06x17 - (S) The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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06x17 - (S) The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, to be approached by you, whom many

think will soon be the number one hero!

I never even dreamed of it.

What good fortune!

Our Himura family has a long

and distinguished history,

so we believe we can provide

a spouse fitting for a top hero.

She was a woman like ice.

It was more or less made

to look like an arranged marriage,

but this was a Quirk marriage.

Choosing a spouse to make one's

own Quirk stronger and passing it on...

The purpose of the marriage

was to have babies.

It's what I wanted.

If my flame Quirk

and the ice Quirk of the

Himura family were to mix,

I thought we could give birth to a hero

who could surpass even All Might.

And even though the Himura family was once

prestigious, they were now struggling.

Wanting the status and prestige of

the number two hero, and the bride price,

her father easily agreed

to my proposition.

She could have refused.

However, even knowing

that it was a Quirk marriage,

she became my wife

for the sake of her family.

Do you like the flowers?

Yes. They're very pretty.

Strong, but seeming like

she'd melt and vanish at one touch...

R-Rei... Are you... all right...?

I'm not all right.

That's why I came.

You're not the one

suffering the most right now.

Because you're not the only

one who didn't see that child.

I'm pretty badly b*rned...

I can't feel a thing.

That guy's my dad.

He won't die from something like that.

Even if he wanted to die, his position

as the number one hero won't allow it.

It's about time he appeared in public.

I hope I can see his pathetic face soon.

I can't wait.

It's taken so long to get here.

Enji Todoroki. Mom. Fuyumi. Natsu. Shoto.

Look at me...

From the depths of hell.

"The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire"

Hey, why?!

It's a day off, so why won't

you do Quirk training with me?!

Why are you suddenly

saying we can't do it?!

I've told you over and over already.

It's for your own sake.

I'm leaving now.

This is an unusual situation.

His Quirk factor shows a stronger

tendency toward the flame Quirk,

but his body appears to have

taken after his mother's side more.

In other words, his body seems to tolerate

ice and the cold better than flames.

Anyway, if it looks like you're

trying for a designer baby...

In this Quirk era, it's taboo,

so I think you should stop.

Anyway, please keep Toya from

using his Quirk as much as possible.

In the worst-case scenario,

he could burn himself with his own flames

and be badly injured.


I thought you could surpass All Might

since your flames

are stronger than mine...

But why...

"No. Hero"

"All Might"

"Splendid work today, too!"

"No. Hero"

"All Might"

"Splendid work today, too!"

He saved municipalities today, too!

As long as we have All Might,

--there's no way we would yield to evil!

--Hey, Fuyumi, why do you think

I can't do Quirk training anymore?

--there's no way we would yield to evil!


I'm just a little b*rned, that's all.

I can take it just fine.

I know my body better than anyone!

But I don't want you to get hurt either!

Don't like it!

You don't understand!

Girls wouldn't understand!

But I'm worried about you!

I've already decided.

I already want to surpass him.

You're the one who lit

that fire under me, Dad!


That's too much...

It's too cruel!

Toya already knows

what you want from your kids.

No matter what I say, he comes

back with new burns every day...

"Why does All Might

capture people's hearts?"

"Why does All Might

capture people's hearts?"

He also takes after me in foolishness...

"Why does All Might

capture people's hearts?"

There's only one way to make him give up.

There's only one way to make him give up.

Toya cannot surpass All Might...

Dad, I can surpass All Might, too...

Look, I can use such strong flames now.

I've been practicing all this time...

I can do it...

I can surpass All Might... so...

Look at me.

No! Why can't you understand?!

Why can't you understand even

after getting b*rned so badly?!

Toya! Look outside of yourself.

Go play with Fuyumi and Natsuo!

Make friends at school!

There's a wide world out

there outside of being a hero.

Don't you get it?

Then you'll forget.

All the kids at school say

they're going to be heroes.

There's no way I can understand!

Because I... am your son...

--Toya, you need to cool--

--You're the one who lit

that fire under me, Dad!

--Toya, you need to cool--

It won't go away...

I can't pretend it never happened...

Look at me, Endeavor.


Look at me!

From now on, Shoto will not be

allowed to be near the other children.

I have work, so I cannot

watch him all the time,

but I have hired help to do that.

And you should not

let Toya out of your sight.

That child wants you to look at him...

I can only show him...

the world of a hero.


You're just running away.

"Toya Todoroki"


"Second Son - Natsuo ()"

"Oldest Daughter - Fuyumi ()"

"Second Son - Natsuo ()"

"Oldest Daughter - Fuyumi ()"

Let's play!

"Oldest Son - Toya ()"

"Oldest Son - Toya ()"



Are you okay?

"Third Son - Shoto ()"

Are you okay?

Don't look at that, Shoto.

They're from a different world than you.

Can't I just play with Toya

and the others once?

No, you have training.

Well, I was wrong back then.

Shoto didn't do anything wrong.

But Dad was wrong, too.

We're failures, so he never talks to us.

It's amazing if you think about it.

Having kids he doesn't need...

That's what a modern hero is.

You've told me a million times.

Why don't you go tell Sis next time?

Are you blaming me, too, Natsu?

Please don't! I'm telling you because

you're the only one who understands!

You know, right? All the women

in our family are useless!

Wait! You're planning on going

to the mountain again, aren't you?

Why don't you try playing

with your classmates sometimes?

I don't need friends!

Our worlds are different!

Toya, do you...

really want to become a hero?

To me, it seems like you're

bound by your father and suffering.

Toya, there are lots of paths,

and you have countless choices.

Don't just look at your father.

Look outside to the rest of the world.

I want you to find something

you really want to be out there...

What do you know, Mom?

Did you read a self-help

book or something?!

Grandma and Grandpa were

poor--that's why they sold you, right?

You had no choice but to do as they said.


That's why I was born...

You were complicit, too, Mom!


The fire wouldn't be extinguished.

I was younger and smaller

than most kids in my grade,

and I'd finally hit puberty.

As my body changed, my flames

also changed from red to blue.

I see. It is like a

bodily function, after all!

When I got excited, there was

a direct link to my firepower!

I'm so amazing! Dad will be so surprised!

Oh, but... damn it, why does

getting excited make me cry?

Dad, come to Sekoto Peak

on your next day off!


He's been practicing on places

where no one could see!

Toya, you're still--

It's really cool! Make sure you come!

I might be able to get to Shoto's level!

I don't think I'd lose

to All Might, either!

And I'm sure you'd

have to accept it, too--

I'll make you glad I was born!

Why didn't you stop Toya?!

I told you!

Don't bully Mommy!

Stop! Don't bully her!

Shoto, you get out!

This has nothing to do with you!

What do you know, Mom?

My options were limited...

But I chose and moved

forward on my own feet.

At least...

I thought that I would

try to keep smiling. But...

I couldn't stop him...

You do it! I'm not going to!

You do it!

Hey. What can you see right now?

Stop looking at me with those eyes...

Stop looking at me with those eyes...

Those eyes...!

I was made to isolate at a hospital,

and I heard about Toya there.

And then, my mind broke completely.

Don't come out, tears! I'm not gonna cry!

You didn't go to Sekoto Peak.

If I had gone, I think I would've just

added fuel to the flames of his emotions.


I don't think I would've

known what to say to him...


It was the same for me.

It's so hot! It won't go out!

That was really hot.

Well, you reap what you sow.

I mean, all you taught me was

how to increase my firepower.

That day, if I had only been

able to give everything up...

But after I k*lled Toya,

I couldn't go back...

All I could do...

was concentrate on Shoto.

As your feelings escalated,

you became repulsive to me...

I even started to see vestiges

of you in the children...

Even though I knew we were breaking apart,

I was too scared to dig too deep...

All I did... was keep up appearances...

You started it all,

and you were the cause...

But if I'd been able

to knock some sense into Toya,

he wouldn't have turned into Dabi,

and I might've been able

to make soba for Shoto.

The responsibility...

...is not yours to bear alone.

Even if your spirit's broken to pieces,

we will help you stand.

You have no choice but to fight Dabi.

Are you... really... Rei...?

Our child, who must've suffered

so much more than we did...

He called me "Mom" again even

though he had every right to hate me.

He made friends at U.A. High School

and saved our family.

Shoto is our family's hero.

Before coming here, I talked to Mom.

I thought you couldn't fight anymore.

I thought I had no choice

but to do it myself.

But that doesn't seem to be the case.

Once you're done crying, stand up.

We'll all go stop Toya together.

Sho... Shoto...


Sorry, we were eavesdropping.

Will you let us join your family trip?

Best Jeanist... Hawks...!

I was released from

the hospital yesterday

and already gathered a bunch of informa--

I deeply apologize for my son's actions.


"tap tap tap tap tap tap"


"tap tap tap tap tap tap"

That's not why we came out.

"tap tap tap tap tap tap"

Please stop, ma'am.

We just wanted to ask you

some questions about Dabi.

Even though eavesdropping

is like illegal denim.

What's illegal denim?

The source of his resentment can

become a hint for how to handle him.

We can ask him about how he survived and

how he transformed into Dabi in person.

I used to watch

a lot of old videos of you,

but I never thought that your tenacity

when you were young

would snowball into this.

I'm shocked.

This didn't come up

when you were talking about Toya,

but was Shoto's burn you, too?


It was me.


He called me "Mom" again even

though he had every right to hate me.

I see.

I couldn't confront those two.

I gave up and abandoned them.


You're so cool.

Endeavor, outside, it's hell right now.


Shigaraki, Dabi,

Himiko Toga, Spinner, Skeptic,

and escaped Liberation Front members.

And seven Near High End Nomus.

Their whereabouts are all unknown.

In addition, other than Tartarus,

six other prisons have been breached,

and at least , prisoners

have been released into the wild.

We have also lost the ability

to bring together the heroes.

Heroes who have seen

which way the wind is blowing

are still resigning one after another.

Civilians who don't have

complete faith in heroes anymore

are taking up arms and

fighting villains themselves,

and the current state is one

where injury is causing more injury.

Currently, the government is requesting

rescue teams and heroes from other countries,

but since the safety

commission at a standstill,

paperwork to dispatch heroes

can't be completed.

All this happened in just two days.

As your wife said,

you have no choice but to fight.

And it's the same for us.

Responsibility for the current situation

is not the number one hero's

burden to bear alone.

And it's not just your family's either.

Why...? What?

Even if what Dabi said about

the Todoroki family was true,

I'm sure things are different now.

I want to support people

who are trying to do what's right!

And so, let's have a team-up

of the top three heroes!

I've already bet my life on Hawks.

I'm used to walking down hellish runways.

Look, with your family and us--

Doesn't it make the

burden feel a little lighter

and make you feel like you can walk again?



It's just until we stop Toya.


Now, to get down to business.

First, we must explain to the public.

After Dabi's accusations,

we cannot avoid that.

"tap tap tap tap swipe tap tap tap tap"

After Dabi's accusations,

we cannot avoid that.

"tap tap tap tap swipe tap tap tap tap"

I've given thought to

roughly how we can respond,

"tap tap tap tap swipe tap tap tap tap"

but there's still one thing

I'm unclear about.

but there's still one thing

I'm unclear about.

What is "One For All"?

Now that you mention it, earlier...

While he was fighting Shigaraki,

Endeavor said something

about "One For All."

Do you know what that is?

Does it have anything to do

with that supervillain, All For One?!

"One For All."

We must find out

the truth behind what that is.

Excuse me for using a private line.

It's possible that Shigaraki is after me!


Deku, you bastard!

--Why are you still asleep when I'm awake?!

--Don't yell!

--Why are you still asleep when I'm awake?!

--There's no time to be

sad when this guy's awake.

Sorry, Tsu. Thanks!

They finally left...

When I saw his injury,

I imagined it was bad, but...

He's even louder than ever.


Tokoyami and Kaminari

can also be discharged!

Really? That's great!

Uraraka, Midoriya's body is fine, right?

That's what I heard, but...

I'm worried...


Great expl*si*n m*rder God Dynamight.

Are you all right?

Do I look all right?!

We would like to speak

with Izuku Midoriya.

Right now, All Might said

to leave them alone.

All Might did?

Endeavor said Shigaraki

was after Midoriya.

If you add All Might to that equation...

What in the world is One For All?

Young Midoriya...

I can feel it... The me inside the

young man--inside One For All...

Right now, you're talking to

the previous wielders, aren't you?



Here's the preview.

While I continue to sleep,

I'm led into the world of One For All.

Past generations of

wielders share secrets.

And then, I am asked:

"Can you k*ll Tomura Shigaraki?"

I definitely--

Next time, "Izuku Midoriya

and Tomura Shigaraki."

My origin is tested.

"Next time: Izuku Midoriya

and Tomura Shigaraki"

"Next time: Izuku Midoriya

and Tomura Shigaraki"

Go beyond!
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