon!
- Please!

- What unholiness spawned you?
- No!

- What have you done?
- Don't leave me. No!

Don't leave me!

Shon, it's all right.

Come here. It's all right.
It's okay.

In the name of the Egg
and the nest in which it resides.

It's okay.

I gave you an order.
You disobeyed it.

- I should ask for your resignation.
- It's yours.

Don't tempt me.
Who asked you to play God?

Every patient who comes in that door.
People want doctors to be gods.

They want us to make it better.

They come to me
when their prayers aren't enough.

If I take the responsibility,
I claim the authority too. I did good.

And we both know it,
and no one is gonna take that away.

- Yes?
-Sorry to bother you.

-I'm looking for Dr. Franklin.
- What is it?

I think you should come to Medlab.
I think you both should come.


My husband asked me to tell you...

...he knows what you did,
you did out of compassion.

You meant no harm. And if it were
in his power to forgive you, he would.

I am not allowed to forgive either.

But if I could, I would.

My husband has brought the lamuda.

The traveling robe for great journeys.

We will take the boy now.

He needs to rest.

He will.

I'm waiting.

For an apology.

You better check the temperature
in hell first.

Goodbye, Dr. Franklin.

Vital signs stabilizing.

All indications point
to a speedy recovery. End report.

- I owe you a steak dinner.
- Why?

- You won the bet, remember?
- Oh, yeah.

You dared me to prove you wrong.

I finished the research
on their people, as we discussed.

It's all here. The Great Egg,
the Great Journey, the Great Song.

There's a lamuda. Traveling robe.

Oh, my God.

Move! Move!

Oh, my God.

You did it.

You did it.

Do not grieve.

This was not our son.
This was only a shell.

There was nothing to do
but end the pain of the shell.

- You can have my resignation.
- I've decided not to ask for it.

This time.

You should never have asked
for a ruling.

- You wouldn't have had to disobey it.
- I'll know better. Next time.

Would the child have died
if you hadn't operated?

Sometimes the right thing
doesn't change anything.

It can drive you crazy.

It's all words. Just words.

All right. I was arrogant.

Thought I knew what I was doing.

We'd be better off
if there was no God.

If God had never been invented.

Then we wouldn't have to be anything.

We wouldn't have to care.

There's no way you could have known
what they'd do.

Don't try to tell me
it's not my fault.

I'm trying to tell you
that what makes us human...

...is that we care.

And because we care...

...we never stop trying.


What makes us human is that we
have so many different ways to hurt.

Are you okay?


Passengers from spacecraft Azimov now
arriving Customs Department Area 1 0.

There you are.
What happened out there?

- Nothing.
- Nothing?

Your fighter will be in the shop
for a week, minimum.

I hear you left formation and engaged
in combat without backup.

It was an educated risk.

There he is!

Sometimes it works out.

And sometimes it doesn't.

It's a long story.
Come on, I'll fill you in.
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