03x02 - Bad Faith

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "S.W.A.T." Aired: November 2, 2017 – present.*
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American procedural action drama television series, based on the 1975 television series of the same name.
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03x02 - Bad Faith

Post by bunniefuu »

Sergeants Harrelson
and Becker.

You remember Lieutenant
Detective Lynch

from the mayor's office?Sure.

Hello, ma'am.Nice to see you
again, Lieutenant.

Sergeants.It seems that SWAT has
piqued the interest

of some of the powers
that be in the city,

and they want
Lieutenant Detective Lynch here

for the day to, um--
how'd the memo put it?

Conduct a departmental review.

Past few days, I've been
reading your strike reports

and personnel files
in the city archives.

Boy, that was a test
of my dust allergy.

And no question, SWAT deserves
its rep as the best.

observation and conversation
with boots on the ground.

Shall we start with you?

Yes, ma'am.You can use the office

across the hall.Thanks, Commander.

Here to observe?

What do you think she
and the mayor are really up to?

Well, three decades
of policing tells me

it's not to
conduct a review.

Maybe we're both
just too cynical.

You know, it makes sense
to me now why city hall's

been stonewalling me on hiring
a new captain to replace Cortez.

CEOs don't get
to pick new VPs

when a company's about
to get taken over.

Lynch is here to
take inventory.

You think city hall
has new plans for SWAT?

Like what?


This one is a chile relleno.

It's a bell pepper stuffed
with veggies and meat,

dipped in, uh... butter?

Egg batter.Egg batter. Right.

And then you fry it,
and you want

to wash it down with tepache.
Taste this, Deac.

It's pineapple.

It's tangy, but it's
not sweet. It's good.

Top it off with, uh--
what do you call these, uh,

doughnut ball things again?Buñuelitos.


Buñueliri... bun...

Yeah. Yeah.Xiomara,

this food is amazing.

You know, if I knew
that Luca lived

two doors down
from a five-star chef,

I would've moved in
a long time ago.

Check it out.Mmm, mmm. You realize
this smell's toying

with a bunch of hungry
SWAT officers out there?

Think they're getting
ready to breach.

Now, imagine
these culinary treats

could come to you
wherever you are

any day of the week.

Like a delivery service?Better.

Food truck, all right?

It's a prospectus
I drew up.

All the facts and figures
laid out right in here.

What it would take for us
to start our own operation.

Guatemalan food is the
only cuisine around

that's sweet, spicy and savory
all in the same dish.

And with the way
Xiomara cooks, man,

there's nothing like it
out there.

Trust me.TAN:
I know you know

your food trucks.Start-up costs run

60 grand--
that's for a truck,

equipment, supplies.

I can front 35 grand.

If you four and Hondo
throw in five each,

this could be a team investment.

I mean, look,
we already put together

a menu, man--
it's awesome.

Xiomara, how do you feel
about taking on

the foodie capital of the world?He say so.

Look, I know I'm springing this
on you guys out of the blue,

but just look it over, check
it out, tell me what you think.

I mean, this could be
the next big thing, man.

Transfer van is here.

Please have all
transfer patients

at the garage and ready.

You're so silly.

Look at her flirt.

Who do you think
she's talking to?

Probably a boyfriend.

Probably. I mean,
she's really pretty.

I like her, uh,


I can get it for you.

If you do me a favor.

Oh. You took
your medication, Bernice.

No. I need to use the toilet.

Rec time's almost over.

Can you hold it
till the orderlies are back

to get everyone
to their rooms?

Call you later, babe.


Let's go, Bernice.

Come on.

Roll down your sleeves.

They're strict
with the dress code here.

Let's go.

We have a 304-B in room 26.

Dr. Shannon, we have 304-B
in room 26.

Get back in the room.


Who wants to have some fun?

20-David to Command.

We're on site at Martin West
Psychiatric Hospital.

All right, remember,

these people
are not in their right mind.

Unless a life is
in immediate danger,

we go with nonlethal force
the whole way today.

This ain't over until everyone
in there is safely restrained.

Deac, let's go, let's go.

Three, two, one.


Chris, Street, you're with me.

Tan, you and me got
Fight Club. You ready?

Move in. Move in. Go.

Break it up! Break it up!

That's enough, guys!

Everybody, put your hands
behind your backs.

Do it now.

LAPD! Don't move!

Show me your hands.

Turn around.

This time I'm gonna
do it, I swear.

What's your name?


Bernice, hey.

Nobody needs to get hurt.

Just turn around.



We're just trying
to get things settled down.

Can you put the brush down,

turn around, please?You like it?

Absolutely. Now, put
the brush down, please.

Someone in Beverly Hills
is gonna pay

Now, just turn around, okay?Especially when I'm dead.

How about you just place
your hands on the wall?

Paint's still wet.

Behind your back, then.


Give me your hand.

He's the last one.

Hey, look who passed
with flying colors.

Not even a little funny.

Hey, Street, you
know we got to pay

for our own dry
cleaning, right?


Found that missing guard.

How'd all this
get started?

The new custodian.
I-I don't know his name.

He smuggled in weapons,
got 'em all riled up.

Then he ran off
with Ruth Pearson.

Ruth Pearson's a patient here?

For the past
nine years, yeah.

Who's Ruth Pearson?

Wayne Pearson's widow.

They ran a cult together
from a compound

in Laurel Canyon
years ago.

The one that planned that
mass su1c1de, Virgo's Temple?

This is that
cult leader's wife?

Ruth was as much the leader
as her husband was,

only Wayne died that day
and she didn't.

A lot of people got hurt
because of what this couple did,

and no one was ever
really held accountable.

What about Ruth?

D.A. didn't throw
the book at her?

He tried, but it
didn't go anywhere.

She's legally insane.

Who we dealing with?

So, Ruth Pearson and her husband

founded Virgo's Temple
in the early '90s,

but by '99, it had turned into
a full-blown doomsday cult.

When the world didn't end
with Y2K, Wayne just pushed

the apocalypse back.

After a while, Ruth said

believers could only ascend
to a higher plane one way.

Mass su1c1de?Wayne and a
few higher-ups

managed to off themselves,
but cops and SWAT saved

everyone else in that compound
while under fire.

After all these years,
Ruth's bound to be vindictive.

With the help
of the janitor

and his two buddies
outside, she's now armed

and at large in L.A.
Administrator said

they hired the janitor
last month,

apparently under a false ID.

Hondo called it.
Checked the janitor's prints

against the state
juvenile records and got a hit.

That employee is Ruth's son.

All three of those guys are.

Auto theft,
armed robbery, as*ault.

Rap sheets sure to
make Mama proud.

Lieutenant Lynch talked
to the mayor.

SWAT's gonna run point on this.

Ruth Pearson is
a high-profile fugitive.

Her escape will draw plenty
of public interest.

Especially now that we know
it's a family reunion.Might be your chance

for a do-over with
the Virgo's Temple, Sergeant.

The Pearson family
used to have dozens of followers

who were willing
to drink the Kool-Aid.

Sir, we're gonna need access
to Ruth's patient file

and a list
of every Temple member

detectives processed
nine years ago.All right.

That's Theo, Zuma

and Ben.

Zuma's kind of
the odd brother out.

Check out the muscles on him.

What a bruiser.TAN: Think Ruth

sprinkled 'roids
on his cornflakes?

Definitely didn't skip
neck day at the gym.

Guy's an absolute unit.

You get those mug sh*ts out yet?Yeah.

Every train, bus and
gas station on our list.

Hospital ran
a criminal background check

on Theo Pearson
before they hired him.

I got it right here.TAN: Some
good that did.

Doesn't look like
it was too hard for him

to cheat the system:
fake name, fake address,

fake references.You can fake an ID,

but you can't fake
a social security number.

Find his W-9, see what
you can get back on it.

Hey, Deac.

Lynch told Hondo
this is his chance

for a do-over
with Virgo's Temple.

What's that
supposed to mean?

It sounded like a dig to me.

Was Hondo part of the raid
that took out the Temple

nine years ago?

Yeah. We both were.

You saw it all go down?

Yeah. Saw the

Wayne and a few
of his lackeys,

they were DOA before
we got there, but...

we saved the rest.
Do you remember seeing

Ruth or the boys?Not sure. It was...


The adults were armed.

The kids were all upstairs
huddled four to a bed.

So what do you think Lynch meant
by Hondo getting a do-over?

You'll have to ask her.

Commander Hicks,
meet Leo Moretti.

Leo is a private investigator
who helped me resolve

a parental kidnapping case
a few years back.

This is his
client, Pam.

Nice to meet you.

How can we help?

The people you're looking for,
the Pearsons,

my daughter's with them,
being held against her will.

Did you report her abduction
to the police?

She wasn't
abducted, Commander.

Pam hasn't seen her
daughter in four years.

Why do you think
she's with them?

Found it in her room.

Clare never really had friends,

and I worked nights
after the divorce.

So Fiona was a godsend,
at first.

One night, I found

Wayne Pearson's book
in Clare's room.

Letters were tucked
inside between

the girls and the Pearson boys.

How they were all gonna
live together on a commune,

h-how the world
was gonna end.

They even got matching
star tattoos on their wrists.

So I told Clare
that she couldn't

see Fiona or the
Pearson boys anymore.

She stormed out.

That was the last time
I saw her.

Commune? Intel said

the Temple disbanded
nine years ago.

You're saying
they're still active?

We don't think
they ever weren't.

Numbers aren't what
they used to be,

but I believe there's still
a handful of devoted followers.

From what I've found,

some ex-members
have moved out of state,

but more recently,
they've changed their names

and they've trickled back
into the area.

Mind sharing what you've been
able to collect with us?

Whatever it takes
to get Clare home.Oh, good.

There's one more thing,

Two months ago, Clare called me.

First time in four years.
She said she was pregnant.

She needed money.
She wanted to escape

from them, that the-the boys
had terrible things planned.

And then there
was screaming,

and the line went dead.

Clare is alive and wants out.

Would you excuse me a second?

The Social Security number
used by Ruth's son,

issued to a Dylan Wheady,

and he's on our list
of Temple members.

Social was never
reported stolen?

Well, this guy's
probably in on it.

Maybe he's sheltering
the whole Pearson clan.

The registered address is a
ranch house up in the foothills.

Good Shepherd Road.

Well, go get 'em.All right.

Street and Tan,
three-side with me.

Deac and Chris,
you've got the one.


You're police.
Oh, it's the police. Thank God.

What's your name?

I'm Nicole.Where's Dylan Wheady?

Dylan, you can come out.
It's safe.Turn around, turn around.


Turn around.

We thought you were them.

Thought we were who?The Pearsons.

We heard about Ruth's escape.

Josh and Jasmine split.
We didn't know what else to do.

Josh and Jasmine?Josh and I escaped
from the Temple together.

Ruth was always so tough on him.

He wasn't about to wait around
and let her hurt Jasmine.

Yeah, they left
about an hour ago.

Why was one
of the brothers

using your
Social Security number?

I had to leave everything
behind; my friends, my car,

my Social Security card.

You have to file for a
new address to report it stolen.

I was afraid it was
gonna make it easier

for them to track me down.

Did you hear any chatter about
what they might have planned?

I check a few online forums
once in a while,

in case some cult-obsessed troll
targets Dylan.

Posts on there have been
picking up lately.

I guess
that makes sense.

Ruth escaping the same week
as the Draconids.

Same week as what?

The Draconid meteor shower.
It's Temple dogma.

Meteors clear the sky for
a ship to arrive from Andromeda.

They're the ones that are
supposed to take the souls

to the higher level planet.

It all sounds so stupid now.

Hondo, we got a male
and female here.

They say they're hiding
from the Pearson family,

and there's another couple
in the wind.

Okay, let's bring 'em in.

Rest of the property is clear.Roger that.

Hey, guys, mug sh*ts
we blasted out just got a hit.

A man matching
Theo Pearson's description

was just seen at a truck depot
on Commerce Boulevard.

Sending Street and Tan
to check it out.

The rest of us are on our way
back to HQ with two guests.

Okay, roger that.

I took a look at

Luca's prospectus.

That thing goes deep,
you put in work.

Hey, what's got him so revved up
about this food truck?

At first, I thought
it was just Luca being Luca,

trying to help out a neighbor,
but I don't know, man,

it seems like she's
just along for the ride.

This is all Luca's baby.

She's a hell of a cook, though.
You gonna throw in?

I would, but I'm trying
to save up.

Yeah, same.

Hoping to do some
traveling next year.Oh, yeah?

Yeah. It's kind of crazy

there aren't more Guatemalan
food trucks around.

That our guy?

Eyes on Theo Pearson
at the depot.

Police! Don't move!

Step out from
behind the vehicle

with your hands on your head.

Walk slowly backwards to me.

sh*ts fired.
1942 Commerce Boulevard.

Repeat. sh*ts fired.

Two, two, two.Go, go, go, go, go.

Nowhere to go. Give it up.

Drop the g*n!

I'll be waiting for them.

Don't do that!

Who the hell are these people?

Self-immolation as an act
of protest is desperate.

Burning yourself alive
as the result of delusion speaks

to something
far more disturbing.

Like being raised
in a cult.

Or having two nutcase parents.

In the Pearsons' case, I'd say

both nurture and nature
are equal to blame.

Here's Mom's sanity hearing.

Ancient Mayans said the path

to the afterlife
was more painful than anything.

No one reaches Andromeda
without sacrifice.

But when we arrive,

all that pain...

it makes us gods.

And our time is at hand.

The convoy is coming.

She's Machiavellian,

and a diagnosed psychopath-- all
three traits of the dark triad.


violent, and a god complex?

That's a hell of a cocktail.

Patients like this
are unpredictable

in a clinical setting.

In the real world,
watch out.

Any idea what Ruth
might be planning next?

Well, the boyfriend
and girlfriend

we brought in aren't sure,
but timing her escape

to coincide with this Draconid
meteor shower or whatever...

She's setting up
another doomsday,

and given her track record,

her true believers are
a body count waiting to happen.

Lieutenant, thank
whoever you know

who's on the sanity
review board.

Usually, it takes weeks
to pull these hearings.

I don't believe in red tape.

Hey, kid.

Any luck tracking that missing
couple from the farmhouse?

Uh, not yet. No
cell phone traces,

credit card hits, nothing.

Just keep looking, then.Okay.

Hey, uh,
can I ask you something?

Yeah. Go ahead, sh**t.

Lynch... she said that today
was your chance for a do-over?

Yeah, all right.

Look, kid, when we hit that
compound nine years ago,

I put myself in a
vulnerable position,

so Bucky wrote me up.

My only violation
on my SWAT record.

I'm sure Buck was trying
to teach you a lesson.

No. No, I deserved it.

I got locked in a standoff with
one of the Temple followers.

Neither one of us wanted
to lower our g*ns...

but I could see that
the guy was just scared.

So I thought the only
way he was gonna make it

out of there alive was if I
could earn his trust somehow.

You lowered your w*apon first?No. No, I did not,
but I didn't

take the shot when I could
have and when I should have.

I leaned too much
on my gut, Street.

And since then, I've
seen that go way wrong

for cops more than once.

That's why we work
the way that we do.

We rely on our training
in the moment.

It's a lesson every
officer learns.

We got to be good, but
we got to be lucky, too.

But how does Lynch
even know about this?

She must have done
her homework.I mean, is she, like,

digging into
our personnel files?

How and why?I got no idea.

What I did that day
wasn't very smart.

But, man, you know, the-the kid
just seemed like a lost soul

more than any type of
threat to me at the time.

His name's Kai.

And believe it or not,
these past few years,

he's gone and turned
his life around.

He opened a place to
help people who flee

or get spit out by groups
like the Temple. Go figure.


You think maybe he can
help us out with this?

I'm about to
go find out.
All right.


Uh, no, thank you.
I shouldn't.

Speak for yourself.
I'll have two chuchitos to go

and some hot sauce,
too, please. Thank you.

What's up, bro?

Listen, um... I can't invest
in the food truck right now.

It's just not a good time.
I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have put you
on the spot, man, I mean,

just knowing you got back on
solid ground financially.

So I gave it
some thought.

There's no point
doing all this work

to get the truck up and running
if the team can't be part of it.

I want to spot you
the five grand.

Okay, you just pay me
back whenever you can.

I-I can't accept that. I don't
want to owe you any money.

I don't want
to owe anybody money.

And-and as soon as I do
get some money to invest,

I want to invest it
in something simple

and-and boring,
like a-a mutual fund.

Yeah, but you tasted
this food, right?

I mean, this stuff is
just gonna sell itself.

It is fantastic, it is.
It... I'm sorry.

Okay, I understand.

I can't swing it
either, Luca.

I've been trying
to put money away,

and I know Tan and Street
are in the same boat,

probably waiting
for the right time to tell you.

But, you know, I don't know
if Hondo's taken a look
at the prospectus.

Yeah. No. I mean, Hondo's
got responsibilities.

You all do. I-I get it.
Totally get it. It's cool.

I swear, if I had
the money to burn...Don't-don't worry about it.

It's good. It's good.

I'm all right.
All right.

Hi. Hey, I... I should have
talked it over with them

before roping
you in. I'm sorry.

This was supposed to be
something for my whole team.

I-I mean, something
for you, obviously,

and something
for me, too.

I've never been in charge
of my own thing before,

and I thought...

Look, I-I didn't go
to business school or anything,

but I know I could've
pulled this off.

I kn-- I know it, man.

I'll think of some
other way. Don't worry.


Thanks for the talk.
All right.


Man, that's... so good.



Good to see you, Kai.You, too.

I assume you saw the news
of Ruth Pearson's escape

and what happened to Theo?Burning himself alive?

It's awful.
Can't say I'm surprised.

Well, I guess the crazy bar
for this cult

is on a whole nother level.

The Temple sales pitch
was simple.

You know, they'd help you reach
consciousness above human.

And at times, it felt real.

You know, growing vegetables,
raising animals.

We sang a lot.

I did everything
that Wayne and Ruth said,

hoping for enlightenment,
but, uh, it's all a lie.

That must've been
a tough realization.

It wasn't until I was
old enough to process

their most demented views
that I questioned things.

How Ruth said that burning alive
was the cleanest way

for the soul to ascend,
or that su1c1de

was the only way
to reach perfection.

When the Pearsons
planned this doomsday,

what do you remember in
the lead-up to that afternoon?

Well, Wayne said
the ship would come for us.

The sky would finally
be clear enough

for the journey.

Then the day came,
and we were all ready to ascend.

Wayne and his men
started handing out pills

and telling the kids

they were vitamins.And then we showed up

and all hell broke loose.

I wasn't
in my right mind, Hondo.

I hope you know that.I do know that, Kai.

I could see that you didn't
want to sh**t me.

The Pearsons may
have linked up

with a handful of
Temple members.

Now, with the meteor showers
coming this week,

Ruth seems to think
that some type of convoy

is coming for them.

She's planning
something big.

Does that mean anything to you?

She used that word, "convoy"?

Yes.That's Temple lingo.

Means 36--
Ruth and 35 followers.

They're the convoy.

You think Ruth has
35 other people

willing to take their own lives?

23 ex-members unaccounted for.

None of 'em have been seen
at their home or their jobs

the past two weeks.
They just vanished.

All right, with the five
rumored new recruits

we got from the P.I.,
that makes 28.

You add Ruth
and her two surviving sons...

Still only gives them

31 members, tops.Yeah, and they need

36 for this ritual.

She needs more bodies.

My daughter called.

She broke free
from the Pearsons.

Sh-She escaped.Where is she?

I recorded the call.
Here, listen.

Mom, I got away.PAM: You okay?

Ruth's getting them ready.

Come get me, please.

Where are you?

I came to Grandma's place,

but she's not there.

If they find me, my baby...

I'm scared, Mom.

Clare? Hello? Hello?

My-my mother's been
in a nursing home.

We're selling her house,

but I just-- I haven't had time
to pack it up.

Clare doesn't know any of this.
I'll go with you.

No, ma'am, I'm sorry,
that is not an option.

You can follow us and
hang by the perimeter.



Bring my baby home safe.


Clare, are you here?LAPD!


Main room clear.

Cops are here, Clare.

24-David, I need an R/A.

Pregnant female,
pair of lacerations

to the head and torso.

I'll grab a medkit. You good?I got her. Go.


Stay with us.

Hey, Moretti,
I thought you said Clare

had a star tattoo
on her wrist.

Yeah, a star on her left wrist.

She's got expl*sives!

Drop the trigger!

Get off-- Get off me, bitch!

Roll b*mb squad to
the location now!

Chris, you good?

This isn't Clare.

They used her
to lure us in.

They wanted to distract us.

Who is it?RUTH:
Your mother.


Do what you want with me.

But just let Jasmine go.

She's innocent.

We are all innocent, darling.

you don't have to do this.

You came here to stop us.

But now you'll join us.

And it will be
a wonderful journey.

Ex-Temple member Josh Palmer and
his girlfriend Jasmine Delgado.

Would've been better off hiding

in that house with
their friends.

A BOLO hit on Josh's car
led cops to this motel.

No traffic cams nearby,
so we lost 'em.

The Pearsons could have
taken 'em anywhere by now.

Ruth's kidnapping
innocents to sacrifice

just so the numbers add up.

Three more violent abductions,
each reported in the past hour,

each within the vicinity

of a Temple member's
last known address.

Six victims.That makes 36.

A convoy. Those people
are gonna get ex*cuted.

A mass homicide just to
fulfill some insane prophecy.

A brainwashed cult
leading people around

at gunpoint
in the middle of L.A.?

Someone's got to spot it
and call it in.

Where are they hoping
to pull something off like this?

Chem test came back.

The liquid in that girl's
pouch was saline solution,

paint thinner, turpentine.

Flammable blend.

She wanted to burn
until there was nothing left.

Nine years ago, there was an
industrial-sized propane t*nk

outside the Temple's compound.Yeah, I remember that.

I figured they just kept it
for survival purposes,

but knowing their affinity
for burning alive,

it just might've been
their plan B.

Ruth just didn't get the
chance to pull it off.

Think she's planning on taking
all 36 out in a blaze of glory?

They want me to wait in here
until you're ready to talk.

What's in your hand?

That's Astrid.

She's so young.She might be
Astrid to you,

but her real name is Clare.

Her mom Pam is watching.

Her mother's here?

You think the Temple
has all the answers?

What if they're just trying
to manipulate you?

I chose to join.

I chose to seek

No one manipulated me.

Look where you are.

Was this what they promised?

To be turned over
to the cops as bait,

spend your life in prison?

I volunteered.I bet those brothers

weren't too quick
to step forward.

That's what happens in groups
like the Temple.

Women are seen,
not heard.

Cook, clean,

serve men.
Any men who want to be served.

You don't know
why we do what we do.

I know about the 14-year-old
girls who Wayne Pearson's

paired off with the men
in the group.

Ruth was the one
that partnered us off.

She called it marriage.

They're not going
to Andromeda,

and they're not gonna end up
in another planet.

They're on their way to being
locked up or being dead,

unless you stop it.

Where's Ruth taking this convoy?

I don't know.

They used to talk about some
clearing deep in the woods,

surrounded by oaks.

Never said where.

I can't help you any more.


We alerted San Bernardino,

Los Padres,
and Big Bear National Parks.

Officers posted at
every entrance.

Yeah, but transporting
36 people that far,

some unwilling?

You think they'll
stay closer to home?

Check out the scanner.

Angeles National Forest.

Park ranger just reported
50 camping stove fuel tanks

stolen from a shed.

Somebody just got a hell
of a lot of kerosene.

Where'd that go down?

Buckhorn Campground.

Let's gear up.

We need to section off
over a thousand acres of woods

north of this campground!

They got to be
down here somewhere!

All right, let's switch up here.

Luca's our eyes
in the sky.

He's looking for signs
of an encampment.

Keep your radios cranked up.

How many trails start from here?

I'm counting five!

Three to the east,
two to the south!

Street and I got
the trails to the south.

All right, Chris and Tan,
you're with me.

Okay.We'll take the east.

They came for us before.

Today... they are giving us
a second chance.

They are waiting
for us to ascend.

Are you ready to free your soul?


Then let's all convoy home.

Be strong.

We're almost there.

Anyone else smell that?

Luca, you spot

any sign of them
near our location?

Wait, it looks like something,

maybe south, southeast?

Roger that.

Street, Street.

This is 20-David. We're close.

Let's move, let's move.

We'll ascend through the fire,

to a...

Hands where we can see 'em!

Get down!

Move in now!

Deacon, you and me, let's move!

The rest of you, cover us!

Move. Go, go, go, go.

Drop your weapons.
On the ground.

On the ground.
Flat on the ground.



Okay, put that down.

Put that down.
We're here to help.

We're here to help.

Give me your hands.

Tracking Ruth and Ben Pearson,
both armed, one hostage.


I got you, I got you.
It's okay.

Are you okay?

Come on.
Yeah, it's okay.

Place your w*apon on the ground.

Don't bother telling me

I'm surrounded
and I need to give up.

Ever think about death?

I've seen my fair share of it.

I meant your own.

Put the g*n down, Ruth.

There's no martyrs today.



I doubt Pam will
even be around

by the time
her daughter gets out.

Clare brought vulnerable
people into the fold.

She made a choice.

Toughest thing
about raising kids:

how do you keep them
from making a decision

that you know is bad for 'em?

Pam only wanted to save her
daughter from these people.

Look what it got her.

Well, she saved her grandchild.

Saved Clare, too, in a way.

She'll have plenty of
time to think about it.

Maybe get her head on straight.

At least she's alive.



This is Dr. Wendy Hughes.Ah, pleased to meet you,
Dr. Hughes.

Wendy's fine. Some of
the folks SWAT arrested

are in need of guidance
over the next few days,

so thank you so much for
letting me pick your brain.

Oh, I'm happy to help
however I can.

It's serious trauma.

It'll be a long road back.

It took me years.

I just thought
it'd be a good idea

to get the two of you linked up.

Appreciate the
introduction, Sergeant.

I can take it from here.

Uh, give me one second.

Mm-hmm.Hey, Hondo.

Uh, before you go...

There's something
I've been needing to say.

You know, it's been a while
since I thought about that day.

Same here.

Earlier, you said that...

that you knew that I didn't want
to sh**t you nine years ago.

I pulled the trigger.

My p*stol jammed.

Man, I was... so lost back then.

But I tried to k*ll you.

And I'm so, so sorry.

But I owed you the truth.

Vandelli said the tostada
was the best he's ever tasted.

Maybe he'll jump in
on the food truck.

I hope Luca knows
it's nothing personal.

You know?It's the business model.

Only one out of ten
restaurants makes it.

Got to imagine the odds are
even worse for a food truck.

Some pretty great chow, though.

Yeah, it is.

But it's risky,
and Luca's about as far

from an accountant or a
businessman as you can get.

Well, he's a big boy,

and this is real money
he's asking for. He gets it.

He'll be onto
the next thing in no time.


Yo.Xiomara got any
of that dinner behind?

Hearing those fools talk
about her grub all damn day

got me some type of hungry.I don't know.

Check the fridge, bro.Ah, right here. Okay.

All right, let's see
what she's working with.


All right,
I guess the hype is real.


There's a lot
of food trucks out there, man.

You sure you thought this
all the way through?Oh, hell, yeah, man.

And people would flock to it.

All right, let's say
you get a late-night call.

Yeah.Truck breaks down.

How you gonna get it back on
the road before the bars close?

Well, Marty Jensen's been
looking for something to do

ever since he retired
from the garage.

And if Xiomara gets the flu?Her niece Rosita has
all her recipes, man.

She said she'd take every
hour that we could give her.How many burritos

you got to make to pay
all these people, Luca?

Dude, we don't do burritos.

It's Guatemalan, man.

Look, I got it all lined up.

Once the truck's
out on the road,

I think we'd be in the black
after, like, three months.

All right, listen,
I'm not sure what kind of advice

I can give you
as an investor.

Look, I get it, all right?

You don't have to feel
obligated to let me down easy.

I'm good.

Luca, when you bought
that house,

I wasn't sure
it was gonna last.

Just telling you the truth.

But you made it work, man.

And when Kelly got rejected
from that school,

you didn't just write
a letter.

You showed up in person,
and you fixed the problem.

Look, man,
I don't need a spreadsheet

to know you have
what it takes to do this.

Now, I don't know
where you're gonna get

the rest
of the money from, but...

you can put me down for $5K.

And you ain't got to worry.

I'm the silent type
of partner

because you're gonna k*ll it.

I don't know what to say, man.

You don't got to say nothing.

Just do the damn thing.

Today was a roller coaster.

It ain't over yet.

Excuse me. What are you doing?

I, uh...


You want to tell me
why your name's

getting stenciled onto a door

in our building?
I am so sorry.

That was supposed to
happen tomorrow morning

after I spoke to you.

Just how long is this review
of yours gonna take?It's finished.

I already sent it to the mayor.

Then why do you need an office?To phase in

the changes the mayor
and I discussed.Such as?

Maximizing SWAT's
value to the city.

Now you're an efficiency expert
in my department?

No, I'm not here to tell you

how to do things, just
to reorient your thinking

about what SWAT can do.HONDO:
What the hell

is that supposed to mean?Almost every time
I come in here,

I see officers sparring in
that ring. Now, I get it.

Physical conditioning is
important. So is training.

It's what keeps officers alive.And it's one of the reasons

SWAT has the best
cops in the city.

But maybe all of these great
cops can be put to better use

in the field before
someone has to call 911.

I believe SWAT's
being underutilized.

In your one-day opinion.The mayor thinks
extremely highly of SWAT.

So do I. That's why
she's placing me here

as a consultant outside
the chain of command.

Now, I'm sorry this got
sprung on you like this,

but we are going to be
asking more from SWAT.

It's a compliment.

And I know you're up to it.

Trust me, things are
about to get interesting.


Real interesting.
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