01x02 - Under Pressure

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Rescue Bots". Aired: December 17, 2011 – October 22, 2016.*
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Set on the fictional island of Griffin Rock somewhere off the coast of Maine, the Rescue Bots (a group of Autobots designed for rescue missions) named Heatwave, Boulder, Blades, and Chase respond to Optimus Prime's message for any active Autobots in outer space to come to Earth.
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01x02 - Under Pressure

Post by bunniefuu »

Under Pressure You will be compensated for any damages, citizen.

Attention, rescue team.

Robo landscaper out of control! Could use your hand here.

It might be a while, dad.

That's just too bizarre.

They're alive, but we're supposed to ride inside of them? Don't be a wimp Graham, they're just vehicles.

Hey, I can hear you, you know.

Hurry up, Blades, we have to go.

No sign of the suspect.

What now, sir? A routine patrol of four bots in stasis Years later awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission Learn from the humans surge and protect Leaving the world on their respect Family of heroes will be their allies While they remain robots in disguise Rescue bots, roll to the rescue.

Heroes in need.

Heroes in need.

Rescue bots, roll to the rescue Rescue bots With Cody to guide them and show them the way Rescue bots are on saving the day Rescue bots, roll to the rescue Rescue bots.

Script by Arvertor Timing by Deska I advise you to hold on, sir.

You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can be used against you.

And you will not be compensated for any damages! We missed it, didn't we? What kept you all? Our rides woudln't let us drive.

They're slowing us down.

Fast enough for you? Let me out.

I'm gonna Never again.

Look, I know we're all adjusting to being a team, learning about each other, but it'll go a lot smoothly if we'll work together.

Don't worry Heatwave, I'll talk to him.

Hey, Kade, can I pop that for you? You know, it's pretty amazing you get to be partners with an alien.

Oh, yeah, amazing, I have to ask my ride to roll down my own window.

But you and Heatwave have ton things in common.

He It's not a "he", Cody, it's a truck.

And back home, Blades had wheels.

He never flew until he got to Earth.

That's why he is so bad at it.

Plus, he kinda hates heights.

Blades is my partner, he better learn to love them.

Boulder is crazy about Earth.

He wants to silk up everything he can.

And I'd love to learn about his planet's tech.

See, you're the perfect team, you can teach each other Cody, Boulder is an alien from a highly

-advanced society.

How am I gonna teach him anything? This isn't working, Optimus.

Our partners don't want anything to do with us.

Actually, Chief and I get along quite well? How are supposed to complete your mission to help humans, if they won't let us? I'm certain, you will find the way, Heatwave.

Remember, learning to communicate with humans is also part of your mission.

My partner communicates loud and clear especially loud.

Well, Cody's been trying to help us feed in.

Then take guidance from Cody.

I have found that the young of this species are the most valuable allies.

Make friends? With all do respect, Optimus, that's all you have to say? Not entirely.

Rescue Bots, good luck! Guys wow, I didn't know the bunker had a secret room! How did it go, Cody? New plan.

Kade, Dani and Graham don't know you like I do, right? So, you all just need to bond.

What does "bonding" in tail? This is the amazing thing we had to see? The bunker? We've been here thousand times.

Not in years! Oh, you still loved to play on here.

Remember, you get lost in the tunnels, Kade? Wonder if I could beat my old score.

You're on.

- First

- I wanna go all

- We could go behind we

- I let me go

- Hi!

- Really? Don't freak.

I invited them, too.

I thought it would be cool if we all hang out together.

You know, just the eight of us.

Come on, Kade.

What're you afraid of? Is this an Earth game? May I try? Sure.

You pull this to start.

Oh, fun! Now what? Lovely weather we're having today, isn't it?

- Perfect for flying!

- Or not.

- Oh, do you have any hobbies?

- Flying.

I think, we're done here.

That went quite well.

We have a situation on main in park.

Sewers are overflowing.

So call a plumber.

With lava.

This can get ugly pretty fast.

I need the whole team out here.

Cody, get on the command center commlink.

Your siblings will need some help working with their partners.

Chase, help her.

Next time, citizen, please follow the rules of the road.

It's not just a good idea, it's the law.

Can you be a little more auch, gentle with that? Soon as you want how to fly.

Dani, be nice, remember? Blades, buddy, I know, this is hard for you, but you can do it.

So do it already! Do you think this is enough to hold the lava? You're right.

Must seen such a primitive solution to you.

Graham, Boulder is not teasing you, he is trying to help.

But you gotta tell him what you're thinking, first.

I've got this covered.

You can move on, partner.

Kade, you have to work together! No time for chit

-chat, Cody.

Kade! Kade! Are you OK? Kade! You're welcome, partner.

Cody, we've cleared up the most of the downtown, but the lava won't quit.

If we can't block the leak soon, I'll need you to send out island

-wide evacuation order.

You got it, dad.

But let me call someone first.

Doc Greene, you there? Do not adjust your monitor.

I'm upside down over here, too.

I'm testing my theory that I can solve equations faster when all my blood is collected in my head.

Doc, is there a volcano on the island we don't know about? No, but there is one we do know about.

Mount Magma, built for the world's fair of 1939.

That's when we invented deep fried cotton candy, you see, when the sugar felt in the hot oil.

Doc, how could a fake volcano spill real lava into the sewers? Well, the volcano is fake, but the lava isn't.

When mount Magma was moved here, the engineers sunk the pipe deep into the Earth's core.

Bent up pressure in the core could push lava back up to the pipe.

But the top of the volcano is sealed, so the lava would come out wherever it could.

Like the sewers.

The pressure would keep forcing lava out until it covered our whole island.

That would take about 4,7 hours.

Oh, saved a full second of my calculation time! Hanging upside down really does work! Doc, this is for real.

Then you have to get rid of the lava pressure immediately.

Think of a volcano as a giant fizzy bottle.

To get rid of the pressure, you open it a little at a time, a small controlled eruption should take care of your lava problem, but don't open the lid fast or All right, team.

Just got up to comm with Cody.

He sais we can stop this lava but we have to erupt a volcano to do it.

And that's the safest option? It's the only option.

I won't lie.

Things might get hairy.

If the volcano goes up too fast, we could get caught in the lava.

I'll understand if you don't wanna be a part of this mission.

It's dangerous.

Griffin Rock isn't your home.

If you go, we go.

You'd risk your lives for us? That's what being partners means.

Wherever there is an emergency there are Rescue Bots.

Ready to serve, save and protect.

We didn't have the chance to save our home, we won't let you loose yours.

Glad to have you on board.

But for this plan to succeed, we'll all have to put aside our differences and work together as real partners.

Understood? You're almost there, guys.

Boulder, I'm sending you with schematic of how the volcano works.

Yes, I see.

Graham, you have to tell Boulder what you're thinking.

Oh, right.


OK, from this diagram, it looks like the volcano's ON

-switch should be inside the mountain nearby.

But I don't know where exactly.

That's where I can help.

- Found it.

- Wow, you have seismic imaging? Of course.

Head back to town, please.

It's about to get hot around here.

Oh, no.

We so planned this picnic

- OK, right away.

- Yes, sir.

What's going on, Cody? When do we get to see some action? Blades is moving in the place now.

Blades, we're attaching you to the switch of volcano's lowest setting.

When you fly up, the volcano will turn on and blast out the lava.

Get clear as quickly as you can.

Blades and I have it from here.

Show you two.

We did it.

Now, let's just get out of here.

I can't see! Blades, go higher! We have to get out of this.

Which way is higher? Dani, hop nicely.

I know, I know.

Blades, I'm not going let anything happen to you, I know you can't see, but I can read your instruments clear as day.

I'll guide you.

You're right side up.

Just take us as high as you can, it's OK if you go slow.

You cause nothing.

You did it, Blades! I did it, Dani, I did it! Um, excuse me.

I think, my rotor just hiccupped It must be the ash.

We better take you down.

How does it look, Kade? This lava isn't going anywhere.


Chase and I closed all the mountain roads just in case.

Sounds like crisis averted, team.

Way to go everyone.

I'll be waiting for you in the bunker.

That's weird.

The lava is disappearing.

Wasn't that what we wanted? Not like this.

Uh, you, guys.

The lava over in my side is draining in some sort of hole in the rock.

Oh, that's not a hole, it's a tunnel.

A tunnel.

Like the ones that all lead to the firehouse bunker? Wait a minute.

The lava is flowing towards the bunker? But that's where Cody is.

Cody! Cody, can you hear us? Must be offline in underground by now.

Why didn't you warn us Cody might be in danger? I

- I didn't know! There's no tunnel on the schematic! We're supposed to be heroes and we can't do anything! We can do plenty if you stop complaining and get in! Graham, are there any other tunnels near which intersect that with the lava? Oh, no.

None of this diagrams is up to date.

Boulder, can you map the tunnels below us? Dani, we're gonna need water.

Maybe we can cool this lava and slow it down.

- I'll see what I can do.

- Got it.

OK, here is the lava, if you take the tunnel below you might have the time to stop the flow before it reaches Cody.

But you have to make it to this crossing before the lava does.

We will.

I see water tower.

But there is no way we can get there on foot.

Wow! Up, Blades! Oh, no, we can't fly in this ash it might freeze your rotors.

And it might not.

If it means helping Cody it's worth to few hiccups.

- Excuse me in advance?

- Anytime, partner.

The intersection should be straight ahead.

No, no, no!

- We'll never get through!

- Get in! How did you know that would work? I didn't.

Like Graham said, if we can cool down the lava we can stop it from reaching Cody.

Not if it's just keeping coming.

Anybody ordered a drink? What? No, we're taking this to the lava.

Oh, I get it.

Earth humor.

The lava is moving too fast.

Good place as any to hold our ground.

- What happened?

- We've exhausted my water reserves.

Go, save yourself! Fat chance.

OK, Blades.

Drop the water, now! Yes, the team of top came through! You know, this doesn't mean we're best friends or anything.

I was thinking the exact same thing.

Hey, how did you guys get in here? Don't you ever scare us like that again!

- Yeah, what he said.

- What did I do? You, guys! You got to come check this out! What do you think? I mean, this is their home now, too.

Right? Sure looks that way.
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