01x18 - Patrol

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "S.W.A.T." Aired: November 2, 2017 – present.*
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American procedural action drama television series, based on the 1975 television series of the same name.
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01x18 - Patrol

Post by bunniefuu »

patrol them

- Chasing calls.

- All in black and white.

- In the front line.

- Wearing polyester pants.

Happy patrol day.

You know the drill.

Once a month We help out with crime suppression in high

-volume areas.

- Keeps our street game sharp.

- And our foodie game on point.

Just downloaded the food truck map.

Gonna make the rounds today.

Chicken and Waffle Wagon, Hot Ribs on Hot Wheels There's no way I'm eating that stuff.

While Hondo and Mumford's teams are on patrol, Vandelli's team will be taking point on all SWAT calls if anything pops up.

You have your assignments.

Street and Tan, Olympic division.

- Rash of daytime robberies this week.

- Mm


Got a description of the thief.

Chris, you're with Mumford.

Van Nuys division.

Standard patrol.

- Where is Hondo?

- He needed a personal day.

- You and Luca

- We got

- Mid

-City Wilshire division.

- have been reassigned.

You're with me, here at HQ.

There are some at

-risk kids visiting today, part of our new community outreach.

These kids are at

-risk how?

Serious behavioral problems at school.

They're all in danger of being expelled.

So we reach out to them now, we don't have to lock 'em up later.

That's the idea.

Thanks, everyone, be safe.

Don't worry, Luca, we'll hit that Chicken and Waffle Wagon for you.

I don't get it.

Mumford requested me as his patrol partner?


Come on, now, Chris, he's losing Sanderson.

My guess, you little hotshot, is he's poaching you.

- Please, no.

- Look, the higher

-ups want some diversity on his team.

I guess we've been making 'em look a little too white and male.

So he wants me to fill a quota?

It's the same old, same old, Chris, you know what it is.

Just be you.

What do you think his pitch is gonna be?

Honestly, I have no idea, but, man, I would love to hear it.

It's gonna be sweet turning him down.



- hey, don't go having too much fun with that.

I'll try not to, boss.

- I'll drive.

- Take

-charge attitude.

I like that, Alonso.

So sweet.

- Looking good, Brianna.

- Don't try to butter me up.

You were supposed to have been here yesterday.

Okay, slow down, I had a hostage situation that made me miss my flight.

- Likely story.

- Can you stop your fussing and just give your brother a hug?

Good to see you.

Ah, it's really good to see you.

Thanks for holding down Oakland for me.

You're welcome.

And if you want to be a real hero, help me get Dad moved to L.


Come on.

How's your job at the Getty?


I'm curating an installation.

Interpretive media piece.

Lot of lights.


Brie, what the hell is all of this?

I thought the deal was you pack up Pops, and then I fly up here to help you

- move him to L.


to live with you.

- Some deal.

He told me this morning he changed his mind.

- So what did I fly up here for?

- Hondo, he can't live on his own anymore.

- He's getting worse.

- I just talked to the man a week ago.

He's the same as always.

You do know what MG is, right?

He's got muscle weakness, blurred vision, sometimes it's hard for him to breathe.

And he's been living with it for over a year, and he's been fine.

Brie, he's a grown

-ass man.

If he doesn't want to move, why you trying to force him?

His doctor says he needs full attention.

He certainly can't be walking up and down these stairs every day.

Okay, what about your mom?

Is there any chance of them getting back together?

- No.

She's done.

Got herself a new man.

Oh, for real?

What's his name?


Oh, you funny.

Still talking about Pops leaving your mom for mine.

I'm just saying.

My mom's been predicting this day.

For 30 years.

Yeah, I know.

The old man still has his wall of fame.

You know, my dad, he introduced me to jazz.

Gil Scott


He taught me how to make Louisiana gumbo right there.

Taught you how to cook, gave me the art bug.

I'm worried about him.

See for yourself.

One of us needs to talk him into moving to L.


, and I I am all out of arguments.


I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to dump it all on you.

It's gonna be okay.

Where is he?

- Where else?

The ROMEO Club.

Can I borrow your car?

My backup's been on my left ankle since I was boot.

Most cops carry their clutch piece at the waistband.

But whatever works for you, you know?


-I'm open to new ideas, new approaches.

Good to know.

How's things on Team Hondo?

No complaints.

Treats me well.

All units, we have sh*ts fired in the 1300 block of Victory Boulevard.


-David to Control, show us responding to sh*ts fired.

Come on.

Help me! Please help me! It's all right, I got you.

He tried to k*ll me.

All of us, and then he just ran off.

Anybody else in there?

My patient, he shot him! Easy, easy.

- What's your name?

- Dr.

Korva Green.

Let me see.


-David, making entry to the building.

Looks like a flesh wound.


-David, we're Code 6 at a sh**ting call.

I need an R.


for a female.

I got a 187 in Office 230.

Send backup to clear the rest of the building.

He pointed the g*n right at me, but it didn't fire.

He said he was going to get another one.

- Another g*n?

- D.




In our sessions, he never talked about g*ns.

And the sh**t was a patient of yours?

- Yeah.

- Hey, it's okay.

You got this.





- What was his name?

- Uh, Zack Calnick.

Uh, he was in a court

-ordered intervention program as part of his probation.

Uh, last week he wanted to talk about a new girlfriend.

Did you get her name?

- No.

His sessions were over, I had to wait

-list him.

I'll call in a BOLO.

You did good, real good.

These guys will take good care of you and take you to the hospital, okay?

Guy kills a patient, tries to k*ll his shrink, says he's gonna get another g*n?

Doesn't sound like the end of trouble.

Sounds like the start of it.

You sold me a piece of crap.

Jammed after a couple rounds.

Zack, man, easy.

I'm fixing it, okay?

This is custom work.

Here, try that.


How about I give you this bump stock?

Half price.

400 to 800 rounds per minute, you'll never miss a target.

Range is hot.

I'll take it.

Zack Calnick, 27, forklift driver.

Five jobs in three years.

Charged with battery, aggravated mayhem in the workplace,

- couple of restraining orders.

- Real winner.

Anything on that mystery girlfriend?

Nothing yet.

You were good with that shrink.

Some cops


- not so good at those interpersonal things.

Skills like yours


- big asset on the job.

- Thanks.

- Any available unit, we have a possible sighting of 187 suspect Zack Calnick.

29 La Tuna Road.

Right around the corner.


-David responding.

I got it.

Civilian down.


-David to Control, we have a 187.

Roll Homicide to this location.

No sign of the suspect.

- Bootleg g*n shop?

- Ghost g*ns.

No serial numbers.


Perfect for anybody with a record and on probation.

I think Zack took more than that.

A bump stock's gone.

Zack tries to k*ll his shrink, takes out a patient and a g*n dealer.

And now we got a spree k*ller with a machine g*n.

- Ooh!

- See, see, see?


- What you gonna do with that, Yule?

Mess with it, man, but, you know Oh, look out, boys, young blood Hondo's here

- to serve justice.

- What's going on, Oz?

Tell me about it.

You know I was a Black Panther?

Yes, I do.

And with much respect.

Big Yule, what's the good word, sir?

The struggle is real, young brother.

Never thought that Daniel's boy would grow up to be a po


Not just a po

-po, my boy is SWAT.

Oh, excuse me.

Ooh, SWAT.

Good to see you, Pop.

All right, delinquents, make room.

Don't sh**t, Hondo, my hands is up.

Every time y'all get together, throwing bones, you start thinking you're some comedians.


- Hey, Pop.

- Hmm?

- You got a second?

- Why don't you sit down and have something to eat?

I'll have Sunny bring you something sweet.

I'm okay, Pop.

I'm good.

Hey, Sunny! Come here, girl.

Look at you


- my, my, my.

You something else today, girl.

Aw, Daniel.

What do you need?

Listen, why don't you bring my boy here something sweet?

This is my son.

He's almost as pretty as I am, huh?


You want flan or tres leches cake?

Sunny, I appreciate it, but I don't have a lot of time.

He'll have the cake.

Pop, come on, man, I just came to talk to you.

- Is that cool?

- And I asked you to sit down and have something to eat with me.

Let's not forget who the damn father is and who the damn son is.

Sit down.

Sure, Pop.

He'll have the cake.

You'll enjoy it.

They put cinnamon on it, it's really good.

My play, huh?

- Oh, yeah, go ahead.

- Watch this.

Ooh! It's a big boy's game.

This is a big boy's game.


Give me your hands.

You good?

- Yeah.

Cell phones, a watch, some jewelry.

Along with a crowbar and a lockpick.

- Get up.

- Everything but a guilty plea.

- All right, he's clean.

Let's go.

Yo, Street, hold up.

My radio's gone.

You take his radio, too?


Must've fallen between here and the car.

Aw, man.

- All right, all right.

No need to panic.

- Street.

SWAT rule is, you lose a piece of police equipment, you got to hand

-wash Black Betty for a month.

That's not counting all the crap I'm gonna get if this goes public.

It must've fallen when I jumped the fence.

Babysit him, I'll go look for it.

This is Officer Jim Street.

Did you find my partner's radio?

Uh, maybe.

What's it look like?

Looks like exactly what you're holding in your hand right now.

Can you prove it's yours?

Uh, this is Officer Victor Tan, and this is not a game.

That's police property

- Come here.

- and it's a crime not to return it.

Can't talk to Officer Victor Tan right now.

I have cheer practice.

You have no idea how glad I am not to be the screwup right now.

Come on.

Sergeant Vandelli, Robbery/Homicide will meet you at Zack Calnick's apartment with the warrant.

All right, we're on it, Captain.

There are a lot of benefits for working hard in school.

Showing respect for your teachers, other classmates.

And you definitely don't want to get in trouble and have SWAT showing up at your front door.

There's an active sh**t on the loose.

You really don't need us?

Vandelli's got his apartment, and Booker's team is searching the area he was last seen in.

I need you here in case of another emergency.

Okay, who wants to see a t*nk?

- I do! I do! I do! I do!

- Me, me, me! Me, me, me, me!

- I do! I do! I do! Okay, come on, you guys.

Let's go.

Brianna's worried about you, Pop.

And I thought you and her agreed on this move to L.


Yeah, I can't leave Oakland now, no.

Mickey's about to lose his corner store due to some rent increase or something like that, some tech start just move in and You know, I really thought, after all these years, you'd be done with the struggle.

- Never.

Gentrification is a conspiracy.

Besides, Mickey needs me.

Mickey needs you, huh?

Now wait a minute.

What's that supposed to mean?

Nothing, Pop, nothing.

Look, it ain't about that.

No, no, no, no.

Wait a minute, you got your chest all puffed up like you got something to say.

If you got something to say, say it, son.

Brianna's telling me that your doctors say that you can't be living by yourself.

Oh, Brianna, the doctors.

All they doing is concerned about getting sued.

Now, what Brianna doesn't understand is that she thinks that Jayne is not coming back.

But she's wrong.

Jayne is coming back because she don't know what you and I got, which is that Harrelson charm.

Oh, baby.

You can't get away from that.



Pop, you good?

I'm fine, fine.

Just got just got a little chest pepper, that's all.

Just give me a second.

All right, take it easy, but talk to me.

What's going on with

- Stop, man.

You're starting to sound like your sister.

I'm just saying, Pop.

- I'm fine.

Still with the flip phone.

It work, don't it?


Oh, hey, beautiful.

How you doing?

Oh, yeah, no, I'm fine.


That's right, yeah, he's here.



All right, I'll tell him.

Okay, see you later.

Bye now.

So you got a lunch date with Genise.


- Yeah.

What are you talking about?

Well, Yule said that, uh, that you was in town and she decided she wanted to see you, so you got a lunch date with her.

You're gonna meet her over at the diner on Sixth.



It's a cheap place.

You ain't got to worry.

Pop, come on, man.

Let's just go back to the house and talk more about you moving to L.


You're gonna have lunch with Genise, and I'll get home when I get home.

Pop, you good to drive?

I've been driving this baby since before you was born.

As a matter of fact, I picked you up from the hospital in this girl.

Vandelli hit our sh**t's apartment, came up empty.

His picture's with every cop in the city.

Any luck with Dr.


Says she recalled Zack mentioning a woman named Joy about a month ago.

That's the mystery girlfriend, right?

Not sure.

She works at Clover Syndicate.

Her name is Joy Meyers.

She's on the company website.

I'm sending her pic to you right now.

That's the big office complex on Vanowen.

We'll swing by, see if she knows him.


Green give us any clues on, uh, Zack's motive?

Possible targets?

She says he was bipolar, emotionally detached, angry.

Let me know if you find any useful information.

Sounds like borderline personality disorder, explains the rage.

Person who craves empathy, cannot connect with others.

My new wife's rubbing off on me.

All units, we have a call of sh*ts fired at 269 Vanowen.

sh**t is male, white.

- That's Clover Syndicate.

- Zack's going after Joy.

Where is she?

LAPD SWAT! Everybody down! Get down! I got Zack.

You find Joy.

Joy Meyers.


Come on, let's get you out of here.

Chris! Chris! Stay down.

- How much does it cost?

- How fast can it go?

Six figures.

85 max.

We call her Black Betty.

Yeah, we use her to chase down bad guys, which is why it's better to be a good guy.

Bad guys can drive big trucks, too.

And some still get away.

Yeah, not

-not when we're after 'em.

Hey, you want to hit the siren?

All right, come on, let's go.

Matthews, take 'em around the back.

Hey, Travis.

So how'd you end up getting in so much trouble anyway?


'Cause I'm in a wheelchair?

No, because your teacher says that you could get straight As.

You know what I think?

I think it's because you want to prove that you're as tough as the other kids.

- Don't have to prove it.

- Travis.

You don't have to act out to make friends.

You could join an academic club.

You could play basketball.


- Yeah.

You'd have to get a custom chair, but I got a buddy who

- plays in a wheelchair league.

- Really?


Okay, you hit the siren button.

Yeah, I mean, that's the lights are good, too, but the siren's right here.

Hey, hey.

It's okay.

It's no worries.

Now, reading is hard.

Hey, what's up?

- Yo, Chris, are you all right?

- Hey, you all right?

I'm good, I just need to, uh, get cleaned up.

What happened?

The sh**t suspect jumped her.

She went after him one


-one, couldn't take him down.

Guess her bite isn't as big as her bark.

Who snitched?

- Deacon or Luca?

- That doesn't matter.

One of my team gets hurt, I need to be in the know.

Now, how you holding up?

A few bruises, some stitches, no

-no biggie.

What happened?

He was stronger than me.

He got away, that simple.

No cop wins every fight, Chris.

That's why we bring backup.

Now, where was Mumford?

Searching the other part of the building.

But now, uh, he, uh he looks at me like I'm roadkill, like I'm some kind of liability.

I know, a woman doesn't get the same benefit of the doubt, sometimes, when things go bad.

It's not like I was ever gonna be on Mumford's team, but at least I wanted to hear him beg, you know?

Forget Mumford.

You are a fighter, Chris.

Worst part is, this guy's looking to hurt other people, and I had a chance to take him down.

Okay, then you knuckle up and go get that son of a bitch.

Roger that, boss.

Genise Pouncey, prettiest girl in Oakland.

It's Livingston now.

And, God, I absolutely hate you.

How do you look better after all these years?

Uh, it's just the way my mama made me.

Plus, I get paid to exercise a little bit.

Time to exercise is hard to get in my house.

Laundry, dishes, two kids, full

-time job.

You still look hella fine to me.

So your daddy ratted me out that I was in town, huh?

No secrets in the ROMEO Club.

Oh, "Retired Old Men Eating Out.

" You know, that's a hell of a long way from that Panther slogan they used to chant back in the day.

When I heard you were gonna be here, well, I'm not usually nostalgic, but thanks for coming.


- I thought maybe you forgot all about me.

Never forget your first love.

How you been?

Kids are good.


James, T.


My husband took 'em to the movies so we could meet up.

- What's he do?

- Insurance.

All that stuff's on my Facebook page.

- You'd know it all if you joined

- Genise, that ain't me.

I don't like living my life online.

Okay, but wait a minute, wait a minute.

Teenagers, though?

When did that happen?

I know.

It seems like yesterday you were visiting your dad for the summer, sneaking me across the bridge

- to San Francisco.

- My girl wanted to see fireworks in Chinatown, and what my girl wanted, my girl got.

Still my favorite Fourth of July.

- Your dad still got that '64?

- Oh, yeah.

That's his little baby.

We were gonna drive it down the 5 tomorrow.

He's supposed to be moving in with Brianna, but, uh he hasn't accepted it yet.

He's sick.

He can't live alone anymore.

Whole ROMEO Club's got issues.

My dad had heart surgery last year.

You know, I was standing next to him today, and he he just seemed smaller.

I mean, that old guard, I mean, I just knew they were gonna live forever.

- Too much reality.

- Yeah.

Even from the man who hangs outside of helicopters.

Oh, stop it, stop it.



Don't think that I didn't see that picture

- last year.

- Okay, I did that, I did that.

But that's a lot easier than wrangling my hell

-raising pops.

Got your work cut out for you.

Don't I know it.

Zack and I went out on two dates.

He asked me on a third last night, but I wasn't interested.

How did he take that?

Well, he shot his shrink this morning, so I guess not well.

Hold on, are you saying Zack's k*lling people because I wouldn't go out with him again?

No, calm down, okay?

Take a breath.

Joy, none of this is your fault.

We're just trying to find Zack before he hurts more people.

He ever mention any family?

A little.

He said it sucked

- growing up with them.

- In what way did it suck?

Did he mention a person?

A place?

Does he have a grudge against somebody?

That's third date stuff.

He just said his mom was mean.

Chicken and waffles selfie.

Luca's gonna go bananas.


Coming here was your idea.

That was before some girl stole my radio.

Found it.

You dropped it, so she didn't really steal it.

You're my partner.

You're supposed to have my back.

Dude, I'm Code 7 right now, but after that, I promise, I'm all over it.


Lunch can wait, I guess.

What are you doing?

Switching frequencies from the dispatch channel.

Hit the reserve tac frequency, buy a little privacy.


Hope cheer practice was good.

I bet you rock those pom


Tell you what.

You turn over the radio, you get a hundred bucks.

Someone already offered me $300.

Return that radio, or I am arresting you for theft of police property.

Arrest me?

You don't even know who I am.

And, by the way, I was going to let you have it for a hundred bucks.

Fine, fine.

It is a deal.

Forget it.

Way to close, baller.

Thank you.

You know, I always did like this place.

They make their sandwiches like my mom does.

You always were a mama's boy.

It's a good thing.

How many dates did we have here?

We had some fun times.

I think the reason I wanted to see you is because I kind of lost touch with that teenage girl.

Kind of forgot who she was.

Wanted to remember.

Is that weird?

She was the sexiest dancer in all of Alameda County.

She loved people.

And she believed in being good.

I mean, she had no trouble getting bad from time to time.

I mean, girl, you had some skills.

- Oh, shh

- I won't tell.

And she made me want to be good, too.

You made me feel special.

You were special.

So, how you doing now?

Amazing husband, beautiful kids.

Couldn't imagine my life without them.

How about you?

I got my dream job.

You seeing anyone?

I was, but, you know, it, uh, it got complicated but SWAT's enough for me right now.

Ever think the reason you never settled down was because of your pops?

Boys look to their fathers to lead by example.

He abandoned you, your sister, your mother.

Maybe part of you worries that you'll do the same someday.

You always did like going deep, didn't you?

Genise, the truth is, I was always closer to my pop than I was my mom.

We were tight.

He was my hero.

But when he left and, you know, disappeared on my mom, just with no warning, I I don't know what it is.

Things were just never quite the same between him and me.

I mean, I came up for the summers, and I talked to him on the phone, but You think the reason he doesn't want to move is, he's embarrassed to need you now?

Think he doesn't sense this anger you're holding onto?

It's not just anger.

There's a lot of love, too.

Does he know you got both parts for him?

You ever tell him about it?

You know us Harrelson men.

We're hardheaded, we're stubborn.


But you're full of heart.

He's not just sick, Hondo.

He sees the end.

It's happening with my dad.

He is terrified that he's gonna be put in an old folks home like his dad.

So I'm the one who has to be strong now.

I'm the one who has to reassure him he's not alone, even when he's not willing to admit it all scares him to death.

Me and my pops, we just don't talk that way.

Doesn't mean it can't start.

I got to go.

It was really good to see you, though.


You, too.

Back to reality.

You take care of yourself.

You know the story about that bus stop?



Found a kid there.

A runaway.

He was there two days.

Eight years old.

He ran away 'cause his mom was mean.

She hit him.

He thought the bus driver or one of the passengers would help him.

Someone would notice him, see him hurting, and say, "Do you need help?

" No one ever did.

Three dollars.

He stayed there all day and night


- no food, no water, nothing.

You don't have any money or something?

Nobody helped him.

They all passed him by.

'Cause he was bad, just like his mother always told him.

Keep it.


What happened to the kid?

He became a man.

The cops k*lled him.

He died?


But not before taking out a lot of people on that bus first.

New intel on Zack Calnick.

A hot dog vendor in the Valley heard him thr*aten to k*ll people on a bus.

There's over 2,000 buses in this city.

And hundreds of thousands of riders.

Detective Ferris is putting out a description to all bus drivers.

Okay, how are we gonna narrow it down?

Maybe this will help: TSA said they found Zack's abandoned car near Burbank Airport.

We focus on every bus in or out of that airport until we know more.

Vandelli's team is chasing a lead on the other side of town, so I need you to take point on this.

Get moving.

Why don't you sit this one out, Alonso?

You could use a break.

You know what?

She's good.

Okay, I want her watching my back.

Like Luca said.

I'm all in.

- Mm


All right, kids.

SWAT's got to go catch a bad guy.

Now, listen, you're young, you got a lot of life in front of you, so make the right choices, all right?

And you.

I'm serious about my offer.

I think you'd have a lot of fun in that wheelchair league.

Okay, see you guys.

Let's do this.


Let's get him.

Hey, Captain.

Do me a favor?

Can you keep Kelly here, just till I get back, and have her mom come in?

It's important, I'll explain later, okay?

Officer Tan.

You didn't turn in your radio.

And I still need it.

Sorry, Sarge, it's in my car.

Got to move on this call, I'll get it to you when I get back.

Make sure you do.

My career's being held hostage by a cheerleader.

Man, I can't take any more of you moping around.

Don't worry, I'm gonna take care of this for you.

I need to find that address book.

Mickey's gonna need a pro bono.

You need to pack, Pops.

Come on, you need to tell me what is coming with us, what is being donated and what is getting thrown out.

I can't help take care of you unless you help me box up all of this crap, and move it and you out of here.

Where have you been?

Checking up on Genise.

You two really are like peas in a pod.

You said you were gonna solve this.

I am.

It's time to get real, Pop.

Your doctors say you can't live alone, and your family's not here.

We're in L.


No, I'll be fine, as soon as Jayne gets back.

Okay, just stop.


Jayne ain't coming back for you, man, wake up.

Just like you ditched Mom, Winnie, and me, and you never came back.

You know, I remember when we were so close, water couldn't come between us.

It was just you and me.

And, man, I thought I meant everything to you.

But then you left.

Walked out, gone.

And for a while, that made me feel like I was nothing.

Hondo You weren't nothing, son.

You were everything.

My boy.

I'm sorry, I can't take back what happened to you


- me falling in love with Jayne.

So, look, why don't you just go on back to L.


, forget about me.

I can't do that.

You're my father.

The only father me and her got.

I know what it is to be left behind.

But I ain't gonna let you feel that way.

Well, I'm not going.

- Pops, your doctor says you can't live by yourself.

I know what the doctor says! He said I'm dying.

You think I don't know that?

! You think I can't feel that?

! And I don't need the two of you reminding me of it all the time.

It's not about you dying! It is about you living.

Where Brianna and I can come around you more.

I bailed on you and Winnie.

So now you got a pass.

You can bail on me.

Look, son, I'm really sorry.

I'm sorry about all of it.

And I will not allow myself to become a burden on my family.

You are not a burden.

You are a responsibility, which is something I learned from you for what you didn't do.

But you also taught me a lot.

And without it, I couldn't be the man that I am today.

Pop, please pack your things because we are leaving here as a family.

And we're already late hitting the road.

- L.


Metro came through.

- We locate Zack?

Bus 254, on the Hollywood Way route.

Lot of airport employees take that line home.

Why didn't this guy start sh**ting as soon as he got on the bus?

Bus connects to the North Hollywood station.

And hundreds more potential casualties.

Deacon, that bus is headed for a major transit station.

He's waiting for it to fill up with more passengers.

- How many passengers on the bus?

- Up to 14 now.

Mapping out a diversion.

Intersection of Valhalla and Empire.

Okay, we need a red

-light delay before the bus hits the intersection.

Once it stops, we'll engage.

You'll need a road crew.

I'll radio Public Works to meet you there.

Olivia, this is Captain Cortez with the LAPD.

I need you to listen to me very carefully and act completely normal, okay?

There's a man on your bus who we believe is a danger to you and your passengers.

He's in the back with the duffel bag.

We have officers on the way, and if you do exactly what I say when I say it, we can keep you and everybody else on that bus safe.

If you understand everything I just said, say, "I'm on my way.

" I'm on my way.

This way.

Come on through.

Come on through.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


-David, I have visual.

Rear of the bus, last row.

He's getting up.

Stay calm.

When you get to the red light, I need you to hit the emergency override so all doors open.

I'll tell you when.


-David, bus is in position.


-David in position.

- On your count, Deacon.

- On my count.

Three, two, one Olivia, open the doors.

Head down! Head down!

- Everybody out!

- Move, move, move, move! Move! Alonso, hey.

Nice work out there.

You came back from an early setback and really kicked ass.


I could use that dynamic on my team.

You think, uh, I could talk you into switching squads?

Wow, this is out of the blue.

I'm losing Sanderson.

You'd be a higher rank on my team.


Hard pass, but if you're serious about adding a woman, there's a cop named Erica Rogers in SWAT Academy.

A real badass.

And if she makes the cut, you should check her out.

Will do.

Hey, Chris, hell of a patrol day.

I didn't like how it started, and I didn't like how people were looking at me afterwards.

Well, I always had faith in you.

And anyone that didn't, they do now.

SWAT strong.

Guess what I just turned down.

You took down the sh**t, too.

Did Mumford get on his knees and beg you?


But, uh I did set him straight.

Well, you can't blame him for wanting the best, Chris.

You know I'll want to hear some stories when I get back to L.


You got it.

He said his albums are coming with, right?

Oh, hell yeah.

Hey, you think you can escort him to the museum to check out my exhibit opening night?

Yeah, yeah, I can do that.

Any chance we can get Winnie to show up?

Not yet, Brie.

Winnie's got to find her own way with Pops.

I'll ask her, but just don't get your hopes up.

She's his daughter.

One day she'll crack.

Yeah, I hope so.

She doesn't have forever, but I'll talk to her.

Hey, don't forget my car trophies.

It's already packed.

Uh, these come with me.

I got this.

- That's a cool badge.

- It's for my mom.

Hi, Mom.


Kelly, can you go get your backpack?

Did Kelly do something wrong again?


No, your daughter's a good kid.

I don't want to overstep, but I think she might have dyslexia.

How would you know that?

Officer Luca is familiar with the signs.

Yeah, see, I'm

-I'm dyslexic, too.

But I wasn't diagnosed till I was, like, 14.

Yeah, it led to a lot of anger and fights.

You think Kelly is having problems in school

- because she's

- I think it's worth finding out.

I mean, it's a simple test.

I have two jobs.

I don't have time

- or money to deal with it.

- Okay, if you want, I'll take her.



All right, kiddo, no more pulling fire alarms to get out of spelling tests.

I'm gonna help you with that reading thing, all right?


- Okay.

All right.

So, how'd you get her to show?

Well, I told her you were gonna lose your job.

And I told her that you were willing to go up to 400 bucks.



- Shh.

This is not a gift.

This is a loan.

All right, let's do this.

You the girl who stole my radio?

He means found it.

How does a cop even lose his radio, anyway?

That's, like, super stupid.

I was in pursuit of a suspect.

He was.

The world's a safer place now.

So stop torturing the guy.


First things first.

Hope you're happy.

I am a cop, not a bank.

I'm gonna have to sell some Lakers tickets that I got as a gift to pay that off.

- I feel you, but now I get t?

no go to cheer camp, so yay team.

Schooled by a cheerleader.

You better not tell anyone.

That depends.

You got any more Lakers tickets?

I'm ready.

All right, you lead the way, we'll follow.

It's time to go, Pop.

Yeah, I know.

Hey, now Now that you're sleeping That we were wasting time Nearly all the time And your daddy loves you.
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