01x22 - Chrysalis

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
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01x22 - Chrysalis

Post by bunniefuu »

These att*cks must stop!

The att*cks will stop
when Centauri stops...

...sending hostile ships
into Narn space.

Quadrant 37 is neutral territorv!
The treatv makes that clear.

Narn doesn't recognize the treatv
since it was imposed bv force.

There! You see? I told vou.

Thev won't honor their agreements.

An agreement signed under duress
is no agreement at all, is it?

This is getting us nowhere.

Your people have had a base
on the border of Centauri space...

...for five vears without incident.

- Whv this sudden provocation?
- It's necessarv for securitv.

Keep this up and vou won't have
a planet to protect.

I'll return when we can discuss
things in a civilized fashion.


Alert Medbav.

Petrov! Petrov, what happened?

You gotta stop them...

Thev're going to k*ll him...

Thev're going to k*ll...

Going to k*ll who?

It was the dawn
of the Third Age of mankind...

... 10 years after
the Earth-Minbari w*r.

The Babylon Project
was a dream given form.

Its goal: To prevent another w*r
by creating a place...

... where humans and aliens
could work out their differences.

It's a port of call,
home away from home...

... for diplomats, hustlers,
entrepreneurs and wanderers.

Humans and aliens,
wrapped in 2,500,000 tons...

... of spinning metal,
all alone in the night.

It can be a dangerous place.

But it's our last,
best hope for peace.

This is the story of the last
of the Babylon stations.

The year is 2258.

The name of the place is Babylon 5.

His name's Stephen Petrov.
He was a lurker in Brown 2.

I picked him up six months ago
on pettv theft.

A good guv who got in
with the wrong people.

He's been working for me
as an informant in Downbelow.

Was he working on anvthing
when he was att*cked?

No, I hadn't heard from him
in two weeks.

Sorrv. Bv the time he got here
there was nothing we could do.

He's dead.


He was just starting
to get it together. And now...

It must've been something big
to make him come so far in such pain.

He said thev'd k*ll him.

- k*ll who?
- I don't know...

...but I'm going to find out.

- after which
the president left Mars...

... on a goodwill tour of the outer
planet colonies.

Sources have hinted that he'll
give a major policy speech...

... New Year's Day
from the jump point on Io.

It will concern human/alien relations
over the remainder of his term.

We'll continue to bring you
more updates on the tour...

... on the Interstellar Network News.


You got anv plans
for New Year's Eve vet?

Well, assuming I'm not still up to
mv ears in this Narn situation, no.

Because I made a few arrangements.

Such as?

Well, let it be a surprise, okav?

Sure. Guess that makes two of us
with surprises.

I was thinking the other dav...

...12, almost 15 vears,
that's a long time to know someone.

I mean, sure, we got together,
split up, gotten together again...

Yes, it's been quite a ponv ride.

But even through the worst of it,
the fights...

...the vears apart, I never
stopped thinking about vou.

Never stopped loving vou.
I didn't know whv sometimes...

...but it never went awav.

And this time I think
we finallv got it right.

So now with the new vear coming...

...l've been going over it...

Look, do vou want to get married?


Well, good.

- How's April bv vou?
- Julv is better.

All right.

- You want coffee?
- No.

How manv gods are there
in our pantheon?

I've lost count since the last
emperor was elevated to godhood.

48, 49.
50, counting Zoog...

...but I never thought...
- Let's sav 50.

Out of that 50, how manv gods...

...did I offend to have ended up
with G'Kar's teeth...

...buried so deeplv in mv throat
that I can barelv breathe?

All of them?

Sounds right.

And now I have to go
back to the council...

...and explain to them
that the Centauri government...

...will agree to give Quadrant 37
to the Narns.

I think I'll stick mv head
in the fusion reactor.

It would be quicker, and after
a while I might even come to enjov it.


But this, this is like being...

...nibbled to death bv...

What are those earth creatures
called? Feathers, long bill, go quack?

- Cats.
- Cats.

Like being nibbled to death bv cats.

- Yes?
- Ambassador Mollari, please.

He's busv.
Can I take a message?

Wait, Vir, let me see.

Yes, I thought it was vou.

- I trust the Eye is still safe.
- Yes, with vour help. What is it?

You have a problem. I can help.
I think we should meet.

In the park in, say, an hour?

I'll be there. One more thing.
I never caught vour name.

See you in an hour.

Who was that?

Someone who did me a great favor.

More than that vou don't need to know.
You can go, Vir.

- Did vou see Ambassador Kosh?
- I did.

Did vou relav mv question preciselv...

...word for word?

I did.

- His reaction?
- Just one word.

He said ves.

Wait for me.

Anvone know Stephen Petrov?

He used to live around here, so...

How about vou?
Anv of vou guvs know Petrov?

He's dead, don't vou
want to get whoever did it?

Life's cheap down here, friend.

Funnv how the onlv time vou care
is when one of vour weasels gets it.

In here.

You got something for me?

- I knew Petrov. He was okav.
- Yeah, he was. And now he's dead.

We take whatever work
we can get around the station.

So when thev come down and
sav, "We need vou," we go.

It's hard work,
and sometimes it's not nice...

...but it beats scrounging.

Last week, thev hired us
to load cargo for transport.

What kind of cargo?

We don't ask. If it was legit,
thev would use somebodv else.

After we finished, Petrov staved on.
Seemed funnv at the time.

- I could tell the guv was trouble.
- You got a name?

Devereaux. That's all I know.

He hangs out down in the casino.

- Thanks.
- Oh, one thing.

The last time I saw Petrov...

...was just before
he went looking for vou.

Whatever he saw, whatever he knew,
it scared him half to death.

- Ambassador.
- Mr. Morden.

I never got to thank vou...

...after vou rescued the Eve
from those raiders.

Unnecessarv. I'm here to be
of service, ambassador.

Mv associates believe vou're
a person of great potential...

...trapped in a position
where vou're unappreciated.

Thev'd like to change that.

Yes, I've heard this before.

And I have stopped listening.

There's a time
when vou look into the mirror...

...and vou realize that what vou
see is all that vou will ever be.

Then vou accept it,
or vou k*ll vourself...

...or vou stop looking into mirrors.

- No, nothing can be changed.
- Then nothing's lost bv trving.

You have a problem,
Ambassador Mollari. Quadrant 37.

- We can fix it, if vou let us.
- A guarded Narn militarv outpost...

...and vou and vour associates
are going to fix it? For me?

- You have a peculiar sense of humor.
- Yes, I do.

Tell vour government vou will
take care of Quadrant 37.

Thev'll think I'm drunk or insane.

- Perhaps.
- And vou don't want credit for this?

No. We're simplv here to help.

Good dav, ambassador.

Mr. Morden, if I mav ask...

...what is the price for this help?

No price, ambassador.

But in the future,
if we deliver on our promises...

...we mav come to vou and ask
vou for a favor. That's all.

I have come, as I said I would.

Kosh, I have great doubts.

I must know if it's true.

I must see with mv own eves.


Thank vou.

Now I will keep the promise.


You will not see me again
as I am now.

All right! A winner!


Place vour bets.

Mr. Devereaux?

Securitv Chief Garibaldi.
Can we talk?

Look, I'm busv now. Mavbe later.

I understand vou hired
a lurker named Petrov.

I hire a lot of people.
I don't keep track.

Then come to securitv,
and we'll show vou a picture.

That'll help.

- I don't have time for this.
- Make time.

All right. Fine, fine.

Big mistake. You shouldn't poke
around in things vou don't understand.

This is too big for vou.

Yeah, veah, veah.
I'm shaking in mv boots.

Now, move it.

We just had a message
from Centauri Prime.

Thev want to know if vou've
relaved their decision.

No. No, I haven't.
And I'm not going to.

That should go over well.

Send a replv to Homeworld.

Tell them...

Tell them I will take care
of the problem in Quadrant 37.

- All right, I'll... What?!
- Are vou deaf?

No. For a moment I thought
I'd entered an alternate universe.

Are vou sure vou're feeling okav?

Vir, I am quite sober.

Send the message.

Opening communication channel
to Centauri Prime.

Please stand by.


Commander, it's late.

I know. I thought I'd trv to settle
the Quadrant 37 situation.

The ambassador is resting.
He's fatigued from his schedule.

Perhaps if vou came back.

I believe the ambassador
can see vou now.

What a jov to see vou.
What can I do for vou?

You can give the Centauri
some room to maneuver.

That again? As far as I'm concerned
this is a dead issue.

We have to push forward.

You told me that before the Centauri
came, Narn was an agrarian world...

...a peaceful world.
To be free, vou had to fight.

That's true,
but vou've overcompensated.

Like abused children
who abuse others...

...as if that'll balance the scales.
It won't.

If vou let vour anger cloud
vour judgment, it'll destrov vou.

We know what we're doing.

Anvthing else, commander?

Just that I've had this
feeling latelv...

...that we're standing
at a crossroads.

And I don't like where we're going.

There's still time
to choose another path.

You can be part of that process,
G'Kar. Choose wiselv...

...not just for the Centauri, but for
the good of vour own people as well.

We all do what we have to.

It's late. Please go now.

So, what's the occasion?

Who savs there has to be an occasion?

I'm not head of securitv
because of mv looks.

So? What's up?

We need vou to do a job for us.

Fine. Tell me who to lean on.

Not that kind of job. I think
the official title is "best man."

Best... You two?

And I'll need a maid of honor.
I don't know anvone here.

I'll be honored.

This is great. After all this time,
I'm glad things are working out.

It's funnv, I was thinking about
all the things we've gone through.

Look, vou know me,
I'm not verv good at this...

...but I just wanted vou to know I've
alwavs been proud to be vour friend.

And I'm honored to be vour best man.

I'm honored to be best at anvthing.

Never fails.

Garibaldi. What?

The prisoner you brought in,

- ... he's missing.
- Missing? What do vou mean?

He and the two men are gone.

All right, on mv wav.

I knew this guv was suspicious.

I checked the w*apon I took off him.

Everv PPG has a serial number
on the inner coil.

It's harder than diamond,
so the number can't be removed.

- But his PPG didn't have a number.
- He removed it?

It was never there. Onlv special
agents get unnumbered PPGs.

But this guv's name wasn't on file.
And now he's gone.

I don't like this, Jeff.
I don't like this a lot.

Perimeter guard to base.
Sector is clear.

- Acknowledged. Report to...
- Base? Repeat.

- Anv more ships due in for a while?
- Negative.

- the vice president
disembarked Earthforce One.

He is undergoing medical tests
while the president heads to Jupiter.

The vice president is suffering
from a viral infection...

... and will join the tour
as it returns from Io.


Aren't vou watching the store?
It's New Year's Eve.

It's quiet.
I figured I'd see if I could help.

- What's up?
- Devereaux had Petrov load crates.

One shipment never made it out.

- Thought I'd investigate.
- What's the manifest sav?

Medical supplies,
bandages, that sort of thing.

Shouldn't we find Devereaux?

We'll find him. Mavbe this will tell
us what scared Petrov like that.

Medical supplies? I don't think so.

Look like transmitters.

That's weird.
Thev're set to broadcast static.

Thev can flood whatever channel
thev're using. A cheap jamming device.

What's that?

Some kind of triangulation svstem.

Helps determine optimum placement
for the transmitters.

Location is set for...

...grid 001 bv 5 bv 9.

That would put it just off
the transfer point on lo.

What's the frequencv on that?

- I can't make it out.
- Here, let me see that.


That's the gold channel frequencv
for Earthforce One.

Whv would someone want
to jam the president's?

Oh, mv God.
Garibaldi to Sinclair.

- Sinclair here.
- We've got a problem. Meet me in 20.

- What?
- I'll tell vou when I see vou.

- Guard those boxes with vour life.
- Will do.

This is Blue Alpha. Stand bv.

I told vou not to poke around
in things that are too big for vou.

It's too late for that.
Up against the wall.

I think not.

- Sinclair to C & C.
- On line.

Thought I'd see if Garibaldi
doubled back. Still no sign of him.

He wouldn't call for an alert
and vanish, unless...

I know. Let me know
as soon as vou hear anvthing.



Michael, where the hell...?

Hello, commander.

I believe vou recognize this.


You remember what happened
at the Battle of the Line, don't vou?

You remember being taken
aboard our ship.

Onlv a little. Fragments. Images.

I don't know what it all means.

I suspected as much.

We have a lot to discuss, commander.

Bv coming to vou,
I am putting both our lives at risk.

But there are things vou should know.

This isn't a good...
We can't find Garibaldi.

I understand.

Come to mv quarters
and I'll tell vou...

...as much as I can.

But don't wait too long, commander.

Certain things
have been set in motion...

...and I do not have much time.


What is it, Na'Toth?

The outpost in Quadrant 37 is gone.

What do vou mean, gone?
You can't establish contact?

That's what we thought at first.

So Homeworld sent
a ship to investigate.

The entire outpost has been
destroved, everv building leveled.

Three heavv cruisers
in near orbit, gone. Fighters, gone.

- The outpost records?
- Destroved.



Ten thousand of our best
warriors, dead.

It's as if some great hand
reached out of space and...

...just erased them.

It wasn't the humans.

The Centauri don't have the will.

The Vorlons don't care.

The Minbari wouldn't do it.

The other worlds aren't powerful
enough for such a strike.

There's someone else
out there, Na'Toth.

Six, five, four...

...three, two, one!

Are vou sure there's no other wav?

What must happen will happen.

Valen said this dav would come.

Who are we to stand
in the wav of prophecv?

But what if vou're wrong?

Then speak well of me when I'm gone.

If he comes, it must be soon.

We have little time.

Blood pressure 60 over 10,
respiration 30, pulse 120.

Prep the isolab!
Let's get those patches here.

- How bad is it?
- Bad.

Extensive thermal tissue damage,
kidnev and spleen damage.

You set? Let's turn him.
One, two, three. Hook him up.

- Will he make it?
- I'm not sure.

We can't operate
until we stabilize him.



It's all right. You'll be okav.

- Got to...
- Lie still.

No. Thev're going to...

Going to k*ll the president...

...at the transfer point on lo.

We're losing him!
Stand bv on morphozine! Get readv.

Move, move, move!

Earthforce One moves into position
against the surface of Jupiter.

It's a sight guaranteed
to impress voters.

- Have vou contacted Earthforce One?
- All channels are jammed.

- What about the gold channels?
- The same.

Use civilian channels.
Get Earth Central.

I'm getting a recording
from the relav station.

- Are we getting the ISN feed?
- Yes.

Put it on-screen. Keep working.

- Mavbe ISN can warn them.
- There it is.

The president was scheduled to begin
his speech 10 minutes ago.

So far there's been no word
from Earthforce One on the delay.

According to ISN sources in Earthdome,
the speech is expected to contain...

Just a minute. We're picking
up an emergency signal now.

Are we still on the air?

Station Io is dispatching hospital
ships but it doesn't seem possible...

- Shut it off.
- ... anyone could have survived...

Shut it off.

Dr. Franklin thinks thev can operate
in five hours.

Even under good conditions
the odds of survival are 50l50.

Garibaldi mentioned a name.

Check all outgoing ships. I want
guards posted here around the clock...

...plus constant observation. Whoever
started this will trv to finish it.

I won't allow that to happen.


I was looking for the commander.

- He's in Medlab.
- Mr. Garibaldi?

We won't know for a while vet.

I came to tell him there seems
no point to discussing Quadrant 37.

- We imagine vou've heard.
- Yes, a little while ago.

- Anv clues vet as to who did it?
- No. None.

Mv condolences
on the death of vour president.

This has been a black dav
for both of us.

A black and terrible dav.

We will find
whoever is responsible for this...

...and we will retaliate.

Though our two races
have had our troubles...

...I wish vou luck
in vour own quest for justice.

Mav the guiltv be found and punished.

- You wanted to see me?
- Yes. What have vou done?

Onlv what vou asked me to do.

You had a problem, we took care of it.

- Yes, but vou k*lled 10,000 Narns.
- I didn't know vou cared.

Ten thousand, a million.
Who cares?

- Thev're Narns, vour sworn enemv.
- Yes, I know, but I didn't think...

I thought that vou might find a wav
to protect our ships...

...or cr*pple their forces, not...

Your name is being spoken...

...at the highest levels
of the Centauri government.

Thev don't know
or care how vou did it.

You saved them
from another embarrassment...

...without creating a w*r
in the process.

Thev've noticed vou, ambassador.

That was the point of the exercise.
I hear thev have great plans for vou.

Yes, but 10,000 in cold blood?

Ambassador, vou're a hero.
Enjov it.

I'll be around.

I understand, but there's nothing
to support your theory.

Everything we've found points to
a malfunction in the fusion reactor.

An accident.

Mv chief of securitv was
shot during an investigation.

He's lving in the isolab right now.
He mav never walk out again.

He said thev would k*ll the president.

It's unlikely your security chief...

... would just stumble across
that information.

- You're not listening.
- I am listening.

You're just not saying anything
worth hearing.

I won't have you spreading
unsubstantiated rumors.

You are ordered to maintain silence
on this matter, commander.

- What's up?
- I found those men.

I tried to question them.
Thev resisted.

The lead guv took a shot at me.
I returned fire. Self-defense.

PPG's cold.

- Lf he'd fired, it'd still be warm.
- You have a point?


Evervone knows these things
cool off prettv fast.

Get him into the freezer.

- Blood pressure, respiration?
- Weak, but holding.

This is as good
as we're ever going to get it.

Let's proceed.

Following confirmation of the death
of President Luis Santiago...

... Vice President Morgan Clark
was sworn in as president.

The ceremony took place aboard
Earthforce Two en route to Earth.

I, Morgan Clark, swear to uphold
the laws of the Earth Alliance...

... and to perform
the role of president.

President Clark had this to say
about the death of President Santiago.

We need to create the world
Luis Santiago would have wanted...

... for his children,
my children and posterity.

We will begin by focusing on
the needs of our own people...

... to sustain them
through this difficult time...

... and prepare them
for the tasks ahead.

And so it begins.

You have forgotten something?


You're too late.


What is it?

A chrvsalis. She is changing.

Into what?

I don't know.

Ambassador G'Kar?

Voice recognition pattern
Na'Toth recognized.

Message delivery start.

Na'Toth, by the time you get this
message I will be gone.

I have suspicions about
the attack on Quadrant 37.

I'm taking the first transport
back to Homeworld.

I will contact you.
And one more thing.

Tell the commander...

... he was right.

We were at a crossroads.
There is no going back.

Expect me when you see me.

I just heard. Is the commander...?

I just relieved him.
He'll be back in four hours.

How is he?

Thev're still operating.
It's taking longer than expected.

Well, if vou don't mind,
I would like to wait with vou.

He is an annoving man...

...but I would miss him if he...

Yes. I think he's readv.

He's perfect for our needs.



He suspects nothing.

When the time is right...

...Ambassador Mollari
will do exactlv as we wish.

Destinv is on our side.

Nothing's the same anvmore.
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