03x15 - Lady in Wading

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Newhart". Aired: October 25, 1982, - May 21, 1990.*
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d*ck Loudon and wife Joanna relocate from New York City to a small town in Vermont, where they run the historic Stafford Inn.
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03x15 - Lady in Wading

Post by bunniefuu »

Thank you, dr. Patterson,
for that insight into

Eastern new guinea
tribal customs.

And join us next week
on vermont today.

[Over intercom] and we're clear.

Super show, dr. Patterson.

You'll be back real soon.

Make plans.

Let's take her card
right out of the rolodex.

I thought... I thought
you liked the show?

Well, I wished you'd downplay
that cannibalism thing

And push the vacation
get-away angle.

Well, I think people should know

If their vacations
are gonna be one-way.

d*ck, uh, are you going to be
hanging around for a while?

Yeah. Joanna's meeting me here.

And then, we're going
for dinner. What... Why?

Wade northlander is
here, eyeballing the place.

Who's wade northlander?

El capitan of industry.

[Chuckles] he's been buying
up small time operations

Like this, and-and really
turning them around.

I think you two should meet.

Why? Is he going
to buy this station?


But he might spot
some talent that's ready

To move onto one
of his bigger markets.

Like boston.

Well, i... I don't think I
want to leave vermont.

Actually, I was referring to me.

Uh-oh. Here he comes.
Load me in the catapult.

Next stop, beantown!

Michael, transmitting
tower looks okay, but I think

That the law requires
that you have a real beacon

Up there. Not a flashlight.

[Laughs] did I tell
you he was sharp?

[Both laugh] wade, I'd like
you to meet d*ck loudon.

Yes, I caught some of your show.

You're a very solid interviewer.

Thank you.

Michael, would you, uh,

Get me an inventory of
the station's equipment?

I'll have to burn
some midnight oil,

But no news there.

- Hi, honey!
- Oh, hi!

Hi, michael. I'm ready.

Can we sneak out
early like last week?

[Chuckles] cupcake,
you know I'm always here,

Late into the night,
nose to the grindstone,

- Right, d*ck?
- Yeah, that's what

Keeps it from growing.

Wade, uh, this is d*ck's
lovely wife, joanna.

And my own personal
wonder woman, stephanie.

- Hello.
- Ladies, this is
wade northlander,

An anti-trust suit
waiting to happen.

- Nice to meet you.
- Pleasure.

Michael, I'm gonna
use your phone.

The one in my
briefcase is on the blink.

Oh, I hate when that happens.

Lamb chop, spit in my
face and call me cootie.

I can't make our date.

Death in the family?

Much more important.
Career move.

This is a man who owns stations

In places that
have mass transit.

[Chuckles] if things go well,

I'll have more money to
throw away on you than ever.

You can sweet talk
me out of anything.

We'll do it tomorrow. That's a
"double-cross the heart" promise.


Well, then, I guess
I'm free to tag along

With you guys.

Oh, boy.

Well, I'm going to take off.

Can anybody recommend
a nice place to eat?

Oh, the hanover
inn is excellent.

- It's kind of expensive.
- I'll give it a try.

Dining alone, I
won't hear of it.

- I insist they join you.
- Well, great.

- It's on me.
- No, no, no, no.

The station won't hear of it.

d*ck's treat.

[Under breath] what?

Well, thanks, d*ck. Shall we go?

Well, look at it this way, d*ck.

If you spend the whole
evening talking about me,

You can write it off
as a business expense.

"Two's company.

Three's a 'blank'."

Five letters.

How's-how's the crossword
puzzle coming, george?

Slow. [Exhales]

But this is one time
I'm not going to give up.

"Two's company.
Three's a 'blank'."

Three's a blank, blank,
blank, blank, blank.

I don't get it.

George, it's a famous saying.

"Two's company. Three's a..."


It fits. Thanks!

Uh, but... Uh, no more hints

After this, okay?

- But george...
- Honey!

He wants to do it himself.

"Opposite of poor."

Four letters.

"Opposite of poor."

Rich! [Laughs]

Naw, that's too easy.

Must be a trick.

I wonder what's keeping
stephanie and wade?

Honey, I'm-i'm sure it's
nothing to be worried about.

I'm not worried. It's
just that they said

They wanted to stay
and have dessert.

That was two hours ago.

Well, I'm sure they
only hung around to...

See what the busboys look
like in their street clothes.

That must be it.


Steph still up,
or do I have to go

Upstairs and wake her? He
said with a lascivious wink.

Uh, she's... She's not up there.

Well, point away.
I've bought a little

Peace offering for
standing her up tonight.


You're gonna spoil her.

- Is she in the kitchen?
- Not... Uh, not-not really.

Well, I'm stumped.

She's-she's still at-at the...
At the restaurant with...

- With wade.
- What?

They decided to
stay for the dessert.

- When was this?
- Oh, uh...

45 Minutes... Maybe...
Two hours ago.

I can't believe I
brought these donuts...

- Now, michael...
- That lady deserves eclairs.

- She does?
- Never even had
to tell her

To cozy up to wade.
She... She just knew.

It's like the day we were...

Both walking through
the housewares department

At hanson's and... We
both went bonkers

Over the same shrimp fork.

I mean, are our souls
super glued together

Or what?

Well, it-it sure sounds like it.

Well, I'd better hit the road.

Don't just hand these to her.

Make, kind of, a
production out of it.

You're gonna have to do
the production without me

Because I'm going to
bed. Because if I don't,

I'm gonna eat one of those.

- Good night, honey.
- Good night.

[Clears throat]

Let's see...

"Expression of extreme anxiety."

Eight letters.

[Chuckles] I got that one.

"Holy cow?"

Yeah, that's what people
say when they're upset.

George... George, it's-it's
an eight-letter word.

"Holy cow" is-is
only seven letters.

Oh, uh... "Expression
of extreme anxiety."


"Holy cows?"

George, have-have you ever
heard anyone say that before?

No, but I never heard
the expression...

"Three's a bunch"
before either, but...

It's right there, in the puzzle.

Good night, george.

Well, if you're gonna
turn in, I might as well

Take this back to the room.

Uh... Six letters.

Describing a pigs foot.



"Cloven," "cloven," "cloven!"

It really was a fun evening.

You really are a unique girl.

[Exhales] I know.

And it's hard to be
that when you have

To buy off the rack.


Then I'll see you
tomorrow night?

Oh, I have a date with michael.


Then would you be interested
in flying with me down

To martha's vineyard
for the weekend?

[Scoffs] I really
couldn't get away.

First class?

My own private jet.


I was beginning to think
I'd never hear those

Words again. [Sighs]

- Then it's a date?
- No.

No. It sounds nice, but...

You know, michael
is sort of my steady.

I mean, we're not...

Engaged or anything, but...

We do have a very
strong... Relationship.

One time... We both
saw these shrimp forks

At hanson's...

I'll call you.

I'll answer.

Holy cows.

♪♪ [Wind instrument
plays sad tune]

d*ck, I just can't
go to bed until

I have one of those donuts.

Aren't you gonna stop me?

I just saw wade and
stephanie kissing.

That did it.

A serious kiss?

Remember the
scene in poltergeist,

Where everything got
sucked into the closet?

It was a lot like that.

Oh, dear!

Maybe you should
talk to michael.

Or stephanie.

- No way.
- Why not?

Honey, when I was in college,

I saw my roommate's
fiancee, suzy,

Go out with another
guy, and-and like a fool,

- I told him.
- You did the right thing.

No, I didn't, because
suzy denied everything,

And-and my roommate
accused me of causing trouble

Because i-i wanted
her for myself.

Did you?

That-that's not the point.

The-the point is they
got married anyway

And they-they never forgave me.

And the guy I saw her
with put poison ivy in-in...

In my shorts.

And ever since
then, i-i-i made it a...

A strict rule that I would never

Meddle in... In other
people's relationships.

Honey, that was college.
You're in the real world now.

Yeah, and-and-and
wade is real powerful

And real rich, and
he probably owns

The whole poison ivy
plantation of his own.

- Joanna?
- Yes?

Never mind.

- Stephanie?
- What?

Could you hand me that bowl?

Last night, wade gave me a kiss

So hot it could melt lips,
and I gave it right back.

I didn't mean to pry.

Life is so unfair.

Why couldn't I
have met wade first?

Now, I have all
these stupid feelings

For michael.

Okay. Come on.
Let's talk about it.

What are your
feelings for michael?

[Sighs] well... When
I'm with him, I'm...

Warm and comfortable.
I feel loved.

And when he crinkles
his nose at me,

It cracks the paint
on my toenails.


What about wade?

Well, when I'm with
wade... He's rich.

But how do you feel about him?

I feel good that he's rich.

Well, good night, d*ck.
If anybody needs me,

I'll be at a little place
called the stratford inn.

So, you, uh, have a date
with stephanie tonight?

Yes, I want to show my gratitude

For what she did
with wade last night.

I-i think the donuts
were more than enough.

Uh, michael! Michael,
you're not leaving, are you?

Uh, well, I'm in this
big brother program.

Well, go ahead. I just
needed some figures,

And I wanted my personnel
people in chicago...

To see a sample of your work.

What the heck? The kid's gone
this long without a father.

Um, wh-wh... What do you need?

Your audience growth
projections for the next...

- Five years.
- Ouch.

That'll take most of the night.


I'll... I'll bring them by
your hotel when I'm finished.

Don't bother. I think
I have a date tonight.

All right, wade!

Break a heart!

Boy, d*ck, I don't envy me.

Axing two dates in a row.

Humph. Make room
for one more month

In the doghouse. [Chuckles]

Steph! Michael.

Bad news. I'm, uh, I'm
back on dawn patrol.

What is it?

Well, can't we discuss it now?


Night night, bye bye.

d*ck, did, uh... Did
steph say anything

- To you today?
- No. No. Why?

She says she has something
she wants to discuss with me

In person. Sounds serious.

I mean, when she
doesn't respond at

"Night night, bye bye..."

Aw, maybe it's my imagination.

Uh, michael, i... I have this...

This very strict rule about...

Never getting involved
in people's relationships,

But, um... I'm going
to bend it slightly.

Just-just this once. And then...

Then, you're on your own.

I-i really think you ought to...

You ought to see
stephanie tonight.

No can do, d*ck.

Let... Let-let me say
one-one more thing.

Uh, i-i-if you don't see
stephanie tonight, um...

Problems could... Could arise.

Read you, d*ck. But I never saw

A case of the pouts,
a dozen long stems

Couldn't cure. [Chuckles]

But, um...

I'm... I'm gonna
bend my rule, uh...

A tiny bit further.

Stephanie and wade...

Have had a... A really...

Good time last night.

So, you're saying,
since she did me a favor,

- I-i...
- I saw them kissing!

Serious kissing! A-a
full... Mouth-el kiss!


I'm-i'm-i'm sorry.

What am I gonna do?

I don't stand a
chance against a rich,

Successful guy like wade.

Michael, you have...
You have other things

Going with stephanie
that-that-that wade doesn't.

Examples, d*ck.

[Stammers] when you
went bonkers over the...

The-the same shrimp forks.


Well, that's all I need, d*ck.

I'm gonna fight for my women.

I'm gonna give wade
a verbal thrashing

He won't soon forget.

And he can just guess about
those audience projections.

- Uh, joanna?
- Yes?

I've got an answer
here I'm not sure of.

Have you ever seen
that word before?


That's not right, is it?

I don't think so.

Aw, I'm never gonna
get this thing done.

I'm just gonna give up.

Oh, george.


But what I mean is,
sometimes it helps

To put things aside
for a little while.

- Like for a couple of days?
- Or even longer.


Oh, hi. Can I help you?

Yes, I'm here to see stephanie.

For what?

I'm taking her out.

But that's what michael does.

Michael's working.

Oh. I'll tell her you're here.

Thank you.

Stephanie, your date's
here. And it isn't michael.



Uh, listen. No offense,
but as the saying goes,

"Two's company.
Three's a crowd."

It does?

Woo! "Two's company,
three's a crowd!"

Hey, joanna! Guess what?

Hi, wade.

- Stephanie,
you look terrific.
- Thank you.

No, I mean it. The
hair, the dress,

- The necklace...
- Look, wade, I know it all works.

Something wrong?

I'm sorry. I've just been having

A nervous breakdown.

I, uh, made a
difficult decision,

- And I think
we should talk.
- Can it wait?

If we don't leave right now,
we won't make the reservations

At lutece.


That's in new york.

Only 55 minutes away...

Via "air northlander."


Oh, but wade...

Couldn't we just sit
down for a minute?

How about in the limo?

It's right outside.

A limo?

It's overstretch.

- But really, wade...
- Champagne chilling.

And there's a full moon

Up above those clouds.

This is wrong!

I can't go with you!

I don't care how
long that limo is.

- 20 Feet.
- Just stop it!

Look, whatever was...
Between us is over.

Are you serious?

What about last night?

Last night I was
caught up in the moment.

The words "private jet"
always make me lightheaded.

I'm sorry.

I'm sure, someday,
you'll meet another

Perfect girl.

- Northlander!
- Michael!

Hi, steph. Great dress!

Listen, northlander.
d*ck just filled me in

On your sneaking little scheme,

And I'm seriously miffed!

- Are you?
- You are nothing but
a high living lowlife.

And I never want
to see you again.

Unless, of course,
it's in a professional

Capacity, in which case,
I'd be honored to work

By your side. Oh,
the hell with it!

Listen, northlander. I
want you to keep away

From my girl!

That is if you...
Still are my girl.

- I certainly am.
- All right!

For your information,
stephanie was about ready

To break it off with
me, when you barged in.


You mean, i... Just
shot my career

In the foot for nothing?


Well, who cares?

I wouldn't work with you now,

Even if the possibility
of a job still existed...

Which it definitely
does not, right?


Good. Take a hike, northlander!

I never hike.

I limo.

And I wing.

[Michael] that man could
have given me everything

I ever wanted.

[Stephanie] me too.

You threw away
your career for me.


And you chose me
over a millionaire.

How come?

Well, I kept picturing myself

In wade's yacht...
Wade's limo...

Wade's jet... And
I looked perfect.

But it was always
you sitting next to me.

I'm misting up here.

I guess, when you
come right down to it,

Money and power aren't
as important as love.


Someday, you'll be
just as rich as wade.


With you by my
side... I'd better.

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