03x05 - But Seriously, Beavers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Newhart". Aired: October 25, 1982, - May 21, 1990.*
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d*ck Loudon and wife Joanna relocate from New York City to a small town in Vermont, where they run the historic Stafford Inn.
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03x05 - But Seriously, Beavers

Post by bunniefuu »

Walt? George.

You're gonna be
there next thursday...

Why not?

Oh, no. You lost another one?

Walt, you gotta remember

To turn off the milking machine.

Well, then don't milk
during family feud.

Oh, come anyway.
It'll cheer you up.

Oh, great. I better go.

I got about a million
beavers to call.


Something going on at the lodge?

Sure is.

Next week, we're honoring
our man of the year,

And, uh, guess who's
our man of the year?


Whoa. Talk about
woman's intuition.

It's here.

It arrived.

What on earth is this?

Deforest cosmetics.
And it's all mine.

Stephanie, where
did you buy all this?

I didn't buy it. It was free.

One starter kit...

Another one, another one...

Oh, lord. I love this country.

Stephanie, that's an awful lot

To get for free.

Isn't it?

Moisturizer, blusher...
Apricot scrub.

Is this your signature?

On this contract?

I didn't sign a contract.

I filled out a coupon.

According to this,

One of the kits
is your free gift.

You have to sell the
others or pay for them.


That sounds like a catch.


Well, that's mean.

I don't have that kind of money.

Well, then I guess
you'll have to sell them.

Sell them?

Joanna... I'm a buyer by birth.

Can you picture these
hands making change?

Selling isn't so bad, stephanie.

It... It's just, uh,
well, you know...

Talking to people and
getting them to see

That they need your product.


Joanna... Would you
like to do something

About those crow's feet?

Stephanie, I'm willing
to buy one of the kits,

And I do not have crow's feet.

If I agree with you,
will you take two?

Just one.

Well, one kit in one second.

Maybe I am good at this.

Well, so far I've got
harley, dwayne, and walt...

Oh, by the way, walt
k*lled another cow.

Yeah. Family feud again.

Hi, honey.

What's... What's the box?

Just stephanie's makeup.


Oh, I don't know. I
haven't asked him yet.

Yeah. He's right here.

I'll let you know. Bye.

Ask me what, george?

d*ck, next thursday,

The beavers are honoring
their man of the year,

And guess who's
the man of the year.

Oh, no. Not me.

No. Me.


Well, con...
Congratulations, george.

You... You must
feel very honored.

I... I... I know I would.

I do.

They're gonna
have a roast for me.

You know, a big dinner

Where people tell
jokes about me.

I've been on the phone
all day inviting everyone.

You... You're inviting
people to your own roast?

Yeah. It's part of the honor.

I also get to buy the food
and put up the decorations.

That... That's a lot of honor.

And d*ck, I'd like you to come.

I know you don't
like the beavers, but...

Geor... George, why...
Why do you think that?

You never come to
any of the functions.

George, we went to the picnic

Last summer, remember?

Yeah. I was... I was teamed in
the... The three-legged race

With al "sweaty" whitlow.

Well, but that's the
last one you went to.


Well, george, since it
is your night, I'll come.

Oh, d*ck, that's great.

And you'll be a speaker too?

You... You mean
tell jokes? Um...

George, you know,
I'm not really good

At that sort of thing.

Sure you are.

You'll have 'em
rolling in the aisles.

Well, the beavers are
always rolling in the aisles.

Oh, do it, d*ck. It'll be fun.

That's what you
said about the picnic.

Come on, d*ck. Do it for me.

George, you... You really
want me to roast you?

Like a pig.

Since you put it that way.

Terrific. I better get started.

I've got a podium to build.

Do I know how to
give a roast or what?

George... Utley... Is so...

Pleasant that...


So... Nice...


So... Affable...

So... What?

[Phone ringing]


Oh, hi... Hi, mr. Bridges.

Uh, thank you... Thank
you for calling back.

Yeah, I know you're an old
school chum of george's,

And... And i... I figured
maybe you might have

Some funny stories about
things that... That george did.

He... He forgot his hat one day.

Uh-huh. We... Wh...
Uh... Wh... What else?

The hat... The hat was it.

Yeah, uh, "side-splitter"
was the word

I was thinking of too.

Tha... Thank you very much.

Hi, consumer.

You know, a woman's
face is her calling card,

And it's...

Stephanie, joanna already
has one of you makeup kits.

Yeah, and she loves it.

I think she's almost
used it all up.

After three days?

All right.

Stupid stuff isn't moving.

I don't understand it.

Deforest is the best
makeup you can get.

I wear it.

I thought everybody
would wanna look like me.

If I weren't me, I would.

Well, maybe you just
haven't tried hard enough.

Are you kidding?

I have spent the entire
morning knocking on doors,

And everybody just
keeps telling me I'm a pest.

When are we getting
some new guests?

Hi, all.

Hi, george.

You wouldn't want to buy
some makeup, would you?


Geor... George, what...
What are you doing?

You... You don't even
have a girlfriend.

I'm not dead, d*ck.

That'll be $24.95.

Gee, that's pretty steep. I...

Oh, it's deforest.

Well, that's the
best you can get.

My first non-sympathy sale.

Uh, is this the
shelf that's loose?


Are you working on
the stuff for my roast?

Yes. Yes I am, george.

Can I take a peak?

Well, you know, it's...
It's a little rough.

"George utley is so..."

That's good.

Geor... George, it doesn't
have a punch line yet.

Well, with a start like that,

Maybe you won't need one.

Boy, d*ck. 20 More like that,

Maybe even a
couple with endings,

We got ourselves a roast.

Boy, that husband of yours.

It's going well?

Yeah. I'm the... I'm the
king of the half-liners.

I... I just can't think
of anything funny

To say about george.

I mean, he's... He's
such a nice guy.

I mean, george
really lends himself

More to... To a eulogy.


There must be lots
of funny things

You could say about george.

Not alive.

Oh, come on.

What about...

What about that time
he went to boston,

And he brought back
a can of baked beans.

What... What about it?

Well, that was a cute story.

George isn't very well-traveled.

I might be able...
Able to use that.

There you go. I gave
you the beginning.

You just have to
tack on an ending.



Oh, and you talk about slow...

George is so slow,
one day at school,

He forgot his hat.

Boy, that hat story.

Will I ever live that down?

Our next speaker is a
good friend of george's.

Welcome harley estin.


Uh, a fr... A frenchman,
a englishman,

And george...

Go into a doctor, and
the doctor tells 'em

They have six months to live,

And they can have
anything they want.

Uh, then the other two guys

Say some stuff
that isn't so funny...

But then, george says, "I
wanna see another doctor."


George... George isn't married,

But if he was, his
wife would be fat.

How fat?

Oh. Let's see. Uh...

So fat, she'd need
her own area code.


But, um... If,
uh... If, uh, if...

If I could get serious
for a moment...

As you all know...

I've been working down
at ferguson's feed store,

Well, that is, until today...

There was a slight accident.

I never knew oats
were combustible.

Anyway, I'm sorta
out of work again,

Well, so is everyone
down at ferguson's.

So, if you know of any openings,

Uh, I'm especially interested
in the fence-related industries.

But enough about me.

Let's hear it for this
crazy nut-bucket here.


Is this one for the beaver
book of memories, or what?


I tell ya, I laughed so hard,

I sneezed beer right
through my nose.


d*ck, you remember
sweaty whitlow, don't ya?

I'm... I'm starting to, yeah.

Well, I better get
back to my chair.

I hope this night never ends.

Seems like it won't.

Judging from this next speaker's

Attendance at our functions,

I'd say he's not an
"eager beaver..."

This should be you, d*ck.

He's george's employer.

Welcome d*ck loudon.

Well, tha... Uh...

[Clears throat] thank you,

Mr. Chair-beaver.

[Clears throat] to... Uh,

Tonight we're
honoring george utley

As man of the year.

It just goes to show what
kind of a year we've had.


George, um...

George is something
of a homebody.

I think the furthest
he ever traveled

Was around a monopoly board.


I don't wanna say that, uh,
george is not well-traveled,

But recently he did
complain of tractor-lag.


Oh, as you all know,

George isn't the greatest
dresser in the world.

I understand they're making
a movie about him called,

Dead men do wear plaid.


George isn't known
as an intellectual,

But, uh, he just
completed work on a book.

He did a pretty good job too,

Except he colored the grass red.


Whoa. I take it the roast
went well last night?

I only k*lled them.

This mouth is now a
registered w*apon.


Well, I bet george
was delighted.

I didn't get a chance
to talk to him.

He had to wash the mugs

And then return
the rented chairs.

Part of the honor?


Excuse me, young lady.

Is your mother here?

My mother?

[Gasps] joanna, is that you?

[Gasps] you look
20 years younger.

Must be that new deforest
cosmetic starter kit

You've been using lately.


Would you believe
this lady is 62 years old?

I'm not 62.

No. She doesn't feel 62.

Not since achieving
that youthful glow...

I... I... I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Sorry, everyone. The...
The medicine show is over.

Please just ignore this.

d*ck. Please.

They were reaching
for their wallets.

I want you to stop
bothering our guests.

Then I'll never sell these.

And they'll drag me off to jail,

And I'll only get wash my
hair once a week and I'll die.

Oh. Morning, george.

Morning, joanna.

Morning, george.


Sounds like you had
quite a roast last night.

Yeah, great.

Listen, I'd like today off.

I think I'll wander down
to my secret fishing hole.

Whatever you want, george.

Are... Are you okay?

Well, you might say I have
a touch of tractor-lag.

Tractor-lag? What
was that all about?

Oh, that was in one
of the jokes I told.

Well, george seemed
kind of upset about it.

I don't know why.

He seemed to be having
a good time last night.

Well, what did you say?

I just told a couple
harmless jokes,

Like everyone
else, only funnier.

Like what?

Well, like, uh, I
said, uh... [Laughs]

I said, "george is
somewhat of a homebody.

"I think the furthest
he's ever traveled

Was around a monopoly board."


And, um... [Clears
throat] and I said that,

"George is... Is working
on... On a... On a book,

But he... He, uh,
colored the grass red."


And, um... [Clears throat]

And i... I said they're, um...

They're doing a... A
movie a... About george,

And it's called, um...

Dead... Dead men do wear plaid.


Dead men do wear plaid.

You know, he wears
that shirt all the time.

So, in other words,
you called him

A dimwitted,
pathetically-dressed yokel.

Well, you know, it
was... It was all in...

[Phone ringing]


Oh, uh, hi, joe.

No... No. He... He
just went fishing.

Has... Has he made up
his mind about what?

There... There... There
must be some mistake.

Geor... Uh, george
is happy here.

Not... Not anymore.

I'll... I'll... I'll tell him...

I'll tell him you called.

That was the prescott hotel.

George applied for a
job there this morning.

Oh, no.

Well, I hope you're satisfied,

Mr. "My mouth is a w*apon."

Honey, if anyone
is looking for me,

I'll be down at george's
secret fishing hole.

Where is george's
secret fishing hole?

Ah. Gah.

Hi. Hi... Hi, george.

How did you find my
secret fishing hole?

I just asked around at the inn.

Who knew?


Are the... Are the fish biting?

Not yet.

Mosquitoes sure are.

You, um... Do you mind?

George, uh...

Are... Are you thinking about...

About leaving the stratford?

What would give
you an idea like that?

You, um...

You got a call from
the prescott hotel.

d*ck, I don't know

If this is the right
time to bring this up,

But I'm thinking of
leaving the stratford.

Well, george, if it's
because of anything

I... I said last night,

You know, I hope... I
hope you'll forgive me.


You really hit on some
sore spots last night, d*ck.

I didn't do anything except
what everyone else was doing.

I mean, dwayne called you slow,

And... And dutch called
you a knucklehead.

Well, but those
guys are buddies.

They always kid me.
You've never done that.

When you said those
things, they sounded so...


Yeah, but I'm...
You know, I'm...

I'm your buddy too.

And... And you're mine,

And... And those jokes
were... Were done out of, uh...

Out of affection.

You wouldn't like it if I did
jokes about your shortcomings.

Th... That wouldn't bother
me because, you know,

I'd know the... The spirit
they were being done in.

Wh... What...

[Clears throat] what...
What shortcomings?

Oh, I could mention that
you're a neatness freak.

That... That wouldn't bother me.

What if I told people about

The time you threw the lint fit?

That... That
would... That, uh...

That would... That...
That wouldn't bother me.

And how many guys refuse
to go to baseball games

Because they're afraid
of being hit by a foul?

A lot of people every
year are seriously injured.

I... I got a fish.

No, you don't. That's a branch.

Are you crazy? It's fighting.

No, it's not.
You're fighting it.

It's just a branch.

George, I'm telling you

I'm on the business
end of "moby trout."

You want me to
clean that for ya?

I guess it's too small.

I guess the, um...

I guess the prescott
offered you more money?

Lots more.

Well, you know, I
mean, the... The point is...

And a suite.

Well, you know, all...
All that I'm trying to say...

Cable t.v. Too.

You know, I mean,

The... The prescott's
a... A big hotel.

You know, i... I couldn't
match their offer, but...

You know, you...

You and I are friends.
You know, and I'd...

You know, I'd hate to lose you.

And... And the inn sure
could stand a guy who could...

Tell a fish from a branch.

If I turn down the
prescott hotel,

With a suite and all that money,

Wouldn't it be kinda dumb?


Sure sounds dumb.

Then I'm dumb.


Looks like you got a
story for the next roast.

Of course, I've always
got the branch story.

Well, why don't we
catch us some fish?

Hold it, d*ck.

George, all... All
of those were...

Were mosquitoes, right?

Well, that one was.

Honey, I'm telling
you, it was this big.

Are you sure you're
not exaggerating?

Word of honor. This big.

I... I could hardly reel it in.

That is a big branch.

Good news. Good news.

I'm out of the cosmetics game.

You mean, deforest took
their cosmetics back?

No. The next best thing.

I got a sales representative
to handle it for me.

Hi, consumers.

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