03x10 - Georgie's Girl

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Newhart". Aired: October 25, 1982, - May 21, 1990.*
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d*ck Loudon and wife Joanna relocate from New York City to a small town in Vermont, where they run the historic Stafford Inn.
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03x10 - Georgie's Girl

Post by bunniefuu »

Ooh, I hate this
stupid, stupid vermont.

What on earth happened?

[Sighs] I was pulled over

Because my headlight or
something wasn't working.

And when the policeman
saw my rhode island license,

He said it wasn't any good here.

Because it's from out of state?

No. Because it's expired.

Stephanie, it's not
vermont's fault

That your license expired.

Yes it is. It was a
vermont policeman

Who pulled me over.

And then he gave me this
encyclopedia to study,

And said I have to
take the test thursday.

This thursday. There
isn't enough time.

That's plenty of time to study.

I'm not talking about to study.

I'm talking about to get
ready for the picture.

I'll barely be able
to get my hair styled,

Let alone do my nails.

Your nails won't show.

It's just a picture
of your face.

Joanna, it shows on my face
when my nails aren't done.

Stephanie, everybody's driver's
license picture's terrible,

But nobody cares.
You should see d*ck's.

Honey? Show stephanie
your driver's license.

Honey, you... You
know i... I don't like to...

To show it to people.

It's just stephanie.

Come on. I'm trying
to make a point.


Well, it's cute.

You think this is cute?

Not "robert redford cute."

More like "mr.
Potato head cute."

That's why I don't like
to show it to people.

Thank you, joanna.

I guess if d*ck can live
with this monstrosity,

I can live with... No. I can't.

Honey, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to embarrass you.

I fly in the ice cube.

What'll that dutch
think of next?

Hi, george.

Oh. Joanna, d*ck...
This is sarah.

You know my friend dutch?

The one who's so funny?
Well, this is his sister.

It's so nice to meet you.

Dutch has told me
so much about this inn.

What do you think?

Smells fine.

Oh, I should've known better

Than to believe
that crazy dutch.


[Both laugh]

Where have you two been?

Well, george and dutch and I

Went over to fairlee
to go square dancing.

Let's show them that
new step you taught me.


That was great.

[Phone ringing]

Oh. Excuse me.

Stratford inn.

Oh. Hi, dutch.

He's supposed to be
waiting in the truck.


There's a m*ssile crisis?

You're kidding.

You are kidding.


Yeah. You... You really
had me going, there, dutch.

Yeah. What... What... What...

What are you
calling about, dutch?

Why... Why didn't
you just come inside?

I... I guess you're right.

A m*ssile crisis is
funnier over the phone.

Right. Good... Good bye.

Uh, sarah, dutch is
at the cafe next door.

He says if you aren't in
the truck in two minutes,

He's gonna write
your telephone number

In the men's room.

I better go.

It was nice meeting you.

Oh. You too, sarah.

I'll walk you to the door.

I had a real nice time.

Now I had a better time.


Well, good night.



You really like sarah, huh?

Yeah. We've kind of been,
uh, seeing each other

For a few weeks now.

George, why didn't you tell us?

Well, I was afraid
you'd tease me.

You know we'd never
do a thing like that.

No. We... We... We'd never do

Anything like that, george.

She's, uh... Pretty
special, huh?

Come on, d*ck.

You said you wouldn't tease.

I'm... I'm not teasing.

Well, then how
come you're smiling?

We're just happy
for you, george.

Now you've got joanna doing it.

We're... We're... We're...
We're sorry, george.

She, uh... She seems very, uh...

You're smiling.

She, uh, she seems very sweet.

Geez. Can't a guy go on a date

Without people
ribbing him to death?

Looks like george
has got a girlfriend.

Let up, will you, d*ck?

Well, I'm having a
nervous breakdown.

What's... What's wrong?


I have tried and tried
for two days to learn this,

And it's impossible.

If I can't learn
these stupid rules,

They won't let me
drive, and if I can't drive,

Then my life is over.

Stephanie, relax.

You've passed the
driving test before.


Well, you have a rhode
island driver's license.

Actually, it was
sort of a present

For my 16th birthday.

Came with a car.

Look. Why don't you go upstairs,

And study a little
more, and if you're still

Having trouble
tomorrow, I'll help you.

[Sighs] all right.

I'll try.

I can't believe
my life is ruined

Because of this
stupid, stupid vermont.

Morning, george.



George, looks like you had

Another date with
sarah last night.

Am, uh, am I smiling?

You went out on
a date last night?

Yeah. Sarah and I went
on a midnight picnic.

She says that's
the best time to go.

All the ants are asleep.

She was joking,
d*ck you can smile.

Oh. [Laughs]

George, you certainly
look wonderful these days.

Come on, joanna.

No, really. You
and sarah look like

You have so much fun together.

Yeah. We really get along.

And we teach each
other things too.

That's important.

What kind of things?

Well, she's teaching
me to square dance,

And I'm teaching
her how to rivet.

Well, that'll come in handy

When you build
your dream house...

Or a bridge.

Well, I think it's sweet.

I got a lot of work to do.

Guess I'd better get along.

Don't you want some breakfast?

No, thanks.

I'm not very hungry these days.

Isn't that darling?


George has lost his
appetite because he's in love.


Remember how you
lost your appetite

When we first started going out?

Oh, yeah.

I adjusted that shower head
and tightened that door knob.

Oh, good.

What do you want me to do next?

Paint the sills or sand
that outside banister?

I've got sandpaper
right in my toolbox.

You know, for the banister?

Fine. Go... Go ahead.

Oh, of course, I've
got the paintbrush

Right here with me too.

It's, uh... It's up
to you, george.

You want me to do
the sills, don't you?

I... I don't care, george.

If you want me to do the sills,

Just say so.

All right. Do the sills.

It's your inn.

[Sarah] george?

In here, sarah.


What happened?

Oh, nothing.

I got a little splinter
from the banister.

I could sand that for you, d*ck.

Good idea, george.

No one's in your room,

So I thought I'd try over here.

I hope you don't mind, d*ck.

Oh, no.

I brought you some
muffins, george.

[Sniffs] mm.

Apple walnut with
cinnamon. [Sniffs]

No. Plain.

Good. My favorite.

Is this your study?


Where are the bones?

Oh, that dutch.

When will I ever learn?

Don't feel bad.

He almost got me with
that one, and I live here.

I know you're busy, so I'll run.

Oh, george.

Uh, do you wanna go
to the movies tonight?

Exploding planet is playing.

I hear it's very good.

Oh, that's the one
where the, um...

The planet explodes.

Gee, d*ck.

Now you gave away the ending.

Well, we can still enjoy it.

Do you wanna go?

Well, yeah. Sure.

That'd be great.

I'll see you tonight.


Bye, d*ck.

What did I do that for?

I don't wanna go to
the movies with her.

You... You don't?

No. I gotta break up with her.

What... Why... Why do you
wanna break up with her?

Because she's getting
awfully serious.

And I know she likes
me more than I like her.

Are you... Are you sure?


A person knows
about things like that.

Like the way I know I like
you more than you like me.

You... You don't...
You don't like me

More than I like you.

Yes I do.

No you don't. We like
each other the same.

Nope. I like you much more.

No way.

Then how come you never
come up to my room to see me?

I always come down here.

Well, i... I think
a lot about...

About going up to
your room, but, uh...

Before I can do
anything about it,

You're... You're already here.

Well, that's because I know

If I don't come here,
I'll never see you.

And I like you.

More than you like me... George.


I wish you hadn't
brought this up now.

I've got enough to
worry about with sarah.

She's been talking
about settling down.

Is that so bad? She's...

You know, she's very nice.

Joanna and I were
talking about...

I know she's nice.

And she's pretty. And she's fun.

And she's a damn fine riveter.

And everybody thinks
she's perfect for me,

But I don't love her.

I want to, but I just don't.

I hope this doesn't
make you like me any less,

Because as it is, I like...


How do you break
up with someone, d*ck?

You're asking me like
I'm some kind of expert.

Come on, d*ck.

A great guy like you
must have hurt someone.

No. Not really.

Well... Once.

Well, what happened?

She, um...

She mowed a tasteless
remark on my lawn.

I just hope sarah
doesn't cry and scream,

And fall down on her knees
and beg me to take her back.

George, she's an adult.

She wouldn't react like that.

I always do.

There. Got the munchies.

Now all we need is a
stereo and girls in curlers,

And it'd be just like it
was when I was in college.

Poor joanna.


You were describing
a happy memory.

I'll get some sodas.

Is, uh... Is george
still in his room?

Yeah. He never came
down to get dinner.

This thing with sarah must
have him really confused.

Well, I'm gonna go over
and talk to him in his room.

You're going to his room?

Yes. Yes. I'm... I'm
going to his room.

Okay. I've just never known
you to go there before.

Well, that doesn't
mean I can't go now.

I mean, he... He's a friend.

d*ck, it's fine with me.


Because I can't tell
you how many times...

I've wanted to go
to that man's room.

I've just...

Just never... Never
gotten there.

Maybe you should
see a travel agent.

If anyone calls, I'll
be in george's room.

You're going to george's room?


I'm going to be in
george's room. Okay?

He's been cranky ever since
I called him mr. Potato head.

Come on. Sit down.

Well... I'm feeling better.

I think I'm getting
the hang of this...

Studying stuff.

Great. How far have you gotten?

I've got the message from
the commissioner down pat.


I'll just ask you
some questions.

But don't yell
at me or I'll cry.

Don't worry.


Is driving in vermont
a right or a privilege?

A right.

Well... It's kind of a right.

But it's more of a privilege.

I got it wrong?


Kind of.

I'll never pass this thing.

If I can't drive around
in a convertible

With the wind
blowing in my hair,

What's the point
of having a head?



Oh. George. I, uh...

Just thought I'd
come up here and...

Visit you in... In your room.

Well, okay. But next time,

Could you give me a call, first?

You're, uh... Thinking
about sarah?


And I've figured out
a way not to hurt her.

Have a seat, d*ck.

Here's the plan.

Sarah and I will never
be alone together.

All our dates will
be double dates.

That way, she can never start
talking about settling down.

And we can just
go on, and have fun,

And nobody will get hurt.

That's the plan.
What do you think?

George, i... I don't
think it's a good one.

Really? I think it's fool-proof.

Well, george, i... I
see a problem here.

I mean, you have a date tonight.

Just the two of you. Alone.

d*ck, you wanna
see a movie tonight?

Mm-mm, george.

It's exploding planet.

No. George, first of all,

Uh, joanna is busy
helping stephanie,

And second of all,

Nobody wants to
double date with someone

Who's double dating
just to avoid breaking up.

Well, sure. You're
just saying that

To sh**t holes in my plan.

George... It's not
a plan, it's a hole.

But you have to come.

I can't be alone
with her tonight.

She'll start kissing me
and telling me she loves me,

And then I'll have
to tell her the truth.

George, i... I can't. I...
I... I wouldn't feel right.

Uh, I guess I understand.

Good, george.

I wouldn't want
you to do anything

That rubbed you the wrong way.

Well, i... I appreciate that.

I'd do it for you, of course,

But that's because I like you

More than you... All right.

I'll do it, george.


[Woman] I've got to go back

For the children.

[Man] no. There's
no time for that.

This whole planet's
about to explode.

Hope the storm holds off
until the end of the picture.

Yeah. That... That
would certainly

Put an end to this.

Glad you decided
to come along...

At the last minute, d*ck.

Yeah. So am i.

I never miss a good
exploding movie.

Are you all right, george?

Yeah. I'm just
watching the movie.

I don't wanna miss
when, you know, boom.

[Woman] run.

This whole planet's
going to explode.

Ah... Ah... Achoo!

George, I think
you're catching a cold.

No. I'm fine. I told you.

[Clears throat]

I could do this forever.

Whoa. Am I hungry.

I think I'll run up to
the mr. Weiner stand,

And get maybe a hot dog.


I... I know...

Watching people
trample each other...

Makes me hungry.

Does anybody else
want something?

George, don't go now.

I think this is
the exciting part.

Oh. All right.


[Man] shh.

[Man] really.
This time I mean it.

This whole planet's
gonna... Gonna... Explode.

George, is something wrong?

No. Everything's fine.

George, there is
something wrong,

Isn't there?


Is he all right?

He... He's... He's fine.

Tell her you're fine.

I'm fine.

He... He... He's fine.

Sarah, I lied.

- What?
- What?

I'm not fine. Something
is very wrong.

George. George, you had a plan.

What? What's wrong.

Don't be upset, please.

I don't think we should
see each other anymore.

I'm sorry.

Oh, god.

Oh, god.

Oh, god.


Time for me to make
a visit to mr. Weiner.

Sarah, I was hoping you
wouldn't take it this way.


I can't help it.

I always cry when
my heart's ripped out.

You're ripping my heart out.

Then why did you do it?

Sarah... Have you
ever bought a hat?


When I go to buy a hat,

I'll look over the whole rack,

And one of them
will seem to say,

"Hey, george. I'm
the hat for you."

And sure enough,
when I put it on...

There's something about
that hat that feels right.

It may not be the nicest hat,

Or... Or the prettiest hat.

It's just the right hat.

Sarah... [Sighs]

You're just not the hat for me.

I'm sorry.


I wish you were
saying this to me,

Instead of me saying it to you.

So do i.


Because I would've said
that you're the hat for me.



Just a minute, d*ck.

Boy, this is worse than I
ever dreamed it would be.

I'm not having such
a great night either.


Are you sure about this?

I hope so.

Hold your horses, d*ck.

Are you all right?

I'm all right.

I guess things just
don't work out sometimes.


Uh, you can come in now, d*ck.

[Man] you better hurry.

This whole planet's
about to... [expl*si*n]

Should have listened to him.



So, to keep out of the rain,

I spent to hours at
the mr. Weiner stand.

Oh, honey. It must
have been awful.

Well, I got to meet mr. Weiner.

That's not his real name.

Kind of an interesting guy.

Did you know that
until a year ago,

There was no legal
definition of "chili."

Well... How do I look?

Absolutely wonderful.

Thank you.

I'm off.

Good luck on the driver's test.

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