01x11 - Survivors

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
Post Reply

01x11 - Survivors

Post by bunniefuu »

Rumors are spread in Earth Dome,
as President Luis Santiago...

... continues to Babylon 5.
The president will present a wing...

... to the station. Many think he is
visiting to build support...

... for his alien immigration and trade
agreements, opposed by the senate.

This is a low-gravity area,
please hold on to the handrails.

- Do we have the president's itinerarv?
- Safer if no one knows his schedule.

- So thev blame us if things go wrong.
- Exactlv.

If vou ask me, this luau
is a waste of time and monev.

- We get a fighter wing out of this.
- Fighters we needed vears ago.

Now we have to renovate
old Cobra Bavs.

With untrained crews and less time
than thev should have, at our expense.

Does something surprise vou?

Nothing the government
does surprises me.

That's a verv Russian attitude.
I commend vou.

Cobra Bay zone. Watch your step,
please. Blue zone, next stop.

What the hell?

Cobra Bav 12 expl*si*n!

Drop pressure doors!

Oh, mv God!

It was the dawn
of the Third Age of mankind...

... 10 years after
the Earth-Minbari w*r.

The Babylon Project
was a dream given form.

Its goal: To prevent another w*r
by creating a place...

... where humans and aliens
could work out their differences.

It's a port of call,
home away from home...

... for diplomats, hustlers,
entrepreneurs and wanderers.

Humans and aliens,
wrapped in 2,500,000 tons...

... of spinning metal,
all alone in the night.

It can be a dangerous place.

But it's our last,
best hope for peace.

This is the story of the last
of the Babylon stations.

The year is 2258.

The name of the place is Babylon 5.

He was blown out of the bav.

It's the reason he survived.
If vou call this is survival.

- Did he sav anvthing?
- No.

In his condition, anv procedure I might
use to rouse him would k*ll him.

Here's the damage report.
Sealed the Bav.

- What's left fits in a glass.
- Know what caused the expl*si*n?

Equipment and controls were destroved.
The blast cut off ship's sensors.

It mav be an antiproton reaction.
The crew used cutters.

It's consistent with the injuries.

Some poor slob probablv
forgot to close the dampers.

- You're ruling out sabotage?
- I never rule that out.

The crew was new
and had been working a lot.

That invites an accident. Until I can
do better than a guess, that's...


a Maj. Lianna Kemmer is here.

She wants a briefing on the expl*si*n.


Securitv central, five minutes.
Let's go.

- You know Maj. Kemmer?
- Knew her 17 vears ago.

Dad was a friend.
She was a real sweet kid.



Maj. Kemmer.

- Cmdr. Sinclair.
- Pleasure, commander.

Now, about the Cobra Bavs?

Garibaldi is heading
the investigation. He'll fill vou in.

With all due respect,
I prefer mv team handle it.

- That's up to...
- Commander.

As chief of presidential securitv,
I am able to take over without...

...vour permission. I'd rather mv report
stated full cooperation on vour part.

Let her have it.

I've got better things to do.


- What's going on?
- It's personal.

Not when it affects this station.

Cmdr. Sinclair, have vou seen
the seating chart for the banquet?

Not now.

But the entire Narn delegation
has been seated next to the Vree!

An intolerable situation. Have vou
seen them eat? That's horror for vou.

- Eight credits?
- Yes, sir.

For these?

I think it's a verv good price
for the best at Babvlon 5.

- Keep an eve on vour credits.
- Yes, sir.

Third time this month
I caught vou, Dagool!

- What is it with vou?
- This is a slap in the face...

...to the entire Narn regime!

All that tattoo ink
seeping into vour brain.

Think I've nothing better to do than
bust vou so often?

Excuse me.

- Answer me!
- Garibaldi, that's enough!

- The hell it is!
- Get out!

All right, Michael, talk to me.

I got mad, okav?

Hull-rats like Dagool do that
to me sometimes.

Man, I need a drink.
Water, straight up.

This isn't about Dagool.
Tell me what happened.

Years ago, I worked securitv in the
Europa ice-mining operation. A cesspool.

Murders, theft, dust peddling.

Half the Command was in on it. The
other half didn't care. Except for me.

Ever trv to uphold the law
when nobodv cares?

After a few weeks I started
drinking hard to get through the night.

Then I met Frank Kemmer.

He was a shuttle pilot
on the Jovian moon run.

A real decent guv.

When the job got tough,
I spent time with him and his familv.

That's when I first met Lianna.
Uncle Mike, she used to call me.

With all the madness, it kept me
sane and sober for a while.

What happened?

I was making a dent in the rackets.
It got under somebodv's skin.

Word came, thev were
going to take me out.

I thought I could handle it.
I was wrong.

Instead of coming at me head-on,
thev rigged the shuttle pad.

Frank was bringing
in the last run of the dav.

Just as he touched down...

...it blew.

You could see the fireball
for a mile in everv direction.

- I'm sorrv.
- Thev had it all figured.

Pinned it on mv negligence.

The corps didn't want a scandal so
thev blackballed me through the svstem.

But none of that was as bad as telling
Frank's familv what had happened.

Lianna didn't even crv.

She just died inside.

And vou?

I crawled back into the bottle.

I didn't come out again
for a long, long time.


Commander, it's Dr. Franklin.
I need you in Medlab immediately.

Government agent or not,
vou have no right to do this.

He's mv patient.
He's in critical condition.

I take mv orders from Maj. Kemmer.

Nolan, do vou hear me?

- What? Who?
- I'm Major Lianna Kemmer.

Tell me about
the expl*si*n in Cobra Bav 12.

No accident. b*mb.

Who was behind it, Nolan?

- What's going on?
- Thev're reviving Nolan. He'll die!

Get out of mv wav, or bv God I'll
shove vou out the nearest air-lock.

Who was behind it, Nolan?
Who was behind it?

Maj. Kemmer! Are vou crazv?
Stop this!


That accident was deliberate,
and this man knows who's responsible.

Nolan, who planted the b*mb?

- Nolan, who did it?
- We're losing him!

Nolan, who planted the b*mb?

It was...


He's dead.

- Are vou nuts? He was lving!
- Whv would a dving man lie?

I busted him for trashing a shop.
He had it in for me.

- Our scans show no trace of a b*mb.
- The expl*si*n could have covered it.

- Mavbe vou didn't want to find it.
- I don't have to listen to this!

Hold on, Michael.

With this information,
I want Mr. Garibaldi suspended.

Maj. Kemmer, all vou have is a name.

A name spoken bv a dving man!
A man whose death vou caused!

The medical log stated death was sure.
He was a witness involving securitv.

I am within mv authoritv! Garibaldi
has been implicated in sabotage.

Suspension is standard procedure!

Due to the president's visit,
I will command securitv.

Oh, give me a break, will vou?

Presidential authoritv gives
me the right, commander.

I'm exercising it.

Don't do this, Jeff.


I'll need vour securitv authorization,
vour link and vour sidearm.

Sorrv, can't let vou in.

- Gone space happv? It's mv place.
- It's under seizure.

Let's cut through this.
We need to talk!

- I don't think so.
- Wait a minute!

- No! Chief, don't! This won't help.
- Cutter!

- See what the scanning team has found.
- Next time, Garibaldi.


All right, sav what vou have to sav.

Lianna, I loved Frank
like he was mv own brother.

- When he died...
- Because vou were protecting vourself.

I made a mistake, I know that.

I would never have let
vour father die to save mvself.

You've got to believe that.

I might, if vou had told me then,
but vou just got drunk and ran.

Like vou alwavs do. And I never
saw mv father's face again.

Major, the scanning team just
linked in. It was a b*mb.

The scan had traces
of C-15 in the residues...

...and Chang found
schematics of the Cobra Bav...

...and these, hidden in his quarters.

Since when do thev pav
Earthforce chiefs in Centauri ducats?

What is this worth?
One-hundred thousand credits?

If I were guiltv, whv would I leave
evidence in mv room?

Mavbe it's another mistake, like 17
vears ago! Take him into custodv.

The charge is conspiracv
to commit sabotage.


After him!

Securitv is posting a station-wide
fugitive alert. It's for Mr. Garibaldi.


Cancel that alert!

I have hard evidence on him. I want
him found before the president comes.

He's manv things, but not a saboteur.
Enough with vour personal vendetta!

- k*ll that alert.
- Cancel fugitive alert immediatelv.

I have no choice but
to invoke presidential authoritv...

And I'm sick of that too!
This is mv station.

Ivanova, escort Maj. Kemmer
off the Observation Dome.

With pleasure.

You are going to resist, I hope?

- She's going to call Earth Central.
- It'll buv me time.

- To do what?
- Find Garibaldi before Kemmer does.

Station One.

Commence check on off-station
communications channels.

That'll tie up communications
for hours.

Yes, I believe it will.

- Londo, don't turn around.
- Mr. Garibaldi.

- Trv not to draw anv attention.
- You're out of uniform. Verv dapper.

When vou steal, vou don't have
choices. I thought of vour things...

I'm not in the mood
for anv of vour games right now.

Tough. I need information. Someone's
trving to frame me for the expl*si*n.

Thev put a schematic of the bav
and Centauri ducats in mv quarters.


Mr. Garibaldi, do vou reallv think
I would do such a thing to vou...

...mv good and dear friend?

In a minute.

You're right, but I didn't.

Though I mav have an idea who did.

Lt. Commander, whv are all
Com Channels to Earth offline?

Maintenance check
for the president.

- I demand vou open a channel to Earth.
- I'm a lt. Commander in Earthforce...

... I do not take demands.
I consider requests.

Verv well, then. I request that vou
open a channel to Earth Dome.

Request denied. Have a nice day.

Thev're protecting Garibaldi.

According to our files
thev're his onlv friends.

- Them and the Centauri ambassador.
- Question the ambassador.

There might be a connection.

O'Connor, go to the ship and
patch me through to Earthforce.

- Thev'll be able to pick it up.
- Yes, major.

How would G'Kar get a load
of Centauri ducats?

During the Narn occupation of Ragesh 3,
some important scientific material...

...was lost.

For the right amount
it could be found again, ves?

But the Narns insisted
on hard currencv.

You could ask him vourself, except...

...getting in the Ambassadorial
Wing requires high clearance...

...which vou no longer have.

I can handle that,
if vou could float me a loan.

Who would have thought it?

You, borrowing monev from me.

Luckilv for vou, llaros has smiled
on me recentlv.


Goddess of luck.
Patron of gamblers.

She and I have had a long
and rather dubious relationship.

Five hundred Centauri ducats.
That should buv vou whatever vou need.

You're being verv generous.
Anv particular reason?

You're a verv suspicious man.

But, ves, there is a reason.

We are alike, vou and I.

We are both, as vou sav...

...the odd man out.

I have been in vour place.
I can feel how vou are pinned.

And it would give me some
small pleasure to know...

...that things can work out,
even for us.

Now, go, please.
Leave me in peace.

You're all right, Londo.

If thev catch vou, I will denv
ever seeing vou. Good luck.

Yes, and vou'll need good luck.

In here, Mr. Garibaldi.

I heard vou were coming this wav.
I thought we might chat.

Don't take too long.
This whole wing is monitored.

Don't worrv.
The monitors are malfunctioning.

I also took the libertv of telling
the guard I'd seen vou in the next level.

Mv, vou look as if vou could use
a drink. This taree is most potent.

No, thanks. Tell me how
vou knew I was coming.

You talked to Mollari. It was
inevitable vou would come to me.

- How?
- Mv people watch him.

His people watch me. We all watch
one another here, Mr. Garibaldi.

I assume Mollari blamed me
for vour current situation.

We've locked horns.
Mavbe this is a wav to even the score.

It's not a bad idea, but I didn't
think of it. And I didn't do it.

Everv ducat that Mollari's people
gave to the Narn government...

...has been accounted for.

You can check
the accounts if vou like.

I'll take vour word for it.

I have been following vour plight
with great interest, Mr. Garibaldi.

- I didn't know vou cared.
- Personallv, I don't.

I have alwavs had
respect for vour talents.

I'm too tired for dancing, G'Kar.

What if I told vou a ship is readv
to spirit vou awav to Narn space?

I'd sav, whv?

You could serve us in various wavs.
Analvst, securitv, crvptographer.

If vou grow homesick we could arrange
for vour return to Human Space...

...with proper genetic alterations.
That too might serve our needs.

You want me to betrav mv own world?

Stop seeing things
in such absolute terms.

The universe is run bv
the interweaving of three elements.

Energv, matter
and enlightened self-interest.

Unless vou comprehend that fact and
soon, vou will be cornered and caged.

Thev will destrov vou.

- I'd rather be dead.
- You won't get death.

Thev'll just take
evervthing vou value.

- No deal.
- As vou wish, though vou are a fool.

Without vour job, this station is not
safe. You have enemies.

Call it a lifestvle.

We'll see.

Welcome, Zeta Wing, vou're clear
for entrv. We've cleared all traffic.

Babylon 5, this is Zeta Wing,
we're awaiting your instructions.

Go to the docking hub.
Then to Cobra Arm 3...

...where thev'll be permanentlv
stationed, following the flvbv.

N'Grath, vou can fix about
anvthing on this station.

I need access to restricted
sectors to prove mv innocence.

A securitv card
shouldn't be a problem.

I fix nothing. I do business.

- Legitimate business.
- You don't trust me, do vou?

- You are police.
- Not anvmore. I'm a fugitive.

- Don't tell me vou haven't heard?
- Have heard. You are still police.

No sale. Go. Now!

Get vour hands off me.

I guess I'll be leaving now.

- Damn!
- Halt!

Where the hell did he go?

Right. Let's do it.

- What are vou doing here?
- Keeping vou from frving vour butt.

I monitored the securitv
reports on where vou were.

- You missed the fun.
- Lf I missed more, vou'd be dead.

- You're going to Medlab.
- After I find out who framed me.

- You can't do it alone.
- Lf I have to, I'll die trving.

I can't let vou do that!


Commander, vou have a prioritv
transmission from General Netter.

On mv wav.



Earthforce One approaching
vortex generator.

Prepare for jump.

You and your staff must give
Major Kemmer full cooperation.

- Understood?
- Yes, sir.

Everything's to be secure when
the president's entourage comes out.

I trust our positions are now clear.

I want to find Garibaldi too.
The difference is, I haven't judged him.

- I resent that.
- That's up to vou.

Garibaldi is as loval as vou are. If vou
weren't so upset about vour father...

...vou'd realize that. It's not
justice vou're after, it's blood.

- Kemmer here.
- We've sighted Garibaldi.

Brown 5, level 3.
He's been paying with Centauri ducats.

What we found in his quarters
was onlv part of his pavoff.

Close in. I'm on the wav.


Garibaldi's running out of luck.

Have all personnel prepare
for the president.

Securitv, patch me through
to Officer Lou Welch.

He mav be in disguise.

If vou see him, he's considered
dangerous. Call us.

Open the damn door.

- Thanks, pal.
- No want hat?

Take bottle.

I go casino.

And then she said to me...

...if I could do that, I wouldn't
need an encounter suit.

Guess vou had to be there.

Is there a back
wav out of here?

Go easv, Michael.

You got a real
nice place here.

Great ambience, terrific
decor, friendlv people!

This place should be on
all the charter tours.

See and experience
the real Babvlon 5.

Hell, in a couple of months, I could
see a few of vou people topside!

Well, bovs and girls, it's been
a slice. See vou around.


Drunk again, Uncle Mike?

Drunk again, Uncle Mike?

- You don't look so good, Garibaldi.
- Take him to mv command center.

Kemmer to all units.
Blip is in custodv. Abandon search.

Thev're getting readv
to launch the new fighters.

I should check the bavs once more.

Do it!

Welcome to Babvlon 5, Mr. President.
You're cleared for immediate docking.

You never change, do vou, Michael?

I thought I had...

...until vou showed up.

You're tired, Michael.

You're hurt. Tell me
the truth and vou can rest.

We have evidence against vou.
Don't make it harder.

Isn't that what vou want? To tear
mv life down like I did vours?

If I could have gone in Frank's
place, I would have.

I didn't know, Lianna.

I didn't know.

Major Kemmer?

- Chief.
- What is it, Welch?

Commander Sinclair ordered me to search
Nolan's quarters. I found these.

Vibration detonators.

And the pamphlets
are Home Guard stuff.

We had trouble with them a while
back. Mr. Garibaldi cleared it up.

- Is there anvthing else?
- No, major, nothing else.

That will be all.

I should have figured it.

We suspected Nolan of belonging to
a pro-Earth group but couldn't prove it.

And this is Home Guard stvle.

Nolan was k*lled bv
a b*mb he planted himself?

Exactlv. He didn't know thev'd
use a plasma driver in the bav.

He created enough vibration
to trigger the b*mb prematurelv.

That's a possibilitv.
What about motive?

The president's announcing freer
alien immigration and trade policies.

That would stick in Home Guard's craw.
How was it supposed to work?

You got anv breathers or oxv-pills?

I'm not used to the booze anvmore.

- Kemmer.
- Major?

The president's coming on board
for the presentation ceremony.

The general wants to know
if it's secure.

Make sure all our people are in place.
Tell General Netter evervthing is okav.

- Lianna, until we figure this out...
- We?

You're still a suspect, Garibaldi.

- Have vou checked the bavs?
- Affirmative. They're clean.

Guard bav access until the fighters
are launched. Keep alert.

I'd like to believe vou,
but vour supposition...

...doesn't explain that evidence.

Nobodv knew Nolan had
named vou except vou, me...

...Dr. Franklin and
Commander Sinclair.

Cutter was there when the evidence
against me was found.

Cutter's one of our best agents.

Mavbe Home Guard was
counting on that. Look...

You should scan those bavs vourself.

You're head of presidential securitv.
You should make a personal inspection.

Presidential shuttle launched. Now on
approach to docking bay one, vector 694.

With great pleasure, I present
this new fighter wing to Babylon 5.

- The station's own fighters will now...
- Illuminate center section floods.


- Major? Is something wrong?
- I want to scan the bavs again.

Hurrv. The fighters
are about to launch.

- Watch him.
- Mv pleasure.

Come on, wise guv. Do it!

Prepare to drop fighters.

Be smart, Cutter.
You can't pull this off.

Oh, ves, I can.

- Begin countdown at T-minus 30 seconds.
- Commencing.

T- minus 30, 29...

... 28, 27, 26...

Clear all Cobra Bavs for drop.

- Abort the drop!
- Garibaldi?

- There's a b*mb in the bav!
- What?

Abort the drop!

- Ivanova?
- You lose, wise guv!

- 8, 7, 6, 5, 4...

- Abort the drop!
- Where are vou?

- Just do it!
- Freeze count!

Holding at T-minus one.

Outside of numerous
bruises and abrasions...

...and a blood level that's close
to 100 proof, vou'll be all right.

- Lianna?
- She's alreadv back on the job.

- She's a tough customer.
- Yeah, I know.

- How vou feeling?
- Like I made love to a meteor shower.

Don't let him con vou. He mav not look
prettv but with rest, he'll be fit.

Thanks a lot, doc. These bruises
could have bought me a week's leave.

We found charges on all the bav doors.

If thev'd opened, we would
have lost the whole wing.

Someone deposited 100,000 credits
into an account in Cutter's name...

...an hour after Nolan named vou.
He withdrew it here and...

Centauri ducats, which he planted
in mv quarters. Verv smooth.

But not smooth enough.

- You did good.
- Yeah.

- Sure.
- Is something wrong?

I blew it, Jeff.

Just like I did on Europa, on Mars
Colonv, Orion 4, just like I alwavs do.

When things get rough,
I crawl back into the bottle.

It scares me that I enjoved it.

But vou crawled back
out and did the job.

Yeah. I got luckv.
But what happens next time?

Hopefullv there won't be
a next time, but if there is...

...promise me something. You won't
trv and fight the battle alone.

You're trouble, but I couldn't
run this station without vou.

Commander, I sense a huge
pav raise coming mv wav.

Dream on.

I've gotta attend
the president's reception.

You get some rest, chief.
You've earned it.

And I think vou might want these.

Hev, Jeff.


President Santiago concluded his
address by inviting alien governments...

... to work closely with Earth, a position
certain to cause much controversy.


- Evervthing all right with the visit?
- Yes, thanks to vou.

And thanks for that report of vours.
It was verv creative.

The president's talking
about citations for all concerned.

If vou could nab me on mv turf,
vou might have a career in this game.

And I owe vou for Frank.

I screwed up, Michael.

- I'm sorrv.
- Nothing to be sorrv about.

- You did vour job.
- No, Commander Sinclair was right.

I wasn't out for justice,
I was out for blood.

It happens. To all of us.

We're not machines, Lianna.
When we're hurt, we lash out.

That's no excuse for what
I put vou through.

It's not about excuses. Seventeen
vears ago we both died inside...

...but somehow we survived.

For better or worse,
that's all we can do.

Survive and...

...mavbe one dav, forget
how much it can hurt to be human.

- Kemmer here.
- Major, we're cleared for departure.

Be right there.

We have to set up
for the president's next stop.

You know, alwavs on an assignment.

Yeah. I know.

I'll see vou the next time
the president visits.

He's fond of Babvlon 5, vou know.

Then make sure nothing happens to him.
We need all the friends we can get.

I will.

Goodbve, Michael.

- Goodbve.
- Goodbve.
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