01x20 - Babylon Squared

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
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01x20 - Babylon Squared

Post by bunniefuu »

Good morning, lt. Commander.


- Nothing personal. You look like hell.
- I know.

C & C woke me early. They picked up
unusual tachyon emissions in Sector 1 4.

I authorized Alpha Seven
to go check it out, just in case.

- That's a pretty long haul.
- Three hours. He should be there soon.

- I hate mornings.
- Personally, I love them.

Me too.

It's my cross to bear.

I learned to appreciate mornings
while I was being taught by Jesuits.

We used to get up at sunrise for Mass.

Then an hour of meditation
before class.

We would sit...

...quiet, at peace.

Breathing in, breathing out.

Breathing in, breathing out.

Breathing in, breathing out.

- Well!
- What?

Boy, that hit the spot.
You cleaned your plate too.

- Better get going.
- It's nearly 7:30.

7:30? I didn't even...

I slept through breakfast?
This isn't fair!

- Something, lt. Commander?
- I'm fine. Excuse me.

C & C, I realize I'm late,
but I'm on my way.

I'll notify your next of kin.

Four, three, two, one.

Garibaldi, you're a dead man!

Alpha Seven to Babylon Control,
I'm closing on target.

- Registering tachyon emissions.
- Visual sightings?

Negative. Nothing yet.

Stand by.

Babylon Control, I'm getting
something on the scanner.

There's something out here.

- Can you identify?
- Not quite. I can't make it out.

No. That's not possible.

That can't be. It just can't be.


It was the dawn
of the Third Age of mankind...

... 1 0 years after
the Earth-Minbari w*r.

The Babylon Project
was a dream given form.

Its goal: to prevent another w*r
by creating a place...

... where humans and aliens
could work out their differences.

It's a port of call,
home away from home...

... for diplomats, hustlers,
entrepreneurs and wanderers.

Humans and aliens,
wrapped in 2,500,000 tons...

... of spinning metal,
all alone in the night.

It can be a dangerous place.

But it's our last,
best hope for peace.

This is the story of the last
of the Babylon stations.

The year is 2258.

The name of the place is Babylon 5.

Babylon Control to Alpha Seven,
please respond.

Babylon Control to Alpha Seven.

- Nothing, commander.
- What about the homing beacon?

Still receiving.
The fighter seems to be returning.

ETA: one hour, 1 5 minutes.

But we can't raise the pilot.

It's possible his communication
system was fried.

Any more tachyon emissions?

We had another burst when
we lost contact with Alpha Seven.

Tell Dr. Franklin to stand by
in case of injury.

Minbari Flyers unit,
you are clear for jump.

Thank you, Babylon Control.

Are you sure you don't
require a pilot?

Quite sure. Some things
one must do alone.

I believe I'm ready to proceed.

At your discretion, Babylon Control.

Alpha Seven coming into range.

You're clear to dock.
Proceed to main bay.

That's strange. He's not
approaching the docking bay.

- Run a full scan of Alpha Seven.
- On it.

No structural damage.
Hull looks fine.

Life signs?

There's no life signs.

Commander, he's dead.

- What was the cause of death?
- It's hard to explain.

No damage to the body, no trauma.
Everything points to natural causes.

- Why is that hard to explain?
- It was old age.

- He just turned 30.
- I know, he looked fine outside...

...but his insides were
like those of a 90-year-old.

- Then how'd he get back here?
- He set the ship's autopilot.

Send a team out to investigate.
If there's a hazard...

Not until we know what we're facing.

I want all traffic routed clear
of Sector 1 4.

Michael, I want that ship examined.

I want to know
what happened out there.

Begin monitoring for beacon.

We went over Alpha Seven's fighter.

The pilot managed to scratch something
into his buckle before he died.

- "B4. "
- B4 as in Babylon 4?

I can't figure why.

B4 vanished four years ago.
I don't get it.

You need one other piece
of information.

I ran a check on Sector 1 4.

The tachyon emissions are coming
from where Babylon 4 disappeared.

- What happened is happening again?
- That's one possibility.

There is another. What if...?


We're picking up a distress signal
in Sector 1 4.

- I ordered all ships to stay clear.

- Then who?
-The distress call identifies as...

Commander, it's Babylon 4.

We're on our way.

- Is the signal on-line?
- Want me to patch it through?

Not yet.

Check the archives and get me
the secure code for Babylon 4.

Earthforce stations are configured to
broadcast their I.D. on a subchannel.

- To prevent counterfeit orders?
- Exactly.

Here's the archival I.D. comparison.

Coded signal matches 1 00%
to archival code.

Babylon 4 recognition signal

A station just doesn't disappear and
reappear like some Flying Dutchman.

- Only one way to find out.
- Let's see it.

Repeat, Earth Station Babylon 4
requesting help.

We need assistance.

I repeat, Earth Station Babylon 4
requesting help!

This is Commander
Jeffrey Sinclair of Bab...

This is Earthforce Commander Sinclair.
What is your situation?

Oh, thank God.

We don 't know.
Have to abandon ship!

We're caught in some kind of flux.
Power's at 30%. Ship 's damaged.

We need help to evacuate
before it's too late.

What's your crew complement?

Skeleton crew.
1 200, maybe 1 300.

We'd just gone operational when...

Oh, God.

It's starting again.

It's starting ag...

Signal's too weak. We lost it.

And the date stamp on the message
is four years old.

You don't believe this, do you?
It can't be Babylon 4. It's impossible.

How many can we evacuate?

About 250, using shuttles in shifts.
Five trips, 90-minute turnaround.

- Ten hours total.
- Good.

I want a fighter escort
ready to launch.

We're going to find Babylon 4.

I won't lie to you.

We don't know what's waiting
for us out there.

We've already had one man k*lled
while investigating Sector 1 4.

We're still picking up
unusual tachyon emissions...

...possibly related to Babylon 4's
alleged reappearance.

We don't know what effect
those concentrated emissions...

...will have on our ships...

...or the people inside.

There's a definite risk factor
at work here.

If anyone wants to pull out...

...now's the time.

No questions will be asked.

All right. Saddle up.
We hit space in 20 minutes.

Let's go, Mike.

Fighter Squadron Zeta,
you're cleared to launch.

Escort Wing, you're cleared
to launch on my mark. Mark.

All ships coordinate homing beacons.

Maintain formation until contact.

If you don't hear from us
in 8 hours...

...notify Earth Central
but do not send ships.

Confirmed. Good luck.

Let's get this show on the road.

ETA: two hours, 57 minutes.

Time to target?

Two hours, three minutes.

This is the part I hate most.
The waiting.

- Can I ask you a question?
- Sure.

You pull on your pants.
Do you fasten, then zip, or vice versa?

- What kind of question is that?
- We got two hours.

- Forget it.
- Just a question.

Why do you wanna know?

Why? Because I think of these
things sometimes.

I was getting dressed this morning,
I started thinking about it.

Does everybody do it the same way?

- Do you think about this stuff a lot?
- Yeah.

I'm sorry I asked.

Not every conversation has to be
the end of the world as we know it.

- I didn't mean to...
- Never mind, it's okay.

I'll just watch my console.
Don't worry about it.

- Fasten then zip. You?
- Fasten, zip.

How much longer?

One hour, 57 minutes.

- Wanna talk socks?
- No.

- It's just a question.
- I'm not having this conversation.

Summoned, I come.

In Valen's name, I take the place
that has been prepared for me.

I am Grey.

I stand between the candle
and the star.

We are Grey.

We stand between the darkness
and the light.

We welcome you, Delenn.

For too long the nine have been eight.

Your task has been necessary,
but your absence has diminished us.

We rejoice at your return.

It is my honor to serve.
Why have I been called?

It has been 1 0 cycles
since Dukhat left this world...

...to join Valen
and the nine who were.

Ten cycles since our people
have had a leader.

The time of mourning is complete.

We must now choose another.

In your absence, we have discussed,
debated, prayed for guidance.

We must choose wisely.

Why was I not told of this?

- It was best in light of our decision.
- You have been chosen to lead us.

Of all the council, you have
seen most, traveled most...

...known much of the other species,
their worlds.

There could be no other choice.

My calling is to serve, not to lead.
My work on Babylon 5...

- Is concluded.
- But the prophecy...

Prophecy will attend to itself.

We will pray and select another
to take your place.

From this day forward, your place is
with the council, with your people...

...as leader.

You have carried your burden
long enough.

It must be a great relief
knowing you will never again...

...return to Babylon 5.

Entering Sector 1 4.
Picking up tachyon emissions.

- Anything on the screen?
- Not yet.

It's... .

Scanners are picking up an object.

- It's big, all right.
- Confirmed. It's... .

Son of a g*n.

Babylon 4.

Signal the others. We're going in.

We're hitting a distortion field.
Tachyon emissions up 50% .

Shuttle One to Escort Wing.
Take position 1 8 kilometers away.

We'll go in first.
Once it's clear, start the evacuation.

Let's do it.

Monsters! I'll stop you!

I know who you are!

You want him?

- Your turn.
- You sure?

I'll cover you.

I see you! Think I can't?

I gotta get off this station!

Come on and show yourselves!

Come on! Easy, easy!

- Gotta get out of here!
- Relax.

- It's all right.
- We'll take him.

I gotta get out of here.

Major Lewis Krantz, Babylon 4.

Assigned to supervise construction.

Sinclair. This is my security chief.

Was your ship passing
through this sector?

Not exactly.
We're from another station.

Babylon 5.

Babylon 5, you say?

Oh, my God.


What year is it?

It's 2258.

Then it's true.

We have to hurry! We have to get
everyone off the station before...


We can't stop them!
They're everywhere!


I've rigged the fusion reactors!
There's no time! Get going!

This isn't a conversation!

Jeff, I finally understand!
This is the moment I was born for!

Now go! Go!

- Go!
- Wait! Wait!

They're coming through.

Take that! How about you?

Take some! Take some!



What!? What was that?

It's different for everyone.
A flash!

Forward and backward!

All of us, the entire station!

We've become unstuck in time.

That's why we have
to get out of here quickly!

They are waiting for you
in the great hall.

I know.

They cannot begin without you.

If I enter the great hall,
I will never leave it again.

I will live out my days
and nights there.


It is a great honor.

I cannot do it.
I cannot accept the calling.

- In 1 000 years, no one has refused.
- Then perhaps it is time!

I hear their calling.

I know the reasons for it,
and part of me yearns to accept!

But I must listen
to the calling of my heart.

- What does your heart tell you?
- That I must stay where I am.

That I must remain with Babylon 5.

That I have a part to play
in the coming change.

They will say it is just
the voice of ego and of pride.


Reconvene the council.
I must speak to them.

That has never been done!

But if it were to be done at all...

...this is as good and as bad
a time as any.

Do you know what you're doing?
Are you aware of the consequences?

Yes, I am.

Then I will call
the Grey Council together.

- We've contacted the escort.
- The first group is being evacuated.

- And the commander?
- Still aboard.

This is Shuttle Wing Two
requesting launch.

You're cleared for launch.

It started 24 hours after
the station went operational.

We noticed discrepancies
in the time track system.

Then all hell broke loose.

Anything else unusual happen?

Yeah, this.

His name's Zathras. We don't know
where he came from or what race he is.

I've never seen an alien
like him before.

Not the One.

- Not what?
- Not the One.

Won't talk. Can't talk.
Not the One!

They told me.
Zathras listens, he does.

Zathras does what he's told.

- He keeps talking like that.
- Where did you find him?

One minute, we're alone in
the conference room. The next...

...there's a flash, and there he is.
- The One is hurt. Must find. Help.

- What are you doing here?
- Need this place.

Used to fight.

They told Zathras, "Biggest of all
Babylon stations, we need. "

Needing, we take.

No more to telling.

Why do you need Babylon 4?

Zathras tells, you let Zathras go?
Finish what Zathras came for?

Zathras tells, maybe we don't break
Zathras' scrawny little neck!

Great w*r.

Terrible w*r.

There is much killings.
Everyone fighting.

A great darkness.

It is the end of everything.

Zathras warn...

...but no one listen to poor Zathras.

Great w*r...

...but great hope of peace.

Need place.

Place to gather, to fight,
to organize.

You need Babylon 4
as a base of operations in a w*r?

To help save galaxy...

...on the side of light.

So they tell me.

Must have, or it is the end of all.

The One leads us.
The One tells us to go.

We go.

We live for the One.

We would die for the One.

We pull this place through time...

...to save us all.

Pull through time to where?
The past? The future?

- Where you come from, what year is it?
- By my world time, it is year 4993.

But what is that in Earth time?
That date doesn't do us any good!

Much apologizing.
Mathematics not Zathras' skill.

- Zathras go now.
- Major, it's back!

Let's get him!

There it is again!

What the hell?

It is the One.

He's in pain.

Yes. Much pain.

Warned him.
Zathras did.

But willing to sacrifice himself
for others.

He stopped the time-taking...

...to let these escape station.

He deliberately stopped Babylon 4
to let the crew get off?

Commander, don't.

Fixed. Zathras fixed!

Take! Hurry!

Stop him!

- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I think so.

There he is!

- What happened?
- I'm not sure.

You must leave now.

Finished we are.
There is no more time.

Leave! Or be trapped here forever!

- Help with the evacuations.
- I'll link in.

Bring him!

You wish to speak to me?
Now is your time.

This council stopped the w*r against
the humans because of prophecy.

Because Valen said that the humans,
some among them...

...had a destiny which we
could not interfere with.

It was my place to study them, to
determine if the prophecy was correct.

I have not yet finished that task.

How much more is there to learn?
They are a primitive people.

I doubt the prophecy.
It may have referred to others.

- It did not!
- How do you know?

What makes the humans so special?
What is it that draws you to them?

They fight. They argue.
They are ruled by passions and fears.

Yes, and that is their strength.

They do not seek conformity.
They do not surrender.

Their differences bring symmetry...

...their unique capacity to fight
against impossible odds.

Hurt them, they only
come back stronger.

The passions we deplore have
taken them to the stars...

...and will propel them
to a great destiny.

Their weakness is that they
don't see their own greatness.

They forget that they have come here
through 2 million years of struggle.

They are better than they think
and nobler than they know.

They carry within them the capacity
to walk among the stars like giants.

They are the future, and we have
much to learn from them.

But why you?

Why not another?

It is my calling.
The calling of my heart.

No ruling of this council
can override that call.

Delenn, if you reject this decision...

...if you turn away from the honor
this council has chosen to give...

...if you leave us again,
you may not be allowed to return.

You may lose your position here.
Is this truly what you want?

Think hard, Delenn.

This council has never before
been divided.

We may best avoid division
by removing you from our company.

You could become outcast.

I understand.

But I must do what I believe is right.

Then we shall put it to a vote.

Who among us will honor
Delenn's request?

This council has spoken.
We withdraw our decision.

Another will be chosen to lead us.

Go now, so that we may reflect
on our choices...

...and debate what is to become
of your position.

Don't panic!
Everybody just calm down.

We'll clear you out as soon as
we can load you into the shuttles!

Okay, let's go.
Five! Just five.

One, two, three, four, five.
Hold it!

Close it up!

- Let someone out!
- Okay, five more.

One, two, three, four, five.
Okay, that's good.

Wait up! Everybody, just relax!

- What was that device you handed over?
- Time stabilizer.

Help survive when make next time jump.

That's what happened to our pilot.
He died in the time distortion.


- Where is your stabilizer?
- Gone.

Gave it to the One. Now I have none.

So without this time stabilizer,
what happens to you when it jumps?

Zathras die...

...but Zathras die for cause.

Maybe stop Great w*r.

Maybe Zathras great hero.

Maybe build statue to Zathras,
and others come...

...remember Zathras.

What if we take you with us,
put you on trial?

Zathras not of this time.
You take, Zathras die.

You leave, Zathras die.

Either way, it is bad for Zathras.

- Just tell us how to stop this!
- No, no, no.

You're willing to die
to steal a space station?

Zathras does not want to die...

...but if it is the only way,
then Zathras dies.

It is life.

Tachyon emissions are up!
It's starting to go where it's going.

- What about the evacuation?
- We have almost everyone off.

If you're coming, better do it now.
This place is falling apart.

So this is it.

You're just gonna leave?


I don't understand you, Michael.

We've got a good life here.

You've met this Sinclair character
twice, and now you're off to Babylon 5?

Don't I mean anything to you?

Lise, my God, what are you doing here?

I don't know. I'm starting to wonder
the same thing myself.

You've got something to prove.

Taking this job will mean
the last five years didn't happen.

But I'm part of those years, Michael,
and I will not go with you.

It's gotta be one or the other.

When you make up your mind,
you know where to find me.

Oh, Lise. Wait, no!

Listen to me.
Don't leave me again, we can...

Lise? Lise?


Garibaldi, are you okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay.

I want to get the hell off this place!

The time distortion is getting worse,
we must leave now!

- What about him?
- We take him!

- He said he'd die if we did that.
- You believe him?

I don't know.
But he believes it.

For the next 1 5 minutes,
this is still my command.

I have to answer for this station,
and I want proof!

Alive or dead,
he's the only proof I've got!

And he's going with us! Take him!

- We've got to help him!
- Too late!

- We can't leave him!
- Think I want to?

We have to leave now,
with or without you!

Go! Leave me!

I can't.

Go! You must listen to Zathras!

You have a destiny.

Go! Please!

Go for Zathras.

What the hell is going on around here?
Commander, come on!

Come on!

Last shuttle's gone!

Ship's warmed up and ready to go!

It's like watching a great old ship
go down.

You're not the captain of this ship.
You won't go down with it!


Zathras knew you would not leave him.

Zathras trusts the One.

Distortion field increasing.
It's off the scale.

She's going.

Time distortion repaired.

Present-time atmosphere
now breathable.

I tried.

I tried to warn them.

But it all happened,
just the way I remembered.

I know.

It's time. We have to go.
They're waiting for us.

Do you think that was true?
About a Great w*r...

...and Babylon 4 being a base
for somebody?

I don't know.

If it is, I wish them luck.
The station was built to create peace.

Maybe now it'll do so
in a way nobody ever expected.

It's still on the same mission.

Maximum burn.


I wanted to say goodbye
until you return.

My friend, we have come too far
together to lie to one another.

I will never again see
the inner chamber of the council.

Perhaps, perhaps not.

In either event,
I thought you should have this.

The Triluminary.

- I can't!
- It won't be missed for a time.

And if you are right, you will have
more need of it than we will.

These are curious times, Delenn.

I feel a great change in my bones.

A beginning, an end, I cannot say.

We are surrounded by signs
and portents...

...and I feel a darkness
pressing at our backs.

If ever you have need of me,
I am here.

Now, Valen go with you
and light your way.

And with you, my friend.

- Welcome home.
- Thanks.

I've been monitoring the situation.
It's true then?

- Yes, it's true.
- Great, and I missed it.

Not necessarily. We don't know
where Babylon 4 was going.

Or when it was going.

Who knows?
It may show up again sometime.

If it does, I'm going and
Garibaldi is staying here.

- The Flying Dutchman, he called her.
- What?

It's an ancient sailing vessel that
vanished along the Cape of Good Hope.

According to the story,
it's reappeared again and again...

...trying to find its way home.

Did the Flying Dutchman
ever make it home?

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