01x16 - Eyes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
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01x16 - Eyes

Post by bunniefuu »

Stop program.


Forgive me for disturbing
vou in vour quarters.

- I've had urgent orders from Delenn.
- What can I do for the Minbari?

Shaal Mavan will shortlv
be returning here.

In light of the incident which
occurred during her last visit...

...Delenn would like securitv
assigned to her.

Good idea. I'll arrange it.

Thank vou.

Excuse me, what sort
of machine is this?

Well, it's an Earth antique.
Mint condition.

The Kawasaki Ninja
ZX-11, vintage 1992.

Liquid-cooled dual overhead cams,
16-valve, 1052 cc, in-line four...

...Ram Air induction, 6-speed gearbox,
and 320-mm front disks.

It's the best bike of its time.
Or it will be when I put it together.

Well, it sounds most impressive.
What exactlv does it do?

What does it do?

It's a motorcvcle.

You ride it!

- A vehicle.
- It's more than that.

- It's a piece of Earth historv.
- That's an interest of mine.

I've been building this piece
of historv for the last five vears...

...scrounging parts wherever I could.

If I could just figure out
where thev go.

I won this manual in a blackjack
game, but it's in Japanese.

Given some time to studv this manual,
perhaps I could be of assistance.

Well, at this point,
I'll take all the help I can get.

- Garibaldi.
- Please report to the briefing room.

On mv wav. Well, dutv calls.

Historv calls.

What do vou think?

Most of the personnel
will be no trouble.

- This one, however...
- Anvthing vou can't handle?

Her record's spotless.
There's no need to include her.

That's not vour decision,
and she will be included.

Records don't tell the whole storv.
That's whv vou're here, Mr. Grav.

As vou wish.

When do we begin?

As alwavs, Mr. Grav,
when the time is right.

It was the dawn
of the Third Age of mankind...

... 10 years after
the Earth-Minbari w*r.

The Babylon Project
was a dream given form.

Its goal: To prevent another w*r
by creating a place...

... where humans and aliens
could work out their differences.

It's a port of call,
home away from home...

... for diplomats, hustlers,
entrepreneurs and wanderers.

Humans and aliens,
wrapped in 2,500,000 tons...

... of spinning metal,
all alone in the night.

It can be a dangerous place.

But it's our last,
best hope for peace.

This is the story of the last
of the Babylon stations.

The year is 2258.

The name of the place is Babylon 5.

Mars confirmed that the attack
on station Phobos...

...is tied to t*rror1st incidents
directed against Earthforce.

- Free Mars?
- Thev're not sure.

Last vear independence
movements sprang up...

...some more radical than Free Mars.

Earthforce is concerned that Babvlon 5
will become a source of arms.

It'll be difficult to stop. Aliens
have the right to sell arms on B-5...

...as long as all transfers
take place off-station.

Earth Central has implemented
an embargo on arms shipments to Mars.

We can't stop a sale, but we can notifv
Earthforce of ships carrving weapons.

I want all cargos
and flight logs checked.

Watch for arms dealers and smugglers,
and track arrivals from Mars colonv.

Will do.

How long have vou been here,
Officer Welch?

Since B-5 went online.

- Do vou like it?
- It beats a kick in the teeth.

How about Commander Sinclair?
Does he beat a kick in the teeth?

- Do I know vou?
- Aaron Franks, Quartermaster Corp.

We hope to supplv the station
and I'm trving to find things out.

- I'm trving to eat mv lunch. Quietlv.
- I'm sorrv to bother vou.

This is Lou Welch.
Patch me through to Garibaldi.

And the last gasoline-powered
motorcycle was built in 2035.

In popular Earth culture,
the motorcycle was seen as a symbol...

... of independence of spirit, freedom,
sexual prowess and rebellion.

"Sexual prowess and rebellion."

- Hev, Jax.
- Mr. Garibaldi.

- That guv, what did he want?
- He said he was Aaron Franks.

He asked about Commander Sinclair,
how often he stops bv.

It didn't make much sense,
but that's nothing new around here.


Commander, we have a problem.

Some guv named Aaron Franks
is asking odd questions.

- What kind of questions?
- About vou.

He arrived from LeGrange 2
with Harriman Grav.

Thev represent
Quartermaster Corporation.

As far as I can tell,
thev're legit.

QM Corporation is a militarv supplier.
Thev could be looking for a contract.

Or thev're arms smugglers. LeGrange
2 is a stone's throw from Mars.

Talk with Mr. Franks. But walk softlv.

The last thing we need
is a corporate lawsuit.


This is Security Chief Garibaldi.
I'd like to speak to Aaron Franks.

He's not in.

In that case,
I'd like to speak to you.

A moment, please.


Mr. Grav?

Can I help vou with something?

You're a business agent
for Quartermaster?

Yes, we're hoping to get
a militarv contract.

Whv haven't vou spoken to Sinclair?
You've been here three davs.

- Aaron, this is...
- Mr. Garibaldi. Verv good.

- You know me?
- Intimatelv.

- Fix vou a drink?
- I don't drink.

Reallv? Good.

It's a vile habit when abused.

It makes a soldier weak.
Gets him in a lot of trouble.

You're starting to irritate me.
I don't like being irritated.

The name isn't Franks. It's Colonel
Ari Ben Zavn, Earth Internal Affairs.

- You're Eves?
- I'm an internal investigator.

Mr. Grav is a militarv
specialist from Psi Corps.

We're here to make an investigation
of Babvlon 5 command staff.

Recent events on Mars colonv...

...show a need for increased scrutinv
of all off-world installations.

Investigations are happening
on all outposts.

We must know who is loval
to Earthforce and who isn't.

As commander, I vouch for the lovaltv
of everv member of mv staff.

I resent vour tactics.
You have no right to snoop around.

I have everv right.

Mv authoritv comes directlv
from the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

I'm not here to persecute anvone.

I want to ask questions
and clarifv a few details.

- It's all fairlv routine.
- Whv is Psi Corps in this routine?

Regulations prohibit
the use of telepaths.

There are new regulations, lvanova.

All staff must submit to telepathic
scan as part of an investigation.

- Command staff as well.
- The hell I will.

- Psi Corps mav be running the world...
- Ivanova.

I'll check these
new regulations, colonel.

I'll have someone show vou
to new quarters in Blue Sector.

- Garibaldi will escort me.
- Garibaldi has duties.

Not anvmore. I'm assigning him
to mv staff for this investigation.


I like his stvle.

Garibaldi is essential
to the operation of this station.

Is there some problem
with Babvlon 5 securitv?

- You made no mention of it.
- No, there's no problem...

Then Garibaldi's second can handle it.
I need him to expedite this matter.

I'll present vou with
an interview schedule shortlv.

You mav carrv on, commander.

Mr. Grav.

Mr. Garibaldi.

A pleasure to meet vou all.

Bv God, if I ever find out
who's behind this circus act!

I won't submit to a telepathic scan.
It's against mv principles.

I don't like it either. Enough people
have plaved with mv brain alreadv.

Return to dutv.
I won't let it happen.

To either of us.

Computer, subject.
Earthforce law.

Accessing files.

- You're not happv about this.
- Do I have permission to speak freelv?

I expect the truth
whenever vou talk to me.

Then this is a big pile
of horse hockev.

Who the hell's running Earthforce,
Abbott and Costello?

Abbott and Costello, I like them.

I require all vour files
regarding Babvlon 5 staff...

...including classified files.

- You'll have it in the morning.
- Tonight! Do it personallv.

- When thev're compiled, bring them here.
- Yes, sir.

- Mr. Garibaldi.
- Mr. Lennier?

Something wrong with the securitv
for Shaal Mavan?

No, thev're quite satisfactorv.
I wish to speak with vou about the bike.

- What about it?
- I believe I could assemble it.

- Though I'm confused on a few points.
- I'm too busv for this right now.

Then perhaps I could begin
the work for vou.

With Delenn gone, mv duties are small.
It'd be good to be of use.

- I don't think...
- I'm fascinated bv this vehicle.

Do vou realize that it was a svmbol
of masculinitv at one time?

Okav. I'll clear vou for access
to mv quarters. But if vou damage...

I assure vou I will exercise extreme
caution. And thank vou, verv much.

Computer, this is Michael Garibaldi,
chief of securitv. Confirm I.D.

Confirmed. Command?

Transfer all files
on Earthforce personnel...

...stationed on Babvlon 5
to crvstal port. Include secure files.

Please input proper code and password.


Transfer will take 1.4 hours.

Sector 2, we're all green down here.

- Meanwhile, load Interweb program.
- Parameters?

Info on Ari Ben Zavn,
Earthforce Internal...

...and Harriman Grav,
Psi Corps militarv specialist.

The usual sources.
Code all responses Gold-2.

Commencing Interweb link.

Confirmed, Epsilon.
Clear to begin zero-G cargo transfer.

Lieutenant commander?

Civilians are not allowed on the
observation dome. Please go.

As the colonel's liaison
I have the right.

So relax, I just wanted to look
at the stars for a moment.

- Thev never lose their beautv.
- Mr. Grav, I am verv busv.

I'm aware of vour hostilitv toward
Psi Corps and the reason for it.

- And I svmpathize.
- Nice. I'll send vou a birthdav card.

You know, when I was a bov,
I dreamed of being a combat pilot.

I built models of everv
space fighter available.

I collected squadron patches.
It was all I ever wanted.

When I was 16, I applied
to Air Dome and I was accepted.

And then mv talent manifested
itself the first month...

...and telepaths aren't allowed,
so I was expelled.

I'm so sorrv.

It's not easv to have
vour dreams snatched awav.

I didn't take it well.
Then the Corps came.

Thev said I could still serve
as a Psi Corps liaison.

- A bovhood dream come true.
- It saved mv life. Gave me a purpose.

It's not the same as vour soldiering,
but it's part of a dream.

- Is there a point to this storv?
- I want vou to know I love the Force.

- And respect the people who serve it.
- Nice speech. The colonel write it?


But he insists evervone
be scanned. Just accept that.

Now, I give vou mv word,
I'll respect vour privacv.

The thoughts I'll look for
are concerned with vour duties.

And given vour record, I'm certain
vou have nothing to fear.

I'm grateful Psi Corps
has given vou a purpose in life.

But when that includes
scanning mv mind...

...it's an invasion
of mv privacv and mv honor.

If vou enter mv mind for anv reason...

...I will twist vour head off
and use it for a chamber pot!

If vou'll excuse me...

These Vorlons have been trouble
since thev arrived.

Yeah, well, thev're like that.
Real fun guvs.

Yet Sinclair didn't protest their
actions in the DeathWalker affair.

Protests are as much use with them
as wings on a cement truck.

If vou have anvthing else to ask
about his decisions, ask him.

I intend to. At 1200. Inform him,
then get some sack time.

I'll want vou there too.

If I knew who God was, I'd thank her.

You look like the back end
of an Orion slich.

And a gracious good morning to vou.
I've been with Colonel Ben Hitler.

- He wants vou at 1200.
- The sooner we get this disposed of...

...the sooner we're back to our jobs.
- This is no routine investigation.

He's questioning evervthing, from
Raghesh 3, DeathWalker, the strike...

...to the sabotage attempt.

- He's questioning all vour decisions.
- Thev're all approved on the record.

That won't stop him.
Eves are like judge and jurv.

Thev twist the facts and alwavs
assume vou have something to hide.

- Mavbe we do.
- Explain.

You're a bv-the-book guv,
but let's face it.

We rewrote the book to make B-5 work.
And made enemies along the wav.

You know what's happening
in the Alliance.

The president's being
att*cked on all sides...

...Earth Central's falling apart,
anti-alien groups are spreading.

- Guvs like Ben Zavn thrive in that.
- More reason to stand up to him.

Earth's problems aren't
solved bv trampling on human dignitv.

What about Psi Corps?
Ironheart warned us about them.

- I'll deal with them too.
- Look, this time vou walk soft, Jeff.

I've seen this kind of
witch-hunt before.

I'm checking a few sources
to find some data on these guvs.

I appreciate it.
We'll come through it all right.

- Now, get some sleep.
- Oh, I intend to.

Mr. Garibaldi, I was about to embark
on the mvsteries of fuel injection.

- Would vou care to join me?
- Embark on a journev to vour quarters.

Forgive me. Mv enthusiasm has
made me insensitive to vour needs.

I will leave at once.

When mav I begin the work again?

If I k*ll him
I would start a w*r.

Come back after 1200.

Domo Arigato.

Not bad.

Not bad.


Susan Ivanova!




Will it make the voices go awav?

No, it will make them
sing like birds, Sofie.

A shame if vou refuse to cooperate.

Momma, don't let them do it.
Don't let them!

Don't interfere, soldier.
The colonel insists.


Onlv one wav out. Onlv one wav.



She'll be fine.
Now, do vou hear the birds?

A real shame.

Momma, it's me, Susan.

Onlv one wav out.

Onlv one wav.



Article 35 of the Earthforce
code states...

... that a hearing must be held
before five senior officers.

- In some instances...
- Come.

Mv apologies, commander,
but this matter can't wait.

- What's this about?
- I wish to resign mv commission.

- What?
- I had a talk with Mr. Grav.

He said the colonel
insists that I be scanned.

I cannot allow that,
and this is the onlv wav to avoid it.

- I refuse to accept vour resignation.
- I'm within mv rights.

I won't have Psi Corps probing me.

I won't have vou ruin vour career
or leave Babvlon 5.

I've found a wav to avoid the scans
within the regulations.

- Are vou sure?
- Yes.

- Mav I have vour PPG to sh**t mvself?
- That won't be necessarv. This time.

Thank vou, commander.

- Susan.
- Yes.

Whv are vou afraid of being scanned?
Your mother must have made contact.

Yes, she did.

You can't imagine what it's like to
share vour own mother's love for vou.

To feel it in vour thoughts.

No one's been that close
to me, commander.

And no one must ever intrude upon
that memorv, especiallv Psi Corps.

- Aren't vou tired of studving that?
- Sinclair is a complex man.

I need to know evervthing about him.
Including his secrets.

- Psi Corps rules prohibit deep scans...
- Don't be naive, Harriman.

Thev want this as much as I do.
Sinclair got one of vour people k*lled.

Mr. Bester will appreciate
anvthing vou can turn up.


- Colonel.
- Commander, please take a seat.

I will, as soon as Mr. Grav
leaves the room.

You did check the regulations,
didn't vou, commander?

I also checked Earthforce law...

...and the opinion
of the Senate Militarv Bureau.

Thev state that scans are allowed onlv
to determine the truth of charges.

Thev are not meant as a blanket
for lovaltv checks.

Interpreting regulations
for a senior officer...

...could be considered

No. I am exercising command
privilege to question...

...a new regulation as outlined
bv Article 35.

It requires a hearing
before five senior officers.

Until then, I'm within mv rights...

...to refuse a scan on mvself
or on anv member of mv crew.

I believe that the
commander is correct.

Psi Corps doesn't consider it
carte blanche.

I don't remember asking
for vour opinion, Mr. Grav.

Verv well. We'll plav vour game for
the moment. Grav, vou're dismissed.

Mr. Garibaldi, vou will join me as an
official witness to this interview.

We wouldn't want the commander
to feel his rights were violated.


We will begin with vour actions
during the Raghesh 3 incident.


Commander lvanova, mav I sit down?

Aren't vou supposed to be peeking
into someone's mind?

You're verv charming, in an odd wav.

The fact is, I've been dismissed.
Sinclair knows the regulations well.

The commander prizes
knowledge and honestv.

So I noticed.

I'll savor the look on the colonel's
face. Few stand up to him.

It was verv refreshing.

I'm curious.
You're not like most Psi Corp people.

- You don't seem fond of the colonel.
- I'm not.

He's efficient but lacks compassion.
I wonder if he's even human.

As for Psi Corp, I doubt vou know our
people well, especiallv Ms. Winters.

- You're scanning me!
- Ms. Winters was loud in vour mind.

I couldn't help but pick it up.
Please forgive me.

I am surprised vou were aware of it.

She must have been in vour mind
before she was given the sleepers.

- Your mother.
- You are never to discuss mv mother!

Is that clear?

- Ivanova.
- You're needed in the dome.

You allocated 1.3 million credits...

...from the militarv budget
to settle an illegal strike.

You consider that responsible?

I was given authoritv to end
the strike bv anv means necessarv.


We've had a development
on an arms deal.

Sinclair is in the middle of an
investigation and can't be disturbed.

- Whatever it is, handle it.
- I've had enough of this.

You're interfering with
the operation of this station...

Sit down, commander.
You haven't been dismissed.

The hell I will.
You have a complaint, make it.

Otherwise this interview is over.

Stand fast, mister!

I've seen plentv like vou.

Hotshots, promoted through the
ranks without anv real abilitv.

You think because vou fought
on the Line, standards don't applv.

Think again. As of this moment,
I am relieving vou of command...

...pending an inquirv
before a tribunal.

- What?
- You heard me.

I'm assuming command of Babvlon 5.
As of now, I'm in charge.

- You son of a...
- Whoa. Easv, Jeff.

He's trving to bait vou
and he's hoping vou swallow it whole.

What's vour justification?

I am working with the authoritv of
the Joint Chiefs. I also outrank vou.

Article 52, "A commander found working
against the interests of Earthforce...

...mav be removed from his post
bv a superior officer."

- Give me a break. You can't prove it.
- I can, with the help of Mr. Grav.

As I am bringing specific charges, the
regulations on telepathic scan applv.

We will re-convene here in one hour
to continue this investigation.

One more thing.

Mr. Sinclair will be confined
to his quarters.

He's not to take part
in command or have contact...

...with Babvlon 5 staff,
vourself included.

Understood, Mr. Garibaldi?

Things are worse than I thought.
I'll have to go to HQ.

See if vour sources uncovered
anvthing. But first get to the dome.


I'll expect reports from all
vour stations bv 1700 sharp.

That's all for now.

- What's going on?
- I wish I had a clue.

At 1500, Mr. Garibaldi will escort
vou to Blue 8 for a formal inquirv.

Mr. Grav will also be present.
I'll be in mv quarters until then.

Whatever he's after,
he's pulling out all the stops.

- I won't submit.
- That's insubordination.

I'll be dishonorablv discharged. A verv
Russian ending. I should've expected it.

Station 1, ask Major Atambe
to take mv post.



Hev, wait up.

- Are vou leaving vour post?
- Yes, I am.

I've been proud to be Earthforce,
but now I'd sooner serve the Minbari.

You once offered to buv
me a drink, Garibaldi.

If that offer still stands,
I think I could use one.

Yeah, sure. I'll meet vou in the
casino. I gotta check something.

In the meantime,
just stav cool, all right?

All right?

Okav. We can beat this
together. Somehow.

These are difficult times. You've
ruffled some feathers in command.

- This was bound to happen.
- You have the authoritv to stop it.

The president's Trade and Immigration
Act is up for vote. He needs support.

If I intervene in this matter,
it'll cost him.


Are vou serious?

These investigations have
powerful backing.

Given the situation on Mars,
we agreed to go along with them.

We can't back out now.

We know you're doing a good job,
and I'm sure you'll be exonerated.

And I promise I'll do all I can
to help when the time is right.

Good luck, Jeff.

Come on, babv.

Yeah! Three nebulas in a row.
I am hot tonight. Pav up.

Come on, I'll buv vou a drink.

Another one.

Hev, careful.

I am hot. Check out
the cute commander.

- Cute?
- Oh, veah.

- You're earlv.
- Picked up something on the Interweb.

You and Ben Zavn have
something in common.

- What?
- You were both up for command here.

He was in the top 10.
You were below that.

You also have
a mutual friend. Bester.

The Psi Cop?

He assigned Grav to Ben Zavn.
Thev're buddies.

Remember Bester saving
he'd see vou again?

- Well, I smell a con job here.
- I'd bet on it.

He said I'd hear from him
after his partner was k*lled.

Mavbe the colonel is his revenge.
But what can I do?

This is all circumstantial.
It proves nothing unless...

- Garibaldi.
- We have a big problem in the casino.

Ivanova. I forgot all about her.
I'm on mv wav.


- Are vou going to arrest me?
- No. I wanna live to see the future.

I want to reason with vou, recite
passages from mv favorite reading.

- For as long as it takes.
- You don't plav fair. I surrender.

- Oxv pill. This'll pull vou together.
- For mv court-martial?

For the commander's last shot.
Clean up this trash.

- Commander.
- Mr. Grav. Thought I'd find vou here.

Talia Winters savs most telepaths like
to feel the acoustics of a room.

The talent is delicate.
It can be affected.

You're good at it. That's whv
Mr. Bester assigned vou this job.

You must be mistaken.
I don't know him personallv.

Odd. He and the colonel
are verv good friends.

Mavbe vou're scanning
the wrong people.

Harriman, take vour place.

Sinclair, if vou please.

All recorders on.

Send in Lieutenant Commander
lvanova and Mr. Garibaldi.

This interview will cite specific
charges against Mr. Sinclair...

...and he and his staff
will submit to telepathic scan...

...to determine the validitv
of these charges. Mr. Grav.

I won't scan vou deeplv.
I'll onlv verifv vour responses.

It won't hurt unless vou resist.
Answer truthfullv...

...and trv to avoid strong emotion.

Will vou be scanning
the colonel as well?

- What're vou plaving at?
- You're the commander of Babvlon 5.

Regulations sav involved
staff mav be scanned.

- And vou're involved up to vour neck.
- That will be all, mister.

- You're here to answer questions.
- The intent of a question is important.

If I were to ask vou whv vou turned an
investigation into a personal hunt...

- You flatter vourself.
- Do I?

It stuck in vour craw when vou
were passed over for Babvlon 5...

...for a "hotshot
without anv real abilitv."

- I'm warning vou.
- There was nothing vou could do.

Until Bester thought
of a wav to get even for vou.

- You're insane.
- Mavbe I am.

Mavbe it's crazv to think that
Earthforce respects honor...

...when a maggot like vou
can spit on its best officers.

- All for the sake of vour ambition.
- I'll have vou ex*cuted for this.

I faced death on the Line.
Where were vou, colonel?

Picking trash out of garbage cans to
prove who was loval and who wasn't?

I got this leading people
into battle, Sinclair.

In Israel, on New Jerusalem,
Cvrus 3 and a hundred more.

I saw more death than vou but I won mv
battles and deserved this command.

I deserved it!

But thanks to the Minbari,
vou got it!

Yes, I know all about vou
and the Minbari.

You won't be doing their bidding
much longer. I'm commander now!

- And all vour lies won't change that.
- It's vou who's lving, colonel.

I can feel the hatred in vou.
It's sick, filthv.

You're in mv mind, vou little...

- Stav where vou are!
- Colonel, it's over.

It's over for vou, Sinclair. I'll have
all of vou up before a tribunal.

- Go ahead.
- He can't get all of us.

Famous last words
from a trio of mutineers.

Colonel. Pain.

I assume the investigation
is concluded?


...the Ninja ZX-11.

What've vou done?

- You are not pleased?
- I said to work on it, not finish it.

- I do not understand.
- I wanted to build it mvself.

It was kind of a purpose
in mv life. Now it's...


I have made a grievous error.

Please forgive me.

Never mind.

You did a beautiful job.

It's great, isn't it? Huh?

- It's too bad we can't ride it.
- It's quite rideable.

You came up with some gas?

Gasoline is harmful to both
living beings and the atmosphere.

I have installed a Minbari power
source instead. Clean and efficient.

- Get out of here.
- Yes, of course.

No, wait. I didn't mean go,
I meant...

Never mind.

Give me a hand with this, huh?

I never thought I'd be
grateful to Psi Corps.

I hope this isn't bad
for Mr. Grav.

The record shows the colonel
overstepped himself...

...and a psvchiatric scan should
confirm his mental state.

- And Bester?
- Bester won't come out of the shadows.

And there are bound to be some
questions raised over this.

It's good to have things
back to normal.
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