01x17 - Legacies

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
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01x17 - Legacies

Post by bunniefuu »

Why do we have to lay out
the welcome mat for these guys?

When Minbari's greatest warrior
dies while on a diplomatic tour...

...they want to honor him
on his journey home.

Displaying his body
to every Minbari...

...from the Euphrates Sect to their
planet sounds like w*r drums to me.

Minbari vessel coming through.

A w*r cruiser. Never thought
I'd see one of those again.

Mitchell, stay in formation!
It might be a-

Oh, my God! It's a trap! Mitchell!

- I got a clear shot.
- Break off!

I'm hit! Ejecting!

Well, they're still big and ugly.

Attention, shoppers.

You can now find all your culinary
needs at our kitchen on level 6.

Fresh chocolates are on special
while they last.

- Ivanova here.
- The Minbari ship is through.

I'm on my way. Check, please.


Come back here! Thief!

Stop! Thief! Stop her!

- Get Dr. Franklin.
- You know this girl?

No. She's just taken a mind-burst.
She's a telepath.

Security scan finished.

The Minbari's coming in with her g*n
ports open. She's armed for a fight.

It was the dawn
of the Third Age of mankind...

...10 years after
the Earth-Minbari w*r.

The Babylon Project
was a dream given form.

Its goal: to prevent another w*r
by creating a place...

...where humans and aliens
could work out their differences.

It's a port of call,
home away from home...

...for diplomats, hustlers,
entrepreneurs and wanderers.

Humans and aliens,
wrapped in 2,500,000 tons...

...of spinning metal,
all alone in the night.

It can be a dangerous place.

But it's our last,
best hope for peace.

This is the story of the last
of the Babylon stations.

The year is 2258.

The name of the place is Babylon 5.

g*n ports are still open!

- Let's activate the defense grid.
- Agreed.

This is Babylon
to Minbari cruiser, Ingata.

Your g*n ports are in attack position.
Please explain.

- We are on a peaceful mission.
- Then why are your g*n ports open?

We have no interest
in explaining our ways to you.

I'm sorry there has been
a misunderstanding.

Scan the ship. You'll find
that the g*ns are not active.

Confirmed. No targeting sensors.

It's only a symbol to show they carry
the body of a great warrior leader.

Do you have something in your military
traditions to honor a fallen leader?

Yes, the " missing man" formation.

It's no more than that.
While they are parked alongside...

...the captain will comply by closing
the g*n ports. Is that satisfactory?

- Barely.
- Good. Then if you will excuse me...

...I must prepare to meet the cortege.

You'll both join me there, of course,
to honor Branmer's memory...

- ... and to welcome the cortege.
- We'll be there.

Keep scanning that ship.
If their tracking system blinks...

- ... in our direction...
- Understood.

Readings are all normal except
the EEG. What happened to her?

She took a mind-burst.

She's a telepath, a strong one.

- I felt her when she took the burst.
- What's a burst?

Those born with psi talent learn
to block the noise of other minds.

Sometimes the talent needs
to be triggered. Puberty can do it.

She looks about that age.

So it's as if a deaf person
suddenly heard a rocket engine?

Exactly. She didn't know what was
happening and her mind ran and hid.

If her telepathy just woke up and
Psi Corps doesn't know it-

There's a genetic record somewhere.

I'll arrange for her transport to Earth.
A Psi Corps rep can meet her there.

Negative. She committed theft.
She's under station jurisdiction.

- You' re not being reasonable.
- It's my call.

Excuse me, until this is resolved,
she's my patient...

...and I'm ordering you out.
Both of you.

You'll really attend this ceremony?
Branmer led the attack on the Line.

He commanded one of the ships that
splashed my team, but the w*r is over.

Giving the Minbari this courtesy
is a sign of respect.

It'll help strengthen the reconciliation
of our two worlds.

Maybe, but if you ask me,
this is gonna be nothing but trouble.

Ambassador Delenn.

Alit Neroon.

I welcome you on behalf
of all Minbari on this station.

You're traveling an unhappy journey.

For the warrior,
there is no other end to the journey.

This is Commander Sinclair,
Lieutenant Commander Ivanova...

...and Chief of Security Garibaldi.

A place is arranged in which
the Shai Alit may lie in state.

It is a worthy thing
to honor the Shai Alit. Thank you.

And worthy that you'd honor this place
with his presence.

We'll escort you
to the area we've set aside.

This way, please.

The arrangements are most
satisfactory. Simple, but elegant.

- Thank you. Who is Alit Neroon?
- Branmer's aide and executive officer.

He served the Shai Alit
for more than 15 years.

I'd like you to be present
at the viewing of Shai Alit's body.

- Of course.
- I sense some reluctance.

He was a canny enemy.
It's difficult to forget.

Because he was a great warrior,
his body...

...is being displayed in this way.

- It's not traditional?
- It is most unusual.

The Star Riders, his clan,
insisted on it.

You don't like it, do you?

My preferences were not
under discussion, commander.

- How's she doing?
- She's coming around.

How do you feel?

Gently, Alisa. Calm down.
Do as I say...

...and block out the voices
inside your head. Relax.

Imagine a wall inside your mind.
Build it, brick by brick.

- I can't!
- Yes, you can! Focus! See the wall.

It'll go away
as the wall goes higher.

You'll only hear
what you want to hear.

Yes, like that.

Just like that.

It's better.

So where did you get her name?

She can't control her talent.
Her thoughts are broadcast.

Alisa Beldon.
Came here with her father.

- Computer, access: " Beldon, Alisa."
- Commencing search. File found.

Came here two years ago with her
father. Both Earthborn. She was I2.

Mother's death recorded six years
prior. No further information.

Her father died last year.
An accident.

She's been living
on her own in Downbelow.

Am I under arrest?

I had to eat.

You don't stay alive
unless you got credits to pay with.

Don't feel bad about it.
I'm used to doing for myself.

- My mom died young too, same as yours.
- Stop that!

What's the matter?

Never read someone's mind
without permission.

But it was so plain.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything.

As I said, she needs
to be properly trained.

The sooner you're
with the Psi Corps, the better.

We still haven't dealt
with the charges against her.

- Keep me posted on her condition.
- Lt. commander...

...is there a reason why
you' re interested?

Yes. She's not leaving here,
Miss Winters.

Not if I have anything
to say about it.

- Station your people at the access ports.
- Commander!

Alit, you've found
everything satisfactory?

There are procedures
that must be followed.

You'll keep all other races,
especially humans...

...away from the area
until the viewing ceremony.

- Don't worry, my security team will-
- No! No human security.

I've arranged for Minbari guards
on the body.

None of you will interfere
with them.

- Now, just a minute-
- Mr. Garibaldi. Diplomacy.

- Anything else?
- That will suffice for now.

These are my requirements.

This is my station.
I don't take orders!

Impetuous. Is this how you reacted
on the Line, commander?

- This isn't the Line.
- No. We were in control there.

- How would you like to-?
- It's been my experience...

...that discussions of old battles
only interest historians.

- What do you think, commander?
- I think...

...I have a station to run.

Now, if you'll excuse us.

Diplomacy, commander?

This was the greatest of us.



...the hero of the Line!

He fought with honor...


...and with vision.

Now he belongs to the ages.

Where is the Shai Alit?!


Where is the Shai Alit's body?

We'll find out.
I launched an investigation.

This is a grave offense, commander.

Minbaris are heedless
of their own lives in battle...

...but the warrior's body must
be treated with reverence.

Branmer's death was a sorrow to us.

To lose his soul's vessel will bring
his clan's fury upon you!

Are you threatening w*r?

The last one started
with Dukhat's m*rder!

- That was a tragic accident.
- If this is another accident-

If I may, no matter
how great the loss...

...it is not our way to let
a single clan dictate Minbari policy.

We'll appreciate your best efforts
to solve this mystery, commander.

I suggest we allow them to get on
with their investigation.

I've got a few things to tend to.

Fun, fun, fun.

Garibaldi was right.
He said this was going to be trouble.

Nothing is more annoying
than Garibaldi when he's right.

If you've got a moment
for another matter, a personal matter?

We found a young girl, an orphan,
she's been living Downbelow.

It turns out she's a telepath.

Miss Winters wants to send her
to the Psi Corps immediately.

I think she should have a choice.

I agree.
But does she have any other choice?

Possibly. If we can keep her under our
jurisdiction long enough to find it.

Commander, what happened before...

My mother?
I just can't let this slide.

I know.
Do what you think is right.

- I'll back your play.
- Yes, sir.

Thank you.

Why would anyone
wanna take Branmer's body?

- If he was that highly regarded...
- Minbari have high regard for him.

As for others...

- How'd you respond upon hearing this?
- All right.

Humans who fought Branmer
have no love for him.

There are elements on Earth
who feel that way: the Home Guard.

But they would have broadcast
the news right away.

No one has claimed credit
for taking this great general's body.

Great general, yes.

The last thing he wanted to be.

Before he became a warrior
of the Star Riders clan...

...Branmer was a high priest
of the religious caste.

The Holy w*r against Earth forced him
to become a w*r leader.

He was a brilliant tactician.
He believed in the rightness of the w*r.

He fought because it was a matter
of conscience...

...but he was always
a priest in his heart.

I've heard the religious caste issued
the surrender order. Branmer agreed?

He obeyed. There are still warriors
who resented it.

One leader, Sinavel, committed su1c1de
rather than give the surrender order.

And Neroon?

Neroon is also a Star Rider.
He would have died for Branmer.

If Branmer gave an order,
he would follow it.

But now, with Branmer gone...

...I get the feeling that Neroon's
spoiling for a rematch.

We will see...

...what we will see.

You think we might have had something
to do with the disappearance?

- Why should we want it?
- Well, let's see. Ransom?

Embarrassing the Minbari?
Blackening our reputation?

That could help your career back home.
I can go on.

I'm sure you could,
but I'm not interested.

The Narn Regime
has accomplished many things...

...but bodysnatching isn't one
of them. Go ask in the Alien Sector.

I'm sure you could find someone
with an interest in dead bodies.

- Oh, no, not the carrion eaters.
- Bon app?tit.

I appreciate the clothes.
The other ones were getting ripe.

We should get you more
before your trip to Earth.

- The Psi Corps pays for all this?
- It takes care of its own.

Tell her what else the Psi Corps does.

- This isn't any of your concern.
- Yes, it is, and you know why it is.

So let me talk to her, unless you're
afraid to let her hear another side.

Psi Corps doesn't sound so bad.
I don't understand.

Did she tell you what they do
to those who don't want to join?

- No.
- Let me tell you a story.

It's about a woman who fell in love,
got married, had children.

One problem: She's a telepath. She
kept it from Psi Corps till she's 35.

By then, she had two kids.

The corps told her to come
with them or go to prison.

But she loved her family
and she refused to leave them.

There was only one way
they would let her stay.

Every week, for 10 years...

...they injected her with dr*gs
to suppress her telepathy.

Every day she died a little...

...until she finally ended it
by taking her own life.

That was your mother.

That's the image I saw
in your mind the other day.

I have no love for the Psi Corps.

You've every right to know all about
them before you decide to join them.

Yeah, but I don't have much
of a choice here, do I?

Well, I'm investigating your options.

There may be more than you think.


...can I have my link, please?

Just keeping in practice...

...in case.

- What have you discovered?
- Does "not much" mean anything to you?

- I was promised an investigation.
- You're getting it.

I thought of the Llort,
they' re pack rats.

They collect souvenirs for the pure
sake of collecting, but not bodies.

- There's one other possibility, but-
- Chief!

I found that outside
the Pak' ma' ra's quarters.

This is a piece of Branmer's
burial robe. What are these Pak' ma' ra?

Carrion eaters.

This is nothing to me.

It was found on the deck
directly outside these quarters.

I'm not responsible
for the cleanliness of your decks.

This fabric is from the burial robe
of a Minbari leader.

- His body's been stolen.
- And so?

Where is the body?
What did you do with it?

Answer the question!
As a courtesy to our Minbari friends.

I have heard nothing!

Then I'll have
to make a deeper inquiry.

A deeper inquiry?

I'll insist that you all
have your stomachs pumped.

The house would be decorated entirely
to your taste...

...in Earth style or Narnish,
if you prefer.

You mentioned clothing and jewelry?

There will be an allowance
for clothing and adornments.

In addition to your fee for services.
We' re prepared to be generous.

What services will she render?

I was making an offer to Alisa,
not to you.

- What services?
- So simple and yet so rewarding.

All we ask is a small sample
of blood and tissue twice a month.

We' re the only race without telepaths.

You'd become the genetic mother
of an entire breed of Narn telepaths.

- I don't believe this.
- Welcome to the club.

Didn't G'Kar try something like this?
You trying to succeed where he failed?

I'd have to live
on the Narn Homeworld.

- But it sounds interesting.
- You'd be the only human there.

But we're prepared to pay well
for the privilege of entertaining her.

I'd really like to see it.
I almost can if I concen-

- I'll talk to you later.
- Alisa?

I have to lie down.

I hope that isn't a sign of frailty.

Why not check her teeth too?

- Think that's a good idea?
- Leave. You've made your offer.

Tell her I expect her answer soon.
Good idea about the teeth.

- What happened?
- I peeked into her mind.

- I know I'm not supposed to, but-
- What was it like in there?



Alien! It's not like looking
into a human mind.

It felt like I was falling
into something terrible.

You might wanna remember that
when you consider their offer.

Narrow the search.
You guys, check Green 2.

- Doc, any results on those tests?
- Yes, just got them back.

Next time,
you can do the stomach pumping.

- Had to burn 2 lab coats. They stink.
- You didn't find anything?

No, they ate something, definitely,
just not Minbari.

- You tested all of them?
- Absolutely.

So where do you look now?

In the beams and rafters. Between
hulls. It's the only place left.

You know what they say
Narn tastes like?

Yeah, chicken.
Man, I really need a vacation.

The man is useless! Stomach contents!

Branmer's body must be found.

If Garibaldi can't handle
the assignment, he must be replaced!

He'll do his job. A search of all
public areas had to be done first.

If they have to take this place apart
and put it back again, they will.

If he fails in his search,
it may be necessary to have my ship...

...assume the job
of taking this station apart!

- I don't take kindly to threats, Alit.
- I do not make threats, commander!

You' re a high P-10.

Na'Toth might up her bid
if she knew that.

- You didn't like the Narn mind.
- I'd just give biogenetic samples.

I can supply you with history modules
on the Narn Regime.

The Centauri occupation
left it barren, almost dead.

The Narns only want
to conquer other races now.

They make slaves of their victims.
They'll try and make one of you too...

- ... like the Psi Corps.
- You've problems with the Psi Corps.

I sympathize with your feelings,
but don't poison her with them.

- They've ruined lives.
- They've done good things too.

- Your mother didn't cooperate.
- Like your friend Ironheart?

- You leave him out of this!
- Stop it! Stop it, both of you!

You keep arguing over what you want!
You don't care what I want!

All right, Alisa, what do you want?

To know the truth about
all my choices. Is that all of it?

Narn, Psi Corps, the dr*gs?

No. There's one more possibility
you should consider.


- Thanks for taking the time to see us.
- It's my pleasure.

So, Alisa, you wish to know
about Minbari telepaths?

I wanna see all the cards
before I make a bet.

- I wasn't aware a game was involved.
- It's just an expression of speech.

Well, perhaps we should start
with some general information first.

For the Minbari, psi ability
is considered a gift.

The use of it is given
as a service to those in need.

- They' re not paid?
- Only with our people's high regard.

It isn't a job, it's a calling.
It's enough for them to be of service.

Then how do they live?

Those who wish to help others are
greatly respected within our culture.

They are encouraged
and helped in their goal.

They' re clothed and fed,
and left to do their work.

It's a small price to pay
for the benefit of many.

I looked into a Narn mind.
Wasn't pretty.

Alien minds are a problem
if you' re untrained.

Yes, I have heard this.
We do not all think the same way.


I think we should go.

- Don't you need some more time?
- No, I got a clear picture. Thanks.

Is there something going on
around here about a dead body?

Yes. Why?

I saw something about the body.
I know what happened to it.

Mr. Garibaldi, I need
to see you immediately!


What do you think you' re doing?

Everywhere has been searched but here.
Where no one would dare to go!


I searched these quarters
with Delenn observing.

I wanted to make sure nobody was
sneaking around trying to pull a fast one.

You might want to try it sometime.

Escort him back to his quarters. We'll
continue the search without his help.

Will do.

I brought someone to see you.
Alisa Beldon. You'd better talk to her.

Miss Beldon?

Commander, there's something
you have to know.

When I was talking
to Ambassador Delenn...

...I looked inside her head.

And I saw something.

She covered it up real quick...

...but she knows
who took that Minbari body.

And she knows where it is.

- Ambassador.
- Good evening, commander.

Mr. Garibaldi.

- Shipping something home, ambassador?
- Just some personal possessions.

I think we need to talk.

Quite a trick.

Stealing Branmer's body and
cremating it without anyone noticing.


As a member of the religious caste,
I felt an obligation to Branmer.

As I told you,
he was a reluctant hero.

He only became a w*r leader...

...because he felt it was
necessary for the Minbari.

- And your obligation to him?
- A long, close friendship.

He told me that when he was called,
he wanted only a simple funeral.

He did not want to be
a monument to w*r.

Neroon and his Star Riders...

...subverted his wishes
with this display of his body.

I decided to carry out
Branmer's wishes.

His ashes are to be sent home.

They will be scattered in space
near our world.

Unfortunately, you and Mr. Garibaldi
have put that plan in jeopardy.

How could it have any more jeopardy?

Neroon is ready to start
the w*r because of this.

I believe I could have explained it
as a true religious mystery.

The transformation of Branmer's body
to take his place with the gods.

- But now...
- Delenn, Neroon wants an answer.

You have it. What am I supposed to do?
Hide the facts?

- You've put us in a difficult situation.
- It's more difficult than you suspect.

You see, a rift between
the religious and warrior castes...

...began when our warriors
were ordered to surrender.

If what happened to the body were
to become general knowledge...

...it would further that rift.

Great. Just one question,
what about Neroon?

- I said we'd tell him what happened.
- Then we will do so.

If you will honor my situation,
I will honor yours.

It is regrettable, but I see
no choice. We will tell him the truth.

But I will tell him my way.

You had no right to touch
the Shai Alit's body!

- He was warrior caste by his father!
- Religious by his mother!

- You know which takes precedence.
- Star Riders will protest!

- I will lead the fight!
- You will do nothing!

You ignored his request to be cremated
and have his ashes put in space.

You disobeyed your w*r leader...

...one of the greatest of our religious
caste. You showed disrespect.

You had to display
the great warrior's body!

You had to have your military
spectacle! It stops here!

Or the Star Riders
will be destroyed...

...dishonored by your actions.

- Do you speak for yourself?
- I speak for the entire Grey Council.

I'd hoped to avoid this,
but your insistence on investigating...

...has left me no choice.

You will support my statement
that his body was transformed.

That is a direct order
from the Grey Council.

You will obey it, as you did
our order to end the w*r.

Do you understand?

Yes, I understand, Satai Delenn!

Is there anything else you want of me?

You will apologize
to Commander Sinclair...

...privately, for your behavior.

I will see to it that you
and the Star Riders...

...will not be punished or shamed
for your honoring of the Shai Alit.

Yes, Satai Delenn.

There was no cause for me
to attack you. Even less for me...

...to thr*aten this station.

I am ashamed that my feelings for
the Shai Alit led me to act improperly.

There is no shame in wanting
to honor him, Neroon.

I fought on the Line against Branmer.

I saw his valor and leadership

Because his body disappeared here...

...I feel some responsibility
toward the Minbari people.

There is no higher testimony
to a warrior's courage and skill...

...than praise from his enemy.

I'd like to send that message
to your world...

...in a personal message...

...a testimony to the Shai Alit.

You will do this
as an Earthforce officer?

And as commander of Babylon 5.

That is a great kindness.

We've fought long enough.

Maybe it's time we started
talking with one another.

Branmer was more significant than his
battles. Let the warrior caste...

...praise his courage in w*r. Let the
rest praise him for what he truly was.

A man of peace.

You talk like a Minbari, commander.

Perhaps there was some small wisdom
in letting your species survive.

We like to think so.

Until another day, then.

I thought you'd be seeing
Neroon's cruiser off.

- I've seen cruisers before.
- Me too.

There is someone on this station
who interests me.

Alisa Beldon has a most unusual
psi quality for a human.

So I'm told.

She impressed me greatly.

When she touched my mind, I detected
confusion in her about her future.

She doesn't care for the opportunities
being offered by Earth or Narn.



Will Talia and Ivanova be
teed off if I go with the Minbari?

In order, yes and no. I don't need to
be a telepath to figure that one out.

Alisa could help with communication
between humans and Minbari.

We suffer a lack there,
as you know, commander.

The future in exchange for the past.

I think that's very workable.

- Thank you again for helping me.
- You made your own decision.

You showed me the choices. This
is best. I'm used to being on my own.

Psi Corps wouldn't have
worked for me. And the Narn...

- Even though the price was right.
- No price is high enough...

...to be surrounded by Narns.

I thought I'd stop by and wish you
well. I don't agree with this...

...but the commander's right.
You could help with the Minbari.

Maybe you'll learn a trick or two
and come back and teach us.

- Thanks, I might do that.
- As long as you write once in a while.

I will.

I won't forget you.

I think I want to go the rest
of the way by myself.

- Goodbye.
- Bye.


- I think she'll be all right.
- I think so too.

Are you busy right now?

No, not right now.

I wasn't exactly polite
to you over this whole thing.

Yeah, well, we both got a little hot.

How about if I buy you
a drink to make up for it?

Okay, but I go on duty soon
so it's gonna have to be coffee.

Of course.



- Just wanted to say safe journey.
- Thanks.

There's something
I've been wondering.

When you looked into Delenn's mind,
did you see anything unusual?

One other thing. A word, "chrysalis."
I don't know what it means.

- It's a cocoon, I think.
- Cocoon? That's weird.

She shut down real fast
when I touched that.

- Why would she want to hide that?
- I don't know.

Now boarding in docking bay 4.

I guess I have to go.

Good luck.


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