02x14 - The B-Team

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "S.W.A.T." Aired: November 2, 2017 – present.*
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American procedural action drama television series, based on the 1975 television series of the same name.
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02x14 - The B-Team

Post by bunniefuu »


: What an exciting game here at Venice Beach for the 47th Badge versus Badge Tournament between LAPD and the Fire Department.

- Let's go!

- Come on, box him out! EMCEE: Ryan Cook with a layup.

- Oh!

- EMCEE: Makes it.



Fire is up by three.

All I do is win, win, win (ALL SHOUTING)

Got money on my mind, I can never get enough (CHEERING)

EMCEE: Fire Department still up on the cops by one with 13 seconds remaining.


EMCEE: Ryan Cook with the rebound.

- Foul him!

- EMCEE: Trying to dribble it out.


Why didn't he foul him right away?

EMCEE: Ryan Cook is sh**ting two, and this could be it for LAPD.

- No kidding.

Thanks for rubbing it in!

- MAN: Yeah.

It's over.

Cook never misses.

How's Annie doing?

She's due any day now, isn't she?

Yep, the 27th.

She's great.

Fourth time around, she's a pro.

I thought she was due on the 29th.


Fourth time around, the details get a little confusing.




Fire up by two.

STREET: You know, uh, one of my foster brothers, he's got six kids now.

He says the first one, you're checking on him every five minutes.

By the time you get to the last one, you stick them all in a playpen and figure they'll call 911 if there's a problem.

We tend to be a little more hands

-on than that.

You gonna be doing a baby shower or anything?


Kind of snuck up on us.

EMCEE: Ryan Cook back at the line.

- Can't watch.

- Come on.




Fire is up by three with three seconds remaining.

- sh**t it!

- Push it!

- Come on, get it up!



- Oh, God, no.

And that, as they say, is that.

LAPD might have won the CrossFit challenge, but basketball goes to the folks in the shiny red trucks.

The annual Badge versus Badge Tournament benefitting Breast Cancer Prevention Partners is tied up at one


Oh, here he comes.

Get a good view, Cortez?

You know, I always play better when you're watching.

I'm glad to see you winning with such grace, Ryan.

How about you let me take you to dinner to celebrate?

That sounds more like a punishment to me.

You're lucky I wasn't out there this time.


I remember dunking on you so hard last year, they took you out of here in two ambulances.

HICKS: Hey, congrats for tying it up, but you might want to pump the brakes on that celebration, though.

Yeah, we still got three events in case you forgot, man.

Last three years it came down to arm wrestling and we all know how that's gonna go.

RYAN: Guess you haven't heard.



Marcus here is handling arm wrestling for our department this year.

You must be the famous Dominique Luca.

Feel like we've met before.

What station you work out of?

Never even held a hose.

BRINKLE: Marcus is our new social media director while Denise is on maternity leave.

Wait, you're Marcus King.


-time NFL Pro Bowler.



Just retired.

What are you trying to pull here, Brinkle?

Bringing in a ringer?

I thought there were rules against this kind of thing.

Marcus has a communications degree from USC.

He's perfectly qualified to be our social media director.

And if he's also a good arm wrestler, that's just gravy.

Yeah, don't worry, Commander, um, I don't need to duck anyone.

- No offense, man.

- Oh, none taken.

Can't wait.

Me, too, man.

- Chief, grab a pic right quick?

- Uh, sure.

Gonna hype the hell out of this thing online.

- Say cheese.


Yeah, fire


May I?

I don't have it with me so don't try anything.

Oh, please.

No need to insult me.


I've never done this before.

And I don't see why we had to meet face



What sort of businessman would I be if I paid this amount of money to a person I never met?

Transfer half the money and I'll tell you where it is.

It's somewhere nearby.

We should eat something first.


Uh, no.

I'm not hungry.

Oh, please.

I insist.

Just transfer the money, okay?


Where are you going?

The spare tire compartment of your car is not a very clever hiding place.

There is no need for me to pay you anything now.






Get back! Get away! (PANTING)

DISPATCHER: sh**ting suspect has barricaded himself inside Voodoo Records at 340 West Main.


Burrows, is that the shop right there?

Single sh**t?

- That's right.

- He injured?

BURROWS: Bleeding pretty bad, apparently.

- DEACON: Hostages?

- BURROWS: One or two, I think.

Well, which is it?

One or two?

Conflicting witness statements.

We're not sure.

There could be any number of people in there.

Deacon, pull back.

Burrows, get behind the Gurkha.

Okay, northwest entry.

No view from the window there, but we got to find out

- how many hostages we're dealing with.

- Radar?

Now's as good a time as any to break it out.

Love the smell of new tech right out of the box.

Deacon, we got one sh**t, three hostages.

LUCA: They're close together, right there.

Can't hide, I know you need it Keep me up I think you need medical attention.

Burning sun We won't stop till we drop $300.

It's an original pressing.

But you can have it.

One shot till we drop off Everything in here is meaningless.



: This is Sergeant Kay with LAPD SWAT.

We know you're holding people in there.

We just want to make sure everybody's okay.




DEACON: Please pick up the phone.



: One shot till we drop off the deep end This is it.


Get up.

What do you mean?

I said get up.

Get up! Okay.

Walk ahead of me.





LAPD SWAT! Get behind us!

- Get behind the shield!

- LUCA: Get behind us! Hostages coming out! Secured! Put down the g*n and come out now.

We know you're hurt.

We'll get you to a hospital.

I said put the g*n down.

It's not worth it! It's always worth it to do something that actually matters.

sh**t down.

I was crossing the street, that's not a crime.

Well, the part where you shot up an SUV is.

They came out of nowhere, they were trying to run me over.

I was defending myself.

That's not what four witnesses said.

They also said you were at a café with one of the men from the SUV just before this all went down.

I really have to go to work.

You're not going anywhere.

Your job at Ketter Labs what do you do there, Jamie?

I'm a research assistant.

What do you research?

You know we can get an answer with a phone call.

You seem really scared, Jamie.

What are you mixed up in?

Can I call my mom, please?

Of course, but I think she's gonna tell you the same thing we are, Jamie.

It's better if you tell us everything right now.

My mom's a criminal defense attorney.


All right, Delgado telegraphs his punches.


Use that, okay?

'Cause when they do land, it's gonna hurt like hell, man.

- Luca, let's talk.

- Yeah.

Turns out interim LAFD social media director Marcus King is not only a two

-time Super Bowl champion, he's also an absolute beast in the weight room.

He's posting his workouts on the Badge versus Badge website.


- Wow.

- Yeah.

Oh, well.

How's the wrist?

It's good.

It's good.

You sure you can handle this guy?

Yeah, dude, this happened, like, three weeks ago.

It's not even sprained.

You know what?

Fine, okay.

Let's go.

One, two, go.


Got to be honest.

That felt like 80%, not 100.

You know what?

You just worry about winning your own event.

Well, let's have Dr.

Sherrill get down here and give you an anti

-inflammatory shot.


No sh*ts, okay?


-this arm is like a fine

-tuned sports car.

Plus, I got somebody coming by later to take a look.

Are we talking a specialist, or is this some holistic healer with little jars of berries and herbs?

You know what?

I've been going to Mina for years.

She's never let me down.

Hey, hey, hey, whatever works, long as we don't lose the cup to that showboat Chief Brinkle.

Trust me, okay?

I get a little zhi zi on my wrist, I'm good to go.

Zhi zi?

I think it's a paste made from gardenia seeds and Uh, you know what?

It's exactly what it sounds like.

Zhi zi.

All right, okay.

The kid at the record store his name was Tomo Yara.

No criminal record.

Closest thing to a red flag was his involvement in the Okinawan separatist movement.

Apparently, he made some inflammatory comments

- at his workplace.

- Okinawa in Japan?

HONDO: I spent some time at a base over there.

You saw it firsthand.

Most Okinawans resent having any foreign military presence on their island.

I saw a protest or two.

Separatists feel like the rest of Japan treats them like second

-class citizens, so they want to govern themselves, but I never heard of the movement getting violent, though.

Looks like Tomo was born here.

He's an American.

Why was he so passionate about this?

HONDO: And what's his connection to Jamie Carawan?

She meets up with a guy, Tomo picks him up in his car, and then she ends up sh**ting at 'em.

Captain, Sergeants, this is Agent Trask, FBI counterterrorism.

She has intel on the man we took down this morning and his associates.



You know each other?

It's been a long time.

Almost 15 years.

Good to see you again.

It's good to see you.

JESSICA: Counterterrorism?

So this is about the separatist movement?

Not the Okinawan separatist movement as a whole so much as one man: Kaito Nakama.

He's a zealot, he's charismatic, he's rich.

He was at that café this morning to meet with an employee of Ketter Labs, a government contractor.

Yeah, Jamie Carawan.

We met with her, but she lawyered up.

She seemed pretty scared.

We should all be scared.

She sold Kaito a canister of weapons

-grade plutonium.

He's planning to use it in a b*mb.

Wait a minute.

The kid that we took down this morning was trying to build a nuke?

He was one of Kaito's men, yes.

I have an asset undercover inside Kaito's organization.

He's a believer in the cause of Okinawan separatism, but not Kaito's tactics.

According to my asset, the buy this morning was enough to complete the b*mb.


If you already have someone on the inside, then why haven't you taken this guy down?

The stolen plutonium was stored in various places, and only Kaito knew the exact location, until today, when his people brought every ounce of his plutonium right here to L.


We believe that they are going to try and smuggle it back to Okinawa

- tomorrow morning by boat.

- JESSICA: Why smuggle it out?

What's the target?

The bases.

They want to b*mb one of our military sites on Okinawa.

There are thousands of servicemen and women on those bases.

- I still got friends over there.

- The good news is Kaito doesn't have a nuclear detonation device yet.

And how close is he to getting one of those?

Well, that's what the rest of my team is out there trying to prevent.

If your team can help me get Kaito and the plutonium, then it won't even matter.

When will you have a location on the plutonium?

My asset could message me at any moment.

I'll get my team tac'd up.

In the meantime, is there an office that I can use?

Of course.

This way.

DEACON: How long you work with Agent Trask?

I didn't.

We dated for a few months.


She was with the Bureau's financial crimes division here in L.


She saw a chance for a promotion if she transferred to D.



- and she took it.

- Try the long

-distance thing?

Yeah, we tried.

Could have tried harder, I guess, but That woman had a lot going for her.

- Well, maybe it's not too late.


Deac, trust me, I'm pretty sure it is.

I didn't end things the best way.

- Broke up with her over text.

- Seriously?

I was young and dumb, Deac.

15 years ago, you weren't that young.

Okay, easy, easy, tough guy.

You can laugh all you want, but I ain't got a shred of gray going on here, silver dude.

All right, you stop shaving that head for a week, get back to me.

Hey, Deac, what about this Friday for the baby shower?

We got that training thing.

We'll be done by lunch.

Then Annie can come down, and we can do what we did last time.

Our last baby shower was, what, a year and a half ago?

I don't want to be that person who's constantly expecting gifts from his coworkers just 'cause he and his wife can't stop procreating.


No one feels like that.

Right, guys?

I feel like that.


Besides, we still have Lila's old clothes.

- We really don't need anything new.

- TAN: Yes!

- What, Rocker win?

- Rocker won boxing.

LAPD's up two to one over the fire department.

- Yeah!

- Boom! I told him Delgado telegraphs those punches.

Wait, wait, wait.


Look what, look what Marcus King just posted.

Oh, you got to be kidding.

"LAPD injury woes?

" "Couldn't help but notice the wrap on Dominique Luca's wrist.

Hope he's good to go tonight.

" We just won boxing.

Guy can't even let us enjoy it for a second.

Oh, people are already commenting.

You know, this guy might be a ringer, but he's got this social media stuff down.

- Hey.

You got this.

- Yeah, I know.

All right, look, the fourth event is powerlifting, and Luke Keith always wins, which will tie us at two


It's gonna come down to you again, just like last year.

Hey, relax.

I already feel the zhi zi working.

Zhi zi?

Don't get me started.

HONDO: Counterterrorism, huh?

Coming up on my fifth anniversary.

Are you saying you don't follow me on Linkedln?


We really should have stayed in touch.


So we could promise to grab a drink when I'm passing through L.


, and then feel guilty when neither of us has the time?

- Yeah.

- Face it.

The careers we chose don't mix.

What is good here?

Anything except Hicks's cold brew.

He gets real grouchy.


So, how's life beyond the job?

If there is life beyond the job for you.

Is there a ring yet?

No, no.

Not yet anyway.

How about you?


Didn't stick either time.

You glad you made that move back to D.



Well, I wouldn't be where I am now if I hadn't.

What about you?

Heading your own SWAT team.

I would never have guessed that.

Not quite sure how I'm supposed to take that.

Well, you were always a badass lone wolf like me.

But SWAT team leader that's as much about discipline and dedication as it is talent and instincts.

The Hondo I knew used to like to live on the edge.

Well, maybe I mellowed out a little bit.

I hope not too much.



That's my undercover asset.

Location on the plutonium.

Let's go get it.

LAPD SWAT! Runner!

- Hey!


Get down! On the ground!

- On your knees!

- HONDO: Deac, cover! Tan, Street, left side! Luca, Chris, with me!

- Give me two!

- Chris, go right! Rabbit! (GRUNTS)

Don't move.

Tan, low! (GRUNTING)


I know you guys are true believers, but like I told your buddy this morning it's not worth it.

Oh, no.

That's not supposed to be there.

There's no sign of Kaito.

Bad news, Hondo.

There's a cargo tunnel, runs in all four directions for blocks under all these warehouses.

Must be how Kaito escaped.

There was no cargo tunnel on the blueprints.

We would have had a plan for that.

Hondo, there's nothing in here.

Plutonium's gone.


ELLE: Tanaka's a trusted asset.

He would never let Kaito get away with the plutonium.

The fact is, he did, and he escaped with Kaito.

I haven't heard from Tanaka since before the raid.

Maybe Kaito's on to him, holding him at gunpoint.

There's more, Elle.

The blueprints you gave us didn't have that cargo tunnel on 'em.

But when I got the blueprints myself, directly from the city, it's right there.

HONDO: Which means the blueprints you gave us were altered.

Now, either someone in your office changed them before they got to you, or you purposely gave us faulty intel.

It wasn't supposed to happen this way.

Look, you're right.

I changed the blueprints so that Kaito could escape, but they were not supposed to get away with the plutonium.

I can't say more without my boss's consent.

Get your boss on the phone then.

- Well


No need.

He's downstairs.

I'm sure you and your people are eager for an explanation, Commander.

Why your agent intentionally helped the target of today's raid escape with enough plutonium to blow up the city?

I'd love one.

When my asset, Tanaka, contacted me to give me the location of the warehouse, he also told me that Kaito now has a nuclear detonation device.

An old SADM that's been retrofitted for plutonium.

It's uniquely portable, fits in a duffel bag.

Agent Trask informed me of this, and I instructed her to carry on with the raid, get the plutonium, but make sure Kaito and her asset escaped.

You're hoping Kaito leads your man Tanaka to the device.


You should have told us what was really going down.

The raid had to be convincing, or it could have blown the asset's cover.

The less people in the know, the better, especially when dealing with personnel like you who are unaccustomed to covert ops.

You put our officers at risk.

How could you be sure Kaito wouldn't circle around and start firing at us?

Straight talk your plan was a complete failure.

Now Kaito's in the wind with the plutonium and the means to weaponize it.

Hondo's right.

I don't like the way this went down.

All right?

But it's no time to point fingers.

None of us want to see Kaito detonate a b*mb here, Japan or anywhere.

So, we're at your disposal.

I've brought my own TAC team, but we do have these addresses that need to be followed up on.

- Followed up on?

- People and places Kaito or his known associates have visited or called to over the last few years.

We checked them out in recent weeks, but couldn't hurt for you to go over them again.

Never know.

There might be something we missed.

I see.

Well let us know if you come up with anything more pertinent.

Don't worry, I brought my A


- Okay.

- We've got the situation under control.

Hey, Hondo.

Look, I'm sorry.

I was just doing my job.

- You could have told me.

- I wanted to.

15 years ago I would have.

But the person you are now, I didn't think you'd go along with the plan.

And maybe you're right.

But maybe we could have come up with something together that didn't end in us losing the plutonium.

You got to be kidding me.

The A


- What does that make us, the B


- Yeah.

There's got to be someone else who can do these follow


- right?

- Chris is right.

We can assign patrol officers to follow up on these addresses, but what do you suggest we do in the meantime?

What about that woman, Jamie, the one who sold them the plutonium?

Or the guys we took down at the warehouse?

- Nobody's talking.

- CHRIS: Tomo.

- The guy from the record store.

- He's kind of dead.

I know, but he's got his family in town, right?

He was young.

He might've been sloppy, let something slip.

- FBI already talked to them.

- HONDO: Yeah, they probably kicked in their door and tore their house apart.

Phillips doesn't seem like much of a people person.

Yeah, right after they found out their son was a wannabe t*rror1st.

I doubt they're in any mood to talk.

JESSICA: It's a good idea, Chris.

I'll talk to them personally.

- You stay with me.

- All right.

The rest of us will talk to his coworkers.

DEACON: I'll catch up.

My r*fle's in the armory getting the sight adjusted.

Hey, Deac.

- Yeah?

- It's about the baby shower.

Appreciate the thought, Chris, but like I said, we're good.

Okay, it doesn't have to be a big thing.

It could just be an after

-work beer when we're not on call.

Chris, you seem to be 100% more invested in this baby shower than Annie and I, and we're the ones having a baby.

Okay, but there's just no reason this new kid shouldn't have all the same perks the others got.

She's not gonna care if we have a baby shower for her.

- She won't even be aware of it.

- She will.


-I grew up in a household with four cousins, and I was the youngest.

That stuff that Street said this morning about the youngest kids getting the short end of the stick?

That's a real thing.

Yeah, but I bet you got spoiled later on.

See, it all evens out.

Mm, no.

I didn't have clothes that weren't hand


-downs until I could buy them myself.

I'd be flipping through photo albums, and I would see these huge

-ass birthday parties the others got when they turned one.

Flip to mine?

A bran muffin with a candle in it.

Your new daughter's gonna want to feel like you were as excited about her coming into this world as you were about the others.

All right, I hear you.

- I'll talk to Annie about it.

- Yes.

LAFD just tied it up, by the way.

I told you, Luke Keith always wins powerlifting.

It's up to you, big guy.


Hey, guys.

Go ahead.

I'll catch up in the Charger.

Something I want to check out.

All right, got it.



- Are you okay?

- You really care?

After I lied to you the way I did?

I should have trusted you.

I do care.

But I also know there's a nuke in the wind, and whatever's bothering you probably has something to do with that.

We lost contact with Tanaka.

We use a hidden app on his phone to communicate, and we found his phone and another one Kaito's, probably broken to pieces not far from the warehouse.

Now we have no way to track him to the detonation device.

He could still call you.

Contact you some other way.

Although he hasn't.

Procedure is he checks in right away when something like this happens so that I know he's okay.


And let me guess.

Your boss is working under the assumption that Tanaka's dead, but you're not ready to do that.

He's using all of our resources to pursue other avenues.

All right.

So, what's your idea?


Just because I wouldn't go along with your wild

-ass plan like I might've back in the day doesn't mean I'm not willing to take the right kind of risk.

I set up a redundancy for Tanaka and myself in case a situation like this happened.

A physical message drop location.

And I still think he's our best bet.

I'll drive.

WOMAN: They took everything from Tomo's room.


Things we can never replace.

But the worst thing is they won't let us have his body.

Or even see it.

I can't even imagine how difficult this is for you, but they will let you bury him after the investigation.




and Mrs.

Yara, do you know what he and his friends were planning?

Tomo was angry ever since he was a teenager.

He wished that we had raised him in Japan.

He was born here, but he felt that he belonged over there.

I didn't understand.

JESSICA: My parents came here from Mexico when my sisters and I were young.

I know it was a challenge raising us in a new country.

We gave him everything he wanted.

Kenta, right?

What do you think?

Why'd your, uh, brother get hooked up with these people?

Because they gave him something he didn't get here.

They believe in something.

They gave him a purpose.

Just because we're Americans, we're supposed to ignore what's happening to the rest of our family?

What is he talking about?

A few years ago, our cousin got r*ped by a private contractor working on a U.



You haven't heard about it, though, because everyone covered it up.

The U.


military, the Japanese government.

They didn't want another scandal.

They just wrote her family a check, and the guy didn't even go to jail.

She's never been the same.

She was, like 16.

She and, uh, Tomo were close?

Least Tomo was trying to do something instead of pretending everything's fine and nothing happened.


I can tell you look up to your brother.

But Tomo was planning to help m*rder a lot of people that had nothing to do with what happened to your cousin.

Sounds to me like you guys talked a lot about this stuff.

If there's anything you can tell us to help us, that's you doing something instead of pretending everything's fine.

You said you're a captain?

That's right.

I'll help you.

If you make sure my parents can see Tomo's body.

I promise.

The code was number


If he was able to get here Anything?



Elle, this was our place.

- I used a restaurant I'd remember.

- Hmm.

Hey, listen, I don't think I ever really apologized for breaking things off the way I did.

I'm sorry.

"Hate to end things like this, but I want you to know that you'll always be special to me.

" That's what the text said, in case you forgot.

I don't remember it being so lame.


Don't be too hard on yourself.

Wasn't a surprise.

Never gave me a second thought, huh?

Well It was a long shot to think that Tanaka could get here and leave a message.

All right, so we wait.

Maybe he'll show up later.

If he does, he might not be alone.

Kaito's got to be watching his guys like a hawk since the raid.


So what would he do then?

If he can't get here, how else could he get a message to you?

If he had access to a phone, he would message or call me directly.

Maybe he does have access.

It's just being monitored.


Who could he call, and what could he say that wouldn't arouse suspicion?


WOMAN: Good Time Sushi.

He could place an order.


He use the item numbers from the menu to relay a code?

That's what I'm hoping.

The code's number

-based to let me know changes in Kaito's plans.

They're not leaving tomorrow morning anymore.

Tanaka's message says, "Leaving today.


" That's in less than an hour.


Captain, we just got some intel that Kaito's leaving the country today at 4:30.

No idea which port or what boat, though.

I don't think Kaito's leaving by boat.

Tomo's brother gave us I.


s of people Tomo was seeing over the last year.

One of them is a TSA agent at the Bob Hope international terminal.

HONDO: Could one TSA agent smuggle a b*mb onto a plane?

He has full clearance to the baggage handling area.

- This b*mb is portable.

- Yeah, fits into a duffel.

I remember.

You got to get your people to the airport.

- I'm on it.

- JESSICA: If we try to evacuate or have security stop Kaito, he might just trigger the b*mb here.

No, we need people there who understand the situation and the stakes involved.

Phillips is following up a lead in Irvine.

Captain, the Feds are an hour out on a good day.

He's never gonna make it to the airport

- in time.

- It's up to us, then.

HONDO: I'll see you there.

Any sign of Kaito?

We don't know what flight he's boarding or under what name.

His TSA agent friend is somewhere in this terminal, though.

All right.

We find him, maybe he leads us to Kaito.

Deacon and the rest of the team got here just before us.

They're upstairs on the other side of the terminal.

All right, good.

We stay cool.

We don't want to spook Kaito or any of his people.



ELLE: There's our TSA guy.

- I don't see Kaito.

- Or Tanaka.

All right, we got to be fast.

We cannot let them get a call off and warn him.

- g*n!


- On the ground!

- Stop! Stop! Down on the ground.


- Drop the g*n.

Luca, runner coming your way.


Hands! Give me your hands.

Turn around.

Hands behind your head.

- JESSICA: You got him, Chris?

- Got him.

Don't move.

Hondo, he tried to text someone, but he didn't get it off.

You trying to text Kaito and let him know we're here?

JESSICA: You warn him, and he might pull the trigger on the b*mb.

Did that ever occur to you?

What about Tanaka?

Where's he?

Going hands



Bruising on the knuckles.

They were coming out of that bathroom right there.

Hondo! Captain! Get your ass up.




They caught me trying to call you.


-they just left to get something to move me out of here.

It's okay, Tanaka.

We got Kurata and the other guy.

But we need to know where Kaito is.

Uh, the the plane.

Uh, Flight 1125.

Taking off any minute.

The b

-b*mb is on the plane.

In luggage.

- Go.

- Go, go, go.


: We've closed the aircraft door, which means we'll be taxiing out and taking off momentarily.

Welcome aboard.

Kaito's b*mb is in the cargo hold, but we have to assume that he can remotely detonate it with his phone.

Yeah, close quarters, packed with civilians we can't sh**t

- unless there's no other option.

- How do we grab him and keep his hands away from his phone without him seeing us coming?

STREET: Could we get a flight attendant to spill something on him, distract him?

No, we can't involve civilians like that it's too risky.

No, but we can distract him.

Excuse me.

I need to commandeer your luggage.

This is your captain again.

Looks like we closed the cabin door a little too soon.

I was just notified we have a couple of last

-minute arrivals.

And we're looking good on time, so we're gonna let them on board.

We should be back underway shortly.

I'm patched in to the pilot.

Hondo and the others are about to get on the plane.

Hey, the crooked TSA guy just got a text.

It's from Kaito, but it's in Japanese.

Agent Trask.

Can you read this?


: Uh No, I mean, I speak enough Japanese to get by, but reading it is another matter.

If we don't reply, Kaito's gonna get suspicious.

Use the "speak text" function.

Then you can use "voice


-text" to respond.


He says the plane's delayed, and he's wanting to know if everything's okay.

Uh, tell him that there's a crew error.

They closed the cabin door without checking with the gate.

No problems.




Hope you got that right.

If I didn't, we won't have much time to worry about it.


STREET: You gotta lay off, babe.

Give me 60 seconds of peace.

Stop saying that.

- Okay?

Uh, please?

- You're saying that all the time.

- It was an honest mistake.

- Honestly stupid.

Again with the insults.

- You know what I did this morning?

- Oh, my God.

Can you stop?

I woke up and I said, "I'm gonna count how many times she insults me.

" CHRIS: Okay, can you help me with this?

It's not gonna fit in there.

- CHRIS: All right, it is gonna fit.

- Miss, can we gate

-check this?

Got it! Hands! Down! Give me your hands! LAPD.

Don't move.


Captain, we got Kaito.

We're good.

Let's move.

- Sitrep.

- JESSICA: Don't worry, Agent Phillips.

LAPD SWAT is in the building.

We have the situation under control.

They have Kaito in custody, sir.

Not bad for the B

-team, huh?

Well, glad to hear it.

TAN: He tweaked his wrist again taking down Kaito.

Well, it's not too late to get Dr.

Sherrill down here with an anti

-inflammatory shot.

Nah, I can't do it, Commander.

I know you have your own way of doing things, but there's a lot on the line here.

Mina here's got it under control.

Luca, this is Fire versus Police pride.

Just get the shot.

I got a thing about needles.

- A "thing"?

- Yeah.

- You're afraid of needles?

- Yeah, I'm afraid of needles.


Luca, you've been stabbed with a knife before it's gonna feel like nothing.

LUCA: I've heard it all.

Bottom line is, no one's putting a needle in my wrist or anywhere else in my body.

Unless there's literally no other option.

I know my body, okay?

I'm gonna beat this guy, trust me.

All right.

Soon as I get to the gym, I'll be good as new.

Mina's got this.

Zhi zi.

Zhi zi.

That's how you say it.

Hey, Chris.

Thought about what you said.



Uh, I talked it over with Annie, and actually, we'd love it if you'd be our new little girl's godmother.


: Wow! I mean, yes, uh, the answer is yes.

I'm so honored.

All right, we'll figure out the details after she's born.


So does that mean I get to pick her name now, right?

No, you do not.

Y'all seen Agent Trask leaving HQ?


She take off already?

- Yeah, looks like it.

- Too much of a big shot to say goodbyes, huh?

How about, "Thanks for saving the city"?

I'd have settled for, "Thanks for saving my ass.


- You said I was finished

- EMCEE: A quick note before we begin.

I've just been told this year's Badge versus Badge Tournament has set a new record in dollars raised for Breast Cancer Prevention Partners! (CHEERING)

As if I am a relic, from some long

-forgotten game And it all comes down to this, the heroes in red


- and the heroes in blue (CHEERING)

all tied up at two


The winner of this event takes home the 2019 Badge versus Badge trophy.






From Farmers Boulevard, making a beat on a can To writing rhymes on an ironing board To build Def Jam, you see

- Come on!

- Come on, now! Everything after is my legacy Like it or not And I will keep making history I just can't stop LL Cool J Come on, Luca! One, two, go! It's time for w*r It's time for w*r


- Come on! Go! It's time for w*r

- Come on, Luca! You got this!

- Come on! Come on! Push him! Come on! It's time for w*r.


LAPD with the win! Dominique Luca continuing

- his absolute domination

- That's right! That's right! of this event.

- Zhi zi!

- Zhi zi! Zhi what?


You've got one hell of an arm.

Back atcha, man.

That's the best match I've had in a long time.

Yeah! Congratulations, Luca.

I never doubted you, baby.

I never doubted you.

Yeah, baby.

Yeah, baby.


HONDO: Say something! I'm listening! You know in the end, we're all on the same team, right?


Except we're on the winning half of that team, and you are on the losing half.

RYAN: Well, I guess I owe you a congratulatory glass of merlot?

Oh, uh, no, I'm so sorry.

I only like to date winners.


Yeah, she hurts like that, baby.

- She hurts like that!

- BRINKLE: Okay, okay.

Congratulations, Hicks.

But we're still up six


- over the last ten years, now.

- HONDO: Okay, whoa, whoa, wait a minute, Chief, why are you only going back ten years?

Oh, I know why.

'Cause if you go back 20, we're still up 11



- In your face.


Gotta be honest.

It's still a big win for me.

- How's that?

- You heard what the man said earlier.

Most money this thing has ever raised for a charity.

My mom barely won her battle with breast cancer when I was a kid.

Whole reason I'm in this thing.

That's good for you, man.

- That's what's up.

- RYAN: That being said, this social media gig is kind of fun.

Maybe I'll stick around.

At least long enough for the rematch next year.


- Okay, okay, okay.

- We comin' back.

We comin' back.


You got lucky

- Yeah!






: Luca! Luca! Luca! Luca! Luca! Luca! Luca!
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