03x03 - Funny Money

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "S.W.A.T." Aired: November 2, 2017 – present.*
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American procedural action drama television series, based on the 1975 television series of the same name.
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03x03 - Funny Money

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on SWAT...

Pop! How long
you been staying here?

About three weeks. You know,
just till I get my own place.

I was always closer to my pop

than I was my mom.

But when he left
and disappeared

on my mom
just with no warning...

My daddy is here with us.

Hey, stranger.

That kiss. I thought that was

a mutual moment that we had.

Was I wrong?
You and me, we're...

I'm always gonna
have your back on the job,

but that's where it ends
from now on.

Figure I'd pop out, help Molly
Hicks with something at her job.

You're kissing up to the boss's
daughter now, Street?

No, it's nothing like that.

Lieutenant Detective
Piper Lynch, Hollywood Division.

The mayor has asked me
to personally

run point
between the departments

and make sure that we don't

cross streams with the Feds.

Lynch is a legend
in Hollywood Division.

Lynch is here to take inventory.

I'm not here to tell you
how to do things.

Just to reorient your thinking
about what SWAT can do.

Conditioning is important.
So is training.

It's what keeps officers alive.

But maybe all of these great
cops can be put to better use

in the field before
someone has to call 911.

Yo! Breakfast is ready!

Come on, now, both of you!

Pushy man.

(Darryl chuckles)


Come on, Pops!

Waffles don't wait!

We got the Chevy polished up

good enough for first place
this weekend.

If it wasn't
for that damn gas cap.

Shame, that.

Hey, it looks good since
I buffed the chrome on the cap.

Here, I hooked you up.

Thanks. But it still
ain't the original.

The judges take note
to that kind of detail.

And if they don't, well,
the competition is sure

to point it out to 'em.

I thought those were
your homies.

Yeah, well,
we all want to win.

Well, you know, for $39.99
online, overnight shipping,

it could be yours.

Yeah, some reproduction
passed off as-as the original.

I'm never buying something

I can't see from somebody
I never met.

Hey, trust only comes

I shouldn't have to
remind you of that, son.

(door opens)

Your mama's early.

Here come the fireworks.

Hey, Mama.

Let me make you a plate.

Yeah, I-I'll move over
for you.

Mm, no, no.

I just came to drop off
some vitamins and supplements

that you're supposed
to be taking.

The instructions are
on the bottles.

DANIEL: The boy can
read for himself.

There's no reason
to treat him like a baby.

The only baby at this table
is you, Daniel.

You can't even keep
the schedule we agreed on

for your visits.
Of course I can.

And it's nice
to see you, too,

for a quick minute.

Ma, that wasn't necessary.

You're right.

I didn't know
I had to call first

to make sure I didn't have
to lay eyes on him.

I thought we had
worked all of this out.

Just have a seat
for a little while.

The labor on that damn car,

plus room and board.

Man has not lost his touch,

playing people
to get what he wants.

He's trying to find
his own place, Mama.

It's just harder
than he thought.

You're coming to
the car show, though, right?

I didn't like his boys
back when they were boys.

Marvis and that T-bird.

The two of them always trying
to outdo each other.

Old fools and their toys.

Mama, I put some cinnamon
in the waffles.

I want you to tell me
what you think, all right?

I might take one to go.

Don't you let that old man
pull one over on you.

You hear me?

Yes, ma'am.

He might seem soft,
but that's an act.

The man is slippery as
a wet bar of soap.

Here you go, Mama.

Thank you.
Bye, Darryl.



(door shuts)

She hate him deep.

She's got her reasons, D.

That's old history.
I mean, how long ago was that?

I was 14.

My sister Winnie,
she was about your age.

You see her much
after you left?

But, D, he's still my daddy.

I loved him, I just didn't
like him very much for a while.

But you let all that go.

I don't know about "all."

But not my moms,
and sure as hell not Winnie.

She ain't seen him since.

People get old, man.
Like, people die.

You can't be bitter
your whole life.

I thought I was supposed to be
the one dropping wisdom on you.

It's just...

for some people,
pain never stops.

Got extra eyes
on us today.

Every day now.

How does a non-SWAT lieutenant

snag her own office at SWAT?

With her name on the door.


Lynch is a guest of the mayor
here to observe and consult.

She is not in
the chain of command.

She cannot, does not
and will not issue orders

to any of us, all right?

Okay, here's a radical thought.

Why don't we give her
half a chance?

Maybe whatever changes
she's pushing

might be an improvement.
Is that some gender solidarity
I just heard?

You're not always as funny
as you think, Street.

Sometimes he's funnier.

Not often, but sometimes.

Hey, guys, stay out
of the crossfire.


Don't let Lynch pull
your focus during the exercise.

We win because we train, today's
no different. Let's move.

You see how Lynch is
already kicking the nest?

Only if we let her, Deac.

Hey, Luca.

You got a source
to an original

'64 Chevy gas cap,

Your dad's Impala?

You can just order
a replacement online.

Trust me, I already had
that conversation.

It's a no-go.

It's got to be
original manufacture.

Ah, he's a purist.

I-I respect that.

I'll make some calls, man.

Thanks, man.

Hey, we miss you
in the field.

Yeah, well, don't get
too used to it.

I'm coming off the injury list
sooner than they think.


♪ ♪

(devices whine)

24-David to 20-David.

Position two set.

How often do the teams train?

It's how we stay sharp.

And busy.

This is 20-David to R Commander.

Positions one and two are set.

R Commander to 20-David,
make your entry.

D-team, stand by.


Three, two, one.

♪ ♪


They'll be coming
into view now.

This is the police!

Lay down your weapons,

step into view,
show me your hands.

Step into view, now!

Let's go. Keep it moving.


Get in there.


Police. Don't move.

CHRIS: Hands behind
your back. Turn around.

Don't even think about it.

You got him?


This is 20-David
to R Commander. Code 4.

Suspects in custody,
hostages are safe.

R Commander to D-team.
Mission complete.

Get up.

(chuckles) You good, Stevens?

Yeah. Only my
pride's hurt.


Good work.

Got it done.

Precision teamwork,
Thank you.

Only thing missing
was actual bad guys.

This is what my mom
used to call

"all show, no go,"
in a different context.

Your point, Lieutenant?

Would you ask Sergeant
Harrelson to come see me

when we get back to HQ?

I want to spread
the praise.

(knock on door)

Okay, talk to you later.
Yes. Come on in, Sergeant.

Shut the door.


It's a waste of resources
to keep SWAT on stand-by

waiting for the call.

It's like a swipe left,
you know?

The mayor is interested
in a more efficient model.

Like what?

Her favorite word
is "proactive."

Feels like we're
plenty active.

Sure, but the best-trained cops

with the most expensive
equipment could be doing more

and practicing less.

I mean, how many sit-ups
and drills do you really need?

That's the way SWAT
has worked for 50 years, ma'am.

And people dialed
rotary phones for a hundred.

Meet Corbett Hargrave.

He's a counterfeiter, just did
seven of ten in Victorville

under the protection
of Los Altos,

who knew an asset
when they saw one.

We broke that g*ng.
Which made them...

the big boys behind bars.

Now that Corbett is
back home in L.A.,

they've squeezed him
to repay the favor.

They have him printing
fake cash for them.

Not Los Altos. They're done.

They're calling in chits
to buy a comeback.

Including an order
for five million U.S.

in funny money from Corbett.

Yeah, that's how I looked
when I heard.

Word is they're
already shopping.

RPGs, as*ault r*fles,
a*tillery rounds.

Reinforced cars,
body armor.

You name it, they want it.

Where's the Secret Service
on this?

They own counterfeiting.

Sure, they could
grab up Corbett,

but then where's our case
against Los Altos?

This is how we
bury the g*ng,

from the top down,
with maximum charges,

before they go back to w*r
on the streets again.

You remember what that was like.

The reason you
haven't told the Service.

They'd seize our bait.

All they care about is
protecting the currency.

I'm a cop trying to save
lives, same as you.

Do you know the delivery date
for the fake cash?

lucky for us,
Corbett ran out of ink

before he could finish printing
the full order.

Security UV red's hard
to buy in bulk.

It gets flagged.

The dark web is not
as dark as it thinks,

which is how we know a stolen
pallet is headed his way.

That is your point of entry
for an undercover team.

Ma'am, no, no.

We need more intel

before we put officers at risk
like that.

CIs, phone taps,

While Los Altos
builds an army?

We can't wait.

The van is already rolling.

You intercept the ink,
you swap out the driver,

you make the delivery

and you set the hook.

This isn't what SWAT does,

Not until now.

But the mayor has a
lot of faith in you.

And I do, too.

(scoffs softly)

Okay, then.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

You don't give assignments
to my teams.

Course not.

What do you call
that conversation

you just had with Harrelson?

A preliminary discussion.

Take a seat, Commander.

I'm a standing kind
of guy.

He found you fast.

Because he understands
the chain of command.

a tactical consultant.

You work under my authority.
That's the deal.

And we both answer
to the Police Commission,

which answers to the mayor.

don't give me a lecture
on city politics. I'm aware.

Doesn't mean you go mousing
around my officers behind me.

I'm sorry.

I thought I had your permission.

You did not.

Won't happen again.

But you agree with the mission,
don't you?

We can crush Los Altos.

There's no "we" here.

You're not SWAT.

No, we're all LAPD.

And I outrank you,

which you seem
to keep forgetting.

You've put SWAT officers
undercover before.

That's not out of policy.

You're bypassing the Feds.

You've never done that,

I just want

to tie all the bows
for them first.

So your idea

is to let this guy
print the cash.

While SWAT babysits undercover
all the way.

Los Altos will have eyes on him,

Inside team assists
on the delivery.

As accessories, yes.

We set the time

and place for the meet.

SWAT takes him down
at the moment of truth

with all the evidence
and hands them off to the Feds.

Secret Service shreds
the counterfeit.

We chop up the snake.

I know it has risks.

But think of the rewards.


Well, it's, um...

it's a decent idea.

(door closes)

♪ ♪

DEACON: Entire team undercover
like this,

with no prep?

Deac, I think we just need
to stop bitching about it.

We're already launched.

And here comes
our access point.

Damn shame about that rolling
stop he just took, isn't it?

Whole op gives me
a hinky feeling.

Yeah, you and me both. We
got no other way to insert

Street and Chris into
the timetable, so...

hit the lights.

(siren wails, engine revs)

(siren wails, whoops)


LAPD. Good afternoon.

I'm keeping
my hands inside, Officer.

HONDO: Well, you're
gonna need 'em

to pull your driver's
license out for me.

HONDO: Yeah.

Now would be a good time.

Are you offering money
to an officer?

No, sir. I'm just showing you
my license like you asked.

Step out of the van, please.


Step out of the van.


Put your hands up
on the van.

Reach up.
Keep 'em up.

What's that cargo
you're carrying?

I'm not consenting
to a search of my van.

You know, it matches
the description of a theft

from a place called
Art House Ink.

I'm an artist.
Keep your hands
on the van.

Doesn't mean
you didn't lift it.



How do I know you're even cops?!

(handcuffs clicking)
I'm guessing you do know

that you get to make
a phone call, right?

Well, now's your chance
to cooperate

and make that call for us.

Am I under arrest?

That's up to you, Adam.

We're only interested
in the ink.

(knocks on van)

And whoever
you're delivering it to.


♪ ♪

That's Little Angel.

I saw his file.
He's a baby Alto.

So, eyeballs on us, too.

on the right.

All right, we clear
with our cover story?

"Nick" and "Marie."

Who might be a little nervous
finishing the run for Adam

after lunch screwed 'em up.

But we're tight
and we got his back.
For a cut of the deal.

So we're scuzzbags.
Well, Nick and Marie are.



(honking horn)

Call me... Bobby.

Marie's not my
real name either.

Give me your phone.
What for?

Have you never done
dirty business before?

If you trust Adam, and he trusts
us, then you should trust us.

That's just, um, math.

Numbers don't lie.

Either Adam called your phone
right before he called me,

or we need a different
approach here.

How do you know Adam?

We're sex buddies.

(chuckles) Awesome.

Okay, he's confirmed.


I'm guessing not his
real name either, right?


Okay, come inside,
on the table.


You thought I was
running off crap paper

to drop at the mall?

Adam told us that
you were a master.

I'm good.
I'm great.

What I make passes all tests
except spectrum analysis.

This is the right paper,
right ink,

right water mark,
right security thread.

Even the 3-D stripe.

Talk about hard.
I wish I never learned how.

But you're paying us
with genuine, right?

That was Adam's deal, yeah.

Nice kid, thinks small.
Good for him.

Who's buying all this?

You don't ask.
I don't tell.

Count it. Feel it.
No refunds.

So you get what, like,
20 cents on the dollar?

If these were cheap copies.
Mine go for 35%,

and I only print C-notes.

What if you paid us
with home-cooked at that rate?

Nick, what are you doing?

Bobby here owes us five
for the ink.

We let him pay us
in Bobby bills,

triple the total.

You'd stiff your friend Adam
and give him counterfeit?

Where's the loyalty?

No, no, we'd pay him genuine
after we converted your paper.

We just keep the spread.
Call it 15 grand of your finest.

Now you're rounding up.

To cover the higher risk
when we pass it,

which is a federal crime.

This guy's a baller.


Counterfeit is
a terrible business

that usually ends badly.

Not your problem, Bobby.

You get to keep your bag
of the real deal--

five grand genuine U.S.--

that you weren't expecting.


Okay. I tried to warn you.

I need some time to print
the rest of the run.

I'll call your phone
when I'm ready

for you to pick up payment.

What if you don't, Bobby?

Every deal has a moment
of trust, Marie.

Free will's a curse.

(Spanish hip-hop music playing)

Well, looks like Los Altos are
back in business.

No matter how many times
you trap the rats,

they keep showing up.

Well, Lynch has
good sources.

Oh, so now you like her, Deac?

I'm saying she owns
good sources.

♪ ♪

That's Eddie Gomez
on the door.

When did he get out?

He's as ugly as
his last mug shot.

All right, all the sets
are showing up.

Let's get that laser mic
pointed at the front window.

♪ ♪


Oh... missed you, compa.

Welcome back to the free world.

Just in time for the future.

Then why are you making the
sets sell off business, G?

We look weak.

We had to streamline.

You know, get all the equipment

and supplies for your boy.

Takes money to make
money, ¿que no?

That cash is gonna
put us back on top.

Mm. Not just in Los Angeles.
We're going nationwide.

Bad news just got worse.

Since when?

Soon as the money dries.

See, this isn't just
a welcome-home party.

It's a w*r party.

CHARICE (nearby):
All right, ladies.

Good class today.

See y'all next time.


Babies making babies.

Oh. Those are
some good girls.

They're still doing
math on their fingers

but the schools failed,
not the girls.

Why are you here?

Mama, you remember
how you always told me

to never hold grudges?

(scoffs) Did you
ever listen?

No, I did not,

but it was good advice.

Listen, uh,

hating Pop...
(clicks tongue, sighs)

...it's not doing any of us
any good, including you.

We can't change
the past, Mama.

It doesn't mean
that you have to help the past

keep repeating itself
all over again with Darryl.

How you figure?

That boy cannot rely
on his incarcerated father,

he can't lean
on his useless mother,

and he better not count on
that unreliable old man.

Do you remember the day
your father left us?

You know I do.

You, Winnie, me.

He rolled off
in that same blue Chevy.

And you went running down
the street after him, crying.

Remember how you felt?

That was a long
time ago, Mama.

Quitters quit,
that's a fact.

Look, I just came here hoping
that you would consider

coming to the
car show. Look...

Darryl and Pops have been
working real hard

to get first place. They just
want to beat that T-bird.

Like nothing ever happened.

We just got old.

Him, me, his homeboys.

No, baby.

Do it for Darryl.

You mean do it for you.

Yeah, okay.

Do it for me, too.

I'll think about it.


I could never
get the crosses.

Or land the double
unders, either.

Well, like anything else, it's,
uh, it's an acquired skill.

Your dad left already.

no, I was just picking up
the Metro paperwork

for this dependency
court case I've been assigned.

Can I ask you something?

Mm, I always want to say
no to that. (chuckles)

Sure, what?

Is Jim Street single?

As far as I know.

Is that a hundred percent?

Aren't you worried
it could get a little messy

with your dad?

Maybe if I was 16 and it was
still any of his business.

So you, you want me
to find out?

Super discreetly.

I get you.

I mean, you're
friends with him.

Am I kidding myself about this?

No. I, I-I think you guys
would be great together.



(phone ringing)

That your burner?

I'm not loving
the whole approach.

Unless it works.
Lynch has a track record.

(phone ringing)

This is Marie.

Not really.

Hey, Bobby.

I'll be ready with
your payment tomorrow.

Don't sleep in. The buyers
have me on a clock.

What time?

We won't get a lot of
grace before Los Altos

know Little Angel's MIA.

LYNCH: Don't
worry about it.

Okay. Why not?

Take a look.

This went up on his social media
account two minutes ago.

I had it pulled
from his archives.

We changed the time stamp,
reposted the photo,

and here's Little Angel,
partying in the pool,

present tense.

When he doesn't check in,
this is what the OGs will find.

Looking like he sneaked off
for some side fun.

(starts engine)

(honking horn)

Okay, now, be smart.

Don't pass too fast,

don't pass
in your own area code.

You don't want
the Secret Service

to start smelling you.

Bobby, drive-through fries
weigh more than this.

A gram a piece for a C-note--

mine or the treasury's--
comes to 5.291 ounces.

You can count it if you want.

So, there's good news
and bad news... Corbett.

Come on.

Get up.

Ah, hell.

None of this was your idea.

Los Altos forced you
back into business for them.

They didn't give you a choice.

But we haven't arrested you,
and we haven't

read you your rights,
so what does that tell you?

That you want me to flip?

Which is a death
sentence in or out.

You piss these guys off,
and they chop you into pieces

and play soccer
with your head.
That is an urban legend.

Los Altos never had a retirement
plan for you, Corbett.

We do.

STREET: Just like that,
we got five million bucks.

It's harder stealing cigarettes
in Long Beach.

Don't get cocky, Street.
We ain't done.

(engine starts)

Conviction rate
with Secret Service: 98.8%.

No agency does better.

Let's run the numbers:

possession of counterfeit
currency, 20 years max.

Producing counterfeit,
20 max.

Passing counterfeit,
15 max.

Dealing counterfeit,
20 max.

So 20, 40, 55...
75 years max.

Like I don't already
know the numbers.

How long you planning
on living?

Or you can just
help yourself

and do the right thing.

Call your contact.

Change the time and place
of the delivery.

You're shook, man.

Your protection's
gone missing.

In custody down the hall,
at the moment.

Officer Street will be
with you all the way.

Two can die as easy as one.

We're not gonna let anything
happen to either one of you.

Except you're
already proven liars.

Here's the when
and where.

Make the call, man.

(quietly): "Trust me,"
said the spider to the fly.

Corbett called. We're
done with him tonight.

But the money
is primo, G.

I mean, we could
keep him printing.

Corbett owes us
for all the protection

we gave him
back in Victorville.

That's seven years
of gratitude.

Mm. I don't know.

Something's off.

Like what?

Like I just have
a feeling, ¿entiendes?

I don't trust him.


Slow or fast?

All those chemicals,
that paper...

a man could burn up.

Just can't look like a
homicide on the autopsy.

So he's got to burn alive.

So did Joan of Arc.

Either way, make it
a clean sweep. All three.

The girl, too?

She's not a player.

One, two, three. Yes.

They all saw
the money.

More bodies,
more risk.

More witnesses,
more risk.

Yeah, brother.

Okay, that's Street,
inside our perimeter.

All units flagged.
Three minutes, Commander.

R Commander to 20-David.
You're on countdown.

DEACON: Roger that.


Only if I forget.

Why test fate twice?

Something happen?

Not the point.

20-David and 30-David
don't have a lot of cover

in this parking lot,
if anybody looks.

They're on it,

This is what we do.

Shame about all that money.

Came out so good.

It's not actually
money, Corbett.

It's just a lot
of pretty paper

about to be evidence.
Against me.

Against them.
You're a cooperating witness.

No free pass, though?
For all my help?

It's up to the prosecutor.

Feds always go hard.

I'd like to not die
in prison.

I will settle for
not dying tonight.

you just stick to the script,
we'll be fine.

Hmm. You know,
I got to say,

this is the best part
of the job.

Top of the roller coaster?

Right before there's only
right now.

Here we go.

And paid every week
for the rush.


(chatter in Spanish)


Where's your
new girlfriend?

I wish.

She's too fine for me, Carlos.

There wasn't room in the van
for all three of us.

Let's see the money.

Yeah. Aged, wrapped and ready.

No worries. (chuckles)
It's in the back.

Four boxes, 110 pounds.

(speaking Spanish)

You could've let him
come by himself.

It's my van, man.
It's not your business.

Dude needed wheels.

Check him.
Hey, hey, hey.

I'm carrying, all right?
I'm carrying.

I'm always carrying,
just like you, like all of you.

What, now we need
to start wagging

our weapons at each other?
Measure whose is bigger?

I suggest you keep your hands
where he can see them.

Whoa, every-everything okay?

Yeah, with the money.
(speaks Spanish)

24-David to 20-David.

Money's going
into a silver Lexus.

We're still on book.
Put your hands up
or I sh**t your friend.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


24-David to 20-David.
Do we move?

HONDO (over comms):
Do not escalate the threat.

Hold in place for my command.

That's not the plan,
or you'd have done it already.

You know, being a smartass
ain't always smart.

Put them in the van.

(Corbett grunts)

(engine starts)


CHRIS: Hondo, he's got
the g*n on Street.

What do we do?

HONDO: No one move
until his buddies are gone.

Could get him k*lled.

Your turn.

Get in the van
with your friend.

That wasn't a request.
Get in the van.

I don't think so.

Listen, listen.
k*lling a cop

is not gonna improve
your options.


LAPD. Just put the g*n down,

stay alive,
make a deal.


On your stomach!

Police! Hands up!
Throw it away!
Give me your hands!

(overlapping shouting
over comms)

CHRIS: Show me your hands.

Out of the car.
Come on. Turn around.

Front of the car,
on your knees.
CHRIS: Hands
behind your back.

On your knees.

25-David, clear.

24-David, clear.

HICKS: 20-David,
roadblock'll stop the truck.

Intercept Gomez and the cash.
Silver sedan.

Let's do this.

Don't stop.

Move in.

Code 4.
All suspects in custody.

Now you see how
the training pays off.

Chris had the muscle memory
to make the shot.

Lucky for Street.

I know exactly
what it's like to look down

the wrong side of a g*n.
Street shouldn't have had to.

I raised the risk level,
I am sorry for that.

I'll write myself up

in the after action report.

Every time the teams roll,

there's a risk.

This was our best chance to take
Los Altos out of the game.

For all our

the streets just got safer.

You gonna
put in a word

for Corbett, ma'am?
He came through for us.


Thank you, sir. Ma'am.

Do you want to place
a call to the mayor?

She's waiting to hear.

You told the mayor about an
undercover operation in advance?

The mayor wasn't a threat
to the mission.

She's a civilian.
Oh, you start to think

like that, you've been
in the bunker too long.

I don't need
to talk to the mayor.

With a police budget this year

over a billion and a half



I'll see you tomorrow.

I'm your friend, Commander.

Hey. You and Chris
held it down out there.

That was the fastest
descent I ever made.

No damage when you hit?
I'm still standing.

Uh-huh. Don't skip
the ice tonight.
It's going in my drink.

DEACON: (chuckles)
I hear that.

Gearheads, man.
Love a good quest,

but chasing down a 50-year-old
Chevy OEM unvented gas cap?

It's not so easy.

Ah, thanks for trying
anyway, Luca.


Here we go.
Oh, wait a minute.
No, you didn't.

Are you kidding me?
What do I owe you, man?

Eh, just everlasting gratitude.
Oh, that's easy. Sold.

Buddy of mine pulled it off his
own Chevy to loan your dad.

Caps didn't change
till '72,

so, historically, it's accurate
if the judges inspect.

My guy came through.
Thank you, brother.

Aw, yeah, yeah,
careful, careful.
Oh, oh, my bad, my bad.

You good?
It's all right.
Yeah, I'm all right.

Oh, you did the damn thing.

That was, uh,
really dicey tonight.

You know what?
It was actually kind of fun.

Especially the not dying part.

An OG with a g*n in your face,
that-that's a bad moment.

I saw you and Tan on the move.

I just had to stall for a beat.

I love your faith.

How's Ty and Kira doing?

Three people in a relationship
turns out to be geometry,

not algebra.

But, um,

I'm trying to figure it out.
So you're happy?

That's a big word
for a short word.

I am, um... I'm content.

What about you?

Are you still off
the dating apps?

Oh, I'm done with the hustle.

I'd told so many versions
of my life story,

I wasn't even sure
who I was anymore.

And by the way,
they all lie, too.

Fake finds fake.

I'm just gonna let life come
to me from now on, you know?

Like you're ready
for something serious?

Or at least longer
than just a weekend.

What, you can't get enough
of this place?

Waiting for my dad.
It's our weekly steak night.

Hey, uh,

did you find anything out
about Jim?

He's, uh, he's single for sure.

You didn't...
I didn't mention you, no.

Um, I think you should
ask him out.

You make it sound easy.

Can be.


She tell you she and Tan
saved Street's life today?


Wasn't as dramatic
as it sounds.

Okay. (chuckles)
It was good work, Chris.

Squared away.

Thank you, sir.

(indistinct chatter)

That's good.

Just in time, Pop.

Original equipment
manufacturer. Boom.

I'm not gonna ask what you
had to do to get this,

but I approve.

You're welcome, Pop.

You go put it on, D.

30 seconds
to lay down your tools.

Last entry in the competition,
20 seconds.

in 15 seconds.

Marcus, look at you.

Still bossing everybody around.

Some things just never change.
I'm amazed you can

squeeze all that good living
behind the wheel

of your T-bird.
(both chuckle)


Mm-hmm. None other.

You always did know how to make
an impression on all of us.

I never even tried.
You didn't have to.

You got her to come.

Did you even
ask me first?

Oh, please, Pop,
don't act like you mind.

No, no, no, no. You need
to stay here by the car.

Saboteurs everywhere.

Hey, Pop, be nice.

I'm serious.


Where's my number?

Thank you.

Time! Entries are closed.

It's good to see you, Charice.

You talk to him,
but not to me?

I talk to you.
As little as possible.


I'm glad you came.

You're not the reason why.

Hey, baby.

Well, at least
they're breathing

the same airspace.
That's progress.

(Darryl laughs)

You came!

Yes, I came.
(both chuckle)

Look at this work
you done put in.

Thank you, Mama.
My baby.

This car looks almost brand-new.
Hey, listen,

the judges not gonna get
to my car for another hour.

Might want
to take a ride.

Just around the block.

Maybe once around the block
if I'm driving.

Come on, Darryl.


You thought I was taking you?

Yeah, go ahead, get in the car.

(engine starts)

Now, remember,

be careful on the corners.

I remember.
I remember everything.

Your mother's a hard woman.

I appreciate that about her.

You're hopeless, Pop.

Not at all.

This just might be
the year I win.

She is gonna bring
that thing back, right?

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