21x04 - A Lion's Alliance

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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21x04 - A Lion's Alliance

Post by bunniefuu »


An alien armada has arrived
and invaded our planet.

Wave after wave
have att*cked us

with a ferocity
never seen before.

To battle this new thr*at,

the Power Rangers
must master the abilities

of the legendary rangers

to become...

Super megaforce.


Pour on the speed, guys.

We gotta stop those
alien fighter jets

before they destroy
the city.

It's time to go legendary!

Mystic dragon, combine!

Forget dogfighting
these jets.

We're gonna
dragon-fight them!

Legendary mystic megazord!


Dragon blast!


Okay, that's two,
but there's a lot more!

I've got this one.

S.P.D. Delta runner--

Legendary S.P.D.
Megazord, ready!

Good. Make
every blast count!


More of them?

Come on, don't give up!



We need delta runner's
power here!

Delta runner emergency!


Delta slide, fire!


Shut down.

Rangers, that's
a super mega win!


Rangers, I am
very proud of you.

So far, you have managed
to win many battles,

but the fights are becoming
more and more difficult.

Yeah, we've noticed.

But we've just been
holding them off.

It's not enough.
We need to defeat them.

That is why you
will need a new ally

that will give you
more power.

I am sending you
on a mission.

Where are we going?

To a place called animaria.


A floating island
in the shape of a turtle

that lies hidden under
a thick cover of clouds.

You will need the sky ship
to search for it.

The sky ship? Awesome.

Cool, I'm up for
an adventure.

What's on the island, Gosei?

A wild lion.

Yeah, I've heard of that.

Animaria was once
a part of this Earth

but was lifted up
by special powers

to create a safe haven
for wild zords.

The lion was an ally
to the wild force rangers.


That lion is huge.

Yes, so be very careful.


We will.


♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Power Rangers
megaforce ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪


♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪


♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪


♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪


♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪


♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Power Rangers
megaforce ♪


Keep your eyes peeled
for that island, guys.

Remember what Gosei said.

It's hidden
behind some clouds,

so this isn't
going to be easy.

We're gonna have to scour
the Earth for this one.

It sure is easier to scour

Without our helmets on.

The Earth is so
peaceful from up here.


What are you doing?

Oh, I'm searching.

Get serious, will ya?


[Jake groans]

Where is that island?

We've circled the Earth
three times already.

. , to be exact.

We'll finish the third round
in about five hundred miles.

[Gia sighs]

It's got to be
here somewhere.


Wait. I think
we passed that

same cloud
the last time

we flew past here.


Clouds don't stay in
the same shape that long.


Let's check it out.



[All laugh]
Yes! That's it.

That's animaria.


Hmm. Interesting.

The Power Rangers
are up to something.

I knew it was wise
to track their ship.

There must be something
valuable on that island.

So we'll steal it first.

Mobilize General Peluso

and the xborgs

In the meantime,
we already have

a ship in that area.

Send it to att*ck
the Power Rangers.

Hold on, guys.
New clouds are rolling in.

The island's
disappeared again.

Where is it?

Where'd it go?

Something's coming.


What was that?

It's an armada
att*ck ship.


Ready the pulse cannons!


We're going down! Fire!


Got 'im!


Those rangers have
destroyed our att*ck ship,

but General Peluso
will soon be there

to finish them off and take
whatever they're after.

[Levira cackles]

Hey, guys, I'll catch up

as soon as
I secure the ship.


They just came
out of nowhere.

Hey, I wonder if they know

about the red lion.

Well, at least we don't have
to worry about them anymore.


They survived the wreck?

They're like cockroaches.

Let's crush them.


Who needs bug spray when
I have my super mega saber?


Way to go, guys.

But I bet there's
gonna be more coming.

We should split up.

Do you feel that?Come on.

We gotta find that lion
before they do.


It's not that big
of an island,

but we've still got
a lot of ground to cover.

Come on.


Keep your eyes open.

That lion
could be anywhere.


Huh? What is that?

I keep sensing something.

So weird.

Hurry up, Noah.
We gotta find that lion.


Why do I feel like
something's watching us?

I don't know
about that,

but I know we're going
in the right direction.



So many!



What is it?

Ah. Not sure yet.

[thunderous roar]


Guys, did you
find the lion?

Not yet,
but something found us.

More xborgs.


Let's take a cue from Jake

and give them a black eye.

Good idea.Yeah!

black ranger mode.

Dino thunder black ranger.

Alien black ranger.

RPM black ranger.


Troy, we need
to go help them.

Yeah, but right now
we've got our own problems.



They sent

We have to find that lion
before they do.

Ah yes. Power Rangers.

Thanks for leading us
right to this secret island.

It must contain
something powerful.

And we will have it.

Be careful.
What you find

might come back
to bite you.

Hah! As a general,
I have never failed

on a single mission
for the armada.

This will not
be an exception.

Hah! Time to break
your lucky streak.

Not so fast!

More rangers?

Did you miss us?

Nice timing!


Surrender now.
You have no chance

against an army our size.

You still don't
understand humans.

We'll fight any army,
no matter how big.

We're Earth's defenders.

We never surrender.


We gotta mow
these guys down fast.

We're close
to the lion zord.

I can sense it.

Then it's time
to let these guys

hear us roar.


Whoa, I lost my w*apon.


Man, the pen might be
mightier than the sword,

but the stick sure isn't.

Here! That's better.

And this is
even better than that.


We're making headway.

Aah! You resist,

but you won't survive.

Wanna bet?


Didn't you hear
the "never surrender" part?

Didn't you hear
the "won't survive" part?


Quick! To your positions!

Let's power up!

Legendary ranger mode!

Wild force! Wild access!


Hah! A costume change
won't help you. att*ck!

Let's go wild
on these guys!




Let's take out the trash.


[thunderous roar]


Huh? What was that?


The wild red lion.

He's real!


[lion zord roars]

It's the red lion zord!

He looks fierce.

And very powerful.

So it's the red lion
they want.

That's what they're after.

Catch it!


That's one angry cat.

Stay calm.


The lion knocked them
all off the island.

They're falling to Earth.


Well, that didn't
go too well.

Good, the red lion att*cked
the rangers as well.


You two okay?

Yeah, we're good.

That lion was awesome.

He could've
eaten us for lunch.

But he chose not to.
Yeah, true.

We can't allow the rangers

to attain the power
of that red lion.

Do whatever it takes
to keep them on Earth

while we go capture it.

Damarus! What's going on?

Who's giving orders
without my permission?

Your excellency,
I was merely--

our mission is
to conquer the Earth

and rule
the entire universe.

Then everything in it
will be ours.

We can't be distracted

from our goal by searching

for one puny lion.

But your excellency, the--

Argus, alert the troops
that there has been

a change of plan.

Yes, boss.

We need to prove ourselves

to the red lion.

We can't let Gosei down.



Surrender, humans!

Earth belongs
to the armada now.

Move in!

Let's power up!


Super mega mode!


That sounds like
the others.

Let's go help.

Super mega mode!

Super mega mode!

I thought these creeps
were after the red lion.


There's been
a change of plan.

I can still
feel his presence.


We've got your back.



Huh? They've abandoned
their lion mission?

Looks like it.
They're after civilians now.

Come on!


You're gonna flip
over this move.


Nice one!


Keep these civilians safe,

No matter what.

Duck down!


Take cover!

Let's double up your power.

This'll work. Thanks.




Let's catch up
to the others.

They're sitting ducks!


They're just trying
to distract us

so we can't get
to the red lion!

Yep. I bet
you're right, Noah.

Easy enough.
Get rid of them.

No more distraction.

Sounds like a plan.

I still think
we need to prove ourselves

to the red lion zord.

It's ours or no one's.

In honor of the red lion,
let's go wild force!

Legendary ranger mode!

Wild force, wild access!


Guardians of the Earth,
united we roar.

Power Rangers wild force!

Tear them apart!


Blue shark fighting fins!


Nice one!


att*ck all you want,
I won't fail my mission.


Come and get me!


The wild force power
is with us.

I can feel it.

And we can focus
all our powers

through this.

Wild force, ready!

your mission is over.

Bruisers, cover me!

Jungle sword--

jungle sword savage slash!


Come on, guys.

Time to end this,

super mega style.

Super mega final strike!



Super mega blast!


[Peluso screams]


No! Another general
has fallen in battle.

Levira, we've got
to crush those rangers.

My pleasure,
your highness.


They're back for more.

Summon sky ship.


Release the zords.

Zords combine!


Legendary megazord, ready!

Let's get 'em.


Super mega cannon.

I have you now.


He's jammed the controls!

With this clamp blocking us,

we can't control
the megazord.

Watching your struggle
makes this even more enjoyable.

We're dead in the water
like this. We can't move!

We're sitting ducks!

Come on! Move!

Wait! I sense the lion zord.


We must have earned

the red lion's trust!
he's helping us.

I bet you're right.

We still need
to remove that clamp.

I think the red lion
can help us with that.

Red lion, descend!


The red lion zord!

Troy, look! It worked.

[Yellow] Whoa.
[Blue] Whoa.

[Red] Yeah!


Huh? Wait--


he is on our side!


Whoa. Hey, it looks
like he's trying

to tell us something.
but what?

I don't know.
That sounded like

a friendly roar to me.

What's our next move?

Not sure, but I think

he wants to combine.

Let's go for it!

Red lion, combine!

wild force megazord!

Nailed it!

Nice! Awesome! Yeah!

Bruisers, motorize!

Run them down!


Looks like they've got
new powers, too!

Let's take 'em out,
red lion.


[Green] That's one down.

Here they come again.

Power. Speed.

This zord's got it all.

Two down!



This isn't over!

One more to go!

Wild force final strike!

Mega roar!


Rangers, that's
a super mega win!


Gosei, they did it!
They did it!

The rangers have earned

the red lion's allegiance.

They could not have found
a more powerful ally.

Oh boy, oh boy,
oh whoops!


Goodbye, red lion.

Hope to see you again soon.


[Red lion zord roars]

Yes, thank you, red lion.

We couldn't have
a better ally, could we?

Yeah, totally.

You got that right.

Yeah, I just hope

he doesn't wanna come
stay with us on the ship.

Why not?

'cause then we'd have to get
a really big litter box.

[Jake laughs]

What? It's hysterical.


♪ [theme music]
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