04x18 - Will the Real d*ck Loudon Please Shut Up?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Newhart". Aired: October 25, 1982, - May 21, 1990.*
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d*ck Loudon and wife Joanna relocate from New York City to a small town in Vermont, where they run the historic Stafford Inn.
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04x18 - Will the Real d*ck Loudon Please Shut Up?

Post by bunniefuu »

(Theme music playing)

- Joanna, I just
got off the phone

And guess who
sold one of his books

To a major video company

To be the first in their
series of "how-to" cassettes

Starring what local
television personality

Who also just happens to
be the author of that book?

- Gee, d*ck, you're gonna
have to give her more

To go on than that.

- They want you to
make a "how-to" video?

Honey, that's wonderful.

- Boy, you two know each
other so well, it's scary.

- No, I mean, this is great.

You know, it's a chance to
stretch my creative muscles

And enter a new
level of artistry.

- Which book are they doing?

- "So you want to be a plumber?"

Yeah, they're gonna
sh**t a test scene

Next week at the wpiv.

- They're coming to
vermont to sh**t?

- Yeah, well, they
feel, you know,

If I'm in a situation
where I feel comfortable

And with people I know
that it'll be artistically...


- Hi, I'm larry.

This is my brother darryl

And this is my other
brother darryl.

We would like to
announce a grand opening.

- Of what?

- Of our new escort service.

We almost called it

The "anything for a
buck escort service"

But darryl thought we ought
to try something more romantic.

- "The acme escort service."

- How did you guys
come up with this idea?

- Well, we was wondering
how to raise the money

To buy into a timeshare
condo near epcot

When darryl realized

What a valuable commodity
we are in ourselves.

- Yeah, you're right up
there with pork bellies.

- Thank you.

Darryl, tack one of them
little eye-catchers right there.

- No!

You see, larry, we have
this pile of brochures

And when single women are
looking for something to do,

Oddly enough, the first place
they tend to look is right here.

- Near the bottom?

- Go figure women.


- Well, we'd better get
back before them calls

From affection-starved
females start flooding in.

- Larry, what if there
isn't exactly a flood?

- Get real.

Here we are, the perfect
combination of looks,

Sophistication and conversation.

- You know, those three know
each other so well, it's scary.

(Music playing)

- Hey, crew, this
is jerry nurco,

The head frijole
of the how-to video.

Jer, let me introduce you
to our crackerjack crew.

This is our prop man, bud.

- Hey, not so
formal. Call me bud.

- Our director, j.j.

- Nice to meet somebody
from the big time.

I'm gonna deliver you some
first-class whacketa-whacketa.

- Bingeta-bungeta.

- Boom!


- Whoa, wavelength.

And here's our star.

d*ck, ready to make
video va-va-vavoom?

- Michael, I'm only gonna
change a wa-wa-washer.

It's a simple
30-second test tape.

- But d*ck...
- Change a washer.

Simple, eloquent, I love it.

- Thanks, it was my idea.

- Places, everyone.

- J.j., It's only me.

- Fine.

Place, d*ck.

- Action.

- Hi, and welcome
to d*ck loudon's

"So you want to be a plumber?"

Of course, at today's
prices, who doesn't?


- All you need to be
your own plumber

Is a little knowledge
and the right tools.

Where are my tools?

- Is this what you're
looking for, d*ck?

- What are you doing here?

- I'm your beautiful assistant.

- This isn't a magic act.

I don't need a
beautiful assistant.

- But, d*ck...

- You know, this may
be going a bit too far.

- My sentiments
exactly. Bad idea, steph.

- Michael!

- Listen, puppy
knees, I think it's time

For one of those
compromises we've talked about.

- Okay. How about
you get your way now

And I get my way
about everything else

For the next six months?

- Sounds fair.

- And take liberace's
toolbox with you.

- Fine, d*ck.

While we're at it,

Why don't we get rid of some
other annoying innovations

Like color, sound?

- Ready?

- Action.
- Hi, and welcome

To d*ck loudon's "so you
want to be a plumber?"

And of course, at today's
prices, who doesn't?


(Music playing)

- What's that?

- A video cassette recorder
so I can view all the cassettes

I'm going to be making.

- d*ck, you wouldn't even
get one of those for me

When "gone with
the wind" came out.

- I wasn't in "gone
with the wind."

- Well, I think it's
just an expensive toy.

- Frankly, my dear,
I don't give a damn.

- Hah!

- Excuse me, can you
recommend something

For me to do this evening?

- Oh, why don't you look
through this pile of brochures,

Miss parkman?

- Oh, an escort service.

- For god's sake, don't!

There must be
something else in here.

- I don't understand, what's
wrong with these people?

- That could take
an evening in itself.

Miss parkman, why don't
you go to the spinnaker?

They have wonderful seafood.

- Well, I do love seafood

But I'm the kind of person
who likes to try new things.

- Then rent a duck suit.

Just don't do this.

- Rent a duck suit?

- Well, there's no
point in buying one.

- Hey, d*ck.

- Oh, hi, jer, what's the
word from new york?

- Everything's
great, just great.

Except for one tiny glitch.

- Don't tell me, the
script's a little flat.

I've been punching it up.

- They loved the script.

- Oh!
- They hated you.

- What?

- No, maybe hate's
too strong a word.

They didn't feel you were
quite right for the part.

- Of d*ck loudon?

- Right. We're recasting.

(Music playing)

- How can I not be right
for the part of myself?

- d*ck, personally, I think
you make a damn fine you.

But the research department
tested your plumbing demo

And they came up with a
few negative comments.

- Like what?

- Now, first, you
have to understand

That these are not
necessarily bad qualities.

They just don't fit in with
the home office's thinking.

For instance, you're boring.

They're just not
looking for that.

- You're kidding.

- And then there's that
darn stammer of yours.

Makes you sound
unsure of yourself.

- Well, how... How... How
can... How can they... How can...

How can they say that?

- And people don't
seem to trust you.

Now research feels
it has something to do

With your shifty eyes.

I'm over here, d*ck.

Plus you don't seem to
hit our target audience,

The 20 to 30 year-old
working male.

- Who do I hit?

- 55 To 70 year-old women.

They love you. They want
to have your children.

Trouble is, they don't
fix their own plumbing.

- Well, if I'm not
doing this video,

Nobody is 'cause I'm not
gonna let you use the book.

- Technically, it's not
your book anymore, d*ck.

You want to read that?

- "The author relinquishes
all rights to this book

In perpetuity in this medium
or any other invented

Through time
throughout the universe."

- We like to tie up
those little loopholes.

- Hi, jer. Hi, d*ck.

d*ck: I'm not d*ck anymore.
They're recasting.

- What?

- They... They say
I'm a... A stammering,

Shift... Shifty-eyed bore.

- Oh, really?

Well, let me tell you
something, mr. Big shot,

You can just go back to
your fancy new york studio

And use all the high
technology you can find.

That's not going to
make this project work.

You have nothing if you
don't have this man, right here.

- Thank you, michael.

- Michael, we're still
planning to sh**t at wpiv.

- Oh, well, let's brainstorm
on replacements for d*ck.

- Michael!

- d*ck! d*ck, calm down.

It's not like we don't
want you on the project.

We just want you
behind the camera

Where you can't bore people.

- And you expect me to help you?

Well, forget it in perpetuity
throughout the universe.

- d*ck, we're gonna make
this video either way.

You can advise us and see that

"So you want to be a
plumber?" Is true to your vision

Or we can leave all the
creative decisions up to michael.

- Well, let's make
a video va-vavoom.

(Music playing)

- But how can they
fire you just because

Some stupid research
says you have shifty eyes?

- Yeah.

Whoo, they do keep
moving, don't they?

But they're not shifty.

- Joanna, can I knock off now?

That table over there ordered
heavy cream and I'm bushed.

- Stephanie, miss parkman
hasn't come down yet.

You're still gonna
have to serve her.

- No, I won't.

She never came back last night.

- You... Are you sure?

- Well, her bed's still made
and her bathroom's unused.

That's what I call a guest.

- d*ck, joanna, morning.

Let me introduce you to the man

Who's gonna host your video

And make it a number one seller.

Ed mckendrick, d*ck
and joanna loudon,

George utley.
- Hello.

- Why don't you grab
a seat? I've got to call

The new york office,
check for messages.

- Mr. Loudon, I know how
hard it must be for you

To have me coming in like this
and interpreting your work.

I know how personal it
must be and I feel for you.

- Ahh.

- I want you to know that I've
admired your books for years.

- You lug, you.

- And I could have never
finished my second bathroom

Without you.

- I'm glad I was there.

- Do you mind if I sit
down, mr. Loudon?

- Sure. And please,
call him d*ck.

- All I want to do is
take your enthusiasm,

Your excitement, your essence

And make it come
across on the screen.

- Gee, d*ck, can
he stay for lunch?

- What are you doing?
Get away from him!

- What? What?

- I don't want you picking
up any of his mannerisms.

Let me look at your eyes.

Ah, thank god.

- I hate to admit it but
ed is kind of likeable.

- Yeah, I could learn
plumbing from him in a minute.

Of course, I already
know plumbing

So I guess I'm not
the one to go by.

- Oh, no!

Miss parkman, you didn't call?

- Acme escort service,

Serving the community
for over 24 hours.

- Are you all right?

- I'm fine.

- 'Course she is. We
haven't lost one yet.

- Miss parkman, we thought
you were going to have dinner

At the spinnaker.

- We begged you.

- She didn't need to.
Our fee includes a meal.

- I've never trapped my
own hors d'oeuvres before.

- Well, where have
you been all this time?

- She said she wanted
to see some nightlife

So naturally we took
her right to the bat cave.

- The bat cave?

- They're real friendly.

If you stand perfectly still,

They'll come and
land right in your hair.

- He's right.

- After that, we pretended
we was lost in the woods.

- You were pretending?

- Well, darryl sensed you
didn't want the evening to end.

Does he know women or what?

- How much do I owe you
for... How much do I owe you?

- Oh, we'll keep a running tab.

So what time will you be
needing our services tonight?

- Ah, thank you,
that's very sweet

But I'm planning to spend today
and tonight washing my hair.

- Oh. Well, I hate to imprison a
noble sentiment in mere words

But bye.

- Well, I have a lot
of bathing to do.

- J.j., Do you mind if I
do most of my talking

Into this camera?

This is my good side.

- Hey, at least you've
got a good side.

- Hi, d*ck, ha-ha.

- What's this, guys?
No spangled toolbox,

No magician's assistant?

- Actually, with ed here,

We don't need to create
the illusion of excitement.

- Okay.

Let's make "how-to" history.

- Don't be afraid to
get tight on his face.

Those eyes aren't
going anywhere.

- Places, please.

- d*ck, d*ck, wake
up. He called places.

- I'm not in this, bud.

- Oh, never mind, d*ck,
they got somebody.

He's a dreamboat.

- And action.

- Hi, and welcome
to d*ck loudon's

"So you want to be a plumber?"

Of course, at today's
prices, who doesn't?


- What a great ad lib.

I love this guy.

- It wasn't an
ad lib. I wrote it.

- d*ck, put that green-eyed
monster back in its cage.

- How many times have you
seen a handsome sink like this

And said, "man, would that
snazz up my bathroom"?

Well, I'm gonna
take you step by step

Through installing
this baby yourself.

Now, the first
thing you have to do

Is remove these caps
from the water pipe.

- ed, ed, shut off
the main valve.

- What?

- Cut.

d*ck ruined the scene.

- But he was doing it wrong.

Before you take off the caps,

You have to shut off the
water at the main valve.

- Oh, yeah, this thing, right?

- I thought you knew
everything about plumbing?

- Well, I do.

Sink, pipes, this
thing... Main valve.

- You don't know
anything about it, do you?

- Gimme a break.

It's the best part I've
been offered in two years.

- Jer, this isn't gonna work.

He doesn't know the
first thing about plumbing.

- Is this true?

- No way, jerry.

- He admitted it. He
lied to get the part.

- I did not.

- Who are you gonna
believe, him or me?

- Sorry, ed.

We won't let him
bother you anymore.

- All right, let's take it from

"The first thing
you have to do."

- Right.

Now the first
thing you have to do

Is shut off the main valve,

Then remove these caps.

- See, he knows what he's doing.

- Now, to these pipes

We're going to
connect these fittings.

- Cut.

- Gee, that's funny.

Usually it's my
voice saying "cut."

Something we can
do for you, d*ck?

- Ed, you forgot to
put in the washer.

- I thought we were
putting in a sink?

- This is ridiculous.

He didn't put a
washer in the fitting.

- d*ck, d*ck, there's
such a thing

As being too conscientious.

Are we ready?

- Everything looks fine to me.

- Yeah, he's a dreamboat.

- What are we waiting for?


- Now, to these pipes we'll
connect these fittings.

I should point out
that this procedure

Applies to sinks and to washers.

- The correct way to fasten
this is with a croissant wrench.

If you don't have one,

Ask for it at the
hardware store.

- And if they're out
of it, try the bakery.

- Shh.

- Well, there's
nothing left to do

But open the main valve

And turn on your new sink.

Hey, it works.

- Well, d*ck, the sky
isn't exactly falling.

- So, do you feel
like a plumber?

I know I do.

- Ed, shut off the main valve.

- Oh, this thing, right?

- Bud, get the fuse box.

- Please, one thing at a time.

I've got to get the fuse box.

- So, we got to do another take?

- Not with you, ed.

You don't know the first
thing about plumbing.

- I know a little bit about it.

- Ed?
- Well, I've used the bathroom.

I had to do it. It was the part.

I know this d*ck loudon.

I know how he walks.

I know how he eats breakfast.

I know what he thinks.

- Ed, show us how he exits.

- Now, what are we gonna do?

I've got to deliver a
video tape on tuesday

And we lost our star.

- Well, we've got
to find somebody.

- But who?

- What about george utley?

- No, too ethnic.

- Oh, what the hell.

- d*ck, sweetheart.

- You don't want me
to sh**t me in this.

I have those shifty eyes.

- Not shifty, bouncy.

- What about my stammer?

- Builds suspense.

People don't know which way
the sentence is going to go.

- But only old ladies like me.

- d*ck, research shows that
90% of all research is wrong.

- I don't know.

- C'mon, d*ck,
don't make us beg.

- Oh, I'd never do that.

Actually, what I'd really
like you to do is sing.

- Sing?
- No.

Sing and dance.


- You're kidding, right?

- No song and dance, no video.

- You guys know
"fine and dandy"?

- Hey, count me out.

I will not participate
in anything

This childish and demeaning.

- I was thinking, jer,

We really don't have
to sh**t this at wpiv.

- Two, three, four.

♪ Gee it's all fine and dandy ♪

♪ Sugar candy
when I'm with you ♪

♪ Then I only see
the sunny side ♪

♪ Even trouble
has its funny side ♪

♪ When you're gone sugar candy ♪

♪ I get so lonesome
I get so blue ♪

♪ When you're handy ♪

♪ It's fine and dandy ♪

♪ But when you're
gone what can I do? ♪

(Theme music playing)

- Meow!
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