03x05 - Fierte Pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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03x05 - Fierte Pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Front of school

Spinner: (To extras) Yeah, alright. Take it easy.

Marco: (Walks up to Spinner sitting on steps) So…

Spinner: So, what?

Marco: Look Spin. Um… you didn’t tell anyone, did you?

Spinner: Tell anyone what?

Marco: About what I said yesterday… (Spinner acts confused) At the café… (Spinner shrugs his shoulders, acting to be clueless) Man, after the date with Hazel. You know what I’m talking about!

Spinner: (Laughs) Dude, I can’t read your mind, so just say it.

Marco: (Sits down next to Spinner) That I’m gay.

Spinner: Oh that! Well, you know, maybe I did. Maybe I didn’t. (Gets up and walks away)

[Opening Credits]

In hallway

Ellie: (Walking down hallway with Marco) I’m sure he didn’t tell anyone. Why would he?

Marco: To make my life a living hell…

(Cut to Craig and Jimmy)

Craig: (To Jimmy) Alright, Spin asked us to keep it a secret until he’s thought about it more, so you can’t tell anybody, alright?

Jimmy: Promise.

(Ellie and Marco overhear)

Ellie: (To Jimmy and Craig) Keep what a secret?

Marco: (Says nervously) Yeah…what’s the big news?

Jimmy: Uh….okay, Paige is turning 16 in a few weeks, and Spin is planning a surprise party.

Craig: Yeah, meaning you two can tell no one.

Marco: (Feeling relieved, hugs Craig and Jimmy) Guys, I’ll carry the secret to my grave, okay? (Walks away) See you in homeroom, huh? (Bumps into extra and apologizes)

(Ellie walks away while giving a confused look to Craig and Jimmy)

Media Immersion Lab

Emma: (Knocks on window to Snake inside, waves, and walks inside) Hey! Just wanted to check in, see how you’re holding up.

Snake: Good! Well my last meal was 14 hours ago, so I’m a little hungry, but uh… (Looks at Emma’s food and Emma jokingly hides it behind her back) I wasn’t going to lunge at it…I’m not an animal.

Emma: So my mom’s picking you up this afternoon.

Snake: For my biopsy, yes. And you can say Leukemia, too, ‘cuz I don’t have it yet. (Looks down and appears to be in pain)

Emma: Maybe you should just go home.

Snake: No, no, I’m fine. I’m fine. Besides, Manny’s silent auction is at lunch. Nothing says jackpot like a personal (something) portrait. Hey look, what do you think? (Types on computer) He looks more like me, or Spike?

Emma: (Looks at a blank screen on computer) He looks like a bunch of code.

(Picture of Baby Jack appears, and Emma leans on Snake in a loving way)

Snake: Actually, I’m gunna look a lot like Jack if Chemo has its way. Bald, bald, bald. (Emma stands up)

In hallway

Craig: (To Spinner and Jimmy) Why are they teaching us about soil erosion? I’m not a farmer! I’m never gunna be a farmer!

Dylan: (Shows up and gives them tickets) Here are the tickets I promised!

Craig, Jimmy, and Spinner: Nice!

Dylan: You guys still coming to come see me play?

Craig, Jimmy, and Spinner: Yeah!

Dylan: Alright, see you tonight! Oh, remember, one of those is for Marco.

Craig: Oh man, hockey, The Gardens…boy’s night out! (Slaps Jimmy’s hand)

Jimmy: Boy’s night!

Spinner: Oo Hockey! Oo Boy’s night out! Could you two be bigger “f*gs”?

(They start walking down the hall)

Jimmy: Okay…now I don’t know who’s a bigger weirdo today - Spinner, or Marco.

Spinner: Marco. And he’s not coming. (Craig and Jimmy exchange looks) What since when does Marco like hockey? He’s doing some “gay” artsy thing with Ellie anyway.

Jimmy: Uh, they broke up.

Spinner: Right. Broke up. Funny. (Walks away)

In Gym

Jimmy: (To Marco) Marco, what’s this idea about you bailing on us tonight?

Marco: Bailing?

Craig: Yeah, Dylan’s game. You’re chilling with Ellie, right? It’s too bad man…

(Marco gives Spinner an upset look)

Mr. Armstrong: Alright, guys and your teams, I want you to spread out on either side of the net. This is a volleying drill meaning I want to see three successful volleys among your own players before putting it over. Let’s get started…

Marco: (To Spinner) So what now, huh? What? Are you freezing me up with guys?

Spinner: Why do you want to come anyway? It’s hockey, not ballet. (Walks under net)

Marco: Dylan invited me!

Spinner: Yeah, and that’s the only reason you want to go - your big gay crush.

Mr. Armstrong: You guys going to gossip or play? Let’s go. (Throws ball to Spinner’s team) This side serves first.

(The ball is in play and makes its way to Spinner. Spinner then spikes the ball at Marco, and Marco falls down)

Mr. Armstrong: Gavin, did I say to spike? (Spinner shakes his head)

Craig: (Makes fun) Nice going Spinner!

Mr. Armstrong: Then volley like I told you. Okay Matt, you serve. (Throws ball to extra)

(Extra “Matt” serves the ball to Spinner, and Spinner spikes it again at Marco)

Mr. Armstrong: Gavin, Change Room now! (Points to Change Room, starts walking there, and Spinner follows)

Marco: (On floor) Good thing Spin spikes like a girl! (Spinner looks at Marco and walks away)

In Front Foyer

Snake: (Leaning against stairs talking to Liberty) Liberty, come on. Two dollars?

Liberty: Okay, I guess I could go up to five.

Snake: You can go up to ten! Come on, Manny’s counting on me to bring in the big bucks!

Manny: (Arrives) Even fifty bucks would be nice. (Looks at Mrs. H) Looks like someone’s already there!

Mrs. H: (To extras)…So why don’t you place your bids and the highest bidders get to spend a day with me. We’re going to the Science Center. It’ll be a lot of fun, okay? Here you go. (Hands bidding sheet to extra)

Snake: Alright…watch this. (Walks up stairs of front foyer to make an announcement) Degrassi…Degrassi! I issue you a challenge! Raise 250 bucks by this time tomorrow, and I’ll shave my head right here in the foyer! (Crowd cheers) Make me proud people!

In Bathroom

(Spinner is writing something on the wall. Jimmy walks in)

Jimmy: What’s your problem with Marco?

Spinner: What’s my problem? (Points to “Marco is a ‘f*g’” which he wrote on the wall) That’s my problem, okay? And its true. He told me himself.

Jimmy: Marco’s gay?

Spinner: Yeah. And if you don’t back off, (nudges Jimmy away) I may start to think you are, too. (Walks over to sink and washes his hands)

Jimmy: So what are you gunna write next? Something about me being black?

(They exchange looks, and Jimmy walks away)

In hallway

Ellie: (To Marco) Hey! I heard about gym class. You’re not gunna take that, are you?

Marco: (Opens his locker) What am I supposed to do El?

Ellie: I dunno…get Dylan to use Spinner as a hockey puck tonight?

Marco: Yeah. I’m not going. (Puts away his books)

Ellie: Dylan invited you. You have to.

Marco: Why?

Ellie: Marco, come on. I’m not blind. Go to the game.

Jimmy: (Arrives) You better be coming Del Rossi. Pizza at The Dot first, then a night of our national sport.

Marco: But Spin…

Jimmy: (Interupts Marco) Spin’s an idiot. Okay, so come.

Marco: Fine. But I’ll meet you at the arena okay, ‘cuz pizza and Spin…

Jimmy: Always a bad combo.

Marco: Yeah.

Jimmy: Okay, I’ll see you there. (Walks away)

(Ellie pats Marco on shoulder and walks away. Marco leans against locker and thinks to himself)

At The Dot

(Paige walks in to greet Spinner, Craig, and Jimmy at table)

Craig: Um, I thought this was boy’s night.

Paige: For you. For me it’s “watch Dylan play hockey for the gazillionth time night.” (Looks around) Where’s Marco? (To Spinner) Spinner?

Jimmy: Um, actually he’s gunna meet us at the arena. (To Craig) Wanna go settle the bill? (Both Craig and Jimmy get up and leave)

Paige: (Sits down) Okay, hun, get over it already.

Spinner: Paige…

Paige: I’ve been there with Dylan, and it’s hard, I know.

Spinner: Yeah, but Dylan’s your brother. You had to deal.

Paige: And you have to deal with Marco!

Spinner: No, actually, I don’t. (Gets up and leaves)

Emma’s House

(Joey and Sydney brought food over for Snake)

Joey: Okay, I think that’s everything. Salad. Sydney’s Seafood Jumbalaya.

Sydney: I know, sounds suspect. But the mega 3 fatty acids will do wonders for Snake’s immune system.

Emma: Cool.

Joey: Salad, bread, and dessert. (To Sydney) Okay, we should go before they arrive.

Sydney: Right.

(Door opens and Snake, Spike, and Jack arrive home)

Snake: Ugh, that was a pain in the… (Sees Joey and Sydney) Surprise…

Spike: What are you guys doing here?

Joey: We just thought we’d drop off some food, and now we’re gunna leave ‘cuz we know you’ve had a hard day. (Sydney and Joey start to leave)

Snake: No, what this? No it’s nothing! Stay, Stay!

Spike: Archie, come on. You’re exhausted.

Snake: No I’m not!

Spike: Fine, but I want you to sit.

Snake: Oh, sit, right. The biopsy was from my pelvic bone so, uh, I won’t be complaining about hemorrhoids anytime soon.

(Joey, Emma, and Sydney exchange looks)

Snake: That was a joke! You know I’m not dead yet.

Spike: Snake!

Snake: What? What, we’ve got good food, my friends are here, and I just had marrow taken out of my butt. So sue me if I want to have a good time. Come on… (Turns on CD player) Let’s get this party started! (Dances as Emma, Joey, and Sydney walk back over to the table) Smells great! (Hugs Spike)

On a city street

Marco: (Walking outside on the phone with Jimmy) Hey Jim! It’s Marco. I got off at the wrong stop. I know! I just turned onto Church Street. I’ll be there soon. Ciao. (Hangs up phone)

(Marco soon realizes he is walking through a h*m* area of the city. He keeps walking and he notices a group of men outside. We see a man clench his fist. Marco tries to keep walking, but they surround him)

Man: (To Marco) What? Are you, lost? Huh?

Marco: No, actually I’m just meeting some friends for a hockey game.

(Marco tries to walk by but the man pushes him back)

Man: Boy’s night out in boy’s town, huh? Huh?

(Men surround Marco. Marco looks terrified.)

Marco: Uh, uh…yeah. Actually I think I can find it, thanks.

(Marco is pushed)

Man: I don’t care what you want, “f*gg*t”! (Takes off his jacket) Do you know what I want? Huh? (Knocks Marco’s hat off and puts it on, then punches his hand in front of Marco’s face)

At hockey game

(Dylan walks by crowd to get on the ice. Paige, Craig, Jimmy, and Spinner cheer for him as he walks by)

Spinner: (To Paige) You’re such a cheerleader! (”Accidentally” knocks Jimmy’s popcorn out of his hand)

Jimmy: Open your eyes!

Spinner: Dude, it was an accident!

Jimmy: No, it was you being a loser. Look if Marco gets here before I get back, don’t let him out of your sight. (Walks away)

Spinner: Yes, mom, I’ll be nice to your girlfriend. (Joins Craig and Paige watching the game)

Jimmy: (In aisle, dials Marco’s number)

In the park

(The men are playing around with Marco)

Man: You are pretty, aren’t you? (Men laugh at Marco) Almost girl pretty.

(Marco’s phone rings)

Man: Oh! I think that’s his boyfriend! Answer it, answer it, come on! Answer it!

Marco: (Answers his phone) Guys help me! I’m in the park!

(Man knocks phone out of Marco’s hand and it smashes to the ground)

At hockey rink

Jimmy: (Confused) Marco? Marco? (Walks out of the stands)

In the park

(Marco is thrown on the ground, and the men beat him up. Marco tries to fight it, but he can’t. He tries to tell them to stop, but they don’t listen. A police car arrives at the scene, and the men run away and leave Marco)

Police Woman: Hold it! Stay right there! (Stops at beaten up Marco on the ground and comforts him as another police man chases after the men)

At hockey rink

(Jimmy tries calling Marco again but only gets his voicemail. He leaves the rink)
In the park

(Police Woman and Marco are leaning against the police car. She is telling him he will be okay)

Jimmy: (Arrives) Marco! Marco!

Police Woman: Hey! (Holds him back)

Jimmy: I’m a friend.

Police Woman: Your friend’s gunna be just fine. We’ll get the creeps that did this to him.

Jimmy: (Hugs Marco) It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s alright. You’re gunna be just fine. It’s alright. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere, okay? (Marco is crying) You’re alright. You’re gunna be okay.

At school

Manny: (On TV) Big news, Degrassi. Mr. Simpson’s spur of the moment fundraiser – a huge success. So after-school in the foyer there’s going to be some head- shaving goin’ on.

(Paige, Emma, and Hazel are in the hallway watching the TV)

Paige: (To Emma) Nice to know someone in your family has a sense of humor, Emma. (Her and Hazel walk away)

(Marco and Ellie walk by)

Ellie: So you’re walking through the gay village alone, at night, and you get “ swarmed for your shoes”?

Marco: That’s what happened. (Looks at Ellie) Look, you don’t believe me El? Whatever.

Ellie: I don’t. You should talk to the police.

Marco: I did, last night!

Ellie: And your parents?

Marco: What don’t you get, El? With Spin and after last night I am not telling anybody anything ever again!

Ellie: So, what? You’re just gunna pretend…”

Marco: (Interrupts) No, I’m just…I’m just not gunna be anything, okay? Gay or straight.

Ellie: And so what about Dylan?

Marco: Ellie, just drop it, please! It’s over.

In the hallway

(Dylan faces Marco through the glass doors. He opens the door for Marco)

Dylan: Wow, they really did a number on you… (Tries touching Marco’s face)

Marco: (Hits Dylan’s hand away) Yeah. (Walks by)

Dylan: Marco!

Marco: Look, I’m fine, okay? So just leave me alone. (Walks away)

In front foyer

(We see a crowd of people in the foyer and hear them chanting, “Shave the Snake!” Snake is sitting in a chair on the stairs and Manny runs down to meet him)

Manny: Mr. Simpson, thanks so much for doing this. The Squad owes you.

Snake: Yeah….a toupee. So, whose the lucky hairdresser?

(Sheila the lunch lady arrives holding a garden utensil (or something))

Sheila: It’s been ten years still (something) cod on the Grand Bay Princess. Hands steady as a surgeon.

Snake: (Nervous) Okay…

Sheila: (Gets behind him with the hair buzzer) Sit back. Relax.

(She starts buzzing his hair off. We see Emma looking upset, and not seeing the head-shaving as a joke. We see Ellie video-taping the event. The crowd claps when Sheila is done, and Snake’s head is bald)

Snake: (Looking in mirror) Whoa… (Gets up) Thank you, thank you. (His phone rings and he looks at it and then Emma) Remember, guys, bald is beautiful. Thanks for coming out and supporting the Junior Spirit Squad Fundraiser. (Leaves the foyer)

Manny: (To Emma) Even you’ve got to admit that was cool. (Emma doesn’t respond) Okay, what now Em? How have I offended you this time? Emma…what is it?

Emma: (Seeing Snake outside on the phone) Nothing.

Manny: Then why do you look like you’re gunna cry?

Emma: (Crying) Home’s not too good right now, okay?

Manny: Is it the baby? Are your parents fighting?

Emma: Snake is sick and it might be bad. But they’re just doing tests. They’re might be nothing wrong at all, right?

Manny: Yeah, he’s gunna be fine, Em. I know it.

On basketball court

(Jimmy sh**t a perfect shot)

Jimmy: (To Spinner) Didn’t touch the rim, so sixteen to four, extra point (something) “mwa.” Dude, I know basketball’s not your game, but come on, at least try.

(Spinner runs up and steals the ball from Jimmy and sh**t a lay-up)

Spinner: Ohhh, what’s that? Sixteen to five?

Jimmy: No it’s not, because this is twenty-one we’re playing. You sh**t, and you score. (sh**t ball) No lay-ups.

Spinner: Oh, well, we must follow all the rules to the letter or Mr. Teacher will get mad. Dude, you’re worse than Marco.

Jimmy: What’s bugging you now?

Spinner: The guy gets a black eye and it’s the end of the world. (Spinner holds his eye and fakes crying. Jimmy then throws the ball at him forcefully) Hey!

Jimmy: Look, you weren’t there last night when I found him, okay?

Spinner: Okay, calm down hero. Just relax.

Jimmy: You’re such a loser. (Picks up bag and starts to walk away)

Spinner: Why? ‘Cuz I’m not all broken up over Marco and his stolen dancing shoes? Look, if he would’ve walked to the game with us none of that would’ve happened! Last night was his fault, not mine! (Throws ball at fence)

Outside Degrassi

Emma: (To Snake) So, was it the hospital? (Snake nods) And?

Snake: Better get used to the new look. My first round of Chemo is in a couple of days. Looks pretty sexy, I think. You know, get me some fancy duds, buy me a new sports car, I’ll be stylin’. (Emma cries) Em…don’t cry. (Gets up from bench) Don’t cry. There’s nothing to cry about.

Emma: Snake, you have cancer. You’re sick, and you’re always just so calm, or joking, or shaving your head like nothing’s wrong.

Snake: Because I have to be like this, Emma, if I’m gunna beat it.

Emma: And are you?

Snake: Yes! I promise you, and Jack, and your mom. Yes! (Wipes Emma’s tears)

In boys bathroom

Jay: (To Marco) Hey Marco, I always knew you and Dylan were meant for each other. (Jokingly kisses the air and walks away)

Marco: What?

(Marco walks over to where Spinner wrote about him, and sees it. Spinner walks in)

Marco: No, huh? You didn’t tell anybody my secret, did you Spin?

Spinner: I don’t need this.

Marco: Man, all I did was tell you the truth!

Spinner: I never asked you to!

Marco: And just like I didn’t ask to be gay. Or you didn’t ask to like Paige, or Craig didn’t ask to like Ash.

Spinner: It’s not the same!

Marco: No…you get it easy.

Spinner: Then stop being gay!

Marco: Oh right, Spin, I’m just gunna go do that!

Spinner: Well, why not? It’s not like you’ve actually done anything yet! Not that I need to know.

Marco: Spin…

Spinner: And nobody else needs to know, either. I mean, you can try dating Hazel, for real. (Marco shakes his head) Why not?!

Marco: Even strangers know, Spin. Last night wasn’t about my shoes. Those guys, they knew! And they bashed me because they hate it. Just like you do!

Spinner: Dude, that’s brutal, but you can’t compare me to those guys.

Marco: Really? Why not? (Walks away)

(Freeze frame on Spinner’s face)
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