03x01 - Matters of Honor

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
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03x01 - Matters of Honor

Post by bunniefuu »


...I've been looking for you.

Last week, after you saved my life...

...I didn't really get a chance
to thank you properly.

I've tried to reach you since then,
but you haven't answered my calls.

Is everything all right?

Being seen by so many at once
was a great strain.

I returned to my ship to rest.

You have a question?

Nobody knows it was you.

Everyone saw something different,
something from the....

The legends of their own world.

But it was still a terrible risk.

After taking such....
Such care to hide what you really are...

...why take that chance?

It was necessary.

Well, as answers go, short, to the point...

...utterly useless and totally consistent
with what I've come to expect from a Vorlon.


You know, I just had a thought.

You've been back and forth to your world
so many times since you got here...

...how do I know
you're the same Vorlon?

Inside that encounter suit
you could be anyone.

I have always been here.

Oh, yeah? You said that about me too.


I really hate it when you do that.


Approaching the barrier.
Are you ready?

Standing by.

Here it comes.

- Almost there!
- "Eject me! Don't take the chance!"

Not yet. Get you all the way
outside the barrier.


Now! Damn it, now!


Good luck.

Goodbye, Drosak.

Computer, damage report.

Can we still jump?

Confirmed. Destination?

Babylon 5.

The Babylon Project was our last,
best hope for peace.

It failed.

But in the year of the Shadow w*r,
it became something greater...

...our last, best hope for victory.

The year is 2260.
The place, Babylon 5.


...how much longer until
we reach Babylon 5?

Seven standard hours at present speed.

Redirect as much power as you can
from life- support to the engines.


I'm getting a little tired of these
unannounced visits by VIPs...

...who won't tell us why they're
coming or what they're going to do.

Leave it to you to take
the fun out of life.

- Where's your sense of adventure?
- Are you trying to cheer me up?

- No, sir. Wouldn't dream of it.
- Good.

- I hate being cheered up. It's depressing.
- Well, in that case...

...we're all gonna die horrible,
painful, lingering deaths.

Thank you. I feel so much better now.

Captain Sheridan.

Commander Ivanova.

David Endawi, Earthforce
Special Intelligence Division.

Sorry to jump in on you at the last moment,
but I only got my orders a few days ago.

Can we go someplace private?

What I have to say is for your ears only.

Of course. This way.

I'd appreciate it if you could have
Ambassador Delenn present.

Not a problem.
I'll have her meet us there.

- I got a new one for you, doc.
- Yeah, what is it?

He got off his ship and collapsed.
The ship was shot up pretty bad.

He practically turned off
his life- support systems.

My guess is he was
saving energy to get here.

- Any idea why?
- Negative.

He must've erased the ship's log
before he docked.

- Like the new digs. Just move in?
- Yeah, this morning.

Still trying to sort the place out, though.

Definite improvement.

We'll have Dr. Sanchez do a full workup.
We'll let you know when he comes to.

- Franklin to Sanchez.
- "Sanchez."

Got a patient in Medlab 1.
Can you get up here stat?

- "Is it serious?"
- I don't think so. Looks like...

...exhaustion, dehydration,
oxygen deprivation.

- Believe me, he's not going anywhere.
- "I'm on my way."

Good morning, ambassador.

- I hear you've been looking for me.
- Yes.


I have been doing a great deal
of thinking lately.

With the Narn w*r over...

...I think it is time that we...

...reconsidered our relationship.

My people have a manifest destiny.

They can achieve it just as well without
the help of your associates. Perhaps better.

So we're no longer necessary?

- Right.
- Now that we've done what you've asked...

...you'd like us to just...


I do believe you have got
it surrounded, Mr. Morden.

Aren't you being a little premature?

After all, your people are still
moving in on several other worlds.

You might still need us.

No, I don't think so.

We have danced our last
little dance, Mr. Morden.

Now it is time for you to go away.


There is one small detail, ambassador.

A little bookkeeping to close out.

I have to meet with my associates,
but let's say we...

...reconvene in your quarters
later this afternoon to discuss it.

And then you'll go away?

For as long as you want.

I am here on a matter
of the utmost urgency, ambassador.

Before I leave, I will be speaking with other
ambassadors, but I wanted to see you first...

...because of our current good relations
with Minbar.

And because, as one
of the older races...

...you might have some knowledge
of the subject at hand.

I will, of course, do anything I can.

Some of you may already
have seen this on ISN.

We yanked it off the air
as soon as we heard about it.

This is g*n- camera footage from
one of your starfuries, is it not?

Yes. Lieutenant Keffer.

He was conducting a series
of unauthorized investigations...

...into an unknown ship
he'd seen in hyperspace.

It cost him his life.

Then you had no knowledge
of his investigation?

He didn't talk about it much.

We heard about it and tried to discourage
him from continuing, but he disobeyed.

- Was he authorized for first- contact protocol?
- No.

Ambassador, our research division has been
studying this record for the last 10 days.

It's hard to gauge size in hyperspace,
but it's big and it's powerful...

...and it is totally unknown to us.

It att*cked and k*lled one of our pilots.

It's clearly from a highly advanced

We are downplaying this at home...

...trying to convince the public
we know what it is...

...where it's from, that we're not worried.

But we don't have a clue.

My job is to find out what you or any
of the other races know about this ship.

I'm sorry, Mr. Endawi, I wish
I could be of some help to you...

...but this is the first time
I've seen a ship like this.

You're sure?

Take a good look.

Yes, I'm quite sure.

I assume nothing like this has
entered Babylon 5 space lately?


Something like that I'd recognize.

All right.

Well, I shouldn't have expected
to hit it right off the bat.

I'll need to speak with the other ambassadors
about this, captain, strictly on the q. t.

This may take a while, so if you
could find me a place to stay....

That's already been taken care of.

- If you'll just follow me.
- Thank you.


A few months ago you told me
about an ancient race. The Shadows.

This is one of theirs, isn't it?

I'm sorry I could not tell him the truth.

Our only chance is in allowing the Shadows
to think we are unaware of their return...

...while we prepare our own forces.

- But you said you'd never seen one before.
- That part was true.

Descriptions of these ships...

...have come down to us
from the last great w*r.

But I have never actually
seen one until this moment.

These ships...

...once they target you...

...they never stop, never slow down, never
give up until they have destroyed you.

They are nearly invincible.

I don't believe that.

Every ship has a weakness.

Believe what you will,
until experience changes your mind.

Take a good look, John...

...and remember it well.

That is the face of our enemy.

Delenn! Good, there you are.

I was just informed that someone
is looking for you.

This is not a good time, Lennier.

He sent this.

I appreciate your seeing me on such
short notice, Ambassador Mollari.

Nonsense. Even before our new treaty...

...there is nothing I would not do
for my dear friends from Earth.

Now, you are sure you will not have a drink?

Not while I'm on duty.

Well, you see, we Centauri
are always on duty.

Duty to the Republic,
to our houses, to one another.

And so we have made the practice
of joy another duty.

One which must be pursued
as vigorously as the others.

You should try it sometime.

Now, what can I do to be of service?

I was wondering what you
might know about this ship.

We salvaged this record
from a destroyed Earth fighter.

We've never seen anything like it.

Given its strength, its size
and its apparent hostility...

...until we know otherwise, we are
considering it a threat to planetary security.

Can you tell me if you've seen this before?


In a dream.

A dream?

I'm standing...

On Centauri Prime, I think.

And I am...

...looking up.

And there are ships...

...just like this...



First a few.

And then more.

A thousand.

Two thousand.

So many that they blot out the sun.

A terrible sight.


That's all?

It is enough.

Now that is all I know.

I'm sorry I could not be of more
assistance. Perhaps one of the others.

Yes, of course.

Thank you for your time,
Ambassador Mollari.

Are you sure this is the place?


A most unreasonable place
for reasonable assumptions.

- Drink.
- Thank you, no.

Now, if you please,
we are waiting for someone.

People come here to drink.
Do you want to draw attention?

No alcohol. It is safe.

- Mister...?
- Just Marcus.

Of course it's safe.

I know the effect it has on Minbari.

But since most don't, I figured it'd
help prove I was waiting for you.

Can I have it back now, please?

Do you know, I've heard
that when these are made...

...they're forged in white- hot flame...

...then cooled in three bowls.

The first is some kind
of ancient holy water.

The second, Minbari blood.

The third, human blood.

They say that when a Ranger dies...

...the figures on either side
shed three tears.

One of water and two of blood.

And you...

...do you believe this?

I stopped believing in miracles
a long time ago, ambassador.

Part of the heart goes dead.
It's best to leave it that way.

I need your help, Delenn...

...but I suggest we go someplace
a little more private to discuss it.

This way.

We are being followed.

Yes, I know.

This is my part of Downbelow.

You wanna do business here,
you gotta pay.

- I don't like extortion.
- And I don't like insults.

Funny, with a face like yours, I'd have
thought you'd be used to it by now.

That was a bad move.

All you had to do was
give us everything you got.

Now, you're still gonna
give us everything you got.

Only it's gonna hurt a hell of a lot worse.

Are you all right?


Yes. Lennier?

- Lennier?
- I'm fine.

Thank you, Delenn.

A Minbari fighting pike.
An old one.

A gift from a friend.

We must hurry. This way.

- Captain, you wanted to see me?
- Yes, commander.

This is going to be difficult.

I haven't had a chance to fill you in on
everything until now. I apologize for that.

But from what I've just heard,
we don't have a lot of time.

- This is Marcus. He's a--
- A Ranger.

They're trained to fight the Shadows and
watch what's happening outside Babylon 5.

The Rangers in this area are under the
direct control of you, Ambassador Delenn...

...and Garibaldi is functioning as your liaison.

Did I leave anything out?

When did you-- ? How did you-- ?

Captain, the day something happens around
here and I don't know about it, worry.

So, what's up?


I came here from Zagros 7.

It's a Drazi colony
on the edge of their territory.

It's also the base for one
of our biggest training camps.

I thought the Rangers were
being trained on Minbar.

Many of them are, yes.

But there is a wisdom in, as you say,
not putting all of your eggs in one basket.

Besides, not all of our people are
comfortable with the idea of the Rangers.

With the cooperation of other governments,
we've created additional training camps.

Two weeks ago, we were surrounded
by Centauri blockade mines.

Any ship trying to leave
the blockade is shot down.

It's a small colony with very little value,
so our guess is that we're the target.

Why hasn't the Drazi government
done anything about this?

The Centauri have captured much larger
targets on the other side of their territory.

They have no resources to protect a colony
with few people and limited strategic value.

We're boxed in on all sides.

We need your help, now.

Before anyone else is k*lled
or the camp is invaded.

All you have to do is
break the blockade long enough...

...for the other Rangers to escape.

To lead an expedition into Drazi space
and take out a planetary blockade...

...you'd need a warship,
major ordinance, a crew.

We don't have those resources.

We're already in hot water with the Centauri
over the last firefight.

We have the means
if you have the will.

There will be nothing left behind
that can be linked to you.

We have no one else to turn to.

Captain, there's one more thing.

We still have a VIP on board.

You leave now,
it's gonna raise 10 kinds of hell.

When I agreed to share command
of the Rangers with Delenn...

...I became responsible for their well- being.

I'm not going to abandon them now.

Michael, I'm leaving you
in charge of Mr. Endawi.

Tell him anything. Buy me
as much time as you can.

Will do.

We've spent too much time reacting
when we should have been acting.

Let's take the offensive for a change.

Fire up a shuttle, commander.

We've got work to do.

I sent a fake destination to the station files.

We can proceed to Zagros 7 anytime.

Shuttle 1 to Minbari flyer. Stay close.

Initiating jumpgate sequence.

Since you feel strongly
about going our separate ways...

...I wanted to be sure we understood
the terms of our separation.

Ah, here we are.

This area over here is for the Centauri.

Conquer all the worlds you like,
we won't bother you.

As long as it's understood
that this area is ours.

Take anything you want over here.
We'll take everything over there.

What guarantee do we have that your forces
will not decide to turn around and attack us?

None. Ambassador...

...we both know what
promises and treaties mean.

All I can tell you is
we have what we want.

The rest is of no concern to us.


We go our separate ways.

And we owe each other nothing.

Of course.

One small exception hardly
worth mentioning.

This world?

It's on the border of your space,
but we have a vested interest in it.

I've taken the liberty of asking
Lord Refa to secure it for us.


Well, you said you wanted
nothing more to do with us...

...and he was quite open to my request.

He secured the planet for us, and now
my associates will take custody of it.

- The rest is yours. Good day, ambassador.
- Mr. Morden...

...I was thinking...

...I've never really seen the ships that
you and your associates have used in....

In helping us.

- Perhaps one of these days--
- Perhaps.

Meanwhile, as I said...

...tell your forces to leave the mines
but to move their ships out of that area.

You don't want them hanging around
when my associates come for Zagros 7.

We're approaching the rendezvous point.
Prepare for return to normal space.

Confirmed, ambassador.

Would you like to tell us what's
waiting for us on the other side?

A beginning.

Scanning area.

I'm not seeing anything, but--

Wait, I've got a--

What the hell is that?

My God.

It's beautiful.

Her name is the "White Star."

And she's yours, captain.

This is quite irregular, Mr. Garibaldi.

I was assured that Captain Sheridan or
Commander Ivanova would be available.

- They're away on urgent business.
- What kind of business?

- I'm not authorized for that information.
- But you're the head of security.

What kind of head of security
would I be...

...if I let people like me know things
I shouldn't know?

I know what I know because I have to
know it.

If I don't have to know it,
I don't tell me or let anyone else tell me.

We've tried the other ambassadors.
Why don't you speak to G'Kar.

- Maybe he knows about this ship.
- Under the terms of our recent treaty...

...I cannot have any official conversation
with the Narn without Centauri approval.

So ask unofficially.

I can give you reasonable assurances that
the head of security will not report you.

Because you won't tell yourself about it?

I try never to get involved
in my own life. Too much trouble.

This is a very strange place
you have here, Mr. Garibaldi.

Thank you.

"The" White Star "is a new"
breed of Minbari warship.

Smaller than our other fleet ships,
and faster than anything else her size.

It uses both Minbari and Vorlon technology.

Most important, unlike
other vessels her size...

...this one can make its own
jump point into hyperspace.

Very nice. It looks different. It won't
be recognized as a Minbari ship.

- Yes, exactly.
- I'll take two.

I've noticed you have artificial gravity.

Our ships have to use rotating sections.

Our drive systems are based partly
on magnetic and gravitational principles.

We've had artificial gravity
for some time now.

This way.

Because we've had some problems
recently with the warrior caste...

...we've chosen a crew
from the religious caste.

Many of them helped design
this ship, working in secret.

Even some in the Grey Council
do not know about this.

It's amazing, Delenn.

I could spend days taking this thing
apart to learn how it works...

...but we don't have time
for that right now.

Who do I...?

The others are not yet familiar
with your language...

...but I will be happy to relay
your orders to the crew.

Thank you, Mr. Lennier.

Put us on course for Zagros 7.

So I know it is a long shot,
Mr. G'Kar...

...but if there is anything you
could tell us about this ship....


They came to our world
over a thousand of your years ago.

Long before we went to the stars ourselves.

They set up a base on one
of our southern continents.

They took little interest in us.

G'Quan believed they were engaged
in a w*r far outside our own world.

- G'Quan?
- One of our greatest spiritual leaders.

"The Book of G'Quan" is copied
by hand from the original...

...with every note and line precisely drawn.

This ship and your ship are the same.

I tried to warn the others that
the ancient enemy was returning.

But no one listened.

Perhaps now they will.

But if this is correct...

...why would they just disappear
for a thousand years?

To all things there is a time, Mr. Endawi.

Perhaps this is theirs.

You haven't said much
since we came aboard.

I don't usually speak unless
I have something to say.

Then we have something in common.

- How'd you get involved with the Rangers?
- My brother joined six months before I did.

I said he was being a fool.

Chasing legends, playing hero.

He came back to warn me about a Shadow
attack on the mining colony I worked at.

I didn't listen.

I got back just in time to see him die.

I'm sorry.

Before he died, he asked me to finish
what he'd started.

I keep my promises.

Approaching Zagros 7.
Coming out of hyperspace.

Are the Rangers ready?

- I sent a message when we came aboard.
- Good.

- Finished studying the weapons system?
- Ready.

Keep scanning. There's bound to be
a Centauri warship around to keep watch.

I do not want to get caught
in a crossfire. Let's go.


They're getting our range.

- Still no sign of a Centauri warship?
- None.

I don't like it.

They wouldn't just abandon
a blockade like this.

Unless they recalled it.

And just leave all of this behind,

It doesn't make sense.

Are you sure all your scanners
are working properly?

- Would you like to see for yourself?
- Yes.

This is....

This is....

Delenn, what else can this ship do?

All in good time, captain.
All in good time.

We're picking up a disturbance.

One ship, unknown configuration.

Show me.


In Valen's name!

They've got to be here for the same
reasons we are: the Rangers.

- You can't abandon them down there.
- I have no intention of abandoning anyone.

How many more mines do we have to
take out before the Rangers can escape?

The next three should give them a window.

- We're not ready for this yet.
- Then we better get ready, and fast.

We came this far, we're
gonna finish what we started.

- Continue attack.
- Aye, sir.

- Enemy vessel is targeting us.
- Evasive action, but keep firing.

They missed.

They never miss.

They don't recognize our ship.

They want to find out who we are
before they destroy us.

They'll either cr*pple us so they can board
us or drive us off so they can follow us.

That should give us
enough room to maneuver.

We've got the last mine in this area cleared.

There's your window.
Tell the Rangers to clear out.

All right, head for the jumpgate.

Would it not be faster
to open a jump point?

I don't want them to know we
have that potential. Now hit it.

We cannot lose them in hyperspace.
They will follow us wherever we go.

I'm counting on it.

- It's still there, captain.
- Good.

Listen to me, captain.

You don't know what
you're dealing with.

The weapons on this ship aren't strong
enough to hurt a Shadow vessel that size.

We must find help.

We cannot hope to destroy
a ship like that alone.

With all due respect, ambassador...

...I've heard that before.

Enemy vessel's closing.


...why didn't you want them to know we can
make our own jump point into hyperspace?

Because most ships this size can't do it.
They have to rely on a jumpgate.

As long as it thinks we're in that class,
we've got one extra w*apon in our arsenal.

Tell me, commander...

...ever wondered what would happen if you
opened a jump point while inside a jumpgate?

No. And neither should you.

Earthforce experimented with the idea
during the Minbari w*r.

They called it the "bonehead maneuver."

- No offense.
- None taken.

Because it's su1c1de.

Forming a jump point inside a jumpgate
releases a huge amount of energy.

None of our ships could clear
the blast range before being blown up.

But this isn't one of our ships.
Mr. Lennier, what do you think?

Is this ship fast enough to get out
before the gate blows?

I have no idea.

Well, it'll do.

We should just about be
to Sector 45 by now.

Tell them to head to the local jumpgate,
best speed.

Captain, why this jumpgate?

It's expendable.

Used to be the Markab system,
but since they died off...

...others have used the abandoned gate
to strip the place bare.

I do not like grave robbers.

This should take care
of two problems at once.

Approaching jumpgate.

Stand by jumpgate sequence. Ivanova, you
ride the jump engines, be ready on my signal.

You ready?

No. But you may proceed anyway.

Activate jumpgate sequence....


Aft jump engines online. Now!

Punch it!

Hang on!

- Everybody all right?
- Fine, I think.

Lennier? Lennier?

Are you all right?

I was just thinking that...

...in all my years in temple, nothing ever
prepared me for this sort of experience.

Perhaps that when this is all over that I will
submit a proposal to revise the program.

I think that would be a very good idea.

Captain Sheridan, Commander Ivanova.
So good of you to join us.

Could you please explain where
you've been, what you've been doing...

...and why there is a fraudulent entry
in the station logs about your destination?

I'd be happy to, Mr. Endawi.

I'm sorry we left you in the lurch,
but we've been--

Assisting my government by towing
a Minbari shuttle to a nearby jump point.

Yes, it took quite a while.
We just got back.

And why is there no mention of this in
the logs? It seems straightforward enough.

It was a diplomatic shuttle carrying
important government documents.

We were asked, as a courtesy,
to keep this confidential...

...to avoid embarrassing
the Minbari government.

Now that we've taken care of that...

...is there anything else we can
do for you, Mr. Endawi?

No. As a matter of fact,
I was just leaving.

I have everything I came for.

I'll turn this over to SID for analysis,
see what they can make of it.

I'll make sure you get a copy of my report.

You'll find the report
quite complete, senator.

And no one knows what this
ship is or where it came from?

Not that I could determine.

I came across some interesting stories
here and there.

Most of it from a thousand years ago.

- I don't know if it has any relevance or not.
- We'll leave that for the experts to tell us.

Good work on this, Endawi.
I'll let you know what we find.

I told you to wait outside.
You could have been seen.

No harm.

No one knows who I am.

It's all here. They don't have much
to go on. A little from the Narns.

Yes, well, that's to be expected.

But I think we've neutralized that problem.

- Nothing else, then?
- Not that I can see.

- The ship's a complete mystery to them.
- Good.

My associates will be
very happy to hear that.

There's no need to rush things.

Your government can dismiss this
as an isolated incident.

I don't know.

There's something about this idea of a threat
to planetary security I find very appealing.

As long as we keep
the real truth to ourselves...

...there's no reason we can't use this
to speed up the program here at home.


What exactly did you have in mind?

Although some of us, like Susan here...

...make it a point to watch everything
that happens on Babylon 5...

...most of the rest don't have that option.

Now, up until now...

...Delenn and I,
and maybe Garibaldi here...

...have had all the pieces to what's
going on out there.

The return of the Shadows, the Rangers...

...the loss of my wife on Z'Ha'Dum.

The first thing I learned at the Academy
was that a lack of information can k*ll you.

We can't afford that.

So I'm creating a w*r council.

We'll meet every two weeks for now,
unless something urgent comes up.

The w*r council will consist of each of us...

...whichever Ranger is stationed here
at the time...

...and a few others I hope to add later.

Whatever knowledge or information
we have will be shared among the rest.

There are no ground rules.

Anyone can say anything
he or she wants to say.

Well, then I have a question.

Granted, I'm stuck in Medlab
most of the time...

...and granted, I'm usually the last
to know anything around here...

...and granted,
we've all been busy lately...

...but could someone please tell me
what the hell these Shadows are?

There are beings in the universe billions
of years older than any of our races.

They walked among the stars
like giants, vast and timeless.

They created great empires, taught
the new races, explored beyond the Rim.

The oldest of the ancients
are the Shadows.

We have no other name for them.

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