01x11 - Return of the Dinobot

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Rescue Bots". Aired: December 17, 2011 – October 22, 2016.*
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Set on the fictional island of Griffin Rock somewhere off the coast of Maine, the Rescue Bots (a group of Autobots designed for rescue missions) named Heatwave, Boulder, Blades, and Chase respond to Optimus Prime's message for any active Autobots in outer space to come to Earth.
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01x11 - Return of the Dinobot

Post by bunniefuu »

Return of the Dinobot The clouds sure are low today.

That's not a cloud.

It's fog thick, wet, beautiful fog.

Dani hates flying in fog, so I'll be grounded.

Oh, and the reality channel is running a "most dangerous chefs"

- marathon today.

- I prefer to see where I'm going, too.

What is proper procedure for vehicles when roads are not clearly visible?

- Drive slowly.

- It's so quiet.

Like the rest of the town isn't even out there.

Just wait.

We get our wildest calls in this kind of weather, like the time the Mayor saw an elephant walking down Main Street.

Let me guess.

Not an elephant.

Street sweeper.

Fog can make the folks around here a little jumpy.

Griffin Rock emergency.

Hi, Mr.


Really? Hmm.

A dinosaur lurking around the Griffin Rock lab.

We'll look into it.

Frankie's a little older than me, but she's no dinosaur.

But that is! A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later, awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now, and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission.

Learn from the humans, serve and protect live in their world, earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others, remain robots in disguise Rescue Bots roll to the rescue humans in need heroes, indeed Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots.

With Cody to guide them and show them the way Rescue Bots will be saving the day Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots.

Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue.

I can't see anything in this fog, and Frankie's not picking up her phone.

We're almost there, Cody.

Are you certain you saw the dinobot? Yes.

I know it doesn't make sense.

The dinobot should still be shut down in the museum, but it was stalking Frankie.

Nothing's in our flight path, Blades.

Let's move it.

Um, are you sure you're reading my instruments correctly? Yes.

Go, go, go.

Hello? Attention, human.

Take cover.

Wait! Hey.

The dinobot's off switch is missing.

Don't hurt him! He's a friendly now.

Frankie's right.

There's no need to be concerned.

Unless you don't appreciate the macarena.

He's like a big dog.

Go ahead.

Pet him.

Oh, I want one! And he does tricks.

Watch this.

Trex, bring daddy his coffee.

Milk, no sugar.

Milk, no sugar.

Frankie taught him that.

I don't have the heart to tell her that I prefer tea.

Your morning beverage is the least of your worries, Doc.

That thing's a prehistoric wrecking ball.

We were fortunate to stop it last time, but if that

- Dinosaur's circuits short out again

- Rest assured.

Everything's been upgraded, including the off switch, now located safely on my gauntlet.

Other than a few specific vocal instructions, it's the only way to command Trex.

Thank you, Trex.

Trex is good boy.

Now go outside.

A robotic dinosaur butler.

Now all my questions are answered.

Except maybe, "why?" Trex's primary purpose is to deter theft.

I've had some break

-ins recently.


-ins? Why didn't you call me, Doc? Anything taken?

- No, in fact

- Someone's been giving us stuff.

Remember the nanite fuel Cody put in his go


- Oh, we remember.

- Yeah.

Hard to forget.

I still have the emotional scars.

We don't know where it came from.

This canister just showed up on our shelf.

I knew I'd seen that logo before.

It was on the shark sub, too.

So, the same person was behind the nanites and the submarine.

More than that, I suspect he or she attempted to hack into the town's central computer through this terminal.

The other morning, I found my chair lowered and the monitor raised.

Or was it the other way around? Well, fortunately, the intruder couldn't get past the computer's firewall.

With access to this console, a hacker could control everything in town.

Everything that's automated, yes, but Trex keeps an eye on that, too.

Twice a day, I plug Trex in here and he checks to see if anyone has logged on to the mainframe.

Noble! Dad? You're not getting one.

- What about

- You either.

Chief Burns.

Yes, Mayor.

I'll be there shortly.

We'll talk later about that intruder.

What'd the Mayor see in the fog this time? A short man in a hard hat, staring suspiciously at city hall.

- Fire hydrant.

- Fire hydrant.

Trex, time to scan the computer.

Uh, Trex? Dad, did you leave this outside? Hmm.

I don't recall doing so.

Sorry, my little Newton, I'll try to be more careful.


Firewall breached.

Trex detects a virus.

- That's impossible.

- How bad is it, Trex? Threat level maximum.

Dad said to meet up with everybody in the park, but I'm not even sure we're in the park.

Um, I've changed my mind.

I don't like this weather.

I concur.

Fog conceals potholes, ditches, and, regrettably, the row of mailboxes formerly standing on Willow Street.

Hey, at least you didn't take out a street sweeper.

I told you I thought it was an elephant.

What was that? Oh, here you are.

We've been walking around in circles since we left city hall.

Sounds like a traffic jam.

The hologram stoplight must be out again.

Extremely out.

What's happening? Griffin Rock emergency.

Frankie, slow down.

The mainframe's been hacked? Uh, yeah.

You could say things are a little out of whack.

Thanks, guys.

This is all because of the town's central computer being hacked? Every piece of tech controlled by the mainframe has gone berserk.

There's already a ton of emergency calls.

Where do we start? That's the city hall fire alarm.

Good enough for me.

The rest of you, let's get out there and do what we can.

People will need our help.

Since the main computer is infected, I'll have to run the antivirus program from my PDA.

At least we know that's clean.

A little dusty, perhaps, but Complete virus removal in 15 minutes.

I still don't understand.

How did somebody breach the firewall? Maybe a look at the log

-In history will enlighten us.

Trex scanned a computer 11 minutes ago.

The computer was infected 10 minutes ago.

- What? But that would mean

- Um, dad? Trex didn't diagnose the virus.

He delivered it.

Uh, good boy.

Uh, good boy, Trex.

The intruder used Trex to bypass the firewall and tap into the system.

If it weren't so diabolical, I'd say it was genius.

Dad! My gauntlet.

I tried that.

It's not working.

- Poor Trex.

- Poor us! No fire at city hall.

Just a lot of garbage.

Get me out of here! We're working on it, Mr.

Mayor! Remember, citizen, if your eye is not on the road, the rest of you soon will be.

The door's not opening.

a*t*matic lock's still jammed.

Heatwave? I demand to know who's responsible for this this mess! You're welcome.

Apparently a virus got into the central computer.

Doc Greene is working on it now at the Doc Greene allowed a virus to penetrate the system?! Why doesn't that surprise me?! See, Blades? Flying through fog isn't so hard.

Beats watching TV, right? We should get our own reality show "America's foggiest rescues.

" Cody, take a look.

Dad, a whole pack of lawn mowers are heading towards city hall.

Roger that.

And, Cody, call Doc Greene and see how the computer cleanup is going.

Antivirus sequence disrupted.

Frankie! Frankie, that was Virus removal resumed.

good work.

Trex! Cody, how long did Doc say fixing that computer will take? He didn't.

He never answered his phone.

Virus removal complete.

Doc did it! What is that? You feeling okay, Trex? Guess that's a no.

One more step, and you'll be a tyrannosaurus wrecked!

- Whew.

- You scared him off, Heatwave.

It is more likely that the predator is simply toying with us, waiting to attack when we are most vulnerable.

Then we won't be vulnerable.

On your toes, everyone.

- Have you seen Trex?

- Unfortunately.

He's out of control.

Good thing you brought the gauntlet.

It would be if the gauntlet still worked.

Trex is carrying the same virus that infected the central computer.

He won't obey any new commands.

We need to plug Trex back in at the lab, then debug him.

Which means we have to find that dinosaur.

Unless he finds us first.

Rescue Bots, take down that dinosaur.

It's not fair, daddy.

Someone did this to Trex.

Doc, you said Trex won't listen to your new commands.

What about an old command? Hmm.

Trex's previous programming might still be intact.

Beneath the virus's control like the subconscious of a human.

Cody, you're brilliant! Dad, how about a coffee break?

- Of course!

- Don't take any chances.

Put that thing out of commission for good.

Chief Burns, wait.

Let me talk to Trex.

I hope you know what you're doing, Doc.

Stand down, bots.

Trex? Bring me my coffee.

Milk, no sugar.

- Coffee?

- Hot brown water in a spherical container.

That is one dedicated butler.

So he's headed back to the lab? And if we can get there first, we can plug Trex in and wipe out the virus inside him.

You don't suppose I could borrow someone's car? I've never been in your copter before, Dani.

It's quite stylish.

And it's really fast, especially when there's an emergency like now.

Uh, rotors need oil.

Trex! I'm over here.

Thank you, Trex.

Here's something for you.

Virus removal in progress.

I'm afraid you're too late.

Huh?! No, no.

I mean too late to track the virus removal process.

Trex is fine.

Tell them, Trex.

Trex is good boy.

And the gauntlet works now, too! Thank the allspark for hot, brown water.

- This town looks terrible.

- An as*ault on the optics.

Kind of reminds me of Cody's bedroom.

- Scary.

- Thanks, Kade.

The difference is we all have to clean this mess up.


I miss the fog.

Hey, Doc.

Everything back to normal? Actually, no.

I just left the Mayor's office.

I'm no longer lead scientist of Griffin Rock.

I've been terminated.

- What?

- You're kidding.

- Huh?

- Doc? Whoa.
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