01x03 - Teamwork

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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01x03 - Teamwork

Post by bunniefuu »

Stop the pollution of our neighbourhood.

Sign a petition, help shut the dumpsite down.

Come on, guys! You can hardly stand the smell.

Let me know if you care.

Please sign up.

Hi, Mr Caplin.

This is wonderful! It's just dandy that you're trying to clean up the enviroment.

Is the dumpsite as bad as you say?

You should see the place, Mr Caplin, it's an industrial waste disaster.

Who can stand to pollute the earth like that?

My pollution will ruin the whole planet.

Using their own pollution against them is a stroke of genius.

Once my monster elimates the Power Rangers help is finished.

Sign a petition, help clean up the dumpsite.

We can live in a cleaner environment.

Fight pollution, come on, save our earth.

Hey, Ladies.

What's up?

Hey, guys.

Looks like your attracting a crowd.

What's this?

A campaign of some kind.

We're going to deliever these petitions to the dumpsite owners today.

- Good.

- Good idea! Yeah, maybe we can convince them to clean up the mess.

- You guys want to sign?

- Yeah, sure.

Come with us this afternoon, guys.

I'd love to, but I have a karate class that I have to teach later, it's a great cause but.

I can't bug out on my students.

Well, I must also decline see I'm President of the Science Fair Committee and today's our first meeting.

I'd love to, ladies, but Alpha, he said he has something super important to talk to me about right away.

I promised to meet him.


- So?

- Kimberly and I will go alone then.

But it would be a lot more impressive if we acted like a team.

- Sorry, girls.

- Good Luck! Hey, Miss Earth, recycle that.

Get a life, Bulk.

Hey, why don't you take this with you to the dump, Miss Clean.

Hey, Geek.

Okay, that does it, you are way out of line.

Hey, I guess you finally flipped over me.

Come on, let's get her! Well, it looks like time to take out the trash.

And deliver these petitions.

Bye! Come on! Come on! Oh, this is sweet.

Kimberly and Trini are about to walk into my waste dump.

Oh, it's perfect, those girls don't stand a chance.

But if those girls find out it's you plant, won't that ruin your plan?

You numbskull! You don't have to get personal.

We'll ambush them with Putties and then finish them off with a monster before their friends can help.

Right, we can't lose this one, prepare the Putties, they've got work to do.

- This is grosse!

- What do you think this stuff is?

I don't think I want to know.

Well, it doesn't look like there is anyone here we can give these petitions to.

Why does it feel like we've being watched?

We've got company.

Good, they're fighting, now all we have to do is send a monster.

That's why you brought me here, Alpha?

I'm watching.

Wow! Ai yi yi! See, that's the hip hop, and that's what it's all about.

Zachary, Alpha, the girls are in trouble.

The Putties have them out numbered at the waste dump.

Ai yi yi! They're are in trouble, they're in trouble! Ai yi yi! What are we going to do, Zordon?

Bring the rest of the team to help.

Jason, Billy, teleport here immediately.

It's urgent.

What's up?

Kimberly and Trini are in trouble.

Hey, fellas, take a look! We got to help them! Finster, it's time! Is the monster ready?

Yes, Evil One.

The Minotaur is nearly complete.

Well done.

There's is no time to lose.

Get to the dump site immediately.

Wait, Rita has sent down a monster.

You better deal with him first.

I'll monitor the girls from here.

It's a menacing Minotaur! It's Morphin Time!

- Triceratops!

- Mastodon! Tyrannosaurus! Power Rangers! I'll get him with my flame blast.

Are you alright?

Yeah, do you think we got them all?

Oh, no! Oh!

- Kimberly, look!

- Right! Come on, clay boys, come and get us.

Come on! Ai yi yi! More trouble on the way, Zordon.

This is a dangerous turn of events, Alpha, contact the girls, tell them to morph and try to hook up with the others.

Working as a team is their only hope now.

- Pterodactyl!

- Sabretooth Tiger! Power Rangers! Get them! You're mine! You've got to catch us first.

Look out! Get to the others, get help.

Ai yi yi! The Power Rangers still have their hands full.

Yes, this is the toughest situation they have faced yet.

Perhaps the time has come for me to reveal to them the ancient secrets of the power weapons.

You're finished! Whoa! They've had it now.

- Oh, man!

- Look out! What's that?

Kimberly, Trini, we've got our hands full over here, call the Zords and help us put this dude down.

Right! We're on our way! While we're at it, we'll take a go at the Putties too.

Tyrannosaurus Dinozord Power! Mastodon Dinozord Power, let's get them! Triceratops! Sabretooth Tiger Power! Let's do it!

- I'm with you!

- Right! Alright, log on! Zack here, moving and grooving! This is Billy, outstanding! Trini here, ready to rock! Let's much this Minotaur.

Battle sequence engage.

Activating weapons system.

Let me chill this dude.

I'll get him! Power lancer locked on.

They're not holding, increasing power.

What's this?

We can't be defeated now.

We're too close.

Power Rangers, bring them together.

Bring the Megazord to full power.

Zordon, he's coming no matter what they do.

The Zords have no effect on him.

At this rate, they haven't a chance.

You're right, Alpha! Power Rangers, return to the Command Center immediately for new instructions.

- Right!

- Let's go! They're running away, now the world will be ours for the taking.

Hey, what's going on here?

Your questions will be answered in due time your Zords have been returned to their hiding places.

And I will now reveal to you new powers and weapons.

Behold! Billy, this is your Power Lance, a w*apon power and range.

Kimberly, behold your Power Bow, accurate and strong.

Jason, this is your Power Sword, key to all the weapons power.

Zackery, behold the Power Axe, light and quick and hard as diamond.

Trini, your Power Daggers are feather light and true as arrows.

Use these weapons together and you will be unstoppable.

The Minotaur is history.

Here's the plan, corner the Minotaur and give him a taste of our weapons.

If that doesn't work, we'll bring them together and give him a blast of Megapower.

Are you with me?

- Right!

- We're with you all the way! Yeah! Alright, Minotaur, you're going down.

You've got that right.

You're yesterday's news.

Face it, Minotaur, you're finished! Why don't you go back to where you came from?

Before you get hurt?

Yeah, and the same goes for Rita.

Power Rangers! Rangers, the time is right to bring these weapons together.

You're team must work together as one.

- Let's do it!

- Right! Power Axe! Power Bow! Power Daggers! Power Lance! Power Sword! Power Rangers!

- Yeah!

- Yes! I can't believe it, we were this close to beating the Power Rangers, and if it wasn't for your monster, we would have done it.

- Yes

- Shut up!

- It's all your fault!

- Yours


- All the bad guys in the universe and I had to get stuck with these nitwits.

Gee, things sure work out better when we work as a team, huh?

maybe with a little teamwork, we'll get the dumpsite closed down?


-oh! Look at this place, why hasn't it been cleaned up yet?

You there, I want to talk to you.

Mr Caplin, Mrs Flatlin wants to talk to you.

One minute! What do you say we show a little teamwork and get this place cleaned up.

Right! Nice work, team! What happened to the mess?


What mess?

Oh! Congratulations, Power Team, you have done well, please excuse the static on your communicators, Alpha has been too busy practising his dance step, he keeps on short circuiting the power consol.

That's digging! Ai yi yi! Alpha, my man! Forget about the hip hop, be a robot and keep that power consol working.
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