01x08 - Walk on the Wild Side

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Rescue Bots". Aired: December 17, 2011 – October 22, 2016.*
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Set on the fictional island of Griffin Rock somewhere off the coast of Maine, the Rescue Bots (a group of Autobots designed for rescue missions) named Heatwave, Boulder, Blades, and Chase respond to Optimus Prime's message for any active Autobots in outer space to come to Earth.
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01x08 - Walk on the Wild Side

Post by bunniefuu »

And so, in honor of Earth day, I give you Griffin Rock's new planet

-friendly building.

The Mayor Lusky library.

Repurposed aluminum

-can roof, used glass

-bottle walls, and, of course, only books printed on reclaimed paper.

Other buildings will be green with envy because everything about our library is 100% recycled.

Including the jokes.

[ telephone rings ]

Emergency dispatch, go ahead.

Charles, send the entire rescue force.


Neederlander? All right, stay calm.

A life hangs in the balance.

You must come or else.

Aah! Mrs.

Neederlander, hello? Rescue bots, roll to the rescue.


- Walk on the Wild Side

[ whirring ]

[ beeping ]

Okay, I can see Mrs.

Neederlander's house now.

Nothing looks out of the ordinary.

It could be a fire inside.

- Burglars.

- A busted pipe.

Finally! You took so long to get here, I assumed I'd have to save Mr.

Pettypaws myself.

[ crack ]

Aah! A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later, awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now, and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission learn from the humans, serve and protect live in their world, earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others, remain robots in disguise Rescue Bots roll to the rescue humans in need heroes, indeed Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots.

Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots.

Aah! Put me down, you robotic oaf! Uh, maybe you didn't notice, but "the robotic oaf" just saved your life.


Pettypaws is the one who needs saving! Ohh, my baby.

[ cat meows ]

Emergency! Some people have strange idea of what constitutes an emergency.

Boulder, please get the cat down.

[ cat meowing ]

[ branch creaks ]

[ cat purring ]

[ laughs ]

Well, at least someone knows how to say thank you.

You are welcome, Mr.


All right, everyone, team meeting.

As you know, today is Earth day.

Isn't every day on this planet "Earth day"? Eh, yes, but today is special, so we are gonna give the firehouse a good spring cleaning.

Dad, Earth day is about helping the environment, not doing chores.

We all celebrate in our own way.

[ scoffs ]

Cody, you and the bots tidy up the bunker.

Dani and Graham, garage detail.

Kade, you're with me.

All I'm saying is if a cat can climb a tree by itself, it can get down by itself.

That rescue was a complete waste of time.


Neederlander seemed pretty worried about her baby.

I was not aware humans could have domesticated animals as offspring.

[ chuckles ]

That cat isn't really Mrs.

Neederlander's baby.

He's her pet, but sometimes pets can seem like family or a best friend.

Have you ever had a pet, Cody? Nah, I always wanted a puppy, but Dad said no dogs.

[ imitating Chief Burns ]

Too much responsibility, kiddo.

Wise words these pets seem like more trouble than they're worth.

No, not all of them, Chase.

Some pets even work on rescue teams.

See? Police can use specialty trained dogs to sniff out whatever they want to find.

Some pets ride along with firemen.

And some help stranded skiers.

Incredible! Where do humans find these pets? Usually at a shelter.

All the animals are kept in big cages until somebody comes to take one home and

[ ringtone plays, beep ]

Hey, Frankie.

Yep, I'll be right out front.

I gotta go.

Doc's taking Frankie and me to see the Earth day exhibit at the Zoo.

- What's a "Zoo"?

- It's kind of like a big animal shelter.

I'll e

-mail you pictures, Boulder.

[ gasps ]

[ squeaking ]

[ gasps ]

Hey, hey, hey! How come Cody gets to quit early? I'm amazed you can see anything through that window.

Keep scrubbing.

[ camera shutter clicks ]

Cody! Hurry up! All the good photo ops are inside the Zoo.

Hold on.

I got to send this one to a friend.

Frankie, we're passing up all the animals.

To get to the best ones first the lemurs.

They're part of the Earth day exhibit.

[ camera shutter clicks ]

[ indistinct conversations ]

But don't you want to stop and see the cross

-eyed lion? Lemurs come before lions in the dictionary.

[ camera shutter clicks ]

Guess we're never gonna get to the zebras.

[ lemur sniffs, cackles ]

Aren't they amazing? These lemurs are so highly trained.

They're practically as smart as people.

[ lemur cackles ]

Uh, then why are they playing with trash? They're not playing with it.

They're sorting it.

Each lemur has been taught to find recyclable material see? They smell each piece of garbage to tell what it's made of and put it in the right thing plastic, glass, paper, whatever.

[ bell dings ]

[ lemurs cackling ]

[ lemurs chomping ]

The lemurs even clean their own dishes when they're done eating.

Wow, Kade doesn't even do that.

[ camera shutter clicks ]

Now can we see the cross

-eyed lion? Okay, but I'm not sure how well he can see us.

[ clanging ]

[ grunts ]

- Boulder.

- Shh.

Where are you going? I'm going to get a pet for the team.

Cody will be so surprised.

- I thought Chief said no dogs.

- Doesn't have to be a dog.

Cody sent me pictures from the animal shelter he went to today.

There are all kinds of pets there.

Now, I just have to pick which one to take home.

It would be nice to have more help with our rescues.

Can we get one that's furry?

[ helicopter Blades whirring ]

[ thud ]

[ grunting ]

Why are the gates locked? Probably to keep the animals safe until they're adopted.

Good thing it's a city structure.

Engineers like me and Graham have 24

-hour access.

[ zap, beep ]

[ laughs ]

[ gasps ]

Oh, they're all so cute! How are we supposed to choose just one? Look! It's a Mr.

Pettypaws in our size.

[ gasps ]

[ lion growls ]

- He doesn't look as cuddly.

- I bet he's strong.

[ lion roars ]

Look at his horizontal jaw.

He's the perfect pet for our rescue team.

[ beep ]

Huh, my scanner isn't working.

You turn off the main power.

I'll open the cage.

[ generator buzzing ]

[ buzzing stops ]

[ clang ]

[ gasps ]

[ lemurs cackling ]

Welcome, newest member of the rescue bot team.

Blades, what should we name him? Maybe Whiskers.

[ lion roars ]

[ lion roars ]


Aah! Whiskers! I don't think he likes that name.

Hurry, we have to find him before someone else adopts him.

[ thud ]

[ whirring ]

[ lemur cackles ]

[ cackling ]

[ lemurs cackling ]

[ lemur sniffs ]

[ lemur cackles ]

There! Near the alley!

[ lion growls ]

Don't worry, Whiskers.

We're here to take you home.

[ clang ]

[ both gasp ]

- Do not be alarmed.

- This is a routine patrol.

Maybe we should call the Chief? A cat doesn't constitute an emergency, remember? And we don't want to ruin Cody's surprise.

Let's just keep looking.

[ telephone rings ]

Aah! It's Mrs.

Neederlander again.

[ sighs ]

I'll take this one.

Patch her through to my comlink.

[ beep ]

Emergency! And, uh, turn down the volume, would you, son?

[ siren wails ]

Team, I have a situation here.

Let me guess a cat in a tree? You might say that.

[ lion roars ]

[ lion roars ]

But this time, I think we're gonna need some backup.

[ sighs ]

You better loop the bots in on the comlink, Dad.

Blades isn't here.

Neither is Boulder.

Where did they go? Gee, sorry, no idea.

I must have missed share time.

I'll tell Blades and Boulder to rendezvous with us at Mrs.


You three ride in Heatwave for now.

It's gonna be a tight fit.


- Hey, that's my seatbelt.

- Personal space look it up.

Watch your elbow.

[ lion roars ]

Where's Mrs.

Neederlander? The lion didn't get I mean, s

-she's not She's safe and so is Mr.


[ helicopter Blades whirring ]

Huh, well, about time.

I can't believe you went joyriding without me.

There wasn't much joy involved.

- You found my pet!

- Your pet? Well, it was supposed to be a surprise for Cody.

I think we're all surprised.

Boulder, that's no pet.

That's a wild animal.

- How did that thing get loose?

- I adopted it from an animal shelter.

- You mean a "Zoo"?

- Is there a difference?

- Big difference.

- Human customs are so confusing.

[ lion roars ]

[ both gasp ]

[ lion growls ]


[ grass rustling ]

[ lion roars ]

[ gasps ]

Nice lion.

[ lion roars ]

[ lion growls ]

[ grunts ]

[ lion growls ]

[ beep ]

[ gasping ]

[ lion roars ]

[ gasps ]

Hey, king of the jungle, over here! Frankie! What are you doing?!

[ beep ]

[ lion roars ]

[ energy pulses ]

[ lion roars ]

Go on! Scat!

[ beeping ]


-Field bracelet fashion and function.

How'd you know I was here? I tracked your cellphone signal.

The line accidentally called me.

[ lion roars ]

[ beep ]

- It's a good thing I was nearby.

- We'd better tell my Dad about this.

[ lemur cackles ]

[ all cackling ]

[ grunting ]

[ bird caws ]

[ all "ooh" ]

[ all cackling ]

[ lion roars ]

[ gasping ]

[ lion roars ]

I have a visual.

[ gasps ]


[ all screaming ]

[ camera shutter clicks ]

[ gasps ]

[ lion roars ]


[ lion roars ]

[ tires screech ]

Now, Dani.

Nice shot, Dani.

[ scoffs ]

Yeah, just find the lion, would you?

[ siren wails ]

You two, stay inside and you'll be safe.

The school's locked down until we capture that lion.

Chief Burns.

Where's your team? It's madness out here! Mayor, slow down.

Is it the lion? It's the library.

[ lemurs cackling ]

It's being destroyed by by by vermin.

[ lemurs cackling ]

Ugh! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah!

[ lemurs cackling ]

[ grunts ]

[ lemur sniffs ]

[ both gasp ]

[ lemurs cackling ]


[ grunting ]

Give me that, you overgrown squirrel.

[ grunting ]

[ tires screech ]

[ grunting ]

[ creaking ]

[ crash ]

[ lemur cackles ]

[ grunts ]

[ lemur cackles ]

Plastic?! They told me it was real hair.

[ clanging ]

Aah! Hey! Those look the super

-smart lemurs from the Zoo.

[ beep ]

You hear that, team? The lemurs must have escaped when Boulder freed that lion.

- Boulder did that?

- Oh, sorry.

I ruined the surprise.

But the Zoo lemurs were trained to sort garbage, not wreck buildings.

That building is garbage recycled garbage, anyway.

The lemurs must think they're just doing their job.

So how do we get them to quit.

I know.

We give them a treat.

Dani, you keep trying to corner that lion.

If you need backup, give a holler.

The rest of you, hustle over to the library.

Cody has a plan.


[ lemurs cackling ]

Uh, Mayor, you should probably step back for your own safety.

I finally have a building named after me and it gets trashed.

To be fair, your honor, the building was trash to begin with.

[ chukling ]

I mean it's just

[ clears throat ]

How's the plan coming, Cody? I don't want to say things are bad, but the library has two new skylights.

We're ready to roll, Dad.

Now, the lemurs always get fed when they finish recycling at the Zoo.

So they'll stop working once they see we have a scoop full of treats.

[ lemurs cackling ]

The lemurs don't seem to care.

That's weird.

Wait! At the Zoo, a bell rang before the food came out.

I'm sure I can synthesize a bell noise.

[ bell dings ]

Boulder, can you amplify this?

[ bell dings ]

[ lemurs sniff ]

That worked a little too well.

Boulder, reverse.

We can't let the lemurs eat all the treats before we lead them back to the Zoo.

I'll have to go slow.

I don't want to back over anything.

Way ahead of you, or should I say, "right behind you"? Boulder, if you choose to run red lights, I will not report you.

Stop, citizen.

Um, animals have the right of way.

[ lemurs cackling ]

Bad news, guys.

I found the lion.

Uh, shouldn't that be good news? Not where she found it.

[ gasps ]

Hurry, Boulder, or the lemurs are gonna be lion chow.

[ lion roars ]

[ lemurs gasp ]

[ lion roars ]

Whoa! Great catch, guys! You know what they say.

Eighth time's the charm.

[ lemurs cackling ]

[ sighs ]

I never knew recycling could be so dangerous.

Hey, someone cut the power to these cages.

I thought it was part of the adoption process.

[ lion roars ]

And the Mayor Lusky enclosure will make certain our town's beloved cross

-eyed lion stays where he belongs.

[ laughs ]

[ sighs ]

[ applause ]

Whiskers was too much to handle.

Still, it would be nice to have a pet.

Yeah, I know how you feel, and so does Dad, so we got you something to practice with.

For me? Come on, boy! Let's go outside.

Wanna play catch? I don't think he understands the whole concept of a pet, yet.
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