02x16 - Pride

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "S.W.A.T." Aired: November 2, 2017 – present.*
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American procedural action drama television series, based on the 1975 television series of the same name.
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02x16 - Pride

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, loyal listeners, we've been talking

about it for weeks, and now it's
one day away, the so-called

Love All L.A. Festival.

Well, we gave 'em Pride Day.

They demanded a Pride Month.

They got West Hollywood,

Now they want all of L.A.

Why do they feel the need to-to force

their differences on the rest of us?

Oh, and do you know how much
the city is, uh, spending

so these dandies can run around
with their shirts off?

$1.1 million.

That's taxpayer money.

Now that makes me complicit.

And now I have a problem.

That's why I've been calling out
to all of you Storm Chasers.

Come to L.A.

We need to stand up for our values.

Otherwise, before long, there will be

LGBXYZ Festival in your town,

paid for with money taken
from your pocket.

Someone has to stop
this sickness before it spreads.

- Thanks for coming.
- I picked Chris up on the way.

The rest of the team's at HQ, but
we're ready wherever you need us.

- How are the victims?
- One woke up

an hour ago. Condition's stable.

The other one is still in a coma.

After last night's
attack, SWAT's been put

in charge of security of
today's Love All Festival.

The parade's not
scheduled until this afternoon,

but the streets are closed
and the bars are open early.

Expecting at least 100,000 people.

That's one hell of a party.

What do you got for us, Detective?

No witnesses to the actual crime, but,

the cameras up on the
bar, they got a shot

of the vehicle. It's already

been abandoned a few miles from here,

the VIN number and plates removed.

And those prints we pulled, no hits yet.

Back of the truck's covered
in Storm Forecast stickers.

It's a live-streamed
radio show, podcast thing

from this guy named Mark Storm.

Calls himself a truth-telling patriot.

Storm's been on our radar. He's using

the cost of the festival
to rile up his listeners.

He hasn't encouraged anyone

to do anything violent, but...

Someone ends up doing it anyway.

The crowd's only gonna get
bigger on both sides.

I'll be the bad guy.

Captain, work with Detective Godfrey.

Get RHD whatever they need.

Let's get this guy before it escalates.

I'm sorry, but we have
to keep this area clear.

- It's a crime scene.
- It's okay, guys.

Let's just move to the
other side of the street.

Thank you!

You look good.

I'm alive.

Are you in charge of something here?

Oh, no. Just, uh, just volunteering.

Be careful anyway.

Oh, sure.

See you then.


Hey. Uh...


For the concern.

W-Was that... John Paul.

Who's John Paul?

JP Hicks.

Commander's son.

Another blonde beauty.

When are we gonna get one of
these that has my hair color?

Oh, you mean gray?

Excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. Kay.

I'm afraid we can't release
Victoria just yet.

- Why? What's the problem?
- She has a condition

called patent ductus arteriosus.

A small hole in her heart.

Most infants are born
with some form of it,

but it usually closes on its own
in a few days.

In Victoria's case, it hasn't.

Okay, well, what does that mean?

We can observe her for a few weeks

and see if it improves. Or...

- Surgery?
- It's a fairly simple procedure.

If surgery sounds scary,
I've seen dozens of cases

where children have healed on their own.

But Victoria is still developing.

The longer her heart takes
to close, the more prone

she may be to long-term issues.

What do we do?

We do whatever it takes to
make sure our daughter's okay.

I want officers at each
vulnerable point of entry

and sn*pers covering the roofs

of the most trafficked parts
of the parade route.

But, sir, that'll take most of Metro.

Then that's what it'll take.


JP looked good.

He did.

Let's hope it's the real deal this time.

How long has he been clean?

Couldn't tell you.

The last time I saw him
was at Barb's service.

I didn't know he moved back to L.A.

Yeah. About a year ago.

JP and I haven't spoken
since the funeral either.

His sister lets me know he's okay.

He and I live separate
lives, so, you know...

it is what it is.

Sir, if I crossed a line...

No, no. You didn't.

You were taken by surprise.

So was I.

I'm glad he's healthy

and close by if he ever needs his father.


Just the man I came to see.

You need a hand with that?

Parole Officer Jankins, hi.

Nah, I'm good.

We're handing out water at Love All.

That's one way to keep people alive.


Okay, what's she done now?

It's more like what she hasn't done:

her last two required check-ins with me.

Well, I'm sorry,
I haven't spoken to her in months.

Check-ins are black and white.

If she misses her next one,

I'm gonna have to issue a warrant.

And when they find her,
she's going back to prison.

Like it or not, Jim,
you signed up for this.

You tell her to find me.

How is heart surgery elective?

My daughter has a hole in her heart,

and she needs it closed now.

And the hospital won't schedule
an uninsured surgery

without proof of payment first.

And I don't have $11,000 lying around.

All right, fine. You know what,
I'll just talk to somebody else.

Insurance won't cover it.
They say that we need

to wait two weeks to see if
Victoria's condition improves

and if we want the surgery today,

- we got to pay for it ourselves.
- The doctor said

lots of babies wait and
everything turns out okay.

I want her better as bad as you do,

but we don't have any other options.

The city unfreezes overtime next week.

So if I can get the surgery money today,

if we just hold off
until the O.T. kicks in,

then-then I'll be able
to pay everything back.

Bank loans? Second mortgages?

The money we owe Luca?

I don't want you to worry about this.

Come here.

I'll handle it.

Hey, Street.

We're rolling out in ten.

Boots on the ground all day
at the festival.

I got to talk to you
about something first.

Last time this happened,
I screwed up real bad.

And you know I'm-I'm so grateful
to be back on the team again.

I would just never want
to compromise that

or throw that away

- for anything...
- Street, spit it out.

It's my mom again.

- What happened this time?
- I'm not sure.

Closest we ever come to crossing anymore

is when I slip rent money under the door.

But she's AWOL.

She hasn't checked in with her P.O.

And if she misses one more meeting...

They'll put out a warrant and revoke her.

What do you think's going on?

Last time we were together,
I found dr*gs.

You think she's out there using?

Maybe. Or maybe she's-she's

just trying to guilt-trip me for
cutting her out of my life.

But I am not taking off

- to find out.
- Being committed to SWAT

does not mean that you need
to stop caring about your mom.

But you were right to come to me.

We are a team.

So let us look into it for you.

We'll make some calls,
see if we can locate her.

But in the meantime,
you focus on your work.

All right.

It's a sad morning,

loyal listeners.

Last night,

there was an accident.

Wildly different accounts
are being reported,

but, uh, some sources say

that two residents tried to coerce

a peaceful protester into an altercation.

The harassment continued, even as the man

attempted to leave in his truck,

causing a-a horrible collision.

We're not even allowed
to watch respectfully

- from the sidelines.
- Hey.

This is private property.

And now this driver's

being tried and convicted

in the media before
all the facts are available.

Hey, how many people are working today?

We all know how intolerant

the other side is.

Love All?

Yeah, right.

Love only those
who think exactly like them.

Why don't we break for commercial?

Time to pay for your crimes.

You have to see this.

My name is Micah Sherlock.

Last night,

an act of v*olence was committed
against my community.

Two innocent people were att*cked

just because of who they loved.

And this...

hate-monger has you convinced
that we're the problem.

We're not.

But you brought the fight to us.

If I receive word of any acts of hate

being committed today at our parade,

I will start k*lling hostages.

Members of my community,

be vigilant, call in.

To the authorities,

I dare you to disconnect
this transmission.

As long as we all play nice,

no one will get hurt.

We're done being bullied
and pushed around.

Mission's changed.

All right, we got an I.D.
on our gunman. Micah Sherlock.

29-year-old financial advisor.

No prior history of violent behavior.

Photos of him at just about
every rally of last year.

Hold on, this guy's
an LGBTQ Straight sh**t.

- Straight sh**t?
- Yeah, it's a West Hollywood

g*n rights group.

They get together and sh**t
once a week, run drills.

They're pretty badass.

So, he's got an agenda and he's trained?

All right, so we know he's dangerous.

We'll take our cues from
him on how this goes.

Let's get over to Mobile Command.

Trista, I haven't seen
you since WeHo Dodgeball.

- What are you doing here?
- I know him.

Micah, I mean.
We're in the same sh**ting club.

- You're a Straight sh**t, too?
- I want to help.

Let me talk to him.

Micah's an angry guy, but he's not bad.

He can be talked down.

Please. Don't let him die for this.

We'll do our best, but
ultimately, it's up to him.

You hear that?

That's my loyal patriots,

circling the studio, waging w*r

- to reclaim their country.
- Oh!

They would stop calling in a
second if you asked them to.

They'd do anything for you.

Yet you choose to spread hate.

You don't even believe any of this crap.

No, I believe everything I say.

'Cause it's all the truth,

whether you want to hear it or not.

So you believe that couple
should have been run over?

Your followers

are just looking for someone to hate

other than themselves,

and you're pointing the biggest
finger in our direction.

Well, you're the one pointing a g*n.

Those doors are locked
with an encrypted key.

There's no way we're getting
inside without breaking in.

Storm is one paranoid piece of work.

The windows are a special
tinted material, too.

Bulletproof and impossible to see inside.

Doesn't surprise me,
a guy who wants to put

a target on half the country's
afraid to have one put on him.

His fear of getting k*lled is
making it impossible

for us to save his ass.

Cortez is back at HQ working

on a direct connection inside.

Commander, I think I can help.

Let me be the one to negotiate with him.

You don't have the
experience of others here.

This isn't a situation
to cut your teeth on.

He's confused and angry
about what happened last night.

He just needs to talk to somebody

he can connect with,
understand his fears.

We've got a hostage situation
broadcast live. The whole world

will hear everything you say, and
pounce on any mistakes you make.

I get the situation, but I also get him.

Sir, she is our best shot.

And I'll be right here to have her back.

All right, let's get to it then.

I want the rest of your team ready

in case this thing goes sideways.

All right, Luca, Street, get
into position to blow the door.

Have Deacon on standby to cut the power.

- Got it, man.
- Tan?

Prep the drone.

Studio blueprint's coming
into Command now, sir.

Drone signal's strong.
Tan, keep it steady.

All right, we got a line.
Alonzo, you ready?

Micah, my name is

Christina Alonzo with LAPD SWAT.

I said callers reporting crimes only.

- On-Only crimes!
- Micah, please.

We're trying to end this
before anybody gets hurt.

If you leave us alone, no one will.

We both know that's not true.

Some Storm Chaser fan
could retaliate for this,

which means more of us
could be hurt or k*lled.


I'm a part of the LGBTQ community, too.

I understand why you're angry.
I really do.

Micah, I need to know how many
people you're holding in there.


Six if you include the devil himself.

Oh. Now I'm the devil?

You as*ault my whole team,

you thr*aten me on a live broadcast.

The police aren't here to rescue you.

Shut up!

He's right.

You're here to protect him.
You're not one of us!

Sir, I got a visual.

- There's seven inside.
- I just got word from Deac.

Water and Power standing by

for a complete shutdown of the facility.

Tan, prep the door for a breach.

We cut the power, we go in hard,
and we isolate Micah

- before he even knows we're there.
- I can talk him down.

We're not gonna make a move
unless we have to.

You're doing great, Chris. Keep going.


trust me, I want to punish that
man who ran over those people.

Storm is just as responsible.

The driver is probably long gone,

but Storm is still here spewing out hate.

They insult us. They
attack us in our neighborhood,

protest our events.

But when we band together,
when we stand together,

they call us the problem.

They call us the instigators.

Can't you see you're giving him
what he wants right now?

You're proving his point.

There's another call...

someone claiming to be the driver
from last night.

- You don't want to answer that.
- Hondo, your team ready?

I want to make something clear.

I hit those perverts last night.

My actions were my own.

Of course you would blame Mark Storm.

He's one of the only people

brave enough to speak the truth
and call you out

for your hypocrisy.

You people are so desperate
to be oppressed

because it's the only way
you can get attention.

I'm not the one running away.

I'm not the one hiding from anyone.


They'll know who to blame
when I take out the next one.

In fact, I'm looking at some
of you freaks right now.

Remember, you put this into motion

when you assaulted an innocent man.

Cut the power.


Show me your hands!

Down on the ground, now!

LAPD SWAT! On the ground!

Two. Two. Two.

Okay. You're okay.

- Everybody good?
- Good.

This is 20-David to Command.
Turn the power back on.

Hostages are secure.

Suspect in custody.

Get him out of here!

- Get him out of here!
- That's right.

All right, Storm Chasers!

- All right, Storm! Storm!
- Thank you.

Thank you for your support,
Storm Chasers!

Yeah! Yeah, Storm. Go, buddy.

- Fight the good fight!
- Yeah!

Hey! Hey! Hey! You're that SWAT lesbian

who was on the phone.
Look what he did to Storm!

- Why didn't you stop him sooner?
- Watch it, moron!

She will kick your ass and
send you back to Kansas!

All right, go, go, go!

Those sh*ts came from a parking
garage about 100 yards away.

Studio's been secured.

RHD swept the sn*per's nest.
Guy was in and out.

They managed to pull a single print

from the ledge he was perched.

Matches the one pulled from the
hit-and-run truck this morning.

So the sn*per and the hit-and-run
driver are the same person.

At least that's one less person
we need to be looking for.

Yeah, but he's still out there,
and now he's k*lled someone.

The Love All Festival's been put
on hold while the city

determines how to handle the situation.

They can't do that. That means he wins.

We got a k*ller on the loose.

Frankly, we should
cancel the whole thing.

If this guy's a loyal Storm Chaser,

maybe today wasn't the first
time he called into the show.

We're keeping Storm here while

things cool off. It's worth asking.

- Hondo, I want Storm.
- Chris, no.

I want you to reach out to your friend

and find out what's going
with those Straight sh**t.

We're already hearing
they're looking to retaliate

for Micah's death,
and we have to keep the peace.

Just because we tell people
to stay away from Love All

doesn't mean they're gonna listen.

If they do restart the festival,

I want us ready. Let's
get everyone else back

to the parade route, secure the streets.

- Hey, Tan.
- Yo.

On your way, I want you to stop by

Street's old place and check on his mom.

Her P.O. hasn't seen her
and he's worried.

- This is the spare key.
- Damn.

He hasn't mentioned her for a while.

Was hoping that meant
everything was okay.

All right, I'll stop by,
find out what's up.

- Appreciate it.
- My house is worth

way more than that.

All I'm asking for is $11,000.

How can you say no to that?

What? No, I don't have any other
properties to put up as well.

Is that a joke?

Yeah, you know what? Never mind.

Hey, Captain wants us down at the parade.


Everything all right with the baby?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Just, you know, paperwork
and... But she's great.

- We're all great.
- Look, If you need more cash,

Street wants a hot tub,

but I'd rather put it to better use, man.

You've done more than enough
and we're eternally grateful.

And-and, in fact,

I'm gonna be able to start
paying you back soon

with OT coming back.

I meant it when I said no rush.

I mean, babies bring bills, right?

Y-Your cash, it...

it got us back on track,

and I thank you.

But... a man's got to carry his family

on his own two feet.

Otherwise he's not a man.

- I don't know, I-I might...
- You know what?

I told Chris that I'd back her

with her Straight sh**t
friends, so, uh...

we'll meet you there.

All right.

Sorry to leave you in here like this,

but, as you can imagine,
we got a lot going on today.

Not at all.

Like to see that crowd
try to come at me in here.

People try to k*ll you a lot?

- Price of speaking the truth.
- Hmm.

Well, maybe you wouldn't mind sharing
some more of that truth then.

Help us out.

That wacko's dead.

What is there to figure out?

Unless you think I know who shot him.

The man who saved my life?

We actually saved your life.

I have a lot of friends like you.

Cops, I mean.

They call into the show all the time.

Must be tough...

being police in the People's
Republic of Los Angeles.

These people they, they ask
the-the law for protection,

and then they turn around
and call the cops K*llers.

As if this job wasn't hard enough

for... you know, a guy with your roots.


Well, then why don't you do me a solid...

who is the sh**t?

Do you recognize that voice?

I get a lot of calls.

I got nothing that can help you.

Thanks for coming.

We can talk in here away from the crowd.

- Why'd you call me in, Chris?
- We got a report that you were

handing out a*mo to members
of the g*n club.

Tell me that's not true.

We're going to protect the parade.

There's nothing illegal
about giving away a*mo.

It's not your job to
protect the city. It's ours.

Whatever training you
and your friends have,

you're still amateurs. Just let SWAT...

What did SWAT do for Micah?

He was in police custody
and he still got shot.

Or how about those two people
who were run over?

You promised me
you would do your best, Chris.

Is that what this is?

My friend is gone.

I'm sick of waiting

for everyone
to finally give us some respect.

Aren't you?

Place is pretty amazing.

It's changed a lot in four years.

Looks like it's been 40.

It's very, um...

Minority Report.

What are you doing here?

Honestly, Dad,

really didn't want to come down here.

But my friends
that are putting on Love All,

they know that you have the city's ear

and they were hoping I could get you

to convince them to reopen it.

Well, maybe it should stay closed.

A lot of people are in danger.

Dad, that's why
we have events like these.

For Pride.

You know, stand up to hate.

Well, you could get hurt.

Come on, don't hide behind that.

We both know you don't care
about what happens to me.

Oh, don't be dramatic.

Oh, no, your gay son
is being so dramatic.

- I'm so sorry, Dad!
- Enough. Enough.

You know it's never been about that.

Things were rough way
before you came out.

And even that I had to
hear from your mother.

It's not like you were exactly
easy to communicate with.

I was a tough dad.

So what?

You did dr*gs in my house

when our family was falling apart.

I was falling apart.

Mom was the only thing
holding me together.

She meant everything to me.

And she didn't to me?

Did I fall apart?

Love of my life dead.

My daughter on the other
side of the country.

My son, high as a...

But I kept it together.

That's the man I was
trying to raise you as.

We both know
that I'm not the man you tried

to raise me to be.

But this community, this event
that you're trying to shut down

is what I needed to get myself clean.

To get my life back.

That's who I'm proud to be.

Whatever you'll do, you'll do.

We need to shut down
your friend's operation

- before this turns violent.
- I told the captain,

but they're not actually
breaking any laws.

Why don't we just head
over to the festival

and see what else we can do to help.

This is not the time for politics.

Don't you at least see
where they're coming from?

You heard those protesters
outside of the studio.

Yeah. There's a lot of hate
out there. I get it.

But taking Storm hostage,
that didn't solve anything,

and neither will sh**ting up the streets.

Your friends need to sit their asses down

- and let us handle this.
- You've never felt unprotected

by the police before. What if some nutjob

threatened to blow up your church?

How would you feel then?

- Hey. Don't bring my faith into this.
- Why not?

What makes you so special?

Why don't we matter, too?

My faith teaches
that we all deserve love.

And Storm will face reckoning
for his hate.

But more lives,

any lives,

they don't have to end because of this.

Chris, you're fed up. I get it.

But don't give in to it.

The stronger side will prevail.

All right, listen,
I'll-I'll meet you down there.

I got a couple of business owners

I want to meet along the parade route.

You sure you don't need backup for that?

No. No, I know a couple of
these guys from back in the day.

It's probably best if I go alone.

They told me there'd be random check-ins.

Wasn't expecting
the guy who arrested me, though.

Officer Kay.


Yeah, just checking the neighborhood

since the attack this morning.

Asking if anyone saw anything suspicious,

handing out cards.
Canvassing a little deep.

The hit-and-run
was half a mile from here.

And I don't want your card.

So, uh, gold and fast loans, huh?

That's basically what
you were doing before.

Only legal now.

That's actually why I'm here.

I need a loan.

Today. Right now. Off the books.

I just told you, I'm aboveboard now.

Good. I don't want dirty money.

Just a straight-up loan.

Have a good day, Officer Kay.

Hey. Hey, look.

No wire. This isn't a setup.

Not interested.

- If you need cash, go to a bank.
- I tried.

Now I can't get a bank to touch me.

And my baby girl doesn't have
time for me to wait for weeks

for my credit union to come through.

$11,000 is all I need.

I'll be back on my feet in a month,

and you'll have it all back
with interest.

There's got to be
somebody else you can ask.

- There isn't.
- Not a single person?

Another cop? Uh, some second cousin?

Already dipped into that well.

That's the problem.


No, the problem is, is you
don't want anybody to know

you're having money trouble;
I see it all the time.

- You don't know what I'm going through.
- It's the same story.

You're too embarrassed
to admit that you need help,

to tell your pals
or your wife that you couldn't

solve everything on your own.

But coming to me...

is gonna make it worse.

There's a reason
God made pride a deadly sin.

I don't need a lecture, I need cash.

$11,000 wired into this bank account.

I will pay you back and I accept

all the consequences
that come if I don't.

I know how hard you
worked setting this all up,

but we need to shut it down.

Mrs. Mayor, that's not gonna make

the thousands of LGBTQ people who've come

from all across the country go away.

It's not gonna make
the protestors go away either.

But I don't want to give everyone

an excuse to concentrate

on the same street
with a sn*per out there.

- What is SWAT's take on this?
- We're close to identifying

the sh**t; we got
every unit working on it.

Whether the festival
is on or not, no one's safe

- until we bring him in.
- Cancelling Love All

is clearly what this nut wants.

Do we really want to give him that?

People don't come to these
events for the party.

They come to feel supported,

maybe for the first time in their lives,

meet someone else just like them.

You know...

you don't cancel the Super Bowl

because of a b*mb threat;
you stop the threat.

We'll do whatever we have to.

Okay, we'll reopen it.

But I don't want one casualty.

SWAT's not in the business
of letting this city down.

Then don't.

I'm helping tech listen to Storm's show.

- Guy's on, like, six hours a day.
- Hmm.

You got a sec?

It's about your mom.


Chris checked with your mom's job.

She hasn't been seen in over two weeks.

Tan went to her place, now we
don't know what to make of it,

but there was spoiled food
that hadn't been cleared yet.

There was no forced entry
or any sign of v*olence.

But Tan did find some
pills next to her bed.

Heart meds. She takes heart meds daily,

she wouldn't have skipped town
without 'em.

I checked with some cop buddies
of mine and local morgues.

Nobody's turned up matching
your mother's description.

So we don't know what's wrong,
just that something's not right.

Street, have you ever considered filing
a missing person's report?

Have people on the ground
looking for her.

- Take it off your plate.
- And then if it turns out

she really is violating her parole?

I'll have basically sent
her back to prison myself.

Even though we may have
butted heads for how

you handled it before,
I always respected you

for doing right by your mom.

Don't ever lose that.

Oh, does this mean it's finally safe

for me to go out into the real world?

There's a lot of people out
there still looking to hurt you.

Always will be when you're not afraid

to speak the truth.

They celebrate bakers

who refuse to make a Swastika cake.

They are a threat to free speech itself.

That was another Dennis Deep State Dive.

Thank you as always, Dennis.

I thought you never heard
that voice before.

All right.

Dennis calls into the show once a week.

He's popular. So what?

- I didn't tell him to do what he did.
- No, of course not.

You never tell anyone to do
anything, not directly.

You know exactly where the line is

and how to fire up your listeners

without crossing it.
But don't you stand here

and try to pretend like you don't know

- what your actions inspire.
- I'm passionate...

all right, but I'm not violent.

Words have meaning.

And you knew exactly what you were doing

when you picked yours
and now someone is dead.

Do you want to be responsible for more?

All right, look.

Off the record, all right?
Dennis is not my buddy.

I've never even met him in person.

I can get you some screen names

and access to private online groups,

that might help you.

Last week, he called me and told me

he was coming to town
and invited me to speak

at a rally of visiting Storm Chasers,

- which I turned down of course...
- Wait a minute, wait a minute.

You're telling me that he's not alone?

He's got help with
whatever he's planning next?

What next?

No, no, no. No, he-he got what he wanted.

Love All L.A. is... cancelled.

It just reopened 15 minutes ago.

People are showing up in full force.

Well, the second we announced

that Love All Festival was reopened,

they flooded the streets.

They want to march with
a sh**t on the loose,

a little rain's not gonna stop 'em now.

HQ is tracking the screen
names Storm gave up.

If Dennis is planning
something, we'll find out.

We've got airships in the
sky, eyes on every roof,

plain clothes in the crowds.

He's not gonna get past us.

Call JP.

- Tell him to stay home.

At least you'll know he's safe.

He's never listened to me.

He's probably at
the volunteer tent anyway.

It's off the parade route, it's okay.

I'm not worried about JP,
I'm worried about you.

You need to be focused on this,

- not your son's safety.
- I'm all over it.

JP and I have never seen eye-to-eye,

as far back as I can remember.

I just, um...

I never figured out how
to get through to him.

The harder I pushed, the...

the more he gravitated towards Barb.

You didn't push him into dr*gs.

And I'm sure you did everything

you could to help him after.

Did I?

When Barb got close to the end,

JP's addiction got worse.

So I cut him off.

He lashed out. He said horrible things.

The last night he was with his
mom, the night before she, uh...

before she passed, he went into her
room, he stole all her jewelry,

and he took off.

I'm so sorry.


I was tough, because my
father was tough on me.

And I was glad for it, you know,

because it taught me
hard work and integrity.

The things I tried to teach you.

I'll always be grateful for the
captain you helped me become.

Aw, come on.

I needed you as my commander.

But maybe JP needs something different.

Man, most of these posts

are just keyboard tough guy fantasies

on ways to attack Love All.

Gas leaks, pipe bombs, sn*per nests.

Some fantasies.

They're using real street
maps and blueprints.

And there's no way to pick out
which plan is real.

It could be any of 'em.

That address Dennis tried

to get Storm to speak at,
it's a residence.

Owner is a Dave Jansen.

Lives alone,
works construction here in L.A.

I spoke to his supervisor.
Three dump trucks

were just h*jacked from the site
that they're working on.

Whoa, look at this post from Dennis,

ten minutes after Love All
announced back open.

"If they still want
to have their fun, then maybe

we can still have ours. Who's with me?"

This all started with a hit-and-run.

They're gonna drive those
trucks straight into the crowd.

Jansen's company has
all its trucks fitted with GPS.

I'm sending you the locations now.

Airships are up and have eyes on them.

They're spread out and waiting
to ram the barricades in unison.

It'll spread our resources
and create chaos.

Well, that's not gonna happen.

Everybody take a truck.

Luca, Tan, you got
truck number one on Highland.

Chris, Street, you got truck
number two on Franklin.

Deacon, I'll meet you
at truck number three.

Now, the roads are slick, y'all.
Stay alert.

Tan, get ready, just in case.

Coming up on truck one!

You need to go now. They know.

We need to all go at once.
I won't get through on my own.

No, it's too late. Move to
Plan B. I'll hold 'em off. Go!

He's gonna try it.

- Don't move!
- Show me your hands!

- Get out of the car! Go.
- Hands! Now! Hands!

Get out. Down! Down!

Hands behind your back!



We're coming up on truck two.

LAPD! Everyone drop your weapons! Now!

Trista! Put down your g*ns!

We got this.

How'd you even find the truck?

Police Scanner App.

- Trista, we got him.
- And he just goes to jail?

What justice is that? Micah was ex*cuted.

No one deserves this. Not Micah, not him.

- So you've picked their side?
- Stop thinking in sides.

Micah didn't deserve to die,
but what he did was wrong.

What this man was about to do is wrong,

and he will pay for his crime.

I know it doesn't seem fair,

but if we want real change,

we've got to be better.

- Go.
- Drop it.

Everyone drop your weapons! Now!

Drop it!

Out of the truck.

Up against the wall.

Give me your hand!

Last truck is on the move. He's
headed away from the parade.

He's not gonna break through
the barricades on his own.

He missed his chance
on hitting the crowds.

He can't be running now,
after all of this.

Unless he has a backup target.

Something not on the parade route.

Parade's in the final stretch.

Let's get those tarps over to the stage

for the benefit concert.

Rain or shine, people. Rain or shine.

Even if we intercept, how
are we supposed to sto

a truck going that fast?

Only one way.

- Need anything else?
- Nah, I think we're good.


Chris, Street, check on Deac!

- Deac! Deacon!
- Deacon!

- We're here!
- Deac!

- You okay?
- You okay?

I can't move.

Oh, my God, you're hurt. Let me help.

Dennis, don't move!

Dennis, it's over, man.
We stopped the trucks.

Come on, you're in bad shape. It's done.

The only thing you're gonna do

by not giving up is hurt one more person,

and it can't be worth it just for that.

- Don't even think about it.
- Let her go!

See if she's okay.

Come here. Come here, it's okay.
It's okay. I got you.

You're safe.

I heard what you did
with your friend back there.

I'm sure that was hard.

Where do you think this comes from?

All this hate?

I don't know, Chris.

For some people it's just
the easiest way to feel,

and it's infectious.

All right, listen up. I just
heard from the paramedics.

Deac just got to the hospital
and they're prepping him

for surgery. Now they couldn't say much,

but he was moving his toes
by the time they loaded him in.

We'll know more in the next few hours.

All right, no matter what,
Deac's gonna need us

to help him pull through this.
You know, with the baby and all.

We'll be there for them.
All we can do now is wait.

In the meantime, Love
All is scheduled to resume

for the rest of the night, so we
got a long shift ahead of us.

I, uh, I couldn't find you
over at the, uh, volunteer tent

after the crash. I...

I didn't know if you were there.

Oh, uh, thank you for checking in on me.

Yeah, I mean, you know, your sister...

She's always let me know
how you've been doing.

I mean, I never reached out,
but I always knew you were okay.

I didn't mean what I said earlier.

You know, about you not caring.

- That's, uh...
- I'm sorry.

Let's-let's not start in
on the apologies.

That's-that's too deep of a well.

All right? We've already,
we've already lost enough time.

Mom was the only thing holding
me together, you know that?

- I know.
- And when she got sick,

when I knew that we were gonna lose her,

I spiraled.

I know, I know it.

Because, to me, that...

it felt like I'd have no one.

Yeah, but you-you didn't have to leave.

You could've let me try.

You did try, my whole life.

And I tried, too.

And for whatever reason,
we just, we didn't connect.

- Just...
- But maybe now that we...

It just kills me. It just, it just,

it kills me that you thought

that she was the only one who loved you.

Listen, the truth is,

she just was the only one
that could show it, you know?

I really miss her.

I know.

Me, too. Every day.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Hi. So a few vertebrae in your spine

were compressed in the accident.

We rushed you into surgery
to relieve the pressure.

You're gonna be fine, Mr. Kay.

You're gonna be fine, and so is Victoria.

They put a shunt in as soon
as you deposited the money

in the account, so we're gonna
get to take her home tomorrow.

Will I be out of here by then?

We'll have you in the chair in
time to take your daughter home.

- The chair?
- Sorry, that sounded worse than it is.

It's while you heal from the surgery.

You'll be back on your feet

in a couple days, and in
two to three months,

you should be at 100%,

- ready to get back in the field.
- 100%, babe.

But, wait, I can't work
for two to three months?

You might be able to cut that time down

if you work hard
at your physical therapy.

It's gonna be a long road
to full recovery,

but there's nothing

stopping you from normal,
low-stress office duties.

No field work? No OT?

Don't sweat the money right now.

Okay? You, uh, you
just stopped an attack,

survived something horrible.

Figured out a way to fix
our daughter's heart.

Today is a blessing.

Hey, everything's gonna
be okay from here on out.

Okay? I promise.
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