01x01 - (D) Izuku Midoriya: Origin

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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01x01 - (D) Izuku Midoriya: Origin

Post by bunniefuu »


Why are you being so mean?

You're making him cry, Kacchan!

If you keep on hurting him...

Uhh... I'll, uhh...

I'll stop you myself!

You want to pretend to be a hero?

You don't stand a chance without a Quirk...




[cicadas chirping]

Here's the sad truth...

All men are not created equal.

When I was four years old,
I learnt that some kids

have more power than others.

# #

But that won't hold me back...

If anything, it pushes me to do better.



[loud roar]

Izuku Midoriya

[gasp] That's one huge super-villain!

# #

The first incident was in Keikei City


An extraordinary child was born

who radiated light.

who radiated light.


After that, reports of people with superpowers

popped up across the globe.

No one knew what was causing these Quirks...

Before long, the supernatural
became the totally normal.

Dreams are reality.

The world became a superhuman society

with about 80% of the population

possessing some uncanny ability.

Our streets looked like
scenes from comic books.

A city swirled with chaos and confusion,

a new profession dominated
our collective consciousness.

[loud roar]

It was an age of heroes.


Oh, nice! Way to go, Deatharms.

The Punching Hero!

I wish I had a Quirk that
made me super strong!

Everyone, please stay back!

This area is far too dangerous!

Woah! The Rescue Specialist
Backdraft is here?

He'll make sure we're okay.

This guy must be pretty desperate
to go full monster

in the middle of the city.

- Do you know what happened?
- Just some amateur.

Stole someone's bag then
got himself cornered.

[scoffs] A Quirk like that and
he's just a petty thief

I got held up, the train's out.

Another villain.

I'm not sure when I'm gonna
make it into the office


It's Kamui!

We're your biggest fans!

Get away from me or
I'll break your back!

Oh, this is going to be good!

It's Kamui Woods!

He may be new

but he's making a big name of himself!

Why, I look at that dopey grin

and I know what you are...

A fanboy!

Uh... sorta...

as*ault, robbery, and illegal use of

powers during rush hour traffic.

You are the incarnation of evil!

- There! His special move!
- C'mon, Tree Man!

Show us something flashy!

The Pre-Emptive...


Lacquered Chain Prison!

Canyon Cannon!

[all] Money shot,
money shot, money shot...

Piece of cake for the world's next hottest hero.

Hi there everyone,
I'm Mount Lady.

And you don't have to worry
about this bum anymore.

Money shot, money shot, money shot...

[crowd cheering]

What? She's getting all the credit?

With the rise of superpowers came

an expl*sive increase
in criminal activity.

While governments were stuck trying

to figure out how to reform
with Quirks in mind,

courageous people started
performing heroic acts

to keep our cities safe.

Protecting us against villains
who abuse their powers for evil.

With overwhelming public support,

heroes found an official place
as peacekeepers

overseen by the government.

Those who perform the best
were paid the most

and got all the fame and glory.

Their careers depended on
their ability to stay in the spotlight.

Gigantification, huh...

Well, she's definitely got the looks
and attitude to be a crowd favourite

and her Quirk is really showy.

But it will be hard for her to
get around much in the city

without damaging lots of things.

That means, she might not be very useful...

What's that, fanboy?

You're taking notes over there?

Wanna be a hero too, huh?


Yes! More than anything.

Aldera Junior High

So... as third-year students
Aldera Junior High

So... as third-year students

it's time to start thinking seriously

about your futures and what you
want to do with your lives.

I could pass out some
career aptitude tests.


Why bother?

I know you all want to
go to the Hero Track!

[all cheering]

Yes, yes, you've got some
very impressive Quirks

but no power usage allowed in school.

Get a hold of yourselves...

Hey, teach...

Don't lump me in with
this bunch of losers.

I'm the real deal but
these guys will be lucky

to end up as sidekicks
to some busted D-lister.


Katsuki Bakugo

Katsuki Bakugo

You think you're better
than us, Katski?!

Let's go, I'll take you all on!

Huh, you've got impressive test results.

Maybe you will get into U.A. High.

He's gonna try for the national school?!

That school has a 0.2% acceptance rate!

It's impossible to get into!

And that's exactly way it's
the only place worthy of me.

I aced all of the mock tests.

I'm the only one at this
school who stands a chance

of getting in.

I'll end up more popular
than All Might himself!

And be the richest hero of all time!

People all across the world will know who I am

and it all starts with U.A. High!

Oh yeah, Midoriya...

Don't you want to go to U.A. too?

[all laughing]

Midoriya? You're kidding, right?

There's no way of getting
into the Hero Course

without a Quirk.

Well, actually they got
rid of that rule.

I could be the first one...

[angry yell]

Listen up, Deku...

You're even worse than the rest
of these damn rejects,

you Quirk-less wannabe!

You really think they
let someone like you in

when they could have me?


No way! You've got it all wrong.

Really! I'm not trying to
compete against you.

You gotta believe me!

It's just that...

I've wanted to be a hero
since I was little.

I may not have an quirk...

But I can still try my hardest, can I?

You'd never be able to hang with

the best of the best.

You'd die in the exams!

Defenseless Izuku!

The schools already crappy,
you really wanna

embarrass it more by failing so hard?

12:02 PM, the same city

[woman screaming]
12:02 PM, the same city

[woman screaming]

Hey, get back here!

Someone stop that monster!

Yell at you want, sucker.

This cash is mine!


MAN 1:
Dude, where are all the heroes?

MAN 2:
Weird, normally someone would
swoop in right away...

MAN 3:
Maybe they're all still busy
from that scene this morning

Remember when we didn't have to worry about

randos with Quirks all the time?

MAN 2:
Seriously, there's no stopping them.

Yes, there is...


You know why?


I am here!

Oh yeah, we should go to karaoke tonight.

Yeah, let's go.

Man, that fight from this morning

is all over the news.

Better write some notes down
before I forget anything.

I don't know what you
think you're doing Deku,

but we're not done.

What ya got, his diary?

Hero Analysis for the Future

Hero Analysis for the Future

Don't tell me you're taking notes
on how to be a hero.
Hero Analysis for the Future

Don't tell me you're taking notes
on how to be a hero.

It's so pathetic! [laughs]

He's delusional!

Yeah, real funny, guys.

Just give it back.


That's so mean!


Most first-string heroes
show potential early on,

people look at them and just know
they're destined for greatness.

When I'm the only student from
this garbage junior high

to get into U.A., people will
start talking about me like that.

They'll realise I'm legit,
the next big thing.

That's not ego talking,
I just know I'm good.


Here's a little word of advice, nerd:

Don't even think of applying, or else.


That's just sad.

I thought you'd at least
had some fight in you.

He finally gets it,
he'll never be a hero.

Better to find out now
instead of later, I guess.

You know, if you really want
to be a hero that badly,

There actually might be another way...

Just pray that you'll be born with
a Quirk in your next life,

and take a swan-dive
off the roof of the building.


Something wrong?


That idiot!

You can't go around telling
people to k*ll themselves.

What if I really jumped,
what would he do then?

My dreams have
turned into fish food.

That's enough, give it back.

Damn it.

Stupid jerk.

Mom, hurry!

C'mon, mom!

It's computer time!


[groans] Faster, let's go!

Geez, I think you've
added 10,000 views

to this one yourself, Izuku.

I don't know why you like it,
I think it's scary.


The video I loved was an old one.

Disaster footage from a long time ago.

[crowd screaming]

But more importantly,

it was the debut of the greatest hero

the world has ever known.

Who is he? The guy's already saved

a hundred people at least

and it hasn't even been ten minutes.

This is... this is crazy!

I can't believe it!


[boastful laughing]

Look! He's got more!

[laughing contunes]


# Triumphant music #

Fear not, citizens!

Help has arrived!


Because I am here!

[excited noises]

# #

He's the coolest in the universe!

And once I get my Quirk,

I'm gonna be a hero just like him.

[boastful laughing]

Sorry kid, it's not gonna happen.

Oh dear.

So you really think there's
something wrong, then?

Most of the other
kindergartners in his class

have begun to show signs already.

My records say you're a
fourth-generation Quirk user.

What powers do you and
the boy's father have?

Nothing too special.

I can float small objects towards me

and my husband breathes fire.

They're useful enough, I suppose.

Izuku should have already
manifested one of these Quirks

or a combination of both,

but after viewing his x-rays,
I don't think he's going to.

You see, when superpowers
first began appearing

there were many
research studies conducted

and doctors discovered
a link between the bones

in a person's foot and their
likelihood of developing a Quirk.

People with powers have only
one joint in their pinky toes.

Their bodies have evolved into a
more streamlined version

of the human form.

You can see here that Izuku
has two joints in his pinky.

Like roughly 20% of
the population these days.

Based on the research that's available

it's safe to say your son
isn't going to develop a Quirk.

# #


Who is he?

This guy's already saved
a hundred people at least

and it hasn't been ten minutes!

This is... this is crazy!

I can't believe it!

[boastful laughing]

Look! He's got more!

Fear not, citizens!

Help has arrived!

Because I am here!

See that, mom?

There's always a smile on his face

no matter how bad things get.

# #

Even when things seemed impossible

he never gives up.


Do you think...

I can be a hero too?

# #

I'm sorry, Izuku.

I wish things were different.



That's not what I needed you to say.

Couldn't you see?

My world was crumbling...

And there was only one thing
I wanted to hear...

I made a decision that day.

No matter what anyone else thinks,

I have to believe in myself.

And I'll keep smiling, just like him!


[boastful laughing]

[swirling noise]


A villain?


You'll make a perfect skin suit

for me to hide in, kid!



Don't worry, I'm just
taking over your body.

It'll be easier for
both of us if you

if you don't fight back.

It will only hurt for a minute.

You'll feel better soon.

I can't... breathe...

Grab all you want,

my body's made of fluid.

Thanks for the help.

You're a real hero to me, kid.

I didn't know he was in the city.

I gotta get outta here fast,

before he tracks me down.

My body...

getting... weak...

I think I'm dying...

No way... this can't be the end...




Have no fear, you're safe.

# Triumphant music #

Now that I'm here, that is.



I can't... hold... together...

# #

Is that...

All... Might?


Wake up.


Thought we lost you there!

[weak yell]


Well, looks like you're
moving around all right.

Sorry about that back there.

I didn't mean to get you
caught up in my justice-ing.

Usually I pay more attention to
keeping bystanders safe.

But it turns out this city's sewer system

is pretty difficult to navigate!

[boastful laughing]

Anyway, you were a big help.

Thank you!

I've captured the evil-doer!

The most amazing hero in the entire world...

All Might... the real thing...

in the flesh...
standing right in front of me!

He looks so much cooler in person!

Holy crap, I gotta get an autograph.

I've got a pen around here somewhere...

Please sign my notebook.

[screams] He already did!


Thank you so much!

This will be an heirloom, a family treasure

passed down for
generations to come!


Well, I've gotta get this guy to the police

so they can take care of him.

Stay out of trouble, see you around!

Wait... you're leaving?

- Already?
- Pro heroes are
constantly fighting

time as well as enemies!

He can't go yet.

There's still so many
questions I have to ask him...

Now stand back, I'm taking off!

[yells] Thanks for your
continued support!



Hey, hey, hey!
What do you think you're doing?!

Let go! I love my fans
but this is too much!

No way, we're flying!

If I let go now, I'll die!

Oh, that's a good point.

I just have a lot... of things

I want to ask you, personally.

You're my all-time
favourite hero, All Might


Okay, okay! I get it.

Just keep your
eyes and mouth shut.

# #




[expl*sive rumble]


My whole life just
flashed before my eyes.

Not a very smart move.

Bang on the door for a while,

someone will let you in.

Now, I have to go.

See you on the flip side.

Wait, not yet.

- One second!
- No!

I don't have any time.

I have to know!

Sorry kid, it's not gonna happen...

I'm sorry, Izuku...

I wish things were different...

Defenseless Izuku!

The school's already crappy,

you really wanna embarrass it
more by failing so hard?

Sometimes I do feel like I'm a failure...

like there's no hope for me.

But even so...

I'm not gonna give up,


# #

Is it possible to become a hero,

even if I don't have a Quirk?

I'm a normal kid without any powers.

Could I ever hope to
be someone like you?

# Music swells #

Meeting All Might was
a dream come true.

A real miracle.

Standing in front of me was the hero

I idolised most of my life.

I didn't realise it at the time,

but that chance encounter would change

the course of my future.

# #


Never fear, adoring public!

Never fear, adoring public!

I am here!

For the next episode preview!

That goo villain has
taken a boy hostage

and is running amok in the town?

This isn't good! But...

I can't use my powers much longer or...


You're pathetic, fraud All Might!

Next time: What it
takes to be a hero.

We pros risk our lives for it's our duty

to put our Quirks to the test

What It Takes to Be a Hero
to put our Quirks to the test

and go beyond our limits!
What It Takes to Be a Hero

Plus Ultra!
What It Takes to Be a Hero

Plus Ultra!
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