02x18 - Cash Flow

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "S.W.A.T." Aired: November 2, 2017 – present.*
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American procedural action drama television series, based on the 1975 television series of the same name.
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02x18 - Cash Flow

Post by bunniefuu »

- I'm done.

I can't do this anymore.

I'm turning in my 30-day notice.

Pick another team leader.

Deacon or Rocker. Whoever.

- You the K9 unit?
- Officer Alonso, sir.

Champ and I are ready
to go in when needed.


If we start a relationship with you,

you will be an equal part
in that new relationship.

They both want to date you?

What are the rules?

My daughter has a hole in her heart

and she needs it closed now.

And I don't have $11,000 lying around.

A man's got to carry his family
on his own two feet.

Otherwise he's not a man.

I need a loan.

Wait, I can't work for
two to three months?

You made me give you that cash,

and now you're not gonna pay it back?

How's that any different than robbing me?

I just need more time.

Well, then, we need to work
something out.

If it's not cash,

then a favor. What kind of favor?

Sit down, already!


Maddox, take a seat.


Better view over here anyway.

All right.

That's it for today. We're good to roll.

Rubina, I didn't realize

you were allowed out of the tech lab.

I just came from the vet.

I've got some bad news, Chris.

Champ's gotten worse, hasn't he?

The cancer's aggressive,

and he's not exactly a young dog.

I'll pay for whatever treatment.
You know that.

He was my partner.

I'm afraid we're past that point.

The vet says we need
to put him down soon.

The kids are heartbroken.

You guys gave him the best retirement

a K9 could ever ask for.

We're not gonna do anything

until you get a chance to say good-bye.

But don't put it off.

I won't.

I'll make it happen today.

If only Mumford could've
held off retiring

for just another month.

It doesn't matter.
Deacon is the man for the job.

Back injury or not.
I mean, if not him, who?

I don't know, Rocker, he's completed

his Sergeant-Two requirements, you know,

that puts him in the running.

Hondo, who's your bet
to take over Mumford's team

now that he's on his way out?
It's got to be Deacon, right?

Well, they couldn't do better. It's
about time he got his own squad.

Yeah, but he's not back
to full beast mode yet.

You think that could tip
the scales against him?

He's been working his ass off
to get there.

Where is he, anyway? We seen him?

Oh, he called.
He said he had physical therapy.

Hasn't given up on coming back
to work early.

This week's payment.

- In full?
- I'm a little short, but

you'll have the rest
next time, no problem.

Where have I heard that before?

Oh, yeah...

coming out of your mouth
the last time you were here.

I haven't been cleared yet for
full duty. Once that happens...

Maybe there's another way.

I talked to my bosses.

They're willing to forego
the loan for a few favors.

Need you to run a license plate.

No way. Last week's tip was
too close to the line.

I... This is not what I signed up for.

No, you signed up to pay back your debts,

but you're not doing that.

I'm not doing this.

You're not leaving me a lot of options.

Obviously, I'm not in a position
to muscle you.

So the only choice I have left
is to, uh, go to your bosses.

That's not gonna be good
for either of us, maybe.

But it's definitely worse for you.

Look. I'm telling you I just
need a little more time.

Make it easy for both of us.
Okay? This isn't a big deal.

No one's gonna get k*lled or hurt.

Just run the damn plate.

Any minute now.

Right on time.

I don't know if he's stupid,
crazy or what,

but as soon as we approached,
someone inside

started taking potshots at us.

Prisoner must've gotten a hold
of a guard's g*n.

- Anybody get hit?
- Not yet,

but one of my guys is inside.

- He's in the bus right now?
- Yeah. An EMT.

He was first on the scene.
Managed to climb in,

and that's when the sh**ting started.

He radioed that he was okay,
but one of the guards

- is seriously injured.
- Hondo, we don't have time

to wait around, hoping
this guy runs out of a*mo.

No. We got to get
on that bus now. Load up.

Luca, Tan, Chris, get to the front,

see if you can get a visual.
Street, you're with me. Go.

- Luca...
- Yep.

24-David. Looks like the driver's dead.

Didn't stand a chance.

I've got eyes on the EMT and the guard.

The EMT's okay,

but the guard looks like

he's in bad shape. We got to do this now.

This is the LAPD!

Drop the g*n!

Stay away from me!

- What's your name, man?
- Uh...

It's, uh, Tito.

He sounds like he's possibly concussed.


I need you to drop that
g*n for me, all right?

We got to get you some help.

Windows are all barred.

Doorway's blocked. No access from here.

All right, that
leaves me and Street, then.

I need you to create a distraction.

Draw his attention to the front.

Roger that. On your count.

All right, here we go. Three,

two, one, now.

Tito? Take it easy, man. It's over.

You hear me? It's over.

This is 20-David to Command.

Target secure.

First responders are free to approach.


Check it out.

According to the
Department of Corrections,

- the missing prisoner is Eric Maddox.
- Yeah.

The guy is a serious repeat offender,

almost all violent robberies.

Last one was a smash-and-grab
at an Indian casino.

Left three bystanders dead,
a dozen more injured.

LAPD scooped up Maddox's crew

when they busted him six months ago.

So who'd he convince to spring him?

They sure as hell weren't amateurs.

Found this tossed in the bushes.

It's an M72 light anti-t*nk w*apon.

- Got to be military, yeah?
- Serious firepower

- just to free one man.
- Yeah. With Maddox's record,

there's no way he's just looking

- to ride off into the sunset.
- No.

He's got new friends and big g*ns.

We're gonna see him again.

Hey, Hondo.

I spoke to the warden up at CSP.
He's gonna send us

all of Maddox's prison records.
All right.

Well, if Maddox was involved
in planning this breakout,

maybe we can figure out
who he was communicating with.

How'd physical therapy go this morning?

Oh, it was, uh, you know, fine.
I just got to keep at it.

Not sure how else to convince the captain

- I'm ready for full duty.
- I hope it's soon.

We miss you, man.

And with Mumford's
50-David spot opening up,

we need you at full strength, bro.

No, Deac's got nothing
to worry about there.

Gentlemen, I want you to meet...



- You two go back?
- Yeah.

Yeah, we served together
in Somalia. Same unit.

Master Sergeant Ruiz

has been sent up from Camp Pendleton.

The serial number on the rocket
launcher from this morning

traced back to their armory.

Master Sergeant, huh?

- That's no small deal.
- What about you?

LAPD now, huh? A SWAT officer, no less.

When did that happen?

Been a minute.

Hondo's been 20-David team leader

for over a year now.

So, you got any idea

how an anti-t*nk w*apon
could've slipped off the base?

I'm just beginning my investigation.

We're doing a full inventory,
see if anything else is missing.

We can't rule out
that there might be a Marine

- on Maddox's crew.
- True. But the w*apon

could have also been stolen
off a supply caravan,

black-marketed somehow.

We'll be investigating all options

in conjunction with the Marines.

Looking forward to
working with you, Hondo.

I mean, I knew Champ was sick, I just,

I didn't realize it was this bad.

Been so busy the last month,
I didn't even visit.

I just kept thinking things
would turn around.

We'll leave you two alone, okay?

Come on, girls.

Wait, no. It's okay.


It's crazy,
he used to be just pure muscle.

Once, we were on this narcotics sweep,

and the suspect was hiding under
the floor, high on something.

Champ sniffed him out.

We got back to the car,

he showed me his leg was all cut up.

He waited until the job
was done so I wouldn't fuss.

Sounds like a real hero.

I wouldn't have even been
considered for SWAT

if it weren't for you.

You always made me look so good.

But it was all your doing, wasn't it?

Without you, I was just faking it.

We've been going over
Maddox's prison records.

Turns out, he had a recent visitor.

A woman. She showed up
to see him five times

in the last four weeks,
probably planning his breakout.

Prison visitors have to sign in.

- We have a name?
- Yes, Lea Walker.

- Hmm, doesn't ring any bells.
- Not clear how she ties

to Maddox; she has no criminal record.

Might only be because
she's never been caught.

If she's got a legit reason for
spending so much time with Maddox,

I want to hear it from her.

This is ridiculous.

You can't just haul me in here

and hold me against my will.

This one's a real peach.

I want to talk
to whoever's in charge, now.

Lucky for you, I'm right here.

And I'll get straight to
the point. Where's Maddox?

- Where's who?
- You know exactly who.

Your prison boyfriend, Eric Maddox.

I swear, I have no idea
what you're talking about.

- You're Lea Walker, correct?
- Yeah,

but I've never heard
of anyone named Maddox.

This isn't the woman who
visited Maddox in prison.

It looks like her, but it's not her.

Ms. Walker, did you
lend anyone your I.D.?

- A girlfriend, maybe?
- What? No, of course not.

'Cause somebody used it
to visit a man in prison.

Do you have any idea how
that might have happened?

Probably that bitch who stole my purse.

She got everything,

including my driver's license.

- Okay, when was that?
- Couple months ago.

You said it was a woman who stole it.

- Did you see her?
- Not when it happened, no.

But the restaurant let me
watch their security tapes.

You could see her,
plain as day, grab my bag

and waltz out the door.
I filed a police report,

but I guess a stolen purse
isn't exactly high priority.

- Well, it's high priority now.
- Let's pull the report.

If this purse snatcher
is the link to Maddox,

- we need to find her.
- Right.

Exactly what you asked for.

The latest issue, full auto.

- And the tear gas?
- Next crate.

Of course, none of it means
anything without the real prize.


Packed more of a punch than we thought.

Glad you only got scraped up.

Must be pretty badass
to fire one of these.

When we do the job, it'll be all you.

Looks like we're about ready now.

There she is, right over there.



Ty. What are you doing here?

Is everything okay with Kira?

Yeah, Kira's fine.

- W-What about you?
- What? Why?

You didn't show up to lunch, you
haven't picked up your phone since.

- I've been calling.
- Things have just been busy.

For after work, too?

Kira said you bailed
on tonight in a text.

- It's not like you, Chris.
- Is everything okay here?

Yeah, everything's fine. This is, uh, Ty.

Ty, this is Jim Street.

- Ty. Sorry, man.
- Jim.

I guess I'm just a little overprotective,

- with everything going on.
- What do you mean? What's going on?

Nothing. Just, with Chris's
dog dying and everything.

Your dog is dying?

We... we didn't even know you had a dog.

He's my former K9 partner.

I'll tell you and Kira
about it later, okay?

What are we looking at?

We got ahold of the
restaurant security video

showing Lea Walker's purse being stolen.

Shows the theft, but there's
really not much else to go on.

But this just came in...
it's from the market next door.

They share the same parking
lot as the restaurant.

There. Isn't that her?

This is definitely the same woman

we saw visiting Maddox in prison.


I'll run the plate.

Name is Grace Fetter. Got an
address in North Hollywood.

Base armory just completed
their inventory.

They're missing three more M72s

along with a half dozen M4A1 carbines

and a tear gas crowd suppression kit.

You still want to tell me
it was an outsider

- who took all of that?
- You're right.

It's got to be a Marine
that armed this crew,

which is why I alerted our
Criminal Investigative Division.

They're on their way up
to take over the case.

The hell they are.

This started with SWAT;
SWAT's gonna finish it.

Since when are you a guy that
sees the mission through?

We've got a possible location

for Maddox right now.

CID will never get a unit here in time.

Fine. I'll go along,
as CID's representative.

- We don't need you.
- I hear your team's down a man.

Very least, I'm an extra pair of hands.

He's right, Hondo.

And it'll save me
the politics with Marine CID.

You know, Somalia was 20 years ago.

At some point, you got to let it go.

Your brothers needed you.

You walked out without a second thought.

You have no idea
what you're talking about.

We rollin' or what?

Command to 20-David.

Hondo, looks like we got some bad intel.

Drone did a fly over the target.

It looks like there are several
structures behind the house

that weren't on the blueprints we pulled.

Must be un-permitted construction

the city didn't know about.

So we'll improvise on the fly
like we're trained to do.

Fill the gaps!

Stay liquid!

It's open.

Give me two. Give me two.


Left side clear.

Hey, Maddox's jumpsuit.
We're in the right place.

House is clear. Let's sweep the back.

Tough watching from the sidelines.

Welcome to my world.

I don't know how you do it.

I put my trust in the team.

Don't worry, you'll be back
in the field soon enough.

Looks like a garage or a workshop.

Luca, Chris, left side.

Tan and Street with me. Move, move.

Left side clear.

Workshop's clear. No sign
of Maddox or Grace Fetter.

Code 4. Look around and see

what they might have left behind.

Hondo. Master Sergeant.



Hondo, something I need you to see.

Aw. Can't be.

You know him?


Scott Nestor. Corporal.

I guess we found the
Marine who was arming them.

Ah, I appreciate it. Thank you so much.

Hey, according to the detective,
Grace Fetter lives here

with her longtime boyfriend, Jonah Holt.

Matches the description of
our other prison bus attacker.

- Yeah.
- Looks like they had

two more people bunked
in their back room.

They're probably building a crew for
whatever heist they're planning.

There's nothing in here that indicates

- what their next target is?
- Nah. As far as that goes,

they cleaned up like
they knew we were coming.

They left nothing to tip their hand.
The only thing

we know for sure is that
they're loaded for bear.

Is it weird he didn't do more

to try and hide the soldier's body?

No, it just confirms
what we already know.

These guys don't give a damn

about the wreckage
they leave in their wake.

My guess is, whatever the target,

they plan on making a score
and disappearing.

Still can't figure how Corporal
Nestor was involved in all this.

I knew the kid... he was as
squared away as they come.

Decorated after two tours in Afghanistan

- and about to ship out on his third.
- Everybody's got a weak spot.

They must have found his somehow.

Hondo, might have an answer.

That's Nestor's family.

The tech found e-mails.
Looks like they, uh, threatened

to k*ll his kids if he
didn't deliver on the weapons.

We'll get these guys, Ruiz.

We'll see.


I might be SWAT now,

but semper fi still runs
through my veins.

I don't take the m*rder of a young Marine

- any lighter than you do.
- Yeah?

Prove it, then.

Go find these bastards.

Come on.

You can't really be mad at me.

I didn't need you to go
messing in my personal life.

I didn't mean to. I just figured

- that Ty already knew about Champ.
- Well, he didn't.

And now I have to explain
the whole thing to him and Kira,

which is something I was hoping to avoid.

Why? Isn't that what a relationship is?

Isn't-isn't that why
you're with the two of 'em?

You know what, forget it.
You just don't get it.

I'm just saying, you're going
through something rough,

and you're not wanting
to share it with them.

That-that doesn't raise
a red flag for you?

Oh, so now you're
the relationship expert?

You're right. Okay, I'm alone.

And I'm-I'm a mess when it
comes to my personal life.

But if I ever did find someone,

let alone two someones,

I sure as hell wouldn't want
to be keeping something

like this from them.

I just don't get why you
wouldn't tell them this.

Well, maybe that's just who I am, okay?

Or maybe you're just not
in the right relationship.

So, these are the two
who ambushed the prison bus.

Yeah. Grace Fetter and Jonah Holt.

Turns out Maddox and Holt are cousins.

Explains how they tie together.

Holt here has got a rap sheet
of his own...

burglary, GTA... but this is
definitely a step up for him.

Yeah, blackmailing and
murdering a Marine.

Does his family know yet?

Ruiz is with the body, arranging
notification for the wife.

The way you and Ruiz
butt heads, I can't imagine

how you served four years together.

Actually, back then, we were tight.

Whole unit was.

So what happened?

When my enlistment ended, I didn't re-up.

I was one-and-done,

and that didn't sit well
with a career guy like Ruiz.

You ever explain to him
why you didn't reenlist?

I didn't think I owed him an explanation.

That's so Hondo. You know that.

Found something interesting.

As far as we can tell,

Grace and Jonah have been
together since high school.

Which makes me wonder
why she recently created

an online dating profile and,

over the last month, went
on four dates with this guy,

- Lloyd Williams.
- Okay, I don't mean

to throw shade,
but old SquarePants here doesn't

really look like Grace's type.

Makes me think she
wanted something from him.

- Who is he?
- His dating profile's limited.

Best I can tell, he's an office drone

at some home mortgage company.

All right, take Luca. Go check him out.


Hey. Look at this.

- One of your favorites?
- I don't know.

It's probably the only food truck in L.A.
I haven't tried yet.

Maybe after.

Maybe now. Isn't that our
guy in line right there?

Lloyd Williams!

LAPD! Stop right there, Lloyd!

Really? Okay.

Excuse me.

Hey. Hey, come on.

Okay, look, look,

I didn't know what she wanted. I swear.

Didn't know what who wanted?
You talking about Grace?

Why don't you take it easy,

tell us the whole story, okay?

I met her on this dating app,

and she was... hot.

So we-we went on a few dates.

And she was really interested in my job,

which was nice, because no one's
ever interested in my job.

But then I realized
that was the only thing

she was interested in.

So I told her I was done.

And that's when she said
she would pay me for the info.

- What kind of info?
- Anything I had.

Blueprints, details on security
systems, guard rotations.

So they plan on robbing
a mortgage company?

Oh, God, no.
I just started working there.

I-I had another job before.

But after I told her everything,

I figured I should put in my notice.

What are you talking
about, Lloyd? What job?

Huh? Where did you work?

The cash processing center
for the Federal Reserve.

Next time, Lloyd,

maybe start with that.

The L.A. Federal Reserve branch

is the second largest
cash reserve in the country.

They won't officially say,
but they got to have

at least $100-$150 million in there.

Talked to the Federal
Reserve security chief.

He didn't want to disclose anything

about their schedules
or security measures.

Yeah, but then you told him
about the M72 rockets.

Yeah, and, suddenly, he opened up.

They have a new cash shipment
arriving by armored car

in less than an hour.

I'll notify Ruiz.

Luca and Tan are already en route.

All right, we'll meet 'em there.

Hey, Deac, you good to be our wheelman?

Fine, but that's all.

Don't push it.

Let's roll.

- 25-David to 20-David.
- This is 20-David, go.

I'm looking at the info Lloyd
handed over to Maddox's crew.

There's nothing in here to suggest
they're going after armored cars.

Seems like they got their eyes
on the bigger prize.

- The Federal Reserve itself.
- Well, that'd be nuts.

The Federal Reserve is a fortress.

No way they're getting in there,
even with those weapons.

Doesn't mean they won't try.


Chris, what's going on?

It's Champ. He's gone.

Just caught me by surprise, boss.

It won't affect my game.

I'm fine.

20-David to Command.

We're on scene at the Federal Reserve.

No sign of Maddox yet.

Luca, Street, scout the two-side,

see where these guys might be vulnerable.

Chris, you and Tan do
the same thing on the four.

Hey, appreciate you guys
feeling like we need a hand,

but it looks like a false alarm.

Trust me, be happy if it is,
but I don't think so.

The new currency all got here
without incident.

And once the doors shut,
there's just no way in,

even if these guys had a t*nk.

24-David, the four-side looks secure.

26-David, same on the two-side.

No sign of Maddox.

Something's not right.

Like I said, false alarm.

The unfit currency made
its transport as well,

arrived at the shredding
facility without a problem.

Wait a minute. Unfit currency.
What are we talking about?

Economics 101.

All right, Professor,
why don't you fill us in?

For every new dollar
we put into circulation,

a worn-out dollar has to come out.

If we didn't do that, we'd be
flooding the country with cash,

devaluing the currency.

Worn-out bills.

Impossible to trace.

So, these unfit bills get destroyed, how?

- Where?
- In a shredder.

Here, usually. But our
machines were 30 years old.

They're being replaced.
So, for the last five weeks,

we've been doing all
the shredding off-site.

How much was in today's shipment?

I'm really not supposed to say.

How much?

Give or take, $35 million.

But I told you, it got there just fine.

Deacon, round 'em up.

This is 20-David to Command.

- Go ahead, Hondo.
- Captain, I don't think

he's targeting the Federal Reserve.

He's going after
an off-site shredding facility

where they destroy old bills.

- We're rolling now.
- Ruiz.

These guys k*lled one of my men.

I just had to inform the family.

I'm not gonna stand around
and do nothing.

Wasn't asking you to.

Go, go, go!

Come on, let's do this.

Gooch, you know the plan.
You guys keep us covered.

Let's go.

On the ground! Everybody down!

These are fives and tens!
Where are the hundreds?!

Over here!

All right, we got two sh**t,

one in the three-opening,
one in the four.

Everybody stay close for cover.

- Be better with a full team.
- Deac, you're right,

but not this time. You know the orders.

Keep it locked down here. Get up there.

Street, Chris, you're with me.

We work the left flank. Tan, Luca,

- keep 'em busy.
- Move, move. Go, go, go, go.

Cover fire!

Drop your weapons and come out!

26-David, one suspect down!

Cops are here.

We got to move.

Don't just stand there.
You've got g*ns. Use 'em!

Two more!

- Same opening!
- Hondo, Tan and me are going left!

- Tan!
- On your two. Let's do it.

Get in the car, Gooch!

Suspect two down!

It's no good, man. He's hit.


Get up, now!

- No, no, no.
- Shut up.

What are you doing?

Time to go, cut our losses.

- What about Grace?
- What about her?

Jonah, I'm not waiting.

Hold your fire! Hold your fire!

Hondo, I can't get a clear shot!

Mine's no good either!

- Deac! You gotta pin him in!
- Roger that.

Sorry, Luca. This might not be pretty.

We can't let this guy get
anywhere near a populated area.

I'm trying... this thing was
built for strength, not speed.

This is 20-David, in pursuit.

Westbound on Norwich approaching Glazer.

- Any units in the area?
- Hondo, it's Ruiz.

I'm just south of you.
If you force him my way,

- maybe I can lay a strip.
- Roger that.

What do you say, Deac?

Do what I can.

Deacon, these rockets, if they
burn up, they're gonna blow.

Ruiz, let's go, let's go.

Cover! g*n!

Move, move, move!

Remember your old training?

Oorah. Move, move.

You're outta road, Maddox.

It's time to give yourself up.

Don't do it.

You're not gonna make it, man.

You don't think I'm fast enough?

As much as we'd both
like to see you try...

It's over, Maddox. Let me see your hands.

This is 20-David to Command.

Final suspect in custody.

We're Code 4.

Take him.

Move it.

How many millions you think that is?

Doesn't matter. It was all meant
to be destroyed anyway.

Well, on behalf of the U.S. Marines,

thank you.

You run a pretty
impressive operation here.

Clearly, you know how to command.

Well, we both know where I got my start.

Listen, Ruiz.

Now, maybe 20 years is too long, but...

we never talked about
my decision to not reenlist.

I saw your commitment to your team.

Had to wonder why it
wasn't that way with us.


Look, it didn't have nothing to
do with you or the other guys.

Do you remember that night raid in Merca?

When we took out that rebel nest
that was sniping

those Army guys from the 23rd?

- Above the street market.
- That's right.

We battered the hell out
of them with the 50s.

When I went in on clean-up,
I saw one of them...

A dead kid.

He couldn't have been more than 15.

That kid was firing on our troops.


But, Ruiz, when I saw him...

it took me back home to the kids

from the streets of South L.A.

Just another dead black teen
with a g*n, man.

And that's when I realized,

if I really want to make
a change in this world,

I gotta start in my own neighborhood,

not some dirt street in Africa.

That's what I did.

Guess I can respect that.

You shouldn't have had to wait 20 years

for an explanation, and...

that's on me.

Some of the guys from the old
unit... we still get together.

Maybe next time I'll hook you in.

I'd like that.

It'd be nice to see some
of the old faces again.



Deac, man, what the hell?

Captain just told us
that you pulled yourself

from the running to be the new 50-David.

That's right, I did.

Injuries heal, man.

It has nothing to do with my injuries.

Well, what?

Is it Annie and the kids?

I mean, not being there for them enough?

You'd probably have more time.

With the pay bump, you wouldn't
need to moonlight anymore.

Look, fellas. I all ready spoke
to the captain.

It's a done deal;
let's just leave it at that.

Yeah, but I don't get it, man.

This is what you always wanted,

to finally have your own team.

Hey, guys.

Give me a minute alone
with Deac, all right?

- Of course.
- Yeah.

I stole some money today.

It was only for a minute, but...

It was in my pocket.

It was in my pocket

before I threw it back
and watched it burn.

But for a moment,

I became someone I-I didn't know.

Someone not worthy
of leading a SWAT team.

That doesn't sound like the Deac I know.

I don't know who I am right now.

Why, man?

What's going on with you?

I'm in a financial hole. Deep.

I thought you and Luca
already took care of that?

We did.

But that was before
the baby needed surgery.

I know, I should have reached out.

I-I was... stupid... ashamed.

And I wanted to do it myself.

Bottom line, I got involved
with a loan shark.

Before I knew it,
he had his hooks into me

for way more than money.

You got to tell all this

to Cortez and Hicks, I understand.


I'm not about to get you fired.

I'm gonna get you some help.

You're not gonna face this alone.

Team is family.

No man left behind.

Thank you.

But I don't know what to do.

You're gonna tell me his name

and exactly where I can find him.



How you doing?

You know. It hurts.

Hold up.

There's a reason I didn't tell
Ty and Kira about Champ.

It's just...

As cops, there are things that
happen on the job, you know?


as much as I want to share,

you just want to tell someone
who'll get it.

That's why I shared it with you.

And listen, um...

I'm sorry about all
the stuff that I said.

Don't be sorry.

Maybe you're right.

Help you guys?

You Mickey?

Yeah, that's right.

What's this?

That's the end of the story
between you and Sergeant Kay.

And that plate you wanted to run?

You can guess what you can do with that.

I didn't ask for any of this.
Y-You know that, right?

- He came to me.
- And then you took advantage.

You're out of Deacon's life now,
Mickey, you got me?

And you better make sure that
we don't come back into yours.

Parade, rest!


Good boy.
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