01x18 - A Voice in the Wilderness: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
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01x18 - A Voice in the Wilderness: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Excuse me, I'm looking
for Ambassador Delenn.

- Could you tell me where to find her?
- Of course. This way.

- Shuttle 1 is ready.
- Any more seismic disturbances?

We're still picking up rumbles
from further down.

I wouldn't bother,
but we're in orbit.

- Best to check it out, just to be sure.
- Agreed.

- Shuttle 1, begin geological survey.
-Confirmed. Initiating launch.

I have to go. Let me know
when the team is back.

Will do.

- Ms. Winters.
- Hello, commander.

- Problem with the transport tube?
- No, not really.

Every time I get into the tube,
Garibaldi's there, like he knows.

Mr. Garibaldi is many things,
but he's not omniscient.

- I think I'll take the stairs.
- I think I'll join you.

Range to surface, 40 miles.

Close enough. Activate scanners,
set for maximum depth.

Let's see what's
going on underneath.

What the hell was that?!

- We've lost power. Get it back.
- I can't, I have no controls here!

It was the dawn
of the Third Age of mankind...

... 1 0 years after
the Earth-Minbari w*r.

The Babylon Project
was a dream given form.

Its goal: to prevent another w*r
by creating a place...

... where humans and aliens
could work out their differences.

It's a port of call,
home away from home...

... for diplomats, hustlers,
entrepreneurs and wanderers.

Humans and aliens,
wrapped in 2,500,000 tons...

... of spinning metal,
all alone in the night.

It can be a dangerous place.

But it's our last,
best hope for peace.

This is the story of the last
of the Babylon stations.

The year is 2258.

The name of the place is Babylon 5.

Babylon Control to Shuttle 1.
Shuttle 1, do you receive?

Confirmed, we're receiving you.

All of our readouts blacked out.

Same here. It was some kind of massive
power surge, right off the scale.

Knocked half our systems out.
It came from inside the planet.

- What's your situation?
-Controls are fried.

We've achieved orbit,
but we can't make it back.

- Can you send someone?
- Confirmed.

We'll send two starfuries ASAP.
Don't go anywhere.

Don't go anywhere?
As if we could.

Okay, we've got a while to wait.
Who's got a deck of cards?

- You're sure they're all right?
-They're shaken, but fine.

-They'll be back in a few hours.
- Good. And find out what's going on.

- Sorry.
- It's quite all right.

An interesting riddle.
I thought the planet was uninhabited.

None of our surveys found
signs of life down there.

Perhaps in the past, someone
might have lived down there.

If that's true, you may have
awakened something.

Perhaps. We'll know more later.

Now, as far as these new trade
routes are concerned... .

Babylon, this is Delta Leader.

We have retrieved shuttle crew
and are returning to Cobra Bay.

I want all the equipment loaded:
spectral analysis, thermal probes.

- We'll reconvene tomorrow.
- Yes, sir.

- Dr. Tasaki!
- Lieutenant commander.

- What was that?
- I have no idea.

We were told the planet
was safe and uninhabited.

- Now it appears it isn't.
- Incorrect.

We don't know if anyone's alive there.

The seismic activity could've triggered
an a*t*matic system.

- We'll know more once we go back.
- What are you going to do?

Process the data collected
from the power burst...

...then call my wife.
She loves mysteries.

- This doesn't worry you?
- It scares the hell out of me.

But, what better way to go out than
in the cause of scientific knowledge?

Is this a multiple-choice question?
Because I have some ideas.

We will release our trade routes
to Sector 1 1 9...

...provided that our ships are allowed
free use of the Centauri jumpgate.

- You drive a very hard bargain.
- It's a fair deal.

Your government stands
to profit substantially.

The jumpgate fees are pocket change.

What I consider a tent,
you consider a pocket.

But you are right.
It is a reasonable demand.

Done and done. I will have my
government issue an agreement by...

...when? Tomorrow this time?

What a pleasure to deal
with someone reasonable.

Negotiations are more enjoyable when
certain individuals are not here.

There is a difference between being
unreasonable and being angry.

Ambassador G'Kar is angry, but even
the greatest anger fades with time.

My dear Ambassador Delenn,
I am sure that for you this is true.

But for G'Kar and his people,
they will do anything to destroy us...

...until the universe itself
decays and collapses.

If the Narns stood in one place,
and hated, all at the same time...

...that hatred could fly across light
years and reduce Centauri Prime to ash.

- That's how much they hate us.
- You don't have to respond in kind.

Of course we do. It's a natural law.

Physics tells us for every action there
is an equal and opposite reaction.

They hate us, we hate them,
they hate us back...

...and so here we are,
victims of mathematics.


- He never listens.
- He will, sooner or later.

- How can you be sure?
- Because the alternative is terrible.

Without the hope
that things will get better...

...that our inheritors will know
a world that is richer than our own...

...life is pointless and evolution
is vastly overrated.

Good day, commander.

- The signal seems to have diminished.
- You sure it's a beacon?

We were able to run a few tests.

It's a series of regular signals,
repeated at specific intervals.

We haven't been able to decipher them.

- How's Dr. Tasaki?
- He's like a kid with a new puzzle.

- He wants to check it tomorrow morning.
- A glutton for punishment.

I'll authorize it, on the condition
that he gets there safely.

Agreed. I'll take care of that
first thing tomorrow.

By the way, commander...

...have you heard from Mars colony?
- No, why?

It's always in
the Earthforce status report...

...but it came in and there
wasn't any word from Mars.

Often that's a sign of military
exercises, but we'd have been warned.

- Probably a glitch. Good night.
- Good night, commander.

What's the third principle
of sentient life?

- Draal.
- Incorrect answer.

It is the capacity
for self-sacrifice.

The ability to override
evolution and self-preservation...

...for a cause, a friend, a loved one.

It has been too long, Delenn.
You've forgotten your training.

Soon you will have forgotten
all about your old friend Draal.

Not if I live to be 1 001.

Well then, why would you keep your
friend standing out here in this hall?

Tanker 1 2, are you
in position to refuel?

Roger, C & C, our hose jockey
is ready to connect.

With questions raised about
the cost of a presence in space...

... Pol Quat of the Indonesian
Consortium, upon leaving a hearing...

... asked why less affluent nations
pay an equal share of the cost...

... when they do not receive an equal
share of the benefits. Elsewhere...

We're getting a late-breaking story.

As ISN viewers may know, contact
with the Mars colony has been cut off.

We're now receiving
confirmation of a revolt...

... against the Earth government.

We're receiving reports of fighting
outside and within the capital city.

Troops have moved from Syria Planum...

... to reinforce patrols
in Solis Planum.

We have a live feed from ISN
reporter Derek Mobotabwe...

... relayed from our station
on Olympus Mons.

Reporting substantial casualties.

Death toll may be
in the hundreds or higher.

The insurgents struck
with heavy weapons...

... seized in a raid
on a reserve military base.

The guerillas, whose ancestors
migrated to Mars from Earth...

... have demanded independence
for the Mars colony or:

"The sand will run red with
Earther blood. " Governor Chakan said...

Help me.

Help me.

Venus Team 2, this is Environmental
Control. Head to Tower 3.

Got you, Environmental Control,
we're on our way.


- You heard the news from Mars?
- I did.

It's terrible to see places where
I grew up going up in flames.

Right, you were born on Mars.

- Do you have family there?
- No. You?

Not anymore.

- Garibaldi's taking it hard.
- Yeah, I figured.

I'll try to check on him later.

- You all right, commander?
- I don't know.

Last night, just before
I went to bed, I saw a... .

- What?
- I don't know. Maybe I'm just tired.

- What's the status on Epsilon 3?
- They leave in a few hours.

Good. Keep me informed.


Have I thanked you for arranging
for my quarters?

- And for the fine meal this morning?
- Yes, you have.

Good. Then I need not do so again.

- Have I told you about Rathenn?
- Yes, you have told me of Rathenn.

Of all of my teachers
and many of my family.

You've told me everything,
except why you're here.

What is there to tell?
I have lived my entire life on Minbar.

- Now I am seeing what is out here.
- Yes.

A curious answer from one
who taught me...

...that a half-truth
is the worst kind of lie.

Our world is changing, Delenn.

I'm not sure when it began.

Perhaps the w*r,
perhaps the death of Dukhat.

Perhaps the darkness was always
there and we refused to see.

The division between
the religious and military castes...?

That, and more than that.

There is a sense
that we are lost, drifting.

In the streets, in the temples,
you can hear it in their voices.

An anger beneath the surface,
a dissatisfaction...

...a self-involvement
above the needs of others.

It is not the same world I was born in,
Delenn. Not the same world at all.

I am going to the sea.


No, you're too young to go to the sea.
There's much you could do back home.

I don't know what good it would do.

Better to find a place out there
in the sea of stars...

...where I can be
of service before the end.

I hear the call of the stars,
Delenn, and I must answer.

Then, when you leave here...

...I will never see you again.

I'm afraid so.

Which is why we should enjoy
our time together, Delenn.

Don't look so sad.

This should be a time of great joy.

My feet are firmly on the path and
the road beckons me down to the sea.

I will find the purpose and meaning
that I have lost among my own people.

Be glad, Delenn.
Be glad.

When... .

When do you have to leave?

Not for a while.

We have time.

We have seen little of one
another these last few years...

...and there is much
that I want to hear.

Then I will talk and talk and talk
until you fall asleep from the sound.

And I will be glad of it.

And I will dream of the sea.

What do you mean
you can't get through?

Communication is out
except for authorized people.

I'm an Earthforce officer,
clearance level ultraviolet alpha...

...and I'm not authorized?
-lf you try again later...

I've tried all morning!

Now, all I'm asking for
is one clear channel.

I'm sorry, Mr. Garibaldi.

There's nothing we can do until
after the blackout.

I'll file your request, and if things
change, I'll notify you at once.

We'll provide fighter support
in case of trouble.

- Don't take any chances.
- We won't.

Get your readings, make a scan
of the surface and get out.

- We'll be monitoring your progress.
- Good. Anything else?

The starfuries are designed for combat
in space, not inside an atmosphere.

- Drop too low or you're on your own.
- Understood.

All right, move it out.
We've got a mystery to solve.

- Ivanova to Sinclair.

- They're on their way.
- I'll be there.

- Lf you'll excuse me...
- Yes, yes, I know.

What will you do if you
find anything of value down there?

The odds of that are small.
It's probably an old automated beacon.

Yes, but if it isn't,
will you tell me?


Just making sure we know
where we stand.

Survey 1, hold at coordinates
7 by 1 3 and await escort.

- Escort standing by.
- Launch fighter escort.

Delta 6, this is Delta Leader.
Let's be awake out there.

Roger that, Delta Leader,
I'm on his tail.

- Thank you. See you next month.
- See you then. Thank you.

- I need to talk.
- Tube out of order?

Wait! Look, I'm sorry,
but I need your help.

- As lines go, that's not original.
- It's not a line, damn it, I... .

Can I just have five minutes? Please?


I appreciate you taking the time.
This is important to me.

Before I came to Babylon 5, my job
was working security on Mars colony.

The job wasn't great, we got
flack from Earthdome, but...

...one thing made it
worth all the grief.

Her name's Lise Hampton.

We met a few days after I got there
and we got involved.

- It sounds serious.
- It was.

We even talked about marriage
a few times.

But I was...

Look, I was messed up.

After being fired from four jobs,
I had something to prove.

So when I came to Babylon 5,
I asked her to come with me.

She said no.

We argued and I said a lot of stupid
things. The kind that can haunt you.

The last time we spoke it ended with
a slammed door and me flying out.

We haven't talked since then.

For the past two years, I've wanted to
call her, needed to call her, but...

...I didn't know if she'd
want to hear from me.

And now this.

- Talia, I need to know she's okay.
- I sympathize, Mr. Garibaldi.

I hope you realize that.

But what do you expect me to do?
If you can't...

Psi Corp's got an intelligence
operation in Syria Planum.

How did you know?
That's classified.

That's never stopped me before.

They've got a relay to get me
into the local com-net.

- You're asking a lot.
- Lf there were another way, I'd do it.

I can't sleep not knowing
if she's okay. You're my last hope.

All right. I can't promise
anything, but I'll do what I can.


Survey 1 to Babylon Control,
beginning our final run.

Initiating drop to five kilometers
inside the atmosphere.

Do not enter atmosphere.
The fighters won't be able to follow.

Don't worry, I'm not going far.
Just enough to get samples.

You can't expect us to come this...

There's something
coming our way, fast.

Take evasive action!
Get us out of here!

- Too late, we've got lock-on.
- Hang on!

Aft stabilizers hit!
Forty-percent power loss!

Full power! One more
like that and we've had it!


- Escort, can you reach the shuttle?
-Negative, Babylon Control.

Fighters, target g*ns on lower
atmosphere, wide-angle fire.

- What the hell are you doing?
- Firing will distract the missiles.

Hit your afterburners. They won't
follow you out of the atmosphere.

We won 't have enough fuel!

The fighters will tow you back.
Do it, before the missiles lock on!

Survey 1 to Babylon, we're clear.
Returning to base.

Confirmed. Upon arrival
you will report for debriefing.

On your trip back, take the time
to learn the Babylon 5 mantra:

Ivanova is always right.
I will listen to lvanova.

I will not ignore lvanova's
recommendations. Ivanova is God.

And, if this happens again,
lvanova will rip your lungs out!

Babylon Control out.


I'm just kidding about that
God part. No offense.

Our scans failed to show any
a*t*matic systems on the surface...

...or for a depth of two miles.

- Those missiles came from somewhere.
- Agreed.

And I think we've solved the mystery.
We didn't go deep enough.


This is a computer scan of Sector 1 4.
We snared it before we were fired on.

- I don't see anything.
- Not yet. Increase magnification.

There. That's one of the first missiles
fired at us. It came from underground.

- Is that fissure natural or artificial?
- My guess is it's artificial.

It was probably opened
by one of the quakes.

It's possible this is an old
a*t*matic defense system.

- Yes.
- How deep is that fissure?

That's interesting.

Our analysis suggests the m*ssile
was fired five miles within the planet.

There's something there important
enough to require a defense system.

Very good. Thank you, doctor.


We don't know what
weaponry may be there...

...so I'd consider it
a threat to our security.

Same here. It's also a potential
first-contact situation.

I'd say we have to check it out.
Wouldn't you agree?


And he says, "Goulash. "
Do you get it?

I'll get you yet.

Mr. Garibaldi, off duty, I see.

Water. Fascinating.
I never touch the stuff myself.

Kat, the usual.

- Is there something I can do for you?
- Yes. Attend.

As a young Centauri, I developed
a preoccupation with females.

I went to all the finest clubs,
watched exotic Centauri dancers.

Now, one day, I was angry and upset.

But I went to the club,
I sat, watched the show.

But never saw it.
I just sat and stewed.

Suddenly, I looked up
and this beautiful dancer...

...is leaning down over the stage
and looking right into my eyes.

And she said:

"Whatever it is,
it can't be that bad. "

And then she kissed me...

...right here.

Mr. Garibaldi...

...whatever it is,
it can't be that bad.

You try and kiss me
and I'll break your arm.

We're not that close, Mr. Garibaldi!

- And the dancer?
- I married her.

- No.
- Yes! That day!

The next day I woke up,
I saw her sleeping against my arm...

...and I decided I would rather
chew off my arm than wake her up.

- That's sweet.
- No, no.

She had a voice that could curdle
fresh milk. "Londo! "

"Yes, dear?"
"Londo! "

"Coming, my darling. "

"I'll be right there, my love bug. "

- You looked as if you needed a friend.
- I did. Thanks.

You're welcome. Now I go to spread
happiness to the rest of the station.

It's a terrible responsibility,
but I have learned to live with it.


Somebody better pay for that drink.

Help me.

Help me.

All right, Delta Flight,
we're ready to go in.

Target a 1 0-kilometer
area with long-range bursts...

...to draw off incoming fire.
-Confirmed, Shuttle 1.

- System ready. Engines to maximum burn.
- Hit it.

Temperature up 200 degrees.

- m*ssile sighted.
- Delta Flight, fire.

Let's hope that fissure
is five miles deep.

- Why?
- It's going to take two miles to stop.

- Assuming we don't hit anything.
- A hell of a time to think of that.


- Decelerating.
- Two miles. Two point five. Three.

- Anterior thrusters, half power.
- Thrusters, aye.

- Anything?
- Just rock. 3.5 miles. 4 miles.

Slowing descent 30% .
Four point five.

We've got something. It's an opening.
Definitely artificial.

Bring us in.

Coming into a landing grid.

Environment check.

Gravity.75 of Earth normal.

Atmosphere 90% carbon dioxide,
1 0% trace elements.

- We'll need those breathers.
- Life signs?

None. We're the only
living things in or on this planet.

All right, let's check it out.

I'm sorry, but there's
nothing I can do.

To preserve our confidential status,
access is confined to Psi Corps.

We can 't let anyone outside the
government know the center exists.

- Mr. Garibaldi already knows.
-He may suspect...

... but that is not confirmation.
For all we know, this request...

... is a cover to confirm our location
and pass that information to others.

- That's completely paranoid.

But with fighting a mile
from the facility...

... we're entitled to some paranoia.

- How is it back there?
-Not good.

The Free Mars movement
has been growing...

... but no one suspected they were
this organized, or well armed.

I can 't plug your friend
into the com-net...

... but I can run a check and see
if she's listed among the wounded.

- That would help. Thank you.
-No promises, but I'll do what I can.

PCC relay out.



Well, that'll cut down on tourism.

One, two, three, four.

One, two, three.

- A three-second recharge before firing.
- Looks like it.

- Can you cover that in three seconds?
- Not a problem.

Stand by.


Get down!

- You okay?
- Yeah, fine.

Commander, you'd better
take a look at this.

Holy... .



I think I've got to go
to the bathroom.

Tell me about it.


Delenn, what can I do for you?

I was taking my friend on a tour
and thought I'd introduce you.

Draal, this is Ambassador Londo Mollari
of the Centauri Republic.

Ambassador Mollari, this is Draal,
for many years, my mentor and teacher.

- I am honored.
- Thank you.

- I hope we are not intruding.
- No, I was doing a little studying.

Yes, Earthers. I try to find out as
much as I can to make sense of them...

...but it never seems
to come together.

They seem to be a mass
of contradictions.

Exactly my point.
Here, 6000 years of recorded history.

A history that includes remarkable
composers, astonishing symphonies...

...but what is the one song that half
of them sing to their children...

...generation after generation?

It doesn't mean anything.
I've been studying it for seven days.

I had the computer analyze it. I swear
to you, it does not mean a thing!

We've come at a bad time, haven't we?

No, not at all. Here, sit.
I'll make some hot jala.

- I rather enjoyed the song.
- Don't tell him.

- You're sure?
- Trust me.

Try to raise the shuttle again.

Nothing. We still can't get through.

Damn. Two hours.

Mr. Garibaldi, can I see you
for a moment? I've had some news.

- Yell if they link in.
- Yes, sir.


They won't give you access. They're
not happy you know about the center.

It's an imperfect universe.

- Is that all you've got for me?
- No, it isn't.

I asked them to check
for any information.

They were able to access
the list of survivors.

- And?
- Her name isn't on it.

They can't find her name.
Either she's not on Mars...

She had a life there.
She wouldn't have left all that.

Then it's possible
something's happened to her.

- Yeah?
-Mr. Garibaldi, we've got a signal.

I'm on my way.

I'm sorry.

Don't be. She's all right.

She has to be.
That's all there is to it.

It must be 1 0, 20 miles deep.

- Commander? You okay?
-We're fine.

Michael, you wouldn 't believe it.

A whole new area of technology.
Machines as big as buildings...

... all around us.

- What's happening?
- Seismic activity. It's big.

Get the hell out of there!

Commander! Jeff! Lvanova!

We've lost them.

- Commander, you all right?
- Yeah, I think so.

We're going to have to find another
way out of here. This light's had it.

- What the hell?
-Help me. Please help me.

- You saw it too?
- Yeah, and on the station.


Help me...

...or your people,
all your people, will die.

You must help me.

Help me get him out of this.

We don't have time.
We're cut off from the entrance.

We need to leave
before we're out of air.

- We can't leave him like this.
- I know. It's a Russian thing.

When we do something stupid, we like
to catalog it for future reference.

-Shuttle 1 to Babylon, do you read?
- Jeff, yeah.

- What's your situation?
-We're coming out.

Initiate air cover and have
a medical team standing by.

Initiating air cover.

I want that med team at Bay 1 4.
I'll meet them there.

- We've got a ship coming through.
- Fine.

Mr. Garibaldi, it's big.

What the hell?
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