05x20 - Fun with d*ck and Joanna

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Newhart". Aired: October 25, 1982, - May 21, 1990.*
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d*ck Loudon and wife Joanna relocate from New York City to a small town in Vermont, where they run the historic Stafford Inn.
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05x20 - Fun with d*ck and Joanna

Post by bunniefuu »

Thanks a lot. We're on our way.

Oh. Where are you going?

Well, what do you
think, honey? North?

We've done north.
How 'bout west?

That's an idea. But let's
not lock ourselves in.

You're right, honey.

You mean you... you
haven't made any plans?

Oh, we never do.

We just get in the
car and go wherever.

Glad I don't carpool
with you guys.

Well, that sounds like
fun, not having any plans,

just winging it,
being free as a bird.

Honey, even birds
pick a direction.

You'll have to
excuse my husband.

When he gets up in the morning,

he checks off "Got up".

Well, there... You know,
there isn't anything wrong

with making plans.

I mean, wha... what if
you drove to a city and, uh,

when you got there all the...

All the hotels had been booked?

We'd probably end
up in a place like this.

Well, you, uh...

You wouldn't want
that to happen again.

Why don't I, uh, call ahead
and make some reservations...?

-Oh, no thanks. -Thanks anyway.

We're fine.

We had a great time.

Uh, at least... at
least take a map.

Crazy, reckless kids.

d*ck, they're just
being spontaneous.

You could learn
something from them.

Joanna, I'm as
spontaneous as the next guy.

I've... I've gone north.

Yeah, but never without
your pals Rand and McNally.

Honey, there's
nothing wrong with...

With planning these things out.

I mean, I... I prefer using
a travel agent to... to...

flinging darts at a map.



d*ck, tell me the last
time that you went to bed

without having all your
clothes laid out for the next day

or the last time
you got something

at the grocery store
that wasn't on your list.

Joanna, you... you can't compare

responsible shopping
with... with, uh,

driving hell-bent
through Vermont.

d*ck, just face it.

You're not spontaneous,
and you never will be.

Oh, really?

Had enough?

Michael, Stephanie,
what happened?



The Z.

The Z was in a tiny accident.

Tiny? My Z now looks like a W.

We had just dropped my
car off for servicing and...

we were driving
home, and as usual,

Michael couldn't
take his eyes off me.

And he smashed into a mailbox.

It was Michael's fault.

I mean, he did pick this outfit.

This is the first accident
I've ever caused.

Well, that I know of, anyway.

Michael, you should be grateful
that you and Stephanie are okay

and that only the
car is damaged.

Boy, d*ck, it's a good
thing Bambi had Thumper

to comfort him and not you.

Come on, let's,
uh, take a look at it.

d*ck! It's hideous!

It looks...


Let's go.

Let's go, let's go.

What's going on?

We're going to Quebec.

We are?

When did we decide this?

Just now.

Call it a whim.

Call it a lark.

Call it spontaneous.

d*ck, are you serious?

No, I... I thought
about what you said,

and... and you were right.

I... I could be
a... a little looser.

Well, this is great.

How'd you come up with Quebec?

Tossed a dart at
a map. How else?

Oh! Honey!

Honey, I am so proud of
you. This is really great.

Well, it isn't... you know,
it wasn't that big a deal.

Oh! I've got it. Let's
go to Niagara Falls.

No! Que... uh, Quebec.

They, uh... they even speak
a... a different language up there.

It... it'll be... it'll be nuts.

Wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait.

What about California?

Yeah. Let's get on
a plane and just...

Honey, the... the
dart has been cast.

We'll just get in the car
and... and go to Quebec.

Well, we could, but
we've been there.

Yeah, but never like this.

You know, not all the sudden.

And besides, you
know, it's, uh, it's north.

Yeah, but, d*ck, I mean,
why get stuck in one place?

I mean, as long
as we're doing this

without any plans, then...

That is what we're doing, right?



Why are you so set on Quebec?

Uh, because, that's um,

that's kind of,
that's kind of, uh...

That's kind of... kind
of where the res...

The reservations are.

The what?

The reservations are...

Hon... honey, there...

I mean, there's
nothing wrong with...

With making
reservations for a hotel,

you know, just to be...
to be absolutely sure...

Oh, d*ck, uh,
about this itinerary.

I can't read where you're
gonna be tomorrow at 2:30.

How many reservations
did you make, d*ck?

Uh, just, uh, just...

Where are we
having dinner tonight?

Le... uh, L'Etoile.

And where are we
going dancing afterwards?

The... The Firelight Room.

And breakfast?

All right!

The... The Tillery
Gardens, but I...

I left... I left
lunch wide open.

Why don't we have plans for
that, d*ck? Run out of darts?

So much for "Joanna
goes souvenir shopping,

11:30 to 2:00."

Oh, Michael. I made
this card for you.

I thought it might cheer you up.

"Get Wheel Soon."

Nobody likes a pun.

Michael, how is she?

Aw, she's doing fine.

You can tell me.

They put her on a lift.

Michael! Michael!

Oh, Steph!

You wax 'em, you polish
'em, you change their oil,

and then something
like this happens.

She's going to be okay.

Well, we do have a specialist.

Uh, Arnie.

He's supposed to be the best

fender and chrome
man in the business.

I'm sure he is.

I wanted to stay, but they
said they could work faster

if they didn't have to keep
prying me off the hood.


You know I'm sorry
about your Z, but, boy!

Is that your loaner out there?

Michael! Did you
get your new car?

Uh, it's just
temporary! Steph...

I don't see it.

It's... It's out there.


Over... by the trash cans.

The only thing over there
is a big, red, ugly truck.


Steph, that's all they had.


Hey, some guys
have all the luck.

I had to get a loaner once.

They made me take
a little foreign car.

Couldn't haul a thing in it.

Michael, do you mind if I go out

and take a closer look?

Oh, go ahead.

Oh, boy!

Michael, if you think
you're hauling me

around in that thing,

well, you can just take
your head in for servicing.

When are you getting the Z back?

We have the Dartmouth
dance, the fashion show,

our open T-roof drive through
town in our new sweaters.

Steph, don't worry.

The Z's going under
the torch this afternoon.

Oh, why couldn't
it have been me?

Jo... Joanna?

Come... come on.

Com... Com... come
on. We're going on a trip.

Who is it?

It... it's me. Come on.

d*ck, it's either the
middle of the night

or my eyes are still closed.

Either way, I'm not moving.

Come on, Joanna.

Where... where are
we going? I don't know.

When... when are we coming back?

I... I don't know.

d*ck, if you let me sleep,

I'll let you make all sorts of
reservations in the morning.

Joanna, you wanted
me to be spontaneous.

You got it!

Come on. We'll... we'll go
with the clothes on our backs.

We're in pajamas.

Oh. Oh, right. Okay,
we'll go with the...

The clothes on our backs
in... in a... in a few minutes.

And... and I won't even wear
the clothes that I... I laid out.

I'll wear, uh...

I'll wear these.

No, okay, uh...

I'll... I'll go with the
clothes I laid out.

d*ck, this time no reservations?

Only if we cross
through Navajo territory.

Oh, honey, when
you talk like that...

And... and we'll leave
George and Stephanie a note,

but we won't sign it.


You're a nutball! I love it!

Oh, this is gonna be great!

Did I tell ya?


Now, what we got to do here
is look at this as an adventure.

The last 15 hours,
we changed a tire,

we've been rained on,

we've been stuck in mud,

and we've put 300
miles on the car

without moving an inch.


And then we ran out of gas.

d*ck, I know all of this.

Please let me go on,
Joanna. I like reliving it.

And then, that road.

"Oh, why don't we
see where this leads?"

Well, this is where
it leads, Joanna.

Motel... Hell!

I can't believe I let
you talk me into this.

d*ck, I did not talk you
into this. This was your idea.

I never even... I never even...

Even thought of being
spontaneous un...

Until you mentioned it.

Well, we're here now.

Somewhere in New Hampshire.

Let's just make the best of it.

Besides, I'm not
having a bad time.

Yes, you are.

This is a bad time, Joanna.

This is the standard by which

all other bad times
will be judged.

You need a room?

-Yes. -No!


I am not gonna stay
in this sleazebag motel.

d*ck, we're tired.

We're mud-caked.

How... how far
is the next motel?

Ten miles.

I'm game to push. How 'bout you?

No way.

What happened to Miss

She wants a shower,
she wants a bed,

and she wants them now.

All right, well,
we'll take a room.

You want it for the full hour?

No, we want it
for the full night.


Look, we're married.

We just want a place to sleep.

Yeah, right.

Do you have a reservation?

For this?


Didn't you ever pick up
and... And go, willy-nilly?

You know, with... with no plans,

just hit the road,
free as a bird?

What are you,
some kind of beatnik?


Seems crazy, driving around
in the middle of the night

without an itinerary.

Look, we just want
a room. For the night.

Or... or... or in your
language, eight one-hours.

We're full.


Hey, uh, you don't exactly look

like you're up to the
level of my usual clientele.

d*ck, do something.

Give him some money.

Phil, I, uh...

I think I know
what's going on here.

Do you have... Do
you have any money?

Here, why don't you...

charge yourself a nice bribe?

Huh, I'm thinking
maybe the bed came first.

Honey, do you think
they let whales stay here?


If they have reservations.

Well, Miss Aren't-We-
Having-Fun is back.

Come on, honey,
we're inside, we're warm,

we got a nice big bed,
and I think the police left.

Yeah, and the guy
they took with 'em

has nicer lodgings
than we do tonight.

Come on, d*ck.
Just try and relax.

Hey, help me roll
that keg in here.

Hey, hey, hey.

Did someone forget the pretzels?

Well, now all I need is a...
high-speed drill on my molar,

and I can really kick back.

Why don't we watch some TV?

Okay, you pick!

I'm going to try
and get some sleep.

Are you sure
you're doing it right?

Hey! Hey, let's carve
our names in the mattress!

Let me get the ice pick!

Maybe we should call Phil.


Just hope the doorknob
works in the morning.

Hey, you wanna keep it down?

We're tryin' to party in here!

You know...

you know, I think I'll
write a letter to that...

To that hotel in Quebec.

Maybe they can... send
someone down and...

scope out this place.

Hey, come on, everybody!

Let's go see if we
can find our clothes!

d*ck, listen!

Le... let's go to sleep fast!

Hi, I'm Roy.

Phil said we have to share.

Michael, you're late.

We only have time
for a quick compliment,

and then we have to go.

You look incredible.

Okay, let's go.

Oh, Steph, wait. I, uh...

I still don't have the Z.


Well, there were
some complications.

Don't worry. She's
gonna be fine.

One of the retractable
headlights is...

Is sticking.

But with your car
in the next bay,

it looks like they're flirting.

So what are we
going to the dance in?

Guess what this starts?

You still have that? That...

Steph, it won't be so
bad, going in Big Red.

Ew, Michael, you named it.

Well, Steph, it's dark.

I got rid of the burlap,

and when was the last
time we tuned in to AM radio?

Oh, Michael, I refuse
to ride in any vehicle

I have to step up into.

Okay, Steph, I guess,
uh, we just won't go.

I guess we won't make our
grand entrance or our grand exit,

and we won't be doing this.

Oh, Michael.

You know how much better it
is when people are watching.

Besides, Steph, it's
not what you drive, it's...

what you wear.

Michael, do you
really believe that?

You bet.

- It is what you drive.
- I know, I know.

Wow, you guys look
great. Where are you going?

The couch.

Boy, I guess I really
underdressed for the lobby.

Does this mean you guys
won't be going out tonight?

Then, you won't be
needing Big Red?

You wanna take her
for a spin, George?

You mean it?

Just get it away from here.

Hey, wait a minute.

Oh. Gee, thanks, Michael.

When I get back, I'll let
you know what I hauled.

Help, help! Help.


I'm s... I'm sorry. It's
a... It's a bad dream.

Maybe I'll try to go back to it.

We should have just
stayed in the motel room.

Yeah, and, uh,

and waited for Roy to
come back and join us?

No, thanks.

He fixed the TV set, d*ck.

I don't care.

Well, I still don't know
why you had to throw

his duffel bag out the window.

It was a spontaneous decision.

I thought that's what
this trip was all about.

d*ck, stop it now.

I'm tired of hearing
your complaints.

You haven't said one good
thing about this whole trip.

All right.

Most of it is behind us.


Admit it. We would
have been better off if we

had planned this trip
like... Like we usually do.

In... in fact, I'm making
some plans right now,

and I'm writing 'em down.

Get gas.

Go home.

Report Phil to some commission.

Okay, d*ck, being spontaneous
didn't work out this time,

but, I mean, it can be great.

Well, I'm... I'm really
never gonna find out,

because this is my
last madcap hurrah.


Oh, look at that
sunrise. It's...

It's incredible.

It's beautiful.

I've... I've never
seen that color.

It's not... It's not really red,

and it's not really
orange, it's...


Now, admit it, honey.

You wouldn't have planned
on getting up at 5:00 a.m.

to see this, would you?

No, probably not.

Oh, it's beautiful.

I've seen better.

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