06x06 - Vintage Stephanie

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Newhart". Aired: October 25, 1982, - May 21, 1990.*
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d*ck Loudon and wife Joanna relocate from New York City to a small town in Vermont, where they run the historic Stafford Inn.
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06x06 - Vintage Stephanie

Post by bunniefuu »

Good morning, George.

Oh, good. You're finally up.

I'm thinking of doing
something kinda nuts,

and I wanted to give you guys
a chance to talk me out of it.

What is it?

d*ck, Joanna,

I'm thinking of getting
a pair of regular jeans.

I'd say go for it, George.

And the... and the hell with
what society is gonna think.

Thanks. I'm gonna do it.

Oh, just one more thing.

Should I get the
ones with the zipper

or the button fly?

Uh, on that one,
George, you're...

You're gonna have
to follow your heart.

You know, honey,
I think we're...

Witnessing the
end of an era here.

I'm a little sad in here.

Zipper, George.
Definitely zipper.

Hi, brunch bunch.

Is my birthday babe around?

Why does he always
come up to our table?


And one to grow on.

Hi, d*ck, Joanna,
what can I get you?

How about French toast?

Me, uh... me too.


And you can get me

an unlimited supply of
Misty Lilac nail polish,

a credit card holder,
fully stocked...

We have copies
of your birthday list.

Okay. But just remember,

there's only three
shopping days left.

Steph's another year older
and we're all deeper in debt.

Sor... Sorry, Steph.

Uh, Michael,

I need to talk to you
about my birthday.

Now, don't take
this as criticism,

but what you did

for the last three
years was all wrong.

When have I failed
you, my little fajita?

Michael, one birthday,
you bought me a book.

Well, Stephanie, we just met.

For a while there, I
thought you might be deep.

This year, I promise
you a perfect birthday.

Oh, good.

Because, Michael,

I decided I want
a nice big party.

Well, Steph, if it's
a party you want

it's a party you'll get.

I'll send George
out for decorations,

I can get d*ck to put them up,

and I can get Joanna to
whomp up a birthday feast.

Oh, Michael, you'd
do all that for me?

How's it coming with
the balloons, honey?

Kind of in and out.

You still don't know
how to tie them off?

I know how to do it, I just...

I know how, I just can't do it.

George, you're wearing
your regular jeans.

Pretty spiffy.


They were inspected
and everything.

Number 21 did all right by me.

So you like them so far, George?

Yeah, except you have to
think a lot more wearing these.

What... what do...
What do you mean?

Well, for one thing,
your shirt shows more,

so you gotta pay
extra attention to that.

And then...

there's whether to wear
a belt or trust your hips.

Jeans can, uh,
complicate a life.

Uh, George, you wanna
help me with the balloons?

Well, I was gonna go
out and strut, but okay.

Hi, d*ck, Joanna.
Ooh la la, it's George.

Do I smell cake?

Nix that drool, handyman.

Where's Stephanie now?

She's out returning
one of my gifts.

She didn't even
open it. She just knew.

She's good.


Boy, one... one of us...
Must've really been flat.

Stephanie, what's wrong?

Don't worry, Stephanie.

I still have my
overalls up in my room.

I... I don't think
that's it, George.

Steph, please stop.

I can't bear to see you cry.

Your eyes get all puffy and red.

Stephanie, just please
try to calm down and tell us

what's bothering you.

Well, I went shopping...

and I tried on some clothes.

And I looked in a
mirror and realized...

I'm no longer blossoming.


I don't get it, d*ck.

I never minded getting older,

because... I just always
kept looking better and better.

And better and better.

But... this year, I
don't look better.

I've levelled off.

Stephanie, you... you
haven't lost your looks.

Well, I know that, d*ck.

But... if I keep
getting older like this,

someday I will.

And then where will I be?

In a home for people
whose arms do this?

Oh, don't cry for
me, Stephantina.

I bet I can send
those tears packing

right back to their little ducts

with just two words:

plastic surgery.

When the time comes,

you oughta be able to
nip and tuck your way

to at least another
7, 8 years in my heart.

You... you must really love her.

Stephanie, there's more to
life and relationships than looks.




will you still love me

when I don't look
like this anymore?

Of course.


Just... just what
would you look like?

Michael, if... if you
love Stephanie now,

you'll love her
when she's 80, right?

Michael, I need
to hear you say it.

No problem.


Well, how many people
live to be 80 anyway?

What... what I... what I mean
is, I'll... I'll al... I'll always...

Happy birthday, Steph.

S... So, uh...

So what... so what do you
say we go down to that party?

Oh, George, you scared me.

Gee, I hope I didn't
give you any gray hairs.


It's okay.

George, are you here because
you knew I was real depressed

and might want
someone to talk to

and you have the
perfect thing to say

to cheer me up?

Uh, not exactly.

I couldn't sleep,
thinking about that cake.

Don't bother wishing
on it. It doesn't work.

This is the worst I've
ever felt in my whole life.

You know, Stephanie,

I'm sort of older,
and it's not so bad.

There are a lot of plusses.
If you make it to 100,

that fat weather guy will
announce your name on TV.

Getting older is easy for you.

- You can be George at any age.
- Knock wood.

I am my looks.

I'm pretty.

Okay, I'm beautiful.

Dazzling people with
my looks is all I do.

I'm a single threat, George.

And maybe,

when I lose my looks,

nobody will like me anymore.

Stephanie, you're
not just pretty.

There's a lot more
to you than that.



Like what?


You're cute.

That's still looks, George.

You know how to avoid
work better than anybody

I've ever seen.

And you like that about me?

No. Actually it's,
uh, kind of annoying.


I'm not really
cheering you up, am I?



See, if... if you'd said,

"No, but thanks anyway,"

I could've said you're polite.

See, that's the kind
of thing I need to go on.

I know.


thanks anyway.

I don't think I can
count that one.

Gee, I wish I could make
you feel better, Stephanie.

Would it help if I sang?

Let's guess no.

Well, good night.

Morning, everybody.

George, what happened
to your regular jeans?

Well, I took 'em
for a trial walk

through town this morning,

and I realized they
just weren't me.

I mean, if I can't feel my
knee through my pocket,

there's something
wrong with my pants.

I... I guess I understand.

And it wasn't just that.

A lot of people in this town

aren't that used
to designer labels.

I didn't really enjoy people
squinting at my bottom.

I... I guess that's where
we're different, George.

Well, I'll see you later.

Boy, it's a great feeling

not having to
back out of a room.

Here's your pancakes,
here's your juice,

here's your French toast.

Thank you, Stephanie.

How does everything... look?

Stephanie, you didn't...

You didn't forget
something this morning like...


You noticed?

Well, um, sort... sort of.

I just wanted to see if people
would treat me differently

if I didn't look
perfect like usual.

And you did. You were mean.

We... we weren't mean.

We were just a... a little
up... upset here, but...

now that we've had a...
A... a time to adjust, um,

I... I... I think
you... you look,

uh... Fine.


Well, uh, one... one
of us said it, didn't we?

Well, maybe aging isn't as
bad as old people make it seem.

Honey, I know I don't
say it often enough,

but... thanks for grooming.

Hi, uh... hi all.

Michael, do you have any idea

what a horrible thing you
did to Stephanie last night?

Look, y... you don't
have to tell me.

I know I've been a
Dudley Do Wrong.

Now, I'm gonna
make it up to Steph.

She's... she's gonna
be seeing a brand-new

Michael Harris
today, I'll tell you that.

And... and you're going
to be seeing a brand...

You... you'll see.

I want her to know even if
her frosting gets stale, I'll...

I'll always love my cupcake.

That's... that's from one of
Shakespeare's sonnets, isn't it?

- Hi.
- Hi, how you doin'?


You fiends! What
did you do to her?

Oh! No, Michael, it's just...

It's just the new me.

Or should I say the old me.

Whoa! Ghost of Steph Future.


could you live with this?

d*ck, Joanna, if you need me

I'll be locked in my
room for eternity.

d*ck, you've got to talk to her.


But, honey, you're so good
at making people feel better.

Remember when I thought

I was gonna get
fired from my job?

You said just the right
thing to cheer me up.

I... I asked you to marry me.

Yeah, I got fired
and I didn't even care.

All right, I'll do it, but
I... I hope I can come up

with something besides
the... That proposal thing.

Uh, Stephanie, sit... sit down.

For, uh... for starters, I
didn't hear any creaking.

Uh, Stephanie, I... I
know you've been...

You've been worried about...
About getting older and,

uh, everyone gets older and...

And there's nothing
you can do about it.

Phew. I feel much better.

Joanna said I was good at this.

Uh, Stephanie, you...

You wouldn't wanna
marry me, would ya?

Hi. I'm Larry.

This is my brother Darryl,

and this is my
other brother Darryl.

We was wonderin' if we could
borrow some carbon paper.

Darryl here wants to try
bangin' his fist on a table

in triplicate.

Hi, Miss Stephanie.

Hope you had a blissful
birthday yesterday.

Did you get our
birthday gift yet?

I don't think so, Larry.

Darryl, you and your
overnight couriers.

Well, just so you won't
have to wait any longer,

we'll go out and trap you
an even bigger present.

Guys, why are you
being so nice to me?

I think I speak for all
of us when I say, "Huh?"

Haven't you
noticed that I'm ugly?

Miss Stephanie, you could
never be ugly to us. We like you.

Yeah, but...

will you like me when I'm...

old and gray and...


Well, how shallow
do you think we are?

There's some depth
beneath this glitz.

We know that
beauty's only skin deep.

You take the weasel.

Ain't a prettier
creature on earth.

But once you skin
'em, they look kinda,

well, if I may quote
Mad Magazine,


But fortunately,
underneath the beauty,

there's still a lot to
recommend the skinned weasel.

Aside from the obvious
gross-out appeal,

they're darned good eatin'.

Larry, are you saying that...

I have something
underneath my obvious

and usually stunning beauty?

You bet your bob.

I mean, there's times
when we've come over here

feelin' bluer than a whale,

and you would
say something nice.

Not necessarily to us.

But still it cheer us up
like nobody's business.


I do that for you?

Well, I could do that
even with flappy arms.

Oh, thank you, Larry.

All of you.

Oh, guys, here's
the carbon paper.

I, uh... I got four for ya.

Go for the record.

Oh, boy, thanks.

Oh, and, Miss
Stephanie, remember,

when you're 80 or 90,
you'll still have us as friends.

We like old people.

We enjoy playin'

What Do You See in the Wrinkles.

Bye, guys.

Steph... Stephanie,
you're... You're better.

You, uh... you thought
about what I said, huh?

No, about what Larry said.

What... what Larry said?

What did... what did...
What did Larry say?

Well, I don't wanna get
into all the details, but...

it had to do with
skinning weasels.

I had that.

I... I was... I was
gonna get to that.

Stephanie, I've
gotta talk to you.

Me too.

Michael, I found out

I have qualities
underneath my looks.

That's great, Steph!

What are they?

Well, I'm not sure.

I think one of them
is I can be nice and,

well, maybe we could
find the other ones together.

You know, Steph, I think
you're onto something here,

because I had an
amazing revelation too.

Are you ready?

Steph, you're not the most
beautiful girl in the world.

Michael, say
something else fast.

Steph, don't you see?

You're still the
only one for me.

Which means I must love
you not only for your looks,

but for something
besides your looks too.

What besides my looks?

Well, like you said,
Steph, we'll find those.

You know what else, Michael?

I'm the only who has realized

that I'm not blossoming anymore.

So I won't actually
have to be kind

or find those other traits

until other people start
noticing I'm not blossoming.

And that won't be for years yet.

That's my Steph.

Forever and ever?

That's what we found out.

That I'll be able to love you
no matter what you look like.

Oh, Michael.

Give me a hug.

Oh, wait a minute, Steph.

Let's go through this together.

Meet you back here in
an hour looking perfect?


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