20x20 - The Messenger

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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20x20 - The Messenger

Post by bunniefuu »

[announcer] Our world was once a safe

and happy place

until evil aliens arrived with one plan--

to destroy Earth.

Gosei, Earth's ancient guardian awoke

and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new thr*at.

They are the Power Rangers megaforce!

Last time on Power Rangers Megaforce...

It's time to crush the Power Rangers and their entire city.

Moving in.

Now I will show you no mercy!

We have to stop that ship!



[rangers] Victory charge!

Ultra mega strike!

This is not how it is supposed to end!

[all cheer]


Cheers, everybody.

Oh, it feels good to know it's finally over.

I never thought this victory day would come,

but we worked together and took them all down.


Whoo! That's right.

Hey, do you guys remember creepox?

The strong take from the weak!

Not with us.

Oh, and Virox? And Hisser?

[laughs] My virus is nothing to sneeze at.

My toxic venom will annihilate all of you!

And Biggs and bluefur.

You think you're b*ating us,

but this smoke tells a different story.

Oh, yeah. Bluefur.


And now Malkor and Vrak.

Don't forget all the other bad guys along the way.

This is for Robo Knight,

without whom we couldn't have done it.


Whoo-hoo! Congratulations.

You want a little bit too, Tensou? I'd rust.

Ha ha, just kidding.

Hey, cut it out.

Come on, loosen up, Tensou.

It's a celebration.

You should have given him some motor oil.


We're forgetting metal Alice.

We didn't destroy her.

I don't think she's coming back.

She's a robot without a boss,

like a soldier with no orders.

Yeah. I mean, Vrak created her,

and now he's gone.

She has no purpose.

Admiral Malkor's mighty ship is nothing but wreckage.

He and my master have been destroyed.

What a horrible end.

[metal clatters]


It's him. It's Vrak. He's alive!

♪ Mega force ♪

♪ Power Rangers megaforce ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Gia ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Mega force ♪

♪ Mega force ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Mega force all together ♪

♪ Mega force ♪

♪ Power Rangers megaforce ♪

Aren't you in the mood to party?


I was just looking at...

I just feel like things are unresolved.

Troy, we won. They lost.

It's over.

You're just so used to fighting

you don't know when to let go.



There. Master, you are back.

And now you're even stronger than before.


Ha! Whoo!

Come on, Troy. Celebrate with us.

Yeah, come on, Troy.

Join the party.



This can't be! I'm sensing trouble.

Something has appeared at the city stadium.

No, no, no, no, no. No way.

You called it.

Rangers, Tensou is right.

This needs to be checked out immediately.

Let's go.


They look like they've been waiting for us.

Then let's not disappoint them.



There's no commander. It's just loogies.

Yeah. Who sent them?

Maybe they're just Vrak's leftovers.

I think this is the last of them.

Leftovers or not, let's finish them off.

It's morphin' time.

[all] Go, go, megaforce!

♪ Power Rangers megaforce ♪

Megaforce pink!

Megaforce blue!

Megaforce yellow!

Megaforce black! Megaforce red!

[all] Earth's defenders never surrender.

♪ Megaforce ♪

Heads up!


Drop all weapons.

You have been warned.

[all shout]


Thanks, Robo Knight.

Loogies endanger the Earth.

They had to be neutralized.

Okay. But they were the last of these creepy enemies, right?


I have been waiting for all of you to show up here.

Metal Alice. You have no more purpose here.

You're wrong, Robo Knight.

I design robots.

I'd like to introduce you to my latest project.

It's my greatest creation yet.

My master was brilliant,

but shared your greatest weakness--flesh.

That is no longer a problem.

No way! You mean he's a machine?

Quite a mecha transformation, isn't it?

It can't be! We destroyed him.

Can that really be Vrak?

Can that really be Vrak?

No way!

He blew up with the ship.

What has she done to him?

He's an alien and machine merged into one.

So he's a robot?

I am not a robot.

I am Vrak.

A cyborg.

How did she do it?

Looks like he's been rebooted.

Metal Alice, this is crazy.

The w*r was over. You don't know what you've done.

What you should be asking yourself

is what did you do?

I found him in the smoldering wreckage

of Malkor's ship.

His mortal body was injured beyond repair.

But I realized my master's mind could be salvaged.

I have restored his mighty body.

Now Vrak is back.

His mind is still adjusting to its new configuration,

and his memory has not fully returned.

But Vrak knows who his enemies are.

Master, you remember them.

They're the ones who tried repeatedly to annihilate you.

He knows who we are.

[Robo Knight] No, his mind is clouded.

[metal alice] Wrong.



He's stronger than before!



But he's not like his old self.

Yeah, he's acting weird.

His voice sounds more robotic than alien.


What kinda robot is he?

Not a good one.


You are exactly right.

When I reconfigure him,

I eliminated some of his less-rational thinking.

You could say I deleted his humanity.

He's even more cold-blooded than before.


I'll still stop him. Ultra mode--activate!

[Gosei] Ultra mode. Morph!

You guys get your strength back.

I can take him down.


Ultra sword!

Repel incoming att*ck.

I can match every move you make.

But you cannot match my moves.

Surprised? Well, try these.


Ugh! Aah!

Ah. You can't block this.

Ultra sword!


Back at ya! Ultra strike.

Troy! We can't let you do this alone.

Rangers, ultra mode. Now!

[all] Right! Ultra mode--activate!

[Gosei] Ultra mode--morph!

Vulcan cannon, activate!

[Gosei] Summon Vulcan cannon!

Vulcan cannon, set!


Ultra power!

[all] Dynamic strike!

Dragon strike!


Must avoid system failure.


Watch out, guys.

Metal Alice has rigged him of all kinds of weapons.

Then we'd better finish him

before he has a chance to recover.

You're right! Let's get going!

Cyber blast!

[all cry out]

Where's the cyborg?

Yeah, where'd he go?

He's with me!

I will never let my master be defeated.

His machine hands will wrap their grip around humanity

until it is extinct.


We need to get Vrak while he's still groggy.

Humans, can't you see when you're b*at?

We will have to make it abundantly clear.

Master, it's time to really make our point.

Beautiful, isn't it?

Whoa. Get ready!

[all] Go, go, megaforce!

Use as many machines as you want.

We'll stop them all.

Vrak needs time to recover.

And if you interfere,

our m*ssile will turn

that skyscraper full of people into dust.

I don't think she's bluffing, guys.

But we can't just stand by

while Vrak becomes fully functional.


But with that m*ssile so close,

how can we stop it before it hits that building?

You can't, so don't even try.

Soon Vrak's memory will be completely recovered.

Uh-uh. It's no use trying to be a hero, Robo Knight.

Your defeat is at hand.

Stand back, or else that building's history.


How fascinating it is

to watch you all hang on Vrak's every word.

You were so sure you defeated him.

But it's all come full circle, hasn't it?

Now it appears as though you are the ones

headed for oblivion, doesn't it?

Your kind of evil will never win!

I don't know.

If I were you, I wouldn't be so sure.

No, don't! Stop!


He has armed the m*ssile!

We've gotta stop it.

Not before I stop you.

Wait. My systems are unstable.

Take me back to the base.

I need more repairs.

As you wish, master,

but not before I leave a parting gift for our friends here.

They got away!

But now we need to deal with that m*ssile.


Change car--activate.

Lion zord--morph!

Hey, it's launching.

Quickly, guys! Megaforce blaster!

[all] Dynamic victory charge!

That was a close call.

Yeah. It was way too close.

My name is Vrak.

Fix me, or I may not last much longer.

Master, I need to shut you down.

But it's only temporary. I promise--

is that Vrak? we thought he'd perished.

Who are you? How did you get here?

I am a special envoy from the armada.

I am here to confirm everything is ready

for the prince's invasion.

What happened to Vrak?

I pulled him out of the wreckage and reassembled him.

He's now % bionic.

And when I finish these upgrades,

he'll be even stronger.


I'm sure the prince

will appreciate your loyalty.

Then I can report that you will be ready

to hand over the Earth when the armada arrives.

Yes, we will both be ready.

I will destroy the Power Rangers

before the armada arrives.

May I assist you?

Yes, the more the mightier.

Oh, boy, oh, boy!

I can feel it in my bones!

There's something big and bad going on,

right, Gosei?

Yes, Tensou.

Dispatch the rangers

to the warehouse district immediately.

This is the right area.

But they could be in any of these buildings.

Be sharp.

We b*at them before, but don't underestimate them.

Yeah. Right.

I hope this is the last time we have to fight them.

It will be.

Master, it is your moment of vengeance and glory.

I await your command.

Allow me to fight them for you.

Who's this guy?

Tell them.

I am a small preview of what's to come.

Let's get 'em!

You will be the target of all my wrath!

Mega blast!

Royal shield!

You misguided human.

You have no idea what you are up against.

Tell me.


Does that tell you?

What are you?

I told you.

I am the first of many who are coming.

I sure hope Troy's doing all right.



Moving target!


[all shout]


Why are you still fighting for humans?

I fight for the Earth.

I fight for what is right.

Let's see you try fighting with a b*mb behind your back.

Metal Alice. I shall finish you.



Master, you shielded me.

Oh, no. Your arm. It's been damaged.

Hold it!

I was walking away, but you dare to charge me?

What a stupid way to sacrifice yourself.


Want more?


How about you? Ha!

Troy! Are you okay?

Are you damaged?

I'm fine. Retreat!

I must finish my mission

of defeating the rangers

before the prince arrives.

Let me do that.

Thank you for protecting me.

I shall finish you!

[gasps] Vrak!

They will pay. Dearly.

Yes, they will.

Vrak is showing a strong recovery.

The armada thinks he was destroyed.

My master is a fighter. As I told you.

You are confident he will destroy the rangers

and the invasion can proceed?

Yes, it can.

He is still piecing together his memories.

Slowly he will recall the glory of his past.

I shall show him images

that will remind him of his rightful place in the invasion.

His mind will be reset,

ad once again he will truly be Vrak.

His mind will be whole.

That! That is me!

Yes, master.

Finally you remember.

The Power Rangers are nothing more

than insidious pests!

It's time to exterminate them.

Uh-oh! Boy oh boy!

There's a disturbance over at the quarry!

Uh, I'd better alert the rangers that they're needed.

[all] Vrak!

Now that my memory is fully restored,

I will not fail my mission again.

This will be our final duel.

And the end of Earth's resistance.

[all] Good will always overcome evil!

Earth's defenders never surrender!

Your thr*at will be neutralized.

I am Robo Knight-- protector of the environment,

guardian of the Earth.

So much for your hollow boasts.

We don't boast.

Rock rush--activate!



Megaquake! Sea shower!

Twist tornado! Tri-fusion!



We will b*at you!

Red ranger, it is your turn.

Dragon sword!


Your skills have improved significantly,

but they are nothing compared to mine.

Can't you see that I'm just toying with you?

That all of your resistance is nothing but wasted energy?


Troy! How did you survive that?

Because I allowed him to.

Huh? What?

With my new strength,

it would be child's play to vanquish all of you.

But then your pain would be over.

Instead, I have decided to keep all of you alive

so you can witness the destruction of your beloved Earth.

The anguish will finally snuff out

your pathetic human spirit.

Sir, the armada cannot be far from Earth now.

Thanks to you,

the rangers no longer stand in the way of Earth's invasion.

I believe it is time to inform the armada.

Tell them.

As you wish, sir.

Messenger reporting from Earth.

The resistance has been defeated

and you are cleared for att*ck.

The time is at hand

for the total destruction of Earth.


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