02x03 - The Geometry of Shadows

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
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02x03 - The Geometry of Shadows

Post by bunniefuu »

Breathe in, please.

Again, slowly.

- Does it hurt when I do that?
- No. No, it's fine. I don't...

I don't feel a thing.

Ow! Hey, hey, hey.

I don't like it when
my patients lie to me.

We could've discussed it.

What do you do when a patient's late
with a bill, stick needles in their eyes?

I cannot fill out an honest physical
evaluation without your cooperation.

You are being cranky and difficult.

You try getting shot in the back and see
what it does for your disposition.

So how's it look?

Allowing that you don't report
everything that hurts...

...your condition seems to
be improving right on schedule.

You'll be able to get back
to work in the next day or so...

...providing you don't exert yourself.

Well, I gotta check in with
the new captain first...

...find out if he even wants me around.

Besides, I don't know about this guy.

I keep thinking about how everybody
wanted Sinclair out of here.

And now all of a sudden
this change of command.

Sinclair I could trust.
This guy, I don't know.

You didn't exactly sound excited
when I mentioned going back to work.

- Thought you'd be pleased.
- Yeah, I am.


- See you around.
- Hey, Michael.

Want to talk about it?

Doc, what do you want me to say?

I got shot in the back by my own guy.

My own second-in-command.

He was right there all the time,
and I didn't even see it.

What kind of security chief am I
if I can't see something like that?

- You can't be expected to know everything.
- Yes, I can.

I could've known,
and I should've known.

And now I just don't know if I'm
any damn use to anybody anymore.

You know, I keep asking myself
what qualifies me to take back my job...

...and I haven't got an answer.

I wish the hell I did.

So we quietly set up monitoring
stations near Quadrant 37...

...to keep an eye
on the Narn buildup.

When we heard that you would personally
take care of the problem, well...

- Yes, I'm sure it sounded quite absurd.
- More like insane.

But then the monitors went silent.

Spy probes sent in later confirmed the
entire Narn outpost had been wiped out.

I would be very interested to know
how you did that, ambassador.

Yes, I'm sure that you would.

Very well. Keep your secrets for now.

What matters is,
you have saved our people...

...from another embarrassing surrender
by our idiot emperor.

What you did required independence
of thought. Initiative. Courage.

And a large and aggressive strike force,
which you have managed to assemble...

...without anyone knowing about it.

Even the Narns don't suspect it was us.

Or more precisely, you.

- We need more people like you, Mollari.
- For what?

He can be trusted.

The emperor is old,
sick and frightened.

He's a pitiful figure.
His health is failing rapidly.

With the recent death of his son,
there's no clear line of succession.

When the time comes, my associates
and I intend to fill that vacuum.

It will not be easy. There will be
resistance from the old guard.

Overcoming that resistance
may require force.

Can we count on your support,

What you are asking
could be considered treason.

Or the first step in restoring our people
to their rightful place in the galaxy...

...depending on who writes
the history books.

I think it will be us.
What do you think?

I think...

...that we have a great deal of work
ahead of us.

Security to Station House.
We have a Drazi fight in the bazaar.

I need a full tactical team, ASAP.

The Babylon Project was our last,
best hope for peace.

A self-contained world, five miles long,
located in neutral territory.

A place of commerce and diplomacy...

... for a quarter of a million
humans and aliens.

A shining beacon in space,
all alone in the night.

It was the dawn
of the Third Age of mankind.

The year the Great w*r
came upon us all.

This is the story of the last
of the Babylon stations.

The year is 2259.
The name of the place is Babylon 5.

Goodbye, Refa.

You will give my regards
to the others?

Of course.

For a long time,
they've been looking for a sign...

...that it's time for our people
to step forward again into history.

I will try very hard to convince them
that you are it.

See you again soon, Mollari.

Great Maker.

- What?
- A techno-mage. Looks like a human.

- What's a techno-mage?
- We had them back home, long ago.

They use science
to achieve the effect of magic.

I haven't seen one in years.
They almost never travel.

They don't like to leave
their places of power.

To see even one of them
is a rare thing.

To see more than one at a time...

...is considered a very bad omen.


This is definitely not good.

How long has this fighting
been going on?

It's been building
for the last couple of weeks.

It's a cultural thing.

Once every five years,
all the Drazi here and at home...

...divide up into two camps
and fight it out.

- But it's not a fight to the death?
- No.

Just until the loser gives up
or is knocked senseless.

Whichever side wins becomes the
dominant group for the next five years...

...when it starts all over again.

Actually, the timing of this
may work out to be a good thing.

I have decided that it is time for you
to start learning the fine art of diplomacy.

If you handle the low-priority conflicts,
it would help me focus on other problems.

Besides, added responsibility
comes with any promotion.

I know it's annoying
and inconvenient, but...

Did you say, "promotion"?

Yes, would you like some juice?

It's fresh from the hydroponic garden.

I told them to leave the pulp in.

That's the best part,
don't you think...


I pushed through the paperwork
the day after I got here.

I think you more than earned it.

- I don't know what to say.
- Thank you would be a good place to start.

Thank you.

Now, your first job will be to find a
peaceful solution to the Drazi problem.

And if you'll excuse me,
I have to pay a visit to someone.

Ambassador, there you are.

I've been looking everywhere for you.

The Abbai delegation
is waiting to see you.

They had an appointment.
They want to talk about...

On the other hand,
maybe I'll just sit here for a while.


...do you believe in fate?

Well, actually...

...I believe there are currents
in the universe.

Eddies and tides that pull us
one way or the other.

Some we have to fight,
some we have to embrace.

Unfortunately, the currents
that we have to fight...

...Iook exactly like the currents
we have to embrace.

The currents we think are
gonna make us stronger...

...they're the ones
that are going to destroy us.

The ones we think
are going to destroy us...

...they're the ones that
make us stronger.

- Now the other currents...
- Vir!

Yes or no?


You know, somewhat. Why?

I was thinking about
what Refa said before he left.

That they are looking
for a sign back home.

Before our first emperor took the throne
of the Centauri Republic...

...he consulted three techno-mages,
who gave him their blessing.

Now that is an image
that is very powerful...

...for those of us who still believe
in the old ways.

If they want me to help restore
the Republic...

...it wouldn't hurt for our people
to associate me with the emperor.

I will consult them. It will have
considerable influence back home.

Go to them.
Arrange it. I'll be in my quarters.

Londo, I really don't think
I wanna do this.


Yeah, come in.

Mr. Garibaldi.


I've been expecting you
to come by for some time.

Since you hadn't, I decided the mountain
should visit Mohammed after all.

Good to see you on your feet.

I talked to Dr. Franklin.

He says you can come back to work
anytime you want.

What do you say?

I don't know.

Don't know if I'm ready
to come back...

...or if you want me
to come back.

Maybe it'd just be easier on everybody
if I resigned and moved on.


The universe doesn't give you any
points for doing things that are easy.

Your record is...

...colorful, to say the least.

Everything I've heard suggests that you
know this station better than anyone else.

I would be foolish to throw away
a valuable resource...

...without at least trying
to work together.

I need someone I can trust
running security. I'd like it to be you.

Now if you decide you'd rather
be someplace else...

...I'll understand.

I'll hold your job open as long as I can.

Don't take too long, okay?

As you all know, we're having a
bit of a problem here right now.

You keep trying to beat each other
senseless with blunt instruments...

...banging up against the bulkhead,
pounding, mugging, jumping...

...and generally carrying on cranky.

While some of the other species wouldn't
mind if you wiped each other out...

...even they would prefer
that you did so quietly.

But this station is dedicated to finding
peaceful solutions to our problems.

And we would like to find one here.

You can start by helping me to
understand the nature of the conflict...

...between the two sides
that you've set up.



I understand that there are two factions,
but what is your point of contention?

Where do you disagree with each other?



Yes, but who wears the purple sash
and who wears the green sash?

I mean, is it based on income
or caste or rank or...?

We put green and purple in great barrel.

Equal to numbers of Drazi.

Then we reach in, we take.

Where there was one Drazi people,
now there are two.

The two fight
until there are one.

That's it?

It's totally random? Arbitrary?

Then how do you choose
a leader for either side?

One purple and one green
carries mark of leadership.

He who takes leader cloth is leader.

He who takes green is Green,
and follows Green leader.

He who takes purple is Purple,
and follows Purple leader.

Okay, so in other words...

Would you two please step forward
for a minute, please?

Okay, so, what you're
trying to tell me...

...is that if I take this
purple sash off of him...

...and put it onto him...

...that this one thing alone
is enough to start a...?


I am Vir Cotto...

...diplomatic attach? to Ambassador
Londo Mollari of the Centauri Republic.

I'm told by the people running that way,
this is where I can find the techno-mages.

I'm here on behalf
of Ambassador Mollari...

...and I need to speak to someone
who is in charge.

Obviously, it would be at
your earliest convenience.

My name is Vir Cotto...

...diplomatic attach? to Ambassador
Londo Mollari of the Centauri Republic.

My name is Vir Cotto...

...diplomatic attach? to Ambassador
Londo Mollari of the Centauri Republic.

- My name is...
- Stop program.

You don't frighten easily.

I work for Ambassador Mollari.

After a while, nothing bothers you.

And what does your master
want with me?

My employer requests an audience.

I'm sorry, neither I nor my brothers
do private audiences.

We have nothing more to say to anyone
on this side of the Galactic Rim.

But he's willing to pay.

Money is also irrelevant.

Where we are going,
it will do us no good.

Let me put this another way.

If I go back without a yes, the personal
consequences will be very unfortunate.

And if you try to force us to walk
where we do not choose to walk...

...the consequences will even be
more unfortunate.

Excuse me.

Could I at least get a name?


There is an old saying:

"Do not try the patience of wizards...

...for they are subtle
and quick to anger."

Do not come again, Vir Cotto.

Come on, doc,
there's gotta be another way.

Your foot is broken in three places.

I've fused the larger break but the other
two are delicate bones in difficult places...

...and if I fuse them,
you might lose some agility.

Now, I can speed up the process so they'll
heal in three weeks rather than nine...

...but you will have to wear a cast.

- And it's gonna hurt.
- Swell.

I can give you something
for the pain.

Great, now you can give me
something for the pain.

Where were you when
I was going through puberty?

No, it's okay, I'll get used to it.

If it gets too bad,
I'll just gnaw it off at the ankle.

- Captain.
- Commander.

Doctor, could I speak to her
for a moment?

- Sure.
- Thank you.

Not exactly an auspicious beginning
to my diplomatic career.

We learn by doing.

And in the process you're going to
fall on your face a few times.

Though I didn't think you'd take it
quite that literally.

So, what's your next move?

Other than sticking the Drazi
in a ship and firing it into the sun?

Other than that, yes.

On the other hand, look...

...you got pretty banged up there.

- If you want to give it a day or two...
- No, no.

I started this and, by God,
I'm going to finish it.

Resolving their differences didn't work,
because they don't have any to resolve.

So maybe I've gotta come at this
from another angle.

Maybe find a nonviolent way to structure
the conflict so that nobody gets hurt.

Good. I agree 100%.

So keep me informed,
and take care of that foot.

Don't you want to be there?

I have absolute trust in your abilities.

Well, that's a hell of a thing
to tell someone.

Ha! No pressure.

Fine, fine.

Ivanova, Security.

Tell the Drazi we'll meet in chambers,
and we'll try this again.

As soon as I can figure out
how to stand up.

- And then he said,
"Don't come here again."

That's it?

Unacceptable. You'll have to go back.

- It won't work. They're not for sale.
- No? And how do you know?

It's just something in the way
he looks at you. Something in his voice.

Londo, they're going away.

Money doesn't matter to them,
power doesn't matter to them.

- Money and power always matter.
- Not to them.

I don't think it's a good idea for anyone to
get between them and where they're going.

Being seen with them...

...being given their blessing
would be a powerful symbol back home.

But if they won't come to me,
perhaps they will come to someone else.

Someone they can't ignore.
I'll be right back.

Hey, chief. How you doing?

Hey, Lou.

- Fine, fine. You?
- You know, the usual.

Me and the guys,
we were wondering...

...when are you gonna
come back on duty?

Look, we bought a cake, all right?

- It's been sitting there for two days now.
- Are you kidding me?

You pass up a cake for two days?
What's the deal?

What've you done with
the real Lou Welch?

Security! Security, over here! We got
another guy with a changeling net.

Seriously, chief,
when you coming back?

Everybody misses you.
Look, it's just...

It ain't been the same without you.

Soon. Real soon now.


We've got another Drazi fight
in Brown 3, code blue.

On my way.

I gotta go. Catch you later?

Then you are familiar
with the techno-mages?

Only by name and reputation.

I've never seen one before.

I wasn't really sure
they even existed before now.

Most unfortunate.

On my world, we have had
considerable experience with them.

They can be a source
of great trouble...

...unless one knows
how to deal with them.

- And you do?
- Of course.

With so many here at one time and
you being new to Babylon 5, and your...

Well, your inexperience in
such matters, no offense...

Oh, none taken.

It has occurred to me
that I could be...

...of some small assistance
in averting trouble.

And what would you get out of it?

A clear conscience
and a peaceful sleep.

As it happens...

...I just heard about their presence
about an hour ago.

They're definitely emigrating
but won't say where.

Earth wants more information
before letting them go...

...so this is as good
an opportunity as any.

I'll set up a meeting.

- Nine o'clock?
- I'll be there.

I'm pleased, captain, that our first
discussions have gone so smoothly.

I'm looking forward
to many more in the future.

Until later, then.

Commander, I thought you should know.

We just received news
from the Drazi Homeworld.

Make my day and tell me this
stupid fighting is over with.

Just the opposite.
The Greens upped the ante.

They started k*lling Purples,
not just hurting them.

- Have the local Drazi heard this yet?
- I don 't know.

- I need a full tactical squad, now!
- On the way.

Captain, I insist...

...that neither I nor any of my clan
represent any threat to this station.

So you say.

But when something like this comes
to my attention, I have to look into it.

And there are an awful lot of you here.
Over 100 according to security.

And you refuse to tell Earth
where you're going?

We have a right
to go where we wish...

...when we wish,
with as many as we wish...

...without being harassed,
questioned or detained.

I am not looking to cause you trouble.

I just would like some questions
answered, that's all.

Sorry to be late, gentlemen.
I was unavoidably detained.

Matters of state. You understand.

I can tell by the sense of joy
permeating the room...

...that I was right to offer
my services as a mediator.

Is this the one who brought us
to your attention?

After I'd heard about your situation
at my security briefing.

Captain, you have been used.

This creature has been seeking an
audience with me ever since I arrived.

- Is this true?
- Absolutely not.

My name is Vir Cotto...

... diplomatic attach? to Ambassador
Londo Mollari of the Centauri Republic.

My employer requests an audience.

You were saying?

Recording a conversation,
a very low thing to do.

But in the interest of good relations,
I am willing to forgive.

I offer the hands of friendship.

I accept.

I assume you will not
take advantage of this gesture...

...or misrepresent it
as some sort of endorsement.

Of course not.

Risky business, condemning my recording
device while using one of your own.

- I can explain everything.
- I do not like to be used!

You must learn manners and respect.

From this moment on, you will.

I think you should leave, ambassador...

...before I decide to report
your attempt to bug my office...

...and send you back home
on the slowest transport I can find.

Of course. My apologies.

I apologize for that incident
with Ambassador Mollari...

...but there are still some questions
that I need answered.

Where you're going,
what's this group all about...


...do you believe there is
such a thing as magic?

When I was 12, I used
to sit in my dad's garden...

...the air full of the smell
of orange blossoms...

...watching the sky,
dreaming of faraway places.

Back then, I think I believed
in just about everything.

But now, I don't know.

I do think there are some things
we don't understand.

If we went back in time 1000 years
and tried to explain this place to people...

...they could only accept it
in terms of magic.

Then perhaps it is magic.

The magic of the human heart.

Focused and made manifest
by technology.

Every day you here create greater
miracles than the burning bush.


But God was there first...

...and he didn't need solar batteries
and a fusion reactor to do it.

Perhaps. Perhaps not.

It is within that ambiguity
that my brothers and I exist.

We are dreamers, shapers,
singers and makers.

We study the mysteries
of laser and circuit...

...crystal and scanner, holographic
demons and invocations of equations.

These are the tools we employ.
And we know many things.

- Such as?
- The true secrets. The important things.

Fourteen words to make someone
fall in love with you forever.

Seven words to make them go
without pain.

How to say goodbye
to a friend who is dying.

How to be poor. How to be rich.

How to rediscover dreams when
the world has stolen them from you.

That is why we are going away.

- To preserve that knowledge.
- From what?

There is a storm coming.
A black and terrible storm.

We would not have our knowledge
lost or used to ill purpose.

From this place, we will
launch ourselves into the stars.

With luck, you will never see
our kind again in your lifetime.

I know you have your orders, captain.

Detain us if you wish.

But I cannot tell you where we are going.

I can only ask you to trust us.

Orange blossom.

I want to see the leader of the Greens.
We just had another Drazi k*lled.

Natural selection. Do not interfere.

I have to.

I can't have this station
disrupted any further.

This has to stop,
and it has to stop now.

Look, I just hobbled
all the way over from Blue Sector.

You could at least let me talk to him.

Drazi stronghold.
Not place for humans.

You do not talk polite to Drazi.

But because you hurt by Drazi,
I welcome you.

Rise above our differences.

Our differences is not the issue.

The issue is Drazi k*lling each other,
here and on your Homeworld.

Would you prefer we m*rder humans?

I came to help.

- But if you don't...
- No, we take help.

- I have solution to our problem.
- Go on.

You tell Purple Drazi
to gather in Brown 29.

Not used by others.
Will not be disturbed.

Talk peace talk. Find solution.

If you tell, they will trust.

- All right, then what?
- Then...

...when all Purple Drazi in one place...

...open hatch to space.
Flush oxygen. Vacuum.

Purple Drazi cannot breathe.
All Purple Drazi, all Purple Drazi, die.

Station is quiet again.
No more fighting.

Green Drazi win. You win.
Everybody, everybody win.

I don't believe this!

You're talking about the cold-blooded
slaughter of almost 2000 Drazi!

- These are your own people!
- No, Purple!


- You will help?
- No.

Great shame.

We already sent word
to Purple to come.

Use your name.

You will stay here until we are done.

Ivanova, Security...

Now we finish this our way.

What's going on?
What's the commotion?

Uplink from Cmdr. Ivanova.

We gotta clear out Brown 29
for some big Drazi meeting.

"Commander"? Good for her.

Glad things are working out
for someone.

- Hey, wait, wait, wait.
- What?

You got an uplink,
not a personal message?

Yeah, but we checked the ID.
It came from her link.

Yeah, I know,
but did you talk to her?

No, she said she was
gonna be off-line.

- Look, I gotta go.
- All right.

- Where was she when you talked to her?
- Alien Sector. Brown 2.

What does it take
to get through to you?

You're making a mistake
of galactic proportions!

Assaulting an Earth Alliance officer,
attempting mass m*rder...

Green must fight Purple.
Purple must fight Green.

Is no other way.

Just my luck. I get stuck with
a race that speaks only in macros.

Howdy-do, I'm looking
for the lady of the house...

...assuming you're not
the lady of the house.

I'm here to sell you something to make
your life easier, cleaner and happier.

Yes, sir, the Acme Handy-Dandy
Micro Helper right here in this box.

If you allow me to demonstrate,
this will...

...only take a moment.
Well, well.

I can see this is gonna be a hard sell.

This is just my little way of helping,
so trust me, okay?

As a matter of fact, if there's
anybody here who needs a little help...

...just say the word and I'm here.


- Ambassador?
- Here.


A holo-demon.
It has possessed my data system...

...consuming records,
personal files, everything.

Twenty minutes ago it gathered the pieces
of my personal financial account...

...and cast an equation spell.

I now own 200,000 shares
in a spoo ranch.

And that sound.
That hideous sound!

Narn opera.

Our friend the techno-mage has
an especially perverse sense of humor.

I have to find a way to stop this.

You could always...

- Apologize?



You are now the owner of
500,000 shares of Fireflies Incorporated.

On the other hand...

Going somewhere?

Guess what.

It seems the Purple Drazi bought that story
of yours about one big fight to the death.

They're waiting for you in Brown 29.

Now, I can't let you space them, as
appealing as that sounds at the moment...

...but we do have another solution.

As long as they're all together
in one place...

...we're gonna keep them there.

- How long?
- Just a few days.

Ivanova checked the data
on your people...

...and it turns out this stupid contest
of yours lasts just one cycle.

A Drazi week is six Earth days,
so in four days...

What's so funny?

Cycle not Drazi week.
Cycle is Drazi year.

One Drazi year equal 1.2 human years.

Can you keep Purple Drazi prisoner
that long, Earther?

This is our way.
You could do nothing.

But don't you understand,
this is insane!

It doesn't make sense to k*ll
each other over a piece of cloth!

You do same, yes?
For flag? For honor?

- That's different.
- Is it?

Yes. Our flags at least mean something.

It's not as arbitrary
as yanking a color out of a box.

I mean, you're fighting and dying
over a stupid piece of cloth.

There's nothing special about it.
It's not patriotic...

...it's got nothing but this
stupid little star in the middle of it.

What? What's wrong?

Who takes green is Green, follows
Green leader.

Who takes cloth
for Green leader is Green leader.

Greens follow Green leader.

Wait a minute.

You're saying just because I'm holding
this right now, I'm Green leader?

But I'm human.

Rules of combat older than
contact with other races.

Did not mention aliens.

Rules' change caught up in committee.

Not come through yet.

Yeah, bureaucracy, tell me about it.

Well, what do you know?

All right.

Greens follow Green leader?

Green leader says:

You're all coming with us
down to the Quartermaster's office.

I'm sure they'll be some dye
hanging around.

Those of you not in the brig
for assaulting an Earth Alliance officer...

...are gonna look absolutely
gorgeous in purple.



I admit...

...perhaps my enthusiasm
for a personal meeting...

...was excessive.

And certainly, certainly...

...the incident with the concealed
camera was regrettable.

And I would just like to say...

...that for any misunderstanding that
might have grown out of this...

...I apologize!


...I am pleased to see that you are a
sympathetic and understanding group.

I will go now.

If you ever come this way
again, though...

...perhaps we can
do business after all, yes?


It's really great to see you back
in uniform, chief.

Welcome back.

So tell the truth, Garibaldi.
What made you come back to duty?

Well, for a while, I really didn't know
what I had to offer anymore.

And then I decided I bring two
unique qualifications to the job:

One, as the captain was
kind enough to point out...

...I know this place
and everybody on it, intimately.

I beg your pardon.

You've never been more than
two inches away from your link.

Knowing that little piece
of information helped save your butt.

Okay, Garibaldi,
what's reason number two?

I don't trust anybody.

When somebody tells me
we got a message from lvanova...

...I don't believe it
until I get it from her.

In other words, you're perfect for the job
because you're paranoid and compulsive.

- Or compulsively paranoid.
- Who told you to say that?

Sheridan, talk to me.

You wanted to know when
the techno-mages were leaving.

They're boarding now.

Thank you. I'll be right there.

I have to head up to Control.
See you in a bit.

- Oh, and Mr. Garibaldi...
- Michael.


I'm glad you agreed to stay on.

Private Liner Crystal Cavern
is now in final jet prior to departure.

Excuse me.

I wanted to thank you
for your amusing little gift.

It took me two hours to repair
the damage to my quarters.

And I don't think the smell
will go away for days.

Now if I may ask, does this torment
end when you leave...

...or am I going to have to spend the rest
of my life paying for one little mistake?

You're going to spend the rest
of your life paying for your mistakes.

Not this one, of course, it's trivial.
I have withdrawn the spell.

- But there will be others.
- What are you talking about?

You are touched by darkness,

I see it as a blemish
that will grow with time.

I could warn you, of course,
but you would not listen.

I could k*ll you, but someone
would take your place.

So I do the only thing I can. I go.

Oh, I believe it was
an endorsement you wanted.

A word or two, a picture,
to send to the folks back home...

...confirming that you have
a destiny before you.

Yes, it was just a thought,
nothing more.

Well, take this for what little
it will profit you.

As I look at you, Ambassador Mollari...

...I see a great hand
reaching out of the stars.

The hand is your hand.

And I hear sounds.

The sounds of billions of people
calling your name.

My followers?

Your victims.

The ship carrying the techno-mages
is requesting permission to leave.

What do I tell them?

Tell them...

...permission granted.

What was it he said?

"Dreamers, shapers,
singers, makers."

Part of me says
we'll not see their like again.

And the part of me
that still believes in magic...

...says don't be so sure.
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