01x04 - Flobsters on Parade

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Rescue Bots". Aired: December 17, 2011 – October 22, 2016.*
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Set on the fictional island of Griffin Rock somewhere off the coast of Maine, the Rescue Bots (a group of Autobots designed for rescue missions) named Heatwave, Boulder, Blades, and Chase respond to Optimus Prime's message for any active Autobots in outer space to come to Earth.
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01x04 - Flobsters on Parade

Post by bunniefuu »

Flobsters on Parade transcript by Arveqtor timing by f1nc0 I can't wait till tomorrow.

The lobster dinner is the best part of the festival.

Wait, Cody, "the parade of technology" is the best.

Especially my Dad's flow which did I mention I get to ride on.

Frankie, it's called "the lobster and technology festival", not the other way around.

Tech's not that important.


Then, the next time you need you computer fixed, call a lobster.

Hi, Frankie.

Hi, son.

Hold this, will you? We're almost finished invading these parade balloons.

Saved the biggest for last.

Cody, did you tell Frankie about you and the bots? I get to ride on parade, too.

With Dad.

The Rescue Bots are the guests of honor.

Robots? They're a deal.

Griffin Rock's got a million of them.

Chase, transform and rescue! I'm sorry.

Help! Daddy!? # A routine patrol of four bots in stasis # # Years later awoke in the strangest of places # # Earth was their home now and in addition # # Optimus Prime gave them this mission # # Learn from the humans surge and protect # # Leaving the world on their respect # # Family of heroes will be their allies # # While they remain robots in disguise # # Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue.

# # Heroes in need.

Heroes in need.

# # Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue # # Rescue Bots.

# # With Cody to guide them and show them the way # # Rescue Bots are now saving the day # # Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue # # Rescue Bots.

# Help! Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue! Doc! Try to get your ankle loose from the rope.

Heatwave, extend your ladder.

Way ahead of you.

As usual.

Watch yourself! There are people around.

Heatwave, climb! Yes, master.

Be careful, Daddy! I'm all right, Fra Easy now.

Down a little.

And got it.

I'm sorry I gave you a scare, honey.

But I was sorry I gave myself a scare.

But I'm fine.

Thanks to you, Kade.

Sorry, I must have something caught in my throat.

Thanks again.

Cody, might not be a bad idea have a little brush

-up class for the bots.

Some of them seem to be forgetting their robot behavior.

- And with all eyes on us tomorrow.

- I'll take care of it, Dad.

OK, you guys, remember when every you around anybody other than my family, you have to pretend to be robots.

Repeat after me.









Hey, where is Heatwave? He is the one who needs this refresher.

Havent seen him.

Well, what he did yesterday, don't do.

No emotion and you can't react unless we tell you to.


- Boulder.

- Sorry.

But there's so much to look at.

And I've never been on parade.

I want to see everything.

Think about it like a game.

Simon says: turn to your right.

Simon says: raise your left arm.

Turn left.

Simon did not authorize that last movement.

Right, Chase.

Remember, at the parade you can only do what your handlers tell you to do.

And that's precisely why I'm not going.

Pretending to be a hardware, obey humans when they're taking all the credit.

I'm setting this one out.

Heatwave, look.

I don't blame you.

My brother Kade can be a huge glory

-hog but think of all that little kids who would love to see you, when climb onto a fire truck.

My point exactly.

What do human children put on their fingers anyway? Last time a let them climb on me, I was sticky for days.

Heatwave, you've seen a poster in the chief's office.

Oh, you mean the one with the kitten hanging for the branch? No, the one that says "there is no I in team".

We're all part of the Rescue Bots squad.

We need to stick together.

You, Rescue Bots, are my team.

The humans are just my mission.

No offence, Cody.

Festival time.

We'll head over in vehicle mode then you transform to march in the parade.

We get to march? This is gonna be great.

Emergency call warning: ON.

Wow she really has a robot voice, think down.

Why are we waiting? Let's go! I'm trying.

There must be something wrong with my ignition.

- Try a little harder.

- I'm! It's it's not working.

Well, fine of me.

Now I can enjoy the parade without having to worry about cranky bot.

Town sure will be disappointed.

And I know the little ones love to climb on fire truck.

Wait here.

Cody, check it out! My Dad's newest invention.

I call it floatium.

After last night's trouble I realized what the world needs is a synthesized controllable helium.

See? A balloon with old helium.

Gone forever.

New floatium.

Voila! No more lost balloons, no more unhappy children and no more claiming for my life from the tops of buildings.

That is so cool! We've already put floatium in the parade balloons.

See? Cody, it's showtime! This



-march! Heatwave was missing a great time.

Without a doubt the biggest and best "lobster and technology festival" ever.

Boys, just makes you want to be there just watching them.

And the color the color of the balloons.

They can't even walk in the straight line without me.

Aren't there usually four Rescue Bots? Oh, well, the crowd doesn't seem to miss him.

Excuse me, I'd like that lobster, please.

Excuse me.

Come on, Frankie.

I can't wait to dig in one of those Wow! Maybe lobsters are the best part of the festival.

Flying lobsters?

- Dad, flobsters!

- What are you talking about? Flying lobsters! Look! This is not livestock again.







-assist? Just stay here for now.

As robots.

What a a a Thank you.

The lobsters must have injected the floatium.

I had no idea it was effective on living tissue.

This is even better than my spray on hens.

But the floatium will loose potency, right, Doc? Pretty out the way helium does.

The floatium was designed to last through the parade plus the time for everyone to take their balloons home divided by the half life of the helium add them two days.

Two days? We're going to have lobsters Flobsters, Dad.

Flobsters flying around Griffin Rock for two days? Precisely.

A cross station in the station.

That would get a little annoying.

I may have a solution.

I need to get back to my lab.

Can I stay here, Dad? These flobsters are fun! Just be careful.

That's good advice.

These things do have claws.

Hey, watch that you selfish shellfish! As your Mayor I consider myself the head of the whole Griffin Rock family.

So, come on down, family.

Enjoy some tech, enjoy some There it is.

You have just see it, ladies and gentlemen, our town is under attack! Hide your children, guard your property, boil some water! We can interview the Mayor later, right? Come here you little delicious crustation

- Dany, we need Blades.

- We need all the bots.

I'm not sure how much longer I can take this.

Blades, transform.





You can fly but you can't hide! All ready down here, sis.

OK, we'll rearm and go back up for another batch.

Gotta head that you squirl, that was a good idea.

Maybe, but one trap at a time.

That'll take forever.

Yes, Mr.

Murphy, we know about the lobsters.

Are you in any actual danger? Hold on Cody, I'm forwarding the emergency calls to the comm


Stay in touch with this.

Things are going naughty all over the town.

This is an order.

Put your claws over your head and Come on I have some get away.

All points bulletin.

Who's near? Lake and Arsenal.

The Mayor is under attack.

We're close.

Shu get away don't you know who I am? We didn't invite you whoa! Thank you, Boulder.

Now, put the Mayor down.

And, um, I found this.

- We sure could use Heatwave.

- My thoughts exactly.

Heatwave, I know you can hear me.

Get over here, you, piles.


Kade, that won't help.

Hello! Heatwave, can you hear me? It would be so nice if you could drop by your pil Kade! Hey, where is Frankie? This is your last warning! Come any closer and I'll be something butter on you.

Emergency dispatch.

Cody, I'm over the library and Frankie, can I call you back 'cause we are kind of in the middle of something.

You're in the middle of something? I think this box is one of Frankie's dinner.

Frankie, it's not you they are after, it's your jacket.

What? The starfish on your jacket.

The flobsters must think it's real.

Lobsters eat starfish.

You're right.

But I'm still trapped.

Hold on.

Calling all Rescue Bots.

Calling all Rescue Bots.

You think that scares me.

You gonna have to try a lot harder than that.

OK, that's hard enough.

Help! Finally managed to get your engine started, ha.

Just 'cause I don't like parades doesn't mean I'm not gonna do my job.

There's no I in Rescue Bots, right? But there is a "me" in "team".

I'm just saying.

Cody, I owe you one.

And thank you too.

Looks like you're a hero, Heatwave.





Oh, guys.

Should we do all the thanking and basking after we actually get rid of these things.

Calling all rescue team members.

Return to town square.

Doc has something.

I just synthesized a new destabilizing compound which will pump into the lobster t*nk.

It immediately starts extracting the floatium from the water.

Then, the floatium is immediated harmlessly into the atmosphere through here.

And the water returns to normal.

See? So, the lobsters in the t*nk have stop floating, but what about the ones still flying around town.

Excellent think We'll spray the extraction compound directly onto the flobsters.

But I only had time to mix one batch, so we have to make flobsters come to us.

And how do we do that? We've tried corraling, but it's like hurting cats.

Yeah, they don't seem to be afraid of anything.

Everybody's afraid of something.

OK, let's scare us some flobsters.

It's working, Dad.

Is Chase ready on Errand? All systems go.

Ready to rip.

Oh, goodie.

That's just the one I wanted.

Hi! Hey, good to see you.

Thanks for coming.

And I need your vote.

Who is ready for a lobster dinner?

- Not now.

- Lost my appetite.

If all parades are like this I can't wait for next year's.

Your planet never fails to fascinate.

What's so funny? I just got it.

"Flobsters" because they are flying up there.

OK, never mind.

You know, of all the weird things we saw today, that has to be the weirdest of all.

Here you go, buddy.
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