01x12 - By Any Means Necessary

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
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01x12 - By Any Means Necessary

Post by bunniefuu »

Earthforce ship Omega,
proceed to jumpgate.

Shuttle Copernicus,
you're clear for Bay 4.

Tal'Quith, please hold.

Earthforce ship continue to hold.
Minbari ship, hold.

This is the captain of the Tal'Quith.
What is the delay?

There's a priority shipment.
You can dock in 25 minutes.

Unacceptable! We have perishable
cargo for Ambassador G'Kar.

-We must deliver it immediately!
-l'll do what l can. Please stand by.

Hey, move that to the right!
Over to the right!

-Delvientos here.
-Can you get that Narn ship in here?

-Where am l gonna get the crew?
-You know how the Narns can be.

Yeah, I know. You're really
busting my cojones today.

-Slide her into Bay 8.

Tal'Quith, proceed to Docking Bay 8
via Beacon Alpha 6.

About time.

We have computer failure!
lt's raising the transport!

Platform 6 activated.
Departure sequence engaged.

-Collision warning.
-lt's gonna collide with the Narn ship!

Computer, override sequence.

Tal'Quith, switch to Beacon Zeta.
Do not alter course.

Do not start your engines!

-Bay 6, damage report.
-Hydraulic fuel lines are ruptured!

-Lock the bay. Swift Team's coming.
-Hurry! Two people are trapped!

lf they don't get out, they'll die!

It was the dawn
of the Third Age of mankind...

... 1 0 years after
the Earth-Minbari w*r.

The Babylon Project
was a dream given form.

Its goal: to prevent another w*r
by creating a place...

... where humans and aliens
could work out their differences.

It's a port of call,
home away from home...

...for diplomats, hustlers,
entrepreneurs and wanderers.

Humans and aliens,
wrapped in 2,500,000 tons...

...of spinning metal,
all alone in the night.

It can be a dangerous place.

But it's our last,
best hope for peace.

This is the story of the last
of the Babylon stations.

The year is 2258.

The name of the place is Babylon 5.

Get up here quick!

We're opening the air lock just long
enough for you to get in and get out!

-All right.

Open up!

-Okay, let's go.

Right with you.

Hey, get somebody over here.

Let's get them out of here!

-Who do we have trapped in there?
-Two members of Team 21 .


Delvientos, open it up!
We're coming out!

Okay, they're coming. Back off.

You okay?

Move it! Spread out!

He's dead.

Alberto! My brother!

To you, l give the grain,
the light and the sky.

To you, a sacred heritage.

To you, the land and sea.


So spoke G'Quan,
at the dawn of all mornings.


l'm sorry to disturb you
at this time. . .

. . .but l bring unhappy news.

There was an accident
on one of our ships.

The Tal'Quith.

-Was there much damage?
-The cargo bay was blown out.

l'm afraid the G'Quan Eth
was destroyed in the accident.



Oh, no.

Don't try to blame my people for this!

We've always said the equipment
can't handle the traffic!

The malfunction may have been
due to operator error.

Even if that were true,
what do you expect?

We work triple shifts
because we are understaffed!

-We're not here to assign blame.
-Maybe you aren't.

My government wants to know
who's responsible for our ship.

Start with your captain who panicked
and fired his engines against orders!

Don't try to blame this on us!
We're the victims.

You lost some cargo, ambassador.

Alberto Delvientos lost his life.

A tragedy, to be sure.
But what was our captain to do?

His ship was placed in jeopardy
and he reacted!

And by G'Quan,
we'll be compensated for the damage!

lf you'll excuse me,
l must attend to a pressing matter.

The problem was equipment failure.
A cluster of microchips blew out.

-How is that possible?
-Contractors used substandard chips.

That explains their low bid
on the installation.

This will ruin our schedule.
How long before we get Bay 6 online?

Hours. We gotta reroute the controls
until new chips are installed.

The problems dockside run much deeper
than a few microchips, commander.

l'm aware of that, Ms. Connally.

l've tried to make the Senate
understand we need a budget increase.

-l just hope they listened.
-Before someone else gets k*lled?


Senator Hidoshi is on Gold Channel.
It's about the new budget.

On our way.

And you don't know of anyone
who has one? l'll pay any price.

Doing a little shopping, are you?

ls that permitted during
the holy days of G'Quan?

lt's no concern of yours, Mollari.

l heard about the mishap
involving your transport.

Shocking. Truly shocking.

lf there is anything l can do to help,
you will let me know, yes?



No one can deliver a G'Quan Eth
in time for the ceremony.

According to import records, there is
one being here who has the flower.

-Well, who is it?
-Ambassador Mollari.


Why does the universe hate me?

It's all in the budget report.

We need those increases in station
operations. Promises were made.

Political realities sometimes
supersede good intentions.

If President Santiago
turns things around...

... you may receive some
of the money you requested.

Our safety concerns won't wait.
There's already been an accident.

Accidents happen. Our experts
assure us that your new budget...

...is more than sufficient for safe
and efficient running of Babylon 5.

Commander, I have every confidence
that you will make it work.

l assume the news about the budget
has leaked by now.

The Business Channel
has a detailed analysis.

Set up meetings with the guilds.
l'll meet separately with Ms. Connally.

She'll be mad.
The dock workers got zip.

No pay raise,
no funds for new equipment.

The Senate says they're
bound by contract.

They can't quit and they can't strike.

-Commander, we've got a problem.
-Surprise, surprise!

-The dockworkers are calling in sick.
-How serious is it?

They aren't ill,
they're just calling in sick.

-The Blue Flu.
-Excuse me?

My grandmother told me Boston cops
used it to get around strike sanctions.

ln other words, we have
an illegal strike on our hands.

This is Babylon Control.
Our docking schedule is being revised.

How much more can we take?

We need a 1 0-hour turnaround
after a double shift!

-You're lucky if you get four!
-You're lucky if you get any!

We break safety rules every day
because of overscheduling!

l say strike!

Strike! Strike!

All right, knock it off!

Knock it off! Stop it!

First, l don't want to hear
the word " strike" anymore!

We'll hear everyone out, but let's
take this one issue at a time.

Let's remember to keep a cool head
during management negotiations.

-What do you want here?
-Getting out of my way is a start.

lt's all right, Eduardo!
Let him through.

-What do you got to say?
-Let's hear it!

l've been expecting you, Garibaldi.

Commander Sinclair has requested
the honor of your presence twice.

-Maybe you didn't get the message.
-l've been busy. l got sick workers.

You think this is funny?
Well, l don't.

We're serious, and we want
the Senate and Sinclair to know it.

With an illegal strike?
That's not smart.

Sinclair's career military.
He won't understand.

l figure you're blue-collar
under your Earthforce gray.

-We're only doing what we must do.
-l know, but this isn't the way.

-What are our options?
-That's what we want to talk about.

The hell with your talk! We got people
dying out here, Mr. Security Man!

Sinclair wants us to talk!
Does he think we're fools?

All right, all right!
Let me handle this, all right?

The commander wants to talk,
we'll talk.

Let's go.

-Your friend wants a fight.
-That was Eduardo.

His little brother was k*lled
in the accident.

l've lost someone close.
So has the commander.

-He wants to help, Neeoma.
-We'll see.

lf your people don't go back to work,
the Senate could invoke the Rush Act.

They fear inflaming public opinion
here and at home.

No, things are changing on Earth.
And not for the best.

You've made your point.

Earth Central will be made
aware of your grievances.

We can't go back to work
without guarantees.

l can't guarantee anything
if you strike.

Every time we trust the Senate,
we get kicked.

-And what happens when you kick back?
-We won't be the first to use force!

-l saw them. They're angry!
-They have a right to be angry!

They have a right to hear me.

They will,
but we can't return to work.

-But the consequences--
-Don't tell me about consequences!

My father was k*lled
during mining strikes.

l've spent my life defending
workers' rights. l won't stop.

Get us decent pay and equipment
and more workers.

Then we return to work!
Not a minute before.


You've got another transmission
from Senator Hidoshi.

Patch it through.

You left your door unlocked.
Careless of you.

l thought it best to sit and guard
your room until you returned.

And did you find anything of interest
in my humble quarters. . .

. . .while you were guarding it?


Care for a drink?
Oh, l forgot.

The days of G'Quan forbid it.

But they come to a close very soon,
do they not?

You know why l'm here.

The G'Quan Eth plant, yes?

Difficult to grow,
expensive to transport. . .

. . .very expensive to own. . .

. . .but so very important to you
at this festive time.

l understand you are
in possession of G'Quan Eth.

lf this is so, l am here. . .

. . .to purchase it.

Ever since we left
your beautiful planet. . .

. . .G'Quan Eth plants
have been hard to find.

Mine, which is being cared for
in a safe place. . .

. . .l have been saving
for a special occasion.

When you drop the seeds
into a proper mixture of alcohol. . .

. . .whole new universes open up.

lt's a shame you Narns waste them,
burning them as incense!

Name your price!

You are asking for quite
a sacrifice from me!

But, in the interest of
interstellar peace and friendship. . . .

Fifty-thousand credits,
in cash, in advance.

-That's an outrage!
-Of course it is!

The question is, how important
is your religious ceremony to you?

Commander, we have heard reports...

...of an illegal strike
by your Dockers Guild.

Those reports are exaggerated.
We do have a problem, but l--

This action threatens the security
of our military base.

It sets a bad precedent for Babylon 5
and all of our off-world interests.

We cannot allow that!

They have legitimate grievances.
l can't just ignore them.

You will not have to.

The Senate has ordered
Orin Zento to Babylon 5.

He will be there within 1 2 hours.


He is our best labor negotiator.

He has stopped this kind of thing
before in other stations.

I expect you to give full cooperation.

That includes providing troops if he
decides the Rush Act is necessary.

You're not serious? We have over
a thousand dockworkers here.

lf we arrest them,
we could have a riot.

The more reason to end this thing
decisively before it spreads!

Understood, commander?

Understood. . .

. . .senator.

-Mr. Zento. This way.

l heard there was an accident
on the docks.

One k*lled, and the Narns want
reparations for damage to their ship.

l hope we can expedite negotiations.
l'm on a tight schedule.

-When can l meet Connally?

l'll need your security chief
in case l invoke the Rush Act.

Have Mr. Garibaldi report
to Briefing Room 3.


Ambassador Mollari, I have the money.

Fifty thousand credits, in cash.

Where is the G'Quan Eth?

Actually, G'Kar,
l have changed my mind.

-The G'Quan Eth plant is not for sale.

l've also changed my lock code,
so don't bother visiting me.

Consider this a small,
a very tiny portion of revenge. . .

. . .for what you did to our colony
on Raghesh 3 and to my nephew!

Did you think that l had
forgotten that? Ambassador. . .

. . .enjoy the last few hours
of your festive holiday.

l know l will.

l'll k*ll him with my bare hands!
There's nothing to stop me!

Sinclair can only kick me off
the station. He might even thank me.

You're not a follower of G'Quan,
are you, Na'Toth?

My father followed G'Lan.
My mother didn't believe in anything.

-What do you believe in?

Too easy an answer.

We all believe in something
greater than ourselves.

Even if it's
the blind forces of chance.

Chance favors the warrior.

ls there nothing you can do
to get a G'Quan Eth?

Only one more thing,
and l hate having to do it.

But if that should fail,
there's something l want you to do.

At your service, ambassador.

l assure you, your guild
is not being singled out.

-Earth sympathizes with your situation.
-Sure, Zento!

l personally understand your feelings.

But the government must cut costs.

We're in a recession. Everyone's
feeling the pinch. At home and--

The government found enough money
for increased military spending.

Babylon 5 is a military installation
amidst hostile alien governments.

lt is vital to the defense of Earth.

And your guild is
a vital part of Babylon 5.

The new budget provides everyone
with enough funds. . .

. . .to run their departments

We've cut away the fat, yes.
But we've left the muscle and bone.

l think we know where the fat went.

Ms. Connally.

Mr. Zento, you're right.
My people are a part of Babylon 5.

They built it and keep it running.
What do they get for it?

They work triple shifts with faulty
equipment for pay that's a joke!

You signed a contract, like every
other worker on this station.

Abide by it, we'll fix these problems.

These problems k*lled a man.
A damn good man.

As head of this guild,
l won't let it happen again!

We were promised an increase
by last year's negotiator.

l want to help, but l've seen
no written agreement.

Without that, my hands are tied.

There are simply no funds available.

Now despite this
unfortunate accident. . .

. . .our experts say you have enough
people for this year, and that--

How many of those experts
ever worked a space dock?

Or tried to refuel a ship while being
pushed because of overscheduling?

Or felt the pain in their bones
from operating a zero-G cargo loader?

You have a point, Mr. . .?

Mr. Eduardo Delvientos, senior
foreman. And, yeah, l got a point.

l've worked docks for 40 years
and this equipment. . .

. . .won't last two months.

lt needs to be overhauled,
but we don't have the money.

lf you won't do nothing about it,
get your experts to run those docks.

lf that's your response, you leave me
no choice but to invoke the Rush Act!

ls that what you want?

l suggest we recess for the evening.

We're all tired. lt's not
a good time for big decisions.

You're right, commander.

Ms. Connally, perhaps we'll have
better luck at a private meeting.

Shall we say 7?

He's bluffing. The Rush Act
hasn't been invoked since Europa.

Don't count on that.
l told you things are changing.

One thing hasn't changed.
The workers always get shafted.

-But this time, we'll fight back.
-Keep cool, or we're finished.

-We have a right to defend ourselves.
-Not with v*olence.

Beg your pardon, but if someone's
pushed you, wouldn't you push back?

l hope we make more progress tomorrow.

You better tell that to Zento.

Cargo ship Seattle, please hold.
You're next on the schedule.

-Computer, what time is it?

-What the hell is going on?

The Dockers Guild
dropped their Blue Flu story.

They've officially
declared this a strike!


l'm sure it's just a rumor.
lf you'll give me some time--

Don 't play games with me.
I know all about you.

You let this situation escalate.
The Senate will get a full report!

We have contracts to honor!

-We're talking about people's lives.
-Spare me the platitudes.

I'll meet with Ms. Connally.

But if she persists,
the Rush Act will be put into force...

...and your troops had better
be ready to enforce it!

Now what?


I must speak to you immediately
on a matter of grave importance!

l have an emergency situation
on my hands!

I wouldn 't want
to burden you further...

...by taking this matter up
before a full assembly.

All right, l'll meet you
in the council chambers.

All ships, please stand by.
All docking bays are full.

This is about a flower?

Not just a flower.
The very symbol of my faith.

All followers of G'Quan
perform a yearly ritual. . .

. . .when our sun rises
behind the G'Quan mountain.

We must acquire
a new plant for the ceremony.

l made all the arrangements.
lt should have been here months ago.

This must sound ridiculous.

No, it doesn't, but we'll have
to talk some other time.

Commander, there is no other time.

We perform the ritual
in the first rays of sunlight. . .

. . .that shine past the mountain.

Those who can't be there must still
perform the ritual at the same moment.

lt is our most important observance
and requires the G'Quan Eth. . .

. . .which, as the ranking member
of my faith here, l must provide.

l truly sympathize, but it's
Londo's to do with as he likes.

lt's sacrilege for him to possess it.
lt was stolen from us!

l'll make an incident out of this!

l don't like threats,
but l'll do what l can.

Look, l can't force you to do this. . .

. . .but for interstellar goodwill, as
well as peace and quiet, l'm asking.

You know l would do anything for you,
my good friend. . .

. . .but not this!

You don't have to give him
the G'Quan Eth. He'll pay you.

This isn't about money
or spiritual beliefs.

G'Kar is only worried
about losing face.

The Narns.

They're a barbaric people.

They're all pagans,
still worshiping their sun.

No, l would rather burn the plant
than give it to him.

-Would you at least consider it?

-l'm sorry.

But, commander--


You're wanted in the briefing room.

On my way.



-When will you be reasonable?
-When you are.

l don't know why
you're being so difficult.

Every other guild signed an agreement.
They know we're not a pool of money!

l don't care if they've agreed
to wear bunny suits!

We won't put up with this treatment!

lf you won't negotiate,
we have no choice!

-This is a waste of time!
-Mr. Zento, Ms. Connally.

Surely some kind of accommodation
can be made to end this peacefully.

-l've gone over the budget--
-We don't accommodate illegal strikers!

-Damn it!
-Take budget problems to the Senate!

Ms. Connally, l strongly recommend
you send your people back to work now!

Stuff it!

l refuse to pander to these people.
l'm invoking the Rush Act now.

-You need Senate confirmation!
-l'll have it!

l'll expect Mr. Garibaldi to be ready
to arrest Ms. Connally. . .

. . .and any other worker who persists
in this illegal activity!

l have to warn my people.

-Damn it, can't you stop this now?
-lt's too late for that.

My workers are tired.
They've been pushed too far.

You know what could happen
if l have to order Garibaldi in.

The same thing that happened
on Europa and at Matewan.

The same thing that always happens
when laborers rise up.

They try to break us, we fight back.
Someone will get hurt, maybe k*lled.

For what it's worth,
l'm sorry this has to happen here.

All bays are full,
we cannot accommodate you.

We've waited for hours!

We're making the strike our lead item.

ls it true Zento declared it
an illegal strike. . .

. . .and seeks approval
for the Rush Act?

-No comment.
-We have a convoy on the way.

They'll have to wait.

You and your guards
can kiss my codpiece!

Commander, this creature is a thief.
l demand you arrest him at once.

l'll tear your pale throat out!

He stole the statue of our god
from the Centauri Cultural Center.

l've been with many witnesses!
l have not stolen anything!

Then it was your attack dog Na'Toth!

-l'm fed up with your fabrications!
-Any comment?

-l demand you arrest him!
-Arrest him!

That's enough!

Get the hell out of here.
All of you. Now!

Lt. commander, in 1 0 seconds, escort
any unauthorized persons to the brig.

Yes, sir!

Ten, nine, eight, seven. . .

-l'm filing a protest!
-. . .six, five. . .

-The public has a right to know!
-. . .four, three. . . .

Two, one.

So, what'd l miss?

Call from Senator Hidoshi.

l'll take it here.

-Zento has created an uproar!
-He has a knack for that.

I believe you should be able
to handle this as you see best.

Unfortunately, Mr. Zento has
convinced the Senate otherwise.

They have invoked the Rush Act...

...declaring the situation
on Babylon 5 an illegal strike.

You're ordered to move in
with your troops and end it now.

-No negotiations.
-This will only end in v*olence!

I know that, and I fear that's exactly
what some people are hoping for.

Sorry, commander.

Get your people ready.
Full tactical alert.

Lt. commander, l need to see
the full text of the Senate order.

Yes, sir.

The Senate has invoked the Rush Act...

...in their dispute with the dockers.

Replacements are reporting
to launch centers....

Be careful
and watch each other's backs.

Shut that thing off.

lt's going down. Everybody remember:
We just gotta keep cool.

-They're coming!
-Let them come!

-Come to do your master's bidding?
-You know why l'm here.

Yeah, maybe you're looking
for an honest job!

l'm gonna ignore that.

You're all under arrest.
Don't make me do it the hard way.

There is no other way.
So get to it, or get out of here.

What's happening?

Give the word,
we'll pump in gas and arrest them.

-l wanted to avoid this.
-Me too.

Your guy Delvientos
threw the first punch.

Eduardo's not a violent man.
Alberto was the last of his family.

You must let me talk to them.

-Why aren't the docks cleared?
-l was gonna do that.

lnstruct your men
to pull back to Blue Sector.

lf you and Ms. Connally will join me.

-What do you need me there for?
-You'll see.

Pull back to Blue Sector!

Yeah, chalk one up
for the dockworkers.


We did it, all right.

Here they come again!

l hope you know what you're doing.

Quiet down! Hear him out!

Under the Rush Act, the Senate
has empowered me to end this strike.

l'm authorized to use
any means necessary. Correct?

Yes. Any means necessary.

-Am l assured of your support on this?

Then under that authority l choose
the following means to end the strike.


l'm re-allocating 1 .3 million credits
from the military budget. . .

. . .to begin upgrades
of all dockside equipment. . .

. . .and to start hiring
additional workers.



l'm declaring amnesty for any
striking worker or representative. . .

. . .who has committed
no other crimes during this period.

That's you, kid.

You can't do this!

l couldn't. Till you convinced
the Senate to invoke the Rush Act.

Never hand someone a g*n unless
you're sure where they'll point it.

One minute.

As for the incident earlier,
with Mr. Garibaldi's approval. . .

. . .no charges will be pressed.

l figure my people will call it
a fair fight if yours are.

That's my offer. lt's dependent
on you returning to work immediately.

Babylon 5 has cargo to move.

You heard the man.

Okay, you dock rats,
let's get back to work!

You twisted the intent of that order,
and you won't get away with it!

Ms. Connally said it best
the other day.

Stuff it!

l underestimated you.
l'm sorry, and thank you.

We'll catch hell over this
down the road.

My dad said, " There are no happily
ever afters, just new battles. "

-Ms. Connally.

-l'll see you around.
-A pleasure.

No offense, commander. . .

. . .but you look like week-old bread.
Get some sleep.

That's exactly what l had in mind.
Now that we've calmed things down.

-Commander, you better get up here.

What is it?

G'Kar and Londo are half an inch
from k*lling each other.

l've been up for almost two days
with no sleep. This makes me cranky.

We've noticed.
Have you considered meditation?

G'Kar, you will return
Ambassador Mollari's statue.

-But l must protest! To accuse me--
-G'Kar will return the statue!

And that is all l ask.

That, and his head on a platter.

l discovered that the G'Quan Eth
had a chemical composition. . .

. . .making it a controlled substance.

lllegal to have except for legitimate
medical or religious purposes.

Ridiculous! lt is no more harmful
than a bottle of your whiskey.

File a protest. . .

. . .but you must turn the plant
over to me. You'll be compensated.

All right, commander.

You may have the G'Quan Eth.

Thank you, ambassador.

l have already gotten
my enjoyment from it anyway.

Ambassador G'Kar, when you
have returned Londo's statue. . .

. . .l'll turn the G'Quan Eth over
to you and you'll compensate Londo.

Why should l turn it over. . .

. . .assuming that l knew where it was,
when it's too late!

He knows that!
That's why he gave in so easily.

This is performed in the sunlight
that's touched the G'Quan Mountain. . .

. . .on a particular day
and time, right?


As your people went into space, it
wasn't possible to be at the mountain.

lf we can't, we must still pray at the
same moment as those on our planet.

You forgot to take into account that
sunlight also travels through space.

Think about it: This station's
1 2.2 light-years from Narn.

That's over 1 0 Narn light-years.

The sunlight that touched
the mountain 1 0 years ago. . .

. . .will reach this station
in 1 2 hours.

lt's been on a long journey,
but it's still the same sunlight.

Good enough for you to conduct
your ceremony, right?


lt might be.

You are a far more spiritual man
than l gave you credit for.

There are a few Jesuit teachers
who might disagree.

-l want that statue returned.
-l'm sure careful search will find it.

l'll see to it immediately.

Commander. . .

. . .thank you.

Computer, hold all transmissions.
l'm going to bed.

-You have one transmission holding.
-Put it through.

Senator Hidoshi,
l've been expecting your call.

Remind me never
to play poker with you.

Sinclair, you are a hell of a gambler.

This time you won.

The Senate decided to let
your decision on the strike stand.

-l'm glad they see it my way.
-They do not.

But public opinion is on your side.

l see.

Commander, I admire
what you've done there.

My great grandfather worked
the Kobe Space Docks until he died.

I will admit...

... the discomfort you've given
some of my colleague pleases me.

This is why I'm telling you this:
Orin Zento has powerful friends.

By embarrassing him,
you embarrassed them.

Today, you have made new enemies.

If I were you, I would
watch things very carefully.

You are not the most popular person
in government circles right now.

So, what else is new?

The gift of time.

The gift of life.

The gift of wisdom.

The gift of light.

For these things, we are thankful.

For these things, we pray.

For these things, we are thankful.

For these things, we pray.
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