02x08 - The Tiffany Experience

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "S.W.A.T." Aired: November 2, 2017 – present.*
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American procedural action drama television series, based on the 1975 television series of the same name.
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02x08 - The Tiffany Experience

Post by bunniefuu »

You made an aggressive lane change back there.

Pop the trunk.

Officer, you can't check my car without probable cause.

Just pop your trunk.

That fool had the nerve to act like I was the one making it about race.

- And?

- And Didn't you learn anything while you were on the team?

If it were up to me, you would not be in the academy.

You had your spot, and you threw it away.

We both agree we want you back on SWAT on a probationary basis.




- Yes.

KIRA: There's something that I need to be honest with you about.

I do have a fiancé, and we've been looking for a new third to complete us.

I'm not into being a prop for other people's fantasies.

It's about so much more than sex for us.

We're interested in a real partner.

Nia, listen, uh I called the hotel in Tucson to take care of those damages, but they told me you had already covered it.

Look, I'm the one who put that lamp in the wall, so there's no way I'm gonna let you pay for my behavior.

Angry as you were, it could've been more than just a lamp.

Yeah, I guess, but that's not who I am, Nia.

That's not the way my mama raised me.

I just wanted to let you know that I took care of it, so we can stop talking about it.

I'm not the one who started this conversation.

But if you ask me you needed it.

And you can stop thinking about it all you want.

Doesn't make it go away.

I'll keep that in mind.

Hey, you.


I thought I was early.

I was in a hurry to see you.

- We saw each other just last night.

- I know.

I think I remember how you like it.

The coffee.



So, where's Ty?

It's been a couple weeks since it's been just the two of us.

That's on purpose, actually.

I thought you'd know enough about Ty and us by now to know if you wanted to date us for real.

If Ty's the issue, I want you to feel comfortable saying that.


Ty's great, and I totally get why you're marrying him.

I understand the polyamorous thing a lot better now.

I'm open to the idea.


I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually worried about what people will think.

They'll think you refuse to let societal norms keep you from a fulfilling relationship.

They'll definitely not be thinking that.

Look, Chris, you're the only one I can see us being with.

But if you're not comfortable with it now, do you think you ever will be?


JESSICA: So, this girl made a million dollars last year?


3 million.

Just talking about herself online?

Without any kind of real talent?

Well, when you say it like that, it makes it sound silly.

It sounds silly no matter how you say it.

So, this girl Tiffany.

She's the most inspiring lifestyle vlogger - on the Internet.

- Inspiring?

She videos herself trying on new outfits.

And now she's famous, and everyone loves her.

There's worse ways of making a living.

Please tell me you're gonna go to college.

I think I'd be good at it.

There's a girl that has 20,000 followers at my school, and I'm better than her.

Does my sister know about this plan of yours?

Thanks for getting up at 4:00 a.


for this.

How else am I gonna maintain my status as the cool aunt?



- WOMAN: Hello, everybody!


So, uh, Tiffany is still running a little late.

GIRL: What?

- She's on her way, I promise.

But how would you like to video chat with my favorite little sister right now?


My people.

Y'all enjoying my house?

Mi casa, your casa.

Someone needs to teach her Spanish.

Oh, and JD's here, too.

What up, experiencers?


I'm so sorry I'm late.

I'm sure Sarah told you that I was in San Diego visiting a fan, just like you guys.

Love you guys! Her name's Kourtney, and she's in the hospital.

She's real sick.

We went down there and filmed a video with Kourtney, and you'll never believe where I got this hat I'm wearing.

That's in the video, too, and we'll post that tomorrow, so look for it.

One day I'm gonna be riding back and forth in a helicopter, but until then I'm stuck on the 405 like everybody else.

- Love you guys! -


She's so great.



LAPD! Everyone out through the back! Keep going.

You, come here.

You guys, go.

Okay, it's okay.

I'll call 911.

Tell them Captain Cortez is here, tell them what I'm wearing, - and tell them I'm armed.

- Okay, come on.

(g*nshots CONTINUE)


JESSICA: Police! Put down your w*apon! Unis and EMTs are at the scene, but we can't get those g*nsh*t victims out of there until we clear the sh**t.

Couple blocks out.

Any word on the captain and her niece?

Amy's good.

But Cortez is the only one in that backyard helping those injured people.

There could be more people trapped inside the house with the sh**t.

What the hell was that, Luca?

I just hit somebody.

You okay?

All right, Luca, you know how this works.

You stay, the truck stays.

- Rest of us, let's go.

- Easy.

Not your fault, man.

- Yeah, I know that.

- You broke my arm.

Deac, I got Chris.

We'll take the two side.

You guys got the one.

I told you this was a bad idea.

Stop talking like that.

Deac, you're in position?

- Ready to go.

- HONDO: Going in the east side door, so watch your crossfire.

Wait on my mark.

DEACON: Roger that.

Metro SWAT! Drop your w*apon! - You got him, Chris?

- Yep.

Down! - Upstairs clear.

- DEACON: We're Code 4.

All clear for paramedics to enter.

I got him, Cap.

Captain, we got him.

We're good.

Tiffany was not present and was not involved.

Right, yes.

Uh, I'll call you back.

How is your daughter?

My niece.

She's really shaken up.


Metal detectors and bag searches from now on.

dr*gs and g*ns aren't what Tiffany's about.

Where is this Tiffany?

We need to speak to her.

What about?

I thought this was between rival drug dealers.

Well, it looks like it could be, but this is your sister's house, and we have to consider all possibilities.

And I can imagine she gets her share of threats.

The weirdo files.

We have records on anyone who's ever posted a troubling comment on one of Tiff's vlogs.

We call it the weirdo files.

All right, I need you to send those over to us, but I still need to talk to Tiffany.

She should be landing at LAX any minute now.

Wait, I thought she was on the 405 on her way back from visiting that sick fan?

She was.

Two days ago.

And then she went to Vegas, and then she missed her flight 'cause I wasn't there to make sure she was on it.

And she was gonna be three hours late to an event people stood in line for all morning.

What happened to being all about the fans?

Look, I-I know it's not a good excuse, but she's a 21-year-old millionaire.

She can be a bit scattered.

All right, I want you to hold tight.

I'm gonna have one of my guys go with you - to pick up Tiffany at the airport.

- Yeah.


What's the damage on the kid?

Broken arm, broken collarbone, possibly some ribs.

They took him to the hospital.

Damn, Luca.

I got to write you up a ticket?

Nah, he came out from behind the bushes.

There's no way I could've seen him.

I-I mean, I don't know how he didn't hear us coming.

It's not like Black Betty's got a stealth mode.

What's his story?

He told the EMTs he was already in the street running to his car when we took the corner too fast.


I don't know if he's lying or got a bad memory, but that's not how it went down.

All right, well, let the guys in ties sort it out.

Right now we got a sh**t on the loose.

Now, it sounds like it might be a drug beef, but we got to cover all our bases.

I need someone to go over the files that Sarah's about to send us on potential Tiffany stalkers.

- Yeah, I'm on it.

- HONDO: All right.

See if Wendy's got any insight.

She'll know what to look for psychologically better than us.

Someone must have gotten the sh**t on camera with all the phones.

I'll take that, too.

I'll see what I can find on social media.

Save some for the rest of us, hero.

No, I'll-I'll be stuck at HQ working with Wendy, anyway.

I might as well do it while I'm there.

Well, let me know what you find.



You all right?

My niece could have gotten shot on my watch.

But she didn't because you were there.

I'll be all right when we catch the third sh**t.


- Swear to God.

- DEACON: You know, there are only a couple hundred active concealed carry permits in L.



I seriously doubt that your name's on any one of them, which means you shouldn't have been packing to begin with.

If we hadn't been, we'd be dead.

Dude came at us.

Rival dealer?

Your friend's bag had enough Molly for a party twice that size.

I don't know what Larry did or didn't have in his bag.

I was there for the "Tiffany Experience.

" Illegal g*ns a big part of that?

Hey, it's that other dude's b*ll*ts that hit those kids.

You're forgetting about the kid you hit when you shot at me.

Number one, that was Larry.

And number two, he thought you were with the other dude.

So, who was this guy?

- Why was he sh**ting at you?

- I don't know him.

Me and Larry were in this back hallway talking to some other Tiffany fans.

We see someone come out of Tiffany's bedroom, which was off-limits, so we assumed it must be security or something, but it's not.

How did you know it was her bedroom?

Like I told you, I'm a fan.

Anyway, this guy's got a g*n under his jacket, his hand's on the g*n, and he's coming our way with this weird-ass look in his eyes.

Assumed he was gonna try and rip us off.

That's just when everything just got out of hand.

I think maybe Kira's right.

I need to decide if this relationship is something I want or not.

I can't string them along forever.

And what's her fiancé like?

- Is he a good-looking guy?

- Looks aren't everything.

Ah, so I got nothing to worry about?


He's a little on the dorky side, don't you think?

CHRIS: If you mean ruggedly sexy, then, yeah, sure.

- What about there?

- Ah.

So far, they all just cut out or just start shaking like crazy as soon as the sh**ting starts.

You seem to be taking on a lot lately.

No, I'm good.

Back to your love life.

What's, uh, ruggedly dorky guy's name again?



I would never date a guy named Chuck.

LUCA: Ty, huh?

What happened to that girl Kira, man?

A few weeks ago, she's all you could talk about.

Actually, Ty is Kira's fiancé.

They want me to be the third in a polyamorous relationship.


Wait, wait.


! Like Like a sister-wives, not-allowed-to-cut-your-hair kind of thing?


This isn't a guy looking for a fantasy.

I would be in a relationship with the both of 'em equally.

It's complicated.

So, uh, back to our case.


The, uh, dealer says that the sh**t was snooping around Tiffany's bedroom, so it's looking more and more like he was after Tiffany and not the dr*gs.

Just heard back from Tan.

Airport pickup went smoothly.

And, uh, they're back at the condo now.


She's got a condo and a house?

I get shot at once a week, I'm surfing couch to couch.

Are we ever gonna talk to Tiffany, see what she knows?


That's the plan.

Street, you keep searching these videos.

And Hondo wants everyone else with him.

You know, if this is about Tiffany, a couple of us are gonna have to stay on her.

Not it.

- Luca?

- Yes, sir?

- I need a word.

- What's up?

That kid you hit in Black Betty says he's gonna sue.

- So?

We get sued all the time.

- Well It's just another loser trying to win the LAPD lottery.

Yeah, well, until we settle this to the chief's satisfaction, your official driving privileges are suspended.

- Are you kidding me?

! - I wish I was.

Look, I apologize for the outburst, sir, but I've never - heard of this happening short of a DUI.

- HONDO: I think the word you're looking for, Luca, is unprecedented.

Well, it's not about the lawsuit.

This kid you hit he's apparently dating the mayor's daughter.

So this is coming from the mayor's office?

- It's coming from the chief.

- Who's looking to score points with the mayor, it sounds like.

Well, look, I'm sorry, Luca.

With these budget cuts breathing down my neck, I can't push back as hard as I normally would.

But you got my word, I'm gonna expedite this personally.

It could be weeks, months, driving shotgun.

It could just be hours, Luca.


We got a job to do, I know.

All right, Chris, you got the wheel.

It just sounds wrong.

All right, here.

Haven't been in a vehicle I wasn't driving in I can't even remember how long.



It was the scariest thing that ever happened to me.

It was scary for me, too.

I wasn't there, but what if I had been?

But in a weird way, this brings us closer as sisters.



- Ugh.

Don't worry.

We'll just edit it out.

We should reshoot it.

Both of you are so low energy.

Well, I've had a tough morning.


It's Tristan.

He must have heard.

It's been nonstop since we got her from the airport.


Babe! - Oh, Lord.

I just woke up.

- And I was the first person you call?

Don't be jealous because it won't do you any good.

Can she do that later?


Tristan's got a pretty tight schedule, though.

Tight schedule?

Didn't she just say he's her boyfriend?

Oh, they're not actually dating.

It's just for the videos.

They're cross-pollinating each other's followers.

Isn't Tristan the vlogger who does the What is it?

The daily goof.


He plays these elaborate pranks - on his friends.




No-fun Sarah says I have to wrap it up.

Guess some things never change.

But I promise Hey, Tristan, I hear you like pranks.




- Well, here's one for you.

Excuse me?

Tiffany, my name is Sergeant Harrelson.

I want to ask you some questions about one of the guys who shot up your place this morning.

- I thought it was for sure about dr*gs.

- It might be, but the sh**t who got away may have been targeting you.

So we might have to put you in protective custody.

Oh, God.

That sounds restrictive.

So, you're saying I'm in danger?


Hey, how about - we turn that thing off?

- Oh, we're not live-streaming.

We'll edit it into the video I just did.

But don't worry.

We'll make you guys look so badass.

JD's a wizard.

I saw that look on your face earlier.

About the Ty and Kira thing.

What kind of look?

Let's just say I-I got a sneak peek at how my aunts and uncles are gonna react.


Come on, I'm not that old.

But you disapprove, right?

You think it's immoral or something?

It's your business, it's not mine.

Come on, just give me a real answer.

You know me.

I can take it.

Probably think I'm gonna do whatever I want, and you're right.

That doesn't mean I don't respect your opinion.

You want to know if I disapprove?

If your daughter brought home a couple, how would you feel about that?



I'd be worried for her.

That couple is in a relationship that predates you.

They're getting married, and you're not part of that marriage, no matter how they try to sell it to you.

I think you're setting yourself up for heartache.

A hundred feet to your two o'clock.

Stay casual.

He's watching.

Fits the captain's description of the sh**t.

Hondo, we got a guy across the street that looks like our sh**t.

- Roger that, Deac.

- Look, everybody get on the ground.

- Stay away from the window, all right?

- What's going on?

- What's happening?

- For God's sake, Tiff, just get down.

I can go around the building, make the block and get behind him.


Seeing you leave might spook him, Chris.

Tan, get unis to surround the block.

Luca Hey, I said turn that thing off! He's on the move.

He's on the run.

We're in pursuit.


- I'm with you, Deac! - I got the door.

He's got a g*n.


LAPD! Come out of the house.

Did you see a guy with a g*n run through here?

DEACON: All right, go back inside.

Stay away from the doors and the windows.

Hondo, check it out.

He must've dropped it on the way over.

That's a .

45, just like the sh**t this morning.

Coming after her twice in three hours.

He's motivated.

More like obsessed.

He's not gonna stop until we stop him.

Guys the worst happened, I don't want to say even.

But I want you to know Are those your feet or Luca's?

You kidding?

Luca's feet would take up the whole frame.


I think I just got dumber.

I can't believe this is the world my kids are growing up in.

I told them to turn that damn camera off.

Videos like that'll probably encourage this guy.

All right, so who's babysitting our little princess?

- Not it.

- Hey, I had her all morning.



What's up, man?

Want to talk about it?

You're starting to sound like Dr.



What, are you afraid they're gonna say that accident was your fault?

No, it's not that exactly.

It's just Look, driving has been such a big part of my life since before SWAT, even.

I mean, until today, I'd never even hit a squirrel.

I had a perfect driving record.

Luca, you can't be perfect all the time.

Yeah, but we're SWAT.

Perfect's part of our job description.


Come on, man.

That's a part that none of us live up to.

You know, the best way to get your mind off your own problems to listen to someone else's.

You got something going on?

Not me.


He's been doing way too much lately, but he ain't gonna want to hear that from me.

- He and Chris are pretty tight.

- Luca.

We've all seen the shade you've been throwing his way.

You lived with the kid for months, man.

And he needs his boy back.


Amy, your mom texted.

They're taking an early flight back.

Yeah, I know.

This is Dr.

Wendy Hughes.

- She's a psychologist.

- Hi, Amy.

After what happened this morning, I thought it might be good for the two of you to talk.

Something wrong with the sandwich?

I'm not hungry.

You haven't eaten all day.

You think Tiffany will be okay?

- I think you - I bet she's plenty safe with SWAT protecting her.

They're amazing.

That's right.

She'll be fine.

Just heard back on the g*n the guy dropped.

No usable prints, serial number filed off.

Any luck on your end?

Uh, not really.

I mean, I hate the Internet now, so I-I guess that's progress as a person.

Look, we all notice how you keep, uh, volunteering for the crap assignments, on top of manning - the armory on your off time.

- Still five more months of probation.

Which means you got to be on top of your game, not that you have to pay some kind of penance.

That's all in the past.

- In the past?

- Yeah, it's water under the bridge.

So quit burning the candle at both ends.

You look exhausted.

Honestly, it's not even the workload.

It's just not knowing where I'm sleeping any given night.

My mom, she's still at my old place.

And it's just more expensive than I thought it'd be getting a second lease.

You're talking to a couch surfing pro here.

I get it.

I stayed, uh, with my old training officer for a week, but his wife has this dog that hates me - even more than she does.



So now I'm sleeping in my buddy's spare room in Santa Clarita.

Only last night, I forgot and drove back to Long Beach and I didn't realize till I was halfway there.

I had no idea.

Anyway, um, I'm not complaining.

I'm all done with excuses.


Captain, what's up?

Just checking in.

SARAH: Two and a half million views on this morning's video and over 100,000 new followers.


Someone should try to k*ll me every week.

That's bad.

I shouldn't say that, should I?

No, you shouldn't.


I'm Captain Cortez.

Captain Cortez was at the event this morning.

She saved our lives.

Oh, cool.

Girl power.

So when can we go to the hospital to visit my fans that got shot?


Is that gonna get you more followers?

There a problem or something?

Can we talk alone?


Tiffany, you're a con artist.

You don't really care about your fans.


- All they are to you is views and followers.

Millions of teenagers look up to you.

My niece could have gotten k*lled this morning.

She's traumatized.

And for what?

'Cause she worships a version of you that doesn't even exist.

Well, you could say the same thing about an actor - or LeBron James.

- This is not a movie or a game.

You're pretending it's your real life, but it's not.

Even your boyfriend is fake.

Well, my fans get it.

And I bet your niece does, too.

I've been doing this since I was 15.

Did you know that?

I'm not the same person I was when I was 15, but I have to act like it, because that's what the fans want.

That's the Tiffany Experience.

And, by the way, I get comments all the time from fans telling me watching my videos keeps them from slitting their wrists.

So, maybe I'm not a completely terrible person after all.

You could be so much more.

Captain, we need you.

It's too fuzzy for facial recognition but matches the witness descriptions.

I saw him only from the back, but the clothes look right.

WENDY: I zeroed in on eight of the possible witnesses based on the weirdo files that Sarah gave us men whose posts and messages to Tiffany showed the obsession and recklessness that we are looking for.

And we got a match.

Pete Delkis.

Multiple recent addresses all in the Woodland Hills-Canoga Park area, - including his parents' house.

- Nice job.

- It looks like he has priors.

- Criminal stalking and unlawful discharge of a w*apon.

Wasn't hard for me to single him out.

Those are felonies.

He shouldn't have access to a g*n.

Well, if we're lucky, it's the only one he had.

But I'm not counting on it.

All right, let's tac up.

With this many addresses, we can't do no-knock entries.

- Luca.

- Yes, sir.

Your driving privileges have been reinstated.

- What?

- Street found a video of the accident.

It confirms your version of events.

I had to run it up the chain, but you're good to go, pal.


- Bury the lede, dude.

- Glad I could help, man.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, Chris.

- Hand 'em over.

- What?



It's LAPD! Open the door! MIKE: Hold your badge up to the peephole, please.


Mike Delkis?


May we come in?

A photo of your badge has been uploaded to my cloud storage, Officer.

We're looking for your son, Pete.

Is he here?

No idea, Officer.

I don't need to cooperate with you.

- Do you have g*ns in the house?

- I do.

- It's America still, isn't it?

- Are they in a safe?

Pete's got priors.

He's not supposed to have access to any firearms.

You trying to use my son's arrests as an excuse to confiscate my legally purchased g*ns?

Pete shot a person this morning, Mike.

And it was likely one of your g*ns.

That's impossible.

You own a .


Desk drawer.

HONDO: Don't worry.

He lost it hopping a fence.

You got any more in the house?

Yeah, 9-mil.

Nightstand by my bed.

What good do they do me in a safe?

Somebody breaks in, am I supposed to run to my closet, turn the dial back and forth while he kills me?

Strike two.

Copy that.

He's still on the loose, and he's still armed.

Well, that's comforting.

At least Tiffany's safe here.

But as long as Pete is free, he's a danger.

We just don't know to who else.

All of his posts on Tiffany's vlogs are all about Tiffany herself.

He thinks that they're meant to be together, that only he's good enough for her.

He calls everyone on her videos sponges, imbeciles, a lot worse.

Everyone in her videos?

Like her sister, Sarah?

She was at the event Pete shot up this morning.

And she was at the condo where Pete showed up there.

Maybe Pete's not after Tiffany.

He could be after the people he thinks are keeping him from her.

Sarah, JD, the fake boyfriend.


: Check it out, bro.


: Check it out, bro.


My bad, bro.

Should've warned you not to stand there!



Who's Dahlia?

Who are you?

How'd you get in here?

When you vlog outside, sometimes you use the keypad to close the garage.

I had to watch about a hundred of them to piece the code together.

Y-You what?

Wait, did Marty send you?


Prank w*r is over, Marty! Who's Dahlia?

Are you cheating on Tiffany?


You must have the IQ of a six-year-old and you're cheating on her?

Uh, hey, look, I-I love my fans, bro, but, uh, this is trespassing, all right?

Uh You're the guy from this morning.

Look, Tiff's not here, man! Well, that's too bad.

I wish she could see the way you're cowering, betraying your beta male traits.

We're not even really dating in real life.



- Okay, that's just for the followers, I swear! Police are at my house.

Uh, um, maybe I can help you out.

I don't really carry cash on me or anything.


- He's dead.

- Left side clear.

Right side clear.

May not mean anything, but doesn't look like his phone is on him.

I'm guessing that's not something you usually say - about this guy.

- Captain, we've got a problem.

Here to yell at me again?

Where are Sarah and JD?


Because we think the sh**t is targeting them.


: For what reason?

Tiffany, where are they?

The shuttle.

The Tiffany Experience party shuttle.

You said you'd shut down your events until we found this guy.

Yeah, but he's after me, and I'm right here, where you told me to be.

Plus, I'm trending like crazy right now, and Tristan texted Sarah with this hot idea for me to throw a pop-up shuttle in my honor.

And he's gonna make a surprise appearance.

Tiffany, Tristan didn't send that text.

He's dead.


Hello, Tiffany fans.

Uh, Tiffany's not here right now.

I'm Pete.

JD's here, too.



I wasn't planning on things turning out this way, but I know some of you will understand.

I know you understand, Tiffany, why I had to k*ll Tristan.

It's too late for me, but I'm gonna make sure that the next real man who truly deserves you won't be taken away from you by beta-male sponges and bitch gatekeepers.


Where's CHP with that spike strip?

Best they can promise is the Roscoe intersection.

That's four miles out.

Captain, this guy's hot.

Is there any way they can move it up a few streets?

Working on it.

CHRIS: Even if we get it stopped, the tint on that thing is too dark - to get a clean shot.

- We might be able to sneak someone in through the rear luggage compartment.

Whatever our entry point is, as long as he's live-streaming, we'll know exactly where he is on the shuttle.

And which way he's looking.

With enough time, we can get someone in there while he's distracted.

All right, I like it, but if we don't stop this thing soon, it's not gonna matter.

I see some of you are asking me why I'm live-streaming this right now.

Why not just k*ll these two like I did Tristan?


Over 200,000 viewers and climbing.

Over 200,000 of you get to hear directly from me why I have to do this.

And then when I get to a million What is it that-that Tiffany always says?

She says, "You know you've made it when you get a million views.

" Please, is there anything Just stay out of the way.

I wanted to get those million with you, Tiff.

I did.

But at least I'm going to make it.


So come on, Tiffany fans, let's rally, let's do this.

As soon as we get to a million, you're gonna see these leeches get what they deserve.

He's waiting for a million viewers before he sh**t them.

HONDO: Captain, if we shut down his live stream, he might start k*lling them right then and there.

A million viewers.

That-that should give us enough time.

No one with a conscience is gonna tune in now.


It's climbing faster.


A lot faster.

We're not gonna make it to that spike strip before he pulls the trigger.

Over 700,000 viewers on Pete's live stream now.

If we don't get to that shuttle before he hits a million, those hostages are dead.

Does CHP have any cars in the area with a mobile spike?

On its way but it's ten minutes out.

He's gonna hit a million way before that.

Can they PIT maneuver something that big?

No way, not with a cruiser.

Black Betty could.

- Hey, Luca.

- You read my mind.

- You sure this thing's nimble enough?

- I'm gonna make it nimble enough.

- It's dangerous.

- You see any other options?

All right, Tan.

We got to time this to when Pete's g*n is turned away from Sarah.

Captain, tell CHP to make room for us at the front of that convoy.

Good to have you back in that hot seat, Luca.

You know, I personally handed you my audition packet - three months ago.

- SARAH: Sor I'm sorry.

We-we get so many.

It probably just got lost, that's all.

You can't trick me, Sarah.


Maybe you can fool soy-faced cucks like JD here, but not me, all right?

I tried to give the packet to you, Tiff, but, well, Sarah said I had to wait in the back of the line all day, and then when I finally got there, she ended the meet and greet before I could see you.

How convenient.


PETE: Almost there.

- Go, Luca! -


Get in the back.

Get in the back.

Chris, you're with me.

Tan, we need a window.

Let us know which one.

Keep videoing.

If the police try to come in here, I'm gonna k*ll these two right away.

Deac, be ready to port the window.

Wait for my enter command.

- Where they at, Tan?

- Side window.

Hostages in the rear.

Chris, move.

Street, move.

5,000 viewers away.

- Chris, you good?

- I'm good.


All right, here we go.




Go! Go! STREET: Clear right!


Suspect's down.

Both hostages safe.


Did you get the guy?

We got him.

And it looks like you got your appetite back.

WENDY: We ordered pizza.

Hope you don't mind.

Thank you for staying with her.

No, thank you.

It was my pleasure.

I've been dealing with an empty nest lately since my twin girls went off to college.

Where did they end up going?

Middlebury and Colgate.

So far away.

I really miss them, so Thank you for making my day, Amy.


You're welcome.

Tiffany's still here, you know.

Maybe she'll do a video with you.

I bet you'd get more viewers than that girl at your school.

I don't know.

Reconsidering the vlogging career?

I just think I might want to talk about more important stuff after today, you know.

I was thinking maybe I could do one with you, actually.

If you're okay with that.

Hey, Street.

- Hey, yo, some fancy driving today.

- Wait up.

Yeah, thanks to you.

Hey, so, you know, what we were talking about earlier water under the bridge and all that.

Look, everyone was pissed at me.

For good reason.

- I get it.

- No, I wasn't pissed.

Look, okay, yeah, I was pissed.

But that's not why I was so hard on you in the academy.

Okay, you might think because of who my dad and my granddad were, that they were in SWAT, that I was a shoo-in.

But the truth is that the instructors were harder on me than anyone else.

Okay, they didn't want anybody in SWA because of who their dad was.

So they needed to see that I wanted it more than anyone else.

That's what I needed to see from you.

I appreciate the second chance, man.

So we gonna bunk together again or what, man?

I mean, look, I got this new house in East Hollywood, right.

I'm still fixing it up.

It's a two bedroom; I'm only using one.

You helped me out when I needed a place, so just don't say no, man.

- Come on, just - Stop.


You had me at whatever the first word in that sentence was.


About our conversation last night For something you don't want to think about, you sure keep bringing it up.

I just want you to know I'm grateful.

And I don't mean paying for that lamp.

I mean for the way you handled it when it happened.

The fact that you don't look at me any different after that.

Hondo, you have nothing to be ashamed of.

Listen, my ex-husband has a lot of issues.


Oh, I noticed.


But issues only become problems when you refuse to accept you have them, like he does.

Or when you refuse to acknowledge the fact that you're not perfect.

You've got weaknesses like everybody else.

You know, there's a guy on my team who was letting old business screw up a friendship, and I said something similar to him.

Sounds like you just need to take your own advice, then.


Acknowledge the issue.

Accept the issue.

Is there another "A" you want to throw in there?


How about "address" the issue?

That anger I saw in Tucson was not just about that ass of a traffic cop.

There's no way that one guy got you wound up like that.

There has to be more that's been built up.

But you got it out of your system for now.

So now it's just about keeping it out of your system.


I hope you're right.

Of course I am.

That was all over my feed today.

That was you?

And the rest of my team, yeah.

Just a day in the life, huh?

- It was crazy.

- It can be.

Or it can be just sitting around all day waiting in HQ for a call.

Yeah, a lot like my job.

Yeah, I hear painting's dangerous work.

I mean, those fumes can be so toxic, you know.

Oh, my God.


Uh, all right.

So, you obviously didn't come here for my amazing jokes.


I, um I've been thinking a lot about this today, and-and the truth is, I-I already knew I wanted to do this, but I was worried about what people would think.

Actually, I had to deal with that today with a member of my team.

And how'd it go?

Actually, it was it was fine.

People are surprisingly tolerant when you give them a chance.

He did make one good point though.

The two of you, you guys are getting married.

You both are entering a lifelong commitment with each other.

It makes it really hard not to think of my position as just temporary.

Yes, we are getting married.

But if we start a relationship with you, you will be an equal part in that new relationship.

TY: And it's better this way, don't you think?

I mean, this way you don't have to worry about your relationship with each of us separately.

There's just one question: how do you mesh with the two of us as a unit?

There are things That I would never say or do There are things I think


I think I'm ready to mesh.

There are things that I would never say or do There are things that make me Want to stick to you like glue.
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