03x02 - Convictions

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
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03x02 - Convictions

Post by bunniefuu »

Let me get this straight.
You two are missionaries?

Yes. Great sign.

We hear you have recent visitation
by Drazi higher being.

- Yeah, yeah. Drabonka.
- Droshalla.


Appeared in garden, we hear.
Droshalla lights the way.

- Yeah, great. Look, we're up to--
- Chief. You got a minute?

Sure. Zack, do me a favor
and explain the missionary...

...position to these folks.

Yeah. Sure thing, chief.

Okay, so here's how this--
What are you doing?

Droshalla visitation means station blessed.

Everything here blessed.

You also blessed.

We touch to share your blessing.

Don't. Don't poke me. I don't like it.
I don't want to share my blessing, okay?

You see that plant over there?

Now, that was in the garden
when your people saw this Drabawa.

- Droshalla.
- Right.

Anyway, it was real close,
so it's gotta be more blessed than me.

So here. Why don't you go
poke the plant for a while...

...while I take care
of your entry visas. Okay?


Three anonymous messages have come
into C & C in the last three hours.

The first one said,
"Chaos is four hours away."

Second one came an hour later and said,
"Chaos is three hours away."

- Then two hours.
- Anything after that?

No. And they all came from
a public Babcom unit, audio only.

- Sounds like a crank, but I'll look into it.
- Thanks.

Nothing. Check over there. There's gotta be
something around here we can sell.

- I got something here.
- That's nothing but chopping wood.

Check this out.

The Babylon Project was our last,
best hope for peace.

It failed.

But in the year of the Shadow w*r,
it became something greater...

...our last, best hope for victory.

The year is 2260.
The place, Babylon 5.

Jay, we just had an expl*si*n in Downbelow.

I need you to get 10 more guys
down there for crowd control.

Will do. Listen, before you go, we....

We just got another ship in,
and I think you better come have a look.

Yeah, okay. Let's go.

Hello. I'm Brother Theo.

We're going to be staying here for a while.

Captain, over here.

Any progress?

We found two more bodies.
That's four dead so far.

Doc thinks there may still be some live ones
in the rubble, so we're being extra careful.

She didn't see anything.

Said she was just walking past
when all hell broke loose.

- You got any idea what happened?
- No, not yet.

Place is full of old pipe and junk.
Any number of things could have gone wrong.

- You're ruling out a bombing?
- After what we've been through?

Not a chance. Nine times out of 10, you
got a b*mb, you got a political statement.

But there's nothing here
worth blowing up.

I'll know more when
the forensic team is done.

All right. Keep digging.
Let me know as soon as you find anything.

All right.

Sorry I'm late.
We've had a bit of a problem.

Oh, yes, I heard.
Is there anything we can do?

No, not at this time, but thank you.

So I take it you are Brother Theo?

Yes. My brothers and I are from
New Mallory back home.

We have applied to Earth Dome for
permanent resident status on Babylon 5.

The documents and permissions from
Archbishop Francis are all right there.

- You want to live here.
- Yes. Is that so extraordinary?

- You live here, after all.
- I'm stationed here.

Just about everyone
who lives here works here.

Dockers, shop owners, environmental
specialists, that sort of thing.

The rest are just short- term visitors--

Yes, yes. We've studied Babylon 5
very carefully. It's perfect for our needs.

Which are?

To learn and to teach.

The Bible says that even the smallest
sparrow does not fall...

...without God seeing it. What then
of all these other races on distant worlds?

Would he abandon them?
Or reveal himself in some other way?

God goes by many names.
Perhaps some are alien- sounding...

...different faces and histories,
but all describing the same creator.

We've come here to learn
all those names...

...in hopes of better understanding
the one who is behind them.

Well, that's fine, but why here?

To visit all the other worlds
would take centuries.

With all the aliens who come through
Babylon 5, we can accomplish our task...

...in four or five decades.

We are used to being patient. Whether it's
illuminating manuscripts or programming...

...a system analysis, our work
has always been very detailed.

Brother Theo, I understand the idea...

...but we really don't want the aliens
that come through here being harassed.

That is not our intent. We will simply be here
for those who wish to talk and to listen.

- We don't have a lot of space.
- We'll live in what you call Downbelow.

We can pay for modest rooms.
We're not used to fancy accommodations.

- A cot, a table--
- I'm gonna have a hard time justifying--

We're prepared to earn our keep
by providing services to others.

I've chosen my companions carefully.

They're highly sought- after experts
in computer research...

...biogenetics, physics,
chemistry, engineering--

With all due respect, if these people
are so much in demand...

...why are they involved with this
spiritual exchange program of yours?

They also believe.

Morishi. Come here.

Check this out.
From the pattern of the debris...

...I'd say this was
the center point for the blast.

Looks like it. Scoring on the wall
indicates tremendous force.

We haven't been able to find anything around
that could have caused this naturally.

- b*mb?
- b*mb.

There goes my vacation.
One week off in three years.

Whoever's behind this
has really honked me off now.

Okay, listen up. I want this whole area
sealed off. Security personnel only.

Tell the environmental cleanup crew
that they can wait.

- Do what you can to reconstruct this thing.
- Will do.

Good. I'll tell the captain.
He ain't gonna like this.

I said,"Sheila." "Sheila," I says,"you
change that vid channel one more time...

...and I'm out of here, you got it?"
Well, she did, I did, and here I am.

You should have seen the look
on her face, let me tell you.

But it's great. I get to meet
all kinds of people.

I mean, look, me sitting next to you,
a Minbari. You know, us in that w*r and all.

But I don't hold a grudge. No, sir.

You know what? I say live and let live.

You know, look, I got hair,
you got a bone.

So where you going?

Home. I have been diagnosed
with Netter's Syndrome.

Since I have only seven days to live,
I thought I would return home...

...to put my affairs in order before the end.

Netter's Syndrome? I've had a few
syndromes, but I've never heard of that one.

Neither had I.
Apparently, it's passed by physical contact.

I gotta make a call.

I will do penance later.

"Passengers on Minbari liner" Za'Fal "are"
now disembarking through customs.

- Delenn. How was your journey?
- Very productive.

Hull breach. Dropping pressure doors.

Lennier. Lennier!



Bring it on. Come on. Pick it up.
Let's move.

BP's low. Pulse is a little shallow.

Tell Medlab we're coming in.
Let's move. Now! Come on.

- Doctor, how is he?
- We won't know till we get him into Medlab.

- He was hit pretty badly.
- Give him the best of care. He saved my life.

He could have saved himself,
but he waited for me.

- We'll do everything we can. Let's go. Move.
- Doctor-- Please.

We've established that the same type
of device was used in both explosions.

There aren't any significant structures
I'd consider targets in either area...

...but they're both heavily- trafficked areas,
which confirms what I've been afraid of:

The bombings are targeting people,
plain and simple.

Our tests indicate that the b*mb contained
a highly expl*sive form of diridium nitrate...

...a concentrate expl*sive similar to

It's available through several
commercial manufacturers.

Commercial expl*sives have a
molecular code that lets you backtrack...

...where it came from, who bought it.
We're analyzing it now to try and trace it.

- Any chance it's Home Guard or Free Mars?
- Yeah, there's always that chance.

Earth Central's putting together a list
of t*rror1st groups that might be...

...expanding their range of operations,
but my gut says that ain't it.

- Medical?
- We now have a total...

...of seven dead and 19 injured,
including Mr. Lennier.

News of the att*cks has spread all over the
station. People are scared out of their wits.

The sheer randomness of it.

How do you get on with your life not knowing
when or where the next blast is gonna come?

Which fits with what
I told Garibaldi earlier.

We received several anonymous calls
at C & C just before the first expl*si*n.

- All they said was,"Chaos is coming."
- Yeah, well, we've got plenty of that.

So we will assume that there is a connection
until we hear otherwise.

As of right now,
this is our number one priority.

Do whatever you have to do,
but I want this stopped.

Until this is over, I want halls cleared
of groups larger than 10.

There's no point in providing easy targets.

Unidentified packages will be
confiscated and scanned.

Anyone found in a restricted area
without proper authorization...

...will be taken in for questioning.

Now, whoever's responsible,
I want them found and found fast.

Do you have any idea how long
he will remain unconscious?

Not yet. He was hit pretty hard.

Hairline fracture of the skull
and shoulder, concussion....

The only thing that saved his life
was the external bone structure...

...covering the anterior lobe.
All we can do now is wait.

What kind of monster would do such a thing?

To do all this without reason....

- Franklin.
- "Ivanova here. Is Delenn there?"

- Right here.
- "Ambassador, the next of kin..."

...of some of the Minbari k*lled
in the expl*si*n are waiting for you.

Thank you, commander.
I will be right there.

You will keep me informed of his condition?

I'll let you know the second
anything changes.

It's obvious the Centauri
are the ones planting these bombs.

G'Kar, we are considering all leads,
but saying it doesn't make it so.

You don't have any evidence.

The expl*si*n that almost k*lled
your captain was caused by a Centauri.

That was an isolated incident. There's
no reason to believe it had to do with this.

Oh, no, no. Of course not.

I suppose we've had a convention of
mad bombers arrive here at the station.

Yes, that must be it. From now on
I must remember to check...

- ...the Babylon 5 social calendar more often.
- G'Kar.

This is obviously the beginning
of a campaign of terror by the Centauri.

Several Narns have been k*lled
in these recent explosions.

- And so have two Centauri.
- A Narn ship had just arrived.

- And a Centauri ship was leaving.
- There, you see?

Their rage against us is so irrational
that they will sacrifice their own people...

...to get to us. Don't you see?

It is perfectly obvious to anyone that the
Narns are responsible for these atrocities.

There have been similar incidents
of terror back on their homeworld...

...directed against our forces of liberation.

This is one of the few places they can gather
freely. Why would they want to damage it?

They are an irrational people, captain.
I've told you that before.

Now that Earth has wisely signed a
non- aggression treaty with my government...

...it is only natural that they
begin to do to you...

...what they have been doing to us
all this time.

Now you see what we have been
going through, yes?

At this stage, I think it's a little early
to start pointing fingers.

And I would hate to think that anyone
would try to use this tragic situation...

...to their own political advantage.

There's nothing political about the truth,
captain. As you will discover soon enough.

How is it out there?

Bad. People are afraid to leave
their quarters.

There's no telling where the next
bombing's going to happen.

There's no pattern to it. No one's
claiming responsibility. It just...

...doesn't make any sense.

Not to us, no. But to whoever is doing it,
it sure makes sense.

You know, Garibaldi was right when
he said when you've got a b*mb...

...nine times out of 10,
someone's trying to send you a message.

What we've got to do is figure out
what the message means...

...and who's trying to send it.

Well, I'm not sure you should be here.

Well, of course I should.
Dr. Franklin has given his approval.

Do you know that sometimes talking
to someone who has been injured like this...

...can help them to come around?

I can't help everything else that is going on...

...but talking, that I can do.

All right. I'll check back later.

Hey. Try not to touch anything.

It is a strange thing, Lennier.

As I think of it, I realize...

...no one has ever
saved my life before.

Thank you for that.

And so here I am.
It is the least I can do.

If I were in your position, I am sure
that you would do the same for me.

Of course, if I were in your position
and you were still in your position...

...neither one of us could do
very much for the other.

So I suppose, properly, I should say
that if I were in your position...

...and you were in my position,
you would do the same.

Of course, if both of us were in my position
and neither of us were in your position...

...there would not be the need
for anyone to do...


I'm not sure that actually made sense,
but I'm afraid...

...that if I try to go back
and figure it out...

...I will start bleeding from my ears.

I heard a joke today.

I probably should not repeat it,
but who are you going to tell?

How many Centauri does it take...

...to screw in a light bulb?

Just one.

But in the great old days of the Republic,
hundreds of servants...

...would change a thousand light bulbs
at our slightest whim.

Well, I guess you had to be there.

I'm going to take a break now
and wait for you to talk.

And if you don't,
I will just start talking again.

And we wouldn't want that,
now, would we?

Take your time. No pressure.

I'll wait.

- We just had another hit, in Brown 7.
- Fatalities?

No, we got lucky. My team found
the b*mb before it went off.

We were able to clear the place out.
Couple small injuries, nothing major.

- Find out anything about the b*mb?
- Not much. It looked pretty primitive...

...so I don't think we're dealing with a pro.
The question is, why? What's in it for him?

I've been thinking about that.
We've been looking for political agendas.

So far all of his targets have been general.
He's been striking out at people randomly.

Yeah, and he's got everybody terrified.

Maybe that's what he wants. Create fear.
Maybe that's the message.

- "Chief, you there?"
- Right here, Morishi. What's up?

We just finished our analysis
on what was left of the expl*sives.

Molecular coding was intact
on enough of it to get a trace.

So where'd the stuff come from?

Seems it was stolen from an
"ice"- "mining operation on Vega 7."

When we dug into it, we found out
the same batch of expl*sives...

...were used in a series of bombs
on Proxima 3.

- "Little creep gets around."
- Thanks, Morishi, I'll get back to you.

Run a check on all the ships that've come in
from Proxima 3 in the last two weeks.

Passenger manifests, cargo, everything.
Run the names against station records.

- See who's still here.
- You'll have it in an hour.

One more thing. If whoever's behind these
bombings wants to create fear and chaos...

...he might be sticking around
afterwards to see the results.

That's a good thought. We should go over
the security- camera records...

...for a period of three hours
after the bombings.

See if there's the same face
more than once.

You're talking a hell of a lot of video.
We sent in 10 extra recorders...

...at each blast site to find survivors
and monitor damage.

- Use a computer.
- You still have to give it parameters.

You can't just tell it to search all the
recordings and look for the same face.

We're talking human instinct.
We've gotta be detailed--

Chief. Chief. I think I know just
the people. Come with me.

Excuse me.

- What is the time?
- 1600 hours.

Thank you.

I have an errand to take care of.

I will be back soon.

What we need you to do is go over
the footage taken after the bombings...

...and see if anyone appears at more
than one. It won't be easy.

- You've got people going and coming--
- That's all, then?

- Then we need to--
- We'll call you as soon as we have him.

Good day.

May I be the first to say that this
is the nuttiest idea you've ever had.

Thank you.

Never mind. I'll wait for the next one.

- How bad is it?
- We don't know.

The expl*si*n blew out most of Red 15.
We can't even get down there.

We think there might be 10,
maybe 20 people still left in the hallway.

- Three transport tubes are down.
- Anyone still inside?


Green 2.

Green 2!


Is there anyone out there?

Can anyone hear me?

There's no one there.

It would appear that we are on our own.

I don't know how long
I have been unconscious.

Two standard hours.

Two hours?

And you have done nothing?

I would point out to you
that this door is extremely hot.

There is a very good chance
there is a fire out there.

And even if the fire doesn't get in here...

...the smoke and heat will eventually
make it impossible to breathe...

...and we will die in here.

With enough effort we can probably
force our way through the ceiling.

Perhaps I have not made myself
sufficiently clear.

There is no telling when help will come.

Unless we get ourselves out of here
on our own, we will probably die here.

- So we must work together!
- No.


- What do you mean,"no"?
- No.

You want to live as much as I.

Oh, yes, but I would much rather
see you dead.

I see. Well, here I am.
Come on. k*ll me. Come k*ll me!

You forget the terms of our surrender.
The penalty for the k*lling of any Centauri...

...by any Narn will be the death
of 500 Narns...

...including the perpetrator's own family!

But I don't have to k*ll you.

I don't have to do anything.
And I still get to watch you die.

I find this most appealing.

This is insane. We must work together.

No. As the humans say:

"Up yours. Die!"

I don't believe it.

You are mad.
Do you know that?

We're in here!

- Can anyone hear us?
- I hear you.

- In here!
- We're in here.

This better be good.
We got all hell breaking loose out there.

That one. We found him at the site
of every expl*si*n. Just watching.

Are you sure about this?

Okay. Let's cross- reference his face against
the passenger manifest that came in...

...from the last two ships from Proxima 3,
the last place hit by these bombs....

Match found. Subject: Robert J. Carlson.

Hired by Engineering and Station
Maintenance Division, 11 January 2260.

Personal quarters located on Blue 95.

Oh, great. Great. He's been working here.

Pull his file. Give me everything
we've got on him...

...and scramble a tac team. Full armor.
I want that area cleared.

- Captain.
- What've you got?

According to his personnel file,
he's a loner, a quiet guy.

- Save me from loners and quiet guys.
- But with a real bad temper.

He's got several disciplinary notes,
and according to his supervisor...

- ...he can't keep his mind on his job.
- Well, now we know why.

Yeah. All right. Everybody out? Great.
Now look, we're gonna play this by the book.

- Somebody just rewrote the book.
- Hit the deck!

- Really bad temper.
- Yeah.

Listen up out there.
I'm holding a dead man's switch.

Anything happens to me,
anybody tries to rush the door...

...and you've got an expl*si*n big enough
to blow the whole station. Do you hear me?

Oh, yeah. We hear you.

We both know you can't get out of here,
so why don't we talk this over?

No talk. Is Sheridan out there?

- No.
- Yes.

I want you in here, captain.

You've got 30 seconds or I drop the hammer
on the biggest one yet.

And captain, leave the link.

What are you doing?

You heard him. If we can buy some time,
we can figure out what he's up to.

Twenty seconds.

And don't try and follow him in.
The door is wired from the inside.

That's no good. You stick it inside
your shirt, he's gonna find it.

Well, where do you suggest I put it?

All right. You'll hear me?

We jack up the volume, we'll be
able to tell what you had for lunch.


- All right. You find that b*mb, Michael.
- We will. Just don't do anything stupid.

Too late.

- Garibaldi to C & C.
- "C & C online."

Open the captain's link.
Receive only, max volume.

Get me a secure link to Morishi
and the b*mb squad.

Whatever you do, don't let anyone
page the captain. You hear me?


Move away from the door.

Take off your jacket.

Open your shirt.

I wanted to make sure
we could talk privately.

You satisfied?

For now.

- Where's the b*mb?
- Somewhere you'll never find it.

As long as the trigger
keeps transmitting, no boom.

- But if it stops....
- I understand.

Now, what do you want?

I want you to get me out of here, Sheridan.

You're going to escort me to a ship.
And then I'm going to leave here.

You gotta know we can't do that.

Yes, you can.
Because if you don't, I'll let this go...

...and this whole place will go up
in an expl*si*n as bright as the sun.

Well, you do that and you're gonna die
along with the rest of us.

If you arrest me, I'm dead already.

The way I see it, I've got nothing to lose.

And you've got everything to lose.

- Garibaldi here. Morishi?
- "Standing by."

He said something about
an expl*si*n bright as the sun...

...but the stuff he's got isn't capable
of anything that big. I got a hunch.

Check out the fusion reactor. If he worked
maintenance, he might have had access.

Will do.

Okay, let's say I give you what you want.

It's going to take time.

Now, that hand of yours is going
to get tired holding that remote.

So why don't we just settle this between us?

You got me.

Security is not gonna open fire if I am
a hostage, so why bring other people into it?

Why not?

- I suffered. Why shouldn't they?
- Because they didn't do anything to you.

They're an audience. And what good
is an artist without an audience?

- What are you saying?
- Look around!

These are chaotic times, captain.

I'm simply an instrument of my time.

People need to understand fear.

Do you understand fear?

Do you?

No! Wait.
He won't k*ll his audience. Not yet.

Yes, I see you do.

You know, back home I was no one.

My wife walked out on me.

I lost my job, my apartment.
Couldn't pay the bills.

People walked all over me
because they could.

Because they like it when you are afraid.

So now it's my turn.

When I was fired, when they took
away my apartment, they all said:

"It's nothing personal.
It's just the times."

Well, it's nothing personal, captain.

It's just the times.

Opening hatch. We're going in.

Anybody back there got any ideas
where the b*mb might be?

Got an awful lot of ground to cover here.

Not yet. Keep looking.
Scanners at maximum.

I'm not gonna ask you again. Get on
that damned line and get me a ship.

You seem awfully nervous for someone
who's so prepared to die.

I tell you what.

I'll make you a deal. You tell me where
that b*mb is, I will get you that ship.

- Not a chance.
- Then why should I cooperate?

I mean, how do I know
there even is another b*mb?

There is. Trust me. It's there.

I got something.

This thing's big enough
to blow straight through the reactor core.

- All right. Can you see any wires or panels?
- "Negative. The whole thing's welded shut."

You gotta try and move it out of there.

This guy isn't a pro, so he probably didn't
set it up with any vibration detectors.

He was probably hoping
we wouldn't find it until it was too late.

You sure about that?

Hell, no. But we're running out
of options here.

Okay, let's see what we can do.

Carlson, this isn't gonna work.

Look, even if you do get off- station, you
really think you're gonna get away with this?

We've got your lD flagged to every Earth
base for 30 light years in every direction.

- There's nowhere you can go.
- That's enough!

- Sit down. You're making me nervous.
- I'd rather stand.

I said, sit down!

What the hell was that?

Oh, damn, we lost him.

Garibaldi to tac team, we got troubles.
You get that b*mb and you get it out now!

You lied to me.

Just like all the others, you lied to me!

Set me up. You've had them
working all this time.

Spying on me.

Well, to hell with you.

To hell with all of you!

See you in hell, captain.

No. It didn't--

It's not fair. It's not fair!

What can I say? Life's tough sometimes.

- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine.

Pick him up and throw him
in the brig. Be careful.

Check out the area in case
he left any surprises behind.

- You found the big one?
- Yeah, just barely.

- A few seconds earlier and....
- Yeah. Everybody else okay?

They're still clearing out the last expl*si*n,
but they think they got everybody out.

Ambassador, I'm sorry.
I didn't see you. I was just going to--

Yes, yes. Is there any change?

No, not yet. Not that I've noticed.
Is there any word?

They caught the bomber 20 minutes ago.

A human. He will be judged
and punished for his crimes.

Good. I was hoping it wasn't a Centauri.

The way things are going around here,
that's the last thing we need.

You know, I heard a joke a little while ago.

How many Centauri does it take
to screw in a light bulb?

Just one. But in the great old days--

In the great old days of the Republic,
hundreds of servants...

...would leap to change a thousand bulbs
at your slightest whim.

Heard it.

Welcome back.

How do you feel?

As though a great many heavy objects
had fallen on me.

But I suspect I will live.

I just spoke with Ambassador Mollari
a little while ago.

He's most grateful for what you did.

The Centaurum will probably want
to give you a medal for this.

I should have stayed in the coma.

Come on, Lennier. You saved his life.
You deserve a little recognition.

I did what I did because all life is sacred.

But when the object of your actions
does not share that belief....

I fear I have served the present
by sacrificing the future.

Hey! In here! We got two more.


Get that spanner over here fast!

There, you see? I'm going to live!

So it would seem.

Well, it is an imperfect universe.





- You are insane!
- And that is why we'll win.

"Go be the ambassador to Babylon 5,"
they say.

"It will be an easy assignment."

I hate my life.

So do I.

Shut up!
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